Title: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: Neemo on December 11, 2006, 02:11:53 PM Ok 1990's format seemed to work well....so yeah, nominate your 15 favorite Movies of the 1980's. from there I'll determine a top 10. My list is subject to change. :P
(http://i2.tinypic.com/20acps5.jpg) My Nominations: Aliens Back to the Future Batman E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Ferris Bueller's Day Off Platoon Raiders of the Lost Ark Scarface Stand by Me Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back The Breakfast Club The Princess Bride The Shining Top Gun Young Guns Remember, No Documentaries, Live Concerts, Stand-Up Comedies, or Television Episodes. Remasters and special editions still count as orig movies....use the orig release dates I will leave this thread open till Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: pilferk on December 11, 2006, 02:23:21 PM This decade is tough for me!
The Goonies Ghandi Hoosiers E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Raging Bull Platoon Rainman Full Metal Jacket Stand by Me Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back The Breakfast Club My Left Foot Das Boot The Christmas Story Superman II Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: anythinggoes on December 11, 2006, 02:28:05 PM Off the Top of my head the following
Die hard the Terminator The Blues Brothers Airplane Stand By Me Evil Dead Gremlins ET Aliens The Abyss Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back The Untouchables An Officer and a Gentleman GFhostbusters Lethal Weapon Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: T_Roxie on December 11, 2006, 02:30:27 PM Is This Is Spinal Tap off limits?
Other than that Batman The Terminator Das Boot Aliens The Abyss The Untouchables Raiders of the Lost Ark Back to the Future Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: Neemo on December 11, 2006, 02:37:31 PM Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: marty on December 11, 2006, 02:38:09 PM The Blues Brothers
Airplane The Naked Gun Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life The Princess Bride Back To The Future Raiders of the Lost Ark Die Hard The Terminator Star Wars VI- Return Of the Jedi Who Framed Roger Rabbit Lethal Weapon This is Spinal Tap Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: jameslofton29 on December 11, 2006, 02:56:50 PM Pee Wee's Big Adventure
Full Metal Jacket Stand By Me Aliens The Shining The Breakfast Club Halloween 4 Rainman Scarface National Lampoon's Vacation 48 Hours The Goonies Adventures in Babysitting Back to School Platoon Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: Slashahaulic on December 12, 2006, 10:37:06 AM Pee Wee's Big Adventure Full Metal Jacket Stand By Me Aliens The Shining The Breakfast Club Halloween 4 Rainman Scarface National Lampoon's Vacation 48 Hours The Goonies Adventures in Babysitting Back to School Platoon If you remove Pee Wee from this list, it's a pretty good reflection of what my list would be. I'll go with (in no specific order): Bull Durham Back to School Ferris Buehler's Day Off The Breakfast Club Full Metal Jacket Raiders of the Lost Ark The Empire Strikes Back Return of the Jedi Hoosiers Fast Times at Ridgemont High Victory Christmas Story Vacation WarGames Die Hard Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: Danny Top Hat on December 12, 2006, 10:58:02 AM Aliens
The Terminator Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure Back to the Future Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back Star Wars - Return of the Jedi Raiders of the Lost Ark Temple of Doom The Shining Ghostbusters The Princess Bride Predetor The Neverending Story The Running Man Akira There were some quality popcorn movies in the 80s.? This is gonna be fun! : ok: Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: pilferk on December 12, 2006, 11:04:21 AM Terminator 2 There were some quality popcorn movies in the 80s. This is gonna be fun! : ok: I know you were sad to see it go in the 90's thread...and I realize the whole space/time continium gets a little mucky when referrring to the Terminator movies, but....T2 was released in '91...and I don't think it's eligible for 80's movies. :) Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: mrlee on December 12, 2006, 11:11:37 AM aliens
predator die hard terminator nightmare on elm street 1 or 3 The Thing Lethal weapon 1 or 2 Rambo 2? Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: NicoRourke on December 12, 2006, 11:29:55 AM Batman Returns
Blade Runner Die Hard Angel Heart The Pope Of Greenwich Village Rumble Fich Tightrope The Mission Once Upon A Time In America Raiders Of The Lost Ark The Thing Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: Rocksteady on December 12, 2006, 11:41:37 AM The Terminator
Predator Batman Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back Star Wars: The Return of The Jedi The Neverending Story Scarface Raiders Of The Lost Ark Temple Of Doom Indiana Jones And the Last Crusade Back To The Future Full Metal Jacket Commando Die Hard Nightamare On Elm Street Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: jameslofton29 on December 12, 2006, 01:20:59 PM Fast Times at Ridgemont High I cant believe I left those two off my list. But there's alot of great films in the 80's. Alot of great stuff isnt gonna make the cut.WarGames I cant believe it that no one else has picked Pee Wee's Big adventure. Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: Neemo on December 12, 2006, 01:27:12 PM oooh wargames
damn now i may have to edit my list :rant: Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: Hysteron on December 12, 2006, 02:10:56 PM Aliens
Raiders of the Lost Ark Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back The Breakfast Club The Lost Boys Akira The Neverending Story The Running Man Die Hard The Goonies Gremlins Brazil The Last Temptation Of Christ The Evil Dead A View To A Kill All great films. Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: Neemo on December 12, 2006, 02:14:30 PM only 15 atari...if you dont edit it i'll just take the top 15 on there :peace:
Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: Danny Top Hat on December 12, 2006, 03:29:50 PM Terminator 2 There were some quality popcorn movies in the 80s. This is gonna be fun! : ok: I know you were sad to see it go in the 90's thread...and I realize the whole space/time continium gets a little mucky when referrring to the Terminator movies, but....T2 was released in '91...and I don't think it's eligible for 80's movies. :) Oh yeah - You Could Be Mine - obviously :hihi: In that case i'll edit it out and put in The Neverending Story. Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: Neemo on December 14, 2006, 09:03:37 AM bump for more nominations
Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: kupirock on December 17, 2006, 05:54:44 AM Aliens
The Neverending Story Back To The Future Die Hard The Thing Ghostbusters Stand By Me Full Metal Jacket The Terminator Down and Out in Beverly Hills Cannibal Holocaust Beverly Hills Cop ... Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: supaplex on December 18, 2006, 03:30:06 AM the breakfast club
back to the future scarface fuck it, i didn't have time to go through my 80's movies. i'll leave it at that. Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: Neemo on December 18, 2006, 08:23:29 AM nominations end today
Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: pilferk on December 18, 2006, 09:44:23 AM Neemo,
Just a suggestion...with the holiday at our doorstep, we might want to hold off on the 80's voting until after the 1st...just because I assume, as happens just about every year, the traffic on the site is going to drop drastically over this next 2 weeks. Just my 2 cents. Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: Neemo on December 18, 2006, 10:02:48 AM actually that is a good idea....are any others thinking i should leave nominations for the 80's open until the new year?
i'll need help bumping this thread though cuz i wont have much internet access over the holidays ;) Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: supaplex on December 18, 2006, 10:39:06 AM the nominations should stay open until 2007. that way i can decide about mine :hihi:
and i can do 2-3 bumps for you if you'd like Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: Neemo on December 18, 2006, 10:48:45 AM the nominations should stay open until 2007. that way i can decide about mine :hihi: and i can do 2-3 bumps for you if you'd like awesome sounds good...i usually just wait until it goes off page 1 : ok:...i'll be able to watch it until friday but after that i'm not gonna be near a computer :( Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: pilferk on December 18, 2006, 12:15:30 PM the nominations should stay open until 2007. that way i can decide about mine :hihi: and i can do 2-3 bumps for you if you'd like awesome sounds good...i usually just wait until it goes off page 1 : ok:...i'll be able to watch it until friday but after that i'm not gonna be near a computer :( I can watch it most of next week...I'm one of the unlucky few who still has to work that week. :) Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: pilferk on December 20, 2006, 09:11:11 AM I wonder if we'll get any more noms?
Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: Neemo on December 20, 2006, 09:28:40 AM i dunno been pretty dead for 2 days
15 people have nominated movies thats pretty standard actually maybe i should just tally them and leave round one open until the new year :-\ Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: zman on December 21, 2006, 09:15:36 AM Goonies
BAck to The Future Star Wars-Empire Strikes Back Star Wars- Jedi Breakfast Club Hollywood Knights Ghostbusters Ferris Buellers Day Off Indiana Jones Die hArd Spinal Tap Dam htere is alot more but these are my favs. Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: zman on December 21, 2006, 09:20:06 AM Dam I guess i should read the rules and pick the top 15. Iwas thinking it was top 10 so here are the other 5 to go with my list.
Goonies BAck to The Future Star Wars-Empire Strikes Back Star Wars- Jedi Breakfast Club Hollywood Knights Ghostbusters Ferris Buellers Day Off Indiana Jones Die hArd Spinal Tap Dam htere is alot more but these are my favs. Full Metal Jacket Neverending Story Cocktail The Terminator Gremlins Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: supaplex on December 25, 2006, 07:46:56 AM promised neemo i'd take care of this so a small bump for more nominations
Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: Dead N' Bloated on December 26, 2006, 08:26:44 PM Back to the Future
Ghostbusters Die Hard Lethal Weapon Return of the Jedi Beverly Hills Cop The Terminator A Nightmare on Elm st National Lampoons Vacation Preditor :peace: Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: Bandita on December 27, 2006, 12:19:59 AM Oh Damn, hope I can get in:
The Goonies Ferris Buellers Day Off Beetlejuice Stand By Me Highlander The Breakfast Club Rain Man Say Anything Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: supaplex on December 30, 2006, 05:46:10 AM dead n' bloated and bandita, you can choose 15 movies not just 10.
Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: sic. on December 30, 2006, 10:13:24 AM An American Werewolf in London
Escape from New York Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior Videodrome Re-Animator Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer The Cook the Thief His Wife & Her Lover Meet the Feebles And.... Commando! ;D Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: pilferk on January 02, 2007, 08:38:51 AM Well, it's officially the 2nd.
Once Neemo gets "back"...we should be able to start the process. Title: Re: Neemo's Greatest Movie of All-Time Survivor (1980's Nominations) Post by: Neemo on January 02, 2007, 09:39:53 AM ok no more nominations