Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: feestybaby on November 26, 2006, 03:06:17 PM

Title: Idiots at concerts
Post by: feestybaby on November 26, 2006, 03:06:17 PM
Dont you just hate idiots at concerts?! At the download festival in donnington park some dick shot axl with a water pistol as he ran past the front of the stage, security tried getting the pistol but he wasnt giving it up and loads of us real guns fans started giving him abuse and shoving him. I fucking hate childish idiots!!!! Sorry this is random, just wondering if you guys have encountered any 'cock fags' on your gnr journeys, the uk is full of such toss rags....

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: The Legend on November 26, 2006, 03:16:55 PM
Dont you just hate idiots at concerts?! At the download festival in donnington park some dick shot axl with a water pistol as he ran past the front of the stage, security tried getting the pistol but he wasnt giving it up and loads of us real guns fans started giving him abuse and shoving him. I fucking hate childish idiots!!!! Sorry this is random, just wondering if you guys have encountered any 'cock fags' on your gnr journeys, the uk is full of such toss rags....

I agree. Thankfully there weren't too many at the shows I was at.

But just like with the water pistol, I mean it seems harmless, but think of what Axl's thinking... was I just sprayed with acid?

I mean, there's plenty of harmful things that can be done.

The last thing an artist should have to do is babysit a crowd.

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: WeHeldTogether on November 26, 2006, 03:22:22 PM
At Inland Invasion, naturally there were assholes...people booing, yelling "Guns N" Assholes" and "Asshole Rose" and shit, but thankfully they left and it was all good after the first couple songs and i was able to enjoy the show.

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: Onikeus on November 26, 2006, 03:26:16 PM
 Yeah man this happened at Detroit (my account):

While Axl just started talking to the crowd inbetween songs saying how great Detroit was, some dipshit threw a handful of coins at Axl. My first throught was riot, but Axl HELD his cool. He just called him a punk or something and said its like shooting fish in the barrel. Throughout the rest of the night Axl was a little more reserved, not interacting with the crowd like in Toronto. But the story doesn't end there. The asshole who threw the coins started yelling shit. He yelled "play some REAL MUSIC" during November Rain. What a tool. I couldn't see him but people told him to shut the fuck up. Next he started yelling "Axl you suck" to get Axl's attention, but I doubt Axl heard him, this guy had a weak voice. After all this he yells "play ONE IN A MILLION". I'm betting he was a racist redneck fan cause the shit he was spewing out was retarded. After ALL THIS, at the end of the show, Axl goes "thank you very much, we had a good time, wouldn't you say, you all have a great night thanks" than BAM the same dumbass through some more change at Axl, RIGHT AFTER Axl just thanked everyone. It hit him in the chest. Axl called him a little cunt and said he hopes he gets his ass kicked in the parking lot. What a douchebag, why blow 75 bucks to see them then? Kudos to Axl for keeping his cool.

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: polluxlm on November 26, 2006, 03:29:59 PM

That guy sounds retarted. What a fuckin joke. I would have loved to kick his ass afterwards, not because he would have irritated me, just for the enjoyment.

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: Stealthcamo on November 26, 2006, 03:33:46 PM
I too was at the Detriot show and  had some drunken fuck bad mouthing Richard and Bach. I think somone said some shit about Frank too. I agree why waste $75 on something you don't like?

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: Karma_Police on November 26, 2006, 03:38:04 PM
Dont you just hate idiots at concerts?! At the download festival in donnington park some dick shot axl with a water pistol as he ran past the front of the stage, security tried getting the pistol but he wasnt giving it up and loads of us real guns fans started giving him abuse and shoving him. I fucking hate childish idiots!!!! Sorry this is random, just wondering if you guys have encountered any 'cock fags' on your gnr journeys, the uk is full of such toss rags....

Cock Fags? Ummm... nope never seen any of them. Seen a  few dickheads and  ass fucks but never any cock fags.

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: Captain P?l on November 26, 2006, 03:47:54 PM
whenever i am onstage playing a show i LOVE those water shooting, beer throwing and maniacs in the audience!
yeah, i might start a waterfight from onstage, but that dont matter!

and there might be only around 100 in the audience, but still, if everyone just jumped and headbandged and did nothing to communicate with us onstage, i wouldnt enjoy it so much.

but throwing hard and sharp object are stupid. and the negative fans suck

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: dolphin on November 26, 2006, 03:49:55 PM
Yeah man this happened at Detroit (my account):

While Axl just started talking to the crowd inbetween songs saying how great Detroit was, some dipshit threw a handful of coins at Axl. My first throught was riot, but Axl HELD his cool. He just called him a punk or something and said its like shooting fish in the barrel. Throughout the rest of the night Axl was a little more reserved, not interacting with the crowd like in Toronto. But the story doesn't end there. The asshole who threw the coins started yelling shit. He yelled "play some REAL MUSIC" during November Rain. What a tool. I couldn't see him but people told him to shut the fuck up. Next he started yelling "Axl you suck" to get Axl's attention, but I doubt Axl heard him, this guy had a weak voice. After all this he yells "play ONE IN A MILLION". I'm betting he was a racist redneck fan cause the shit he was spewing out was retarded. After ALL THIS, at the end of the show, Axl goes "thank you very much, we had a good time, wouldn't you say, you all have a great night thanks" than BAM the same dumbass through some more change at Axl, RIGHT AFTER Axl just thanked everyone. It hit him in the chest. Axl called him a little cunt and said he hopes he gets his ass kicked in the parking lot. What a douchebag, why blow 75 bucks to see them then? Kudos to Axl for keeping his cool.

I don't understand why the need to throw things on stage either.
It isn't cool and could harm people. :no:

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: horsey on November 26, 2006, 04:06:02 PM
yeah at hemmersteins.i was putting up a banner i made.and it fell over the edge.and someone grabbed it and ripped it out of my hands.before i even got it tied up.i was pissed too.such jerks sometimes.

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: miss bomb on November 26, 2006, 04:26:47 PM
the twats at download were in a league of their own in twatishness.

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: Taste Faker on November 26, 2006, 04:32:28 PM
yeah at hemmersteins.i was putting up a banner i made.and it fell over the edge.and someone grabbed it and ripped it out of my hands.before i even got it tied up.i was pissed too.such jerks sometimes.

the assholes!

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: superdave on November 26, 2006, 04:34:24 PM
hahaha. ?you cant go to any concert without there being some sort of concert idiot. ?outside of the huntington show, this guy and his friend shows up and i think the first words outta his mouth were along the lines of, "hey...uh...anyone know how i can get some backstage passes....he.he.he......" ?as if axl would love to meet this assclown backstage. ?then at one point while waiting in line he made comments like, "nah i havent heard anything from the new band" ?and im thinking this guy just needs to go home before he ruins everyone's evening and to go home and keep pretending its 1992..
heres my depiction of the biggest moron ive ever met in my life....

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: -Jack- on November 26, 2006, 04:36:19 PM
yeah at hemmersteins.i was putting up a banner i made.and it fell over the edge.and someone grabbed it and ripped it out of my hands.before i even got it tied up.i was pissed too.such jerks sometimes.

the assholes!

Yeah... but consider it from other peoples view points...

I would be pissed if somebody had a big banner in front of my view...

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: Albert S Miller on November 26, 2006, 04:58:17 PM
My husband and I had somewhat of an experience with a couple of young drunk guys, probably around the age of 18 or so while we were at the Vegas show in September.  Not that they were at that time doing anything to Axl or the band, they were just so drunk that they were entertaining themselves by getting into bitch slappin each other as hard as they could and then falling into everyone standing next to them at the same time, such as my husband and myself, they kept stepping all over my feet which completely pissed me off as I was wearing my brand new white boots, and as if that wasn't enough these two older dudes who you would have thought would have been mature enough to know better joined in with them, so for awhile there was four of them going at it, and of course every one around was so irritated, when the older two finally left the origanal two kept it up until finally the one who was all over my feet had stepped on me for the last time, I simply tapped him and told him to look down at the toe of my boot, he somewhat focused in on it, and with that I told him that I was going to stuff it into his balls so hard if he didn't knock it off, they finally found some where else to be and I didn't see them for the rest of the night.  The same night a while later, as I was wearing my white leather GNR coat, these two dudes walked up behind me to inquire about my coat, and wanted to know if I would pose with them in a couple of pictures, at first I thought it was very sweet of them and I was glad to comply, but I was eager to get back to the show, so as if that wasn't enough, while my favorite new song was playing one of them kept tapping me on the back of the shoulder and telling me how "hot and sexy" I was, as If they didn't know that I was standing there with my husband of nearly 17 years, as we had previously introduced ourselves in the beginning, they ended up being so lame, and because of it I ended up missing my favorite new song!!

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: BlowUpYourVideo on November 26, 2006, 05:06:21 PM
hahaha. ?you cant go to any concert without there being some sort of concert idiot. ?outside of the huntington show, this guy and his friend shows up and i think the first words outta his mouth were along the lines of, "hey...uh...anyone know how i can get some backstage passes....he.he.he......" ?as if axl would love to meet this assclown backstage. ?then at one point while waiting in line he made comments like, "nah i havent heard anything from the new band" ?and im thinking this guy just needs to go home before he ruins everyone's evening and to go home and keep pretending its 1992..
heres my depiction of the biggest moron ive ever met in my life....

The stink lines really make this one.? :hihi:

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: illusionone on November 26, 2006, 05:11:12 PM
NY 05/17/06
some dick poured beer down my wifes back righ after It So Easy. The guy took off, never saw him again.
MA 11/08/06
some dick, pulled out his thing and pissed in the row behind us. My brother got him kicked out. Who the hell does shit like that.  He missed the entire show  ;D  That prick paid $75.00to piss in the DCU center lol!

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: Bandita on November 26, 2006, 05:14:27 PM
hahaha. ?you cant go to any concert without there being some sort of concert idiot. ?outside of the huntington show, this guy and his friend shows up and i think the first words outta his mouth were along the lines of, "hey...uh...anyone know how i can get some backstage passes....he.he.he......" ?as if axl would love to meet this assclown backstage. ?then at one point while waiting in line he made comments like, "nah i havent heard anything from the new band" ?and im thinking this guy just needs to go home before he ruins everyone's evening and to go home and keep pretending its 1992..
heres my depiction of the biggest moron ive ever met in my life....

The stink lines really make this one.? :hihi:

This would really be complete if you made his shirt a few sizes smaller, because ya know he has been wearing it since 1992!  I think I have seen this guy before and 50 of his brothers! :hihi:

I really hate losers who just go to concerts to act like idiots.  What's the point?

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: Dead N' Bloated on November 26, 2006, 05:20:23 PM
Yeah man this happened at Detroit (my account):

While Axl just started talking to the crowd inbetween songs saying how great Detroit was, some dipshit threw a handful of coins at Axl. My first throught was riot, but Axl HELD his cool. He just called him a punk or something and said its like shooting fish in the barrel. Throughout the rest of the night Axl was a little more reserved, not interacting with the crowd like in Toronto. But the story doesn't end there. The asshole who threw the coins started yelling shit. He yelled "play some REAL MUSIC" during November Rain. What a tool. I couldn't see him but people told him to shut the fuck up. Next he started yelling "Axl you suck" to get Axl's attention, but I doubt Axl heard him, this guy had a weak voice. After all this he yells "play ONE IN A MILLION". I'm betting he was a racist redneck fan cause the shit he was spewing out was retarded. After ALL THIS, at the end of the show, Axl goes "thank you very much, we had a good time, wouldn't you say, you all have a great night thanks" than BAM the same dumbass through some more change at Axl, RIGHT AFTER Axl just thanked everyone. It hit him in the chest. Axl called him a little cunt and said he hopes he gets his ass kicked in the parking lot. What a douchebag, why blow 75 bucks to see them then? Kudos to Axl for keeping his cool.

Is there a recording of that show?


Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: GFortusR on November 26, 2006, 06:29:52 PM
There were three assholes next to me at Detroit as well.........from the onset of the show the one guy kept booing and saying "you suck" at each solo by one of the guys...though he didn't know any of there names.......yelling for Slash, calling Axl an asshole.......and he was yelling for "One in a Million" too!!  hahaha guess all morons have the same DNA!!  these guys were I'd say mid thirties. I was thinking the same thing too.....why pay around 90 bucks to be pissed off???  needless to say, they were drunk and high off their asses.............I tried to drown them out, short of kicking their asses, but then I would have wasted my 90 bucks and I was there to see the greatest Rock N' Roll act!! ;)

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: The Estranged MrFlashbax on November 26, 2006, 06:31:20 PM
can anyone tell me what happened with the guy at MSG who got kicked out during the FIRST song BACH was singing?! hahah what'd he do?

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: bazgnr on November 26, 2006, 06:47:13 PM
At the first Hammerstein show in NYC I was beside a few guys who kept yellling "Where's Slash?!?," and then a mosh pit broke out on the center of the floor to my immediate left, and a "fan" or two went waaay overboard in terms of unnecessary brutality and slamming into people who had no idea the pit had even formed (silly people, paying too much attention to the band...)    :beer:

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: Civil Attitude on November 26, 2006, 06:55:12 PM
I was also at the detroit show and had a great view of the stage.. if you were looking at the stage i was just to the right of center kinda towards all of the speakers 2 people back from the gate or fence or whatever.. the concert was great except these two dudes snorting coke for about an hour strait right behind me... one fo them earlier in the night was screaming "fuck you" and all this shit, saying "axl you fuckin suck"..... so i lost my temper and turned around and told him... "i paid 90 fuckin dollars to come and see GNR.... you know damn well slash isnt a part of this so why did you pay to come and bitch,  shut the fuck up or ill shut you the fuck up"... that pretty much shut him up as well as other people around me lol : ok:........ basically the crowd was great except for the dumb fuck idiot who threw the chnage at the begining and end.... im glad Axl kept his cool  :beer:

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: fixintodie on November 26, 2006, 07:13:54 PM
Went to the Nijmegen shows, didn't see anyone throw anything at stage or here any heckling. Maybe I was lucky, or just too focussed on the band...

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: horsey on November 26, 2006, 07:39:39 PM
yeah at hemmersteins.i was putting up a banner i made.and it fell over the edge.and someone grabbed it and ripped it out of my hands.before i even got it tied up.i was pissed too.such jerks sometimes.

the assholes!

i know it !

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: Jonx on November 26, 2006, 08:10:05 PM
Was at Wembley and there were a couple of kids who just looked so out of place, cant have been any older than 15 or 16, dressed in 80s Chavish shellsuits, totally hammered. One threw his beer up in the air and it spilt over a load of people! One guy caught the little bastard and started pounding his face with his fist and then proceeded to smash his head against the floor numerous times while yelling obscenities. Security eventually came over to stop the kid getting killed! Everyone was just standing there watching, bastard didnt deserve any help!


Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: Krispy Kreme on November 26, 2006, 10:07:14 PM
These are incredible stories. It  goes to show there  a lot  of stupid people in the world, more every day. But I wonder why none of that shit happens at VR shows? I mean, I have seen VR a few times, and no one has ever yelled "where is Axl"?

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: superdave on November 26, 2006, 11:07:04 PM
i think we should all band together and write our congressmen to make it legal to inflict harm on concert idiots..... i think its the only way to stop them!!!!! :o :o :o

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: Edward Rose on November 26, 2006, 11:30:18 PM
With some people yelling One In a Million, maybe certain songs in the band's early years attracted this scum. Probably My Michelle and It's So Easy being two more. It would be cool to interview these types of fans and figure all that out.

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: Lisa on November 26, 2006, 11:33:26 PM
This isn't current but two things stick out for me...back in the day I saw Gnr (Dust and Bones tour) at Copps in Hamilton, Brian May band opened for them, anyhoo, during the first encore, some dipshits were throwing water bottles on stage, I saw Duff get hit hard with an almost full Evian bottle and step back followed by Axl getting hit in the bag with a blue bic lighter...guess what? end of show, Axl left....later date at the staduim tour with Metallica and Faith No More at Rich Stadium in Buffalo, while the crowd was waiting for GnR after the Metallica portion, idiots were throwing huge toilet paper rolls from the nosebleeds, garbage, water bottles etc...the big industrial size TP rolls were causing some damage down below...emergency crews ....I was surprised and happy that GnR even bother to come on after that fiasco.

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: freedom78 on November 26, 2006, 11:37:17 PM
I've not been to a GNR show (until TOMORROW!), but I'll be seriously pissed if the people around me act like this or if others do and ruin the show (i.e. early exit) for all.  I can't imagine wasting money to insult a band I don't like.

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: Crowebar on November 27, 2006, 10:25:04 AM
Yeah man this happened at Detroit (my account):

While Axl just started talking to the crowd inbetween songs saying how great Detroit was, some dipshit threw a handful of coins at Axl. My first throught was riot, but Axl HELD his cool. He just called him a punk or something and said its like shooting fish in the barrel. Throughout the rest of the night Axl was a little more reserved, not interacting with the crowd like in Toronto. But the story doesn't end there. The asshole who threw the coins started yelling shit. He yelled "play some REAL MUSIC" during November Rain. What a tool. I couldn't see him but people told him to shut the fuck up. Next he started yelling "Axl you suck" to get Axl's attention, but I doubt Axl heard him, this guy had a weak voice. After all this he yells "play ONE IN A MILLION". I'm betting he was a racist redneck fan cause the shit he was spewing out was retarded. After ALL THIS, at the end of the show, Axl goes "thank you very much, we had a good time, wouldn't you say, you all have a great night thanks" than BAM the same dumbass through some more change at Axl, RIGHT AFTER Axl just thanked everyone. It hit him in the chest. Axl called him a little cunt and said he hopes he gets his ass kicked in the parking lot. What a douchebag, why blow 75 bucks to see them then? Kudos to Axl for keeping his cool.

Pretty fucking sad man.

I'm surprised Axl didn't get security to take that guy backstage so he could boot-fuck the shit out of him. : ok:

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: Mauve_All on November 27, 2006, 11:02:39 AM
At the download festival in donnington park some dick shot axl with a water pistol as he ran past the front of the stage, security tried getting the pistol but he wasnt giving it up and loads of us real guns fans started giving him abuse and shoving him. I fucking hate childish idiots!!!! 

Shooting Axl with a water pistol ?!!!  :rofl:

That must have been funny and childish, I mean, if Axl had done something like that, it would be considered cool and funny, right?  ;D ;D ;D
Shooting with a water pistol, I still can;t believe it!!!  :rofl: :rofl:

Still, I believe the total morons are the ones that throw things on stage like coins and bottles and everything. This is really stupid and dangerous.

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: Scree on November 27, 2006, 11:08:52 AM
I was lucky at the last show I went to. Where I was on the floor in Ottawa I didn't hear anyone shout anything stupid. Saw a few minor things but nothing totally idiotic.

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: oneAXLinamillion on November 27, 2006, 12:06:47 PM
At dublin and at Gods of metal in italy I saw some people wearing VR tshirts......

you know......these people are....hopeless

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: jbuch on November 27, 2006, 12:14:16 PM
I was also at the detroit show and had a great view of the stage.. if you were looking at the stage i was just to the right of center kinda towards all of the speakers 2 people back from the gate or fence or whatever.. the concert was great except these two dudes snorting coke for about an hour strait right behind me... one fo them earlier in the night was screaming "fuck you" and all this shit, saying "axl you fuckin suck"..... so i lost my temper and turned around and told him... "i paid 90 fuckin dollars to come and see GNR.... you know damn well slash isnt a part of this so why did you pay to come and bitch,? shut the fuck up or ill shut you the fuck up"... that pretty much shut him up as well as other people around me lol : ok:........ basically the crowd was great except for the dumb fuck idiot who threw the chnage at the begining and end.... im glad Axl kept his cool? :beer:

I must have been just a few people to the right of you.  When the change was thrown, I was thinking "that's it--show's over!"  Somebody should have punched that guy right in the face.  I don't understand why somebody would pay that much money to come and be an asshole to Axl.  Axl did a really good job of keeping his cool.  He seemed to be having a great tim  You could tell he had a cold though because he kept going to the back of the stage and grabbing Kleenex and blowing his nose.

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: bushkarocks!! on November 27, 2006, 12:18:34 PM
Went to the Nijmegen shows, didn't see anyone throw anything at stage or here any heckling. Maybe I was lucky, or just too focussed on the band...

i was there and to bad 3 real drunk retards keep shouting axl roses  very loud very irritating
luckily they were not standing good on their feet and a pit was near hehe? :hihi:

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: jarmo on November 27, 2006, 01:48:56 PM
I don't understand why somebody would pay that much money to come and be an asshole to Axl.  Axl did a really good job of keeping his cool.  He seemed to be having a great tim  You could tell he had a cold though because he kept going to the back of the stage and grabbing Kleenex and blowing his nose.

There's always gonna be people at shows who used their daddy's credit card to pay for the ticket so they can get drunk with their buddies.

I'm glad these kinds of people get kicked out regularly from the shows.

I bet they didn't expect that kind of attention from Axl and the security guys....


Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: Mr.Intensity on November 27, 2006, 02:39:43 PM
In Detroit there were these 3 guys who kept staring at this one girl who was pretty attractive and who had a nice ass the whole time, like staring at her more than the stage and making comments which I thought was pretty rude since the girl was there with a boyfriend and her brother. That was the first thing that upset me, but then when Frank was getting the "guns n roses" chants going the 3 douche bags were like "guns n roses, where are guns n roses?" To which I told them, they're right on the fucking stage, if you don't like it why don't you leave, or do you guys just need to pay $75.00 to see a nice ass because you never seen one before." Then the one guy got all irate and said if I didn't take my little sister out on a date he'd beat my ass, then my little cousin was like "you guys are all jerks and that girl thinks ya'll are stupid" (my little cuz has a southern accent).. anyway a security guard seen me kind of getting in their face, he came over, checked their ticket stubs, then sent them back up like 15 rows where their seats really were :rofl: :rofl:

P.S.- The girl who had a really nice ass was loling so hard when I said, "you guys pay $75.00 a piece to see a nice ass or something"... i mean they were being very rude, like taking pics of her ass with thier phones, etc.. and her bf really couldnt do anything because he was 18-19 and these dudes were like 27-30.....was hilarious when even my little cousin called them out.

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: The Estranged MrFlashbax on November 27, 2006, 03:34:56 PM
i think we should all band together and write our congressmen to make it legal to inflict harm on concert idiots..... i think its the only way to stop them!!!!! :o :o :o

people "accidentally" get hurt at moshpits all the time......  ;)

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: Kitty on November 27, 2006, 03:45:42 PM
i think we should all band together and write our congressmen to make it legal to inflict harm on concert idiots..... i think its the only way to stop them!!!!! :o :o :o

people "accidentally" get hurt at moshpits all the time......  ;)
One of the only reasons I put up with moshpits.

Title: Re: Idiots at concerts
Post by: Bodhi on November 27, 2006, 03:55:59 PM
I havent had that many bad experiences at GNR shows....everyone at the Hammerstein shows was way cool...but you pretty much had to be a die hard to get into those, so those people appreciate the band more, and also appreciate the fans around far as the arena shows, you get a few assholes here and there because its much more of a general audience, alot of those guys dont even know what "Chinese Democracy" is..... Im usually towards the front of the stage or actually in the front row, cause i like many of you go really early, and when you are up there you are usually surrounded by people who like the band as much as you and dont do stupid shit to jeopardize it....