Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Dead Horse => Topic started by: imkeepintheaura on November 21, 2006, 07:33:34 PM

Title: jd salinger/axl connection
Post by: imkeepintheaura on November 21, 2006, 07:33:34 PM
 Axl is the JD SAlinger of rock n roll............for years and years people have been anticipating the big comeback novel from the Catcher in the Rye author. For years in a small town in NH, Salinger would only be seen occasionally out shopping and would talk to some locals....until people pushed him too far into reclusion due to misunderstanding his huge success of Catcher in the Rye and its meaning. 

Remind you of someone? I feel Axl for years became a recluse due to the pressure to live up to what he once was and to create a whole new AFD. WIth all the pressure from his fans and society as a whole maybe Axl is just to nervous to ever release CHinese Democracy,,,,,,,,,,but in doing so......will always remain the true mystery of rock n roll. 

People have said that when JD Salinger eventually passes away we will have the time of our lives reading his hidden gems that have been locked up for all these years....................................hmmmmm.........hopefully new gnr can rekindle the flame to what could possibly be one of the best rock records never to be heard

Title: Re: jd salinger/axl connection
Post by: Saul on November 21, 2006, 07:39:08 PM
Nope. Never been one of these comparison threads before.  :no:

Title: Re: jd salinger/axl connection
Post by: veritas55 on November 21, 2006, 07:43:14 PM
you know, that's a very interesting comparison, actually.  It might make the Catcher in the Rye song have a double-meaning.

Title: Re: jd salinger/axl connection
Post by: ben9785 on November 21, 2006, 07:44:33 PM
interesting concept. I haven't read the book completely yet but from the parts I've seen, sometimes the main character reminds me a little bit of Axl as well.. obviously he does have a connection with that book if he's based a song on it

Title: Re: jd salinger/axl connection
Post by: ben9785 on November 21, 2006, 08:22:23 PM

this is the wikipedia page about the author Salinger.

i can see a few little similarities in their artistic careers; but this one particular mention about a new book he was supposed to publish..

"In a surprising move, Salinger gave a small publisher, Orchises Press, permission to publish "Hapworth 16, 1924", the previously uncollected novella; it was to be published in 1997, and listings for it appeared on and other book-sellers. However, the date was pushed back a number of times, the last time to 2002. It was not published and no new date has been set"...

"In 2000, Orchises Press, a small publishing house in Virginia, announced that it would print "Hapworth," and received substantial coverage in the press. Shortly before the books were to be shipped, Salinger changed his mind, and in accordance with his wishes, Orchises withdrew the work"

I know its just a strange ironic coincidence but it freaked me out haha

Title: Re: jd salinger/axl connection
Post by: Natasha23 on November 21, 2006, 08:38:34 PM
I think Axl stayed out of the public eye because he doesn't chase fame for fame's sake.  He's said in interviews before that he does the fame thing to promote the music, but doesn't seek the attention just for the attention (I'm paraphrasing here).

Title: Re: jd salinger/axl connection
Post by: MikeD on November 21, 2006, 08:49:28 PM
Actually, this has been discussed before. Not only Axl, but Brian Wilson (Beach boys) and Syd Barret (Pink Floyd) also have been compared to JD. Additionally, Axl also has been compared to Thomas Pynchon. Pynchon has won critical accalim for his books, but he only puts one out ever decade or so. He's also rarely seen.

Title: Re: jd salinger/axl connection
Post by: imkeepintheaura on November 21, 2006, 08:52:38 PM
"In a surprising move, Salinger gave a small publisher, Orchises Press, permission to publish "Hapworth 16, 1924", the previously uncollected novella; it was to be published in 1997, and listings for it appeared on and other book-sellers. However, the date was pushed back a number of times, the last time to 2002. It was not published and no new date has been set"...

"In 2000, Orchises Press, a small publishing house in Virginia, announced that it would print "Hapworth," and received substantial coverage in the press. Shortly before the books were to be shipped, Salinger changed his mind, and in accordance with his wishes, Orchises withdrew the work"

yes!!! this was the brilliant comparison i was looking for as well........good find.................I think maybe we ( society, the fans) maybe are the ones keeping album from seeing light of day..............everytime axl takes one step forward...two steps are taking back.........

Title: Re: jd salinger/axl connection
Post by: ben9785 on November 21, 2006, 08:59:17 PM
Axl might seem on the surface as just another typical big rock star whos always going out to the clubs and not giving a shit about people's expectations, playing shows according to his own requirements without compromising (not meant in a negative way), but I think he may have a much stronger personal connection to this music he's working on than we can imagine. This is just my own speculation, and I don't usually care for personal details, but my understanding was that a large part of the new material is based on in particular his last wife, Stephanie Seymour (sp?), I guess it's not only a concern for the quality of the music, but I think he may feel like he's had a struggle convincing himself to let go of this music, and immortalise it, in a way. He might have mixed feelings putting these kind of emotions, or part of his life, out for everybody to hear and pick apart. I dunno

Title: Re: jd salinger/axl connection
Post by: creepingvines on November 21, 2006, 09:00:39 PM
my arranging teacher said he was roommates with jd salinger's daughter in college.  does that make ME axl's FRIEND? :yes:

Title: Re: jd salinger/axl connection
Post by: imkeepintheaura on November 21, 2006, 09:03:30 PM
nope just someone with with a lack of interest in this post.........

Title: Re: jd salinger/axl connection
Post by: creepingvines on November 21, 2006, 09:12:40 PM
actually, i'm reeeeeal into this  post.  i do a lot of pondering about axl and his reclusive (former) ways, as i have a tendency to be a bit reclusive myself.  he definitely has a reputation as a big asshole nut job, but really i think he's just a sensitive person who's not into all the phony hollywood bullshit.  i think with "catcher in the rye" he may expressing a feeling of kinship with holden caulfield and salinger in general.

Title: Re: jd salinger/axl connection
Post by: imkeepintheaura on November 21, 2006, 09:16:40 PM
i like that connection....creeepingvines!!!  just interesting to see connections with stuff...............hpefully unlike salinger we will see new material

Title: Re: jd salinger/axl connection
Post by: dman1991 on November 21, 2006, 09:46:02 PM
actually, i'm reeeeeal into this  post.  i do a lot of pondering about axl and his reclusive (former) ways, as i have a tendency to be a bit reclusive myself.  he definitely has a reputation as a big asshole nut job, but really i think he's just a sensitive person who's not into all the phony hollywood bullshit.  i think with "catcher in the rye" he may expressing a feeling of kinship with holden caulfield and salinger in general.
I think it was about the lennon assasination through the eyes of  mark david chapman.

Title: Re: jd salinger/axl connection
Post by: surforia on November 21, 2006, 10:28:52 PM
I think it was about the lennon assasination through the eyes of? mark david chapman.

shhh!!!!  you're not supposed to say that freak's name...  i've heard people say that rock n' roll fans don't say that name because it gives him fame, which is the whole reason he shot Lennon in the first place...    :-X

Title: Re: jd salinger/axl connection
Post by: dman1991 on November 21, 2006, 10:30:12 PM
I think it was about the lennon assasination through the eyes of  mark david chapman.

shhh!!!!  you're not supposed to say that freak's name...  i've heard people say that rock n' roll fans don't say that name because it gives him fame, which is the whole reason he shot Lennon in the first place...    :-X

Title: Re: jd salinger/axl connection
Post by: Duffio on November 21, 2006, 10:34:32 PM
wow... people have nothing better to do but speculate hahaha.... im sure jd salinger and axl have been plotting this since AFD.. ok, come on, this is ridiculous.

Title: Re: jd salinger/axl connection
Post by: AXL 20 on November 22, 2006, 12:15:24 AM
well i just finished a paper on the symbolism of CIR and I have to say that im nto nsure they are equals in their own fields but im sure its on axl's favorite book list

Title: Re: jd salinger/axl connection
Post by: Slashead on November 22, 2006, 12:28:18 AM
Frankly, if Axl was as JD Salinger, he wouldn't have done a European tour followed by a North American tour, he wouldn't have his picture taken with Muhammad Ali and Michael J. Fox, he wouldn't attend Korn parties, etc...

He would stay at home, and possibly release his album without promoting it.

Title: Re: jd salinger/axl connection
Post by: creepingvines on November 22, 2006, 12:53:37 AM
actually, i'm reeeeeal into this  post.  i do a lot of pondering about axl and his reclusive (former) ways, as i have a tendency to be a bit reclusive myself.  he definitely has a reputation as a big asshole nut job, but really i think he's just a sensitive person who's not into all the phony hollywood bullshit.  i think with "catcher in the rye" he may expressing a feeling of kinship with holden caulfield and salinger in general.
I think it was about the lennon assasination through the eyes of  mark david chapman.
yeah so i've heard... i'm not necessarily thinking about the meaning behind the song or the lyrics so much as the choice of title.  it just struck a chord with me as a book someone like axl might relate to... you know, this sort of thing:

wow... people have nothing better to do but speculate hahaha.... im sure jd salinger and axl have been plotting this since AFD.. ok, come on, this is ridiculous.
beats speculating on you-know-what.