Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Oh My Choking Soul on November 20, 2006, 07:48:06 AM

Title: When the mystery unravels?
Post by: Oh My Choking Soul on November 20, 2006, 07:48:06 AM
When the mystery unravels?

?and it will. Has anyone really though about how this place will look.

No more insiders. What will they be able to tell us, the new album details, so what? The only reason people can play with our heads now is based on the ridiculous wait and hype for this album.

Merck won?t matter. Sanctuary won?t matter. Label, distributor, etc won?t matter. The band will be a normal band on a normal release schedule until proven otherwise.

Jarmo won?t need to delete posts. Lots of the regulars on these boards will leave because A) they didn?t like the album. B) They were only her for the ?mystique? of Chinese Democracy. Many, many more will join and most will be 14 year old Killers fans.

Eventually, people will forget the years of waiting.

Title: Re: When the mystery unravels?
Post by: polluxlm on November 20, 2006, 07:49:53 AM
We may forget the waiting for CD, but it will only be because we'll be waiting for the next album. How long is that gonna take :hihi:

Title: Re: When the mystery unravels?
Post by: Orgasmatron on November 20, 2006, 07:50:55 AM
I won't, mate. Axl should give us a big thanks for the amount of time alot of his fans have waited for Chinese Democracy.. Not many artists can leave the industry for 8 years, then another 4 and expect to have as big, or loyal, a fan base as Axl's..

Title: Re: When the mystery unravels?
Post by: wight gunner on November 20, 2006, 08:07:17 AM
Axl should give us a big thanks for the amount of time alot of his fans have waited for Chinese Democracy

I heard a rumour that a cover of " Thank you for being a friend" made the final cut.... :rofl:

Seriously though, the whole waiting, rumours, false dawns, old band v new band debate and the turning up late/never is the enigma that is Guns n' Funkin' Roses

Title: Re: When the mystery unravels?
Post by: The Legend on November 20, 2006, 08:56:40 AM
When the mystery unravels?

?and it will. Has anyone really though about how this place will look.

No more insiders. What will they be able to tell us, the new album details, so what? The only reason people can play with our heads now is based on the ridiculous wait and hype for this album.

Merck won?t matter. Sanctuary won?t matter. Label, distributor, etc won?t matter. The band will be a normal band on a normal release schedule until proven otherwise.

Jarmo won?t need to delete posts. Lots of the regulars on these boards will leave because A) they didn?t like the album. B) They were only her for the ?mystique? of Chinese Democracy. Many, many more will join and most will be 14 year old Killers fans.

Eventually, people will forget the years of waiting.

Oh yeah. We'll be dinosaurs. old men

"Back in my day, I remember when we had to wait 15 years for a new original Guns N' Roses album".

Kid - "Really?"

"Yeah... there was a time."

Title: Re: When the mystery unravels?
Post by: zigthis on November 20, 2006, 11:24:54 AM
Sheeit - I still remember the wait for Use Your Illusion.? For me that took eons compared to this, because I was in jr/high school at that time.? When you're a kid with no responsibilities, your favorite band means everything to you.? I remember me and my girlfriend watching "Patience" on the American Music Awards and being just awestruck by the performance: Axl's 'Catholic Action' jacket, Slash's amazing solo, the extended ending.? She was literally in tears watching it, and right at the last note we just grabbed eachother and went at it.? Basically the band's five minute set sucessfully de-virginized the both of us.

I can remember vividly grabbing for any bootleg or scrap of new material and waiting for that album like it was the holy grail.? Then they started touring long before the album hit.? I was supposed to be at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center show (where they taped "Get in the Ring") but missed it cause but mom-dukes wouldn't let me go to "that crap".

This is like a dejavu / second round of waiting for me, and probably alot of folks here.? When the mystery unravels, we'll still be here, commenting on this or that, pining for new material or the next album, and grumbling about when Axl and Slash are gonna bury the hatchet...

....March 2012, when the band is eligible for Hall of Fame induction.? It's only five and a half years away.? Watch...


Title: Re: When the mystery unravels?
Post by: SLCPUNK on November 20, 2006, 11:26:06 AM

Jarmo won?t need to delete posts.

Oh gawd, yes he will.

So many dumb posts now, I can not imagine how it will be when the flood gates open.

Title: Re: When the mystery unravels?
Post by: Oh My Choking Soul on November 20, 2006, 11:37:32 AM

Jarmo won?t need to delete posts.

Oh gawd, yes he will.

So many dumb posts now, I can not imagine how it will be when the flood gates open.

I meant the "so called communist regime of late" as per MyGN'R. Not my words people, no - karma please. Just explaining my reference.

Title: Re: When the mystery unravels?
Post by: The Dog on November 20, 2006, 11:44:21 AM

Jarmo won?t need to delete posts.

Oh gawd, yes he will.

So many dumb posts now, I can not imagine how it will be when the flood gates open.

Totally, its as if people have no filter between their brains and their mouths haha.  i've seen some of the dumbest threads in the last 3 weeks.  this section is so rampant with crap its barely worth checking out lately :(

Title: Re: When the mystery unravels?
Post by: SLCPUNK on November 20, 2006, 11:46:07 AM

Totally, its as if people have no filter between their brains and their mouths haha.  i've seen some of the dumbest threads in the last 3 weeks.  this section is so rampant with crap its barely worth checking out lately :(

It is like a "Duh" convention let out in front of an internet cafe.

Title: Re: When the mystery unravels?
Post by: chinesedemocracy05 on November 20, 2006, 01:45:40 PM
Sheeit - I still remember the wait for Use Your Illusion.? For me that took eons compared to this, because I was in jr/high school at that time.? When you're a kid with no responsibilities, your favorite band means everything to you.? I remember me and my girlfriend watching "Patience" on the American Music Awards and being just awestruck by the performance: Axl's 'Catholic Action' jacket, Slash's amazing solo, the extended ending.? She was literally in tears watching it, and right at the last note we just grabbed eachother and went at it.? Basically the band's five minute set sucessfully de-virginized the both of us.

hahaha did you make that up? thats a cool story. I wish Gnr made my girlfriend that horny.

Title: Re: When the mystery unravels?
Post by: lennonisgod on November 20, 2006, 02:07:29 PM

Jarmo won?t need to delete posts.

Oh gawd, yes he will.

So many dumb posts now, I can not imagine how it will be when the flood gates open.

You're absolutely right about that.  It will be much, much, much worse that it is right now.  I can't even imagine how many threads we are going to see about each individual song on CD asking, "Do we like it or not?" I don't look forward to that at all and hopefully by then something is done to help avoid that shit from happening... New rules for new posters or something. Maybe will have an official forum by the time the album is released??

I also don't think many people that are "regulars" here are going to be leaving, whether they like the album or not.  I think it's pretty safe to assume that if YOU ARE A REGULAR HERE, you will like the album.  Most people here have heard the leaks or heard new songs live and those songs make up half of the album (or more), and it wouldn't make sense for people to be HERE RIGHT NOW if they completely hated the new songs we have already heard.

"Eventually the people will forget the years of waiting..." - I disagree with that and nobody here will ever forget the long as fuck wait we have all gone through.  It's been a long, long, long wait and hopefully the wait will end up being worth it.  The better the album is, the more the lengthy wait doesn't matter. 

Title: Re: When the mystery unravels?
Post by: polluxlm on November 20, 2006, 02:12:04 PM
The inevitable 20 page threads after the release

15 years wait for this?

Why didn't they include XXX on the album?

Axl has lost it

I love the album, appreciation goes here!!!

The album is not selling as expected, are we looking at a flop?

Your favorite track

Worst track


Title: Re: When the mystery unravels?
Post by: LittleFly on November 20, 2006, 02:20:45 PM
The inevitable 20 page threads after the release

15 years wait for this?

Why didn't they include XXX on the album?

Axl has lost it

I love the album, appreciation goes here!!!

The album is not selling as expected, are we looking at a flop?

Your favorite track

Worst track


Not to mention the "[former guitarist name] would have played the solo on [track name] sssooooo much better then [current guitarist name]!!!" 

At least 20 of those threads :hihi:

Title: Re: When the mystery unravels?
Post by: lennonisgod on November 20, 2006, 02:22:41 PM
Sheeit - I still remember the wait for Use Your Illusion.  For me that took eons compared to this, because I was in jr/high school at that time.  When you're a kid with no responsibilities, your favorite band means everything to you.  I remember me and my girlfriend watching "Patience" on the American Music Awards and being just awestruck by the performance: Axl's 'Catholic Action' jacket, Slash's amazing solo, the extended ending.  She was literally in tears watching it, and right at the last note we just grabbed eachother and went at it.  Basically the band's five minute set sucessfully de-virginized the both of us.

I can remember vividly grabbing for any bootleg or scrap of new material and waiting for that album like it was the holy grail.  Then they started touring long before the album hit.  I was supposed to be at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center show (where they taped "Get in the Ring") but missed it cause but mom-dukes wouldn't let me go to "that crap".

This is like a dejavu / second round of waiting for me, and probably alot of folks here.  When the mystery unravels, we'll still be here, commenting on this or that, pining for new material or the next album, and grumbling about when Axl and Slash are gonna bury the hatchet...

....March 2012, when the band is eligible for Hall of Fame induction.  It's only five and a half years away.  Watch...


Awwwwww... How romantic.  "We just went at it."  haha ;)

Title: Re: When the mystery unravels?
Post by: Slashead on November 20, 2006, 02:28:14 PM
Some people are saying that there will be less people in the GNR boards if the album isn't released this year. I think it will be the opposite : people will be losing progressively interest once Chin Dem is released.

Waiting for the album is the main reason for being here. And this main reason may soon disappear...

Title: Re: When the mystery unravels…
Post by: Mandy. on November 20, 2006, 02:30:23 PM
I can see it already. When this thing is released, all boards (especially this one) are literally gonna FLOOD with newbies who don't know shit about GNR (people who have only heard CD) thinking they're their biggest fans. Expect threads like: "OMG, I AV JUST BOUGHT CD N IT LYK TOTALLY ROX, GNR IZ DA BEST BAND EVER, OMG OMG WEN R THEY GUNNA RELEASE ANOTHA ALBUM, CNT WAIT INNIT"

Oh, God... I'm scared. :nervous:

Title: Re: When the mystery unravels?
Post by: dizzy68 on November 20, 2006, 02:33:35 PM

  Yeah it will be interesting here if the thing is ever actually released. I'm not holding my breath.

Title: Re: When the mystery unravels?
Post by: The Dog on November 20, 2006, 02:39:15 PM
The inevitable 20 page threads after the release

15 years wait for this?

Why didn't they include XXX on the album?

Axl has lost it

I love the album, appreciation goes here!!!

The album is not selling as expected, are we looking at a flop?

Your favorite track

Worst track


holy shit that was funny.  you nailed every cliche post out there.  The ones about the album sales will be the most annoying - like anyone here has any vested interest in how many millions of copies are sold. 

I think there will be at least 10 threads comparing CD to velvet revolver too.

Nobody is going to "leave" though.  if anything regulars will just turn into lurkers and not post as much.  I think we'll all survive :)

Title: Re: When the mystery unravels?
Post by: lennonisgod on November 20, 2006, 02:40:26 PM
I can see it already. When this thing is released, all boards (especially this one) are literally gonna FLOOD with newbies who don't know shit about GNR (people who have only heard CD) thinking they're their biggest fans. Expect threads like: "OMG, I AV JUST BOUGHT CD N IT LYK TOTALLY ROX, GNR IZ DA BEST BAND EVER, OMG OMG WEN R THEY GUNNA RELEASE ANOTHA ALBUM, CNT WAIT INNIT"

Oh, God... I'm scared. :nervous:

Good impression and unfortunately VERY, VERY TRUE.  I hope to God that never happens but I think it's pretty fucking inevitable once the album is out.

Title: Re: When the mystery unravels?
Post by: Crowebar on November 20, 2006, 02:54:19 PM
I can see it already. When this thing is released, all boards (especially this one) are literally gonna FLOOD with newbies who don't know shit about GNR (people who have only heard CD) thinking they're their biggest fans. Expect threads like: "OMG, I AV JUST BOUGHT CD N IT LYK TOTALLY ROX, GNR IZ DA BEST BAND EVER, OMG OMG WEN R THEY GUNNA RELEASE ANOTHA ALBUM, CNT WAIT INNIT"

Oh, God... I'm scared. :nervous:

This is exactly what's going to happen and yes, it's scary. :nervous:

Title: Re: When the mystery unravels?
Post by: dizzy68 on November 20, 2006, 02:57:40 PM
 What happens to Axl if the CD flops? Does he go into hiding for another 10 years? He's got to face reality. Interest in him has faded. There is a whole new market of kids out there who don't even know what Guns n Roses is. Guns n Roses was almost a whole generation ago. Radio stations barely play them anymore. Once in a while you'll hear something from them, but not to often. There has been very little promotion of this CD. Rumors in an internet forum don't count. Unless you are a hardcore fan you probably don't know anything about a release date either.

 Yeah there will be negativity here no matter what the CD sounds like. Unfortunately I'm prediciting bad sales due to ?the simple fact that the promotions department appears to be sleeping. People are completely sick of the false promises and I think many people gave up on this CD years ago.

 I consider myself an average fan and I couldn't care less if the thing comes out or not. I'm not buying into the hype. False promises killed my hope and I have Zero interest in purchasing this CD now. To little to late. However I know certain people here are just ass kissers and it wouldn't matter if the whole CD was AXL chewing a sandwich. They'll think the album is Genius!

 I'm just a realist. That is all. ?Happy Thanksgiving everyone. ?: ok:

Title: Re: When the mystery unravels?
Post by: ppbebe on November 20, 2006, 03:11:19 PM
Well I guess axl and co know more than you do, dizzy68.
I'll welcome newbies who don't know shit about the past (people who have only heard CD) with open arms.
actually I've been waiting for such fans. unbiased music fans.

Title: Re: When the mystery unravels?
Post by: JimMorrison4 on November 20, 2006, 03:23:23 PM
I can see it already. When this thing is released, all boards (especially this one) are literally gonna FLOOD with newbies who don't know shit about GNR (people who have only heard CD) thinking they're their biggest fans. Expect threads like: "OMG, I AV JUST BOUGHT CD N IT LYK TOTALLY ROX, GNR IZ DA BEST BAND EVER, OMG OMG WEN R THEY GUNNA RELEASE ANOTHA ALBUM, CNT WAIT INNIT"

Oh, God... I'm scared. :nervous:

As compared to the threads like, "My neighbor's brother knows someone who went to Best Buy and asked the cashier if Chinese Democracy is coming out this year and they said MAYBE!"

IF Chinese Democracy ever comes out, I don't think the amount of pointless threads will change all that much.  :)

Title: Re: When the mystery unravels?
Post by: Bartlet on November 20, 2006, 04:13:53 PM
Well I guess axl and co know more than you do, dizzy68.
I'll welcome newbies who don't know shit about the past (people who have only heard CD) with open arms.
actually I've been waiting for such fans. unbiased music fans.

Too True!!!