Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: GeraldFord on November 20, 2006, 12:52:56 AM

Title: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: GeraldFord on November 20, 2006, 12:52:56 AM
I think so. God I'm lonely.

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: Bill 213 on November 20, 2006, 01:11:09 AM
Yes absolutely.  A woman with a good heart is as rare as that half grizzly/half kodiak bear that got shot earlier this year.

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: GeraldFord on November 20, 2006, 01:17:47 AM
Yes absolutely.? A woman with a good heart is as rare as that half grizzly/half kodiak bear that got shot earlier this year.
I guess so.

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: SuperMike on November 20, 2006, 01:23:15 AM
Cruel and cold in what way?

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: Chief on November 20, 2006, 01:48:48 AM
some of them can be. what happened???

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: Stonerose on November 20, 2006, 01:58:49 AM
In my exprience yes

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: D on November 20, 2006, 02:48:40 AM
not all women but im sure if u ask women about men they'd say yes also

The problem with men and women is, for some reason each have this "i want what i cant have complex"

Men chase women out of their league, women lean to the mean evil guy who they want to control and shape into a good guy.

Most women want a good guy, its just they want to be the reason he's a good guy. they dont want a pre packaged good guy.

men cant make their minds up.  Some guys will meet a girl in a bar, fuck her the first night and then wonder 2 weeks later why she is out fucking someone else.

the biggest thing also is the trying to fit a circle into a square syndrome.

Sometimes two people just arent compatible.

Some people get so lonely however and they have this huge illusion of what love is and they get desperate so they try to fit a random guy/girl into that role, like an actor or actress into a script.

U cant force true love

True love cannot be forced, its either there or it isnt.

if it isnt there it will never be there, u can stay with someone for 50 years, but if it isnt true, it never will be.

If u are with a person and they make your life miserable or worse than before u met them, u have to have courage to end it as soon as possible

I dated girls for 3 days before dumping them cause id see reg flags and know they werent the one.

the more time u spend with the wrong girls or guys, is wasted time u could be out finding the true person.

So to sum it up.

The only COld and Cruel women or men are the wrong ones and u shouldnt waste time or tears mulling over them

If someone fucks u over, that is one step closer to finding the one.

Also I hate when someone has a bad experience and turns that onto the entire gender.

A girl fucked me over as hard as u can imagine but I dont hold that against all females.

So waste as little time as possible with the wrong ones and Hold on with both hands when u find the right one.

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: anythinggoes on November 20, 2006, 03:26:58 AM
For every cruel and cold Woman there is a Warm and Kind woman just like men

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: horsey on November 20, 2006, 03:42:26 AM
yes i just allmost got picked up by one tonight.i was so afraid.

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on November 20, 2006, 04:36:40 AM
they're mean. i wish they didnt wear hot exepensive shoes.

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: Refused on November 20, 2006, 04:43:37 AM
My woman is kind and warm.
I am happy.  ;D

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on November 20, 2006, 05:14:40 AM
My woman is kind and warm.
I am happy.  ;D

whats her name?

kind_and_warm.jpg ? :)

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: carlosmontana on November 20, 2006, 07:20:17 AM
I think so. God I'm lonely.

Ha ha, Gerald can't get a girlfriend  ;)

just kidding...

no they are not. calculating and manipulative maybe, but not cruel and cold...

just kidding again girls...

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: Sin Cut on November 20, 2006, 08:20:51 AM
the more time u spend with the wrong girls or guys, is wasted time u could be out finding the true person.

No D, it's called testdrive, or in this occasion multible testdrives.

Some guys will meet a girl in a bar, fuck her the first night and then wonder 2 weeks later why she is out fucking someone else.

Actually this happened to me and my friend, I nailed a girl one wednesday and he did the same girl on saturday, the funny thing is after sex he asked her "are you going to go through all of Sin Cut's friends". We had some good laughs about her going haywire.

To sum it up

The only cold one's are prolly someone who's taking you as a one night stand and if you just happen to want more, I know it must suck.

For me if I'm single, I'd go to a bar and sure ass hell I'm looking to score, I mean how can you just imagine to find "the right one" if not by hard work?

Or if I'm only going to live here once I sure am going to make the best of it.

Are women cold and cruel?
Sure if you let them.

But we men ain't any better.
Atleast I'm not.

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: pasnow on November 20, 2006, 09:16:21 AM
D that was a great fucking post. Hit the nail on the head. Like you, I've dated girls for a few nights & known it won't work out. The smallest things are 'grounds for breaking up' with me. Also, I've been burned big-time. And yeah, I've hit it off with girls on a first date, then been jealous/upset when they're off with someone else doing the same thing (sometimes in the same night :-\)

In the end, to the OP it's all a learning experience, and all about learning & growing up. Every guy goes thru it, I saw last night Joe Namath was on 60 minutes talking about his life. His wife left him, FOR ANOTHER MAN?? Joe Namath?! This guy coulda had just about any girl, still could. Anyway, he had a decent quote, he said "Life hurts man.. It doesn't matter if you're 8 & you lose your puppy, your 15 and you lose your first girlfriend, or your 50 & you lose your wife & family, life hurts"

It's all part of life, girls will hurt you, but sometimes it makes life worth living!

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: Natasha23 on November 20, 2006, 11:04:42 AM
You need to look at everyone as individuals, because there are plenty of women who would say the same things about guys.  Trust me, there are plenty of nice girls (who are cute) wondering why guys aren't asking them out, but maybe it's the bitches who have the confidence to put themselves out there.  Also I think we need to look at ourselves to see what we're putting out there that attracts these kinds of people.  There's a theory out there that says we partner with certain people in order to recreate our childrenhood pain.  Like a child who grew up with an alcoholic father would be attracted to an addict, because they're subconsciously trying to recreate that old would in order to fix it.  But the problem is when you don't see what's going on, you create the same hurt and nothing gets resolved. 
I've been in several relationships where each time the guy was emotionally unavailable and rather emotionally immature.  I could say "why are all guys assholes?," but the one thing theyall  have in common is ME. 

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on November 20, 2006, 11:56:59 AM
Sometimes these women are so easy sometimes these women are so cold, sometimes these women seem to rip you heart two.

Kidding, I think humans are cold and cruel not just women, so is unfair to say women are the only creatures who are cruel and cold, the bad thing about women its that the more you treat then badly they are there but the more you treat them fine or good the lost interest in you, sad but true  :-\

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: Refused on November 20, 2006, 12:59:25 PM
My woman is kind and warm.
I am happy.? ;D

whats her name?

kind_and_warm.jpg ? :)

Ha, funny guy!  :hihi:

I managed to find one of the few girls who aren't cruel and cold like most of the ones I've met through my life.

For the most part though, yeah, they're cruel bitches! Guys can be much worse though.

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: fixintodie on November 20, 2006, 01:12:15 PM
Only the ones you want to stay away from.

The others are soft, light and oh so warm... :smoking:

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: sisterofyu on November 20, 2006, 01:31:28 PM
nope, women are gorgeous and good, women are loving and giving, women are sensitive and sweet, women care....keekee :D

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: horsey on November 20, 2006, 04:29:25 PM
i can be sweet ,sweet as a rotton bannana lol.chalk it up guys.the more you wanna get laid,you have to pay either way.women can lead men around or men can lead women around.if they are in love it works both ways i gets bad when people get hooked on someone and stalks them.him or her whatever.just be careful while getting laid it could not be worth the headaches in the end.

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: SLCPUNK on November 20, 2006, 05:14:19 PM
Some are, some are not.

Mrs. Punk is not, that is why I married her.

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: Graciela on November 20, 2006, 05:33:58 PM
Well, I'm not, but men keep treating me badly... maybe if I was cruel and cold that wouldn't happen  ::)

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: fixintodie on November 21, 2006, 03:42:09 AM
Well, I'm not, but men keep treating me badly... maybe if I was cruel and cold that wouldn't happen? ::)

I doubt it...the world needs all the sweet people it can get.

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: nycangel on November 21, 2006, 06:48:05 AM
ok heres the deal, im a girl but i am in no way a feminist so im going to give it to you truthfully. girls can sometimes be the worst possible people to be with. i try my best not to be cruel and cold or manipulative and calculating, but theres always times in life when things happen out of your control. im not trying to say that im the best girlfriend, or the best person but i always try my best. and yes i agree that men can be horrible, but  i have found in my life that men are a lot better than women in general and i have a lot more guy friends than girls because most of the time i cant stand hanging out with girls. so theres always girls out there like me that try their best to do right by their boyfriend and try not to be a mean cold hearted bitch. but unfortunatley theres more of the bitches out there then there are warmhearted girls. its sad but true...

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: CheapJon on November 21, 2006, 06:51:16 AM
Yes they are, no arguements just that yes they are

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: Graciela on November 21, 2006, 07:24:25 AM
ok heres the deal, im a girl but i am in no way a feminist so im going to give it to you truthfully. girls can sometimes be the worst possible people to be with. i try my best not to be cruel and cold or manipulative and calculating, but theres always times in life when things happen out of your control. im not trying to say that im the best girlfriend, or the best person but i always try my best. and yes i agree that men can be horrible, but? i have found in my life that men are a lot better than women in general and i have a lot more guy friends than girls because most of the time i cant stand hanging out with girls. so theres always girls out there like me that try their best to do right by their boyfriend and try not to be a mean cold hearted bitch. but unfortunatley theres more of the bitches out there then there are warmhearted girls. its sad but true...

Not true. And it makes me sad hearing or reading comments like this. Same thing as I don't like women saying: "Men are this or men are that"

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: Sin Cut on November 21, 2006, 08:54:10 AM
now isn't it relatively easy to find out which one are more cruel or cold, everyone should just post the cruelest coldest thing you've done or that have been done to you and then we'll vote.

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on November 21, 2006, 08:56:55 AM
I used to like this girl i told her she told me she like me too but she wanted to hook up with other guy cause he had a car  :o
Well that goes for passion  :-\

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: journey on November 21, 2006, 12:04:42 PM
The obvious answer - it depends on the woman.

Like Natasha23 mentioned, you have to ask yourself why you're attracted to certain people. You may be drawn to the abusive type for psychological reasons. If you're insecure or extremely passive, then you'll probably be matched up with someone who feeds on that.

It's natural to want someone, but it would also help to not be so random when looking for someone - just to avoid loneliness. It's unrealistic to think that having someone will take care of all your emotional problems. They may be a distraction from those emotions, but they don't erase them. You have to do that for yourself first.

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: CheapJon on November 21, 2006, 12:08:49 PM
I used to like this girl i told her she told me she like me too but she wanted to hook up with other guy cause he had a car? :o
Well that goes for passion? :-\
girls like that are just discustng

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: SuperMike on November 21, 2006, 12:33:30 PM
Stay away from the manipulating and money-hungry kind.

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on November 21, 2006, 12:52:51 PM
girls like that are just discustng
Don't tell me that's really crap, now Im just spent time talking with the girl and see if there's any ambition with her life and stuff no just to be a vampire bitch  :no:

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: Krispy Kreme on November 22, 2006, 12:00:03 AM
My wife is not....most of the time.  :rofl:

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: Bandita on November 22, 2006, 12:39:40 AM
Being cruel and coldhearted is usually a cover up on a woman's part anyway.  I don't really think anyone is really like this by nature, I think it is something that can happen to someone after a bad experience and the person puts a wall up. 

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: D on November 22, 2006, 12:44:40 AM
I use to always be the guy who was the best friend and these girls would tell me the kind of guy they wanted and then end up going out with the total opposite and THEN wonder why they were unhappy and why it didnt work out.


I had a girl once describe her ideal mate and she described me to a T

I asked her what was wrong with me and she replied:

U arent a Challenge, U are Too Nice

Typical :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: Slashead on November 22, 2006, 03:33:52 AM
Women don't love men. They only love the babies they might have with men.

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: Sin Cut on November 22, 2006, 03:44:16 AM
I used to like this girl i told her she told me she like me too but she wanted to hook up with other guy cause he had a car  :o
Well that goes for passion  :-\

So why not just play her?

Shit, there's been girls that have been with me 'cos I got a nice car or a limo and if they're that shallow I've been with them untill I loose interest, then dump 'em and get a new one in a spin. Or maybe have many of them at the same time, well it goes all in the name of fun.

And all that time they thought they used me, lol.

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: Elrothiel on November 22, 2006, 08:34:22 AM
I'm pretty much anti-feminist. I believe that we are both equal, BUT... the amount of shallow manipulative girls who are rude and unfriendly to everyone basically bring down the percentage ratio of nice women to nice men.

Women:Men = most likely... 3:6.

Just because of the shallow spoilt bitches who think they can have whatever they want. WELL THEY CAN'T!! For example: If you have a kid and a partner, you can NOT have giant coke parties at your partner's house with your kid present and then go fuck some actor guy. That is classic Coldhearted Spoilt Bitch behavior, and if you are with anyone like that... GET RID OF HER NOW! Either that or play a Jigsaw-esque "game" on her to make her appreciate her life and stop being so spoiled!

Coldest thing I've ever done to a guy? Said to him that the 3 quarter length pants he loved to wear made him look like he had really short legs. It was true though, and I was only trying to help! I want my man to show off his best features! Look the best he can look! And he had aaawesome legs... I HATED those 3 quarter length things... they were gray as well!! Gray clothes shouldn't exist. Gray is boring! Gray is miserable and depressing! Gray should be struck off!
He can wear them... but not around me. :)

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: Graciela on November 22, 2006, 09:45:21 AM
Ha! I was waiting for you to pop up on this thread....

Just because of the shallow spoilt bitches who think they can have whatever they want. WELL THEY CAN'T!! For example: If you have a kid and a partner, you can NOT have giant coke parties at your partner's house with your kid present and then go fuck some actor guy. That is classic Coldhearted Spoilt Bitch behavior, and if you are with anyone like that... GET RID OF HER NOW! Either that or play a Jigsaw-esque "game" on her to make her appreciate her life and stop being so spoiled!

Yes, this is a great example, indeed, in fact, I do this all the time....  ::)

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on November 22, 2006, 10:59:20 AM
So why not just play her?

Shit, there's been girls that have been with me 'cos I got a nice car or a limo and if they're that shallow I've been with them untill I loose interest, then dump 'em and get a new one in a spin. Or maybe have many of them at the same time, well it goes all in the name of fun.

And all that time they thought they used me, lol.

Because at the time I didn't have the car  :'(
Now everything's different I take what I want and no one can take it away. Sorry I was listening to Iron Maiden  ;D

I agree with D, if you behave too nice with a girl they loose interest, there is a thin line between love and hate  ;) Again listening Maiden  :)

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: Elrothiel on November 22, 2006, 04:15:23 PM
Ha! I was waiting for you to pop up on this thread....

Just because of the shallow spoilt bitches who think they can have whatever they want. WELL THEY CAN'T!! For example: If you have a kid and a partner, you can NOT have giant coke parties at your partner's house with your kid present and then go fuck some actor guy. That is classic Coldhearted Spoilt Bitch behavior, and if you are with anyone like that... GET RID OF HER NOW! Either that or play a Jigsaw-esque "game" on her to make her appreciate her life and stop being so spoiled!

Yes, this is a great example, indeed, in fact, I do this all the time....  ::)

I never suggested that you did. Actually, I was referring to a certain woman who we ALL have heard of.

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: fixintodie on November 22, 2006, 04:22:17 PM
Women don't love men. They only love the babies they might have with men.

Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast?

I don't want kids, so I've only dated women who didn't want kids. What about those women? Or women who can't have kids?

Man, that's bitter. What was her name?  :-X

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: GeorgeSteele on November 22, 2006, 04:41:12 PM

"It's this way about a man and a woman, ye see, Davie: The weemenfolk have got no kind of reason to them. Either they like the man, and then a' goes fine; or else they just detest him, and ye may spare your breath -- ye can do naething. There's just two sets of them -- them that would sell their coats for ye, and them that never look the road ye're on. That's a' that there is to women"

Robert Louis Stevenson, David Balfour, Chapter 29

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: fixintodie on November 22, 2006, 05:45:48 PM

"It's this way about a man and a woman, ye see, Davie: The weemenfolk have got no kind of reason to them. Either they like the man, and then a' goes fine; or else they just detest him, and ye may spare your breath -- ye can do naething. There's just two sets of them -- them that would sell their coats for ye, and them that never look the road ye're on. That's a' that there is to women"

Robert Louis Stevenson, David Balfour, Chapter 29

I'm willing to bet that Robert Louis Stevenson was seldom laid. Not that his constant obsessing over pirates and the kidnapping of small boys would have anything to do with that...;)

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: masterdan on November 22, 2006, 11:51:34 PM

-My girlfriend and I.  She's awesome.  : ok:

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: D on November 23, 2006, 01:05:09 AM
Women don't love men. They only love the babies they might have with men.

Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast?

First u ask if u can be red knowing that I am always red. :rant:

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: Slashead on November 23, 2006, 01:15:10 AM
Women don't love men. They only love the babies they might have with men.

I don't want kids, so I've only dated women who didn't want kids. What about those women?
And you believed them ? :rofl:

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: Sin Cut on November 23, 2006, 02:51:08 AM
Women don't love men. They only love the babies they might have with men.

I don't want kids, so I've only dated women who didn't want kids. What about those women?
And you believed them ? :rofl:
my thoughts exactly  : ok:

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: 2112 on November 23, 2006, 09:48:34 AM
Women don't love men. They only love the babies they might have with men.

I don't want kids, so I've only dated women who didn't want kids. What about those women?
And you believed them ? :rofl:
my thoughts exactly  : ok:
It is funny because it is true  :hihi: :rofl:

Title: Re: Are women cruel and cold?
Post by: nycangel on November 23, 2006, 12:11:13 PM
ok heres the deal, im a girl but i am in no way a feminist so im going to give it to you truthfully. girls can sometimes be the worst possible people to be with. i try my best not to be cruel and cold or manipulative and calculating, but theres always times in life when things happen out of your control. im not trying to say that im the best girlfriend, or the best person but i always try my best. and yes i agree that men can be horrible, but? i have found in my life that men are a lot better than women in general and i have a lot more guy friends than girls because most of the time i cant stand hanging out with girls. so theres always girls out there like me that try their best to do right by their boyfriend and try not to be a mean cold hearted bitch. but unfortunatley theres more of the bitches out there then there are warmhearted girls. its sad but true...

Not true. And it makes me sad hearing or reading comments like this. Same thing as I don't like women saying: "Men are this or men are that"

i dont care what makes you sad about what i said. this is what i believe. and its just been in my life experience for what i said to be true. what saddens me is that i have to say this on thanksgiving day to you. i really dont care what you think about what i said. everyone has opinions and theres mine