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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: bringu2yourknees on November 17, 2006, 03:16:42 PM

Title: Images on background screens during concerts...
Post by: bringu2yourknees on November 17, 2006, 03:16:42 PM
I've always paid too much attention to what was happening on stage during the shows trying to take it all in.  But my wife(who likes GnR, but considers me too obsessive  : ok: ) commented on the images during YCBM and Chinese Democracy.  She thought that it added alot to those songs and said that alot of it stayed with her for some reason, and she enjoyed watching them.

Of course I didn't have a clue, and the only images on the screen that I remember were Robin's hands being blurred during a solo and seeing the asian man rowing before Chinese Democracy.

Anyways, instead of the usual release date and other rumor threads being brought up constantly, I was wondering if anyone else thought that these were cool, or is my wife alone on this?

Title: Re: Images on background screens during concerts...
Post by: anythinggoes on November 17, 2006, 03:19:50 PM
yeah the ones for its so easy are cool with all the Vintage Adult material You could be mine with all the drag cars and stuff madagascar has all the church windows and shit and i think the Blues has the same sort of stuff as well i try to watch them if i can but end up mesmerised by the band instead

Title: Re: Images on background screens during concerts...
Post by: nesquik on November 17, 2006, 03:21:43 PM
The ones for "Madagascar" are simply incredible. very deep. I remember seeing the screens during the song and said "wow, this is incredible".

Title: Re: Images on background screens during concerts...
Post by: pollyblue on November 17, 2006, 04:16:15 PM
i really like the starting images when they start ISE. a countdown from 8 to 1 i believe and then the song explodes!

Title: Re: Images on background screens during concerts...
Post by: Alina on November 17, 2006, 05:24:54 PM
the screens for? November Rain from rock in rio 2001 were great

Title: Re: Images on background screens during concerts...
Post by: RJ1221 on November 17, 2006, 06:23:11 PM
i took a picture of the screen during the start of Chi Dem...


Title: Re: Images on background screens during concerts...
Post by: LittleFly on November 17, 2006, 06:27:36 PM
Yeah, that ^^ was up for a minute or 2, looping while the intro to the song was played.  It was about the only visual I remembered from the screens :hihi: I've been wondering what was playing up there, but like another poster said, I'm always drawn to watching the live action ;)


Title: Re: Images on background screens during concerts...
Post by: AxlReznor on November 17, 2006, 06:28:49 PM
The one's I remember most are of the late, great (and most importantly hot) Bettie Page. ;D

Title: Re: Images on background screens during concerts...
Post by: -Jack- on November 17, 2006, 06:44:06 PM
YCBM has a drag racer show up on the screen during the intro.


And Chinese Democracy has some very cool screens!

Title: Re: Images on background screens during concerts...
Post by: nooz on November 17, 2006, 07:37:41 PM
I've always paid too much attention to what was happening on stage during the shows trying to take it all in.? But my wife(who likes GnR, but considers me too obsessive? : ok: ) commented on the images during YCBM and Chinese Democracy.? She thought that it added alot to those songs and said that alot of it stayed with her for some reason, and she enjoyed watching them.

Of course I didn't have a clue, and the only images on the screen that I remember were Robin's hands being blurred during a solo and seeing the asian man rowing before Chinese Democracy.

Anyways, instead of the usual release date and other rumor threads being brought up constantly, I was wondering if anyone else thought that these were cool, or is my wife alone on this?

I like the MLK videos they showed. It seems like America has lost that sense of empowered commitment to community so it?s nice to see it on the screen with music. (instead of bubble gum garbage). That type of leadership has been devalued in this age of ethical egoism. The new order of leadership seems to run something like this ?if its good for me, its good?. Survival of the fittest has been disproved. Societies that look out for each other?s interest emerge stronger than individualist who have no one to take care of them the moment they have a need they can?t meet. I suppose the idea of having so much money it doesn?t matter is the new role model.  I always like that scene out of the movie ?The Fifth Element? where the guy has no gadget to keep him from chocking. Unfortunately like the movie that idea seems to be asleep. These sixties themes are understandably a preoccupation of Generation X that differentiates us from the Baby Boomers. It also made us very unpopular with the industry when we questioned their ethics. Good to see these themes are not completely lost even if they are currently obscured.

The ?Vanishing Point? nod was duly noted along the same lines. At the end of the day humans are dramatists, stories and pictures that tell stories move us more than talking heads and stats. Women being more of the storytellers of modern society I am not surprised your wife eyed this and you didn?t. Men are hierarchal in communication women are symmetrical.

Title: Re: Images on background screens during concerts...
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on November 17, 2006, 08:18:45 PM
Personally, yes, I think I've posted elsewhere about the intro. to Chinese Democracy live in concert, and how it adds to the song.  Very cool.

Unfortunately, we didn't get Madagascar in E. Rutherford, but I saw it May 12th at Hammerstein, and Boston '02.  Madagascar's like a religious experience for me.  It's fucking powerful...I can't imagine how great the studio version will be.  :drool:

The old, "vintage" pin-up chicks used in It's so Easy I believe, are cool...why?  To me, it's a statement that sexual messages have and always will be present in society.  The generations before us were no better than us.  Morals were no better then than now.  Shit was just covered up more back then.  Nowadays we just get a more realistic snapshot of everyday life, the good, the bad, and the ugly.     8)

Title: Re: Images on background screens during concerts...
Post by: dodger girl on November 17, 2006, 11:48:57 PM
The ones for "Madagascar" are simply incredible. very deep. I remember seeing the screens during the song and said "wow, this is incredible".

yeah Madagascar religious imagery is overwhelming

Title: Re: Images on background screens during concerts...
Post by: MrMojoRisin on November 18, 2006, 06:04:05 AM
yeah they add to the song for sure.....

Title: Re: Images on background screens during concerts...
Post by: Scree on November 19, 2006, 10:06:06 PM
Aw fuck it.. I'm gonna jump onto the Madagascar band wagon for the backing vid.. It was awesome seeing it in Ottawa. I would love to get my hands on a raw copy of it (not live.. I mean an actual vid of JUST that from the master tape they use to project it from)

Title: Re: Images on background screens during concerts...
Post by: grog mug on November 19, 2006, 10:14:22 PM
very good topic, and its funny because I took the SAME exact picture of the Chinese dude on the boat...I'll have to post it somehow.

Title: Re: Images on background screens during concerts...
Post by: bringu2yourknees on November 19, 2006, 10:42:44 PM
very good topic, and its funny because I took the SAME exact picture of the Chinese dude on the boat...I'll have to post it somehow.

Thanks man.  : ok: Yeah my wife took pictures of the chinese guy on the boat, as well as the images during it's so easy and YCBM.  And yeah, now that I've seen the shots on this thread and since we printed out the pictures from the show, I do remember seeing those screens for a few seconds.  Again, I was too busy taking in the show, having a blast watching the spectcle on the stage, not behind it.

p.s.  That image of the asian guy in the boat (during the beginning of Chinese Democracy) was awesome at the concert almost haunting in a way.  Very cool though...