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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Toph1962 on November 17, 2006, 11:24:17 AM

Title: Maybe Universal Statement a Disguise?
Post by: Toph1962 on November 17, 2006, 11:24:17 AM
Could the recent comments made by Universal Canada be a trick by management? I mean if they want to surprise us, what better way then making us feel as if its not coming, give up, and then release the album before the end of the year? Is there any chance that these recent theories/threads about CD not coming out is exactly what they want us to think? just a question.

Title: Re: Maybe Universal Statement a Disguise?
Post by: joneslloyd on November 17, 2006, 11:26:12 AM
I seriously doubt so...

Title: Re: Maybe Universal Statement a Disguise?
Post by: MrMojoRisin on November 17, 2006, 11:27:53 AM
Yeah it was a big trick.... Its all just a big conspiracy... They dont want you to know the album is coming out coz they dont want you to go to the store and buy it.....

Title: Re: Maybe Universal Statement a Disguise?
Post by: brock on November 17, 2006, 11:29:39 AM
Sure, they DON'T won't to sell copies!  Thats why they are denying it

seriously, think about ALL other artists, and try and remember when one didn't want to promote or sell their product and deliberatly went out of their way to mislead the public.  IT DOESN'T HAPPEN, EVER!

Title: Re: Maybe Universal Statement a Disguise?
Post by: pasnow on November 17, 2006, 11:30:46 AM
The record company isn't down with 'playing a trick on people'?! They're interested in album sales and $$$.


Title: Re: Maybe Universal Statement a Disguise?
Post by: polluxlm on November 17, 2006, 11:40:18 AM
The record company isn't down with 'playing a trick on people'?! They're interested in album sales and $$$.


The record company has probably earned some money in tax write offs, and definately made a shitload of money on the Greatest Hits release. I'm not sure how concerned they really are with this album. Their stance could very well be this: Ok, do what you want, when you want Axl, we're making alot of money on the back catalouge anyways.

Title: Re: Maybe Universal Statement a Disguise?
Post by: Howard2k on November 17, 2006, 11:44:43 AM
The record company isn't down with 'playing a trick on people'?! They're interested in album sales and $$$.


The record company has probably earned some money in tax write offs, and definately made a shitload of money on the Greatest Hits release. I'm not sure how concerned they really are with this album. Their stance could very well be this: Ok, do what you want, when you want Axl, we're making alot of money on the back catalouge anyways.

Given the choice between making "some" money and making "lots" of money, there's really only one answer.

The surprise release thing is silly and it's a farce that people have jumped all over it and turned it into fact.

Title: Re: Maybe Universal Statement a Disguise?
Post by: pasnow on November 17, 2006, 11:52:53 AM
The record company isn't down with 'playing a trick on people'?! They're interested in album sales and $$$.


The record company has probably earned some money in tax write offs, and definately made a shitload of money on the Greatest Hits release. I'm not sure how concerned they really are with this album. Their stance could very well be this: Ok, do what you want, when you want Axl, we're making alot of money on the back catalouge anyways.

Wow dude, how naive.. it's laughable.  :hihi:  Hmmmmm, Universal can push this album and try and sell 800,000 copies it's first week, or ehh, let's just let it out there & it might sell about 250,000.

That's over a 200% increase in sales, someone would lose their job at a large corporation over a vast difference like that.

Well, you get the idea ???

Title: Re: Maybe Universal Statement a Disguise?
Post by: polluxlm on November 17, 2006, 11:53:05 AM
I guess we'll find out soon enough.

Title: Re: Maybe Universal Statement a Disguise?
Post by: pasnow on November 17, 2006, 11:54:28 AM
I guess we'll find out soon enough.

Yep..  (or not)

Title: Re: Maybe Universal Statement a Disguise?
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on November 17, 2006, 11:55:47 AM
Universal and Universal Canada are two differnt things. Universal Canada is a part of Universal, a small part. Universal Canada is like the minor league A team of a MLB team. You really think the A manager is going to know what moves the MLB team is going to make? I doubt it.

Title: Re: Maybe Universal Statement a Disguise?
Post by: phaseONE on November 17, 2006, 12:02:19 PM
GNR management are the best in the killing off what was left of AXL rose.
I would say hes just about killed everything he ever had left.
Goodnight GNR, axl please dont forget to turn off those shining neon lights surrounding the GNR name on your way out.

Title: Re: Maybe Universal Statement a Disguise?
Post by: nonlinear on November 17, 2006, 12:10:22 PM
do we even know for sure that Universal Canada made a statement?  or is this just another rumor?

Title: Re: Maybe Universal Statement a Disguise?
Post by: ppbebe on November 17, 2006, 12:15:40 PM
Did Merck not flat denied the rumours from canada immediately? I think I saw merck answer before the comments. Or are there more?

Title: Re: Maybe Universal Statement a Disguise?
Post by: Randy Jesus on November 17, 2006, 12:27:14 PM
Ever get the feeling that some of these media sources are getting their information from a janitor at Universal??? Like people that actually work there but have no clue to what is actually happening...

Title: Re: Maybe Universal Statement a Disguise?
Post by: JeRrYFaR on November 17, 2006, 12:41:33 PM
Until news is heard from 'da man' himself, I won't believe anything.. Think about it.. with the album possibly as close as it is, everyone and their mother is going to come out of the woodwork claiming to know something..

I personally am not buying into it until I hear an official statement from GnR management or until 2007 begins.. which at that point means we'll be speculating a release for that year.. it's a never ending cycle, and most of us have waited this long.. what's a few months more?

Title: Re: Maybe Universal Statement a Disguise?
Post by: TWT on November 17, 2006, 12:44:48 PM
Until news is heard from 'da man' himself, I won't believe anything.. Think about it.. with the album possibly as close as it is, everyone and their mother is going to come out of the woodwork claiming to know something..

The guy from Universal didn't claim to know something. That's the point: he said Universal know NOTHING about a 2006 release.

Title: Re: Maybe Universal Statement a Disguise?
Post by: JeRrYFaR on November 17, 2006, 12:49:38 PM
Good point, but we're talking about Universal Canada right?  Maybe Universal USA hasn't released anything to it's subsidiaries?  I want this album to come out as much as everyone else, so I'm not giving up hope..

Not yet.. :-\

Title: Re: Maybe Universal Statement a Disguise?
Post by: Neemo on November 17, 2006, 12:51:37 PM
well if its supposed to be a top secret album are they then gonna tell the first journalist that asks? :hihi:

Title: Re: Maybe Universal Statement a Disguise?
Post by: GnR-NOW on November 17, 2006, 01:02:06 PM
It could have been a disguise, why would Merck, GNR's manager say it might just show up and then the record company say they don't know anything about it.  It would make sense if the plan was to drop it without telling anyone.

Title: Re: Maybe Universal Statement a Disguise?
Post by: Baby Chaos on November 17, 2006, 01:03:25 PM
I think Merck's comment about it just being in stores one day was an off-the-cuff throw away line.

Title: Re: Maybe Universal Statement a Disguise?
Post by: FunkyMonkey on November 17, 2006, 01:14:53 PM
I sent an email to Jane Stevenson regarding this story:

Despite GUNS N ROSES frontman Axl Rose's insistence that the band's long-awaited new album, "Chinese Democracy", will surface before the end of 2006, a Universal Music Canada spokesperson told Jane Stevenson of the Toronto Sun this week that "We have no indication that a GUNS N' ROSES record will be released this year."

I asked her if she stood by her story and if she could give any further information.  Here is her reply this morning:

nothing to add. the quote I got from universal music canada is in my story. jane.

Sounds like she is standing by the quote...but will not add any information.

Title: Re: Maybe Universal Statement a Disguise?
Post by: Rock the jungle on November 17, 2006, 01:15:34 PM
maybe it'll appear on the shevles the 31st of december just before midnight....   how know....

in that case we can't complain of anything 'coz it's released in 2006