Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Administrative => Administrative, Feedback & Help => Topic started by: Millions on November 16, 2006, 10:29:09 AM

Title: GNR Website Problems
Post by: Millions on November 16, 2006, 10:29:09 AM

Hey, all....

Just a wee thought as a concerned fan.

I'm a big fan of the HTGTH webpage - its kept me informed through the years of waiting and has helped my sanity. But now that the people who run it are getting asked to remove certain topics, etc, I was wondering about the way forward?

Don't get me wrong - I still love this site - but now that things are changing (I'm not saying for the worse ; I'm not saying for the better - just changing) - I think it opens up a gap in the market. And more importantly, I think it creates a need by the fans for somewhere they can have discussions about these things without getting threads deleted/ being censored/  and having to constantly be careful about what you say.

Don't take this as criticism - just an acknowledgement that things are changing.

What do you reckon?

The Wise One

Title: Re: GNR Website Problems
Post by: Lucky on November 16, 2006, 10:34:09 AM
you have and mygnr
Im also a bit concearned if the censoring will go on after the album is out

Title: Re: GNR Website Problems
Post by: stupidjet on November 16, 2006, 10:36:58 AM
censorship blows

Title: Re: GNR Website Problems
Post by: Slashead on November 16, 2006, 10:38:24 AM
censorship blows
I don't like it either.

Title: Re: GNR Website Problems
Post by: Ivona on November 16, 2006, 11:12:16 AM
I totally agree. I posted something couple of weeks ago (nothing bad really) and it was deleted. My thought is that some comments/topics are total BS and can be deleted or whatever. But if it is just somebody opinion (maybe about the new album) I think it is good to let people say what they feel. I mean..truth not always will be pretty

Title: Re: GNR Website Problems
Post by: realtime visionary on November 16, 2006, 11:23:54 AM
While I understand the so-called reason for us being censored (to keep the unnecessary rumors and bitching down to a dull roar), it's still ridiculous. This is the internet. If we can't say it here, we'll say it elsewhere, we'll say it in PMs and through messenger and every way imaginable, except in public on this forum. Wouldn't it make more sense to let it go on where They can keep an eye on what we're saying, rather than delete any sign of anyone having a certain opinion? Forums are dictatorships in general but they don't have to be run this tightly.

I remember back when Axl got on some kid's ass for asking where Slash was. The fans took that and ran with it and all but crucified him. If he had ignored the issue, nobody would've gotten out of hand. You claim to idolize/worship/respect Axl that much, learn from his situation. You want people to quit talking about the alleged release date of ChiDem? Let people talk, let people get it out of their systems and the shit will absolutely die down. It's not being clever, it's not being sneaky. I read a thread before I go to work and I come home with the page still open and I can't reply? I'm obviously going to notice it's gone. It's obviously going to grind my gears.

Maybe if we hadn't been waiting for ten plus years, we'd have a lot less to talk about. A little kid asks when Santa's coming, nobody deletes his ass. They might not answer him, but they let it go. It's not the same situation exactly, but it pertains. We're all Guns N' Roses fans here, if we weren't we wouldn't be wasting our time and from 98% of what I've seen here before it's deleted, nobody's bashing the band or being too much of a dick. The more you delete, the more you try to close Pandora's lid down on, the more we think we know. Quit it.

Title: Re: GNR Website Problems
Post by: Howard2k on November 16, 2006, 11:33:20 AM
I know this point will be lost.

But if people want to talk about how they feel about the release (or lack of) of Chi Dem, then they will make posts about it.

Erasing those threads means that people have to start new ones.

They (the mods) erase those threads because there are so many of them.  Yet becuase they get erased, people have to start new ones.  It's self defeating.

Title: Re: GNR Website Problems
Post by: Limulus on November 16, 2006, 11:37:12 AM
"Here Today Gone Backstage"

when being a die hard fan for so many years its hard to say "no" to the gnr camp's rules when getting access to some insider information directly, acoustic shows, backstage etc. for that....

Title: Re: GNR Website Problems
Post by: jarmo on November 16, 2006, 06:23:57 PM
"Here Today Gone Backstage"

when being a die hard fan for so many years its hard to say "no" to the gnr camp's rules when getting access to some insider information directly, acoustic shows, backstage etc. for that....

Once again the truth is less exciting than your theories.

This has been going on for years and yet it's only in 2006 that GN'R have toured...

Plenty of people on this board have gotten backstage and to acoustic gigs without running a site themselves.....


Title: Re: GNR Website Problems
Post by: EFISH on November 16, 2006, 06:32:52 PM
"Here Today Gone Backstage"

when being a die hard fan for so many years its hard to say "no" to the gnr camp's rules when getting access to some insider information directly, acoustic shows, backstage etc. for that....

Here Today Gone Jealous? Yeah, I think so.

Title: Re: GNR Website Problems
Post by: Warchild on November 17, 2006, 05:20:41 AM
Efish......a few words.........leave Jarmo ALONE! If you don't like it here go elsewhere, and don't let the doorknob hit you on the way out.........

The so-called "censorship" is simply a way to keep the psychotic speculation to a minimun.....

might wanna not jump on the first bandwagon, some leave shit in their tracks........

so interpret that anyway you see fit..mmmmkay?


Title: Re: GNR Website Problems
Post by: Christos AG on November 17, 2006, 05:35:11 AM
Efish......a few words.........leave Jarmo ALONE! If you don't like it here go elsewhere, and don't let the doorknob hit you on the way out.........

The so-called "censorship" is simply a way to keep the psychotic speculation to a minimun.....

might wanna not jump on the first bandwagon, some leave shit in their tracks........

so interpret that anyway you see fit..mmmmkay?


You might have replied to the wrong person...

Efish was defending Jarmo...

Title: Re: GNR Website Problems
Post by: fixintodie on November 17, 2006, 07:41:48 AM
Yeah, speculation, opinions, suggestions....let's all just shut up and keep the mods happy. Geez, some of you people must think it's a message board or something.

Title: Re: GNR Website Problems
Post by: Christos AG on November 17, 2006, 08:00:43 AM
Yeah, speculation, opinions, suggestions....let's all just shut up and keep the mods happy. Geez, some of you people must think it's a message board or something.

Speculations are not my kind of thing.

Opinions and suggestions are always welcome, unless they've already been discussed to death a gazillion times and you already know the answer.

Title: Re: GNR Website Problems
Post by: Christos AG on November 17, 2006, 12:02:45 PM
I have deleted Efish's post.

I'll say it once and you all need to remember this.

I don't want to see you fighting and calling names.

If you have some problem with eachother, keep it off this board. I don't want to ban anyone cause they're fighting.

Avoid eachother at all costs and everything will be ok.

Title: Re: GNR Website Problems
Post by: BluesGNR on November 17, 2006, 03:24:02 PM
"Here Today Gone Backstage"

when being a die hard fan for so many years its hard to say "no" to the gnr camp's rules when getting access to some insider information directly, acoustic shows, backstage etc. for that....

Not sure what your deal is bro... I got backstage and I'm a nobody in the online community.  I act like a regular guy - I don't bitch and I'm not arrogant.  I made a few friends with the crew and got myself backstage at NJ and the MSG show.  Where were you??

Go get some cheese to go with that wine.  : ok:

Title: Re: GNR Website Problems
Post by: Grouse on November 17, 2006, 03:44:30 PM
I have deleted Efish's post.

I'll say it once and you all need to remember this.

I don't want to see you fighting and calling names.

If you have some problem with eachother, keep it off this board. I don't want to ban anyone cause they're fighting.

Avoid eachother at all costs and everything will be ok.

I've been seeing people calling each other names for a while now without any consequence being attached to it, This is not criticism towards the mods I know how busy you guys are, but the amount of insults being thrown around lately have significantly increased....

Title: Re: GNR Website Problems
Post by: Christos AG on November 17, 2006, 05:03:30 PM
Unfortunately, very few mods are online these days.

Title: Re: GNR Website Problems
Post by: Communist China on November 17, 2006, 05:17:41 PM
You whining members are so silly. If there's one thing GN'R is ALL about, it's censorship! Or did you misinterpret all the songs on AFD, Lies, and UYI ? ;D