Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: conny on November 15, 2006, 06:29:05 PM

Title: The Album, The Album, The Album...
Post by: conny on November 15, 2006, 06:29:05 PM
...that is all I hear / read.

Release date this, release date that. How the media responds, what the people think, rumours...

Blah blah blah...

People, the band is on tour RIGHT NOW!! You can see them LIVE and IN PERSON, playing old and new songs for you. As loud as it gets, as good as it gets. Axl is in the shape of his life, the band is on fire playing their asses off with what could be the best drummer in GN'R since Steven Adler (yes, I'm talking about Mr. Frank Ferrer) and if you are lucky you might even get to see Izzy playing AFD classics with Axl. Still some people sit here and whine about an album's release date. I don't get it.

Why can't some people just appreciate what they have for a second?

The album will come out, but today is not the day so live in the now and enjoy the ride that is happening right now instead of whining about all that could be and should be. Get your asses up and away from the computer, buy a ticket, take the ride and LIVE it.

Guns N' Roses is out there and happening. Right now.

I only had the chance to attend one of the shows in Europe this summer, but it made me an even bigger fan and I can tell you everyone who does not go and see this band live is one stupid motherfucker and missing out on something very very special.

Title: Re: The Album, The Album, The Album...
Post by: volcano62 on November 15, 2006, 06:33:58 PM
nice post

the album will be out when they decide to release it

just for the record, got my tix for Quebec City


Title: Re: The Album, The Album, The Album...
Post by: mahimahi23 on November 15, 2006, 06:37:12 PM
The name of this tour is the " The Chinese Democracy Tour", so until they release the album I will continue to think its retarded naming the tour this without an album or release date.

And im not going to support this band and go to these shows until they stop dicking the fans around and acting like this album is some top secret fucking document that if the info gets released to early it could mean the end of mankind as we know it. Its fucking stupid and they need to get their shit together. No other band acts like this, NONE.

I get more and more irritated as the days in this year count down. If they dont release the album this year I will wash my hands with this cover band. This band deserves to have THEIR music put out to the public, and make a name for themselves, not whored around as a cover band playing all the old bands shit.

Sorry to be so negative but this shit is getting ridiculous.

Title: Re: The Album, The Album, The Album...
Post by: Lucky on November 15, 2006, 06:37:28 PM
why do you people bitch about the people who bitch.
if you like the tour so bad, how did you find the time to post on the net at all?!

enjoy the fucking tour if you like it so much, and leave the unhappy alone. you cant help them.
nobody can. not even the album getting released wont help some of us.
bitching is a way of saying that we are impatient. and we wouldnt be impatient if we didnt think we'd like what MR Rose was making.

not all of us are getting to see the show, now that the show is in the states.
while the americans get the chance to see them (for the 2nd time), us "the rest of the world", and future republican "terrorist targets"
would be happy if we could hear the album.

(I was just being devils advocate).

I dont mind the wait anymore, since I believe it will be out by the end of the year, and 6 weeks aint long.
but I understand the people who are bitching.

Title: Re: The Album, The Album, The Album...
Post by: bigbri on November 15, 2006, 06:44:47 PM
Whoa, the best drummer since Steven Adler? Put down the crack pipe dude.

Title: Re: The Album, The Album, The Album...
Post by: flicknn on November 15, 2006, 06:48:16 PM
all It would take is a press release by merc or axl saying this " the album will be out in 2006"

then the haters would quite down

Title: Re: The Album, The Album, The Album...
Post by: Risico on November 15, 2006, 06:48:50 PM
If they'd named this tour "The Chinese Democracy-less So Don't Expect Anything Tour," I would've respected that.

But we're on the 2nd official iteration of The Chinese Democracy Tour in 4 years, with no album in sight and no promotion in sight (and don't bring up the Better HD ad - It came and went like the wind, and aside from the "obsessive" message board fans, no one else in the entire world has seen it) and that's absolutely ridiculous.

Title: Re: The Album, The Album, The Album...
Post by: fixintodie on November 15, 2006, 06:50:20 PM
I swear to Beelzebub, if one more person tells me to 'enjoy the ride', I won't be held responsible for my actions. One more hit of prozac and you could be a motivational speaker - it's just that annoying.

The band is on tour - good for you if you're in the city that they're playing in. It's nice to know about, but ultimately not much use to the rest of us. So we discuss the album that we've been anticipating for the last decade or so. Supposedly it's out in the next few weeks. How do you expect people not to want to discuss it?

all It would take is a press release by merc or axl saying this " the album will be out in 2006"

then the haters would quite down

Haters, or people who have loved the band a long time, have been screwed before and don't want their hopes pissed on again?

Title: Re: The Album, The Album, The Album...
Post by: Lucky on November 15, 2006, 06:51:22 PM
all It would take is a press release by merc or axl saying this " the album will be out in 2006"

then the haters would quite down
even if he were to say it, he'd still have to repeat it every week if they continue with 0 promotion strategy.

Title: Re: The Album, The Album, The Album...
Post by: Risico on November 15, 2006, 06:52:16 PM

all It would take is a press release by merc or axl saying this " the album will be out in 2006"

then the haters would quite down

Haters, or people who have loved the band a long time, have been screwed before and don't want their hopes pissed on again?

Agreed - I fail to see why dedicated fans who are reasonably frustrated get smacked with a "hater" label.

Title: Re: The Album, The Album, The Album...
Post by: Perfect Criminal on November 15, 2006, 06:52:43 PM
The reason is quite simple. ?Some people are far far far more interested in GNR's studio efforts than they are in GNR's live performances. ?I've seen GNR 7 times now live, and 6 of them have been very good shows. ?But it is the studio material that's the real gem folks. ?It's the studio material that has defined GNR and that has made much of the old material timeless. ?That's why you continue to hear about the album even though GNR is on tour.

I for one only want one thing out of GNR right now and that's the album. ?I could care less if they ever tour agaion as long as CD is released this year.

Title: Re: The Album, The Album, The Album...
Post by: Tyson on November 15, 2006, 06:52:50 PM
 ?Wanting the album to come out is completely reasonalbe. ?When serious consideration is given to the history of this band, us loyal fans have the RIGHT to bitch a little bit. ?Having said that, a release in the next few weeks is simply important for the band. ?Plain and simple. ?

Title: Re: The Album, The Album, The Album...
Post by: Bandita on November 15, 2006, 06:55:29 PM
all It would take is a press release by merc or axl saying this " the album will be out in 2006"

then the haters would quite down

I thought Axl DID say this at the VMA's?
Axl: "It IS this year"

Title: Re: The Album, The Album, The Album...
Post by: Perfect Criminal on November 15, 2006, 06:58:56 PM
True Bandita, but alot has happened since then, and this board has been managed differently since then so people are nervous.  Removal of Del James article, Harley Davison discussion, RS article....all those things make some people nervous about 2006.

Title: Re: The Album, The Album, The Album...
Post by: caiman on November 15, 2006, 06:59:26 PM
Dude you are full of shit!!
since the band brake up

it's been
14 years of silence
It's been
14 years of pain
It's been
14 years that are gone forever
And I'll never have again

this was izzy ?but axl was the singer...
...that is all I hear / read.

Release date this, release date that. How the media responds, what the people think, rumours...

Blah blah blah...

People, the band is on tour RIGHT NOW!! You can see them LIVE and IN PERSON, playing old and new songs for you. As loud as it gets, as good as it gets. Axl is in the shape of his life, the band is on fire playing their asses off with what could be the best drummer in GN'R since Steven Adler (yes, I'm talking about Mr. Frank Ferrer) and if you are lucky you might even get to see Izzy playing AFD classics with Axl. Still some people sit here and whine about an album's release date. I don't get it.

Why can't some people just appreciate what they have for a second?

The album will come out, but today is not the day so live in the now and enjoy the ride that is happening right now instead of whining about all that could be and should be. Get your asses up and away from the computer, buy a ticket, take the ride and LIVE it.

Guns N' Roses is out there and happening. Right now.

I only had the chance to attend one of the shows in Europe this summer, but it made me an even bigger fan and I can tell you everyone who does not go and see this band live is one stupid motherfucker and missing out on something very very special.

Title: Re: The Album, The Album, The Album...
Post by: Eduardo on November 15, 2006, 06:59:37 PM
I don't want GNR turning into a band like the Eaglesor Kiss, who just live because of their early succes. Unfortunately that's what they're turning into

Just release the goddamn album already!

Title: Re: The Album, The Album, The Album...
Post by: Lucky on November 15, 2006, 07:00:00 PM
The reason is quite simple. ?Some people are far far far more interested in GNR's studio efforts than they are in GNR's live performances. ?I've seen GNR 7 times now live, and 6 of them have been very good shows. ?But it is the studio material that's the real gem folks. ?It's the studio material that has defined GNR and that has made much of the old material timeless. ?That's why you continue to hear about the album even though GNR is on tour.

I for one only want one thing out of GNR right now and that's the album. ?I could care less if they ever tour agaion as long as CD is released this year.

and some of us dont care about live performance happening 10000 miles away.

I'm here for the music, not the band members alone.
if they were not recording the new album, I probably wouldnt be here.
I just dont feel like posting about what kind of razor finck uses, or if tommy better looks in red or yellow pants.

Title: Re: The Album, The Album, The Album...
Post by: mahimahi23 on November 15, 2006, 07:01:08 PM
My point is yes, both Axl and Merck have said the album is coming out this year. However, there is a month and a half left in this year, and we still know NOTHING. I think that is a smack in the face to the people who have followed and supported this band.

Now im sure some people would still complian, but the majority just want some kinda communication. All it would take is for Merck to release a statement saying "The album is still scheduled to come out this year". And if its not going to come out, why not let us know?? Why keep everyone in the dark?? Im sure people would be a little mad if they were to say it is delayed another couple months, but at least it would show they have at least a little respect for us, thats all most of us wont. This silent treatment is really getting old, thats disrespectful to the fans if you ask me. And before people say "the band doesnt owe you anything", WE are the reason these guys are successful, without us they have nothing.

Title: Re: The Album, The Album, The Album...
Post by: beefa on November 15, 2006, 07:02:55 PM
there is no cd, i think its all horse sh@#$, just go see the band live and enjoy like i did at the DCU center....the cd is down on the farm..hhaahhaa..see ya

Title: Re: The Album, The Album, The Album...
Post by: Bandita on November 15, 2006, 07:04:22 PM
True Bandita, but alot has happened since then, and this board has been managed differently since then so people are nervous.? Removal of Del James article, Harley Davison discussion, RS article....all those things make some people nervous about 2006.

But has Axl or management said "It's NOT coming out this year"?


And if it doesn't by chance is anyone here going to die over it? ?2006 has been a good year for GNR fans. ?Imagine if you were transported back into 2003 where you really had nothing to look forward to. ?This has to be put into perspective. ?It's an album, not the end of the world, and the level to which people are getting angry over it is really rather frightening. :nervous:

Title: Re: The Album, The Album, The Album...
Post by: conny on November 15, 2006, 07:13:30 PM
I was only tryin and spread some positive energy but holy shit I feel some serious frustration going on out there, huh? Well for me, prefering a CD over a concert is like prefering porn over actual sex. But to each his own, I guess. It's your energy.


Title: Re: The Album, The Album, The Album...
Post by: fixintodie on November 15, 2006, 07:15:00 PM
I was only tryin and spread some positive energy but holy shit I feel some serious frustration going on out there, huh? Well for me, prefering a CD over a concert is like prefering porn over actual sex. But to each his own, I guess. It's your energy.


I'd say a concert was two hours of lusty action on a one night stand. An album is a long term relationship  :smoking:

Title: Re: The Album, The Album, The Album...
Post by: D on November 15, 2006, 07:21:05 PM
I feel bad for the new bandmembers who are constantly forced to live in the old band's shadow.

I am tired of NOstalgia tour 2002 and 2006

it is time for new material it is time for the album we have been waiting on.

I for one will scream if I hear AFD live one more time

That album is great but I am sick of it, lets hear CD

Title: Re: The Album, The Album, The Album...
Post by: conny on November 15, 2006, 07:21:18 PM
I was only tryin and spread some positive energy but holy shit I feel some serious frustration going on out there, huh? Well for me, prefering a CD over a concert is like prefering porn over actual sex. But to each his own, I guess. It's your energy.


I'd say a concert was two hours of lusty action on a one night stand. An album is a long term relationship? :smoking:


Title: Re: The Album, The Album, The Album...
Post by: duga on November 15, 2006, 07:31:09 PM
I was only tryin and spread some positive energy but holy shit I feel some serious frustration going on out there, huh? Well for me, prefering a CD over a concert is like prefering porn over actual sex. But to each his own, I guess. It's your energy.


I'd say a concert was two hours of lusty action on a one night stand. An album is a long term relationship? :smoking:

That's the best thing I've read since... a long time ago.  :yes: