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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Gunner17 on November 14, 2006, 05:41:43 PM

Title: CD Review Worries?
Post by: Gunner17 on November 14, 2006, 05:41:43 PM
Is anyone else a little concerned that the many of the CD reviews will be negative?

Now before you blast me, please hear me out. I know we haven't heard CD so it might be a little unfair to make that assumption. However, I feel that it's going to be so easy for reviews to say something like, "It took 13 years for this?" I know that many of you do not care what people think (I know, we're GN'R fans) but I do think that almost all of us want CD to do well. Part of that success includes an acceptance and appreciation for the new album from the non-Guns N' Roses community.

I'm not asking what you think the reviewers will say because that is an unanswerable question. Rather, I just wondered if you felt the same worries about the non-Guns N' Roses community taking the "easy way out" and saying CD didn't live up to expectations because of the amount of time it took to be released?

Title: Re: CD Review Worries?
Post by: TheMole on November 14, 2006, 05:43:29 PM
I don't think the "13 years in the making" thing will stop reviewers from liking it. That is not to say that the reviewers who don't like won't use it as a way to bash the band.

Title: Re: CD Review Worries?
Post by: AxlsMainMan on November 14, 2006, 05:44:36 PM
I don't fucking care what anyone thinks of the album.

I know I will love it, and thats really all that matters : ok:

Title: Re: CD Review Worries?
Post by: CheapJon on November 14, 2006, 05:45:03 PM
the record is gonna be legendary and great, the only thing journalists will write is that, "it's not the same whitout slash" and "13 years blablabla", they will love the record

Title: Re: CD Review Worries?
Post by: Z on November 14, 2006, 05:48:04 PM
I could care less.

The band should care less.

95% of the people who have heard 6 of the songs slated for CD love them all.

The music will speak for itself.

CD will be like a train slowly building steam uphill until it crests the hill and rolls downhill full speed unable to be stopped or derailed.

Just get out of the way.........

Title: Re: CD Review Worries?
Post by: ben9785 on November 14, 2006, 05:51:20 PM
I don't care less, as long standing GNR fans here we couldn't care less, and Axl and the rest of the band I'm sure couldn't care either.

I do think that the 13 year comment - 'it took 13 years for this' is going to get pulled up alot and people will use it unfairly as a ground to bash Axl if they think the songs aren't up to standard. Aside from the fact the music we've heard so far is incredible, I think people just don't understand what has been happening in the time, the numerous line up changes for starters is a big factor in that. I'm sure the years we lost won't matter though as soon as we hear the opening chords of ..well whatever the first song on the album is.

Title: Re: CD Review Worries?
Post by: unbearable on November 14, 2006, 06:05:04 PM
not at all.the music speaks for itself.even when some of the concerts have gotten shitty reviews,the new songs seem to get praise from even the toughest critics. : ok:

Title: Re: CD Review Worries?
Post by: Luigi on November 14, 2006, 06:20:17 PM
The bottom line is: It did'nt take thirteen years to make this album.
                              It was when should I drop this album? Do I have a solid band that has the right chemistery? Is it really time? Do I feel like touring this material? I say Yes, the band is ready and I'd say Axl's ready too...
                               I'll be happy to hear the new material...when it arrives! No complaints here...

Title: Re: CD Review Worries?
Post by: D on November 14, 2006, 06:26:47 PM
There will be some positive some negative but who cares?

There was actually a reviewer that called RHCP's Stadium Arcadium a piece of shit in not so many words........ So its one persons opinion which is meaningless.  I do expect them to get slammed some though.

Title: Re: CD Review Worries?
Post by: crow316 on November 14, 2006, 06:35:18 PM
There are definatly going to be reviews that are negative just to be negative.  Some of the magazine writers now are too young to have been GnR fans and will consider them a hair metal band trying to make a comeback. And of course you will have "this isnt the real GnR" reviews.  Some writers are just too cool to give a possitive review of a GnR album. I remember reading a review of the End of Days soundtrack.  It basically said that the only sub-par song was Oh My God.  You know he just said that to take a dig at GnR.  Axl and GnR have always been an easy target for the media. But with the lack of any really good straight up rock band, there should be some good reviews too.  I believe thats the reason VR got a lot of good reviews.  No real rock is out there and people really want it.

Title: Re: CD Review Worries?
Post by: GunsN'Gravy on November 14, 2006, 06:42:32 PM
I think the album will bomb from a sales standpoint but will be quite entertaining to listen to.

Title: Re: CD Review Worries?
Post by: evergreen_layne on November 14, 2006, 06:44:43 PM
I'm not gonna lie the Rolling Stone interview will be very important to me.  Here's hoping for 5 stars!  Cmon its been a while since you fuckers gave a perfect review.....

Title: Re: CD Review Worries?
Post by: fixintodie on November 14, 2006, 07:10:03 PM
Is anyone else a little concerned that the many of the CD reviews will be negative?

Now before you blast me, please hear me out. I know we haven't heard CD so it might be a little unfair to make that assumption. However, I feel that it's going to be so easy for reviews to say something like, "It took 13 years for this?" I know that many of you do not care what people think (I know, we're GN'R fans) but I do think that almost all of us want CD to do well. Part of that success includes an acceptance and appreciation for the new album from the non-Guns N' Roses community.

I'm not asking what you think the reviewers will say because that is an unanswerable question. Rather, I just wondered if you felt the same worries about the non-Guns N' Roses community taking the "easy way out" and saying CD didn't live up to expectations because of the amount of time it took to be released?

People forget, that Guns have always received negative reviews. Appetite, UYI I & II had their fair share of detractors. The sales figures and their enduring popularity is testament to the fact that, in rock music in particular, reviews don't mean shit in the long run.  :smoking:

Title: Re: CD Review Worries?
Post by: yourfinalanswer on November 14, 2006, 07:44:11 PM
The reviews will be different - here is how they will go:

Some reviews will want to give it a negative take on the album just because it's Axl and not the original band and the fact it's taken 14 years.  In their eyes, they are so sick of how long it's taken he could put out the greatest album ever made and the reviews will still be mediocre at best.

Some reviews will praise it as the album that attempts to save rock and say it's a masterpiece.

And the important reviews that matter that people read - the bigger magazines - Merck and his crew better make sure they make those guys really really happy.  So if the palms are greased just right, all the big reviews should come back stellar regardless of what the album sounds like.

Don't misinterepret my response.  In the end, the album will be amazing - that's a given.  It's just the usual playing to the industry that will determine the most important reviews.  That's just how it goes. 

Title: Re: CD Review Worries?
Post by: 1badapple on November 14, 2006, 07:46:15 PM
Alot of critics will rip it to shreds just because of how long it took to create. I never pay attention to reviews anyhow. It's just some dipshit's opinion. So, no, the potential negative reviews don't worry me in the least.

Title: Re: CD Review Worries?
Post by: Dirty Little Thing on November 14, 2006, 07:47:30 PM
Who cares what the critics say, if CD sounds good to you... then don't care what anyone else thinks.

Title: Re: CD Review Worries?
Post by: GnR-NOW on November 14, 2006, 07:54:35 PM
I fully plan on hearing alot of negative reviews from the media, basically saying it isnt AFD, but the truth is I think it'll be way better then anything released in the past 10 years.

Title: Re: CD Review Worries?
Post by: dallasgel on November 14, 2006, 10:33:32 PM
I think Rolling Stone will give it a fair review (probably 4-41/2 stars).   They have already reviewed the leaked songs and said something along the lines of "A hell of a lot better than VR" or something to that effect.  Other major media will give it a fair ride but every outlet is going to comment on how long it took.  I am most interested in Chuck Klosterman from Spin's take on CD.  He is a major GNR fan who wrote a great April Fool's article this year about CD.

Title: Re: CD Review Worries?
Post by: Skunk on November 14, 2006, 11:02:34 PM
A lot of reviews espescially initially will probably jump on it like that. In some circles it's cool to make fun of Axl. They'll talk about washed up, bloated, overproduced, 13 years, millions of dollars, etc. But this will be people who already made up their mind, and they will dwindle in number.

Actually i think the concert reviews are a good example of this, as it seems to me the longer the tour goes on, the better the reviews get. The fact is, are people ready to accept and put their approval on a band that's bigger in every way than the current acts? This is a big-time rock band, with a huge amazing record and the world's last true rock star. Five stars.

Title: Re: CD Review Worries?
Post by: GeraldFord on November 14, 2006, 11:04:27 PM
Stephan Thomas Erlawine at the AMG will most likey pan it as he hates Axl. RS will be good to the band.

Title: Re: CD Review Worries?
Post by: younggunner on November 14, 2006, 11:33:37 PM
Honestly I think that CD will get positive press for the most part. If it was released back in 00-05 I think it would have been blaste din the media but now I think the whole GNr bashing thing has passed on for the most part.

I think the majoirty of the reviews will question the length it took to release the album but with that being said I think most wll also praise the music and band.

There seems to be a much more positive vibe with this band this yr. With the band and media. Axl has kept his nose clean, he has re united with old contacts and things seem to be in a more positive light.

Things are great right now for th eband and for us. Now all we need is that album to cap it off and make it official.

and how sweet it will be if in fact its a masterpiece. What a smile on our faces we all will have.....