Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Rocksteady on November 10, 2006, 03:09:33 AM

Title: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Rocksteady on November 10, 2006, 03:09:33 AM
Looks great? : ok: definitely "a must see movie" next year. Here's the link tell me what you'all think.

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Izzy on November 10, 2006, 03:12:37 AM
Damn u Sam Rami - we want Venom, but we have to wait till Spiderman 4 for that - 2009, bah!

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Rocksteady on November 10, 2006, 03:23:07 AM
Damn u Sam Rami - we want Venom, but we have to wait till Spiderman 4 for that - 2009, bah!
Not neccesarily in the Comic-Con trailer there was a glimpse of Venom, but yeah he is probably being set up in this movie with spidey getting the Symbiote and getting rid of it near the end in the bell tower. Could there be a greater ending than Eddie Brock on the verge of suicide kneeling in church looking for guidance from god, but getting something else...

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on November 10, 2006, 01:24:50 PM
oh man half of the movie was shown there! I hate when trailers show too much!  :-\

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Izzy on November 10, 2006, 01:38:13 PM
Damn u Sam Rami - we want Venom, but we have to wait till Spiderman 4 for that - 2009, bah!
Not neccesarily in the Comic-Con trailer there was a glimpse of Venom, but yeah he is probably being set up in this movie with spidey getting the Symbiote and getting rid of it near the end in the bell tower. Could there be a greater ending than Eddie Brock on the verge of suicide kneeling in church looking for guidance from god, but getting something else...

yeah - Venom appears right at the very, very end - once again, damn u Sam Raimi!

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: bazgnr on November 11, 2006, 04:18:24 PM
It seems to me like there's an awful lot happening in the movie...eddie brock/venom, fighting the Sandman, issues with Mary Jane, confronting Harry Osborne, the symbiote...perhaps too much?  Still, given how well the second one was done, I trust all involved to do this one justice as well.

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Grouse on November 11, 2006, 04:23:34 PM
Damn u Sam Rami - we want Venom, but we have to wait till Spiderman 4 for that - 2009, bah!
Not neccesarily in the Comic-Con trailer there was a glimpse of Venom, but yeah he is probably being set up in this movie with spidey getting the Symbiote and getting rid of it near the end in the bell tower. Could there be a greater ending than Eddie Brock on the verge of suicide kneeling in church looking for guidance from god, but getting something else...

yeah - Venom appears right at the very, very end - once again, damn u Sam Raimi!

Isn't Sam Raimi also the guy who produced the power rangers??? ???? :hihi:

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: CheapJon on November 11, 2006, 05:07:26 PM
i so look forward to the venom movie, venom is easily my favourite anti-hero or what it's called

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Voodoochild on November 12, 2006, 01:13:19 PM
I didn't like this trailer. I'm dying to watch this movie, but the trailer was rather frustrating for me, IMO. I saw that Comic-Con trailer and it looked way better than this one.

But anyways, I'm complaining about the trailer itself, not the movie. I still want to see it, of course.

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Jim on November 12, 2006, 01:41:31 PM
Aye, I was a bit gutted with the trailer in all honesty.

It looked, from the trailer, like it's gone more the way of Spiderman the first than Spiderman 2, which was clearly the better film. Argh!

Hopfully it was just a rubbish trailer.

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Back Off Bitch on November 12, 2006, 03:14:10 PM
There's the comic-con trailer with unfinished effects on Youtube but at the very end, it had the finished effect and first glimpse of: VENOM

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on November 12, 2006, 04:29:57 PM
i wrote a review of the movie

OMG ! It's gonna be so good !

i'm pushing my girlfriend away, revenge turns into darkness, my father is dark vadore, OMG ! I am black spiderman but the reflection is like the red one in the miror, omg!!!! do you think im getting angry and therefore i am turning black ... because black is the symbol of evil and mean people !!!

oh no !

and that mean evil guy he killed my uncle ! that's not nice ! so crazy how everything revolves around my life !

i think i'm gonna be strong and happy at the beginging of the movie, then something will happen and i will doubt and all
then i think i will find power in darkness and mean feelings, and then i think i'm gonna kick the evil guys butt but at the same time i will feel like losing my girlfriend cause she will scare of me, and then i think right at the end i'll realize that what's important is loving your family and your wife and all

OMG !! it's gonna be such an amazing movie !!!

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: The Estranged MrFlashbax on November 12, 2006, 04:35:46 PM
oh man half of the movie was shown there! I hate when trailers show too much!  :-\

yeah, seriously!

gee.. i wonder how the movie's gonna end--- oh wait....
movie previews give away too much nowadays

but then again, this is spiderman.. we all know the story already

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Back Off Bitch on November 12, 2006, 05:07:55 PM
First glimpse of VENOM:


Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Voodoochild on November 12, 2006, 07:58:15 PM
Here's the unreleased trailer with Venon:

It's WAY better than the official one.

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Jim on November 12, 2006, 08:02:45 PM
Christ. So much better. Anyway. I remember reading a short while ago, I think when the first poster was released, that this movie would include Green Goblin 2, Sandman, Venom, and an unnamed fourth bad guy...

... Is that still the case, was it ever the case, or did I dream it?

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Voodoochild on November 12, 2006, 08:25:02 PM
Yeah, I guess Sam Raimi confirmed. People says it will be Mysterio, but just doing a cameo or something like that.

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Rocksteady on November 13, 2006, 04:53:14 AM
Here's the unreleased trailer with Venon:

It's WAY better than the official one.
I agree, I wonder why they chose not to show Venom in the official one? Who is Eddie talking to when he asks someone to kill Peter Parker... god? In the comic-con trailer he asked the same question but used term "Sir" weird.

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: DeN on November 13, 2006, 12:05:24 PM
This video has been removed at the request of copyright owner Sony because its content was used without permission

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Voodoochild on November 13, 2006, 02:13:08 PM
I agree, I wonder why they chose not to show Venom in the official one? Who is Eddie talking to when he asks someone to kill Peter Parker... god? In the comic-con trailer he asked the same question but used term "Sir" weird.
Isn't this the same trailer from the comic-con?

Anyways, seems like he's indeed praying - that's why he was on the church when Spiderman goes there to get rid of the symb-costume with the bells...

But everytime I see Eddie Brock I think in Eric Forman. :hihi:

This video has been removed at the request of copyright owner Sony because its content was used without permission
I can upload the flv video as soon as I get home, but you may want to search for it on youtube - I'm sure someone else uploaded it.

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Rocksteady on November 13, 2006, 04:29:40 PM
I agree, I wonder why they chose not to show Venom in the official one? Who is Eddie talking to when he asks someone to kill Peter Parker... god? In the comic-con trailer he asked the same question but used term "Sir" weird.
Isn't this the same trailer from the comic-con?

Anyways, seems like he's indeed praying - that's why he was on the church when Spiderman goes there to get rid of the symb-costume with the bells...

But everytime I see Eddie Brock I think in Eric Forman. :hihi:
The comic-con trailer I was referring to was shorter and captured by cellphone you can see it here

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Voodoochild on November 14, 2006, 03:01:42 PM
Oh, I didn't know it was shorter..

So, this other one was meant to be this official one released?

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: GnFnR87 on November 15, 2006, 11:09:54 AM
it looks awesome. hope this isn't a huge dissapointment like X:MEN 3 where they kill off half the main characters and just plain fuck it up.

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: mrlee on November 15, 2006, 01:35:25 PM
it looks awesome. hope this isn't a huge dissapointment like X:MEN 3 where they kill off half the main characters and just plain fuck it up.

X-men 3 was great!!!

The only reason they had to kill everyone off was cause the actors were gay and didnt wanna do it anymore.

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Izzy on December 12, 2006, 09:24:51 AM
Cant wait for this film.....but behind the scenes it appears to be all over the place

Spiderman 3's buget has topped $300 million making it the most expensive film ever made....

Just crazy - 300 million, what does that go on? Wasnt CGI supposed to make films cheaper???

How will it ever break even - that 300 million doesn't include promotional costs - 300 million is greater than most films worldwide gross...

When u consider Revenge of the Sith cost just $113 million and that was nothing but CGi u have to wonder how they can possibly need 200 million more....

When i first read about it i assumed it was a joke.

Intrestingly enough we're up to four villians for spidey in this offering - and i though Batman and Robin's three was excesive!

Maybe someone should tell them to save these bad guys for future films rather than giving 10 mins to each....

and if this film doesn't feature Venom i'll be mad, and even madder if he's in it for 30 seconds, and even madder still if they kill him after 10 mins...

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Sparksry on December 12, 2006, 10:08:18 AM
So does any insider know what movie carnage is gonna be in haha  : ok:

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: pilferk on December 12, 2006, 10:25:24 AM
Cant wait for this film.....but behind the scenes it appears to be all over the place

Spiderman 3's buget has topped $300 million making it the most expensive film ever made....

Just crazy - 300 million, what does that go on? Wasnt CGI supposed to make films cheaper???

How will it ever break even - that 300 million doesn't include promotional costs - 300 million is greater than most films worldwide gross...

When u consider Revenge of the Sith cost just $113 million and that was nothing but CGi u have to wonder how they can possibly need 200 million more....

When i first read about it i assumed it was a joke.

Intrestingly enough we're up to four villians for spidey in this offering - and i though Batman and Robin's three was excesive!

Maybe someone should tell them to save these bad guys for future films rather than giving 10 mins to each....

and if this film doesn't feature Venom i'll be mad, and even madder if he's in it for 30 seconds, and even madder still if they kill him after 10 mins...

Well, suffice to say, it looks like you'll be "madder" (depending on how strictly you define "Venom" and "30 seconds"), but not "madder still".

The 300 million price tag includes some front end costs/economies for Spiderman 4 (set design, character design, etc), from what I've heard.  It still puts the price tag exhorbitantly high, but....closer to 250 million.

And 4 villians? I count 3...Harry/Green Goblin, Sandman, and Eddie Brock/Venom...with Venom really not being the focus of this film, but a set up for Spidey 4....or so I've heard.


Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Axlfreek on December 12, 2006, 01:27:24 PM
its too bad Tobey Mcguire doesn't want to do any more. i wonder who they would replace ?

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Izzy on December 12, 2006, 01:29:45 PM
Cant wait for this film.....but behind the scenes it appears to be all over the place

Spiderman 3's buget has topped $300 million making it the most expensive film ever made....

Just crazy - 300 million, what does that go on? Wasnt CGI supposed to make films cheaper???

How will it ever break even - that 300 million doesn't include promotional costs - 300 million is greater than most films worldwide gross...

When u consider Revenge of the Sith cost just $113 million and that was nothing but CGi u have to wonder how they can possibly need 200 million more....

When i first read about it i assumed it was a joke.

Intrestingly enough we're up to four villians for spidey in this offering - and i though Batman and Robin's three was excesive!

Maybe someone should tell them to save these bad guys for future films rather than giving 10 mins to each....

and if this film doesn't feature Venom i'll be mad, and even madder if he's in it for 30 seconds, and even madder still if they kill him after 10 mins...

Well, suffice to say, it looks like you'll be "madder" (depending on how strictly you define "Venom" and "30 seconds"), but not "madder still".

The 300 million price tag includes some front end costs/economies for Spiderman 4 (set design, character design, etc), from what I've heard.? It still puts the price tag exhorbitantly high, but....closer to 250 million.

And 4 villians? I count 3...Harry/Green Goblin, Sandman, and Eddie Brock/Venom...with Venom really not being the focus of this film, but a set up for Spidey 4....or so I've heard.


Yep 4 villians, thats been all but confirmed, its likely to be Mysterio but there's good money going on Scorpion too. This 4th villian will only have a limited part

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: pilferk on December 12, 2006, 01:39:49 PM
its too bad Tobey Mcguire doesn't want to do any more. i wonder who they would replace ?

Tobey's contract is up.

Tobey wants a LOT more money.

Tobey is likely to say just about anything to get it....

I'm not convinced we won't see him wearing the spidey suit come #4.


IF Raimi comes back, Tobey and Dunst will likely follow.

If he doesn't, I think they will not return without handing them the fatest paychecks in screen history.

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Rocksteady on December 12, 2006, 01:41:17 PM
Cant wait for this film.....but behind the scenes it appears to be all over the place

Spiderman 3's buget has topped $300 million making it the most expensive film ever made....

Just crazy - 300 million, what does that go on? Wasnt CGI supposed to make films cheaper???

How will it ever break even - that 300 million doesn't include promotional costs - 300 million is greater than most films worldwide gross...

When u consider Revenge of the Sith cost just $113 million and that was nothing but CGi u have to wonder how they can possibly need 200 million more....

When i first read about it i assumed it was a joke.

Intrestingly enough we're up to four villians for spidey in this offering - and i though Batman and Robin's three was excesive!

Maybe someone should tell them to save these bad guys for future films rather than giving 10 mins to each....

and if this film doesn't feature Venom i'll be mad, and even madder if he's in it for 30 seconds, and even madder still if they kill him after 10 mins...

Well, suffice to say, it looks like you'll be "madder" (depending on how strictly you define "Venom" and "30 seconds"), but not "madder still".

The 300 million price tag includes some front end costs/economies for Spiderman 4 (set design, character design, etc), from what I've heard.? It still puts the price tag exhorbitantly high, but....closer to 250 million.

And 4 villians? I count 3...Harry/Green Goblin, Sandman, and Eddie Brock/Venom...with Venom really not being the focus of this film, but a set up for Spidey 4....or so I've heard.


Yep 4 villians, thats been all but confirmed, its likely to be Mysterio but there's good money going on Scorpion too. This 4th villian will only have a limited part
I have heard that only Quentin Beck(Mysterio's real name) will appear as a small cameo. Kinda how Curt Connors (The Lizard) appeared in SM2.

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: pilferk on December 12, 2006, 01:50:55 PM

I have heard that only Quentin Beck(Mysterio's real name) will appear as a small cameo. Kinda how Curt Connors (The Lizard) appeared in SM2.

Beat me to it...that's exaclty what I've heard, as well.

And if that's the case, I think it being described as "4 villians" is stretching it (and no, I'm not coming down on the posters in this thread...that was how it was phrased in all the rumors).

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: GnFnR87 on December 12, 2006, 02:12:20 PM
i hope this isnt a huge dissapointment like X Men: 3. i thought the first two Spidermans were fantastic, just like the first two X Men movies.

they better not fuck it up. i've noticed when they decide to add tons of villains to a comic book movie the movie ends up sucking. look at Batman And Robin.? i'd rather them choose one or two villains and focus more on their development. but whatever i'm not gonna make any judgements yet..... i'm pumped.

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Izzy on December 12, 2006, 03:07:04 PM
With it all but certain that Venom's role is cursory at best the point of Spiderman 3 does seem rather more ambiguous that you'd think in the case of a $300 million film...

Sandman and the Green Goblin (again :confused:) are hardly going to have people tripping over each other to get to the cinema - and if its some clever ploy to build to the next film, why the hell are everyone's contracts (as of yet) un-extended?

If i was the head of which every company is financing this i'd be more than a bit perplexed - whats the hook? ''See Venom for 30 seconds!'', the other two were self contained this does seem like an elaborate trailer for Spiderman 4....

I'll be first in line to see it regardless, cos a slightly less silly spiderman film is just what i'm after.

Stopping trains with your bare hands? Leave that to Superman please!

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: judaskennedy on December 12, 2006, 06:08:46 PM
i cant help think this movie is gonna suck-  i've been disapointed by both the first and second-  when the first one was being made and i heard that willem dafoe was gonna be the green goblin, i thought that was gonna be the shit-  but then they stuck him in a crazy huge mask-- that guy actually looks like the green goblin and they put a mask on?  then the second one seemed like it was 5hours long-  too much talking not enough action. now this one looks like i have to watch spiderman fight greengoblin again as well as the guy from WINGS! all just to see the symbiate suit leave peter and go onto brock in the last 5 minutes.   but i'll see it anyways-  it still looks coolness

if this movie is gonna be any cool- it will open with spidey fighting a cool villian- like rhino trying to steal a train full of gold to make a statue for himself for the first 10 minutes. then spidey will slap around sandman and goblin in the first hour- then fights venom for about 45 minutes- then the remaining 5 minutes is a cliffhanger for carnage.

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: marty on December 12, 2006, 06:51:19 PM
its too bad Tobey Mcguire doesn't want to do any more. i wonder who they would replace ?
tobey mcquire is the thing that puts me off the spiderman movies, i still watch them n really enjoy them, but he pisses the fuckin hell out of me, almost as much as matthew broderick

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: pilferk on December 13, 2006, 09:00:34 AM
With it all but certain that Venom's role is cursory at best the point of Spiderman 3 does seem rather more ambiguous that you'd think in the case of a $300 million film...

Sandman and the Green Goblin (again :confused:) are hardly going to have people tripping over each other to get to the cinema - and if its some clever ploy to build to the next film, why the hell are everyone's contracts (as of yet) un-extended?

If i was the head of which every company is financing this i'd be more than a bit perplexed - whats the hook? ''See Venom for 30 seconds!'', the other two were self contained this does seem like an elaborate trailer for Spiderman 4....

I'll be first in line to see it regardless, cos a slightly less silly spiderman film is just what i'm after.

Stopping trains with your bare hands? Leave that to Superman please!

I'm not sure I'd define it as "cursory"  and, of course, alluding to Venom being on for "less than 30 seconds" was a bit dramatic on my part.  But, though part of the Venom story is done...the symbiote story appears not to be and the "allusion" in the film, by all reports, is that it's "revenge" will be the focus for Spidey 4.

The Spidey/Goblin dynamic this time is a little different, so that will be interesting.  As for contracts not being extended...there's a few reasons.  First off, the sticking point seems to be Sam Raimi.  None of the other principals seem to want to continue without him.  And he's asking for A LOT (reportedly) to return because the studio wants another long term (3, and possibly 4, Spidey's) commitment which pretty much means Sam's career is going to be defined by this work.  The principals have all pretty much said that until Sam signs on, they won't even negotiate....but the figures that have been thrown around as "what ifs", for those actors (Tobey, Dunst,  Franco (yes, I know...the spoilers..but there are plans) and, reportedly, even Defoe) is astronomical...for much the same reason that Sam's asking price has been so high.  Oh, and reportedly they're ALL asking for a bigger cut of the back end as part of their deals....

As for the company financing things being perplexed...well..they didn't get much say, from all reports.  That was one of Sam's "deals" in making the pics...pretty much complete creative control over the script, casting, etc, etc (with Marvel supervision and final approval, of course...but Sam's proven to be a Marvel godsend on this project, so....). 

So the more perplexing question would be why Sam made, essentially, a stand along story that really DOES serve as a lead in to Spidey 4...if he has no idea if he'll be making Spidey 4 OR no intention of making Spidey 4.  The answer, I THINK, is as a negotiating ploy.  From what I've heard..people are gonna want to see Sam's vision of Spidey 4 realized...and if the studio replaces him, the backlash from the conumer is likely to be rather large.  It would be like Donner's replacement on Superman II times 1000.

I suspect most of the cast will be back for Spidey 4, provided Sam hammers out a deal with the studio.  If not...I expect the whole Spidey 4 project to be a giant gargantuan mess (not, necessarily, the final product..though maybe that, too...but the production).  Tobey is the one wildcard.  He fancies himself a true "artist" who really likes to do a wide range of things.  So far, the gaps in spidey productions have let him do that, and the "spidey money" allows him to take pet projects at lower rates.  He's said he realizes that, before.  The issue, for him, is the physicality of playing Spidey, and the possibility of Sony wanting to fast track production on the next 3 movies (4,5,6) might make those other projects harder for him to do.  We'll have to see.  I think, ultimately, he'll join the cast....the deal will probably be too sweet to turn down, and Sony will likely make concessions on the production schedule issues.

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Izzy on December 13, 2006, 09:03:26 AM
its too bad Tobey Mcguire doesn't want to do any more. i wonder who they would replace ?
tobey mcquire is the thing that puts me off the spiderman movies, i still watch them n really enjoy them, but he pisses the fuckin hell out of me, almost as much as matthew broderick

I think he's there jewel in the crown

He brings a real humanity to Peter Parker, a character we can really relate to.

I think the series would suffer without him

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Izzy on December 13, 2006, 09:18:36 AM
What really surprises me about all three Spiderman films is the obsession of (Universal?) in making them - they seem prepared to pay anything for another installment...

$139 million - Spiderman
$200 million - Spiderman 2
$300 million - Spiderman 3

$400 million - Spiderman 4?

Nice to see them backing a worthwhile series, but the funding saga seems more cartoonish than the spiderman back story - and that was a cartoon!

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: pilferk on December 13, 2006, 09:22:17 AM
What really surprises me about all three Spiderman films is the obsession of (Universal?)

Sony Pictures.


Which has it's own entaglements in the whole "Will There be Sam Raimi Spidey 4" saga.  Just take a look at Sony's bottom line (the big corporate parent)....

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Rocksteady on December 13, 2006, 09:34:26 AM
What really surprises me about all three Spiderman films is the obsession of (Universal?) in making them - they seem prepared to pay anything for another installment...

$139 million - Spiderman
$200 million - Spiderman 2
$300 million - Spiderman 3

$400 million - Spiderman 4?

Nice to see them backing a worthwhile series, but the funding saga seems more cartoonish than the spiderman back story - and that was a cartoon!

Yeah this budget is mindblowing. Hopefully bigger budget=better movie. It has been like this in Spidey franchise so far. But then again Superman Returns had a huge budget too, but after seeing the movie I thought where the hell did all that money go to? I thought that CGI was getting cheaper...

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: pilferk on December 13, 2006, 10:09:34 AM

Yeah this budget is mindblowing. Hopefully bigger budget=better movie. It has been like this in Spidey franchise so far. But then again Superman Returns had a huge budget too, but after seeing the movie I thought where the hell did all that money go to? I thought that CGI was getting cheaper...

I thought the same thing on seeing Superman Returns.  They must have been paying Singer and the cast a good chunk of that budget because, from my standpoint, it sure wasn't used on the movie itself. Or, if it was, it's use wasn't apparent. 

There was FAR too little action in SR, for my tastes. Certainly less than there was in any of the Spidey OR X-men movies.  And that's usually where the big money goes (FX, CGI, and the post production on them).....into the action sequences.

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Izzy on December 13, 2006, 04:12:11 PM
I thought Superman returns was actually two films bolted together

For an hour or so it was a superb adventure, with a genuine 'hero' amazing cgi and a real 'freshness' to what had been a tired and frankly absurd series

....then it descended into farce - killing people to make room for people? Moving kyrptonite islands? Who would live on that jagged rock anyway - and why would they need to with so many dead?

Bryan Singer is a hack in the proudest tradition of hacks - when you think what X men 1 and 2 could have been, oh the wasted potential - why, why why?!?!?

On topic,

watched the first Spiderman film today

Excellent, just excellent - been years since i've seen it, and i was far more impressed on this repeat viewing than i had intially been with it. Great acting, good script etc - great enetertainment

...thought the cgi is awful

I'm convinced $300 million is less an extravagence than a bare minimum - Spiderman's cgi was computer game quality throughout and its just 4 years old!!

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Rocksteady on December 13, 2006, 04:26:25 PM

Bryan Singer is a hack in the proudest tradition of hacks - when you think what X men 1 and 2 could have been, oh the wasted potential - why, why why?!?!?
Hmm I really liked X-Men 1 and especially 2! The third one was the weakest. I think that Singer should have properly finished off the X-Men trilogy rather than make an half arsed Superman movie.

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Izzy on December 14, 2006, 05:41:09 PM

Bryan Singer is a hack in the proudest tradition of hacks - when you think what X men 1 and 2 could have been, oh the wasted potential - why, why why?!?!?
Hmm I really liked X-Men 1 and especially 2! The third one was the weakest. I think that Singer should have properly finished off the X-Men trilogy rather than make an half arsed Superman movie.

C'mon - u know full well that if and your mates got together they would have done a better job!

X men is about their powers and how they use and abuse them - Singer changed them, removed them or flat out ignored them - and without them, what the hell is the point? People arent going to see an X men film for the fashion!

Magneto in a 'plastic prison' - cant this guy stop the world rotating? Since when has Cyclop's power been more of a danger to himself? Is Storm as useful as an inflatable submarine?

So many possibilities - squandered

Again on topic,

watched Spiderman 2 today

Again massively impressed - both 1 and 2 have been gathering dust for years now in my dvd collection - decided it was time to change that - really been impressed with them. The CGI work in Spiderman 2 is truly awesome and lightyears ahead of the first film. The human drama is the key though - a blockbuster with real heart!

C'mon Spiderman 3, 4, 5 etc.....

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: GnFnR87 on January 15, 2007, 05:52:41 PM
i have a question for the comic book junkies...

in one of the trailers it says that the guy who becomes the sandman villain was the person who killed Peter Parker/Spidermans uncle. did they add that for dramatic effect or was that the case in the comics as well?

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: bazgnr on January 15, 2007, 10:17:41 PM
i have a question for the comic book junkies...

in one of the trailers it says that the guy who becomes the sandman villain was the person who killed Peter Parker/Spidermans uncle. did they add that for dramatic effect or was that case in the comics as well?

Dramatic effect.  In the original comics, the Sandman had nothing to do with his uncle's death  (I'm sure someone who knows more than I do can be more specific here).  And who knows?  Perhaps the whole "sandman is the guy who REALLY killed your uncle" is just misdirection in the movie to pit Spider-Man against him...

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Rocksteady on January 16, 2007, 03:42:30 AM
I think someone tries to set Sandman up, or he didn't really kill Ben Parker but was there when it happened. It's quite weird actually cause Spidey became Spidey that we know of, because of that man he let past him and ultimately murder his uncle. With sandman being the murderer the story doesn't fit anymore  :-\

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Izzy on January 16, 2007, 07:48:49 AM
I think someone tries to set Sandman up, or he didn't really kill Ben Parker but was there when it happened. It's quite weird actually cause Spidey became Spidey that we know of, because of that man he let past him and ultimately murder his uncle. With sandman being the murderer the story doesn't fit anymore? :-\

I think the real problem is the contrived nature of this - as if they are trying to make Sandman significant in some way. Obviously they want Spidey to become consumed with revenge and to play this off with the effects of the Venom suit - i just think there are more natural ways for this than changing the story established in earlier films.

Surely the 'original' car jacker was driving Ben's car in Spiderman 1 anyway?

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: GnFnR87 on January 16, 2007, 09:54:12 AM
I think someone tries to set Sandman up, or he didn't really kill Ben Parker but was there when it happened. It's quite weird actually cause Spidey became Spidey that we know of, because of that man he let past him and ultimately murder his uncle. With sandman being the murderer the story doesn't fit anymore? :-\

I think the real problem is the contrived nature of this - as if they are trying to make Sandman significant in some way. Obviously they want Spidey to become consumed with revenge and to play this off with the effects of the Venom suit - i just think there are more natural ways for this than changing the story established in earlier films.

Surely the 'original' car jacker was driving Ben's car in Spiderman 1 anyway?

i agree it does seem contrived. this was my problem with the original Batman with Keaton and Nicholson, how they made it that the joker killed Batman's parents. that was never in the comic books and didnt like that change since i always found it hard to believe and very contrived.

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Jim on March 06, 2007, 07:07:19 PM
Oh. My. God.

Check this bad boy out!

Basically, it contains three scenes from the movie; two set ups and a fight scene. The effects aren't finished yet, but it looks amazing!

I warn you though, it potentially features a major (and, if what it looks like is what it is, pretty major) spoiler.

But pfft, it's worth it. Wet your appetite!

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Rocksteady on March 07, 2007, 12:47:26 AM
The fight scene is awesome, doesn't look good for Harry though  :no: Looks like it's gonna be the first fight scene of the movie. Btw is it confirmed that the CGI isn't finished yet? Cause it really doesn't look all that great in some places, especially considering the huge budget that this movie has.

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Jim on March 07, 2007, 09:35:29 AM
Yeah, apparantly it's still being polished, according to Empire.

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Neon Mobil Horse on March 07, 2007, 10:34:05 AM
This Friday with regular (non IMAX) prints of 300, there will an exclusive trailer for Spider-Man 3 that reportedly features finished shots of Venom.

As per Sony's wishes -this preview is set to play ONLY on 300 and only on non IMAX copies of the film.

There will be a special Spider-Man 3 preview on the IMAX copies of the movie, though it is just the first trailer with a few minor alterations ("Coming to IMAX" instead of "Coming Soon", other little things like that).

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Neon Mobil Horse on March 07, 2007, 10:34:54 AM
I cannot remember what the final Spider-Man 3 trailer will be on, but as I recall, it's not anything particularly noteworthy.

It's sometime in April, though.

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Rocksteady on March 23, 2007, 07:36:00 AM You can expand the video size!
The final trailer. Venom looks badass with the big white spider on the chest.

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: mrlee on March 23, 2007, 09:26:38 AM You can expand the video size!
The final trailer. Venom looks badass with the big white spider on the chest.

that trailer gave me chills, looks awesome!

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: GnFnR87 on March 23, 2007, 03:09:28 PM
so we're gonna have hob goblin, venom and sandmen all duking it out with spiderman. this is gonna be sick. what is the story with Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst contractually? is this the last spiderman movie they are signed on for?

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: CheapJon on March 23, 2007, 03:28:49 PM
i think venom should be bigger.. venom to me is this guy...

not a guy in the same size as peter parker/spiderman himself, as i said venom should be bigger IMO

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Jim on March 23, 2007, 03:59:01 PM
so we're gonna have hob goblin, venom and sandmen all duking it out with spiderman. this is gonna be sick.

Well, let's hope there's only one Sandman, I'm not sure if Spidey could deal with multiple! Anyway. Welcome to 12 months ago.

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: 25 on March 23, 2007, 06:52:27 PM
i think venom should be bigger
He seems to get bigger each time he pops up. Compare the churchyard bit to the fight scene snippets. And check out the Aussie version of the trailer if you can find it (youtube maybe?), there's a couple of good clear shots (though one of them looks like it's the black spidey suit starting to mutate into something sicker).

Apparently he's only in the last 30 mins or so. <- Pause at about 1:43, immediately before the frame of white there's a good close look at "spidey as venom" (not the mirror shot, there's a full frame close-up, looks almost like a make-up test shot). And there's a little more of Brock transforming in the churchyard.

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: EstrangedReality on March 23, 2007, 10:43:46 PM
i have a question for the comic book junkies...

in one of the trailers it says that the guy who becomes the sandman villain was the person who killed Peter Parker/Spidermans uncle. did they add that for dramatic effect or was that the case in the comics as well?


He didn't really kill Ben Parker. It turns out to be a case of mistaken identity.

At the end of Spider-Man 3, Venom helps take down Sandman. But Sandman is innocent and is more of a "good" villain like Doc Ock from Spider-Man 2.

But then Venom takes on Spider-Man. Spider-Man is about to die when Harry, as the "New Goblin," appears and helps him defeat Venom. Harry gets injured in the process and dies afterwards.

There are two shots that reveal this in the trailer. One is Mary-Jane and Peter bent over Harry's corpse and Peter's suit is torn - which is a result of fighting Venom. Another is Spider-Man being pulled up into the sky with his web - what it doesn't show is that the reason he's being pulled upwards is that he's attached to Harry's glider, and Harry is pulling him to safety away from Venom (who was about to choke him to death).

Can't wait to see this film!

For people complaining that Venom isn't big enough - Sam Raimi hates the character of Venom and originally said he would never put him in any Spider-Man films. He wanted to make him as realistic as possible, hence the less over-the-top physique. If you look carefully, he IS a lot larger than Spider-Man - he has huge biceps - but Raimi chose not to make him too cartoonish because he didn't want to ruin the realism of the films. I think that's a good thing, because cartoons and comics are very different from motion pictures.

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: RageNirvanaNIN on March 23, 2007, 10:53:32 PM
I saw a new preview and topher grace is in a church , I just didn't buy it he goes into like eric foreman mode for a second and it was hilarious. I love speder man and will def' go check it out

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: 25 on March 24, 2007, 06:56:12 AM
I saw a new preview and topher grace is in a church , I just didn't buy it he goes into like eric foreman mode for a second and it was hilarious. I love speder man and will def' go check it out
Omar Epps' character in House, MD? That would be weird.

The trailer you're referring to is the one which ran in front of 300. The final trailer was released since then.   

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: AxlsMainMan on March 25, 2007, 09:03:46 AM
Looks amazing and comes out 2 days after my birthday... :beer:

Title: Re: New Spider-Man 3 trailer.
Post by: Gunna_girl01 on March 25, 2007, 10:08:11 PM
My boyfriend is a spiderman fan, i personally hope he will grow out of it... although i do think it is cute  :yes: