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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: sl??sh on November 08, 2006, 06:24:00 AM

Title: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: sl??sh on November 08, 2006, 06:24:00 AM
after the message from merck and axl...i think all the forumspeculations mean that we want more infos directly from the band and management...wouldnt it be better when they design a forum on their official site? or just link it to htgth?

hey, dear managment and axl,
we just wanna get more love and infos when there are difficult threads in the internat. gnr-boards

cheers ;D

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: kriss_boy on November 08, 2006, 06:32:12 AM
erm.. i didnt know ther was one... ?!?!  :-\

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: metallex78 on November 08, 2006, 06:37:45 AM
It's hard enough for them to try to control what people say here :hihi: so I highly doubt GN'R would want to have to deal with people posting at their own official message board.

Also, being an offical forum, it would be easier for people to find, so you'd get even more people bitching I think.

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: erose on November 08, 2006, 06:43:13 AM
I don?t think there?s a point of creating an official forum... first it would be alot of work and hassle, second it would take alot of time and experience to make it run properly, the list goes on...

last but not least, we have this forum right here which has been up for a long time, it has always treated gn?r with respect and we now know gn?r management and the guy who runs this place have a connection so we?ll get news and statements here first anyway...

why bother basically...

i guess the internet was never gn?r?s strongest side and highest priority anyway :P :hihi:

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: dENIS on November 08, 2006, 06:51:29 AM
At least we know that Merck and GNR camp read this forum for real.  :yes:

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: daviebuckethead on November 08, 2006, 06:54:59 AM
i think this froum will probably become official so :peace:on, if not then it probably should!!!!

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: The Legend on November 08, 2006, 07:00:56 AM
after the message from merck and axl...i think all the forumspeculations mean that we want more infos directly from the band and management...wouldnt it be better when they design a forum on their official site? or just link it to htgth?

hey, dear managment and axl,
we just wanna get more love and infos when there are difficult threads in the internat. gnr-boards

cheers ;D

No, no , NO!

They already tried an official forum back in the day, and it was an absolute disaster.

Personally I would just make HTGTH official, and provide a link to it on the main site. It practically is already, and it's obvious managment & the band are down with Jarmo. This place is already being run as if it is official.

No reason to fix what ain't broke.

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Dickeye on November 08, 2006, 07:09:44 AM
It would be a good idea, and a cool forum. But is it really something they need to do?

HTGTH is not only the most popular G&R message board, but it is somewhat considred "official" in the eyes of the G&R camp and fans alike.

To know Merck & Axl are aware of this place, and for them to send us a message is very very cool.

I think we ALL know HTGTH is #1 : ok:

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on November 08, 2006, 08:27:40 AM
This kind of is the unofficial official forum. Why would GNR want to incur costs associated with one when there's this place? Its not a bad idea, but I dont see it happening.

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Fortus on November 08, 2006, 08:50:49 AM
It would be a good idea, and a cool forum. But is it really something they need to do?

HTGTH is not only the most popular G&R message board, but it is somewhat considred "official" in the eyes of the G&R camp and fans alike.

To know Merck & Axl are aware of this place, and for them to send us a message is very very cool.

I think we ALL know HTGTH is #1 : ok:

here today is the most important around internet and the most reliable page...

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: estranged.1098 on November 08, 2006, 08:54:06 AM
Official forums suck.

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Ines_rocks! on November 08, 2006, 09:02:14 AM
one thing I think they should do on the website is giving the fans the oportunity to send their reviews and pictures of the gigs to the site... Muse do it on their website, in their tour section, and it?s great cos it puts ppl all over the world giving their reviews and stuff like that... I have tried it already last month, the reviews is first controlled by a mod and then it appears on the website, on the date of the gig u hv been too... I think it?s just cool, cos then, ppl who couldnt go to them could know how it went and how ppl like it... of course... we hv all this on forums, like this one, but thig being on the official one makes us feel like we really can contribute with something to the band....  : ok:

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on November 08, 2006, 09:04:58 AM
Since the other band members have their own sites, what about Axl?

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Baz Rose on November 08, 2006, 09:09:39 AM
Since the other band members have their own sites, what about Axl?

He has He IS Guns N' Roses!!!!

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Oh My Choking Soul on November 08, 2006, 09:21:20 AM
This is the official forum... essentially.

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on November 08, 2006, 09:23:39 AM
"official" places don't mean anything anymore

*with all the power given 'easily' to the people - blogs, youtube, forums, easy site - people will have a voice anywhere.

the time of 'official places' is long gone.

content is everywhere
for exemple, people watch videos on youtube more than on

gnr is wise not to set up a complicated place with forums and such.
they rely on us.
easier and wiser.


Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: crofty on November 08, 2006, 09:47:41 AM links here. on tour dates is sends you over.

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Continental Drift on November 08, 2006, 10:06:46 AM
This is the official forum... essentially.

Exactly. Maybe they could reach an agreement with Jarmo to just make HTGTH the official forum... or shut this down and have him run the official forum in the same format. etc.

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Grouse on November 08, 2006, 10:15:19 AM
Official forums suck.

exactly and that is why this shouldn't turn into one :no:

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Ride Her on November 08, 2006, 10:20:56 AM should link this forum

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Dickeye on November 08, 2006, 10:32:13 AM should link this forum

That would be the best idea. :peace:

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Ride Her on November 08, 2006, 10:36:42 AM should link this forum

That would be the best idea. :peace:

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: alternativemonkey on November 08, 2006, 10:37:34 AM should link this forum

That would be the best idea. :peace:

No doubt! Jarmo deserves a lot of praise for building this forum over 10 years . . . This is the place to go if you are a GNR fan. I would hope GNR would continue to support this forum as well. Judging from Merck's latest post, he agrees.

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: RoCoKiN on November 08, 2006, 10:41:05 AM should link this forum

That would be the best idea. :peace:

No doubt! Jarmo deserves a lot of praise for building this forum over 10 years . . . This is the place to go if you are a GNR fan. I would hope GNR would continue to support this forum as well. Judging from Merck's latest post, he agrees.

I second that....abso-fuckin-lutly!!  : ok:

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Kov on November 08, 2006, 10:52:42 AM
i guess the internet was never gn?r?s strongest side and highest priority anyway :P :hihi:

Why? Axl said he loves it, he gets infos about what's going on in his own band from here, he said it himself...
I read the internet, i know what's going on  :hihi:

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: oneway23 on November 08, 2006, 11:16:26 AM
At the very least, this forum should be linked on the main site

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: kaasupoltin on November 08, 2006, 12:56:41 PM
I don't think that they should link this forum.. actually I HOPE they wont. And they wouldn't. This forum would turn into another version of MyGn'R.. useless people posting useless stuff thread after thread. I wanna keep this as HTGTH, not "official Gn'R forum".

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Chief on November 08, 2006, 01:04:57 PM
it would be unneccesary.  it would create more headache for someone to moderate there and we already have too many other forums.  gnronline forum became a big mess.....!

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Dickeye on November 08, 2006, 01:24:20 PM
I don't think that they should link this forum.. actually I HOPE they wont. And they wouldn't. This forum would turn into another version of MyGn'R.. useless people posting useless stuff thread after thread. I wanna keep this as HTGTH, not "official Gn'R forum".

How so?

HTGTH is the most well known G&R forum already, and it hasn't turned into MYGNR. So why would it?

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: The Legend on November 08, 2006, 01:46:10 PM
I don't think that they should link this forum.. actually I HOPE they wont. And they wouldn't. This forum would turn into another version of MyGn'R.. useless people posting useless stuff thread after thread. I wanna keep this as HTGTH, not "official Gn'R forum".

How so?

HTGTH is the most well known G&R forum already, and it hasn't turned into MYGNR. So why would it?

MyGNR is the shithole it is, because they've got a couple of fucking dumbasses running it, who aren't GN'R fans.

MyGNR is a complete front to make money off of internet adverts, and because of lack of leadership, that's the reason it's spam-central.

HTGTH is the only 'big one' that gets it right, because the iron fists keeps the trolls in line.

Sure, it irritates me too when some of my replies get canned for whatever reason, when I thought they were granted to begin with. But it isn't my board. And I know that if it was deleted, they did it for good reason, not be assholes like so many chastise them for.

But i'm sure, because I just said that, then i'm a nazi right? I'm an ass kisser right? Fuck that. It's none of the above. It's the truth. I've seen many boards in my day run by nazis, and run by jerks, and assholes. HTGTH is DEFINITELY not one of them, and never will be.

Linking this forum to the main site, will only solidify it's official status, because we all already know it's unofficially the official board, and is run as such.

*End rant*

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: kaasupoltin on November 08, 2006, 02:57:47 PM
I don't think that they should link this forum.. actually I HOPE they wont. And they wouldn't. This forum would turn into another version of MyGn'R.. useless people posting useless stuff thread after thread. I wanna keep this as HTGTH, not "official Gn'R forum".

How so?

HTGTH is the most well known G&R forum already, and it hasn't turned into MYGNR. So why would it?

If you can't see the difference between HTGTH and MyGn'R you must be blind.

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Eclipsed107 on November 08, 2006, 04:28:28 PM
Doesn't anyone here remember what it was like last time Gn'R had an offical forum? *cough*gnronline*cough*..  Things didn't go so well. :nervous:

Still, I'd like to see an offical forum on, but IMO it'd make most sence if it linked here.  A new one would be cool as well though.

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: grog mug on November 08, 2006, 04:50:43 PM
They've already tried the "official" forum route...obviously didn't work.  Just keep it un-official so almost anything goes, just the way everyone likes it.

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: AdZ on November 08, 2006, 04:56:45 PM
This isn't the place to insult other forums or post "X is better than Y because... if you want to do that, go somewhere else.

We don't go for that sort of thing here.

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Verse Chorus Verse on November 08, 2006, 05:32:19 PM
Doesn't anyone here remember what it was like last time Gn'R had an offical forum? *cough*gnronline*cough*..  Things didn't go so well. :nervous:

Still, I'd like to see an offical forum on, but IMO it'd make most sence if it linked here.  A new one would be cool as well though.
When was this, and was it popular?

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Scree on November 08, 2006, 06:22:56 PM
after the message from merck and axl...i think all the forumspeculations mean that we want more infos directly from the band and management...wouldnt it be better when they design a forum on their official site? or just link it to htgth?

hey, dear managment and axl,
we just wanna get more love and infos when there are difficult threads in the internat. gnr-boards

cheers ;D

No and I don't think there should be any official forum. They tried that before and they failed. With the influx of fans after CD is released there'll be too many to keep track of and moderate at any one time. As much as you like or hate the mods here, there simply isn't enough of them at the minute to cover that and it'd be a mess. This forum as it is is controllable from a mod standpoint.

Besides there's a reason there isn't an official one... last time people where posting Axls social security number as well as adress and other personal info. The forum became a security risk for Axl personally. On top of that all the bitching, moaning and general fuckheadery made it unenjoyable and more and more spam posts where there. Even when they brought it back "secretly" for a while a few years back, the same things where happening.

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on November 08, 2006, 06:29:25 PM
Since the other band members have their own sites, what about Axl?

He has He IS Guns N' Roses!!!!

Agree with you on that one to an extent. The other guys bring a lot to the table, Axl did not write the new material alone. But GNR is Axl's vision.

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Eclipsed107 on November 08, 2006, 07:23:32 PM
Doesn't anyone here remember what it was like last time Gn'R had an offical forum? *cough*gnronline*cough*.. Things didn't go so well. :nervous:

Still, I'd like to see an offical forum on, but IMO it'd make most sence if it linked here. A new one would be cool as well though.
When was this, and was it popular?

Around the time Live Era came out, and yea it was pretty populair, until it got shut down and everyone had to go running to another forum!

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Dead N' Bloated on November 08, 2006, 07:26:12 PM
Doesn't anyone here remember what it was like last time Gn'R had an offical forum? *cough*gnronline*cough*.. Things didn't go so well. :nervous:

Still, I'd like to see an offical forum on, but IMO it'd make most sence if it linked here. A new one would be cool as well though.
When was this, and was it popular?

Around the time Live Era came out, and yea it was pretty populair, until it got shut down and everyone had to go running to another forum!

Why was it shut down?


Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Chief on November 08, 2006, 08:24:53 PM
I'm pretty sure it was because someone posted Axl's personal info on there.

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Eclipsed107 on November 08, 2006, 08:26:22 PM
Because someone posted Axl's home phone number and address! ?It was a mess.

The whole forum was a mess actually. ?There were no mods, so there was always spam, tons of porn all over the board, there was only the one board, so there were hundereds of offtopic posts mixed in with the Gn'R posts.

It was still a lot of fun though! ?I remeber when news first broke of Buckethead joining the band, oh man you'd never believe the reactions. :hihi:

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Loaded NightraiN on November 08, 2006, 09:10:58 PM
Because someone posted Axl's home phone number and address! ?It was a mess.

The whole forum was a mess actually. ?There were no mods, so there was always spam, tons of porn all over the board, there was only the one board, so there were hundereds of offtopic posts mixed in with the Gn'R posts.

It was still a lot of fun though! ?I remeber when news first broke of Buckethead joining the band, oh man you'd never believe the reactions. :hihi:

Yup!! I remember the some post about God got over 100 pages long.... Thats what started the meltdown.. Quennie and Xozi... God i'm glad those losers are gone... All i have to say is....

Pageone where you at?!?  :hihi:

Title: Re: What do you think about a official forum on
Post by: Jim on November 08, 2006, 09:26:28 PM
Guns N' Roses fans, when you encapsulate past and present, are far too diverse to populate one message board. We get enough people signing up here because they hate the place (err... seriously though, they do), imagine what it would be like on the main site.

If anything was done though, the best thing to do would probably be to just have links to the biggest Guns N' Roses boards on a message board page linked from

You know. Simple like, and if you don't like it go to yourgnr thank you very much. That kind of thing.

Though, with that said, maybe it would just heighten the board wars............

Probably not such a good idea after all.

Conservative decision, leave it as it is.