Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Queen of Everything on October 31, 2006, 06:54:32 AM

Title: LSD
Post by: Queen of Everything on October 31, 2006, 06:54:32 AM
I did an assignment on LSD for school.  It sounds fucking awesome.  The positives outweigh the negatives tenfold.

I want to try it next concert I go to, thinking Big Day Out.

Who has had some experiences?


Title: Re: LSD
Post by: 0teP on October 31, 2006, 07:18:19 AM
Almost getting run over by a tram, and drowning in an empty bath

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Bill 213 on October 31, 2006, 07:25:01 AM
I don't condone drug usage, however if you feel you must try it, I suggest staying at home with a sober friend who can watch you. ?You don't know how you're going to react and in a concert environment you can become paranoid extremely quickly. ?The last thing you want is to be freaking out in public and get arrested by the "blue meanies." ?Anyhow just stay at home and watch Tron or something, watch the pretty colors and keep it cool. ?Better yet, probably don't try it. ?

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: CheapJon on October 31, 2006, 07:35:50 AM
I don't condone drug usage, however if you feel you must try it, I suggest staying at home with a sober friend who can watch you. ?You don't know how you're going to react and in a concert environment you can become paranoid extremely quickly. ?The last thing you want is to be freaking out in public and get arrested by the "blue meanies." ?Anyhow just stay at home and watch Tron or something, watch the pretty colors and keep it cool. ?Better yet, probably don't try it. ?

probably the best tip i've ever heard when it comes to test drugs

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Six Strings on October 31, 2006, 08:05:17 AM
Man, don't try it during a concert. When I tried LSD, I was feeling like I'm in a fuckin' jungle. I mean, I really did't know what was going on. It can't be described with words. It's fuckin' bizarre.

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Evolution on October 31, 2006, 11:40:11 AM
I wouldn't try it.  :no:

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Rockin' Rose on October 31, 2006, 11:50:15 AM
I thought this thread was going to be about The Beatles song, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds ::)


Title: Re: LSD
Post by: babydolls on October 31, 2006, 11:52:52 AM
a gig is not the place to try LSD for first time dude... even if you've done it loads, you never know how you're gonna react. ?its not the most sociable of drugs and you are likely to be freaked out to the point you will leave the gig and poss put yourself or others at risk.

bill213 ?is right, if you are determined to go down that route, give it a go in circumstances you can control and with people you trust. ?believe me, its not something to be that casual about. acid can bring out demons you didnt even know you had. ?be safe, pal.

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: journey on October 31, 2006, 12:15:02 PM
Please don't do that to yourself. You won't be missing out on anything.

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Evolution on October 31, 2006, 12:31:35 PM
It's possible to revisit a bad trip years later.

Imagine if you were driving or something and it came about?

A person I went to school with took drugs for the first time last year and he's now receiving mental treatment, so be careful.

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Hammy on October 31, 2006, 12:38:43 PM
A person I went to school with took drugs for the first time last year and he's now receiving mental treatment, so be careful.
I never went to school with you :P

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Jim on October 31, 2006, 01:09:02 PM
A person I went to school with took drugs for the first time last year and he's now receiving mental treatment, so be careful.

A person I went to school with choked while eating a packet of crisps.

Moral of the story? Don't eat crisps!

Seriously though... Keep the kids off the drugs.

I did an assignment on LSD for school.  It sounds fucking awesome.

Cor, your school sounds top notch. I assume that the kid who did an assignment on masturbation is blind by now?

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: sjgotnitro on October 31, 2006, 01:19:33 PM
DO NOT DO LSD at a concert.

Use extreme cuation, if your going to do it, make sure it is good stuff from a reliable friend and from a batch others have taken from. You can get bad acid that will fuck you up forever. Also do it with a few freinds in a place where you are safe for 10 or so hours atleast and then go to sleep if you can when you stop tripping. Stay indoors away for dangers and assholes. Make sure your freinds are not going to fuck with you when your tripping the first time. ? Once you take a doce look out anything can and will happen. A group of us once went to a state park with one of those tall water towers, well some of my dumb freinds climbed up it the top, how no one died that day I do not know.

Luckly my first time it was a mild hit. In 9th grade during school. I survived but later took some good stuff in life that sent me for a loop. Everytime can be diffrent.

Be Safe and Beware and the best advice is not to do it at all.

If you can get shrooms try them first, it may take alot of shrooms though to get you tripping. 

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Jim on October 31, 2006, 01:23:37 PM
If you can get shrooms try them first, it may take alot of shrooms though to get you tripping. 

Eh? Nah, get the good shit and you can be tripping away after a box. More so, dry them and you're golden.

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: sjgotnitro on October 31, 2006, 01:24:09 PM
Plus i have no idea what the potenmcy of todays acid is like. If it has become more potent like weed in the last 10 years look out.

back when i was dumb white blotters, barts simpsons were the in hits of acid, ? i can not remember the other names

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: sjgotnitro on October 31, 2006, 01:29:20 PM
If you can get shrooms try them first, it may take alot of shrooms though to get you tripping.?

Eh? Nah, get the good shit and you can be tripping away after a box. More so, dry them and you're golden.

i only did them a few times, my last time was 6-11-1991 GNR Hershey me and my cousin ate a 8th before skid row took the stage, it did nothing to me. then again I have one hell of a story in the highlight section from that show maybe i was trippin and that was all a wild trip. Hmmmmmmmmm

I have taken acid maybe 30 to 40 plus times. All diffrent types and quanities. I think it does and can cuase long term side effects

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: SPUNKY on October 31, 2006, 01:30:46 PM
my advice

skip LSD.. jump on 2 cocaine that is the daddy!!!

 : ok:

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Bandita on October 31, 2006, 01:40:34 PM
I did an assignment on LSD for school.? It sounds fucking awesome.? The positives outweigh the negatives tenfold.

I want to try it next concert I go to, thinking Big Day Out.

Who has had some experiences?


I don't understand how this is possible or where you got your info from. ?I would suggest you do more research on this.

Unless you consider the possibility of long lasting after effects and psychosis a good thing.

Either way if you insist on trying it I agree a concert is NOT the place you want to do it. ?1st off you need a good 12 hours to spare for the trip and then another day to recover from the after effects. ?Make sure someone is there with you who isn't under the influence.

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Back Off Bitch on October 31, 2006, 01:54:42 PM
Concert is probably the worst place... You can pass out and get trampled to death... Or you can be taken advantage of by some animal...

No offense... but trying it is a really stupid thing to do...

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on October 31, 2006, 02:00:15 PM
DO NOT do it at a concert. Actually you'd be better off not doing it at all. I have done it twice about 12 years ago, it was interesting, but I was lucky in so many ways. I diddnt do anything stupid and I actully got something decent. You never know what you could be putting in your system no matter what they tell you. And whatever you do, dont drive on it. Perhaps the most fucked up surreal experiences of my life. How I did not wrap my car around a pole is a miracle. 

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Izzy on October 31, 2006, 02:01:15 PM
U fucking nuts?

The stuff can damage you for life, i have, or atleast had, a friend that developed schizophrenia from drug abuse - he was the most decent, level headed guy you could meet

Its not cool - no one worth a damn will be impressed

If u need drugs to enjoy a gig - get into different bands.

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: sjgotnitro on October 31, 2006, 02:09:28 PM
DO NOT do it at a concert. Actually you'd be better off not doing it at all. I have done it twice about 12 years ago, it was interesting, but I was lucky in so many ways. I diddnt do anything stupid and I actully got something decent. You never know what you could be putting in your system no matter what they tell you. And whatever you do, dont drive on it. Perhaps the most fucked up surreal experiences of my life. How I did not wrap my car around a pole is a miracle.?

Please so every one knows I'm on the Do not do it side of the fence when it comes to drugs, i say each his own but my advice all drugs are bad cigarettes being the worst, but since were talking about it, your right driving is down right dangerous, worst thing. You ever have those 3d yellow lines on the road, where they float in the air a few feet off the ground. It was the only thing that kept me from crashing, I kept the lines lined up with my drivers side mirror and every road with street? lights becomes the never ending road.? I went oevr a small bridge and ran over a bunch of down limbs with trash from the ditch tangled in them. We all thought it was a body we ran over. It took an hour of panic to turn around and go back to see it was only branches and trash.

As an adult I have anxiety, blood pressure, chest angina amongst other problems and a  memory problem which I blame drug use as the culprit.?The anxiety i get feels like the bad feeling you get when you trip. It sucks you think your going to die.  I have not done no drugs except for puff of weed 3 times in over 10 years.  Oh and cigarettes which should be outlawed.

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Gunner80 on October 31, 2006, 06:27:31 PM
U fucking nuts?

The stuff can damage you for life, i have, or atleast had, a friend that developed schizophrenia from drug abuse - he was the most decent, level headed guy you could meet

Its not cool - no one worth a damn will be impressed

If u need drugs to enjoy a gig - get into different bands.
Great post, I feel the same way about these kind of drugs. :)

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on October 31, 2006, 06:51:24 PM
Drama, what happened to you over the past year?   ???

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: pebbles on October 31, 2006, 07:06:26 PM
 uh..Drugs are stupid. :yes:

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Jim on October 31, 2006, 11:04:49 PM
Drama, what happened to you over the past year?   ???

She got "cool." Have you not read the drunk thread? Come on son, keep up. haoishoiasjfd.

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: EFISH on October 31, 2006, 11:23:15 PM

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on November 01, 2006, 01:04:39 AM
Drama, what happened to you over the past year?   ???

She got "cool." Have you not read the drunk thread? Come on son, keep up. haoishoiasjfd.

EXACTLY Jim!  I don't know what's come over her.  Is it THAT boring where she lives?

I mean....



Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Six Strings on November 01, 2006, 05:52:01 AM
I read here that it is possible to have some trips years after taking LSD. Well, it depends. I took LSD about two years ago and I had trips only for a day or two after I took it. I don't know if I was happy or not. I mean I was in a very tough mood then and it was really hard. I've tried to escape but definitely this is not the way. Anyway, I was trying to say that I don't have any mind problems or so...

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Izzy on November 01, 2006, 08:59:19 AM

as far as long term effects, I am not aware of any good experimental evidence that shows that LSD 'fucks you up.'?

as far as you know....

you evidently know very little.

i know that people say you get 'flashbacks' and can 'turn schizophrenic,' but this is all heresay.  in terms of actual clinical research, there really isn't any evidence that LSD is bad for you long-term.

...but you just admitted the limited knowledge of the research ::)

oh yes, u deserve another  ::)

LSD, Weed, hell countless more have been proven to increase the risks of developing schizophrenia

...but of course you know better

hey, did u hear - smoking helps u lose weight :confused:

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: jabba2 on November 01, 2006, 03:07:38 PM
Theres good acid and theres bad acid. try to find out what your taking before you buy. Aso i wouldnt recommend taking more then one hit or blotter. i used to take halfs of a blotter and would feel great. Others taking 3 or 4 were usually getting pretty fucked up.

The most i ever took was 2 at one time and i was hallucinating like crazy. Everything seemed to have special meaning to it. Radio towers miles away had rays of light flashing in front of me. I also remember an ash lake with a parking lot beside it with about 8 street lights in the parking lot. it looked like a forest of light. So i think the best time to do it is at night.

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Izzy on November 01, 2006, 03:12:24 PM

Uggh.....? OK Mr. Scientist, what I meant to say is that I am not aware of any research which provides credible evidence that LSD has negative long-term effects because your not aware of something that means its untrue? :confused:

(and yes, I have looked,


Dude, the evidence is there - i didnt make it up and get the doctors to believe it, my powers arent that great....yet

and yes, I am qualified to make such statements).

You are? I must have missed your PhD and decades of research you did into this.

I tell you what, i'll ring around and tell the other researchers they are all wrong and need to save their time :hihi:

...should i also let them know global warming is nonsense, there were WMD's in Iraq and Chinese Democracy is out ths year?

A substance that alters your brains reception to stimuli in a pronounced and extended way is not going to be good for you, think about it - if mother nature had intended you to see in 4 dimensions, dont ya think she'd have thrown that in?

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Queen of Everything on November 01, 2006, 04:36:48 PM

OK.  #1 I am still doing the assignment fuckers!!  :)  I had to find a way to get peoples opinion on what it was like, if I was going to take it.  If that makes sense.  We need a role play of people saying "I want to take it" and people using their experiences agianst it.


The first role play we are doing is at a Concert (aka the Big Day out?  I was thinking) and everyone is trying it -- so one person decides to seek some out, the other friend is like "Oh no man, dont do it because..."  But no-one in the class will want to listen to "There is a 34% chance of skitsophrenia."  (cant spell.  Sorry)

So I needed some things that could happen, like real life possibilities.  Not statistics.  Im not going to use word for word, and my friend is getting some off a friend of his who used it. 

Hopefully I get a good mark, is all I can say.  Sorry if I freaked any of you out or anything.

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Queen of Everything on November 01, 2006, 04:38:33 PM
Drama, what happened to you over the past year?? ????

She got "cool." Have you not read the drunk thread? Come on son, keep up. haoishoiasjfd.

EXACTLY Jim!? I don't know what's come over her.? Is it THAT boring where she lives?

I mean....



P.s. Dont be fuckheads.


Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on November 02, 2006, 11:53:55 AM

OK.  #1 I am still doing the assignment fuckers!!  :)  I had to find a way to get peoples opinion on what it was like, if I was going to take it.  If that makes sense.  We need a role play of people saying "I want to take it" and people using their experiences agianst it.


The first role play we are doing is at a Concert (aka the Big Day out?  I was thinking) and everyone is trying it -- so one person decides to seek some out, the other friend is like "Oh no man, dont do it because..."  But no-one in the class will want to listen to "There is a 34% chance of skitsophrenia."  (cant spell.  Sorry)

So I needed some things that could happen, like real life possibilities.  Not statistics.  Im not going to use word for word, and my friend is getting some off a friend of his who used it. 

Hopefully I get a good mark, is all I can say.  Sorry if I freaked any of you out or anything.

I'll take your word as truth with a grain of salt next time.

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: sjgotnitro on November 02, 2006, 12:53:00 PM

OK.? #1 I am still doing the assignment fuckers!!? :)? I had to find a way to get peoples opinion on what it was like, if I was going to take it.? If that makes sense.? We need a role play of people saying "I want to take it" and people using their experiences agianst it.


The first role play we are doing is at a Concert (aka the Big Day out?? I was thinking) and everyone is trying it -- so one person decides to seek some out, the other friend is like "Oh no man, dont do it because..."? But no-one in the class will want to listen to "There is a 34% chance of skitsophrenia."? (cant spell.? Sorry)

So I needed some things that could happen, like real life possibilities.? Not statistics.? Im not going to use word for word, and my friend is getting some off a friend of his who used it.?

Hopefully I get a good mark, is all I can say.? Sorry if I freaked any of you out or anything.

Good luck with the grade  :peace:

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Queen of Everything on November 02, 2006, 04:13:52 PM

OK.? #1 I am still doing the assignment fuckers!!? :)? I had to find a way to get peoples opinion on what it was like, if I was going to take it.? If that makes sense.? We need a role play of people saying "I want to take it" and people using their experiences agianst it.


The first role play we are doing is at a Concert (aka the Big Day out?? I was thinking) and everyone is trying it -- so one person decides to seek some out, the other friend is like "Oh no man, dont do it because..."? But no-one in the class will want to listen to "There is a 34% chance of skitsophrenia."? (cant spell.? Sorry)

So I needed some things that could happen, like real life possibilities.? Not statistics.? Im not going to use word for word, and my friend is getting some off a friend of his who used it.?

Hopefully I get a good mark, is all I can say.? Sorry if I freaked any of you out or anything.

Good luck with the grade? :peace:


Oi.  The people above, who got pissed.

I couldnt go... "So what do you think of LSD?"  Everyone who would reply would be people who enjoy the experience.

I needed to see what people would say, if they genuinly cared about the situation.

And Im not "quoting" either.  I can actually type my own words.   ;)

Anyway, sorry about it, I didnt know people would actually get so caught up.

And Im not cool.  Never have been. I dont care if you mock me.

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: SPUNKY on November 02, 2006, 04:38:08 PM
Fair point

I thought It was wierd u was giving a project about LSD it make school more intresting!!!

anyway... all about Cocaine!!! thats the good one!!

 : ok:

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on November 02, 2006, 08:39:56 PM
Fair point

I thought It was wierd u was giving a project about LSD it make school more intresting!!!

anyway... all about Cocaine!!! thats the good one!!

 : ok:

I love your avatar dude!

I think people need to be more careful about this kind of thing, we have a lot of younger people on this board who probrably dont need more encouragement to go out and do LSD, or cocaine, or bring a gun to school, etc.

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Krispy Kreme on November 02, 2006, 10:28:10 PM
best fucking time ever. I did  it regularly at  concerts and never had a problem, although  I can't say that I remembered much of the show. If you have your shit  together  psychologically, you have no fears from "freaking out," it just  gives you insight into yourself and others. I would not condone long-term use, but for  some  great  recreational  fun, it cannot be beat. In fact, I would  do  it  again  (and it has been ages since my last  time).

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: SPUNKY on November 03, 2006, 02:11:28 AM
Fair point

I thought It was wierd u was giving a project about LSD it make school more intresting!!!

anyway... all about Cocaine!!! thats the good one!!

 : ok:

I love your avatar dude!

I think people need to be more careful about this kind of thing, we have a lot of younger people on this board who probrably dont need more encouragement to go out and do LSD, or cocaine, or bring a gun to school, etc.

I know its good!!!

well my opion on drugs r.. they r ok in moderation.. however if u start 2 rely on that drug u got issues.. so suppose u got 2 be strong minded..

however good point I didnt think about the younger forum users.. drugs r not a good thing.. however every1 cums in 2 contact with drugs when u get older   FACT... so be strong and not a mug like the rest of us.. but I neva done LSD.. I only dabble a bit of cocaine from time 2 time.. on special occasions shall I say.... u got 2 be cafefull with cocaine u can become addicted I seen it happen 2 enough people.. it ant a pretty sight!!

so kids my personnal opion dont bother trying Drugs.. U always start on pott.. u get bored than move on 2 pills... pills become boring so u move on 2 coke... I know cause I been there... and dont even bother 2 try Herion cause u be a fucked up mess and it WILL fuck ur life up..

PS guns r not cool...

 : ok:

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: loretian on November 03, 2006, 01:13:12 PM
Plus i have no idea what the potenmcy of todays acid is like. If it has become more potent like weed in the last 10 years look out.

Acid has gotten less potent.  Plus, back in the 60's, the average hit was about 10x as strong as the average hit today.

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: badapple81 on November 04, 2006, 01:44:15 AM
I've never tried LSD but this year I've had my first illegal substance experiences. I am very straighty 180 and was always anti drugs but something possessed me to try it out to see what it was like.

You are going to try regardless of what people say here.. my advise.. when you are in a club or gig and you see the odd person that is so fucked up and permanently brain dead from drugs, consider that a good lesson for you.

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: chinese69illusions on November 04, 2006, 01:55:32 AM
LSD for a concert is bad bad news unless you have someone to keep you on a short leach and watch over you non stop I have nto done lsd since I was inhigh school I have never had a bad trip but your first trip at a concert does not sound like a good idea. :beer:

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: badapple81 on November 04, 2006, 01:57:42 AM
What is LSD like when it kicks in? What does it do and how does it make you feel?

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: chinese69illusions on November 04, 2006, 02:08:14 AM
When lsd kicks in if it is good lsd everything changes and Nothing is as it should be things melt people turn into things, things come out of the floor it is weird and until? you know you can handle it I would not do it at your concert you could end up fucking up and the security could snatch you up you could land in jail or maybe end up dead if you fell off a balcony or something.

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: realtime visionary on November 04, 2006, 03:51:28 AM
Until you know how you're going to react to drugs like that, you should do them in a more secluded environment. Dropping acid before going to a show isn't necessarily as bad an idea as some people make it out to be, but if it's your first time, it's probably not the best idea. It's hard enough to go wandering through your head without a roadmap; you don't want to add a concert environment to the deal.

Take everyone's advice with a grain of salt, though, and ultimately, it's your decision to make. Just bear in mind that what might affect someone one way, might affect you in a completely different way; I have an LSD-esque reaction to oxycotin, but everyone else I know compares it to heroin. You might be the one person who can handle an incredible amount of stimulus when you're on acid. But then again, you might be the one person who has a horrible trip when there's too much going on. Know yourself first before you throw other shit in there, too.

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Brody on November 04, 2006, 05:19:20 AM
I did an assignment on LSD for school.  It sounds fucking awesome.  The positives outweigh the negatives tenfold.

I want to try it next concert I go to, thinking Big Day Out.

Who has had some experiences?


sounds like a sound idea! good luck with this!

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: Danny Top Hat on November 04, 2006, 10:56:56 AM
LSD fucked me up majorly last summer.  I only did it the one time and it was literally the worst day of my life.

Good luck with the project.

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: SLCPUNK on November 04, 2006, 01:29:35 PM
I stared at a strobe light once for 6 hours.............

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: the dirt on November 04, 2006, 01:33:57 PM
I stared at a strobe light once for 6 hours.............

And had the time of your life I presume...

Title: Re: LSD
Post by: loretian on November 04, 2006, 09:34:11 PM
LSD will bring out your demons, or your inner clown.

One of the first times I tried shrooms (similar to LSD, lasts a shorter amount of time), I felt like I was gonna die... Ijust had the horrible impending feeling of death, all around me; all the mistakes I have made in my life came back to haunt me.? It was miserable, every single moment taking three times as long as it should.? After about 45 minutes of this,? I felt the urge to vomit.? I ran towards the bathroom, fell forward on my way there, and vomited all over the floor.? As I lay in the vomit, I looked forward to see little mushrooms dancing around in the goo, and I started to laugh.? Looking in the bathroom mirror, I saw my eyeballs and features floating around in my face as if my head was only a cloud, barely containing it's contents.

And the next four hours were some of the best hours I've ever had in my life. They were spent with my two best friends, and a girl I cared very deeply for at the time.

I'm not recommending anything, just relaying my story.?