Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: HamsterDemocracy on October 29, 2006, 01:12:57 AM

Title: Norm MacDonald: the FUNNIEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!
Post by: HamsterDemocracy on October 29, 2006, 01:12:57 AM
Man, you thought Borat was funny?


I saw this interview years ago and always remembered the part where he said, "Is it spelled B-O-R-E-D?", but I didn't know it was Norm.

In the past few years I noticed Norm on SNL and became a huge fan. I also bought his recent comedy album, which was good.

Then I just saw this interview again tonight, and my god, it's the funniest interview I've ever seen.

Check out parts one and two - they're equally funny.

He's the funniest guy out there, or at least one of them.

I'm still laughing at the second interview clip, when he imitates Larry Flynt wheeling himself into the room while he's having sex: "Arghghhg!!!"

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I was rolling on the floor guys, and I rarely laugh at stuff when I'm by myself.

Title: Re: Norm MacDonald: the FUNNIEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!
Post by: EFISH on October 29, 2006, 01:14:20 AM
Yeah, I love Norm McDonald...

Dirty Work is suuuuch a great movie :rofl: :rofl:

Also another movie where he kidnapped himself (damn cant remember the name) that one was hilarious too :hihi:

funny dude

Title: Re: Norm MacDonald: the FUNNIEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!
Post by: HamsterDemocracy on October 29, 2006, 12:49:12 PM
Norm is fired from SNL and asked to host a year and a half later. He comes back and sabotages the SNL opening monologue and tells the show that they suck:

"I figured out I haven't gotten funnier...the show's gotten worse!"

 :rofl: :rofl:

Title: Re: Norm MacDonald: the FUNNIEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on October 29, 2006, 01:15:05 PM
Thank you Russian roulette!  When I was in grad school, some prof. in an effort to get to know the 35 or so of us, had us write down the names of 3 people we'd like to meet.  Most chose names of people they thought would be most appropriate.  For me, at the time, it was a no-brainer.  Axl, Stern, and MacDonald.   :yes:  Norm rules.  :yes:

Title: Re: Norm MacDonald: the FUNNIEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on October 29, 2006, 01:32:15 PM
I haven't watched a full episode of SNL since Norm left...and even then, he was the only funny character on the show. 

Towards the end of his stay on SNL his skits were great because he just didn't give a fuck and you could tell.  I wish there were some of those clips around.  Great stuff.

Title: Re: Norm MacDonald: the FUNNIEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!
Post by: Bill 213 on October 29, 2006, 02:50:11 PM
You know this is grand.......very few people appreciate the humor of Norm and it's a shame.  He has the driest sense of humor that you can have, but it rocks for him.  It's just a shame he gets delegated to the lowest roles possible.   Dirty Work was a friggen classic. 

Title: Re: Norm MacDonald: the FUNNIEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!
Post by: HamsterDemocracy on October 29, 2006, 07:42:43 PM
You know this is grand.......very few people appreciate the humor of Norm and it's a shame.  He has the driest sense of humor that you can have, but it rocks for him.  It's just a shame he gets delegated to the lowest roles possible.   Dirty Work was a friggen classic. 

Yeah, it's the type of humor you either love or hate. He's a lot like Kaufman in that sense - he's really misunderstood. He always does talk shows acting as if he hasn't planned it all out, and he acts totally random and drunk/high, but it's definitely all part of his comedy.

Title: Re: Norm MacDonald: the FUNNIEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!
Post by: Kujo on October 29, 2006, 07:52:25 PM
Norm was great on SNL. I would turn it on to watch him do Weekend Update and then change it.

His tv show "Norm" was very funny as well.

Bought his new cd but have only listened to a few tracks. I like what I heard so far, though.

Title: Re: Norm MacDonald: the FUNNIEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!
Post by: Bill 213 on October 29, 2006, 08:06:04 PM
Hahaha I forgot about this one.......This was Norm's take on the first Weekend Update after OJ was found not guilty....... "Well it's official, murder is legal in the state of California."  And the ever so awesome commentary on the Jacko and Lisa Marie Presley divorce....."She's more of a stay-at-home type, and he's more of a homosexual pedophile."  Norm is the greatest.

Title: Re: Norm MacDonald: the FUNNIEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!
Post by: Kujo on October 29, 2006, 08:41:58 PM
More Norm:

-LaToya Jackson. What does it take to be known as the 'crazy' member of the Jackson family?

-Who are safer drivers? Men or women? Well, according to a new survey, 55% of adults feel that women are most responsible for minor fenderbenders, while 78% blame men for most fatal crashes. Please note that the percentages in these pie graphs do not add up to 100% because the math was done by a woman. For those of you hissing at that joke, it should be uh noted that that joke was written by a woman. So, now you don't know what the hell to do, do ya? Nah, I'm just kidding. We don't hire women.

-[as Burt Reynolds on Jepordy, selecting "A Petit Dejuner" the the list] Yeah, I'll take ape tit for $200.

-The Rolling Stones reunited for a twenty-fifth anniversary tour last week. Keith Richards said that he's happy to continue to do what he's been doing for the past twenty-five years: cheating death.

-A new medical report says that drug use is up in high school students.
[Norm holds up a handful of money] [slyly] Don't I know it?

-Actor Christian Slater was let out of prison for one night to attend the premiere of his new movie Hard Rain. Fifteen minutes into the film, Mr. Slater asked to be escorted back to prison.

-Blimpies has started supplying subs for Delta Airlines to serve on its flights. And, in return, Delta is giving Blimpies barf bags to hand out in its restaurants

-Kenny G has a Christmas album out this year. [waves] Hey, happy birthday, Jesus! Hope you like crap!

-Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer was attacked and killed by another inmate this week. [cheers and applause] Just before the fight, Dahmer threatened, "Hey, don't mess with me, pal. I used to eat guys like you for breakfast!"

-And a, uh, a priest - a priest says that he got Dahmer to believe in God before he died. Asked if this would get Dahmer into Heaven, the priest said, uh, "No, but it was fun to make him think so."

-And now, it's time for Weekend Update's movie reviews. This week, I saw "Interview with the Vampire." And here's - here's my review, um: "Not gay enough!"

Title: Re: Norm MacDonald: the FUNNIEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!
Post by: Bill 213 on October 29, 2006, 08:49:13 PM
Haha Kujo thanks a million for those...I forget so much of the Weekend Update stuff.  The Kenny G one cracked me to the point.  Keep the Norm jokes coming.

Title: Re: Norm MacDonald: the FUNNIEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on October 29, 2006, 09:16:24 PM
Thank you Kujo.  You had my all-time favorite in there about women and math, oh god that's classic. 

Someone mentioned Norm, the sit-com.  Yeah, I watched it just to see Norm.  Oh yeah, Willie Tanner of Alf was on that as well. 

Every single Weekend Update with Norm was hilarious as hell.  I remember around the time of his dismissal there were rumors he had jars of his own urine in the building.  To think he had to work with all those talentless hacks back when he was fired.   :(

Title: Re: Norm MacDonald: the FUNNIEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!
Post by: Kujo on October 29, 2006, 10:04:30 PM

-Scientists believe they may have discovered a primitive form of life on Jupiter's moon Europa. That primitive form of life? You guessed it, Frank Stallone

-O.J. Simpson did not spend Mothers Day with his children.
When asked about it he replied, 'Duh! Because I killed their mother

-In Washington State, elementary school teacher Mary Kay LeTourneau pleaded guilty to having sex with a sixth-grade student. LeTourneau has been branded a sex offender, or as the kids refer to her, 'the greatest teacher of all time.

-David Kaczynski, the brother who turned in Unabomber defendant Ted Kaczynski, said he plans to share the $1 million reward with the bombing survivors. He said roughly $400,000 will go to the bombing victims, and the other $600,000, he will blow on whores and cocaine

-In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a man allowed his eight-year-old daughter to take the wheel of his car, and an accident ensued that damaged seven other cars and injured six people. Which once again proves my theory - women can't drive.

-This week, after months of speculation, the sitcom star Ellen DeGeneres admitted that yes, she's gay. Inspired by her courage, today, diet-guru Richard Simmons admitted that he is really, really, really, really gay

-Reports say that Michael Jackson's wife is now pregnant with the pop star's second child. Asked why he decided to become a father again so soon, Jackson explained that his 7-month-old son is starting to lose his looks

-Carni Wilson, formerly of Wilson Phillips says that her talk show will be different than other talk shows, in that she will treat her guests with respect and dignity. And then she will eat them

-The state of Michigan's legislature has just passed a law allowing the blind to hunt deer. The biggest supporters of the new law? THE DEER

-The Artist Formerly Known as Prince is now going by just 'The Artist.' Despite this, I will still refer to him as, 'The Fruit.

-Earlier this week Attorney General Janet Reno charged software giant Microsoft with trying to monopolize access to the Internet, and she has asked a federal court to fine the company a million dollars per day. Analysts say that at this rate, Microsoft CEO Bill Gates will be broke just 10 years after the Earth crashes into the sun

-Thurman Thomas has just broken a few of OJ's records recently. He now leads the Bills in touchdowns, and yards. Next up.... killing three people at once

-The Beatles first new song in over 25 years, 'Free as a Bird,' just came out and it's just been discovered that there's a secret message by John Lennon when you play the song backwards.? The message: 'This song sucks!

-In Virginia, police are looking for a stripper who stabbed a man for telling her she was too fat to strip. Police warn that the woman is armed and extremely fat

-The FDA has approved a drug used for anti-depression to help people quit smoking. It should be noted,the drug is crack
Christopher Reeve recently said that while he was recovering from his accident in the hospital, the comedy of Robin Williams convinced him to go on living. However, the comedy of Pauly Shore made him long for the sweet release of death

-Magic Johnson has received a $900 000 retainer to write a book on how not to get AIDS. Chapter 1: Don't have sex with me

Title: Re: Norm MacDonald: the FUNNIEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on October 30, 2006, 07:12:44 AM
Kujo!!!    :beer:  Cheers to you man!  These quotes are priceless!  To think a buddy of mine liked Dennis Miller's Weekend Update better...bitch please!   :hihi:  "Women can't drive."  :rofl: 

Title: Re: Norm MacDonald: the FUNNIEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!
Post by: jazjme on October 30, 2006, 08:18:45 AM
Brings back memories, awesome stuff Kujo!

Title: Re: Norm MacDonald: the FUNNIEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!
Post by: HamsterDemocracy on October 30, 2006, 01:45:16 PM
He was fired from SNL because they didn't think he was funny enough for the Updates.

Oh, yeah, so they got Fallon.

 :rofl: :rofl:

There's no comparison. Norm was a million times better than Tina Fey and Jimmy "Ruin Every Gag By Laughing Hysterically and Pretending to Cover it Up" Fallon.

Title: Re: Norm MacDonald: the FUNNIEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!
Post by: Bill 213 on October 30, 2006, 02:47:19 PM
He was fired from SNL because they didn't think he was funny enough for the Updates.

Oh, yeah, so they got Fallon.

 :rofl: :rofl:

There's no comparison. Norm was a million times better than Tina Fey and Jimmy "Ruin Every Gag By Laughing Hysterically and Pretending to Cover it Up" Fallon.

Yeah but first they had Colin Quinn.  That guy was about as funny as watching paint dry.  He was still better than Fallon though.  Fallon was the nail in the coffin for SNL.

Title: Re: Norm MacDonald: the FUNNIEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!
Post by: Kujo on October 30, 2006, 07:03:12 PM
I'll look for some more, glad you all enjoy them. I always thought Norm was underappreciated.

He was actually fired because the president of NBC was a friend of OJ Simpson, and Norm was asked to lay off the OJ jokes. You can guess how he responded to that :hihi: . The final straw was when he let an F bomb drop during a broadcast. He was fired almost immediately as management felt he did it on purpose.

Title: Re: Norm MacDonald: the FUNNIEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on November 04, 2006, 10:48:15 PM
While reading those posted jokes, it sparked my memory.  Wasn't there a little joke he had where he mentioned Houston, Texas outlawing lap-dances, and comparing it to Nazi Germany?  It was priceless.  I just can't remember how it went.  Anybody remember?

Title: Re: Norm MacDonald: the FUNNIEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!
Post by: Kujo on November 04, 2006, 11:57:49 PM
That doesn't ring a bell but I'll look for it. In the mean time:

Norm on Letterman after getting fired from SNL(Long Clip)

Norm returns to host SNL Monologue:

Weekend Update w/ Richard Jewel

The Daily Show appearance talking about Steve Irwin

Title: Re: Norm MacDonald: the FUNNIEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!
Post by: Mr.Twister on November 05, 2006, 01:25:04 AM
I disagree, I think Dane Cook is funniest