Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Jessica on October 27, 2006, 04:44:38 PM

Title: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: Jessica on October 27, 2006, 04:44:38 PM
In a few days, i am going to disappear.

I'm leaving my baby's dad to a location that has to remain unknown, because he knows this forum's url ( and others).

He won't come here until he finds out we're gone.

I will probably not have internet and i'm not sure i will take the risk to be found for now.

I let justice takes its course and hopefully, things will turn out ok.

In the meantime, i wanted to thank you all for being such nice people.

There are a few special people : drew, BP, Bruna, Buddha master, 55555, so many of yous made me smile when i needed to, some of you gave me strengh when i thought i had ran out, so thank you.

I will only be on here a week at the most.

When i go, i will post a bye bye.

I will not reply to any pm's after, no emails, until i am sure gaby and me are safe.

Long live GNR, thank you for wonderful music.

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: Lara on October 27, 2006, 04:51:01 PM
Sorry to hear you're leaving... Gonna miss you  :(

I wish you good luck with your new beginning.

Take care!  :-*

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: Jessica on October 27, 2006, 04:57:37 PM
I have no choice, i filed against him, he is going to go mad, now, i have to move, sosince i can sell my stuff monday, i am going to call movers and ask them to be there ASAP.
The police said he will be notified by wednesday probably.
I have to be gone.

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: -Jack- on October 27, 2006, 05:00:53 PM
We'll miss you! Hope things end up ok.. and, well be ok.

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: unoturbo on October 27, 2006, 05:02:22 PM
Let me get this straight: You said to the father of your baby that you were leaving and he tried to stab you. Now you're posting on a message board (that he knows the address of) that you are leaving him for good  ???

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: Evolution on October 27, 2006, 05:03:06 PM
Take care of yourself and the wee one.

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: CheapJon on October 27, 2006, 05:04:18 PM
i don't know what to say.. i can't express myself in a good way in english when it comes to stuff like this, but i hope this works out great for you and that you'll get a great life with your baby on your own

we will remember you

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: Jessica on October 27, 2006, 05:18:17 PM
Let me get this straight: You said to the father of your baby that you were leaving and he tried to stab you. Now you're posting on a message board (that he knows the address of) that you are leaving him for good  ???

The story is more complicated :

I have been made dependant of what's called a narcissic pervert, i was full of life, projects, he isolated me, crushed me mentally for years. He was mentally abusive, occasionally violent and self violent, with a tendency to drink.
He is a mythomaniac, one of the symptoms of the above, and a seductor, so he made me ill with paranoia, because he would cheat and convince me i was paranoid, imagining things ( apparently, another clich? for these perverts).
I tried to commit suicide in 2000 because no one would believe me. These sickos apparently are very good to turn the truth inside out and it took me years to discover i was normal and living with a dangerous person.
I had left him and he manipulated once again, so well i was convinced into coming back and gabriel was on the way.
As soon as i was pregnant, his old ways came back.
I was stuck in a huge feeling of guilt, and i tried to stay for my son, hoping he would make a good father.
But when gabriel was born, not only did he not seem to care in the intimate ( because outside, he tells everyone i don't let him have time with the baby), he did not spend time with him.
But the very worst came at easter. He hit me in front of his parents who took his side and he had gaby in his arms.
They held me so i couldn't go to my son who was screaming, full of shit up to the waist, hungry and scared.
Two days later, once back home, I fell asleep deeply in the bed after breasfeeding Gabriel. He was in the middle, between us.
Suddenly, one eye opened and i saw him trying to bring the baby towards his penis.
There was sperm all over the sheet.
The day after, i went to the social services and maternal and infantile protection.
They send a letter to the children's judge saying my kid was in danger.
We were called to the judge who ordered a family expertise until january 2007. Once a month.
Once more, he manipulates them.
But he said something weird and i called the social services to tell them he'd said something and asked them if they'd even noticed.
We are filmed you see, one person with us, one behind a glass ( we can't see but they can).
Anyway, since then, i have told him i was going to leave, as i didn't love him anymore and since i was worried for the kid.

I was always cared of him and i am not anymore ( or wasn't sunday until he lost it)..

So he said he would not hesitate to have me pass as mad to have gabriel's custody and i replied i doubtedhe would have it, because he'd said something weird at the expertise and told him i would not tell him what, but that it was a huge mistake of his, a lapsus.

He asked me if i thought he was a pedophile, to which i replied yes. straight in the eyes.

He then said " i am going out with the kid" and i said " no you're not".

I tried to get gaby, but he punched me, and i ran after him to try to get gaby who was panicked and crying.

And he got a knife out, on me first, and then, turned it against him shouting " you're going to kill me aren't you, aren't you"  and marched on me wit hthe knife, so my stomach would have forced the knife to stab him if i hadn't moved an inch.

I was screaaaming, and the neighbours came in, and that's that, they called the police, this was sunday night.

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: Ines_rocks! on October 27, 2006, 05:56:14 PM
omg  :'( I don?t even kno what to say! We all hv our personal lifes, we often come here and don?t even think about other user?s lives and then I come here and read this... I?m so sorry! This is so sad! I really feel for you and your baby... I deeply, deeply wish you good luck.... hope that man stays away from you forever, and that u can live peacefully with ur baby... no1 deserves to live like this! Once again, good luck, and remember, we are all here for you!  :-*

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: Drew on October 27, 2006, 06:06:22 PM
Jessica, I'm so saddened to hear this news. I am so angry that you and Gabriel have been put thru this by the person you had done so much for. I know this man and I hate him for all he has put you and Gabriel thru. So many years of his bullshit and now you are being forced to run away for you and your Gabriel's safety. I will miss you so much my friend and I wish you all the best and look forward and hoping one day I will see and hear from you again.

Please read your p.m.'s when you have a chance!

Love Always Jessica!

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: Elrothiel on October 27, 2006, 06:28:26 PM
Oh my fucking hell... he sounds like a complete and utter maniac.

I hope everything goes swimmingly for you when you go... it'll be a shame to see you go, but I hope in the future when everything's cool again, you'll return to us!

Make sure that asshole gets put away!

Loads and loads of luck for the future for you and Gaby.

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: Jessica on October 27, 2006, 06:39:19 PM
sadly, the french justice system is not as effective, psychologically advanced as the american one concerning domestic violence.

I don't think he will go to prison, but i will do all my best so that should he be allowed to see his son, be it on neutral territory with surveillance.

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: anythinggoes on October 27, 2006, 06:46:10 PM
Bye Bye Jessica all the best look after yourself and especially Gabriel hope you can get everything to work out for the best for the two of you.

Keep Strong

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: Jessica on October 27, 2006, 07:00:14 PM
Once everything is settled, the filing, the result, the custody and all, i will be back.

But for now, it's best and i don't even know if i will have access to a comp and a net line as my things will be in storage for an undefinite time.

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: MCT on October 27, 2006, 08:04:17 PM

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: journey on October 27, 2006, 08:39:03 PM
Best of luck Jessica. I hope things get better for you very soon. Be sure to let us know how you're doing whenever possible.

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: Eazy E on October 27, 2006, 08:50:32 PM
Your posts rarely made sense, but good luck with all the personal issues.   : ok:

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: Jessica on October 27, 2006, 09:11:13 PM
Your posts rarely made sense, but good luck with all the personal issues.   : ok:

Yes, i suppose my head has been upside down for too long due a very traumatic 7 years now, but i am sorting this out now and am being counselled too, so hopefully, within a few years, i will be what i should have been if i hadn't fallen in love with a crazy person.
I guess living that close to madness kind of makes you just as bad.

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: Back Off Bitch on October 27, 2006, 09:18:05 PM
Bye  :'(

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: Jessica on October 27, 2006, 09:31:45 PM
Oh my fucking hell... he sounds like a complete and utter maniac.

I hope everything goes swimmingly for you when you go... it'll be a shame to see you go, but I hope in the future when everything's cool again, you'll return to us!

Make sure that asshole gets put away!

Loads and loads of luck for the future for you and Gaby.

He is...

He looks like the "normal" person :

Blonde, blue eyes, medium height and weight, wears conventional clothes, acts like the perfect employee, and outside, acts like a cold but normal companion and a devoted father.

Which is why it is extremely hard to have people believe me when i say what happens to me.

I am surrounding myself with people who are professionals, who know these types of individuals, but it doesn't mean i will be able to have the family psychologists and the judge believe it, their egos are at stake.
The " i know my job" type of thing, they are convinced they'd know if someone tried to fuck with their minds but they don't really have a clue, which is why experts will have to explain it tothem on my behalf.

Will it work ? I have no idea.

When i said gaby was in danger, i was told he show no physical sign of agression, so i violently replied to the judge ( and god knows i was rude and extremely graphic) :

Does it mean my son has to have an exploded sphincter so you can do something about his father ?

The judge was the biggest motherfucking macho on earth, who thought ( i could read his face) i was just a woman saying shit about a man because she wants to leave him.

I hate women who say crap about men who haven't done anything, because they put all women and children who REALLY are in danger at risk of not being believed and i hate them for it, i hate it from the bottom of my soul.

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: SuperMike on October 27, 2006, 09:46:47 PM
Jessica, I'm going to miss seeing you post on here, I always liked you. I'm sorry to hear about what you have to deal with, I hope that ends. Farewell and take it easy! :beer:

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: LeftToDecay on October 28, 2006, 12:16:06 AM
Best of luck with everything Jessica, be well.

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: jabba2 on October 28, 2006, 12:34:49 AM
Best of luck and come back soon. Ill always remember the time you called Brian Wilson a child molester, then wouldnt say why.

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: Christos AG on October 28, 2006, 08:03:22 AM
I probably never agreed with what you said but I hope the best for you and your son.

Bye. :peace:

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: 2NaFish on October 28, 2006, 10:25:54 AM
be safe jess. bye

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on October 28, 2006, 10:56:14 AM
Get the hell out of there. Sad to hear your circumstances, but do what you need to do to protect your child.

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: TAP on October 28, 2006, 12:29:22 PM
Let me get this straight: You said to the father of your baby that you were leaving and he tried to stab you. Now you're posting on a message board (that he knows the address of) that you are leaving him for good  ???

Yeah, no kidding. If everything said in this thread is true, then sorry, but posting it in advance to a public messageboard is a really, really bad idea. The probability that a male with all the characteristics described is regularly reading a message board that he knows his wife posts to must be close to 100%.

This thread should be wiped out of existence and never mentioned again.

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: lennonisgod on October 28, 2006, 01:55:23 PM
Holy shit... what a fuck that fucker is. I cannot believe you had to live through that and are still living through it. I'm so happy you're leaving and getting away and I hope that fucking pussy gets what's coming to him. That story you told just really blew my mind. The part about him "moving the baby towards his penis and the semen all over the sheets," is just unreal. That is so disgusting and it's so sad that THERE ARE thousands of people out there just like him. Shit has to be done about these people because they get away with so much shit and if they do get caught, they get a slap on the wrist. Fuck him to hell. I'm glad you're ok and even though we've never really talked, your story really touched me. I hope life gets better for you, I really do. One day you will find a man that will love you and your child unconditionally and treat you with the respect and honor that you deserve. It will take a lot of work and time to put this behind you and to be able to trust a man again I'm sure, but you'll get there. Don't let yourself get down about anything that has happened and never put any of the blame on yourself for what has occurred. DO NOT BLAME YOURSELF. AND don't worry about this website either, just hide and stay away from that fucker.

Seriously, the best of luck in the world to you and you will find happiness because you deserve happiness. You get what you deserve... and that's why he's going to burn in hell. Good luck and just be safe out there, you're going to do just fine.

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: Jessica on October 28, 2006, 02:32:36 PM
Let me get this straight: You said to the father of your baby that you were leaving and he tried to stab you. Now you're posting on a message board (that he knows the address of) that you are leaving him for good  ???

Yeah, no kidding. If everything said in this thread is true, then sorry, but posting it in advance to a public messageboard is a really, really bad idea. The probability that a male with all the characteristics described is regularly reading a message board that he knows his wife posts to must be close to 100%.

This thread should be wiped out of existence and never mentioned again.

Yes, i was going to ask the mods to delete it once it is my moving away day.
He will not come to forums as he thinks he better than a woman who surfs, he will not " lower" himself.
That's how he sees himself.
I know him, in his madness, he is predictable.
He will only come for infos once he realises furniture, baby and me are gone.
Which is why i said i also won't reply to messages because he is an internet manager and an internet engineer who knows young hackers.
I will empty all my boxes of messages, and this, if mods are ok, will be deleted.

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: Jessica on October 28, 2006, 02:46:39 PM
Holy shit... what a fuck that fucker is. I cannot believe you had to live through that and are still living through it. I'm so happy you're leaving and getting away and I hope that fucking pussy gets what's coming to him. That story you told just really blew my mind. The part about him "moving the baby towards his penis and the semen all over the sheets," is just unreal. That is so disgusting and it's so sad that THERE ARE thousands of people out there just like him. Shit has to be done about these people because they get away with so much shit and if they do get caught, they get a slap on the wrist. Fuck him to hell. I'm glad you're ok and even though we've never really talked, your story really touched me. I hope life gets better for you, I really do. One day you will find a man that will love you and your child unconditionally and treat you with the respect and honor that you deserve. It will take a lot of work and time to put this behind you and to be able to trust a man again I'm sure, but you'll get there. Don't let yourself get down about anything that has happened and never put any of the blame on yourself for what has occurred. DO NOT BLAME YOURSELF. AND don't worry about this website either, just hide and stay away from that fucker.

Seriously, the best of luck in the world to you and you will find happiness because you deserve happiness. You get what you deserve... and that's why he's going to burn in hell. Good luck and just be safe out there, you're going to do just fine.

It's too late, i do blame myself, to a point, you can't begin to imagine, i blame myself for being needy in terms of love, cuddles and affection.
I was the PER FECT candidate for him.
I was vulnerable under aspects of strengh. The loud gob, the funny girl, the smily smily girl, all this is a part of me, but also a part of the cover and his instinct was too far develloped for me to see it come.
I was already dependant when i realised.
Over the years on forums, i tried to talk, i tried to explain, but it was like a mind rape.
He isolated me from my friends, the very few i had going back 15 years.
He even went as far as to insinuate he'd had sex with my mother so i would stop talking to her or loose my faith in her, knowing my mother wsn't always very stable, knowing she is an attention whore.
It almost worked.
He said my brother said i was mad so i wouldn't go and confide into him.
He said my father had told him he didn't trust me 3 months before he died.
Thank god, the birth of gabriel opened up new communication bridges with my mother and we talked it over and over, and it turns out he is the biggest bastard.
My parents never lied to each other and told each toher everything, my dad never said that. Nor did my brother.
Mum and alex told me they'd testify if necessary.

I have lost trust in men.

On here, some saw me as anti men.
Maybe they will understand better now.
2 out of 5 women are put through domestic violence ( physical, moral or sexual or the three).

Now, all i hope is that justice is on our side ( gaby and me) because he cannot be left to visit that man without supervision.
I never imagined he could be turned on by kids.
I knew he liked to look at 15 year old girls, but many men i see do.

Right now, all i'm left with is a bitter bitter taste that says " men are fucking animals".

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: CAFC Nick on October 28, 2006, 03:55:33 PM
Hope everything is ok   :'(

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: bazgnr on October 29, 2006, 07:10:21 AM
Best of luck.  I hope things get better, and soon.

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: babydolls on October 30, 2006, 10:42:54 AM
i genuinely hope everything works out for you and Gaby and that one day we will hear from you again.  stay safe and all the very best to you.   : ok:

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: Neemo on October 30, 2006, 10:44:55 AM
you'll be missed of luck to you and your little one...i hope your new life treats you "better" :'( :-*

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: the dirt on October 30, 2006, 10:51:31 AM
Good journey Jess.

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: Elrothiel on October 30, 2006, 11:54:32 AM
Stay safe girl, and good luck!! You shall not be forgotten!!

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: ppbebe on October 30, 2006, 12:27:38 PM
Jess, the best of luck with your new life! it's never too late. never again fall for that kind of man.

and pm me when you come back with a brand new user name.  hopefully soon. :-*

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: Chelle on October 30, 2006, 02:34:24 PM
Jess, I'll miss you dear, and wish you love and luck   :-*   :-*   :-*

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: *Timothy* on March 25, 2009, 06:20:17 PM
So what ever happened with all this??

Guess that moving day never came, eh??

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: TAP on March 25, 2009, 06:37:42 PM
Jess, I'll miss you dear, and wish you love and luck   :-*   :-*   :-*

Yeah we'll miss your posts for sure.

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: AtariLegend on March 25, 2009, 06:48:07 PM
She would've been missed... 

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: Annie on March 25, 2009, 06:50:32 PM
Jessica, I am so sorry for you. I believe you. I once had the misfortune of dating a chaplain who was very emotionally abusive. It took me a long time to fully heal from the cruel things he said. I used to think I was crazy, because everybody thought he was so nice.  I once choked him, (not real hard) to get him to shut up. My prayers are with you. :'(

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: TAP on March 25, 2009, 06:56:53 PM
Jessica, I am so sorry for you. I believe you. I once had the misfortune of dating a chaplain who was very emotionally abusive. It took me a long time to fully heal from the cruel things he said. I used to think I was crazy, because everybody thought he was so nice.  I once choked him, (not real hard) to get him to shut up. My prayers are with you. :'(

You choked the chaplain? What was he saying?

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: Bandita on March 25, 2009, 07:34:52 PM
Where I come from, a chaplain is a priest and dating one would be a no no.

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: TAP on March 25, 2009, 07:37:45 PM
Where I come from, a chaplain is a priest and dating one would be a no no.

What if you're 12?

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: *Timothy* on March 25, 2009, 07:39:44 PM
 Well then choking The Chaplain would mean something else I would guess.

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: D on March 25, 2009, 07:50:31 PM
She would've been missed... 
:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

Im gonna start I am leaving thread one of these days and then post in it every single day :hihi:

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: mrlee on March 25, 2009, 07:52:58 PM
random thread. I read it thinking wow omg wtf is going on.

Then saw the date lmao

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on March 25, 2009, 08:00:46 PM
Where I come from, a chaplain is a priest and dating one would be a no no.

Of course it would be a no-no for you're female.   ;D

Title: Re: Thank you everyone, for 6 marvellous years
Post by: Bandita on March 25, 2009, 08:13:00 PM
Where I come from, a chaplain is a priest and dating one would be a no no.

Of course it would be a no-no for you're female.   ;D

and much too old for their liking.