Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on January 10, 2005, 11:16:28 AM

Title: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on January 10, 2005, 11:16:28 AM
this thought came to me thinking about if GN'R had a commercial tie in in the superbowl

the WTTJ video game tie in was cool

for the new album what if they joined with a major brand or product in a marketing partnership

now that KFC is out of the picture (remeber the GN'R Six piece special hoax/rumour?  ;D)...
who/what wouldn't you mind GN'R hooking up with in some sort of promotion for the new album

whether it be just including some of the new music... or a full on concert promotion sponsership

what type of product or what brand wouldn't be a bad idea?

honestly - I cant' think of anything...

you guys?

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: nesquick on January 10, 2005, 11:43:56 AM
I started the same kind of topic 2 years ago, "promotion of CD" etc... and nothing ever happened.
Now, I think it's funny to talk about promotion whereas the album has more chance not to come out than the contrary...
The only thing I'd like to say about the "promotion" in GN'R is that the guy in charge of the promotion during 2002 should really be fired. He is a zero. Give me the marketing/promotion job in GN'R and I'll make fantastic results. I'm still at University but I know how to make something big. Going on tour without an album and after 10 years of total silence is a huge mistake. The promotion was also pretty poor, I mean, NOTHING compared to the Illusion erea where GN'R was everywhere. the name "Guns n' Roses" was nowhere in 2002 (exept for the VMA). Buy pages in magazines, make tons of advertizing, Try to organize a huge concert broatcasted by satellite, contact the media, make an appearance on a famous talk show (CNN or NBC), make a great website, put games on it for fans etc...don't be afraid to put money. Money is made to be spent! It's called investment. Stop to be "little". just fucking make it big! Guns n' Roses has sold over 85 million records worldwide (and counting), and Geffen is one of the biggest musical company in the world, so come on move your ass. Just look at U2, one U2 show = one sold-out stadium. Guns n' Roses popularity is on the same league as U2 so why nobody moves his/her ass in GN'R? that's crazy...

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Scabbie on January 10, 2005, 12:53:33 PM
I started the same kind of topic 2 years ago, "promotion of CD" etc... and nothing ever happened.
Now, I think it's funny to talk about promotion whereas the album has more chance not to come out than the contrary...

I seem to remember the illusive Mysteron starting a similar thread not so long ago.....talking of which I think he's gone on vacation

I think we need to add a sleepy face to posting icons. You know a little face with a nightcap and a lantern in his hand

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: thelostrose on January 11, 2005, 05:47:36 AM
I seem to remember the illusive Mysteron starting a similar thread not so long ago.....talking of which I think he's gone on vacation

I think we need to add a sleepy face to posting icons. You know a little face with a nightcap and a lantern in his hand

maybe Mysteron is Merck?? he's on vacation too - till the 15th!  ::)

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Scabbie on January 11, 2005, 06:44:45 AM

maybe Mysteron is Merck?? he's on vacation too - till the 15th!? ::)

BUSTED!!!  :hihi:

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: SINSHINE on January 11, 2005, 08:11:33 AM
To get this thread back on topic...

I think a few items might be successful for promoting CD.

Firstly, another 'surprise' guest appearance by the band during a major television event (ie: VMAs, Superbowl, Grammy's, etc.) is definitely the way to start it up again. It's a shame that it will be automatically compared to a carbon copy of the 2002 VMAs, but I don't think it could hurt.

Secondly, some secret or surprise gigs in the NY, LA area might be a good idea. Some clubs gigs like this (especially surprise gigs) will catch many old/new fans off guard and word would travel quickly...not to mention that some club gigs might druge up some bittersweet memories of GN'R past (which is a good thing, BTW).

As far as music videos go, they would have to be another reason to watch them other than the fact that they are GN'R (not to disrespect GN''s just nobody airs music videos anymore and our youth doesn't seem to care as they were brought up on TRL, not Headbanger's Ball). What I mean by this is that the videos (much like the "Without You" trilogy) need to be linked somehow...have a mystery behind them. Perhaps a string of videos that detail ALL that's gone on with Axl and the band (and former band) since the recording of Sympathy for the Devil.

Certainly a soundtrack song might be a great push as well. I think someone on this board mentioned Sin City and I agree that might be a perfect choice.

Lastly, perhaps headlining with another major act isn't such a bad idea. I used to be against it, but I know how difficult it is for any band to do 'sold out' tour anymore (not to mention a Stadium tour). Hell, I think the only band that is capable of still selling out a stadium on their own is The Rolling Stones (and even they had some last minute tickets sold on their last tour). If Axl doesn't feel like sharing the spotlight with another big name, then how 'bout a small 'festival' type of tour with five or six other, smaller calibur bands (ie: Kid Rock, Weezer, and/or The Darkness).
Personally I'd love to see them tour with Aerosmith, but I think Axl has too much respect for them to put them through any and all "axlisms" a GN'R tour promises.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: ppbebe on January 11, 2005, 12:20:02 PM
Isn?t the 'surprise' guest appearance on a major television event rather well worn nowadays?

I definitely love the idea of secret gigs. Yay, get back to the basics a little.
As for Sound tracks? hmmm I think The Dragon Ball would be a good option if available?Ok, OK it?s just me.

And hey,  how can you forget Chinese Fortune Cookies. :smoking:

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: SINSHINE on January 11, 2005, 03:12:31 PM

And hey,? how can you forget Chinese Fortune Cookies. :smoking:

Hey, say what you want...I thought it was a clever idea (maybe not successful or worthwhile, but clever nonetheless)  : ok:

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: damien24 on January 12, 2005, 03:33:25 AM
i agree with the festival idea,   ozzy does a touring festival with many quality metal bands,
GNR could do a smaller version, (indoors maybe) most of the members have side/solo projects anyways - they could play sets too.
another arena tour (in my opinion) would be a bad idea, i went to a show in fargo on the ill-fated tour,  and while I enjoyed it,  i think most people were a little disapointed (i actually heard people saying "where was slash" and (i swear)- "why was slash wearing a mask?")    point is its not 1993 anymore.
both nine inch nails and tool are supposed to put out albums this year, and axl seems to be steering his music towards that area of music anyway-  they should be in on this festival idea too.

as far as sponcers for tours?,  some cool company like x-box or something should foot that bill.

umm.. secret appearances are good too-  when the nfl announced paul mcartny as the halftime show- i thought that axl might do one of his surpises (as a lot of you are discussing elsewhere).
i also think that they should release the album without any promotion what-so-ever,  just ship the disc one day with all the others.   that would be great publicity,  gives an urgency to talking about it on the radio/television  "GNR release first album of original material in 13years TODAY!" - that would be cool.

i should get a job in record company promotions.

so- to recap...  on the tuesday after the superbowl (special apperance of course) the cd drops and a tour with nine inch nails and tool - sponsored by X-box will be making its way across north america some time in the spring / summer-  euro-festivals and japan is always huge-  axl says he wants to tour for a while with the new material anyway.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: RICHEY on January 12, 2005, 11:25:57 AM
Has anyone seen the footage of the concert Nirvana put on for mtv before Nevermind came out? It was in a really small studio with kids surrounding them and dangling from a balony above as they played. I think this would be brillant for GNR. Almost a Ritz for 2005. They could play for 30 minutes and preview songs off of CD and play classics. If Axl is the tip top shape, and they replay the mini concert enough it could be huge. The costs would be cheap and the exposure limitless.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on January 12, 2005, 09:25:44 PM
Has anyone seen the footage of the concert Nirvana put on for mtv before Nevermind came out? It was in a really small studio with kids surrounding them and dangling from a balony above as they played. I think this would be brillant for GNR. Almost a Ritz for 2005. They could play for 30 minutes and preview songs off of CD and play classics. If Axl is the tip top shape, and they replay the mini concert enough it could be huge. The costs would be cheap and the exposure limitless.

That would be great for the band... and the fans... especially cool if some real true hard core die hard fans could attend ;)
This would be great - could be like an album release party / gig.  : ok:

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: jimmythegent on January 12, 2005, 10:26:40 PM
I honestly think that the only promotion needed is an absolute killer first single accompanyed by an awesome video perhaps hyped like Nivember Rain was when it appeared by advertising the premier etc.. Other than that perhaps some low-key gigs (or small gigs) in key areas and an announcement of album release date and tour. Thats all you need - after that it will depend on the quality of the album and the dependibility of Axl/Guns as a touring unit etc...

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: takeshi on January 13, 2005, 03:51:59 PM
Axl could team up with Jenny Craig and lose the love handles before the next tour.  He should be able to do it before 2020. ::)

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: dangnr on January 13, 2005, 06:40:58 PM
Hey im a long time visitor of the site but this is my first post, As far as promoting the album Im sure AXL will do this right look how much money has been spent on chinese democracy if this album sucked the record company wouldnt be putting that kind of money into it. Axl is going to have to come out of hiding talk to Loder, or go on LEtterman or something I personally think a suprise appearance somewhere or a suprise performance just like in 2002 except this time follow it up and keep the ball rolling.
 Nesquick said that Guns N Roses popularity is in the same level as U2 I have to disagree,
Guns have been out off the picture too long

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: BurningHills on August 08, 2006, 04:16:30 PM
Again, just a thought, so no-one jump on me over this:

The WWE has something like 20 pay per view events every month, and they always use a current modern rock single as the theme song.

I think it would be GREAT publicity if Axl licensed the first single from Democracy to the WWE to use as a PPV theme song when the album is ready to be released.


Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Cooker on August 08, 2006, 04:18:58 PM
I think that would be a little to much, why the WWE? Sure its alot of exposure, but the WWE is not what it was, I think GN'R should just release the single and CD and tour.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: BurningHills on August 08, 2006, 04:20:37 PM
Yeah, the WWE (I HATE calling it that - it'll always be the WWF to me) pretty much sucks anymore - but there's still ALOT of people that watch it and go to the events. Its really just a matter of getting the message out to as many people as possible that GN'R are back!

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: wes on August 08, 2006, 04:21:09 PM
It was cool when Arnold Schwarzenneger promoted his movie End Of Days and beat the shit outta triple H but that was when WWE was kinda good. now its incredibly lame and everytime i hear music from WWE i get annoyed. i dont know why.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on August 08, 2006, 04:22:04 PM
Yeah, the WWE (I HATE calling it that - it'll always be the WWF to me) pretty much sucks anymore - but there's still ALOT of people that watch it and go to the events. Its really just a matter of getting the message out to as many people as possible that GN'R are back!

have you seen the kind of people who watches that ?

i kid i kid :)

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Scabbie on August 08, 2006, 04:32:45 PM
How about a 2 yr worldwode tour to raise awareness of GNR before deciding to release the album?  ???

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: duga on August 08, 2006, 04:34:42 PM
How about a 2 yr worldwode tour to raise awareness of GNR before deciding to release the album?  ???

How about release the damn album before ever touring again?

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Drew on August 08, 2006, 05:02:01 PM
PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO WRESTLING!!!!!

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: nesquick on August 08, 2006, 05:06:41 PM
single + video... it still the best.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Scabbie on August 08, 2006, 05:17:11 PM
single + video... it still the best.

I still think they should be like Led Zep and not bother with singles

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Judge Dredd on August 08, 2006, 05:21:37 PM
single + video... it still the best.

I still think they should be like Led Zep and not bother with singles

Same here.

Just release the album.

Axl is one of the few peope in the world who has big enough stones to pull that off. ;D

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Scabbie on August 08, 2006, 05:30:48 PM
single + video... it still the best.

I still think they should be like Led Zep and not bother with singles

Same here.

Just release the album.

Axl is one of the few peope in the world who has big enough stones to pull that off. ;D

My only reservation is that we could miss out on B-Sides - but there's always EPs and more albums for that!

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Judge Dredd on August 08, 2006, 05:32:08 PM
^ If it ain't good enough for an album, it shouldn't be released. :hihi:

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: DizzyReed63 on August 08, 2006, 05:33:33 PM
A truck pulls into downtown New York, Times Square, around Rush Hour.
A bunch of guys get out and start setting up a stage...then Axl and the band come out and put on a 1-hour show with the announcement of the U.S. tour and album release date.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: nesquick on August 08, 2006, 05:35:14 PM
yeah... something crazy would be cool also : ok:
Or a free show in Central Park? 8)

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: jarmo on August 08, 2006, 06:07:56 PM
Or he could come back to Sweden.... Visits to Sweden seem to generate press for Axl.? ?:hihi: ;)

They got a lot of press by "taking over" New York in May. Something similar could work again....

Add some tv appearances and interviews to that and the ball is rolling.


Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Bandita on August 08, 2006, 06:12:03 PM
yeah... something crazy would be cool also : ok:
Or a free show in Central Park? 8)

Could you imagine??????  Central Park would never be the same again!

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Lucky on August 08, 2006, 06:17:47 PM
one thing you people dont understand...

It's not Axls job to worry with the comertial strategy, and I dont think he cares if album sells or doesnt sell.
most of the money of the album sales goes to the record company.
if the album sells 10 million copies (and it probably wont), Axl would probably earn no more than 10 million $, and he earned more of this euro tour than that(since the total tickets sold amount to 35+ million $$).

He probably doesnt care if he sells 10 000 copies more or less.
you people need to understand that.

nobody in the band is obsessed with the things some of u are obsessed.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Bandita on August 08, 2006, 06:22:44 PM
one thing you people dont understand...

It's not Axls job to worry with the comertial strategy, and I dont think he cares if album sells or doesnt sell.
most of the money of the album sales goes to the record company.
if the album sells 10 million copies (and it probably wont), Axl would probably earn no more than 10 million $, and he earned more of this euro tour than that(since the total tickets sold amount to 35+ million $$).

He probably doesnt care if he sells 10 000 copies more or less.
you people need to understand that.

nobody in the band is obsessed with the things some of u are obsessed.

I don't believe this at all.  Axl has his hands in everything when it comes to touring and especially this album that has been worked on for a million years now.  CD is gonna make or break this band at this point and if you think Axl doesn't realize or doesn't care, you are mistaken for sure....

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Sizzle on August 08, 2006, 06:23:35 PM
They could do what U2 did, go through Times Square on the back of an open top lorry playing Better and announce a realease date then.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: philspectorshotme on August 08, 2006, 06:32:32 PM
no offense to wrestling fans (im sure you're all well to aware of the esteem you choice of entertainment is held in the mainstream), but it'd be pretty bad PR. a damage to gnr's credibility (ha!).

two things:
1) gnr arent your kid rocks/korns/limp biscuit/whatever run of the mill heavy rock band soundtracks wrestling. gnr are one of the absolute elite in rock n roll. the name rubs shoulders with the true royality, the zeppelins, sabbaths, ac/dcs, queens, stones. soundtracking the wwf (yes, it galls me too trying to call it 'e') is a level far below gnr's status.

2) like i say, it'd be embarrassing for the wider audience to have gnr associated with wrestling (- or rather, in their minds it would be). people think (know?) axl is an asshole, but if he were to give them the incentive of a wrestling tie-in, it would induce sniggers of derision (as opposed to the sullen, suspicious apathy of present).

they wont need any extra publicity stunts such as this when the record gets released. this year (and indeed '02) still proved just how big a brand gnr is and how much power it and axl wield in the mass media. wrestling links would only damage that.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Scabbie on August 08, 2006, 06:35:32 PM
one thing you people dont understand...

It's not Axls job to worry with the comertial strategy, and I dont think he cares if album sells or doesnt sell.
most of the money of the album sales goes to the record company.
if the album sells 10 million copies (and it probably wont), Axl would probably earn no more than 10 million $, and he earned more of this euro tour than that(since the total tickets sold amount to 35+ million $$).

He probably doesnt care if he sells 10 000 copies more or less.
you people need to understand that.

nobody in the band is obsessed with the things some of u are obsessed.

Artists probably make a lot of money from publishing royalties (radio play etc)

Of course he cares if he sells records...he's put over 10 yrs into this project

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: jarmo on August 08, 2006, 07:08:46 PM
It's not Axls job to worry with the comertial strategy, and I dont think he cares if album sells or doesnt sell.

I think most artists would like to have some kind of input on how their recently released material is marketed.


Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: erose on August 08, 2006, 07:13:19 PM
yeah, axl doesn't care how his record is going to do.... as long as he has his little klick of fans who actually enjoys it... ::)

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: nesquick on August 08, 2006, 07:16:54 PM
It's not Axls job to worry with the comertial strategy, and I dont think he cares if album sells or doesnt sell

Axl cares. Obviously he cares. He doesn't want this record to fail. He cares of the record sales, not just because of money, but because of musical and commercial achievement. EVERY artist cares of how successfull his music is. because it's an achievement.
They haven't worked for over 10 years to see this record failed. This is their album their baby. For all of them, including Axl, this is THE most important record of their career. If you think "they don't care", you are completely wrong. It's been hard working for them and they certainly do care!

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: the dirt on August 08, 2006, 07:24:25 PM
Although it would be a curious experience to view at first because of the fact that GNR were one of the originators of huge, epic oriented big budget videos I don't want any for this album.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Lucky on August 08, 2006, 09:31:16 PM
It's not Axls job to worry with the comertial strategy, and I dont think he cares if album sells or doesnt sell.

I think most artists would like to have some kind of input on how their recently released material is marketed.


I dont think that even Goebbels could help them get some good publicity :hihi:
after all.
this is the band that has only one original member in it. :no:
it changed 15 guitar players.? :-\
it caused 2 riots. :'(
hasnt releaseased an album in 10 years. :crying:
hasnt given 1 interview in 5 years. :rant:
has had more bad press than george bush :love:

also, this tour alone sold about 35 million $ in tickets. and that's in 3 months. there's no way chinese democracy would earn him as much.

P.S. and if Axl had an imput, it would take 15 years to develope the marketing strategy :drool:

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: chinesedemocracy05 on August 09, 2006, 02:06:19 PM
Again, just a thought, so no-one jump on me over this:

The WWE has something like 20 pay per view events every month, and they always use a current modern rock single as the theme song.

I think it would be GREAT publicity if Axl licensed the first single from Democracy to the WWE to use as a PPV theme song when the album is ready to be released.


Guns were supposed to play at Wrestlemania 20 and were invited to wrestlemania 19, i read it on i think back when i used to like wrestling. then it started to stuck.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: NorthwindNS on October 01, 2006, 12:05:09 AM
How about a pre-sale for the entire album (not just a single like another member mention....)

ALSO! Wouldn't it be sweet if the entire band HAND SIGNED every 1,000th Album - it would be like WIlly WOnka and the Golden Ticket. Whoever gets the 1,000th album would, well, obviouslt be ecstatic, but also would get an all inclusive paid trip w/ flight to see GNR play at one of their final shows in CA - then go backstage.

Maybe unrealistic but fucking cool. :drool:

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Chief on October 01, 2006, 12:21:19 AM
i would only preorder if i could get it before the actual release date but ive never seen that happen that case i'd preorder if there was a bonus disc or dvd or something..

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Lara on October 01, 2006, 01:11:44 AM
I was going through the Street Team thread and couldn't help but wonder what do I do in order to promote Chinese Democracy.

We all want this album to be a huge success, and I know it's GnR, everyone knows them... blah, blah...
But they're making a comeback and they could use all the help they can get. I think we can do more than wait for the cd to come.

I already had my friends listening to the leaks and let me tell you, 'Better' is pretty catchy.  ;D

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Lara on October 01, 2006, 01:19:30 AM
I love your Willy Wonka concept. That could actually work.  ;D

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Wolfpac on October 01, 2006, 01:28:24 AM
The best thing is word of mouth. If you like it then just tell everybody you can/know about it. I, on the other hand, feel the new leaks/demos suck monkey balls so I won't be promoting the album at all among my friends and colleagues.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: JimMorrison4 on October 01, 2006, 02:40:09 AM
If they need a gimmick like that to sell cds, they're in trouble.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Eclipsed107 on October 01, 2006, 04:48:38 AM
Lots of bands do where if you preorder a cd from a website (like or whatever) you get an autographed copy... Powerman 5000 just did it with their last cd.

IMO Gn'R doesn't need to do any of that though, and I'm sure they don't want to.

The cd will come out on the day it's suppose to come out, and there might be a special edition of it.  Who knows, I wouldn't bank on too many special things happening though.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: TOPGUNner on October 01, 2006, 06:13:07 AM
What they need to do is do an instore appearence at the Tower Records in the East Village of NYC. I went to the one that the New York Dolls did, and I've seen pics of Madonna's and that was friggin' HUGE, there were baracades and was nuts.

But that's what they need to do. Do an instore, sign autographs for the fans who were there for the in store (not just people on the street) and get exposure that way.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: 25 on October 01, 2006, 06:33:36 AM

But that's what they need to do. Do an instore, sign autographs for the fans

If they don't do that, and it makes no difference to album and ticket sales, will you still insist that they need to do it?

I really don't see Axl Motherfucking Rose sitting at a fold-up table with a paper cup of gatorade, signing merchandise shoved in front of him by sweaty fanboys for six hours (sweaty supermodels, maybe.) :hihi:
To be honest, I can't even imagine Chris Pittman doing that.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: NorthwindNS on October 01, 2006, 07:41:36 AM
If they need a gimmick like that to sell cds, they're in trouble.
Right on.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: TOPGUNner on October 01, 2006, 08:52:55 AM

But that's what they need to do. Do an instore, sign autographs for the fans

If they don't do that, and it makes no difference to album and ticket sales, will you still insist that they need to do it?

I really don't see Axl Motherfucking Rose sitting at a fold-up table with a paper cup of gatorade, signing merchandise shoved in front of him by sweaty fanboys for six hours (sweaty supermodels, maybe.) :hihi:
To be honest, I can't even imagine Chris Pittman doing that.

I don't insist they NEED to do it, I think it would be a cool thing for them to do. Of course it won't make a difference in album and ticket's just a nice thing to do for fans. What's your idea for promotion?

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: nesquick on October 01, 2006, 08:56:20 AM
Just make like the Madonna crew. She is promoted very, very well. When her last album was released last year (confession on a dancefloor) she was everywhere on high rotation.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: madagas on October 01, 2006, 09:29:05 AM
That's right Nesquick, be a sellout pop star.....fits Axl and Guns N' Roses perfectly.. : ok:  ::)

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: nesquick on October 01, 2006, 09:44:37 AM
That's right Nesquick, be a sellout pop star.....fits Axl and Guns N' Roses perfectly.. : ok:? ::)

Because a band/an artist is heavily promoted so they are "sellout"?
So I guess GN'R 87-93 erea were "sellout" as well for you right? The Beattles, The Stones, Michael Jackson etc.... sellout as well ::)

oh and BTW, leave me alone now, everytime I post you come and complain and this and that, go away. Live your life.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: madagas on October 01, 2006, 09:58:25 AM
Well, I disagree with just about everything you say. :-\ You post a comment/opinion and I'll post mine. Yes, the Stones now are a sellout. Michael Jackson is the King of Selling Out. If you can't take people disagreeing with you, then don't post. :-*

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Yesterday on October 01, 2006, 10:10:39 AM
Well the new website was a good start.  Street teams too.  But I would like to see TV ads to promote cd, an interview in Rolling Stone, maybe a TV appearence, and someone like Kurt Loder to do an interview with Axl.  I think if they come back huge in the US, a dateline interview wouldn't hurt.  Of course various members doing radio interviews.  Also release each single commercialy here in the US.  Not just radio singles.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: novemberparadise23 on October 01, 2006, 11:59:51 PM
yea i got some of my friends into guns and one of them is really into november rain

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: phi_kai_phi on October 05, 2006, 02:56:12 PM
Nov. 21st or not... I think most can agree that we should be seeing this album soon. 

What kind of promotion do you expect to see??  Low key, normal album promotion  or something more like a parade with sky writing?

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: phi_kai_phi on October 05, 2006, 02:57:11 PM
I've already seen some promotion when I saw a poster at the entrance to Spencer's Gift Store with a new GNR concert pic and a contest for a signed guitar from GNR since they're artist of the month...

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Steel_Angel on October 05, 2006, 03:00:08 PM
... i dont know... tv commercials?...

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Megaguns on October 05, 2006, 03:06:33 PM
Billboards on all the major highways, Lets cause some accidents....

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: masterdan on October 05, 2006, 03:11:06 PM
Last night at my school I changed the background on one of the cafeteria computers to a "G&R Chinese Democracy Starts Now" thing

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: miss bomb on October 05, 2006, 03:15:01 PM
there's absolutely nothing in the UK.

during the UK tour, there were a few adverts in magazines, and on tv. it just isnt enough.

a part of me doesnt care about the success of CD - i just wanna have it in my hands! but in the back of my mind i KNOW i shall be disappointed mainly for the band, for working so hard, if CD is a flop.

touring just isnt enough as far as pr is concerned. the majority of people who go are either fans or die hard fans. people outside of the fanbase and knowledge of the band line up need to know the deal.

releasing CD without a step up in their promotion is commercial suicide.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Megaguns on October 05, 2006, 03:16:01 PM
How bout, GnR CD computer virus, a global kinda thing.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: IndiannaRose on October 05, 2006, 03:17:17 PM
Well, lets see:

- Whether the album comes out on the 14th or 21st of November I think a Saturday Night Live appearance on the 11th would help exposure a lot. Also, maybe Axl could do a skit. Hah, that'd be funny. If that date is already scheduled then they could just have Axl make a surprise appearance on 'Weekend Update'. That would rule. :yes:

- An HBO special where the band performs songs off Chinese Democracy and the other albums in an intimate and small environment and engages in small interviews would just be phenomenal. Kind of like the old 'VH1: Storytellers' show.

Now, my biggie:

-Imagine if the band randomly popped up out of nowhere in Manhattan on the day of the MSG show and performed songs on a trailer on their way to the venue. The fans would follow the band to Madison Square Garden but only those with tickets would actually be able to get it. This would cause pandemonium I think. :hihi:

Like my ideas?

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: miss bomb on October 05, 2006, 03:22:36 PM
Well, lets see:

- Whether the album comes out on the 14th or 21st of November I think a Saturday Night Live appearance on the 11th would help exposure a lot. Also, maybe Axl could do a skit. Hah, that'd be funny. If that date is already scheduled then they could just have Axl make a surprise appearance on 'Weekend Update'. That would rule. :yes:

- An HBO special where the band performs songs off Chinese Democracy and the other albums in an intimate and small environment and engages in small interviews would just be phenomenal. Kind of like the old 'VH1: Storytellers' show.

Now, my biggie:

-Imagine if the band randomly popped up out of nowhere in Manhattan on the day of the MSG show and performed songs on a trailer on their way to the venue. The fans would follow the band to Madison Square Garden but only those with tickets would actually be able to get it. This would cause pandemonium I think. :hihi:

Like my ideas?

like the idea  : ok: myself and UKSUBS at mygnr had the idea of going to the major cities in the uK and putting up CD posters everywhere! hell i had time on my hands, he had money.... wouldve been cool if i werent so lazy and didnt wanna do someone elses job.

even tho the ideas are good, what about the UK? i really dont think the problem lies in america - they get a hell of a lot more exposure than the uk, not sure about the rest of europe but in the UK no one knows what the hell is going on with gnr. its a really scary situation if they continue this no-pr thing.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: The Dog on October 05, 2006, 03:33:08 PM
Last night at my school I changed the background on one of the cafeteria computers to a "G&R Chinese Democracy Starts Now" thing

That should sell about 1 million copies!!!   : ok:

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: phi_kai_phi on October 05, 2006, 04:14:47 PM
It's kinda scary we don't see anything yet...  do you think they're saving up all the advertisments until after the release date is officially announced???

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Cherona on October 05, 2006, 04:16:17 PM
They should do what Rage Against The Machine did and randomly turn up in NY or anywhere, block off a street and just start playing.  Anounce the gig an hour ebfore on the site and just do it. RATM did it on Wall Street and trading had o finish early that day.  Needless to say, a riot ensued  8)

-Syth  ;D

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Barbie567 on October 05, 2006, 04:20:08 PM
They should do what Rage Against The Machine did and randomly turn up in NY or anywhere, block off a street and just start playing.  Anounce the gig an hour ebfore on the site and just do it. RATM did it on Wall Street and trading had o finish early that day.  Needless to say, a riot ensued  8)

-Syth  ;D

I'm ready!!! 

I actually think it would be amazing if they did SNL, plus they could use the ratings from what I hear. 

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: erose on October 06, 2006, 04:08:48 PM
i hope they wait with the huge tv-commercials thing, i mean, let the fans and the music interested people get the album first and THEN whore it out to everyone else.

if they do tv-commercials too early people will hate it just because it's huge etc.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: BumbleFinck on October 06, 2006, 04:13:43 PM
Full band signings at Tower in Hollywood and New York, soem tv promotions(good ones htouhg), not just ever morning show like def leppard does, tv ads, rolling stone, guitar world, mojo and classic rock covers(+ others), deals at music stores where you pre order the album, you get a poster, patch, bonus disc or whatever else they can come up with. All the good shit.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: nesquick on October 06, 2006, 04:17:58 PM
I hope the music will speak for itself. This is the best promotion...

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Lord Kayoss on October 06, 2006, 04:24:39 PM
An awesome performance at the 2006 VMA's accompanied at the end with a CD release date announcement (oh wait, they blew that opportunity didn't they).

A heavy, catchy, ass-kicking single on the radio/video on MTV.

TV spots during sporting events.

A REAL Behind the Music documentary where Axl tells his side of the story instead of that shit-stain bash fest we sat through before.

Tonight/Late show appearances.

Howard Stern show appearance.

Rolling Stone interview.

Oh yeah, and release the album.? That would help.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: thelostrose on October 06, 2006, 04:29:26 PM
I hope the music will speak for itself. This is the best promotion...

c'mon, be a little bit realistic. take a look at MTV... lots of successful music which sounds like shit. without promotion even gnr can't sell millions.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: nesquick on October 06, 2006, 04:45:41 PM
I hope the music will speak for itself. This is the best promotion...

c'mon, be a little bit realistic. take a look at MTV... lots of successful music which sounds like shit. without promotion even gnr can't sell millions.

Norah Jones sold 30 million records between 2002 and 2005? without almost any promotion (at least no MTV shit etc...)
Her music was quality. That was her best promotion.
Now I believe GN'R need a heavy promotion too, but at the end of the day, the music will be the steack...

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: IndiannaRose on October 06, 2006, 06:06:17 PM
Also, don't forget...promotion on myspace.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Chief on October 06, 2006, 07:27:39 PM
good ideas but i dont think they had the opportunity to play the VMAs, who knows if they were even asked?
Axl could have said the release date, but unfortunately he didn't.

An awesome performance at the 2006 VMA's accompanied at the end with a CD release date announcement (oh wait, they blew that opportunity didn't they).

A heavy, catchy, ass-kicking single on the radio/video on MTV.

TV spots during sporting events.

A REAL Behind the Music documentary where Axl tells his side of the story instead of that shit-stain bash fest we sat through before.

Tonight/Late show appearances.

Howard Stern show appearance.

Rolling Stone interview.

Oh yeah, and release the album.  That would help.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: FunkyMonkey on October 06, 2006, 08:20:43 PM
They should run a nationwide radio contest that has the winner(s) getting the chance to get a pre-screening of Chinese Democracy prior to its release date.  Maybe meeting the band.  I know a few people here who would be tripping over each other!

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Mattattack on October 06, 2006, 09:30:33 PM
I bought the new "Beck" album today. I like how it comes with a DVD of music videos for every song, and stickers for you to design the album cover. That would be cool if Axl did something like that.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: erose on October 06, 2006, 10:11:50 PM
and maybe we could get a little action figure of axl along with the cd, or maybe one of those small gn'r puzzles.... :drool:

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: codenameninja on October 07, 2006, 06:06:23 AM
i'd like to se the CD come in a material covered cover (just like a certain NIN album) possibly in red. Just plain red with Gn'R stamped on the front in yellow. That would stand the test of time.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: codenameninja on October 07, 2006, 06:15:48 AM
Pink Floyd once released and album 'The Pulse' that had a built in flashing light. Now that was cool, too bad the album wasn't so cool. Maybe Gn'R should go one better and add 2 lights and a small solar pannel to power the lights (as Pink Floyds lights died after awhile, due to battery failure).

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: TOPGUNner on October 07, 2006, 06:43:47 AM
They should absoltley do some sort of limited edition CD or have a bonus track on the album or something. That would be awesome. I alot of bands either do like limited edition coverart or for a limited time, the album comes with an extra song

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Drew on October 07, 2006, 08:47:36 AM
- I want a big in-store promotion at the music stores. A special section just for GN'R. Big displays with posters and all.
- I would like to see Axl do an intimate one on one sit down interview with someone like Kurt Loder on MTV.
- Good Rolling Stone article/interview.
- Do a cool commercial for the countdown of the release for CD. Something like 14 days til CD. Than, 8 days til CD. Something along that nature. But have some mystery to it. Something that catches peoples interest and curiosity. Even if their not GN'R fans.
- MTV or VH1 special behind the scenes of the making of CD and the tour.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: nesquick on October 07, 2006, 09:07:47 AM
a Chinese Democracy countdown on the Official website...

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: codenameninja on October 07, 2006, 09:25:58 AM
a Chinese Democracy countdown on the Official website...

a count down would be a very good idea  :beer:

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Dont Try Me on October 07, 2006, 09:39:09 AM
a Chinese Democracy countdown on the Official website...

a count down would be a very good idea  :beer:

+ 3 . That's a nice idea  :)

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: tHeElEcTrIcSiNtAr on October 07, 2006, 11:31:25 AM
Here's a very easy idea that they should do soon. It's the first step in any promotion for an album. RELEASE A GODDAMN SINGLE.  It could probably do ticket sales some good too.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: russtcb on October 07, 2006, 12:16:14 PM
a Chinese Democracy countdown on the Official website...

I think a countdown on a standalone dedicated website would be cool, that way the official site can still have all the news and stuff.

I'd love to see full page ads in places like Billboard and RS.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: gnrbacik on October 08, 2006, 12:10:45 AM
Not sure if this was posted somewhere else but a friend of mine sent me this. I have no idea where he got this. I thought it was interesting

>> 01. 01 I.R.S..mp3 [6MB]
>> 02. 02 The Catcher In The Rye.mp3 [8MB]
>> 03. 03 So.mp3 [6MB]
>> 04. 04 Madagascar.mp3 [11MB]
>> 05. 05 T.W.A.T. (There Was A Time).mp3 [6MB]
>> 06. 06 What I Want.mp3 [8MB]
>> 07. 07 Better.mp3 [6MB]
>> 08. 08 This I Love.mp3 [8MB]
>> 09. 09 God Knows I Tried.mp3 [10MB]
>> 10. 10 Promises Don't Last.mp3 [7MB]
>> 11. 11 One Kills, One Lives.mp3 [7MB]
>> 12. 12 The Blues.mp3 [5MB]
>> 13. 13 The Chinese Democracy.mp3 [3MB]

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: TOPGUNner on October 08, 2006, 06:12:07 AM
Not sure if this was posted somewhere else but a friend of mine sent me this. I have no idea where he got this. I thought it was interesting

>> 01. 01 I.R.S..mp3 [6MB]
>> 02. 02 The Catcher In The Rye.mp3 [8MB]
>> 03. 03 So.mp3 [6MB]
>> 04. 04 Madagascar.mp3 [11MB]
>> 05. 05 T.W.A.T. (There Was A Time).mp3 [6MB]
>> 06. 06 What I Want.mp3 [8MB]
>> 07. 07 Better.mp3 [6MB]
>> 08. 08 This I Love.mp3 [8MB]
>> 09. 09 God Knows I Tried.mp3 [10MB]
>> 10. 10 Promises Don't Last.mp3 [7MB]
>> 11. 11 One Kills, One Lives.mp3 [7MB]
>> 12. 12 The Blues.mp3 [5MB]
>> 13. 13 The Chinese Democracy.mp3 [3MB]

That's gotta be bogus. I mean, there's no Silkworms  :hihi:

Actually, I'd be dissapointed if that's the REAL track list...where's "checkmate"? The 16 seconds that I've heard of that song ROCK

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: masterdan on October 08, 2006, 11:46:07 AM
Last night at my school I changed the background on one of the cafeteria computers to a "G&R Chinese Democracy Starts Now" thing

That should sell about 1 million copies!!!? ?: ok:

You know it, brother! : ok:

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: AtariLegend on October 08, 2006, 11:56:27 AM
This may sound novel, but how about they release a single, or at least make a video.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: codenameninja on October 08, 2006, 11:56:55 AM
Not sure if this was posted somewhere else but a friend of mine sent me this. I have no idea where he got this. I thought it was interesting

>> 01. 01 I.R.S..mp3 [6MB]
>> 02. 02 The Catcher In The Rye.mp3 [8MB]
>> 03. 03 So.mp3 [6MB]
>> 04. 04 Madagascar.mp3 [11MB]
>> 05. 05 T.W.A.T. (There Was A Time).mp3 [6MB]
>> 06. 06 What I Want.mp3 [8MB]
>> 07. 07 Better.mp3 [6MB]
>> 08. 08 This I Love.mp3 [8MB]
>> 09. 09 God Knows I Tried.mp3 [10MB]
>> 10. 10 Promises Don't Last.mp3 [7MB]
>> 11. 11 One Kills, One Lives.mp3 [7MB]
>> 12. 12 The Blues.mp3 [5MB]
>> 13. 13 The Chinese Democracy.mp3 [3MB]

..thought there was only going to be 10 tracks on the album? :peace:

The Chinese Democracy, that sounds bogus  :hihi:

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: AtariLegend on October 08, 2006, 11:58:22 AM
Not sure if this was posted somewhere else but a friend of mine sent me this. I have no idea where he got this. I thought it was interesting

>> 01. 01 I.R.S..mp3 [6MB]
>> 02. 02 The Catcher In The Rye.mp3 [8MB]
>> 03. 03 So.mp3 [6MB]
>> 04. 04 Madagascar.mp3 [11MB]
>> 05. 05 T.W.A.T. (There Was A Time).mp3 [6MB]
>> 06. 06 What I Want.mp3 [8MB]
>> 07. 07 Better.mp3 [6MB]
>> 08. 08 This I Love.mp3 [8MB]
>> 09. 09 God Knows I Tried.mp3 [10MB]
>> 10. 10 Promises Don't Last.mp3 [7MB]
>> 11. 11 One Kills, One Lives.mp3 [7MB]
>> 12. 12 The Blues.mp3 [5MB]
>> 13. 13 The Chinese Democracy.mp3 [3MB]

..thought there was only going to be 10 tracks on the album  :peace:

The Chinese Democracy, that sounds bogus :hihi:

Axl said 13

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: nesquick on October 08, 2006, 12:08:30 PM
13 tracks is perfect. It's neither too short, nor too long. You can focus on every song.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: EccoTides on October 08, 2006, 02:24:41 PM
Definitely. I remember back in the earlier days of the new band, Axl said something like we'd get 18 tracks on the album, plus a bunch of B-Sides.

I'm really glad GNR paired it down to 13 - Much more focused that way, like AFD.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: TOPGUNner on October 08, 2006, 06:54:29 PM
Definitely. I remember back in the earlier days of the new band, Axl said something like we'd get 18 tracks on the album, plus a bunch of B-Sides.

I'm really glad GNR paired it down to 13 - Much more focused that way, like AFD.

YES, there was that thing where the guy from the Dereks Truck Band said that Axl told him Chinese Democracy would be 3 CD's. Who knows? Maybe now there will be 1 CD and a DVD maybe? That would be the ultimate, a making of DVD.

Can you imagine that documentary? The making of Chinese Democracy, the trials and tribulations of the new Guns and Roses. Why it took 13 years to make. Is Axl really crazy?  :hihi: That would be an awesome doc

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: jaypayton on October 10, 2006, 07:33:40 PM
I mean all big time bands play live on talk shows (american and european) Faith No More has played over 25 talk shows around the world..The Chili Peppers have played over 40 live tv shows and yet u can count the amount of live shows GNR has played on one hand....think how badass it was when the boys rocked out at farm aid in 1990 in front of all those hillbillies with Axl dropping an F bomb on national televison after down on the farm..........i mean the all time greatest GNR tv appearance was when they did that small unknown talk show Fox Late night in 1988 and did 'used to love her' and 'youre crazy'..........Axl needs the exposure again....Play SNL, play Letterman, call MTV and do some in studio performance....Call FUSE and play an in studio performance for the fans....

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: slashBOG on October 10, 2006, 07:36:59 PM
hell noooo!!! NEVER

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: DunkinDave on October 10, 2006, 07:37:41 PM
Play SNL, play Letterman, call MTV and do some in studio performance....

They need to be in New York for all of those to happen.

We'll see.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: russtcb on October 10, 2006, 08:04:00 PM
People always forget: it's GNR....they don't have to do anything. And they sure as hell don't do things the way every other band does just because every other band does it.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: GNRSANDMAN on October 10, 2006, 08:09:11 PM
They need to release some...ummm what's it called.  OH  music!!!

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Mattattack on October 11, 2006, 05:00:38 AM
Axl seems pretty cocky about this album. I enjoyed on his website how it says that GnR's coming back to save rock n' roll again, and that they're putting out their epic 10 years in the making Chinese Democracy album. I think Axl is going to go with the "Field of Dreams" marketing. Put out the album with little promtion and then just tour and people will come.

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: TOPGUNner on October 11, 2006, 06:00:25 AM
They need to release some...ummm what's it called.? OH? music!!!

YES! Where the hell is the rest of "Checkmate"?

Title: Chinese Democracy Promotion Predictions...
Post by: acompleteunknown on October 24, 2006, 03:35:19 AM
Thursday Night Football...Nov. 30 - Baltimore vs. Cinncinnati  - GNR opens the game.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy Promotion Predictions...
Post by: Apollon on October 24, 2006, 05:23:21 AM
Thursday Night Football...Nov. 30 - Baltimore vs. Cinncinnati? - GNR opens the game.

is it a prediction or a fact? Would be fucking cool...  8)

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Sparksry on October 24, 2006, 10:31:44 AM
Wow when the cd is released... what will there be to talk about on this site... haha its funny .... but back on topic i say they do some Much Music stuff (Canada's MTV) and also do some interviews and such... axl hasnt had a formal written interview forever

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Six Strings on October 24, 2006, 10:39:47 AM
I have some strange feelings guys. I don't know. Something's gonna happen. I have no more patients!!!

Title: Re: Post your Chinese Democracy promotion ideas here
Post by: Bad Cover Version on October 24, 2006, 10:40:52 AM
Wow when the cd is released... what will there be to talk about on this site... haha its funny .... but back on topic i say they do some Much Music stuff (Canada's MTV) and also do some interviews and such... axl hasnt had a formal written interview forever

I assure you, after watching MuchMusic's awkward, tooth-pulling, inconsiderately planned interview of The Killers for their recent Intimate & Interactive special, MuchMusic will NOT provide Axl and company with a 'formal' interview. The days of creating a forum for discussion about production, writing, and relevant information is long gone and has given way to questions about where people have had sex and what kind of underwear they prefer. Kids are kept stupid and bands end up looking petty. I'm with you completely in believing that we need some interviews, but the band really needs to take care when working with these teen-focused media outlets. /end rant