Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Bono on October 19, 2006, 08:03:18 PM

Title: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Bono on October 19, 2006, 08:03:18 PM
O.k. so this is ment to be about your personal expectations for CD. Not anything to do with the impact on the music scene or the albums sold or any of that stuff, simply what you hope for and  want to gain from the album.

For me I'm hopeing for alot of songs with an atmosphere that take me somewhere. Songs with depth and feeling. For example a song like Better is a cool song but it's more catchy than anything. It doesn't ignite any feelings in me other than  the urge to stomp my foot or bang my head a bit. It's a song for the moment. A song like Madagascar or TWAT on the other hand have the the ability to take me away. For me they are songs that I can interpret more on a  personal level. They take me away to the past or future and have a more timeless sound to them. For me I want the album to contain more of these types of songs than the "Better"  songs.  Don't get me wrong I want the rockers as well but not at the expense of the timeless epic sounding tunes. I dj so I'm driving alot at night on dark empty highways and for me I love being able to reflect on things while doing that  to music that compliments that type of mood.

So I guess for the most part I hope to gain songs that are more dimensional than your typical rocker. I want the SCOM's and Estranged's and Breakdown's and Madagascar's more than I want the Jungle's, PC's, YCBM's and Better type songs. They don't necessarily have to be ballads but I suppose more often than not they are.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: vince41090 on October 19, 2006, 08:05:46 PM
I just want this album to kick ass.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: EFISH on October 19, 2006, 08:06:24 PM
Quote from: Bono
What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
A raging boner.  :hihi:

Nah, but seriously, I'm gonna listen to it multiple times a day every single day, I know its going to be my favorite album ever, because the songs we have heard are my favorite songs ever, for the most part.

Its gonna be a great sense of accomplishment.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Steel_Angel on October 19, 2006, 08:08:34 PM
everything and nothing  :o

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Bono on October 19, 2006, 08:09:05 PM
I just want this album to kick ass.

Well yeah but there are many different ways for an album to kick ass. In what way do you want it to rock or is any way fine? ?Hypothetically speaking if the whole album was ballads would you be fine with that as long as it rocked? Or vice versa no ballads but with all rockers that kicked. What if the album had lyrics that offer nothing more than drivel but are catchy as hell? ?Just trying to pick people's brain here as to what they hope the album will sound like.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Chief on October 19, 2006, 08:09:51 PM
my sanity!!! :D

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: polluxlm on October 19, 2006, 08:10:52 PM
I want to re-experience what I felt the first time I heard AFD, Lies and UYI. You know, the feeling that you're listening the greatest band in the world and that nothing can top it.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Mattattack on October 19, 2006, 08:12:14 PM
I want it to help me seduce chinese chicks!

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: fastfoxgt on October 19, 2006, 08:12:47 PM
What I would like to gain is actually having the cd in my hands.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: GNRSANDMAN on October 19, 2006, 08:13:35 PM
I want it to help me seduce chinese chicks!

I never thought of that!!!  Come on CD we need you more than ever!!!!!

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: EFISH on October 19, 2006, 08:13:40 PM
I want it to help me seduce chinese chicks!
Promiss them Democracy.  ;D
Or go to one of their massage places and ask for the happy ending. ;)

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: polluxlm on October 19, 2006, 08:15:51 PM
I want it to help me seduce chinese chicks!

What, you don't got 10 bucks?

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on October 19, 2006, 08:16:48 PM
I wanna rock.



Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Mattattack on October 19, 2006, 08:17:14 PM
$10 is for Vietnamese chicks. I've seen Full Metal Jacket!

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on October 19, 2006, 08:20:35 PM
A finished version of the current "masterpiece in the works," There Was a Time. ? :love:
The first time I heard the song it brought tears to my a good way.
I've grown very attached to all of the leaked tunes. ?Madagascar, The Blues, Better, IRS...the list goes on and on. ?

Having the actual cd in my hands so I can read it cover to cover. ?Yeah, that will be a heavenly feeling. ? :love: ?For the newbies's been a looooong wait. ? :yes:

What do I hope to gain? ?I hope to possess, in my hands, the most anticipated album in rock n' roll history. ? 8)

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Mattattack on October 19, 2006, 08:22:38 PM
This album could be the key to hooking up with over a half billion chicks.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: bazgnr on October 19, 2006, 08:26:21 PM
I want meaningful music that transcends typical boundaries and is actually a reflection of the times and that speaks to more than just when it came album that will have powerful memories associated with it, and that will be as enjoyable to listen to in 10 years as it is the day it comes out.  But that's just me.    :beer:

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Journeyman on October 19, 2006, 08:26:29 PM
Guns n Roses always were a support for my life, kind of a soundtrack. Whenever im sad, whenever im pissed off, whenever im in love, whatever....Guns n Roses were there. I put a cd playing and its there...Axl or Izzy or whoever wrote the song knows exactly what im feeling...I feel that someone understands me, im not alone anymore.

Im talking about the lyrics but also about the music....and Axl's lyrics are my favourites without a doubt. With the new album, I expect to know a little more about my idol (Axl Rose), know what hes been he lives stuff. And on the other hand i expect to identify myself with the feelings, the emotions...

Well I know it will be great and it will be that way cause Axl can pass to the songs the feelings he has...its genuine, not like most band nowadays that just wanna sell and release albuns one after the other like a factory

that my view...

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: NickNasty on October 19, 2006, 08:28:09 PM
i want what i got from every other original gnr album:

great music that i can listen to in any mood, and it will make me feel better :)

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 19, 2006, 08:31:24 PM
I just want this album to kick ass.

That's about it.

Just new material from GnR.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: D on October 19, 2006, 08:33:31 PM
I want to be inspired.

I want at least one song that moves me and inspires me and comforts me the way "Estranged" Did.

Besides that i want a great album from start to finish with no filler, some memorable riffs and solos, great lyrics and melodies that stand the test of time.

High expectations maybe................................... but Im sure Axl can pull it off.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: charlesfosterkane on October 19, 2006, 08:35:00 PM
When I got into Gnr I was 12, Gnr was the biggest thing going, and the Illusions were brand new. I've been waiting for this record since the day after TSI came out. Since then my musical tastes have changed alot and I listen to more Modest Mouse than Megadeth. And my life has changed alot, as it has to from 12 to 27. So for me I think this will close off my childhood... this is really the last vestige of my boyhood. My family, my home-- all that is gone. So when this comes out it will be the last of all that I've carried with me through the years. Gnr got me through some tough times and I've bothered a lot of friends through the years with my 'this year is the year.' Now it is the year and ... its pretty surreal. I know I'm going to love the music. Nothing I've read or heard has gone against that instinct. Its just... when this is out ... now what?

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: GNRfan2008 on October 19, 2006, 08:45:37 PM
Quote from: Bono
What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
A raging boner.  :hihi:

Nah, but seriously, I'm gonna listen to it multiple times a day every single day, I know its going to be my favorite album ever, because the songs we have heard are my favorite songs ever, for the most part.

Its gonna be a great sense of accomplishment.

I wouldn't go that far. Favorite songs ever? Nope, sorry. Are they great? Sure, but I wouldn't go as far as to call them faves of all-time.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: dont_damn_me on October 19, 2006, 08:58:31 PM
O.k. so this is ment to be about your personal expectations for CD. Not anything to do with the impact on the music scene or the albums sold or any of that stuff, simply what you hope for and  want to gain from the album.

For me I'm hopeing for alot of songs with an atmosphere that take me somewhere. Songs with depth and feeling. For example a song like Better is a cool song but it's more catchy than anything. It doesn't ignite any feelings in me other than  the urge to stomp my foot or bang my head a bit. It's a song for the moment. A song like Madagascar or TWAT on the other hand have the the ability to take me away. For me they are songs that I can interpret more on a  personal level. They take me away to the past or future and have a more timeless sound to them. For me I want the album to contain more of these types of songs than the "Better"  songs.  Don't get me wrong I want the rockers as well but not at the expense of the timeless epic sounding tunes. I dj so I'm driving alot at night on dark empty highways and for me I love being able to reflect on things while doing that  to music that compliments that type of mood.

So I guess for the most part I hope to gain songs that are more dimensional than your typical rocker. I want the SCOM's and Estranged's and Breakdown's and Madagascar's more than I want the Jungle's, PC's, YCBM's and Better type songs. They don't necessarily have to be ballads but I suppose more often than not they are.

Great topic, I feel the same way dude.  I want a bunch of epic sounding tunes awell, but can't forget the straight ahead rockers, and if they are on par with Better, then were in for one hell of a masterpiece folks!!  :beer:

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on October 19, 2006, 09:25:59 PM
I want it to be worth all the delays and years of waiting.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: gun on October 19, 2006, 09:28:21 PM
I want it to be worth all the delays and years of waiting.
That one is VERY hard to top.  That sums it up for me too RF.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Sober_times on October 19, 2006, 09:34:49 PM
All i want is to finally hear great songs such as Madagascar, The Blues, Better, and IRS in their finished version in studio quality.  :smoking:

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: metallex78 on October 19, 2006, 10:59:16 PM
I think mostly, I hope to gain some sort of closure because I've been looking forward to this album for 13 years, which is nearly half of my existence on this planet. It's a very surreal and strange feeling to think this mythical album may actually come out this year.

As for the album itself and what musical styles I'd like. I really hope it's a mixed bag of stuff (rockers, ballads and doom metal...:o), because that's what I love about the UYI albums, the whole diversity amongst the tracks. Something that takes you on a journey as a listener.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: -Jack- on October 19, 2006, 11:01:28 PM
I want to be inspired.

I want at least one song that moves me and inspires me and comforts me the way "Estranged" Did.

Besides that i want a great album from start to finish with no filler, some memorable riffs and solos, great lyrics and melodies that stand the test of time.

High expectations maybe................................... but Im sure Axl can pull it off.

This is great.. and I feel the exact same way. If Axl can put a bunch of great sounding.. deep songs.. that really stand the test of time.. I could care less if the album sells or not.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: scar2d2w on October 19, 2006, 11:12:46 PM
I want to re-experience what I felt the first time I heard AFD, Lies and UYI. You know, the feeling that you're listening the greatest band in the world and that nothing can top it.

that's what i keep telling people too, cuz people who aren't following gnr now always ask me why i'm so pumped for this album.

i just want to remember why music is the coolest thing in the world.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: axlroselocke on October 19, 2006, 11:13:53 PM
just new music

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: DarkStar on October 19, 2006, 11:24:52 PM
I'm essentially looking for closure to the GNR saga (or, as the case may be, a new chapter) and a new, unique musical experience - Axl has a truly special gift for pop melody, and I can't wait to hear what he and the new guys have come up with.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: scar2d2w on October 19, 2006, 11:34:07 PM
I'm essentially looking for closure to the GNR saga (or, as the case may be, a new chapter) and a new, unique musical experience - Axl has a truly special gift for pop melody, and I can't wait to hear what he and the new guys have come up with.

speaking of the other band members, i'm really into seeing the liner notes and songwriting credits...should be really interesting to see who contributed what.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: JDA on October 19, 2006, 11:45:03 PM
I hope to gain the satisfaction that it was woth the wait.  I have so many friends that used to be GN'R fans that aren't anymore just because there hasn't been anything new from them forever.  I've stayed with them for the long haul and I want to throw it back in there face.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Ak1nney on October 19, 2006, 11:53:43 PM
I want to be extremely happy with the music and connect to it on a great level like I have with the leaks. Also I wanna push it in people's faces I know that say Axl is done and the new band sucks. Axl is my favorite songwriter of all time, and I want this to be a great comeback for him, I want the guy to kick some ass.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Bono on October 20, 2006, 12:25:30 AM
When I got into Gnr I was 12, Gnr was the biggest thing going, and the Illusions were brand new. I've been waiting for this record since the day after TSI came out. Since then my musical tastes have changed alot and I listen to more Modest Mouse than Megadeth. And my life has changed alot, as it has to from 12 to 27. So for me I think this will close off my childhood... this is really the last vestige of my boyhood. My family, my home-- all that is gone. So when this comes out it will be the last of all that I've carried with me through the years. Gnr got me through some tough times and I've bothered a lot of friends through the years with my 'this year is the year.' Now it is the year and ... its pretty surreal. I know I'm going to love the music. Nothing I've read or heard has gone against that instinct. Its just... when this is out ... now what?

Exactly my thoughts as well.  I wasn't a U2 fan when I was younger and the bands I did love back in grade school most of them I don't listen to anymore. Gn'R is a link to my highschool days and my admiration and intrigue for Axl Rose. In some way the release of CD is a sad thing. Hey I know that sounds ridiculous but the more I think about it the more it's true. This will be the end of an era. This is the one and only thing I've truely carried over with me since my teenage years. Once its out it will be like closure. My one big hope is that hearing Chinese Democracy won't taint the past. BY the past I mean the years of anticipation.  I suppose on the flip side it's one big fear that it could. I want the album to be worth the wait.  I want my intrigue for a guy who I idolized 15 years ago to remain intact. I no longer idolize him but there's not denying I am completely drawn to and intrigued by Axl Rose as most all of us here are. I want this to be amazing. as immature as it seems there's always somthing quite satisfying about being able to say "I told you so". I've never "waited" for anything this long in my life. I guess a better way of putting it would be I've never anticipated anything for this long. Who has? Hopefully the album gives us a feeling of pride knowing we stuck in there while so many others bailed out years ago.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: grog mug on October 20, 2006, 12:29:38 AM
The satisfaction of hearing everyone I know say the fuckin thing finally came out and you were right ITS THE BEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD!

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on October 20, 2006, 12:31:16 AM
Another album from GnR that I'm still listening to 10, 15, 20 years after the release

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: HamsterDemocracy on October 20, 2006, 12:41:22 AM
The problem Axl has is that there are two distinct categories of GN'R fans. There are the hair metal guys who dress like Poison and still think Appetite is all the rage. They have the long hair, wear the tight leather and try to look and act like Axl when he was 22.

The other fans such as myself love Appetite equally but also appreciate the ballad-y stuff that was done later on. For me I don't really think of the leather and the whole hair metal aspect of GN'R when I think of them. I think GN'R is best symbolized by the early '90s when they had a unique style and had evolved past that stage. Axl said very early on that he didn't like hair metal and only dressed like that as a way to "get popular" since that music was popular at the time.

I think some fans of the band find more appeal in the late '80s style whereas - although I really love Appetite and how they pulled off that look - the early '90s they seemed more mature and "real." Not quite as much as a joke as seeing a guy with puffy hair and bracelets and so on.

My musical tastes are more in the vein of Rolling Stones, Queen, Led Zep, Pink Floyd - and so I like the GN'R stuff that sounds like that. I pick up on these qualities in songs like Paradise City and WTTJ despite their "sleaze rock" label.

The OTHER fans who dislike songs like "Estranged" (or prefer the sleaze rock) like Appetite for other reasons. They love Paradise City too but they enjoy it more as something to headbang to.

So Axl has to please both these crowds and it's going to be hard. Those of us who want to hear deep, mature lyrics like Madagascar and The Blues will be satisfied if he makes an album like that; whereas others who just want this to "kick ass" are going to say, "What the hell IS this shit?"

Don't get me wrong - I love Appetite. I love Better. I love the rock songs GN'R did. But that's mainly because GN'R have a quality that isn't inherent in most other bands of that genre. I cannot stand a lot of the other bands GN'R are often compared to -- and I think there are qualities in GN'Rs' early stuff that is similar to Aerosmith's early stuff, which is that it transcended the genre label and delivered more than just "hair metal," yet a lot of Appetite fans who love '80s music in general (stuff like Skid Row) don't really care and just love Appetite because it sounds kick ass.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: oneway23 on October 20, 2006, 12:42:20 AM
I'm essentially looking for closure to the GNR saga (or, as the case may be, a new chapter) and a new, unique musical experience - Axl has a truly special gift for pop melody, and I can't wait to hear what he and the new guys have come up with.

speaking of the other band members, i'm really into seeing the liner notes and songwriting credits...should be really interesting to see who contributed what.

Tremendous addition to the board and a true fan....stay cautious babe.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: grog mug on October 20, 2006, 12:48:54 AM
Just the album being out would be great.  Rocky Balboa and Chinese Democracy in the same year WOW!!

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Gagarin on October 20, 2006, 01:36:02 AM
Just the album being out would be great.? Rocky Balboa and Chinese Democracy in the same year WOW!!

Rocky Balboa and CD in the same year! I thought the same thing! Potentially, I could be listening to it on my way to the theatre!  Surely, this is my year!

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: HamsterDemocracy on October 20, 2006, 01:39:27 AM
Just the album being out would be great.  Rocky Balboa and Chinese Democracy in the same year WOW!!

Rocky Balboa and CD in the same year! I thought the same thing! Potentially, I could be listening to it on my way to the theatre!  Surely, this is my year!

Maybe the surprise ending of Rocky Balboa that people are speculating about is going to have Axl Rose fight Rocky with Sorry played in the background as Slash stands by the side of the ring as Rocky's coach and Robin Finck is rooting on Axl. "Go, Axl! You can do it! You're BETTER than him! THERE WAS A TIME when he was stronger but now you're going to just kick his ass and make him SORRY! This ain't no CHINESE DEMOCRACY, kill him! When you win we'll fly to MADAGASCAR and Rocky will have THE BLUES and have to take a trip to RHIAD and visit the BEDOUNS to heal his tortured soul."

Sorry, another fantasy.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Bono on October 20, 2006, 01:41:38 AM
Maybe the surprise ending of Rocky Balboa that people are speculating about is going to have Axl Rose fight Rocky with Sorry played in the background as Slash stands by the side of the ring as Rocky's coach and Robin Finck is rooting on Axl. "Go, Axl! You can do it! You're BETTER than him! THERE WAS A TIME when he was stronger but now you're going to just kick his ass and make him SORRY! This ain't no CHINESE DEMOCRACY, kill him! When you win we'll fly to MADAGASCAR and Rocky will have THE BLUES and have to take a trip to RHIAD and visit the BEDOUNS to heal his tortured soul."

Sorry, another fantasy.

Rocky always wins though you know. :hihi: Not a  great way to promote the album with Axl getting knocked the fuck out. :rofl:

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Bandita on October 20, 2006, 01:46:20 AM
Just the album being out would be great.? Rocky Balboa and Chinese Democracy in the same year WOW!!

Rocky Balboa and CD in the same year! I thought the same thing! Potentially, I could be listening to it on my way to the theatre!? Surely, this is my year!

Maybe the surprise ending of Rocky Balboa that people are speculating about is going to have Axl Rose fight Rocky with Sorry played in the background as Slash stands by the side of the ring as Rocky's coach and Robin Finck is rooting on Axl. "Go, Axl! You can do it! You're BETTER than him! THERE WAS A TIME when he was stronger but now you're going to just kick his ass and make him SORRY! This ain't no CHINESE DEMOCRACY, kill him! When you win we'll fly to MADAGASCAR and Rocky will have THE BLUES and have to take a trip to RHIAD and visit the BEDOUNS to heal his tortured soul."

Sorry, another fantasy.

You are just too clever for your own good! :hihi:

I still can't believe there is going to be another Rocky film.  No offense but he is ready for the AARP not the ring-

I just want the wait to be OVER!

Oh and for it to be the most awesome album I have ever listened to! :peace:

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: HamsterDemocracy on October 20, 2006, 01:50:49 AM
Just the album being out would be great.  Rocky Balboa and Chinese Democracy in the same year WOW!!

Rocky Balboa and CD in the same year! I thought the same thing! Potentially, I could be listening to it on my way to the theatre!  Surely, this is my year!

Maybe the surprise ending of Rocky Balboa that people are speculating about is going to have Axl Rose fight Rocky with Sorry played in the background as Slash stands by the side of the ring as Rocky's coach and Robin Finck is rooting on Axl. "Go, Axl! You can do it! You're BETTER than him! THERE WAS A TIME when he was stronger but now you're going to just kick his ass and make him SORRY! This ain't no CHINESE DEMOCRACY, kill him! When you win we'll fly to MADAGASCAR and Rocky will have THE BLUES and have to take a trip to RHIAD and visit the BEDOUNS to heal his tortured soul."

Sorry, another fantasy.

You are just too clever for your own good! :hihi:

I still can't believe there is going to be another Rocky film.  No offense but he is ready for the AARP not the ring-

I just want the wait to be OVER!

Oh and for it to be the most awesome album I have ever listened to! :peace:

This is going to be a step in the right direction for Sly, though. It's a return to the darker side of the first film and isn't going to be like the others, although the trailer isn't very promising and it seems Sly's poor direction skills are going to hinder it -- if he would get someone who can actually EDIT he could make a masterpiece some day, but his dialogue is not very good (the scene in the trailer with the girl saying "Fighters fight!" is waaaay too corny) and it seems like he includes subplots that are tacky.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Bono on October 20, 2006, 02:01:17 AM
This is going to be a step in the right direction for Sly, though. It's a return to the darker side of the first film and isn't going to be like the others, although the trailer isn't very promising and it seems Sly's poor direction skills are going to hinder it -- if he would get someone who can actually EDIT he could make a masterpiece some day, but his dialogue is not very good (the scene in the trailer with the girl saying "Fighters fight!" is waaaay too corny) and it seems like he includes subplots that are tacky.

The "You Adrian!!" chants stop now! I will not have my legit Gn'R thread discussing our hopes and expectations for Chinese Democracy be derailed by Rocky Balboa!

 :rofl: :rofl:

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: Bandita on October 20, 2006, 02:54:57 AM
This is going to be a step in the right direction for Sly, though. It's a return to the darker side of the first film and isn't going to be like the others, although the trailer isn't very promising and it seems Sly's poor direction skills are going to hinder it -- if he would get someone who can actually EDIT he could make a masterpiece some day, but his dialogue is not very good (the scene in the trailer with the girl saying "Fighters fight!" is waaaay too corny) and it seems like he includes subplots that are tacky.

The "You Adrian!!" chants stop now! I will not have my legit Gn'R thread discussing our hopes and expectations for Chinese Democracy be derailed by Rocky Balboa!

 :rofl: :rofl:


It's "YO ADRIENNE" actually :P  I can actually do a pretty good impression of this in my NY accent ;D

On topic, I still expect CD to knock my socks off.  Dunno what I can gain from it besides spending less time waiting for it when I actually have it in my hands :peace:

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: HamsterDemocracy on October 20, 2006, 03:00:24 AM
The least I want to gain from Chinese Democracy is fulfillment.

The most I want I cannot describe because I fear I may not be able to put it into words. Hope, fear, love, passion, enthusiasm. These are a few.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: jazjme on October 20, 2006, 03:05:34 AM
What I want from CD, what I hope , well hs partically been relised with the demos of the leak, Better, IRS, CITR.etc....its music and lyric, that kick ass, and also keep pushing me on a journey, to thngs I want in my life, and when cd does finally come, I suspect, that it will be a contiuation of that, drving , and poinient, and real. Music to propell me even more forward, in thnigs I want to thik about care about, and at its core jsut rocks out, cuss you know everyone want sto , jsut be silly, and jump around singing like a fool to themselves, when knowone is around, in thier underware, and jsut have a good time .come on I know we all do that time to time. ! Beer

Seriously, though, everything I said, and it really just be great rockng album that consists of a array and spectrum of sound and emotions.

Title: Re: What do you hope to gain from Chinese Democracy?
Post by: russtcb on October 20, 2006, 07:08:52 AM
Just the album being out would be great.  Rocky Balboa and Chinese Democracy in the same year WOW!!

Rocky Balboa and CD in the same year! I thought the same thing! Potentially, I could be listening to it on my way to the theatre!  Surely, this is my year!

I'm glad to see these two posts! I thought I was the only person looking forward to the new Rocky movie.

On topic though; At the very least I'm hoping to gain a kick ass album in Chinese Democracy.