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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: dafflovesaxl on October 18, 2006, 11:25:01 AM

Title: Can Fanmail Be Sent To Axl Rose?
Post by: dafflovesaxl on October 18, 2006, 11:25:01 AM
I may be speaking on behalf of zillions of people here, this is ashot in the dark ? too but what the hell, dont ask, dont get right.

Any ideas anyone, if there is an address to send mail to Axl Rose  :drool:.  (For example there is on the Bret Michaels website, it gives an address, just wondered if there might be something similar for Axl, as I am not aware of any info on that). :confused:

If anyone knows, I'd appreciate a constructive answer,   :yes: but if people dont know then I would prefer no replies  :no: as oppose to humming and arrrrhing, or straying off topic, lol, cheers.  ;)

Take care, lv Daff xx  ;D

Title: Re: Can Fanmail Be Sent To Axl Rose?
Post by: WARose on October 18, 2006, 11:26:13 AM
no dude :rofl:

Title: Re: Can Fanmail Be Sent To Axl Rose?
Post by: AxlReznor on October 18, 2006, 11:26:38 AM
I don't know, but decided to reply anyway to spite you. :P
Seriously... if there was, we'd all know about it by now.

Title: Re: Can Fanmail Be Sent To Axl Rose?
Post by: Journeyman on October 18, 2006, 11:30:08 AM
I don't know, but decided to reply anyway to spite you. :P

 :rofl: :rofl:

I remember there was a mail years ago, where you could send letters for Axl, but I think it was a Geffen mail (not e-mail). Does anyone recall this?

Title: Re: Can Fanmail Be Sent To Axl Rose?
Post by: dafflovesaxl on October 18, 2006, 12:02:40 PM
Ah thanks for all your replies so far, sweet of you all, blimey I only put that on a few mins ago, your all very on the ball.  I didnt expect there to be an email address I have to admit, only postal, he'd be bombarded if he was emailed, imagine the inbox ha ha, cheers.

Could be an address on the new website thats being launched, just a thought.  So who lives the nearest to him then !  I certainly dont, I'm from the flippin breezy UK brrrr ??

Hugs xx

Title: Re: Can Fanmail Be Sent To Axl Rose?
Post by: dafflovesaxl on October 18, 2006, 12:16:41 PM
I don't know, but decided to reply anyway to spite you. :P  Ha ha, what a monkey eh xx

 :rofl: :rofl:

I remember there was a mail years ago, where you could send letters for Axl, but I think it was a Geffen mail (not e-mail). Does anyone recall this?  Now I do recall that, yonks ago now, I saw it somewhere, I have slept since then ha ha, and cant remember for the life of me where, but yes, I do recall that.  I wouldnt expect him to have an email address, I certainly wouldnt if I was him.  Daff xx

Title: Re: Can Fanmail Be Sent To Axl Rose?
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2006, 01:03:20 PM
There's no fan mail address at the moment.

I don't like where this is headed regarding addresses so I'll lock it.
