Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: hebbesy on October 18, 2006, 06:39:12 AM

Title: Oh joy
Post by: hebbesy on October 18, 2006, 06:39:12 AM
I have to move back to the parents place.

Well its little under 2 weeks till I have to move back to Mums  :'( , I wish I could afford to get a new flat but i really need to sort myself out. Still I have got a cunning plan of getting a 2nd job working in a bar about 10 - 15 mins walk from their place, that way i can get a weekly wage to help pay off some of my massively increased debts since moving out.

Its just one of those unfortunate 2 years of my life where I have slipped back into old ways due to massive boredom and lonliness.

things are looking up though as I have met someone but they live miles away, im in Ashford, Kent and they live in Liverpool  :(.

If I can get myself sorted I will be job hunting up there but to do this I need as much cash as I can get and as little bills as possible, just hope mum and dad wont be too critical but I know what they are like.

Anyone else had similar problems in there life such as mine?

Title: Re: Oh joy
Post by: jazjme on October 18, 2006, 10:47:27 AM
Pick your self up, and get to what you need, stop bullshitting, and just be, focus, its hard, takes some time, but who knows maybe at the end you will feel better.

Title: Re: Oh joy
Post by: pasnow on October 18, 2006, 11:09:24 AM
Loooooooser!!!!!? Hahaha, j/k..

No, I think it's a part of life for alot of people, moving back in with their folks. I got an apt after college and hated it (picked the wrong area to live - boring suburbs instead of the city) so I moved back home..? You save a ton of cash, as long as you have a decent job or two.. So don't sweat it, by next summer you'll be loaded with cash and a babe under each arm..? :beer:? Well, maybe not but you can be out of debt & possibly ready to move out again within a year or two & get your own pad.. Also might be more responsible with your spending the second time around. Try and get out every now and then, and if you can, travel. It'll be soo much easier when your living at home without bills & rent, than when your on your own again. Just have a plan for it all, my Mother says "Plan your work and work your plan" :peace:

Title: Re: Oh joy
Post by: The Dog on October 18, 2006, 11:33:58 AM
Yeah, don't frown TOO much about living at home...its a chance to save a TON of money.  I never did it after school, i moved out a month after graduation, but my rent destroyed any chance I had of saving for YEARS until I finally started doing ok with my career.  But I have friends who lived at home for 1-2 years and they have thousands more then I do saved up b/c of it.  Its hard to do, but think long term.  The time you spend now at your parents won't mean shit when you're buying your own place someday with the money you saved by living at home.

Title: Re: Oh joy
Post by: Journeyman on October 18, 2006, 11:56:09 AM
Yeah, don't frown TOO much about living at home...its a chance to save a TON of money.? I never did it after school, i moved out a month after graduation, but my rent destroyed any chance I had of saving for YEARS until I finally started doing ok with my career.? But I have friends who lived at home for 1-2 years and they have thousands more then I do saved up b/c of it.? Its hard to do, but think long term.? The time you spend now at your parents won't mean shit when you're buying your own place someday with the money you saved by living at home.

yep...look at it from this perspective. Maybe it will be good for you, just focus on what you want to do with your life and go do it!

Title: Re: Oh joy
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 18, 2006, 11:57:01 AM
Put your head down, work extra hard, thank your folks, be respectful, and get out of debt. Put 10 percent of your money into an index fund while you are doing this. Make small goals (daily weekly, then longterm).........and kick ass.

Title: Re: Oh joy
Post by: Bandita on October 18, 2006, 02:09:08 PM

It happens to the best of us.  Be thankful you have family that are willing to help you out at this time.  You will get back on your feet-

Good luck! : ok:

Title: Re: Oh joy
Post by: The Dog on October 18, 2006, 02:36:27 PM

It happens to the best of us.  Be thankful you have family that are willing to help you out at this time.  You will get back on your feet-

Good luck! : ok:

Thats an EXCELLENT's nice to have a place to turn to when times are tough.  Too often I think people really take this for granted.