Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: younggunner on September 21, 2006, 05:07:19 PM

Title: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: younggunner on September 21, 2006, 05:07:19 PM
Do you think Axl and the band have figured out if Bfoot will be a permanent member of this band yet?

I ask this because if the answer is no then I dont see us getting a single and video anytime soon. Same with album.

I dont think it would make sense for them to go ahead with the comeback single and video and be rotating guitarists every few months.

I just wonder if they have figured out what they wanna do with Bfoot.....

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: 25 on September 21, 2006, 05:09:36 PM
I have a simple system for decision making, specifically for this problem. Wanna see it? Thought so. Here goes:

Buckethead > Bumblefoot > Someone else.

It is a patented system, but I am willing to let GNR use it for a small fee, should the question ever come up.

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: Alina on September 21, 2006, 05:16:13 PM
I hope Bumblefoot staying

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: PrettyTiedUp763 on September 21, 2006, 05:18:34 PM
I hope Bumblefoot staying

That's a good question. I hope so too.  :yes: He is such a nice guy.

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: busngabb on September 21, 2006, 05:20:47 PM
I do wish the hero worship of Buckethead would stop.

Sure he was a talented guitarist, but he was also a selfish dick head who quit the band once he had achieved his objective, namely raising his own profile enough to get a record deal. Bucket brought nothing to the Guns live show in 2002 bar the Nightrain solo, really he did nothing. He looked like a dick and acted worse. He brought ridicule onto a band that was already doing enough to ridicule themselves without him.

Were he to take the stupid, childish, costume off and let his talent talk for him, he would be a lot more successful. Seriously the guy could do very well for himself, but limits himself to a low glass ceiling through being such a prick about his attire.

bbf on the other hand is easily as talented as Buckethead and is so much cooler and is far, far more popular at the live shows that Buckethead was. Sure bbf doesn't quite pull off Bucket's 1 or 2 solos quite the same, but why should he? He can do whatever he likes with them.

I can't wait to see bbf in a GNR video, the thought of seeing KFC face mumbling to himself and talking to a puppet doesn't have the same attraction.

bbf is GNR, Buckethead never was.

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: 25 on September 21, 2006, 05:26:23 PM
bbf is GNR, Buckethead never was.
I like the way you've couched your argument in pure scientific fact, rather than. . .oh, wait.

I hope they do keep Bumble, because the other guy doesn't seem to be coming back and after those two there's a pretty huge drop-off in the talents of available guitarists. I know, there's a lot of guys who have the same level of technique or better, but  most virtuoso guitarists seem to either lack the creative spark or get stuck in some genre niche. 

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: younggunner on September 21, 2006, 05:32:12 PM
the thread shouldnt be about Bfoot vs Bhead. Stop with the garbage

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: 25 on September 21, 2006, 05:37:39 PM
the thread shouldnt be about Bfoot vs Bhead.
Actually, isn't that a pretty valid tangent to the discussion that you started?
I don't mean to be confrontational here but it does seem natural that if you're going to ask if bumblefoot is staying, it also raises the questions of "will he leave?" and "who would replace him?"

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: monkeychow on September 21, 2006, 05:44:41 PM
I have a simple system for decision making, specifically for this problem. Wanna see it? Thought so. Here goes:

Buckethead > Bumblefoot > Someone else.

It is a patented system, but I am willing to let GNR use it for a small fee, should the question ever come up.

So this means you don't like BF i assume? OR you just saying u think they will do that?

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: the dirt on September 21, 2006, 05:45:35 PM
it also raises the questions of "who would replace him?"

Buckethead > Bumblefoot > Someone else.

Someone else probably...

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: Mandy. on September 21, 2006, 05:50:30 PM
I'm pretty sure they are keeping the Bumble guy as a permanent member. Unless the Bucket one decides to come back.
I mean, what's the point in having someone who isn't BBF or BH?

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: King Sand on September 21, 2006, 05:51:35 PM
I was wondering if Bumblefoot would return after the European shows...  He did.  So I guess, come the official October 24th kick-off, if he is still playing guitar in the band I would think that he is "official."

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: ThatGuy on September 21, 2006, 05:55:26 PM
I do wish the hero worship of Buckethead would stop.

Sure he was a talented guitarist, but he was also a selfish dick head who quit the band once he had achieved his objective, namely raising his own profile enough to get a record deal. Bucket brought nothing to the Guns live show in 2002 bar the Nightrain solo, really he did nothing. He looked like a dick and acted worse. He brought ridicule onto a band that was already doing enough to ridicule themselves without him.

Were he to take the stupid, childish, costume off and let his talent talk for him, he would be a lot more successful. Seriously the guy could do very well for himself, but limits himself to a low glass ceiling through being such a prick about his attire.

bbf on the other hand is easily as talented as Buckethead and is so much cooler and is far, far more popular at the live shows that Buckethead was. Sure bbf doesn't quite pull off Bucket's 1 or 2 solos quite the same, but why should he? He can do whatever he likes with them.

I can't wait to see bbf in a GNR video, the thought of seeing KFC face mumbling to himself and talking to a puppet doesn't have the same attraction.

bbf is GNR, Buckethead never was.

congratulations. ?you have just posted one of the most ignorant posts ever on any internet message forum in history. ?buckethead quit the band because he is a workaholic. ?he likes to be active... writing, performing, etc. ?he didnt like working on an album, and then, not touring to support it or finish it. ?buckethead doesnt like to sit around for 4 years doing absolutely nothing, so he quit. ?buckethead was well known before gnr. ?buckethead didnt need gnr for record deal, buckethead has made like 60 albums and has performed on many more, and has also written tons of music for video games. ?he is a very well respected guitar vitruoso. ?he is very easily one of the top 5 shredders in the world. ?buckethead brought nothing to gnr live? ?he was the focal point of every fucking show. ?people were and are mesmirized by his playing, his moves on stage, his nunchuck act, and his overall stage presence, not to mention, he took slash's nightrain solo, tweeked it up, and put the original to utter shame. ?his attire has nothing to do with him not being mainstream. ?he is not a mainstream artist and clearly doesnt want to be. ?yes, you are right about one thing... bumblefoot cant pull off buckethead's solos... because he isnt as fucking talented as buckethead!!! ?bumblefoot cant hold a candle to buckethead, and if buckethead were to suddenly decide to come back, dont think for a hot fucking second that axl wouldnt welcome him back with open arms and a bundle of roses.

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: 25 on September 21, 2006, 06:01:41 PM
I have a simple system for decision making, specifically for this problem. Wanna see it? Thought so. Here goes:

Buckethead > Bumblefoot > Someone else.

It is a patented system, but I am willing to let GNR use it for a small fee, should the question ever come up.

So this means you don't like BF i assume? OR you just saying u think they will do that?
I like Bumble. I'd be happy if they keep him in the band. I just don't think that he's nearly the musician that BH is, if you compare their solo work. And that's not a slight on Bumble, he's clearly no slouch. It's just an unfair comparison.

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: snooze72 on September 21, 2006, 06:04:30 PM
Were he to take the stupid, childish, costume off and let his talent talk for him, he would be a lot more successful. Seriously the guy could do very well for himself, but limits himself to a low glass ceiling through being such a prick about his attire.

Heh! ?The whole point of the costume and the mute 'character' is to let ONLY his talent talk for him. ?Buckethead himself (or Brian Carrol) doesn't want to talk at all. ? And the last thing Buckethead wants is to 'do well for himself' and become famous (which is probably one reason he left). ?He wants to stick to the smaller crowd of fans who appreciate him for his music and let him be totally detached from 'Brian Carrol.' ?The Buckethead schtick is the closest he could come to being a faceless talent -- and 'talent' means as a performer, not only as a musician.

I hope Ron stays as well, he's awesome, but I do have fears for his tenure. ?I sincerely hope Axl and cronies aren't influenced by reviews The Mercury News saying three guitars are too much. ?If he is, I think I'd rather see Ron and Richard -- not that I have anything against Robin, but if a choice had to be made, well... ?

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: robinfinckfan on September 21, 2006, 06:06:39 PM


 I think I'd rather see Ron and Richard -- not that I have anything against Robin, but if a choice had to be made, well... ?

That hurts me in the deepest part of my soul :crying:

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: busngabb on September 21, 2006, 06:12:46 PM
Were he to take the stupid, childish, costume off and let his talent talk for him, he would be a lot more successful. Seriously the guy could do very well for himself, but limits himself to a low glass ceiling through being such a prick about his attire.

Heh!  The whole point of the costume and the mute 'character' is to let ONLY his talent talk for him.  Buckethead himself (or Brian Carrol) doesn't want to talk at all.   And the last thing Buckethead wants is to 'do well for himself' and become famous (which is probably one reason he left).  He wants to stick to the smaller crowd of fans who appreciate him for his music and let him be totally detached from 'Brian Carrol.'  The Buckethead schtick is the closest he could come to being a faceless talent -- and 'talent' means as a performer, not only as a musician.

I hope Ron stays as well, he's awesome, but I do have fears for his tenure.  I sincerely hope Axl and cronies aren't influenced by reviews The Mercury News saying three guitars are too much.  If he is, I think I'd rather see Ron and Richard -- not that I have anything against Robin, but if a choice had to be made, well... 

I'm sure there are a few psychological issues there too.  : ok:

You perhaps make a good point about why he quit. The band never suited him yet he didn't mind taking the money for a few years, which totally contradicts what you lot are saying about him caring only for the art.

Buckethead is talented, there is no doubt about that. But he has no place in GNR, he doesn't fit with the new guys, let alone the old.

bbf is perfect for the job.

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: Mandy. on September 21, 2006, 06:13:13 PM
I think I'd rather see Ron and Richard

Have you smoked anything lately?

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: Mike McKagan on September 21, 2006, 06:22:15 PM
I've been under the impression for several months (don't remember the Axl quote, but there was one) that Bucket's guitar works stays on CD regardless, so I don't see what Thal's status has to do with the release.  My guess is that Thal is staying for the foreseeable future, but that's just my own opinion.  Either way, CD is on its way.

On a side note, the earlier equation was solid, but not quite accurate.  Here's the revised and corrected version:

Slash > Buckethead > Bumblefoot > someone else


Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: robinfinckfan on September 21, 2006, 06:26:59 PM
I've posted this before in another thread. but I sent BBF a message about his future plans w/ GnR and he said he was in untill they threw his ass out. So he is commited to the group and my opinion is axl isn't gonna find anyone better nor should he. BBF rules, ROBIN RULES, Richard rules and to hell with any "critic" that says otherwise.

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: sootn on September 21, 2006, 06:31:50 PM
bucket was a good player... but he was a freak show on stage his stupid dancing and numbchucks or whatever.

Bumblefoot's is badass and fits in the band better his style everything he rewls!

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: younggunner on September 21, 2006, 06:36:10 PM
Buckethead has nothing to do with this thread. I love Bucket and in a perfect world I would like to see him back. But this thread was simply about whether you guys think Axl has made a decision yet regarding the future of Bfoot/the 2nd lead guitarist position

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: Mandy. on September 21, 2006, 06:37:30 PM
bucket was a good player... but he was a freak show on stage his stupid dancing and numbchucks or whatever.

Bumblefoot's is badass and fits in the band better his style everything he rewls!

And you think Bumblefoot is not a freak? He's the freakiest freak in freakland. With all respect, of course.? :hihi:

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: snooze72 on September 21, 2006, 06:38:16 PM
I think I'd rather see Ron and Richard

Have you smoked anything lately?

Let me revise that .... ?I'd rather see Ron, Richard and Robin ?;D

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: CAFC Nick on September 21, 2006, 06:42:55 PM
I think its pretty safe to say Ron is a permanent member of this band now.

If he wasn't, they wouldn't have used him on the Euro tour or used him so far on the American tour...that just makes no sense.

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: Charity Case on September 21, 2006, 06:59:48 PM
Slash > Buckethead > Bumblefoot > someone else

Now that is much more accurate.

I hope Ron stays if he is as good as people who have seen him live have reported.  Bucket is a great guitarist, but I really hate that speed guitar shredding shit.  No place for it in GNR in my opinion.  GNR is all about the bluesy - sleazy guitar work of Slash's and we all know it.

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: Luigi on September 21, 2006, 07:04:34 PM
Ron's in for the long haul :yes:

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: Bandita on September 21, 2006, 07:09:08 PM
Ron's in for the long haul :yes:

I sure hope so, he really is great, playing, and to the fans. 

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: Red1 on September 21, 2006, 07:52:45 PM
I think the answer will come when the major press starts (which I am 100%) it will.  If Ron is in all official press shots etc then we can pretty much take that as a yes.  Nobody in the GNR camp wants the press to start another backlash about hired hands and easily replaceable members - and if he does feature in official press stuff then gets the boot, that is what will happen.

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: the dirt on September 21, 2006, 09:31:05 PM
Nobody in the GNR camp wants the press to start another backlash about hired hands and easily replaceable members

I think it's too late for that.

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: Mr.Intensity on September 21, 2006, 09:32:15 PM
I have a simple system for decision making, specifically for this problem. Wanna see it? Thought so. Here goes:

Buckethead > Bumblefoot > Someone else.

It is a patented system, but I am willing to let GNR use it for a small fee, should the question ever come up.

Yup, that's the correct formula right there.

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: Saul on September 21, 2006, 10:12:01 PM
Yeah , Buckethead used GNR for a record contratct ... thats why he is still to this day releasing albums on his own lil independant label.  ::)  Fucking ignorance.

BBF is in the band obviously , and hopefully he stays and Buckethead never returns. 80% of GNR fans dont deserve a guitarist like buckethead in thei "favorite band" anyways. Buckets current tour does end in October right around the same time GNR's tour kicks off.  :hihi:


Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: 25 on September 21, 2006, 11:16:07 PM
Buckets current tour does end in October right around the same time GNR's tour kicks off.  :hihi:


"Buckethead in secret GNR return negotiations" speculation starts. . . now.

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: wight gunner on September 22, 2006, 07:41:43 AM
I sincerely hope Axl and cronies aren't influenced by reviews The Mercury News saying three guitars are too much.

 :rofl: yeah like Axl cares about what the papers say.... particularly the negitive stuff

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: November_Rain on September 22, 2006, 07:55:02 AM
Axl said the record will come out this year and he confirmed it himself several times in different interviews. So, now they?ve found an awesome guitarist like BBF who is doing great with the band I don?t think Axl?s going to give a step back by hiring another guitarist and all that.

Be positive dude! Soon is closer than ever. : ok:

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: Six Strings on September 22, 2006, 08:01:36 AM
It's simple, if Bumblefoot quits, Izzy becomes 3rd guitarists and that's it!

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: Mandy. on September 22, 2006, 09:34:22 AM
It's simple, if Bumblefoot quits, Izzy becomes 3rd guitarists and that's it!

Funniest post this board has ever seen.? :rofl: :rofl:

Izzy replacing BH and BBF?? :rofl:


Buckets current tour does end in October right around the same time GNR's tour kicks off. :hihi:


"Buckethead in secret GNR return negotiations" speculation starts. . . now.

Where have you been? It has started already.  :D

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on September 22, 2006, 06:51:40 PM
I'd bet Bumble's in.  Just a hunch.  Who knows?  ???

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: bigcash2002 on September 22, 2006, 07:51:44 PM
Yeah, I think BBF is in.  He completed the European tour, he is going the US gigs now and if he does the US tour I would have to imagine he is in

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on September 22, 2006, 07:54:56 PM
Ron's in for the long haul :yes:

That's the spirit!  And quite realistic.  I just don't see anymore far-fetched hirings/firings.

Title: Re: Do You think this question has been answered yet?
Post by: MarioGunner on September 22, 2006, 09:38:00 PM
I do wish the hero worship of Buckethead would stop.

Sure he was a talented guitarist, but he was also a selfish dick head who quit the band once he had achieved his objective, namely raising his own profile enough to get a record deal. Bucket brought nothing to the Guns live show in 2002 bar the Nightrain solo, really he did nothing. He looked like a dick and acted worse. He brought ridicule onto a band that was already doing enough to ridicule themselves without him.

Were he to take the stupid, childish, costume off and let his talent talk for him, he would be a lot more successful. Seriously the guy could do very well for himself, but limits himself to a low glass ceiling through being such a prick about his attire.

bbf on the other hand is easily as talented as Buckethead and is so much cooler and is far, far more popular at the live shows that Buckethead was. Sure bbf doesn't quite pull off Bucket's 1 or 2 solos quite the same, but why should he? He can do whatever he likes with them.

I can't wait to see bbf in a GNR video, the thought of seeing KFC face mumbling to himself and talking to a puppet doesn't have the same attraction.

bbf is GNR, Buckethead never was.

congratulations. ?you have just posted one of the most ignorant posts ever on any internet message forum in history. ?buckethead quit the band because he is a workaholic. ?he likes to be active... writing, performing, etc. ?he didnt like working on an album, and then, not touring to support it or finish it. ?buckethead doesnt like to sit around for 4 years doing absolutely nothing, so he quit. ?buckethead was well known before gnr. ?buckethead didnt need gnr for record deal, buckethead has made like 60 albums and has performed on many more, and has also written tons of music for video games. ?he is a very well respected guitar vitruoso. ?he is very easily one of the top 5 shredders in the world. ?buckethead brought nothing to gnr live? ?he was the focal point of every fucking show. ?people were and are mesmirized by his playing, his moves on stage, his nunchuck act, and his overall stage presence, not to mention, he took slash's nightrain solo, tweeked it up, and put the original to utter shame. ?his attire has nothing to do with him not being mainstream. ?he is not a mainstream artist and clearly doesnt want to be. ?yes, you are right about one thing... bumblefoot cant pull off buckethead's solos... because he isnt as fucking talented as buckethead!!! ?bumblefoot cant hold a candle to buckethead, and if buckethead were to suddenly decide to come back, dont think for a hot fucking second that axl wouldnt welcome him back with open arms and a bundle of roses.

WHATEVER!! They are both great guitar players, but they?re NOT Guns N?Roses, period. At least not while CD doesn?t come out. Then.... Possibly...