Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Lara on September 19, 2006, 11:24:04 PM

Title: HTGTH Addiction
Post by: Lara on September 19, 2006, 11:24:04 PM
I can't seem to turn this thing off! :crying:

I'm online all day long, how do I stop this?
I need the PC to study and the Internet for the same reason, but there is always the temptation of checking HTGTH.
I'm a weak person, I know.  :'(
And I really have to study, I have exams.

Please, help  :-\

PS: Don't try to ban me, I'll re-register.  ;D

Title: Re: HTGTH Addiction
Post by: EFISH on September 19, 2006, 11:24:59 PM
Yeah i think I'm a HTGTH addict too, I post alot, but I assure you, wehn I dont post, i'm here lurking  :nervous:

Title: Re: HTGTH Addiction
Post by: anythinggoes on September 20, 2006, 03:00:54 AM
look join the club im at work yet im here i go home for more hours i wake up at 3am in morning ill have a quick check with my mobile phone just in case ive missed something its getting silly i need help

Title: Re: HTGTH Addiction
Post by: HamsterDemocracy on September 20, 2006, 03:06:44 AM
Yes it is 3:05 am and I have a college essay due tomorrow and I'm posting here.

I'm not even halfway with the essay either.

Title: Re: HTGTH Addiction
Post by: jazjme on September 20, 2006, 03:34:10 AM
Ha , to me this is entertainment, I been on the board since 02. as a few still are .

BUt for those younger and finally getting a taste of GNR, do you first . and for damn sure get to go to a show!

Title: Re: HTGTH Addiction
Post by: monkeychow on September 20, 2006, 03:38:05 AM
I know i've got hooked too. I was at work today (where i have no net) and was grumpy all day because i didn't finish replying to threads I was in before i had to leave for work. And i can't help but think "maybe theres a new PM" LOL....i ended up comming home early even to check....

I need help. LOL :hihi:

Title: Re: HTGTH Addiction
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on September 20, 2006, 08:36:19 AM
Hi Im Mr. Dick Purple and Im an addict to

Title: Re: HTGTH Addiction
Post by: pasnow on September 20, 2006, 08:49:01 AM
Yeah, study?!?? Study???!! WTF!! Try holding down a career with an HTGTH addiction.

{This thread reminds me of the scene in half baked where Chappelle goes to a Narcotics Anonymous meeting and states he is addicted to pot. Bob Saget stands up and yells at him :hihi:}

j/k with ya Lara.

Title: Re: HTGTH Addiction
Post by: CheapJon on September 20, 2006, 08:50:24 AM
Hey all, I'm Jon, AKA cheapjonday and i'm also addicted to HTGTH

Title: Re: HTGTH Addiction
Post by: Melrose Chick on September 20, 2006, 08:56:12 AM
Hello everybody..... my names Melrose Chick and I am a HTGTH addict...... I'd like to thank my therapist for all he's done to try and help me with my addiction (big round of applause for Mr Kujo) I know its gonna take some time but I just know with the help of my friends and with God on my side I can beat this thing...... one small step at a time..... but .... need to go and post now cause Im suffering withdrawl symptoms..... whoops ... I just did... :o :hihi:

Title: Re: HTGTH Addiction
Post by: Lara on September 20, 2006, 12:39:19 PM
I'm glad to know I'm not alone in this, but there's gotta be something we can do! :-\

And you all know who's to blame here....  :rant:  *cough* jarmo *cough*

Title: Re: HTGTH Addiction
Post by: Lara on September 20, 2006, 12:40:07 PM
J/k, j/k!  :nervous:

Title: Re: HTGTH Addiction
Post by: Alina on September 20, 2006, 12:44:02 PM
we understand and love you  :love:  :hihi:

I have the same problem , instead do my homework I sitting and posting here .

Title: Re: HTGTH Addiction
Post by: Skinflick on September 20, 2006, 12:47:30 PM
I work in an office, and I am on here most of the day...... mostly so I can see that GNR finally gave us a release date and to talk about all the other shit......we are all addicted Lara......It's like MySpace in a way... :yes:

Title: Re: HTGTH Addiction
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on September 20, 2006, 12:51:10 PM
I have to say this, Im not very proud but I use Mozilla firefox and sometimes I open some threads in different tabs  :-\

Title: Re: HTGTH Addiction
Post by: Lara on September 20, 2006, 12:54:29 PM
I have to say this, Im not very proud but I use Mozilla firefox and sometimes I open some threads in different tabs  :-\

What else is new...  :hihi:

Title: Re: HTGTH Addiction
Post by: pasnow on September 20, 2006, 12:57:08 PM
I have to say this, Im not very proud but I use Mozilla firefox and sometimes I open some threads in different tabs? :-\

Wow man, that's pretty bad. You may want to try to get some help :nervous:

Although, different tabs eh?? Hmmmmmm, I never thought of that. I just may be up to that in a few weeks. I feel like you just introduced me to freebasing heroin or something. Not sure I can get away with that though, being that I'm normally at work while I'm on here.

Title: Re: HTGTH Addiction
Post by: Mandy. on September 20, 2006, 01:22:19 PM
A while ago, whenever I turned my computer on, first thing I checked was Myspace, Orkut or my email. Now it's HTGTH. And when I was at school in London, all forums were blocked, so I used a proxy.? ;D I definitely am addicted to the board. Is that a good thing?? :confused:
I must say though, it was worse back in February/March.

Title: Re: HTGTH Addiction
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on September 20, 2006, 01:37:21 PM
I have to say this, Im not very proud but I use Mozilla firefox and sometimes I open some threads in different tabs  :-\

What else is new...  :hihi:

That I sometimes post to some threads at the same time.  :crying:

Oh God i can't go on sorry  :'(

Title: Re: HTGTH Addiction
Post by: Mandy. on September 20, 2006, 06:31:44 PM
I have to say this, Im not very proud but I use Mozilla firefox and sometimes I open some threads in different tabs? :-\

What else is new...? :hihi:

I do the exact same thing.? :rofl:

Title: Re: HTGTH Addiction
Post by: disease51883 on September 20, 2006, 07:26:16 PM
I don't post all that often. I have a lurking addiction that's right up there with my MySpace addiction though.

By the way, keep posting your URLs in the MySpace thread. Please.  = |

Title: Re: HTGTH Addiction
Post by: Derby Greg on September 20, 2006, 07:41:23 PM
May be developing an addiction.

Been lurking since around 02......remember posting something around then about a new band I was into in Bad Obsession. Got totally slaughtered? :o
It scarred me on a deep and profound level? :'(

But then I had to re-register as the site no longer recognised me.... (server/hosting change??) and people have stopped being so cruel? : ok:

Now Jarmo has made me Derby tourist ambassador and I've met some of you people and your all really nice I can't really leave........

GNR for Derby 2007. Live the dream people. Pride Park Stadium. Up the Rams.
