Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Mr. Dick Purple on September 14, 2006, 12:22:56 PM

Title: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on September 14, 2006, 12:22:56 PM
This happened in Spain. A friend in other forum post it to prevent this monster or creature doesn't stay free much longer  >:(

Hi all!! im very sad to see these images :(  :(  2 days ago we saw this on tv, it happened in Ribeira ( North of Spain ), here is the link:

Yeah i know the images are very cruel, this man (killer) killed the dog by this way. The images were recorded by a veterinary and as a good veterinary he went to police and denounced this situation. But this veterinary is neighbour of this killer!!! Now here in Spain all the Protecting Animals Society we are looking how to help this very brave veterinary, because he and his family they are being threaten by this psychopath.

If you want to write some email to the veterinary giving to him and his family all your support, he will be very happy to see people agree with him.
His email is:

And here in Spain a lot of people has writen emails to the Ribeira City Hall ( Ribeira is the place where this happened few days ago ), you can write and tell your opinion. But please if you do it, please you NEVER mention the veterinary (we have to look for his security and his family), but you can write and give your opinion about this, after watching the video. Ribeira city Hall email:

This psychopath is free, he is not in jail. I hope in your good hearts, this man must be punished by the justice  >:( >:( >:(

Er.. if you write in other forums... can you post this please?

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: Mandy. on September 14, 2006, 01:06:24 PM
What a retarded psycho! Hopefully he'll be in jail for the rest of his life.

Why didn't the veterinary stop the killer?

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: SuperMike on September 14, 2006, 01:27:25 PM
What a fuckin' cocksucker! That video actually made me cry, animal cruelty is just plain wrong and I hope that man dies a slow, painful death.

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on September 14, 2006, 01:29:43 PM
Cause the killer started to threaten the vet familys, yet in the video it's said that the events took place in 2004. Sometimes everything is late but this bastard must be in jail thats for sure  :rant:

What a fuckin' cocksucker! That video actually made me cry, animal cruelty is just plain wrong and I hope that man dies a slow, painful death.

Yeah, actually i feel so pissed off that there exist persons like this

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: The Dog on September 14, 2006, 02:58:26 PM
Thats fucking sick.  how can you beat the life out of something like that?  that guy should do jail time.

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: D on September 14, 2006, 04:36:20 PM
I honestlydont think u can go to jail for killin an animal though.

whats the difference between killing an animal and all these people who hunt?

I know the guy was more cruel due to the fact it wasnt a fast painful death...... but honestly, is there much difference in this and hunting?

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: MR.BROWNSTONE on September 14, 2006, 09:07:50 PM
but honestly, is there much difference in this and hunting?

Yeah their is a big difference in this and hunting. Hunting people go after bear or deer and they are animals with high numbers and you only have a few weeks by law to hunt. Most pople also use the meat or make something out of the animal. I never heard of anyone hunting dogs for food or to make a hat or hang on their wall.

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: axlslover on September 14, 2006, 09:17:10 PM
I did not watch it because i really dont like to cry and have these kind of images in my head before i try to go to sleep(close to my bedtime) but i hope the son of a bitch is tortured just the same way, this would make a lot of shit stop if it was an eye for an eye world...

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: LeftToDecay on September 14, 2006, 09:19:11 PM
I honestlydont think u can go to jail for killin an animal though.

whats the difference between killing an animal and all these people who hunt?

I know the guy was more cruel due to the fact it wasnt a fast painful death...... but honestly, is there much difference in this and hunting?

That's a cynical but a good point of view D
It's not like people who go hunting in this day and age did it because they need to bring meat to table.That's either an excuse or an additional advantage, but the real reasons are almost always elsewhere.
The chicken who provided the leg I ate earlier today propably isn't doing that well either, actually.I didn't need to eat that leg. I just wanted to. Am I not supporting killing animals by this?
It was a very cruel thing he did, sure.
It has to be either a dog, dolphin, panda or a kitten you kill though, if you want to end up in news or messageboards.
It's fun how easy it is for us to  seperate cool animals, "no one gives a shit" - animals, bad animals and walking burger-animals from eachother.If you are reading this and happen to be a fish, sorry to say this but you aren't getting a ticket to sympathy land from anyone anytime soon.

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: Gaymo, the Hobbit on September 14, 2006, 09:22:08 PM
I hope this person dies.
Proud to be a Veggie

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: SuperMike on September 14, 2006, 10:27:24 PM
I honestlydont think u can go to jail for killin an animal though.

whats the difference between killing an animal and all these people who hunt?

I know the guy was more cruel due to the fact it wasnt a fast painful death...... but honestly, is there much difference in this and hunting?

I think there is a difference if you ask me. Going out in the woods and shooting a wild animal is totally different than torturing a house pet, dogs are not wild animals.

So are you saying it was okay for that guy to beat a  defenseless dog? ::)

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: Skeletor on September 15, 2006, 04:05:39 AM
So are you saying it was okay for that guy to beat a  defenseless dog? ::)

Wonder why it didn't fight back though? I'm not familiar at all with dogs, so I don't about the psychological factor here, but basically it looked big enough to put up a fight.

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: Sin Cut on September 15, 2006, 04:10:53 AM
I think my dogs wouldn't dare to attack me if I'd hit them, but if a stranger would do the same they would bite.

I think the guy who did this won't get any jail or such, maybe some small fine and some shit like he ain't allowed to get a new dog.

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: Ignatius on September 15, 2006, 04:14:33 AM

Wonder why it didn't fight back though? I'm not familiar at all with dogs, so I don't about the psychological factor here, but basically it looked big enough to put up a fight.

The dog was tied up. That's what they news presenter said...

I watched this very same news fragment last night in Tele Cinco news. I couldn't barely watch it then...awful.

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: Melrose Chick on September 15, 2006, 04:14:53 AM
That is just so sick.........

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: Bono on September 15, 2006, 04:27:27 AM
So whos' the fucking jerkoff filming this thing? An accomplice or what. Two assholes involved there. the guy beating the dog and the person filming it and doing nothing about it. >:(

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: NicoRourke on September 15, 2006, 04:52:39 AM
So whos' the fucking jerkoff filming this thing? An accomplice or what. Two assholes involved there. the guy beating the dog and the person filming it and doing nothing about it. >:(


Jesus, I wish I coul meet both of these fuckers ... five minutes would be enough.

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: Sin Cut on September 15, 2006, 05:00:36 AM
So whos' the fucking jerkoff filming this thing? An accomplice or what. Two assholes involved there. the guy beating the dog and the person filming it and doing nothing about it. >:(


Jesus, I wish I coul meet both of these fuckers ... five minutes would be enough.

can I tag along?

I'll bring the iron pipes for us.

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: Grouse on September 15, 2006, 05:30:14 AM
I honestlydont think u can go to jail for killin an animal though.

whats the difference between killing an animal and all these people who hunt?

I know the guy was more cruel due to the fact it wasnt a fast painful death...... but honestly, is there much difference in this and hunting?

Maybe not were you live, but over here you can. I believe you actually can get a sentence of up to 6 or 7 years? :beer:

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: Skeba on September 15, 2006, 05:43:25 AM
I honestlydont think u can go to jail for killin an animal though.

whats the difference between killing an animal and all these people who hunt?

I know the guy was more cruel due to the fact it wasnt a fast painful death...... but honestly, is there much difference in this and hunting?

That's a cynical but a good point of view D
It's not like people who go hunting in this day and age did it because they need to bring meat to table.That's either an excuse or an additional advantage, but the real reasons are almost always elsewhere.
The chicken who provided the leg I ate earlier today propably isn't doing that well either, actually.I didn't need to eat that leg. I just wanted to. Am I not supporting killing animals by this?
It was a very cruel thing he did, sure.
It has to be either a dog, dolphin, panda or a kitten you kill though, if you want to end up in news or messageboards.
It's fun how easy it is for us to? seperate cool animals, "no one gives a shit" - animals, bad animals and walking burger-animals from eachother.If you are reading this and happen to be a fish, sorry to say this but you aren't getting a ticket to sympathy land from anyone anytime soon.

You're both fucking kidding right?

Not much difference? When hunting, the aim is not to make the animal suffer as much as possible. At least here in Finland, hunting is a very important factor in controlling animal populations for some species. And also, it _is_ done to get food from it, and not just for pleasure.

I don't think any cruelty or additional suffering should be caused to any animals. Doesn't matter if it's a snake, a dog or a bear.

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: LeftToDecay on September 15, 2006, 06:44:40 AM

Not much difference? When hunting, the aim is not to make the animal suffer as much as possible. At least here in Finland, hunting is a very important factor in controlling animal populations for some species. And also, it _is_ done to get food from it, and not just for pleasure.

I don't think any cruelty or additional suffering should be caused to any animals. Doesn't matter if it's a snake, a dog or a bear.
Morals people tend to come up with to  justify them killing animals pisses me off.The line "as long as it didn't suffer." is just a pile hypocrisy.filled
feel good bullshit that helps you sleep at night, after you have done some manly primitive sense masturbation with a shotgun in woods.
Everytime You kill something that didn't have to die, it's the "KILL" - part that is relevant to the animal and it's uhh loved ones much more than anything else. You torture it a minute or two before ending it's life? Obviously fucked up and cruel,but it shouldn't be more than a footnote compared to the capital action here: YOU KILLED IT.

Are you saying that even a remotely relevant portion of hunters are out there because "hunting is a very important factor in controlling animal populations for some species" or because they are in a dire need of meat? You are fucking kidding right?
They are out there because they enjoy the hunt. they enjoy being in the forest with "guys", they enjoy the kills and thrills involved.
There is no one in Finland who can afford Hunter's lisence/gear/weapons and at the same time, is so poor that whatever he "brings to table" would make a relevant economical difference for him/his family.If the Meat brought to table is important, it is that just because of the primitive ego boost you get from fact it was "you" who kiled/took part in killing/was drunk somewhere in the vicinity of killing the elk you are eating with your family. You can tell your woman and son how you teared it open with your bare hands and..ahh you get the point.

You are right, "hunting is a very important factor in controlling animal populations for some species."
However, that answers to question "Why is it legal to hunt elks in Finland?"
not in "Why people are more than happy to kill elks in Finland?"

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: Sin Cut on September 15, 2006, 06:50:54 AM
What a load of crap.

Animals kill animals.
Animals kill humans, too.
Humans kill animals.
People kill people.

And really people die in car crashes every year when they hit an elk, sure that wouldn't happen if we'd kill all of them, but that's not the point either. So, you see, hunting has a multipurpose of bringing meat to the table and keeping, for an example, the elk population in check.

Tell me LTD, are you against killing rats too?

Also we track down and shoot bears or wolves that have attacked people. Now isn't that just plain wrong?

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on September 15, 2006, 08:37:57 AM
I'll go with sin cut in this one, dont tell me cause you eat vegetables plants doesnt have a life?, just because they dont whine or stuff doesnt mean they feel or you know what a plant feels?

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: Sin Cut on September 15, 2006, 09:51:20 AM
DP, well there's a one difference called a brain, or nervous system, I dunno about fly's and such if they feel pain, but every animal certainly do.

But again I'm sure and antilope feels less pain when it gets a headshot from a rifle than in the claws of a lion.

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on September 15, 2006, 10:22:43 AM
Every living creature has its way of feeling weather have brains or not, for instance an octopus, it doesnt have brains but is clever isn't it?
The basic point here is that some dog was treating so bad cause someone wants to make it suffer, period thats wrong if anyone try to mix that with someone that makes a animal suffer for eating purpose and stuff is going in other direction

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: Bono on September 15, 2006, 10:45:03 AM
Morals people tend to come up with to? justify them killing animals pisses me off.The line "as long as it didn't suffer." is just a pile hypocrisy.filled
feel good bullshit that helps you sleep at night, after you have done some manly primitive sense masturbation with a shotgun in woods.
Everytime You kill something that didn't have to die, it's the "KILL" - part that is relevant to the animal and it's uhh loved ones much more than anything else. You torture it a minute or two before ending it's life? Obviously fucked up and cruel,but it shouldn't be more than a footnote compared to the capital action here: YOU KILLED IT.

Are you saying that even a remotely relevant portion of hunters are out there because "hunting is a very important factor in controlling animal populations for some species" or because they are in a dire need of meat? You are fucking kidding right?
They are out there because they enjoy the hunt. they enjoy being in the forest with "guys", they enjoy the kills and thrills involved.
There is no one in Finland who can afford Hunter's lisence/gear/weapons and at the same time, is so poor that whatever he "brings to table" would make a relevant economical difference for him/his family.If the Meat brought to table is important, it is that just because of the primitive ego boost you get from fact it was "you" who kiled/took part in killing/was drunk somewhere in the vicinity of killing the elk you are eating with your family. You can tell your woman and son how you teared it open with your bare hands and..ahh you get the point.

You are right, "hunting is a very important factor in controlling animal populations for some species."
However, that answers to question "Why is it legal to hunt elks in Finland?"
not in "Why people are more than happy to kill elks in Finland?"

Well after reading through all this righteousness I can tell you for a fact that in northern Canada hunting is  a way of life and whether you believe it or not there are families who do rely on hunting animals to survive. Especially through out the winter.? Go ahead and say I'm full of shit but I've lived it so.....

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: The Dog on September 15, 2006, 11:12:48 AM
I honestlydont think u can go to jail for killin an animal though.

whats the difference between killing an animal and all these people who hunt?

I know the guy was more cruel due to the fact it wasnt a fast painful death...... but honestly, is there much difference in this and hunting?

um, yeah.  huge difference.  you don't go to the pound or the store, buy a deer.  feed it, love it, nurture it, and then one day decide to beat it to death with a whip and a tree trunk.

seriously, you don't see a difference?  Thats disturbing.

As for legal ramifications, I wonder if in the states you could serve some jail time for this?  Def a huge fine/community service/probation I would think.

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: Sin Cut on September 15, 2006, 11:30:06 AM
Every living creature has its way of feeling weather have brains or not, for instance an octopus, it doesnt have brains but is clever isn't it?
The basic point here is that some dog was treating so bad cause someone wants to make it suffer, period thats wrong if anyone try to mix that with someone that makes a animal suffer for eating purpose and stuff is going in other direction

Octopus does have a brain, if you don't believe me google it.

It would be quite the veggie if it wouldn't have one  :hihi:

I agreed with the rest of your post :)

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on September 15, 2006, 11:40:56 AM
Octopus does have a brain, if you don't believe me google it.

It would be quite the veggie if it wouldn't have one  :hihi:

I agreed with the rest of your post :)

Men i dont wanna google let me see  :-\

Edit: Yes they do have brain, fuck I hate discovery  >:(
Edit2: They dont have backbone thats it, but they have a huge brain i mix thing up my mistake now I love discovery  :-*  :hihi:

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: D on September 15, 2006, 01:26:13 PM
So going out into the wild and blowing a deer's head off and putting it on your wall is humane?

I'm not agreeing or saying its ok for this guy to do this to a dog. U are misunderstanding.

I am simply pointing out the hypocrisy.

If someone kills a dog, people want them to spend the rest of their lives in jail.

Someone goes and blows an innocent Deer's head off and mounts it on their wall, that is ok.

What if the guy had shot his dog and not whipped it? Would that make it ok?

I don't think its right to kill any animal that isnt a threat to u.

Snakes, sure, they are a threat. Rats spread disease

but innocent wild life game being shot just so people can get a thrill and compensate for their small penis to me is no different than someone killing a dog,cat,pet fish or bird.

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: LeftToDecay on September 15, 2006, 01:56:44 PM
What a load of crap.
*incoherent babble*

So, you see, hunting has a multipurpose of bringing meat to the table and keeping, for an example, the elk population in check.

Tell me LTD, are you against killing rats too?

Also we track down and shoot bears or wolves that have attacked people. Now isn't that just plain wrong?

If you thought my post was some sort of "stop killing animals now!!!" statement you misunderstood my point.
I was questioning how very flexible we are with our morals, when it comes to killing an animal, and justifying it to ourselves.
I' not some avid holier than tho*Peta forums visiting anti-hunter kettutytt?. I just hate it how some of the hunters  justify it, instead of atleast being man enough to admit what it is all about for them. I spend my entire childhood in pretty rural town, and know my hunters and feel I have a pretty good idea of what it is about.
You do not go hunting in Finland to get meat, freash air,or to serve community by controlling elk  population. Surely these add a varying amount of kick in it but sure as hell it isn't the reason most people do it. So what's left?I don't have to tell it to you and we shouldn't be able to debate about this.

but innocent wild life game being shot just so people can get a thrill and compensate for their small penis to me is no different than someone killing a dog,cat,pet fish or bird.

I know a couple of veggies who don't eat meat because it's wrong and eat fish instead, because it's healthy.I don't get it.

Well after reading through all this righteousness I can tell you for a fact that in northern Canada hunting is  a way of life and whether you believe it or not there are families who do rely on hunting animals to survive. Especially through out the winter.  Go ahead and say I'm full of shit but I've lived it so.....
well there you go. If you are hunting for your own survival then obviously there isn't a remotely sane person who could ever critizise you of it.Atleast I can't.

* I am much holier than you are, however. No question about it.  :yes:

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: SuperMike on September 15, 2006, 02:30:35 PM
but innocent wild life game being shot just so people can get a thrill and compensate for their small penis to me is no different than someone killing a dog,cat,pet fish or bird.
I can see that you hate the sport of hunting. :hihi:

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: The Dog on September 15, 2006, 06:02:24 PM
So going out into the wild and blowing a deer's head off and putting it on your wall is humane?

I'm not agreeing or saying its ok for this guy to do this to a dog. U are misunderstanding.

I am simply pointing out the hypocrisy.

If someone kills a dog, people want them to spend the rest of their lives in jail.

Someone goes and blows an innocent Deer's head off and mounts it on their wall, that is ok.

What if the guy had shot his dog and not whipped it? Would that make it ok?

I don't think its right to kill any animal that isnt a threat to u.

Snakes, sure, they are a threat. Rats spread disease

but innocent wild life game being shot just so people can get a thrill and compensate for their small penis to me is no different than someone killing a dog,cat,pet fish or bird.

i see your point, and i'm not the worlds biggest fan of hunting for sport, but like it or not, one is legal, the other isn't.  One is accepted (albeit in some cases begrudingly), the other isn't.

its also a perception thing, a wild animal doesn't live in your house, its not "man's best friend".

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: D on September 15, 2006, 06:08:34 PM
If u have to hunt to survive that is fine. all power to u.

But I hate reading in the paper and seeing someone holdin up a trophy animal and acting like they are a bad ass cause they killed a buck.

Give the buck a fuckin shotgun and then u will impress me.  Shooting a defenseless animal isnt cool in my opinion.

What happened to that dog is horrible, I wont watch that video.....

I just wanted to point out what It was I pointed out about all animals.

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on September 16, 2006, 10:51:23 AM
This debate will go forever cause everyone have different opinions and none of them are wrong, but the topic here is the dog that was treat like shit and there are ways to put that criminal in jail, period. Other things discussed in this topic are just way misleading the original post, so please stay focus or let this thread easy and simple. Thanks

Title: Re: Beat up His dog to death
Post by: axlslover on September 16, 2006, 11:16:33 AM
What a load of crap.

Animals kill animals.
Animals kill humans, too.
Humans kill animals.
People kill people.

And really people die in car crashes every year when they hit an elk, sure that wouldn't happen if we'd kill all of them, but that's not the point either. So, you see, hunting has a multipurpose of bringing meat to the table and keeping, for an example, the elk population in check.

Tell me LTD, are you against killing rats too?

Also we track down and shoot bears or wolves that have attacked people. Now isn't that just plain wrong?
this is a joke right? i have known and been kin to a few hunters all my life and they have never been hungry or hurting for food, they get a fucking kick out of killing something...not many bears go up into peoples houses and kill them, people go out to there homes(the woods) and get killed because they arent very knowledgeable about bears or other wild animals. every hunter ive ever known is just a redneck who loves to kill something and set back and think they've done something "manly" what a joke! sorry its off topic a bit, just had to get it off my chest because black bears are my favorite wild animal and my brother just killed a 450 lb. one and is soo happy and i think it sucks!