Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: JDA on September 11, 2006, 11:35:29 PM

Title: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: JDA on September 11, 2006, 11:35:29 PM
Anyone else think GN'R is pushing it with these ticket prices?  The 02' tour wasn't exactly a success and still with no release date I don't know if people , in the US, will be jumping to see them.  Don't get me wrong if they come around Minneapolis I'll be there but I would feel alot more comfortable with lower prices and an album out. I don't think they should have tickets for $79.  I just went to Bob Dylan and his ticets were $50 and I thougt that was a little high and tha's Dylan.  What do you think?

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: BluesGNR on September 11, 2006, 11:43:45 PM
I know what you mean.. but concerts aren't cheap.  Hell I'm paying $125 to see Aerosmith in Camden and I know that's a rip for sure.  GNR will sell and people probably wont complain too much...especially with the album dropping during the tour.  :peace:

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Chief on September 11, 2006, 11:47:14 PM
its pretty standard really. they can't realistically charge much less than the normal going rate otherwise they are gonna lose a lot of cash.

the cheapest tickets btw are in the $35 range.

i just saw Tool and the prices they charged were comparable to GNR.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: EFISH on September 11, 2006, 11:50:44 PM
the cheapest ticks are 40 bucks or so, thats pretty damn good if u ask me. 77 bucks to get up close which is what most of us will probably do.. i dont feel as if im being ripped off, hell if it was the only way i culd see them this year, id drop $250 per ticket :yes:

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: RancidPunx on September 11, 2006, 11:51:52 PM
With no album, they aren't getting a full house at the majority of these shows save for Toronto, NYC and CA. I think $75 is pushing it though. Pearl Jam , who at the moment are a lot more popular than Gn't charge a top ticket price of about $40.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on September 12, 2006, 12:07:59 AM
its not gnr charging that its ticketmaster

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on September 12, 2006, 12:13:11 AM
its pretty standard really. they can't realistically charge much less than the normal going rate otherwise they are gonna lose a lot of cash.

the cheapest tickets btw are in the $35 range.

i just saw Tool and the prices they charged were comparable to GNR.

Chief, you went to the Staples shows?  Thursday or Friday?  :D

By the way, GN'R tix are dirt cheap compared to other bands.  $450 will get you on the floor at a Rolling Stones show, while $75 will get you on the floor for a GN'R gig. : ok:

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Eclipsed107 on September 12, 2006, 12:26:52 AM
uh no, tickets are too expensive.

Unless there's a huge opener they should be 50 max.

Look at the last tour, half the shows were barley half filled and half of them weren't filled at all because of Axl's canceled dates.  There were few sell outs.

Concerts aren't cheap?  The most expensive ticket I ever paid was Gn'R in Philly when they didn't show up, now the most expensive i'll pay will be sometime during this tour.

I saw The Who for 50 bucks, AC/DC for 50, NIN (in a club!) for 40, the RHCP for 50... and Gn'R for 80 with no album out and only one orignial member.

Axl can't justify this price.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: jazjme on September 12, 2006, 12:33:05 AM
Ha snothing to do with axl, and if you are refering to the ast tour, well that was euto thsi past summer. Ask those who went

BUt its venues and ticketmaster yesm thaty determine the prices, dunny though , you can see GNR in hammerstein for 60 bucks, but understand its the over head to runa huge venue thaty also cintributes to the high costs.

An in small venues, and clubs the over head isnt so bad, or as much when you have a bar .

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: IndiannaRose on September 12, 2006, 12:33:43 AM
Pearl Jam , who at the moment are a lot more popular than Gn't charge a top ticket price of about $40.
Pearl Jam's 'Greatest Hits' album, released in 2004 (sames year as GN'R's), went platinum in the U.S.A. while the Guns N' Roses 'Greatest Hits' album has gone triple platinum in the U.S. Your statement is not supported accurately. Clearly this is just your invalid opinion...

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: bad obsession 4GNR on September 12, 2006, 12:37:10 AM
if you think $79 is expensive the las vegas show are a $150 dollars a piece. ;)

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Danny on September 12, 2006, 12:39:09 AM
I really don't think so.  A couple of weeks ago I was talking to some friends about the a potential road trip to Minneapolis to see GNR and I warned them that tickets were probably going to be over a hundread bucks each.  I'm pretty happy with the 79 dollar "premium" ticket price.

Last spring my wife and I spent 250 bucks for a pair of Oasis tickets, and I can honestly say it was well worth every penny.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: holtzmn73 on September 12, 2006, 12:42:21 AM
With no album, they aren't getting a full house at the majority of these shows save for Toronto, NYC and CA. I think $75 is pushing it though. Pearl Jam , who at the moment are a lot more popular than Gn't charge a top ticket price of about $40.

Pearl Jam charges more than $40 for their top ticket, I paid almost $60 to see them in 2005 in THunder Bay and about the same to see them in Chicago earlier this year. PJ is still cheaper than most arena bands but they aren't as cheap as they used to be, they have come out saying that they finally want to make money touring this time around.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Kitty on September 12, 2006, 12:42:59 AM
It is, but it isn't. I'd say anything over 65 bucks is a ripoff, but I'm willing to pay it if its for a premium show. There are artists with much more expensive ticket prices out there right now. That being said, I go to concerts at least once a month, almost always big bands, and I haven't paid more than 45 bucks for a ticket in two years.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Chief on September 12, 2006, 01:13:11 AM
Pearl Jam here (in july) charged me about 60 or so and i had nosebleed seats!!!

With no album, they aren't getting a full house at the majority of these shows save for Toronto, NYC and CA. I think $75 is pushing it though. Pearl Jam , who at the moment are a lot more popular than Gn't charge a top ticket price of about $40.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Chief on September 12, 2006, 01:18:48 AM
i went to Friday, it really rocked!!! i think GNR needs to step up the light show :)

anyway here are a couple articles about ticket prices:

its pretty standard really. they can't realistically charge much less than the normal going rate otherwise they are gonna lose a lot of cash.

the cheapest tickets btw are in the $35 range.

i just saw Tool and the prices they charged were comparable to GNR.

Chief, you went to the Staples shows?  Thursday or Friday?  :D

By the way, GN'R tix are dirt cheap compared to other bands.  $450 will get you on the floor at a Rolling Stones show, while $75 will get you on the floor for a GN'R gig. : ok:

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on September 12, 2006, 01:23:01 AM
My cousin went to the show on Thursday and he was amazed at the lighting as well.

One thing that bothered me was that he was impressed by their "perfect" playing.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Eazy E on September 12, 2006, 01:24:06 AM
I paid $40 to see Ziggy Marley... ?Paying less than that to see GN'R (albeit crappy seats), is definetaly not too high.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Chief on September 12, 2006, 01:24:26 AM
concert wise, pearl jam is definitely drawing in huge crowds.  this is well documented..

they just did 2 sold out shows at the forum in LA.  in 2002 for example, GNR originally listed 2 shows at the forum as well but the first one wasn't selling so they didn't even officially announce the second one.
it sucks but Axl's past unreliability hasn't exactly endeared the average concert goer to them.

Pearl Jam , who at the moment are a lot more popular than Gn't charge a top ticket price of about $40.
Pearl Jam's 'Greatest Hits' album, released in 2004 (sames year as GN'R's), went platinum in the U.S.A. while the Guns N' Roses 'Greatest Hits' album has gone triple platinum in the U.S. Your statement is not supported accurately. Clearly this is just your invalid opinion...

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Judy Rose on September 12, 2006, 02:02:26 AM
All you motherfuckers that keep complaining bout the prices you need to zip it man cuase if gnr weren't  touring you'd al be like man when are they gonna tour and now that they're touring ur compling bout the prices? If u wished so much about them touring and they tour your obviously gonna go and not care for the prices of the tickets if you where real fans you would not be complaining, your all just a bunch double talkin jive motherfuckers!

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 12, 2006, 02:03:43 AM
Anyone else think GN'R is pushing it with these ticket prices?  The 02' tour wasn't exactly a success and still with no release date I don't know if people , in the US, will be jumping to see them.  Don't get me wrong if they come around Minneapolis I'll be there but I would feel alot more comfortable with lower prices and an album out. I don't think they should have tickets for $79.  I just went to Bob Dylan and his ticets were $50 and I thougt that was a little high and tha's Dylan.  What do you think?

Seems like all tickets are expensive these least in comparison to what I used to pay as a kid.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Chief on September 12, 2006, 02:08:47 AM
hahahah! good one !  yeah there's always something to complain about it seems..

but i definitely don't think GNR is being way out of line price wise.  now mccartney and the stones, they are just ridiculous!

All you motherfuckers that keep complaining bout the prices you need to zip it man cuase if gnr weren't  touring you'd al be like man when are they gonna tour and now that they're touring ur compling bout the prices? If u wished so much about them touring and they tour your obviously gonna go and not care for the prices of the tickets if you where real fans you would not be complaining, your all just a bunch double talkin jive motherfuckers!

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Judy Rose on September 12, 2006, 02:20:36 AM
I'd pawn my soul if I could for some tickets! Do you not get it when you go buy tickets for The Stones who ur gonna fucken see?? Do you not get it that ur gonna be in the presence of living rock n' roll legends?? You can all just stay in ur house and sit on ur ass wishing you where there!

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Chief on September 12, 2006, 02:28:50 AM
i've seen both of those bands already so personally i don't think its worth it to go again.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: thelostrose on September 12, 2006, 03:24:13 AM
ticket prices are in gernell too high. i remember paying approx. 30 dollars f?r die 1992 UYI-ticket. it was the most expensive one. but nowadays prices are way out.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Nightfall on September 12, 2006, 03:46:26 AM
ticket prices are in gernell too high. i remember paying approx. 30 dollars f?r die 1992 UYI-ticket. it was the most expensive one. but nowadays prices are way out.
14 years ago... ::)

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Jim Bob on September 12, 2006, 04:01:19 AM
ticket prices are in gernell too high. i remember paying approx. 30 dollars f?r die 1992 UYI-ticket. it was the most expensive one. but nowadays prices are way out.
14 years ago... ::)
ha, seriously!   Aside from the vegas shows, all the shows look relatively inexpensive.  and the vegas shows are worth the face value of the ticket and then some.  :yes:

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: ClintroN on September 12, 2006, 04:33:37 AM
Anyone else think GN'R is pushing it with these ticket prices?  The 02' tour wasn't exactly a success and still with no release date I don't know if people , in the US, will be jumping to see them.  Don't get me wrong if they come around Minneapolis I'll be there but I would feel alot more comfortable with lower prices and an album out. I don't think they should have tickets for $79.  I just went to Bob Dylan and his ticets were $50 and I thougt that was a little high and tha's Dylan.  What do you think?

so what, you dont live in Australia, our prices r' fucked up, CD's n' shit too :no:

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: TOPGUNner on September 12, 2006, 05:34:40 AM
I don't think ticket prices for GNR are high at all. $75 is the highest thus far...I paid $100 to sit on the floor for Bon Jovi.

And take a look at what bands like U2 charge for ticket prices, they're out of control.

Are ticket prices too high in general? Depends on who you like. Im a heavy metal fan and a lot of the bands I see charge less than $30. But I mean, if you like Elton John for instance, his floor tickets are up to $300.

It all depends on who you like

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: jarmo on September 12, 2006, 07:04:46 AM
We go from "why is Axl just sitting at home and not touring like he should" to "the ticket prices are too high".  ::)

If you think the prices are too high, don't go. That's the easiest way you can protest.

You'll just regret it later.

They're scheduled to play a bunch of shows in California and Nevada as well as three shows in Florida. Who knows when those areas will get the same amount of dates again.


Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Big Gun on September 12, 2006, 07:32:49 AM
Anyone else think GN'R is pushing it with these ticket prices?? The 02' tour wasn't exactly a success and still with no release date I don't know if people , in the US, will be jumping to see them.? Don't get me wrong if they come around Minneapolis I'll be there but I would feel alot more comfortable with lower prices and an album out. I don't think they should have tickets for $79.? I just went to Bob Dylan and his ticets were $50 and I thougt that was a little high and tha's Dylan.? What do you think?

ticket prices got nothin to do with GNR. pearl jam filed lawsuit against ticketmaster to lower the ticket prices (dont remember what album they were supporting) and lost the case.

edit: Pearl Jam canceled their 1994 summer tour, claiming they could not keep ticket prices below 20 dollars because Ticketmaster was pressuring promoters to charge a higher price. The band took Ticketmaster to the Justice Department for unfair business practices. Pearl Jam continued to battle Ticketmaster in 1995, but the Justice Department eventually ruled in favor of the ticket agency.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: jazjme on September 12, 2006, 07:33:08 AM
So damn true jarmo!

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Bostonrose on September 12, 2006, 07:42:26 AM
its not gnr charging that its ticketmaster

umm.. actually it is GNR charging that,

GNR rent out the venue, split the sale of alcohol with the venue and make a certain percentage of the gate (the total tickets sold is the gate)

they make 100% of there own merch.

So GNR probaly priced the tix that high so they could make they most maximum profit off the least number of tickets sold.

make sense?

the only thing ticketmaster charges is handling fess etc

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: RancidPunx on September 12, 2006, 07:43:13 AM
Anyone else think GN'R is pushing it with these ticket prices?? The 02' tour wasn't exactly a success and still with no release date I don't know if people , in the US, will be jumping to see them.? Don't get me wrong if they come around Minneapolis I'll be there but I would feel alot more comfortable with lower prices and an album out. I don't think they should have tickets for $79.? I just went to Bob Dylan and his ticets were $50 and I thougt that was a little high and tha's Dylan.? What do you think?

ticket prices got nothin to do with GNR. pearl jam filed lawsuit against ticketmaster to lower the ticket prices (dont remember what album they were supporting) and lost the case.

The ticket prices have EVERYTHING to do with the band. Pearl Jam was protesting the monopoly that ticketmaster has on most venues.
As for my earlier statement I wasn't talking about album sales, but if you want to compare those, Pearl Jam since 91 has released several albums that have outsold GnR greatest hits including: VS. and Vitalogy.
As far as ticket sales go, Pearl Jam is a way bigger draw than Gn'R in 2006.
If GnR wanted to they could have set their top ticket price at a reasonable amount.
I can't stand Korn, but they made $10 lawn seats available so that their fans could see them , Deftones, Stone Sour etc, on Family Values 06.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: jarmo on September 12, 2006, 07:47:56 AM
GNR rent out the venue, split the sale of alcohol with the venue and make a certain percentage of the gate (the total tickets sold is the gate)

What's the concert promoter's job then?

I assumed, the promoter rents the venue, pays the band and then get back their money from ticket sales. :confused:


Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: daviebuckethead on September 12, 2006, 07:58:36 AM
i always assumede the concert promoter made ther money from the service charges? ???

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: madagas on September 12, 2006, 08:33:42 AM
Promoters set the ticket price. : ok:

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: GnR-NOW on September 12, 2006, 08:39:14 AM
I dont mind the ticket prices, never did, what i hate is the damn sur charges, convience charges, and shipping.  But after all that I ll still buy them. 79+all the charges will be around 100, but its not like we go see GNR every weekend. 

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: pasnow on September 12, 2006, 08:42:15 AM
Pearl Jam , who at the moment are a lot more popular than Gn't charge a top ticket price of about $40.
Pearl Jam's 'Greatest Hits' album, released in 2004 (sames year as GN'R's), went platinum in the U.S.A. while the Guns N' Roses 'Greatest Hits' album has gone triple platinum in the U.S. Your statement is not supported accurately. Clearly this is just your invalid opinion...
??? ???

Wow, I don't even know where to begin with this one??

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: sandman on September 12, 2006, 08:43:56 AM
i don't think these prices are too high. gnr is a big band. i believe these prices are in line with other acts. motley crue's tix were similarly prices when they toured last year. ?

i also like the tiered pricing. you can see gnr for $40! that's a pretty good deal. whereas the red hot chili peppers are playing the wachovia center in philly and ALL tix are $63.50.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: PJ on September 12, 2006, 09:02:45 AM
ok this is not high...
high is steven adler playing in a club in mexico for 110 bucks..! THAT'S EXPENSIVE!

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: PrettyTiedUp763 on September 12, 2006, 09:23:49 AM
I don't think ticket prices for GNR are high at all. $75 is the highest thus far...I paid $100 to sit on the floor for Bon Jovi.

And take a look at what bands like U2 charge for ticket prices, they're out of control.

Are ticket prices too high in general? Depends on who you like. Im a heavy metal fan and a lot of the bands I see charge less than $30. But I mean, if you like Elton John for instance, his floor tickets are up to $300.

It all depends on who you like

I agree. The ticket prices seem perfectly normal to me. If you can't pay that then grab the tickets that are $30-40. But personally, I'll be glad to drop down $75 to be up close.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: JDA on September 12, 2006, 09:30:38 AM
its pretty standard really. they can't realistically charge much less than the normal going rate otherwise they are gonna lose a lot of cash.

the cheapest tickets btw are in the $35 range.

i just saw Tool and the prices they charged were comparable to GNR.

Chief, you went to the Staples shows?? Thursday or Friday?? :D

By the way, GN'R tix are dirt cheap compared to other bands.? $450 will get you on the floor at a Rolling Stones show, while $75 will get you on the floor for a GN'R gig. : ok:

The Stones are a much bigger band than GN'R and have been around for 40yrs. 

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: The Dog on September 12, 2006, 10:03:54 AM
If anyone thinks the ticket prices are too high, then don't go.  There will be plenty of people who will think its reasonable and will pay.  It supply and demand folks....if there are more people willing to pay top dollar then those that aren't, then prices on anything will be higher.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: madagas on September 12, 2006, 10:06:01 AM
Don't speak too soon..........we'll see what ticket sales are....still no album or single. >:( Prices may be too high for current demand. We don't know. ???

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: thelostrose on September 12, 2006, 10:38:39 AM
We go from "why is Axl just sitting at home and not touring like he should" to "the ticket prices are too high".? ::)

If you think the prices are too high, don't go. That's the easiest way you can protest.

You'll just regret it later.

They're scheduled to play a bunch of shows in California and Nevada as well as three shows in Florida. Who knows when those areas will get the same amount of dates again.


don't get me wrong, but you miss the point. it's not a whining about the high ticket prices, we (as i think am not alone with this) are just of the opinion that we fans get milked (first by the record comapnies, secondly by the bands). of course we are paying because we want to see the band, but i can't attend all the concerts i'd like to see. it's just a fact that tickets are more expensive that 10/15 years ago (more than the inflation).
i only wanted to state it as a fact. it's a generell problem. that's all.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Neemo on September 12, 2006, 10:41:13 AM
Higher than I'd like but not TOO high....Rolling Stones, U2, Madonna....they have prices that are too high :hihi:

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: pollyblue on September 12, 2006, 11:13:03 AM
prices for all concerts around the world are way too high! and why should they lower their prices when everybody is buying the tickets!! don't blame the band, but the promotors or everybody else who organises concerts! start the revolution right now!!!

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Neemo on September 12, 2006, 11:18:40 AM
prices for all concerts around the world are way too high! and why should they lower their prices when everybody is buying the tickets!! don't blame the band, but the promotors or everybody else who organises concerts! start the revolution right now!!!

well fans download instead of buying albums=less revenue from albums sales=higher rates for bands to play concerts=more money for promoters to shell out=higher ticket prices

don't blame the promoters....blame everybody who wants to save $15 and decides to DL albums instead of supporting the bands they like...i mean everybody downloads shit, but when a band I like releases something, i buy it

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: markreed on September 12, 2006, 11:25:31 AM
From an average fans perspective (which I am not), an unknown / unheard lineup of the band (to most people), no new album for fifteen years, and a history of cancellations, riots, stormoffs and late arrivals, ticket prices are fairly expensive : aren't the most expensive Vegas tickets something like $177? Axl's market standing has plummeted as a result of his absence and whilst there is a lot of good faith for the band, this puts them selling - in some markets - less than a tenth of the amount of tickets they were on the UYI tour. 

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Axl_GNR on September 12, 2006, 11:33:29 AM
GNR has to cover the $13 million CD tab somehow.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Buddha_Master on September 12, 2006, 11:34:53 AM
Pearl Jam , who at the moment are a lot more popular than Gn't charge a top ticket price of about $40.
Pearl Jam's 'Greatest Hits' album, released in 2004 (sames year as GN'R's), went platinum in the U.S.A. while the Guns N' Roses 'Greatest Hits' album has gone triple platinum in the U.S. Your statement is not supported accurately. Clearly this is just your invalid opinion...

Hahaha. That is fucking awesome. I love when someone gets so completely owned. Man first good laugh of the day.

...oh and I am seeing GNR in 4 days bitches!!!! ...and to keep this on topic. I spent 300 for 2 tickets.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: misfitx77 on September 12, 2006, 11:44:31 AM
Die hard fans will pay $75, the general public probably won't.  That being said, the venues will be half full just like in 2002.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Buddha_Master on September 12, 2006, 11:47:04 AM
Die hard fans will pay $75, the general public probably won't.? That being said, the venues will be half full just like in 2002.

My show is sold out grandma.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: GnR-NOW on September 12, 2006, 11:47:43 AM
Die hard fans will pay $75, the general public probably won't.  That being said, the venues will be half full just like in 2002.

great point.  People you dont follow GNR like the way we do, probably figure theyre not going to pay 75 + to see GNR.  They should continue to do what they did in NYC, small venue great view from anywhere at $63

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Albert S Miller on September 12, 2006, 11:53:54 AM
prices for all concerts around the world are way too high! and why should they lower their prices when everybody is buying the tickets!! don't blame the band, but the promotors or everybody else who organises concerts! start the revolution right now!!!

well fans download instead of buying albums=less revenue from albums sales=higher rates for bands to play concerts=more money for promoters to shell out=higher ticket prices

don't blame the promoters....blame everybody who wants to save $15 and decides to DL albums instead of supporting the bands they like...i mean everybody downloads shit, but when a band I like releases something, i buy it
You couldn't be more right!!        The music industry suffers so much due to the downloaders, why do you think Axl hates them so much.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: greenhorn1 on September 12, 2006, 11:55:20 AM
I believe ticket prices are "too high" to sell out arena sized venues. ?I am willing to pay $75 for a good floor seat and I assume most people here are, but you need a lot more buyers than us hardcore fans to fill arenas. ?If the album comes out near the beginning of the tour I can see the shows selling well, but with no new album I think there will be a LOT of empty seats.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: babydolls on September 12, 2006, 11:57:44 AM
lets hope that the VMA appearance will remind the less die-hards than us of our lovely Axl and how great he looked and they will get enthusiastic at the chance to see the great Guns n' Roses rock their town, regardless of the price. ?Am guessing a lot of general fans wouldnt have heard just how mind-blowing the euro/UK tour was here - spread the word guys!

ticket prices are too high for every fkr who puts out just one album these days. ?Indeed, thank god it aint madonna or U2 - they seriously take the piss.
back in early 90's , I would have cheerfully sold a family member to get to Wembley or milton Keynes Guns gigs (in fact, I think tried to...). ?if you wanna go, then you find a way.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: BLS-Pride on September 12, 2006, 12:12:59 PM
This line-up is not worth that much money unless they plan on playing more new material than any old.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Krispy Kreme on September 12, 2006, 12:35:09 PM
First time I saw VR I paid $25 and was in the second row. On the other hand, I recently paid $77 to see Tom Petty. So in comparison GNR tickets are reasonably priced for a big name. I see washed up has beens charge way more.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: GnR-NOW on September 12, 2006, 12:39:06 PM
Bottom line, its all about what its worth to you.  To me I dont really mind spending 75 for a GNR ticket.  If you look at a sporting event, if you want to go to a football game its like 75 for nosebleed seats.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Bandita on September 12, 2006, 01:00:08 PM
The Rolling Stones and Madonna charge up to $400 a ticket.  That in my eyes is highway robbery and I certainly would not pay it because they charge that for virtually every show to be on the floor.

GNR is my favorite band and I guess that puts my blinders on because I had no issue plunking down $670 for 4 tickets to see them both nights in Vegas.

But even the regular arena shows they are playing, the highest ticket is about $75-that really is the going rate these days.  If you are going to complain about it, my guess is that you don't go to concerts very often.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Neemo on September 12, 2006, 01:03:39 PM
But even the regular arena shows they are playing, the highest ticket is about $75-that really is the going rate these days.? If you are going to complain about it, my guess is that you don't go to concerts very often.

I'd like them to be at about $55-60 for general admission that would be ideal IMO and that's about what i paid to see megadeth and VR last year

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: dolphin on September 12, 2006, 01:05:38 PM
The Rolling Stones and Madonna charge up to $400 a ticket.? That in my eyes is highway robbery and I certainly would not pay it because they charge that for virtually every show to be on the floor.

GNR is my favorite band and I guess that puts my blinders on because I had no issue plunking down $670 for 4 tickets to see them both nights in Vegas.

But even the regular arena shows they are playing, the highest ticket is about $75-that really is the going rate these days.? If you are going to complain about it, my guess is that you don't go to concerts very often.

I dropped around $767 for a trip to Sacramento and San Diego.

each gnr ticket with tax and printing it off TM came to about $98.

Hotels and airfare totaled it to $767.

I don't care about spending the money because to's a VACATION.

And my philosophy is you work your ass off to take a VACACTION. ?So spending the money isn't an issue for me either.

I wish I was in Vegas this Sat. ?It's my bday..but I have to work.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: JDA on September 12, 2006, 01:10:41 PM
I wouldn't mind paying $75 for a ticket if it was in a 6-7000 seat venue that I knew was going to sell out but I hate showing up to these huge venues that are barely half full.?

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: JuicySwoos on September 12, 2006, 01:11:38 PM
The Rolling Stones and Madonna charge up to $400 a ticket.? That in my eyes is highway robbery and I certainly would not pay it because they charge that for virtually every show to be on the floor.

GNR is my favorite band and I guess that puts my blinders on because I had no issue plunking down $670 for 4 tickets to see them both nights in Vegas.

But even the regular arena shows they are playing, the highest ticket is about $75-that really is the going rate these days.? If you are going to complain about it, my guess is that you don't go to concerts very often.

I dropped around $767 for a trip to Sacramento and San Diego.

each gnr ticket with tax and printing it off TM came to about $98.

Hotels and airfare totaled it to $767.

I don't care about spending the money because to's a VACATION.

And my philosophy is you work your ass off to take a VACACTION. ?So spending the money isn't an issue for me either.

I wish I was in Vegas this Sat. ?It's my bday..but I have to work.

AMEN. If they come to minneapolis and ?have reserved floor seating, I will be giving a scalper my business if I cannot get front row seats on my own. ? I'd spend way more than $100 bucks on a ticket so I am not going to complain. To a casual fan however, I could see how $75 not including service charges would be too much. But thats what the upper level seats are for. I want to feeeeeel the pyro! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: dolphin on September 12, 2006, 01:13:31 PM
The Rolling Stones and Madonna charge up to $400 a ticket.? That in my eyes is highway robbery and I certainly would not pay it because they charge that for virtually every show to be on the floor.

GNR is my favorite band and I guess that puts my blinders on because I had no issue plunking down $670 for 4 tickets to see them both nights in Vegas.

But even the regular arena shows they are playing, the highest ticket is about $75-that really is the going rate these days.? If you are going to complain about it, my guess is that you don't go to concerts very often.

I dropped around $767 for a trip to Sacramento and San Diego.

each gnr ticket with tax and printing it off TM came to about $98.

Hotels and airfare totaled it to $767.

I don't care about spending the money because to's a VACATION.

And my philosophy is you work your ass off to take a VACACTION. ?So spending the money isn't an issue for me either.

I wish I was in Vegas this Sat. ?It's my bday..but I have to work.

AMEN. If they come to minneapolis and ?have reserved floor seating, I will be giving a scalper my business if I cannot get front row seats on my own. ? I'd spend way more than $100 bucks on a ticket so I am not going to complain. To a casual fan however, I could see how $75 not including service charges would be too much. But thats what the upper level seats are for. I want to feeeeeel the pyro! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

you will feel the pyro anywhere you sit.

at least i did in ny at hammerstein ballroom.

i was on the floor for one show and then sat in mezz 2 the next show and you could still feel it.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Bandita on September 12, 2006, 01:13:49 PM
But even the regular arena shows they are playing, the highest ticket is about $75-that really is the going rate these days.? If you are going to complain about it, my guess is that you don't go to concerts very often.

I'd like them to be at about $55-60 for general admission that would be ideal IMO and that's about what i paid to see megadeth and VR last year

Hell, I would like them to be $20 which is about what I paid to see them in 1988 but that is just a dream gone far away. ?

But I agree with you they should lower the GA price a tad, because technically without seats on the floor I think that increases the capacity the floor can handle. ?

Dolphin, I totally agree with you, I made a vacation out of Vegas-For the 2 of us going from NY besides the tickets the airfare+hotel is about $900 making the trip for 2 almost $1600 but we are staying from Thurs-Mon : ok:

Not only did I feel the pyro at Hammerstein but when I got home and undressed I had confetti coming out of everywhere! :o

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Neemo on September 12, 2006, 01:19:55 PM
Quote from: neemo
I'd like them to be at about $55-60 for general admission that would be ideal IMO and that's about what i paid to see megadeth and VR last year

Hell, I would like them to be $20 which is about what I paid to see them in 1988 but that is just a dream gone far away. ?

But I agree with you they should lower the GA price a tad, because technically without seats on the floor I think that increases the capacity the floor can handle. ?

 :hihi: at least my price is reasonable :hihi: :peace: I wouldn't be happy about spending $60 but i would....I'd LIKE it to be a free show...i saw Vince Neil for free a couple weeks ago...and he played mostly Crue stuff and he also took an O2 break every couple tunes ....gnr is doing pretty much the same thing aren't they? And Vince sounded amazing and his guitarist is prolly better than Robin too ;) :nervous: :peace:

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: dolphin on September 12, 2006, 01:20:30 PM
Why isn't gnronline updated with the new florida shows??


Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Chief on September 12, 2006, 01:25:07 PM
well, they're a little... slow.

Why isn't gnronline updated with the new florida shows??


Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Bandita on September 12, 2006, 01:29:57 PM
well, they're a little... slow.

Why isn't gnronline updated with the new florida shows??


Same reason the site still sports the 2002 World Tour Logo ;)

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: JuicySwoos on September 12, 2006, 01:36:41 PM
The Rolling Stones and Madonna charge up to $400 a ticket.? That in my eyes is highway robbery and I certainly would not pay it because they charge that for virtually every show to be on the floor.

GNR is my favorite band and I guess that puts my blinders on because I had no issue plunking down $670 for 4 tickets to see them both nights in Vegas.

But even the regular arena shows they are playing, the highest ticket is about $75-that really is the going rate these days.? If you are going to complain about it, my guess is that you don't go to concerts very often.

I dropped around $767 for a trip to Sacramento and San Diego.

each gnr ticket with tax and printing it off TM came to about $98.

Hotels and airfare totaled it to $767.

I don't care about spending the money because to's a VACATION.

And my philosophy is you work your ass off to take a VACACTION. ?So spending the money isn't an issue for me either.

I wish I was in Vegas this Sat. ?It's my bday..but I have to work.

AMEN. If they come to minneapolis and ?have reserved floor seating, I will be giving a scalper my business if I cannot get front row seats on my own. ? I'd spend way more than $100 bucks on a ticket so I am not going to complain. To a casual fan however, I could see how $75 not including service charges would be too much. But thats what the upper level seats are for. I want to feeeeeel the pyro! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

you will feel the pyro anywhere you sit.

at least i did in ny at hammerstein ballroom.

i was on the floor for one show and then sat in mezz 2 the next show and you could still feel it.

Then I want to feel the heat from the November Rainsparks. Getting in the front row was my point. However I am too old and impatience though to deal with a GA floor. Lower level front row may be the case if all the shows are GA on the floor (and its looking like it so far, Reno is the only show that is reserved). 

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: neko on September 12, 2006, 03:09:39 PM
ok this is not high...
high is steven adler playing in a club in mexico for 110 bucks..! THAT'S EXPENSIVE!

are you from Mexico? do you think Guns will play here?

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Chief on September 12, 2006, 03:35:47 PM
I believe they will eventually.  It makes sense if they are also going to south america.

ok this is not high...
high is steven adler playing in a club in mexico for 110 bucks..! THAT'S EXPENSIVE!

are you from Mexico? do you think Guns will play here?

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Oh My Choking Soul on September 12, 2006, 04:01:16 PM
All you motherfuckers that keep complaining bout the prices you need to zip it man cuase if gnr weren't? touring you'd al be like man when are they gonna tour and now that they're touring ur compling bout the prices? If u wished so much about them touring and they tour your obviously gonna go and not care for the prices of the tickets if you where real fans you would not be complaining, your all just a bunch double talkin jive motherfuckers!


Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: AdZ on September 12, 2006, 04:17:09 PM

That works out to ?40.

That's how much tickets for the U.K tour were.

Quit whining.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Jim Bob on September 12, 2006, 04:22:33 PM
Quote from: neemo
I'd like them to be at about $55-60 for general admission that would be ideal IMO and that's about what i paid to see megadeth and VR last year

Hell, I would like them to be $20 which is about what I paid to see them in 1988 but that is just a dream gone far away. 

But I agree with you they should lower the GA price a tad, because technically without seats on the floor I think that increases the capacity the floor can handle. 

 :hihi: at least my price is reasonable :hihi: :peace: I wouldn't be happy about spending $60 but i would....I'd LIKE it to be a free show...i saw Vince Neil for free a couple weeks ago...and he played mostly Crue stuff and he also took an O2 break every couple tunes ....gnr is doing pretty much the same thing aren't they? And Vince sounded amazing and his guitarist is prolly better than Robin too ;) :nervous: :peace:

dude i guarantee you this is way bigger and better than the Vince Neil show.  : ok:

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Neemo on September 12, 2006, 04:28:04 PM
Quote from: neemo
I'd like them to be at about $55-60 for general admission that would be ideal IMO and that's about what i paid to see megadeth and VR last year

Hell, I would like them to be $20 which is about what I paid to see them in 1988 but that is just a dream gone far away.?

But I agree with you they should lower the GA price a tad, because technically without seats on the floor I think that increases the capacity the floor can handle.?

 :hihi: at least my price is reasonable :hihi: :peace: I wouldn't be happy about spending $60 but i would....I'd LIKE it to be a free show...i saw Vince Neil for free a couple weeks ago...and he played mostly Crue stuff and he also took an O2 break every couple tunes ....gnr is doing pretty much the same thing aren't they? And Vince sounded amazing and his guitarist is prolly better than Robin too ;) :nervous: :peace:

dude i guarantee you this is way bigger and better than the Vince Neil show.? : ok:

 ;D well duh, Vince only had 3 other guys with him :hihi: and you can't beat free...leaves more $$$ for :beer: ;)

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: jazjme on September 12, 2006, 04:39:38 PM
has anyone seen the prices to see Supernova........................last I saw they were over 220$ for the radio city music hall show. THIS is GNR we are talking about, the prices are mild compared to whats goin out there right now!

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: pumpkin on September 12, 2006, 04:42:30 PM
yeah, for the $150 ticket price of the vegas shows, i feel like i shoudl get party favors and two drinks included with my ticket.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Neemo on September 12, 2006, 04:48:22 PM
has anyone seen the prices to see Supernova........................last I saw they were over 220$ for the radio city music hall show. THIS is GNR we are talking about, the prices are mild compared to whats goin out there right now!

yeah $75 nets you an obstructed view seat for supernova in toronto $95 for the good ones :rant: needless to say I won't be going to see them :rant:

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: the dirt on September 12, 2006, 04:50:58 PM
has anyone seen the prices to see Supernova........................last I saw they were over 220$ for the radio city music hall show. THIS is GNR we are talking about, the prices are mild compared to whats goin out there right now!

Isn't this because it's in a smallish place?

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: WARose on September 12, 2006, 05:02:25 PM
has anyone seen the prices to see Supernova........................last I saw they were over 220$ for the radio city music hall show. THIS is GNR we are talking about, the prices are mild compared to whats goin out there right now!

Isn't this because it's in a smallish place?

yeah....   however, it`s 220 bucks for some allstarband

gnr tickets were 150 bucks for vegas and tickets were less for the hammerstein shows i think... (how much were they actually?)

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: jazjme on September 12, 2006, 05:05:10 PM
has anyone seen the prices to see Supernova........................last I saw they were over 220$ for the radio city music hall show. THIS is GNR we are talking about, the prices are mild compared to whats goin out there right now!

we radio city holds close to 6000, so its not really that small, if you ask me perfect place for gnr to do multiple shows, and yrs ago back in the early 90s bette midler played the venue for a record 30 shows, yes 30(180,000 people) shows and sold them allout and at the time the tix for that were 75$ a pop.

Hammerstein were 63$ , and that ws for a less than 300 seat venue.

Isn't this because it's in a smallish place?

yeah....   however, it`s 220 bucks for some allstarband

gnr tickets were 150 bucks for vegas and tickets were less for the hammerstein shows i think... (how much were they actually?)

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Chief on September 12, 2006, 05:12:06 PM
IMO 220 is absolutely ridiculous for a band who doesn't even have any albums out or even a lead singer yet!

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Bostonrose on September 12, 2006, 05:12:56 PM
Simple solution:

If you think the ticket prices are to high, you can always stay home.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: markreed on September 12, 2006, 05:26:25 PM
Simple solution:
If you think the ticket prices are to high, you can always stay home.

A lot of people are, hence why they are not playing the Cadillac MegaSuperUltraBaseballDome to 80,000 people.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: russtcb on September 12, 2006, 06:42:02 PM
If the question is "Are these ticket prices too high?" then I believe the answer is "If you think so, then do not buy them."

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: King Sand on September 12, 2006, 10:01:15 PM
Ticket prices too high?  I live in Tampa, Florida and GNR will be here on the 25th of October.  Ticket prices ranged from $76 to as low as $40.  I really don't see how anyone could possibly complain about ticket prices as cheap as these! Especially to see a band like GNR!  Why is this even an issue??  I'm just happy to see that the tour is finally happening!  I'd pay anything to see them!

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: GnR-NOW on September 12, 2006, 10:11:37 PM
I look at it like this, even though this band seems to be the most consistent, bc they didnt miss a show on the euro tour, i still would like to think theres a chance you might not see a show or you might see one of the best performances ever ! kind of like what one guy said on the VH1 BTM. so for 75 ... its sort of worth it.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: russtcb on September 12, 2006, 11:18:13 PM
Ticket prices too high... ...Why is this even an issue??

Because alot of people are just dying for something to complain about constantly with this band.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: jazjme on September 12, 2006, 11:23:01 PM
Ticket prices too high... ...Why is this even an issue??

Because alot of people are just dying for something to complain about constantly with this band.

Anit that the damn truth!

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 12, 2006, 11:40:20 PM
Friggin cry babies................

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: russtcb on September 13, 2006, 12:10:57 AM
Friggin cry babies................

I'm sayin'!

It just gets ridiculous sometimes. It's like, if you think that the tickets are too high in price and because of that you and your friends are going to stay home then I say: good! More room for me and my friends!

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: jazjme on September 13, 2006, 01:20:47 AM
Fuck yea to that,, and like when I met ya atr mustangs, Ill say again, , man just have a fuckng good time.

THis bitching and whining about tix prices is really old you either go or you dont. You have a good time or just stfu, whining will not change a damn thing!.  IF you are a kid relying on your parents to go to a show, god bless and I hope your parents are cool, if your someone who works and earns a living , well all i can say is if ya wanna see the band make the conccessions you need to,to suit it.
Otherwise its fucking pointless talkin bout pricing.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: MikeD on September 13, 2006, 10:35:08 AM
For what it's worth, the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday wrote a story about Ticketmaster getting into the auction business (not good since it means good seats going at higher price, IMO), but the article said _ according to Pollstar, a trade magazine, that in 2005 the average ticket price hit a record at $57 - up almost 9 percent from the 2004 average of $52.39.
A side note: Barbra Steisand's coming tour set records with top-tier seats carrying face values of $750 through Ticketmaster.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: russtcb on September 13, 2006, 11:02:55 AM
Fuck yea to that,, and like when I met ya atr mustangs, Ill say again, , man just have a fuckng good time.

THis bitching and whining about tix prices is really old you either go or you dont. You have a good time or just stfu, whining will not change a damn thing!.  IF you are a kid relying on your parents to go to a show, god bless and I hope your parents are cool, if your someone who works and earns a living , well all i can say is if ya wanna see the band make the conccessions you need to,to suit it.
Otherwise its fucking pointless talkin bout pricing.

Yep. Unless you're just looking for something whine about (and alot of people are) then there's no point in asking if the ticket prices are too high. It's more of a personal matter then anything.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: WARose on September 13, 2006, 02:25:52 PM
how much were tickets in 2002 by the way?

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: WAR41 on September 13, 2006, 02:32:49 PM
Fuck yea to that,, and like when I met ya atr mustangs, Ill say again, , man just have a fuckng good time.

THis bitching and whining about tix prices is really old you either go or you dont. You have a good time or just stfu, whining will not change a damn thing!.? IF you are a kid relying on your parents to go to a show, god bless and I hope your parents are cool, if your someone who works and earns a living , well all i can say is if ya wanna see the band make the conccessions you need to,to suit it.
Otherwise its fucking pointless talkin bout pricing.

Yep. Unless you're just looking for something whine about (and alot of people are) then there's no point in asking if the ticket prices are too high. It's more of a personal matter then anything.

Are you guys serious?  Its simply an OBSERVATION.  Its something for people to discuss.  Give your opinion on the subject and move on instead of telling people to 'stfu' all the time. 

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: WAR41 on September 13, 2006, 02:33:54 PM
how much were tickets in 2002 by the way?

The tickets I bought for the cancelled Greenville, SC. show were $40 face I think (before surcharges) but those were definitely on the lower end of prices for that tour.?

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: codenameninja on September 13, 2006, 02:39:41 PM
they are expensive. I read some place that bands make more these days on ticket sales than they do on cd sales. Maybe Gn'R want to make as much as possible before CD hits the shops, just in case it fails to sell. Although i would imagine it will do pretty well? ;)

..sure hope CD is not released using various different covers, as VR did with their 3 different colour schemes. Talk about wanting to take cash from the fans.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: WARose on September 13, 2006, 02:51:23 PM
sure hope CD is not released using various different covers, as VR did with their 3 different colour schemes. Talk about wanting to take cash from the fans.

i bought only the black one and it wasn`t worth the 15 euro or so i payed for it....

with CD, i guess i`d have to buy even 10 versions if they decide to release it in 10 colours :hihi:

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: codenameninja on September 13, 2006, 03:22:21 PM
sure hope CD is not released using various different covers, as VR did with their 3 different colour schemes. Talk about wanting to take cash from the fans.

i bought only the black one and it wasn`t worth the 15 euro or so i payed for it....

with CD, i guess i`d have to buy even 10 versions if they decide to release it in 10 colours :hihi:

i almost pick up the red cover, then decided to download the album instead. I didn't like. If i had of liked it, i would have brought the red cover. Hope VR's 2nd album is better  :)

as for Gn'R, they could release a different CD with a different band member on the cover, crap idea, but could pull in the cash  :hihi: if they did that i think the Axl cover would sell the most  ;D with Robin taking 2nd place.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: axlslover on September 13, 2006, 03:25:50 PM
All you motherfuckers that keep complaining bout the prices you need to zip it man cuase if gnr weren't? touring you'd al be like man when are they gonna tour and now that they're touring ur compling bout the prices? If u wished so much about them touring and they tour your obviously gonna go and not care for the prices of the tickets if you where real fans you would not be complaining, your all just a bunch double talkin jive motherfuckers!

what the fuck ever, there still too high

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: Neemo on September 13, 2006, 03:26:30 PM
i bought the red one...i like Contraband...but I didn't by more than one copy....and i won't buy more than one if GnR does it as well

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: fear the juggalo on September 13, 2006, 04:56:47 PM
prices are steep, but it depends on whos playing with them. if it's a7x they are a headlining band also, so it makes the blow on the price a little easier!!

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: russtcb on September 13, 2006, 06:21:50 PM
Fuck yea to that,, and like when I met ya atr mustangs, Ill say again, , man just have a fuckng good time.

THis bitching and whining about tix prices is really old you either go or you dont. You have a good time or just stfu, whining will not change a damn thing!.  IF you are a kid relying on your parents to go to a show, god bless and I hope your parents are cool, if your someone who works and earns a living , well all i can say is if ya wanna see the band make the conccessions you need to,to suit it.
Otherwise its fucking pointless talkin bout pricing.

Yep. Unless you're just looking for something whine about (and alot of people are) then there's no point in asking if the ticket prices are too high. It's more of a personal matter then anything.

Are you guys serious?  Its simply an OBSERVATION.  Its something for people to discuss.  Give your opinion on the subject and move on instead of telling people to 'stfu' all the time. 

It wasn't an "OBSERVATION" it was a question / complaint about the ticket prices being too high. I was simply giving you an easy option to go with if you think so.  : ok:

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: nesquick on September 13, 2006, 06:31:36 PM
have you looked at Madonna and Paul Mc Cartney ticket prices?... the prices start around 150/200 dollars for the less expensive tickets.
I don't think the GN'R ticket prices are too high. Sure it's expensive, but when you compare with other artists, it's not.

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: leatherebel on September 13, 2006, 06:38:28 PM
Yeah, seriosuly, also look at the prices for the "legendary band' Supernova which will start a (debut if I am not mistaken) tour in Jan. The front row for the long beach show is being sold for $1400 a ticket at the auction
 Can you believe this?
Guns ticket prices are cheap. And be grateful, there are no ticketmaster auctions for them.
Where else can you see a show for $80 where you have a good chance of getting 5 feet from the stage (if you don't mind the waiting)?

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: robinfinckfan on September 13, 2006, 09:14:04 PM
Yeah, seriosuly, also look at the prices for the "legendary band' Supernova which will start a (debut if I am not mistaken) tour in Jan. The front row for the long beach show is being sold for $1400 a ticket at the auction
 Can you believe this?
Guns ticket prices are cheap. And be grateful, there are no ticketmaster auctions for them.
Where else can you see a show for $80 where you have a good chance of getting 5 feet from the stage (if you don't mind the waiting)?

It's all in what you want. I don't want to be fucking crushed from the crowd surge and have crowd surfers fuckin up my show like @ hammerstein,( i think i'm getting old) i want to enjoy the show and a fuckin mile away @ 150.-200.00 is a little high( and so am i)  :smoking: and i'll bitch..oh yeah i'll bitch. But i'm going to as many as i can and i gotta buy for two cuz my woman says so : ok:

Title: Re: Ticket Prices To High?
Post by: phi_kai_phi on September 13, 2006, 10:37:40 PM

Here's your answer, everybody.

Would you pay the current price to see GNR?  No. They're not too high.

Would you not?  Yes. They're too high for you.  Quit whining while the rest of the tickets sell out to fans like me.