Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Dead Horse => Topic started by: GnR-NOW on August 10, 2006, 03:00:19 PM

Title: Why is the 2006 band so good
Post by: GnR-NOW on August 10, 2006, 03:00:19 PM
I just watched a few videos from RIR5 and other shows, and this band is so much better then they were in 2002, i mean its like night and day, im sure its already been discussed, but im interested in other opinions too

Title: Re: Why is the 2006 band so good
Post by: suzypi on August 10, 2006, 03:30:00 PM
well, to me this 2006 band is not so much better compared to 2002, indeed it is better but just a little musically talking, just listen carefully & the difference is not so big, of course about the look, there s no doubt this year is so much better, it is a rock band.

anyway even if 2006 is indeed a little better for me, we are a million miles away from the real GNR, listen to the original songs on records as well as those played live by slash duff & co, there s no doubt on who is the best band. (maybe i'm the only one thinking this way..who knows)

Title: Re: Why is the 2006 band so good
Post by: Derby Greg on August 10, 2006, 04:48:40 PM
well, to me this 2006 band is not so much better compared to 2002, indeed it is better but just a little musically talking, just listen carefully & the difference is not so big, of course about the look, there s no doubt this year is so much better, it is a rock band.

anyway even if 2006 is indeed a little better for me, we are a million miles away from the real GNR, listen to the original songs on records as well as those played live by slash duff & co, there s no doubt on who is the best band. (maybe i'm the only one thinking this way..who knows)

Those days are long gone

We now have a band I wouldnt want to swap for anything (IMO), they have just been around a little bit longer and seem that much closer and tighter. The band were great back in 02 and both shows I saw rocked but the whole mood of the camp seems just a lot stronger this time. Maybe its because they know it is built to last and they are going to make a proper go of it (album etc). Bumble fits in well and Izzy is around- life is good for the GNR fan. Lets hope it remains that way


Title: Re: Why is the 2006 band so good
Post by: -Jack- on August 10, 2006, 06:17:45 PM
well, to me this 2006 band is not so much better compared to 2002, indeed it is better but just a little musically talking, just listen carefully & the difference is not so big, of course about the look, there s no doubt this year is so much better, it is a rock band.

anyway even if 2006 is indeed a little better for me, we are a million miles away from the real GNR, listen to the original songs on records as well as those played live by slash duff & co, there s no doubt on who is the best band. (maybe i'm the only one thinking this way..who knows)

Those days are long gone

We now have a band I wouldnt want to swap for anything (IMO), they have just been around a little bit longer and seem that much closer and tighter. The band were great back in 02 and both shows I saw rocked but the whole mood of the camp seems just a lot stronger this time. Maybe its because they know it is built to last and they are going to make a proper go of it (album etc). Bumble fits in well and Izzy is around- life is good for the GNR fan. Lets hope it remains that way


When you go back and watch the 2001 GNR play Rio3 you see just how much they've improved.

You Could Be Mine


2001 (Axl and the band is embarresing!)

Title: Re: Why is the 2006 band so good
Post by: GnR-NOW on August 10, 2006, 06:29:29 PM
the band looked like a freak show in 2001 and axl was still running around like it was 1991, in 06 they got their own look, which is much better

Title: Re: Why is the 2006 band so good
Post by: Tomorrows on August 10, 2006, 07:16:52 PM
As far as Im concerned, the only way 2001 was inferior to now is Paul Tobias.

2002 was a rockin year - listen to the tour boots, they did awesome shows. And no ridiculous Christina Aguleira solos either. Plus back then they were introducing more songs than they were now.

Title: Re: Why is the 2006 band so good
Post by: Gargh! on August 10, 2006, 08:24:39 PM
There's a better atmoshphere about the band now.  It seems less desperate.  I dunno, it just seems like Axl was suffocating in 2001/02 but he's having a blast now.

Title: Re: Why is the 2006 band so good
Post by: Six Strings on August 11, 2006, 03:29:45 AM
I think we should stop discussing staff like that. I mean buckethead back, do GN'R sound good, we want Slash back and why Axl was depressed back in the 90's...I am sure that Axl and the other guys are reading this. It's not so cool reading things about yourself. Let him be and that's it.

Title: Re: Why is the 2006 band so good
Post by: TheMole on August 11, 2006, 04:06:37 AM
I think we should stop discussing staff like that. I mean buckethead back, do GN'R sound good, we want Slash back and why Axl was depressed back in the 90's...I am sure that Axl and the other guys are reading this. It's not so cool reading things about yourself. Let him be and that's it.

Now that's just plain ridiculous.

Title: Re: Why is the 2006 band so good
Post by: mikegiuliana on August 11, 2006, 04:47:14 AM
I think it's axl who is better...  : ok:

Title: Re: Why is the 2006 band so good
Post by: Dr_Sweden on August 13, 2006, 07:37:34 AM
I think they are having moore fun now than 2001/2002...... axl seems to enjoying him self moore nowdays ... And the band sounds better without buckethead... maybe they have new people that are handling the sound on the live shows...Why Axl voice is back idont know ..what do you think?... in Rio 2001 he sounds very bad ... and on the US tour in 2002 he sounds evan worse .... Now he sounds better than ever i say ...... i think its sad that the media hate axl and the band .. they just write that it is a cover band ...and axl looks like shit ....... When ..IF chinese is released i think media gonna say it sucks ... but the media sucks ... guns have us the fans behind him so fuck them ...... I hope axl can hold on to the voice he has now .....