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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Millions on July 31, 2006, 09:18:35 AM

Title: Izzy On Tour - Implications
Post by: Millions on July 31, 2006, 09:18:35 AM
I've been surprised at everyone's silence at the greater implications of Izzy being back in the fold with the band. What is going on here?

In particular, it is a know fact that Izzy sent Axl a Cds worth of demo songs a couple of years back with song ideas which he thought would particularly suit Guns N Roses. But Axl didn't get back to him - instead izzy got a call from the band's lawyers asking him to sign over the songs! Obviously, Izzy politely told them to go and fuck themselves.

So, now that he's back on side, what does this mean? Do you think there will be any Izzy songs or collaberations on Chinese Democracy, or more likely, future records?

Also, remember - Izzy wrote a load of songs with Slash and Duff which Scott Weiland rejected because he's so insecure about the whole Guns N Roses legacy. Slash described these sessions as the great Guns N Roses album that was never made. So..... what happens to these songs now?

Some interesting possibilities here, I think. I know theres already, like, a 3 album backlog, but I think artistically, the future looks really prmising for the band.  And maybe if they can even polish up one of these Izzy songs quickly enough to get it onto Chinese Democracy, the publicity would be excellent. and the presence of an old-school Guns type song would also help the transition.

Your thoughts.....?

Title: Re: Izzy On Tour - Implications
Post by: bitch_slap_rappin on July 31, 2006, 09:26:55 AM
I'm not so sure that Izzy wants to become a full band member again, and also that would mean that someone else leave which would be a bit disrespectful. But that doesn't rule out the possibility for Izzy to write songs with Axl, perform in studio and play them live whenever he's touring with the band.

Can't see him joining VR either, so if the songs he wrote with Slash n Duff are gonna be heard it would have to be through another project.

Title: Re: Izzy On Tour - Implications
Post by: Gargh! on July 31, 2006, 09:33:16 AM
I wouldn't hold my breath for them polishing off those Izzy songs for Chinese Democracy, they've not been working at breakneck speed so far on that record, why would that change now?

It is, as you say, more likely that Izzy will work with GnR in the future, though four guitarists may seem a little excessive.

Title: Re: Izzy On Tour - Implications
Post by: Millions on July 31, 2006, 09:34:34 AM
Well, I don't think so. Izzy doesn't want to be a full-time touring band member - thats true. But whats stopping him just doing what hes doing now - turning up now and again to join in on a few songs - no pressure at all.

But ?more importantly, maybe he could also contribute by helping with ?the songwriting process on CD and other upcoming albums? You know - behind the scenes stuff. I just think this looks to be the way things are heading. Which is definitely a good thing.

Title: Re: Izzy On Tour - Implications
Post by: Big Gun on July 31, 2006, 09:39:57 AM
i think Izzys implication with the new GNR doesnt go as further as doing a few songs on  stage with them. i also think he is promoting himself, probably the new album or the 4 album release in I Tunes.

Title: Re: Izzy On Tour - Implications
Post by: Luigi on July 31, 2006, 10:07:08 AM
Axl and Izzy are old buds and thats as good as blood. Axl will use what he can and Izzy knows that as far as Izzy in the band its the way it is..... take for what it is... its all good... :)

Title: Re: Izzy On Tour - Implications
Post by: liesin on July 31, 2006, 10:37:55 AM
I think that Izzy is just out having a great time and that is all there is to it.

Alltough it would be amazing if he would to be involvee in the songwriting, like some kind of a behind the scenes guy, on the other hand I think he will carry on with his own music and pop up with gnr when he feels like it.

Title: Re: Izzy On Tour - Implications
Post by: Derby Greg on July 31, 2006, 10:54:48 AM
Was anyone else who was there last night as amazed as I was at the chemistry he seemed to share with the band?? Even after Axl dissapeared.

He introduced a Richard solo during You Gotta Move and just seemed really happy and comfortable with the band up there. It was awesome to see. I mean, I thought he looked like he was having a laugh at Donnington too but he seemed like a proper part of the band last night.

Maybe there are implications....who knows.


Title: Re: Izzy On Tour - Implications
Post by: liesin on July 31, 2006, 11:15:31 AM
Izzy will travel alone, thats what I think

Title: Re: Izzy On Tour - Implications
Post by: killingvector on July 31, 2006, 11:22:55 AM
I sincerely hope that Izzy is invited and accepts an invitation to join the band  on the US Tour.

Title: Re: Izzy On Tour - Implications
Post by: Jim Bob on July 31, 2006, 11:27:43 AM
I think izzy's role in the band will be sort of like a West Arkeen kind of thing.   And of course he'll always be welcome on that stage.   Knowing the way Izzy is, he would probably prefer it this way.  :smoking:

Title: Re: Izzy On Tour - Implications
Post by: bazgnr on July 31, 2006, 11:43:54 AM
Personally, I that Izzy's involvement signifies a few things - that he and Axl are on good terms again, that he's out there enjoying himself, and that he essentially gives his approval to the current GnR, something that Slash & Co. are unlikely to do.

If it turns out to be anything more than that, I'll be thrilled, but in the meantime, it's enough.

Title: Re: Izzy On Tour - Implications
Post by: oneway23 on July 31, 2006, 11:44:36 AM
The more informal the situation remains, the more likely we are to see Izzy pop up every now and again...Let's keep this thing right where it is.

Title: Re: Izzy On Tour - Implications
Post by: Evolution on July 31, 2006, 11:46:10 AM
I think it's nothing more than a blessing and a chance to have some fun again.

Title: Re: Izzy On Tour - Implications
Post by: AxlsMainMan on July 31, 2006, 12:27:56 PM
I bet you, Izzy thinks "Better" is the fuckin' bombdiggity-fresh :)

Title: Re: Izzy On Tour - Implications
Post by: oneway23 on July 31, 2006, 12:54:56 PM
I bet you, Izzy thinks "Better" is the fuckin' bombdiggity-fresh :)

I bet he does...How could he not? LOL

Title: Re: Izzy On Tour - Implications
Post by: Bravefish on July 31, 2006, 01:23:19 PM
Im sure he wont be a full member, even with his writing skills he cant use 4 guitar players and I cant see him losing fortus/finck and a speed player whether that be bumble.

But im sure he bounces ideas and tracks off Izzy..they were a force and Rose knows how good Izzy was!!


Title: Re: Izzy On Tour - Implications
Post by: michaelvincent on July 31, 2006, 07:16:12 PM
Izzy probably still give Axl a hard time for originally wanting to replace him with Dave Navarro way back when he first left.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Izzy On Tour - Implications
Post by: jimmythegent on July 31, 2006, 08:19:56 PM
Regardless of what it signifies, it is a good thing for all concerned. It lends cred to Axls project and bodes well for any future collaborations (whatever shape they may take)

Title: Re: Izzy On Tour - Implications
Post by: fr8train on August 04, 2006, 10:18:49 AM
I just think that it is an amazing turn of events for guns fans. This was never even dreamed of a few months back. I think eventually they will all colloborate again (Izzy Axl Slash Duff).
 If they do not then it was never meant to be. But enough speculation. I can't wait to get my hands on CD.

Title: does anyone think axl has offered izzy a position in the new band?
Post by: Megaguns on August 04, 2006, 11:13:59 AM

Title: Re: does anyone think axl has offered izzy a position in the new band?
Post by: jarmo on August 04, 2006, 11:16:47 AM

They have three guitar players.

Izzy seems to be the kind of guy who plays when he feels like playing.


Title: Re: does anyone think axl has offered izzy a position in the new band?
Post by: Nytunz on August 04, 2006, 11:19:39 AM
what i think is more interesting, is if Axl and Izzy could be working on some new matereal together..

Title: Re: does anyone think axl has offered izzy a position in the new band?
Post by: younggunner on August 04, 2006, 11:29:49 AM
i like bfoot but i think there are 2 better scenarios....for me atleast

1} Bucket comes back and takes lead with Robin and fortus stays at rythm


2) Fortus takes lead with Robin and Izzy is the new rythm player

Title: Re: does anyone think axl has offered izzy a position in the new band?
Post by: slashisvr on August 04, 2006, 11:30:34 AM
no, izzy quit for the reason that he DIDNT like touring : ok:

Title: Re: Izzy On Tour - Implications
Post by: fr8train on August 04, 2006, 11:45:59 AM
I am just shocked he (Izzy) joined up with GNR as much as he did during this tour  :o
Makes you think that maybe he is willing to give GNR (original)  one last Hoorah !!
It would be nice.

I would venture to guess: At this point if Izzy really wants to get back together then they will probably all follow suit.
I think the last and deciding member would be Axl.

I think new GNR should have its time in the spotlight for the near future. Robin and Tommy have worked they're butts off for so long I want them to do well.

Title: Re: Izzy On Tour - Implications
Post by: D on August 04, 2006, 04:02:35 PM
I personally think Izzy hurts the growth and development of the new bandmembers.

Its not fair to the NEW Guitarist to work their ass off and try their hardest to gain acceptance and respect and then have Izzy come onstage and steal absolutely every bit of their thunder.

Title: Re: Izzy On Tour - Implications
Post by: oneway23 on August 04, 2006, 05:52:21 PM
I personally think Izzy hurts the growth and development of the new bandmembers.

Its not fair to the NEW Guitarist to work their ass off and try their hardest to gain acceptance and respect and then have Izzy come onstage and steal absolutely every bit of their thunder.

I've been saying that since Hammerstein night 4...It was a misty eyed bit of wonderful nostalgia, and a symbolic passing of the torch and tip of the hat, but I walked out of there concerned about Izzy's presence obscuring the other guys' hard work.  Not in real terms, per se, but more in terms of fan perception.

Like I said above, keeping it casual is cool...Every once in a while, play a few tunes, jam out...great. When you essentially become a touring member of the band, you're only evoking some people's wish for a full-blown re-union.  Izzy joining the tour in the manner he did should not be seen as a major issue, yet the problem lies in the fact that some fans (read posts on this board alone) are so enthused for a wishful reunion that they cannot differentiate between what the reality is, which is Izzy simply enjoying getting up there and informally playing some tunes, and the fanciful idea that this is somehow a telling indication that he IS, or WILL soon be, a full-time member, given song-writing credits on CD, etc...