Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Dead Horse => Topic started by: Lord Kayoss on August 03, 2006, 01:43:02 PM

Title: So, Did Axl Blow His Voice Out or No?
Post by: Lord Kayoss on August 03, 2006, 01:43:02 PM
I've read several posts that claim Axl had vocal problems in addition to low blood sugar/pressure on the last gig of the European tour.  I even saw someone go as far as say he may have blown his voice out again.

Has any of this come to fruition?

Title: Re: So, Did Axl Blow His Voice Out or No?
Post by: WARose on August 03, 2006, 01:44:09 PM
I've read several posts that claim Axl had vocal problems in addition to low blood sugar/pressure on the last gig of the European tour.  I even saw someone go as far as say he may have blown his voice out again.

Has any of this come to fruition?

i don`t think he blew his vouce out... he almost did it at donnington though...

Title: Re: So, Did Axl Blow His Voice Out or No?
Post by: slashisvr on August 03, 2006, 01:47:10 PM
i hope not, when did axl blow it the 1st time?

Title: Re: So, Did Axl Blow His Voice Out or No?
Post by: makane on August 03, 2006, 01:49:53 PM
i hope not, when did axl blow it the 1st time?
At Hammerstein Ballroom. Bach's vocal teacher(?) helped him out.

Title: Re: So, Did Axl Blow His Voice Out or No?
Post by: requiem156 on August 03, 2006, 01:55:26 PM
i hope not, when did axl blow it the 1st time?
At Hammerstein Ballroom. Bach's vocal teacher(?) helped him out.

I do't think this is accurate. if he had blown his voice at Hammerstein, there would not have been sufficient time to recover for the shows that followed, and likely his voice would have suffered badly on the tour as well. All signs point to this not being the case. I think Bach's coach worked with him before they started playing gigs to help him get in shape for singing this much again.

As for the 7/30 date, the boot should tell the story. If his voice was blown, you would be able to tell that he is hoarse or straining more than usual.

Title: Re: So, Did Axl Blow His Voice Out or No?
Post by: Judge Dredd on August 03, 2006, 02:03:04 PM
He sounded pretty darned good to me.

Title: Re: So, Did Axl Blow His Voice Out or No?
Post by: tHeElEcTrIcSiNtAr on August 03, 2006, 02:11:03 PM
Actually I was at the Hammerstein show where Axl was talking about it. He said that after friday's show, then next morning, Saturday, he couldnt talk at all.  So Bach had his vocal coach work with Axl and then he was fine for Sunday, the night that I saw them.

Title: Re: So, Did Axl Blow His Voice Out or No?
Post by: Izzy on August 03, 2006, 02:13:18 PM
He sounded pretty darned good to me.

Indeed - there were no problems with his voice

He'd just 'blown' a fuse - realised his plane back to LA left an hour earlier than he thought - 'seb cover for me - i'm outta here'

Title: Re: So, Did Axl Blow His Voice Out or No?
Post by: makane on August 03, 2006, 02:13:29 PM
i hope not, when did axl blow it the 1st time?
At Hammerstein Ballroom. Bach's vocal teacher(?) helped him out.

I do't think this is accurate. if he had blown his voice at Hammerstein, there would not have been sufficient time to recover for the shows that followed, and likely his voice would have suffered badly on the tour as well. All signs point to this not being the case. I think Bach's coach worked with him before they started playing gigs to help him get in shape for singing this much again.

As for the 7/30 date, the boot should tell the story. If his voice was blown, you would be able to tell that he is hoarse or straining more than usual.
He didn't "blow" it during the concert. I remember reading(maybe even Axl himself said this at the concert?) something about him having difficulties to sing the next day, but fortunately he got help from Bach's vocal teacher and was able to perform.

Title: Re: So, Did Axl Blow His Voice Out or No?
Post by: Crashdiet on August 03, 2006, 02:31:40 PM
well i was at all 4 hammerstein shows and his voice was definately at its weakest on the sunday (2nd show) but he came back swinging for the last two.

Title: Re: So, Did Axl Blow His Voice Out or No?
Post by: Progress on August 03, 2006, 05:44:14 PM
I thought that if you blew out your voice,you weren't able to sing for quite some time..Not like the next day.
Feeling that you're almost about blow it out though..that's something different.

Title: Re: So, Did Axl Blow His Voice Out or No?
Post by: Chief on August 03, 2006, 05:52:59 PM
nope. at least from the boot he sounded really great!

Title: Re: So, Did Axl Blow His Voice Out or No?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on August 03, 2006, 06:34:04 PM
The answer is no.  The voice did not blow out.  He sounded very good.  I'm listening to Night Train right now and he sounds great.  I thought by now the conspiracy theorists would have mentioned Axl's last lyrics sung were, "Never to return...NO!" 

May I add, that one of the reasons I can't get enough of GNR and Axl's!  I can't think of another performer that puts more energy into a show.  The ability to put on 3 shows at this level in less than 24 hours is just fucking insane.  Kudos to the entire band as well!!!


Title: Re: So, Did Axl Blow His Voice Out or No?
Post by: requiem156 on August 04, 2006, 08:34:16 AM
i hope not, when did axl blow it the 1st time?
At Hammerstein Ballroom. Bach's vocal teacher(?) helped him out.

I do't think this is accurate. if he had blown his voice at Hammerstein, there would not have been sufficient time to recover for the shows that followed, and likely his voice would have suffered badly on the tour as well. All signs point to this not being the case. I think Bach's coach worked with him before they started playing gigs to help him get in shape for singing this much again.

As for the 7/30 date, the boot should tell the story. If his voice was blown, you would be able to tell that he is hoarse or straining more than usual.
He didn't "blow" it during the concert. I remember reading(maybe even Axl himself said this at the concert?) something about him having difficulties to sing the next day, but fortunately he got help from Bach's vocal teacher and was able to perform.

Well, that's different - obviously he didn't seriously strain his vocal cords or no amount of warm-ups would have gotten him back into shape for a 2 hour show.

Title: Re: So, Did Axl Blow His Voice Out or No?
Post by: The General on August 04, 2006, 09:24:17 AM

I find it suprising but his voice only got better and better the more shows they played, in the end i almost could not belive it.
So it would stay good. I think he was very concerned about this at the beginning of the 2006 tour, but it worked out better than anyone could hope.


Title: Re: So, Did Axl Blow His Voice Out or No?
Post by: deanaxlrose on August 04, 2006, 11:57:47 AM
Axl voice is unique just like betwen normal and falsetto.Tryn yourself to sing 20 song with your falsetto voice in high pitch.maybe you can't speak for a week.and Axl do it every night

Title: Re: So, Did Axl Blow His Voice Out or No?
Post by: estranged.1098 on August 04, 2006, 01:44:45 PM
I've read several posts that claim Axl had vocal problems in addition to low blood sugar/pressure on the last gig of the European tour.  I even saw someone go as far as say he may have blown his voice out again.

Has any of this come to fruition?

i don`t think he blew his vouce out... he almost did it at donnington though...

Whatever he did, he sounded amazing at Donnington.

Title: Re: So, Did Axl Blow His Voice Out or No?
Post by: Christos AG on August 04, 2006, 05:43:00 PM
No problems with his voice, the guy just got a bit sick, enough though to cancel the gig, but still he told the doctors "Fuck that, I have a gig" and he did it...