Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Lord Kayoss on July 31, 2006, 09:47:03 PM

Title: Axl Has Security Thrown Out!
Post by: Lord Kayoss on July 31, 2006, 09:47:03 PM
Couldn't find if it had already been posted so delete if so.

Title: Re: Axl Has Security Thrown Out!
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on July 31, 2006, 10:09:19 PM
that's awesome.  When did this happen?

Title: Re: Axl Has Security Thrown Out!
Post by: Mobenrad on July 31, 2006, 10:11:44 PM
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH Dude I seriously have not laughed so hard at GNR in my fucking life.

"cool the FUCK out!

Title: Re: Axl Has Security Thrown Out!
Post by: Amish on July 31, 2006, 10:14:23 PM
Wow, how come I didn't read about this in any show updates/reviews?

Title: Re: Axl Has Security Thrown Out!
Post by: Lord Kayoss on July 31, 2006, 10:15:53 PM
I'm not sure which show it came from.  A buddy shot me the link and asked if I had seen it.  I watched it and was like "hell no I haven't!"

Title: Re: Axl Has Security Thrown Out!
Post by: benchiefjr on July 31, 2006, 10:16:47 PM
lol, great...hey mobenrad PM me that tab if its done

Title: Re: Axl Has Security Thrown Out!
Post by: TrueRock&Roll on July 31, 2006, 10:21:49 PM
that was at the Birmingham show.

Title: Re: Axl Has Security Thrown Out!
Post by: bazgnr on July 31, 2006, 10:27:56 PM
My computer won't play it.  What am I missing?

Title: Re: Axl Has Security Thrown Out!
Post by: dodger girl on July 31, 2006, 10:56:57 PM
that's the clip of YCBM at Birmingham.. is fuckin hilarious! Axl saw security being tough with a fan who was having fun and stopped the song to yell at the security guys and some black guy took em out the place and they continued playing

he said something like: hey hey hey hey, security, cool the fuck out, stop the song, what the fuck is wrong with you guys down there, the security guys, you guys are out of control, get out of here


Title: Re: Axl Has Security Thrown Out!
Post by: bazgnr on July 31, 2006, 11:36:05 PM
that's the clip of YCBM at Birmingham.. is fuckin hilarious! Axl saw security being tough with a fan who was having fun and stopped the song to yell at the security guys and some black guy took em out the place and they continued playing

he said something like: hey hey hey hey, security, cool the fuck out, stop the song, what the fuck is wrong with you guys down there, the security guys, you guys are out of control, get out of here


Got it.  Thanks!

Title: Re: Axl Has Security Thrown Out!
Post by: Niko on July 31, 2006, 11:48:38 PM
there is a video of the complete song in youtube

Title: Re: Axl Has Security Thrown Out!
Post by: Bono on August 01, 2006, 01:22:41 AM
That's some pretty cool footage. The band sounds tight and Axl sounded on fire there. I can't help but wonder though if he does this shit simply for effect sometimes. It seems a little odd to me that Axl is the only one who's regualarly yelling at his band to stop songs right in the middle. Oh well. he sounded awesome here anyways.  I wish he'd sound as loud when singing though as he does when he talks/yells at security or fans to cool it. :hihi:

Title: Re: Axl Has Security Thrown Out!
Post by: Scree on August 01, 2006, 01:03:36 PM
Thats the first time I have ever seen a performer kick out security. Love him or hate him, he doesn't seem to stand for fans being injured when it can be avoided.

Title: Re: Axl Has Security Thrown Out!
Post by: GNROSAS on August 01, 2006, 01:12:20 PM
Here is an Mpeg2/DVD version of this Incident....I first posted the complete clip on this forum at the bootleg session and now it is all over the net...

- Birmingham? (You Could Be Mine w/ Security Incident)

Title: Re: Axl Has Security Thrown Out!
Post by: J? on August 01, 2006, 01:14:24 PM

This was on page 3

I had already posted this thread.

Mods can you merge it with my post?

/jimmer :peace:

Title: Re: Axl Has Security Thrown Out!
Post by: gin hotel on August 01, 2006, 03:12:23 PM

Title: Re: Axl Has Security Thrown Out!
Post by: Amberhoney on August 01, 2006, 03:19:24 PM
Only Axl, gotta love him.

Title: Re: Axl Has Security Thrown Out!
Post by: G n F n R on August 01, 2006, 08:03:19 PM
Axl Rose defender of his fans! 8) Cool.

Title: Re: Axl Has Security Thrown Out!
Post by: Loaded NightraiN on August 01, 2006, 08:09:15 PM
Was that earl who hauled em out!??!  :hihi: I wished venue security would get this alot  more  : ok:

Title: Re: Axl Has Security Thrown Out!
Post by: The Dog on August 01, 2006, 11:26:01 PM
Thats awesome.  I love when shit happens like that at shows I am attending, just makes it a little bit different then the same ole same ole......Its so easy at RIR with "hey, get that guy outta here" has become part of the song when I listen to it now.

Title: Re: Axl Has Security Thrown Out!
Post by: liesin on August 02, 2006, 11:13:01 AM
right on Axl!

sympathy for us fans is deeply appreciated