Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Chief on July 30, 2006, 08:36:51 PM

Title: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: Chief on July 30, 2006, 08:36:51 PM
When do you guys think THE press release will come?  august, september, ???....

I think a joint release about the us tour and album should come out at the end of august, at least if i were in charge of things....

Title: Re: Album Press Release Poll
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on July 30, 2006, 08:39:50 PM
Assuming the tour kicks off in late Sept., I'd expect an announcement giving a release date, as well as a tentative US tour schedule no later than August 18th. The next two weeks are going to be CRUCIAL...

Title: Re: Album Press Release Poll
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on July 30, 2006, 08:41:38 PM

Title: Re: Album Press Release Poll
Post by: GunnerOne 84 on July 30, 2006, 08:45:01 PM
Depends on how bad what  happened tonight really is.

Title: Re: Album Press Release Poll
Post by: benchiefjr on July 30, 2006, 08:47:48 PM
Depends on how bad what? happened tonight really is.
why would that matter unless its....not done, in which case i doubt it'll come out at all.  If the album's already done (as it should be by now) then tonight should have no effect on it.  The press release HAS to come in the next 2-3 weeks otherwise, i quit. :'(

Title: Re: Album Press Release Poll
Post by: GunnerOne 84 on July 30, 2006, 08:49:38 PM
I meant that if tonight's incident were to put him on the shelf for a while, even if it's done it wouldn't come out.

And i really wouldn't hold my breath on that press release. I really want it too, but I just don't know if it will ever come.

Title: Re: Album Press Release Poll
Post by: zakas80 on July 30, 2006, 08:59:08 PM
i would hope we get it by the ides of augusta

Title: Re: Album Press Release Poll
Post by: oneway23 on July 30, 2006, 11:52:24 PM
The next few weeks of "downtime" should be essential for tying up any loose ends that may still exist...Put it this way: I expect to be infinitely more informed about the viability of this band's future a month from now.

Title: Re: Album Press Release Poll
Post by: sootn on July 31, 2006, 01:12:18 AM
If we don't hear something or get CD this year I don't think we will ever see it.

Its becoming a fucking joke if you ask me.

If they are smart next 2 weeks better have a US tour lined up and a release date for CD and a possible MTV VMA performance... close the show with a new badass single. We all know there is a Big Gun waiting to get tore up something we all never heard yet.

All makes sense though Big Euro tour completed and some date scheduled in Sept. something has got to happen this year.

Title: Re: Album Press Release Poll
Post by: GunnerOne 84 on July 31, 2006, 01:30:37 AM
I agree, I think it's now or never. I really don't think Axl has spent the last 13 years locked away in the  studio, I really think he has spent more time away from it than we know. At the time, 2002 seemed great, that they were out and about. However, comparing it with this year, if he isn't ready now, I don't know that he ever will be. It just seems more like AXL is ready as opposed to a manager or label exec pressuring him for the album. I would be surprised if we didn't have some idea in  the next month, but then again, it is GNR.

Title: Re: Album Press Release Poll
Post by: MR W,AXL ROSE on July 31, 2006, 03:34:12 AM
Assuming the tour kicks off in late Sept., I'd expect an announcement giving a release date, as well as a tentative US tour schedule no later than August 18th. The next two weeks are going to be CRUCIAL...
AUGUST 18TH......wasnt he that crazy member we had here a while ago that got banned and nobody knew for sure if it was a male or female

Title: Re: Album Press Release Poll
Post by: liesin on July 31, 2006, 08:05:32 AM
My hopes are on this:

Axl is fucking out there having a blast. Seeing axl smileing and laughing gives me the hope I lacked before.

Time to show the world Axl!

Title: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: TrueRock&Roll on July 31, 2006, 10:41:07 AM
What does everyone here think?  I think they boys have to say something.  Let us know all the details and all that.  Does Mysteron know anything on this subject?

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: SLCPUNK on July 31, 2006, 10:43:00 AM
What does everyone here think?  I think they boys have to say something.  Let us know all the details and all that.  Does Mysteron know anything on this subject?

Can you remind me what this is about? Who said what and where?

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: madagas on July 31, 2006, 10:43:56 AM
Please. Only one thing is certain-there is a scheduled show for Sept 23rd. That's it-end of discussion. ;D

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: liesin on July 31, 2006, 10:45:17 AM
true, oh so true!

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: mornintrain on July 31, 2006, 10:45:54 AM
I have a strong feeling that if we dont get a press release by the end of august, then CD wont be out by 2006.

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: SLCPUNK on July 31, 2006, 10:46:03 AM
Oh, nobody said anything, just speculation. Misread post............

Title: Re: Album Press Release Poll
Post by: mornintrain on July 31, 2006, 10:49:46 AM
He shall reveal his plans to the world at the VMAs after he rocks out to Better and a new song we haven't heard.  Then he'll scream Round 2, indicating that the release of CD is Round 3, set for the end of November.

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: BLS-Pride on July 31, 2006, 10:50:33 AM
I just hope we actually get some info. Anything at all at this point reguarding CD and not the usual bullshit. If they have a date then they should release it.

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: TrueRock&Roll on July 31, 2006, 10:50:41 AM
Trump's hair still has me baffled.  Sorry, It's got me in a trance.  Love that do

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: TrueRock&Roll on July 31, 2006, 10:55:44 AM
I'm really hoping for some big stuff to happen in August though.  It's just time.  After the Trunk interview, talking about the album in the fall, then the tour.  Something's gotta happen.  It would be a really stupid move to stop the momentum they've gained so far to just be quiet till the September show.

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: TrueRock&Roll on July 31, 2006, 10:56:39 AM
Hi Matt,
Thanks so much for taking the time to write to me. I appologize for the
delay in responding to your email. I'm trying to catch up on my website
emails while i'm out on the road with Gn'R. It's taking a long time.
I'm only up to Febuary! I'm sorry that there is no information on the
new cd. That will all change very soon. When we get back to the
states we are planning on having the site updated (finally), and
releasing some new info. I know it's been a long time coming, but
things are rolling now. Hang in there a little longer please. It will
be worth it!

From The "Emails From Richard Fortus" Thread
Sounds very promising.  Hope it all happens

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: TrueRock&Roll on July 31, 2006, 11:04:27 AM
has anyone heard from the footman lately with any hints towards anything as well?

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: Rockin' Rose on July 31, 2006, 11:28:31 AM
I'm hoping the press release would come out by the end of August, but it might be that we won't hear Chinese this year.

Hi Matt,
Thanks so much for taking the time to write to me. I appologize for the
delay in responding to your email. I'm trying to catch up on my website
emails while i'm out on the road with Gn'R. It's taking a long time.
I'm only up to Febuary! I'm sorry that there is no information on the
new cd. That will all change very soon. When we get back to the
states we are planning on having the site updated (finally), and
releasing some new info. I know it's been a long time coming, but
things are rolling now. Hang in there a little longer please. It will
be worth it!

From The "Emails From Richard Fortus" Thread

When did he write this?

In the e-mail I got last week (27th) he wrote "I honestly don't know if ChiDem will be out this year or not."

But my guess is that only Axl "knows" anyway, so I'm not that worried.

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: keithfc on July 31, 2006, 11:46:09 AM
This is my first post here and you may think this is bullshit, but I have contacted Merck's pa at Sanctuary Records (Tina Chang) and she informs me that there will definitely be an announcement. It was a case of "when" and not "if", but no time scales were given.

So I would say hang on in there everyone, the news we all want to hear is definitely coming.....

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: GNVR on July 31, 2006, 11:49:59 AM
We'll have to wait and see, but seriously, it has to be this year.  If not, then don't bother.  People are going to get tired of waiting.  This CD has become a big joke really.  I wonder if the band is putting any pressure on Axl to release the album?

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: benchiefjr on July 31, 2006, 11:51:36 AM
I'm hoping the press release would come out by the end of August, but it might be that we won't hear Chinese this year.

Hi Matt,
Thanks so much for taking the time to write to me. I appologize for the
delay in responding to your email. I'm trying to catch up on my website
emails while i'm out on the road with Gn'R. It's taking a long time.
I'm only up to Febuary! I'm sorry that there is no information on the
new cd. That will all change very soon. When we get back to the
states we are planning on having the site updated (finally), and
releasing some new info. I know it's been a long time coming, but
things are rolling now. Hang in there a little longer please. It will
be worth it!

From The "Emails From Richard Fortus" Thread

When did he write this?

In the e-mail I got last week (27th) he wrote "I honestly don't know if ChiDem will be out this year or not."

But my guess is that only Axl "knows" anyway, so I'm not that worried.

are you serious....goddammit

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: codenameninja on July 31, 2006, 11:58:31 AM
When do you guys think THE press release will come?  august, september, ???....

I think a joint release about the us tour and album should come out at the end of august, at least if i were in charge of things....

your guess is as good as anyone elses. no one knows, we all have to wait and see. Time will tell, maybe never  :hihi:

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: Rockin' Rose on July 31, 2006, 12:08:10 PM
I'm hoping the press release would come out by the end of August, but it might be that we won't hear Chinese this year.

Hi Matt,
Thanks so much for taking the time to write to me. I appologize for the
delay in responding to your email. I'm trying to catch up on my website
emails while i'm out on the road with Gn'R. It's taking a long time.
I'm only up to Febuary! I'm sorry that there is no information on the
new cd. That will all change very soon. When we get back to the
states we are planning on having the site updated (finally), and
releasing some new info. I know it's been a long time coming, but
things are rolling now. Hang in there a little longer please. It will
be worth it!

From The "Emails From Richard Fortus" Thread

When did he write this?

In the e-mail I got last week (27th) he wrote "I honestly don't know if ChiDem will be out this year or not."

But my guess is that only Axl "knows" anyway, so I'm not that worried.

are you serious....goddammit

Unfortunatly yes

This ain't something I'd joke about

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: AxlsMainMan on July 31, 2006, 12:11:03 PM
Im expecting an announcement regarding US and Canadian tour dates in the Fall within the next few weeks.

Whether that announcement contains information concerning the release date for Chinese Democracy, I for one can only hope... :-\

I think everyone here wants to believe it's right around the corner, but most of us have been burned so many times, we rather just go with the flow, and if it happens it happens, and it will fucking be a great day in history : ok:

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: theillusion on July 31, 2006, 12:26:17 PM
There will be no announcement in august 2006 for the cd release date or about the single. it's not gonna happen. it will never happen. it will not happen this year because by the time January 2007 rolls around the cd and single will still not be out.

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: WARose on July 31, 2006, 12:30:19 PM
There will be no announcement in august 2006 for the cd release date or about the single. it's not gonna happen. it will never happen. it will not happen this year because by the time January 2007 rolls around the cd and single will still not be out.

dude you`re getting annoying.....

hopefully the jarmoless time is over soon.

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: liesin on July 31, 2006, 12:32:53 PM
Like AxlsMainMan says we've all been burned far to many times and we might get burned again. But since I'm just as foolish this time I'm think the cd will be in stores this year.

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: Bravefish on July 31, 2006, 01:21:00 PM
What you mean THE announcement of how much the actual fucking CD cost to make  :rofl: to the nearest million ;)


Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: Chief on July 31, 2006, 01:56:43 PM
sure, i hope that's in there too! hehehe

What you mean THE announcement of how much the actual fucking CD cost to make  :rofl: to the nearest million ;)


Title: Re: Album Press Release Poll
Post by: Lord Kayoss on July 31, 2006, 04:30:30 PM
Assuming the tour kicks off in late Sept., I'd expect an announcement giving a release date, as well as a tentative US tour schedule no later than August 18th.

Fully assuming the band has decided to abandon the "tour before the album" plan.

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: Crashdiet on July 31, 2006, 04:45:46 PM
axl said it will 'absolutely' be out this year.... ::)

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: the dirt on July 31, 2006, 04:57:06 PM
(Tina Chang) and she informs me that there will definitely be an announcement. It was a case of "when" and not "if", but no time scales were given.

So I would say hang on in there everyone, the news we all want to hear is definitely coming.....

Yeah right. All this means is that there will probably be an announcement indicating a release and that it just won't pop up unannounced.

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: AxlsMainMan on July 31, 2006, 06:40:37 PM
New music has been heard this year...

What more do you people want?.. :hihi:

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: sootn on July 31, 2006, 08:08:39 PM
band members are somewhat saying we should have the album this year. Axl is like you will hear music this year which we all did. So wtf to believe ????

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: RnT on July 31, 2006, 09:30:11 PM
band members are somewhat saying we should have the album this year. Axl is like you will hear music this year which we all did. So wtf to believe ????

I just cant understand why Merck said "this will be the year of GNR" in 2005, when they only started touring in the middle of 2006 with no album or single out

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: the dirt on July 31, 2006, 09:36:17 PM
You should be used to this type of thing by now...

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: RnT on July 31, 2006, 09:52:11 PM
I am, but that?s totally diferent from 2001 / 2002 dude, you know it... and IF they needed another guitarrist (BBF), why they just called him 1 week before the shows? (they don?t rehershal?)

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: markreed on August 03, 2006, 10:56:24 AM
the longer they leave it, the less people are bothered, the more disappointing it will be, however good it is.

Title: Re: Is THE press release we've hoped for coming in August?
Post by: deanaxlrose on August 03, 2006, 11:19:44 AM
Im afraid Matt sorum is right. in some interviews the press asked him :"How many album VR  will make,before  CD is coming out?" and than he's answer :"Umm,maybe three!". :nervous: