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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Nytunz on July 27, 2006, 08:10:50 AM

Title: Maynard Mention Guns N Roses, and discuss recording prosess
Post by: Nytunz on July 27, 2006, 08:10:50 AM
Dont know if this is the right section.. But we can may discuss it here...

Does he have a point..?

Listen to the first 2 minutes..

Title: Re: Maynard Mention Guns N Roses, and discuss recording prosess
Post by: mlewis on July 27, 2006, 08:22:00 AM
He definitely has a point. Without knowing anything, from the outside from 98-2001 really what was happening was GnR being reformed, a new lineup being slowly assembled. The studio time there was in all likelihood a write off from the point of view of usable material- maybe good to see a dynamic in the group evolving, but certainly not an efficient use of resources. It's seemed for most of the past 15 years that GnR have never really had written songs ready to go in the studio, in perhaps the same way as they did for AFD.

But frankly, Axl was in a unique position seemingly- in assemmbling a band there will always be false starts, and so comparing the recording of CD to almost anything else in purely financial terms is misleading- because most of the process wasn't about creativity, the process of composition and recording a record; it was about creating an environment in which that and the touring adjuncts could successfully happen.

Title: Re: Maynard Mention Guns N Roses, and discuss recording prosess
Post by: Jim on July 27, 2006, 08:22:49 AM
I haven't watched it, but if MJK said it then it must be right.


Seriously though,

I did watch it and it's the same old argument really, nothing new.

Title: Re: Maynard Mention Guns N Roses, and discuss recording prosess
Post by: sic. on July 27, 2006, 08:43:50 AM
Obviously what's been said about the recording process in the past has made it sound pretty damn meticulous. They record loads of material, individual ideas and such, and then compiled them into songs. Obviously going back and forth the library of cool ideas and tinkering with separate bits and pieces on different mixes takes a whole lot of time.

At the moment, they do seem to be in a position where they can write songs by jamming together and going with the 'flow', the same sense the old lineup wrote for AFD. And they'd better, aside from Ron this lineup's been together for four years.

Title: Re: Maynard Mention Guns N Roses, and discuss recording prosess
Post by: requiem156 on July 27, 2006, 08:51:09 AM
He definitely has a point. Without knowing anything, from the outside from 98-2001 really what was happening was GnR being reformed, a new lineup being slowly assembled. The studio time there was in all likelihood a write off from the point of view of usable material- maybe good to see a dynamic in the group evolving, but certainly not an efficient use of resources. It's seemed for most of the past 15 years that GnR have never really had written songs ready to go in the studio, in perhaps the same way as they did for AFD.

But frankly, Axl was in a unique position seemingly- in assemmbling a band there will always be false starts, and so comparing the recording of CD to almost anything else in purely financial terms is misleading- because most of the process wasn't about creativity, the process of composition and recording a record; it was about creating an environment in which that and the touring adjuncts could successfully happen.

I can't see what Maynard says while I'm at work, but the above is a great point. Anyone who is/has been in a band knows that it takes some time to develop chemistry, and on the level that Guns is at in terms of notoriety and expectation it's pretty obvious that he will want to make sure it's good before he releases something. The endless complaints about the songs stagnating, or his perfectionist nature really only make sense if you assume that he wants no input from any other members.

Title: Re: Maynard Mention Guns N Roses, and discuss recording prosess
Post by: Mattattack on July 27, 2006, 01:39:16 PM
Maynard should shut the fuck up about Axl. The man can't even write songs. Tool songs are just monotonous seven minute soundscapes. I could write a Tool album in a day. Maynards formula is to write a seven minute soundscape with moaning, and then times it by 10, and you have a new Tool album. The funny thing is he's such a tool that it takes him 5 years to do this. 

Title: Re: Maynard Mention Guns N Roses, and discuss recording prosess
Post by: IndiannaRose on July 27, 2006, 01:46:34 PM
Maynard should shut the fuck up about Axl. The man can't even write songs. Tool songs are just monotonous seven minute soundscapes. I could write a Tool album in a day. Maynards formula is to write a seven minute soundscape with moaning, and then times it by 10, and you have a new Tool album. The funny thing is he's such a tool that it takes him 5 years to do this.?
I doubt you even listened to what he said, but if you did then you clearly missed the point. ::)

Title: Re: Maynard Mention Guns N Roses, and discuss recording prosess
Post by: Nytunz on July 27, 2006, 03:26:18 PM
Maynard should shut the fuck up about Axl. The man can't even write songs. Tool songs are just monotonous seven minute soundscapes. I could write a Tool album in a day. Maynards formula is to write a seven minute soundscape with moaning, and then times it by 10, and you have a new Tool album. The funny thing is he's such a tool that it takes him 5 years to do this.?

haha! Is this the most patetic post of the year???  :hihi:  :rofl:  :hihi:  :rofl:

Title: Re: Maynard Mention Guns N Roses, and discuss recording prosess
Post by: Markus Asraelius on July 27, 2006, 03:30:08 PM
Maynard should shut the fuck up about Axl. The man can't even write songs. Tool songs are just monotonous seven minute soundscapes. I could write a Tool album in a day. Maynards formula is to write a seven minute soundscape with moaning, and then times it by 10, and you have a new Tool album. The funny thing is he's such a tool that it takes him 5 years to do this.?

No, you coulden't. Tool's lyrics are the best out there. Most bands don't know how to write lyrics.

Also, Maynard is a part of tool and a perfect circle. At least he was... so that's the reason for the big delays.

Your post is clearly what they define as: Missing The Point or Off Base.

Title: Re: Maynard Mention Guns N Roses, and discuss recording prosess
Post by: Mattattack on July 27, 2006, 04:35:09 PM
I know Maynards point is that you should have the material ready before you get in the studio. My point is that he should shut the fuck up about GnR. He's just pissed off at Axl for insulting his kind in the song "One in a Million".

Title: Re: Maynard Mention Guns N Roses, and discuss recording prosess
Post by: gilld1 on July 27, 2006, 04:41:21 PM
Get a grip Matt.  There's nothing derogatory about his comments, just observations.  You probably couldn't write Mary Had a Little Lamb, let alone a Tool album.  Also, I think Maynerd has a wife so your arguement is pure shite.

Title: Re: Maynard Mention Guns N Roses, and discuss recording prosess
Post by: Nytunz on July 27, 2006, 04:43:38 PM
I know Maynards point is that you should have the material ready before you get in the studio. My point is that he should shut the fuck up about GnR. He's just pissed off at Axl for insulting his kind in the song "One in a Million".

and your just as bad by saying what u just said.. Back the fuck off this tread, or stay on topic!

Maynard does not say anything bad about Axl or GnR, he just took the words out of the interviewers mouth, that GnR has been working loong on this album..

Title: Re: Maynard Mention Guns N Roses, and discuss recording prosess
Post by: ClintroN on July 27, 2006, 04:52:11 PM
Maynard should shut the fuck up about Axl. The man can't even write songs. Tool songs are just monotonous seven minute soundscapes. I could write a Tool album in a day. Maynards formula is to write a seven minute soundscape with moaning, and then times it by 10, and you have a new Tool album. The funny thing is he's such a tool that it takes him 5 years to do this. 

whatever dude, ALOT goes into Tool man!!


I know Maynards point is that you should have the material ready before you get in the studio. My point is that he should shut the fuck up about GnR. He's just pissed off at Axl for insulting his kind in the song "One in a Million".

are you callin' him a nigga now ??? ??? ???

Title: Re: Maynard Mention Guns N Roses, and discuss recording prosess
Post by: Markus Asraelius on July 27, 2006, 04:54:30 PM
I know Maynards point is that you should have the material ready before you get in the studio. My point is that he should shut the fuck up about GnR. He's just pissed off at Axl for insulting his kind in the song "One in a Million".

I get it, I get it. Your motto is: "When I have no argument, I resort to insults."

Title: Re: Maynard Mention Guns N Roses, and discuss recording prosess
Post by: Mattattack on July 27, 2006, 05:01:04 PM
Not at all. I'm not insulting Maynard for being gay. I thought that maybe he was pissed off at Axl for insulting gays, and that's why he always talks shit about GnR. I saw APC open for NIN and he can thank pro-tools for the way his voice sounds on cd. The worst singer i've ever seen live, other than Vince Neil.

Title: Re: Maynard Mention Guns N Roses, and discuss recording prosess
Post by: jabba2 on July 27, 2006, 05:04:16 PM
He did say something like "asshole dictator talking to peons" when talking on how to make a record, but i havent heard him mention GNR yet

Also said he doesnt "live in a mansion and drive around in a rolls royce like a decline of western civilization type thing"

Title: Re: Maynard Mention Guns N Roses, and discuss recording prosess
Post by: Super-Ecwfan1 on July 27, 2006, 05:18:02 PM
                 By now G'n'R's recording process for Chinese Democracy is pretty legendary sad to say. So people will take slight digs in interviews and all. If Axl can deliver the album that makes people " choke on it " then people will hail his genuis again.

Title: Re: Maynard Mention Guns N Roses, and discuss recording prosess
Post by: Nytunz on July 27, 2006, 05:20:06 PM
Not at all. I'm not insulting Maynard for being gay. I thought that maybe he was pissed off at Axl for insulting gays, and that's why he always talks shit about GnR. I saw APC open for NIN and he can thank pro-tools for the way his voice sounds on cd. The worst singer i've ever seen live, other than Vince Neil.

im sure u heard what u want to hear..
I saw Tool at Roskilde this summer.. And there is no one singing better live, than Maynard James Keenan. Axl is there right with him.. Axl has proved that this tour.

He did say something like "asshole dictator talking to peons" when talking on how to make a record, but i havent heard him mention GNR yet

Also said he doesnt "live in a mansion and drive around in a rolls royce like a decline of western civilization type thing"

Yeah, but i dont think he was talking about Axl, but about alot of singers in general.. We know Axl isnt like that, when we hear by many of the new GnR members that this really is a 8th person project, and that everyone is involved.. I think thats what Axl`s been working hard with... Getting GnR to ?be a band again..
So that sure is one reason why it has taken this long to realease CD.

Title: Re: Maynard Mention Guns N Roses, and discuss recording prosess
Post by: Markus Asraelius on July 27, 2006, 05:29:42 PM
Not at all. I'm not insulting Maynard for being gay. I thought that maybe he was pissed off at Axl for insulting gays, and that's why he always talks shit about GnR. I saw APC open for NIN and he can thank pro-tools for the way his voice sounds on cd. The worst singer i've ever seen live, other than Vince Neil.

See here, you continue to use insults regardless of what you say.

You have no substance.

Title: Re: Maynard Mention Guns N Roses, and discuss recording prosess
Post by: Mattattack on July 27, 2006, 05:48:00 PM
This isn't the first time that Maynard has brought Axl's name, or band up. I have no problem when a musical genious like Trent comments on Axl, but when some clown like Maynard talks shit, it pisses me off. The demos we've heard from Axl and the boys are better then anything Maynard has done in his entire career. Axl is trying to do something that has  never been done, where as Maynard cranks out the same repetitive crap, album after album.

Title: Re: Maynard Mention Guns N Roses, and discuss recording prosess
Post by: Nytunz on July 27, 2006, 05:54:50 PM
This isn't the first time that Maynard has brought Axl's name, or band up. I have no problem when a musical genious like Trent comments on Axl, but when some clown like Maynard talks shit, it pisses me off. The demos we've heard from Axl and the boys are better then anything Maynard has done in his entire career. Axl is trying to do something that has? never been done, where as Maynard cranks out the same repetitive crap, album after album.

You talk so much shit, it aint worth reading.. But since i made this thread, i do read it...
First.. Maynard have never said anything bad against Axl.. Could you give me a quote?

If you think that Tools music is crap, that is up to you, but to say that the album is the same repetitive crap, is wrong, stupid, and a prove that u dont know anything about music.. (huhh.. well, its not hard to tell that) Anyway!

And please.. .dont say Maynard.. its Tool, they are 4 members... 25% is Maynards...

Title: Re: Maynard Mention Guns N Roses, and discuss recording prosess
Post by: Throatrake on July 27, 2006, 06:02:32 PM
*Just sitting here silently,..... well behaved,........ not getting worked up over ignorant posts about Maynard Keenan.*