Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Dead Horse => Topic started by: Bono on July 22, 2006, 12:13:01 AM

Title: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: Bono on July 22, 2006, 12:13:01 AM
Fair question I think. I've just been reading alot lately and everyone always seems so willing to support "Guns N' Roses" but without a CD can we even really call these guys that yet? I mean I know as well as anyone that CD is supposed to come out in the fall but like everyone else I also I know full well that fall 2006 could easily come and go? and still no CD, so I'm wondering how long everyone is willing to support this without a CD. I mean it's kind of different now because the band is out touring but again how long can this band tour without releaseing some original material? How long before even? the most loyal fans start to see this as Axl's touring cover band?? And when CD? is released are they gonna tour in support of it with a almost identical setlist as the one their useing now? To me that would suck. Personally I'm at the point now where I won't go see these guys again unless they have a full albums worth of new material we haven't heard or they come to my area(no more travelling for these guys) or if the impossible happens and the originals reunite.? Anyways not trying to start shit, just trying to start conversation. I just want to know your guys' thoughts on how long you're willing to support this current situation of touring with no CD? :beer:

Ha! I just read this post and noticed all I did really was ask the same thing about 6 times :hihi: Oh well.

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: oneway23 on July 22, 2006, 12:28:39 AM
Bono, I think this is an often discussed topic, yet it's extremely relevant considering where the band is at this particular point in the year.  I have always said that my love for all things GNR will never wane, and I am steadfast in that stance.  I will always support whatever projects all previous members are in, as well as whatever it is that this incarnation produces. 

At the same time, however, I honestly think that having experienced them in such large quantities this year has shot my expectation and anticipation for a release through the roof.  If August slips into September slips into October, and so on, it might become difficult, especially this go around.  I'm at the point where I fully EXPECT this band to be moving full speed ahead at all times, and if there is a lull of more than 2 months at any given point between now and years end, I'm going to begin getting mighty anxious.

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: benchiefjr on July 22, 2006, 12:32:16 AM
honestly, if its not out by Christmas...i'm done, DONE.

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: gnr2006 on July 22, 2006, 12:34:41 AM
I've waited this long, why the fuck would I suddenly stop?

 : ok:

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: norway on July 22, 2006, 12:50:22 AM

if it's not out by year 2079, then i quit (you better be reading this axl).

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: EFISH on July 22, 2006, 12:51:48 AM
suppose this tour ends with no CD. and then we have no more info (like the last 4 years).. I'll prob. call it quits and rarely go on the boards because I'd just be fed up.. but I honestly don't think we wont have CD by atleast very early '07

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: 14 Yrs Of Silence on July 22, 2006, 12:57:48 AM
I've always, year after year said, this is it, if they don't put an album out by the end of the year, I'm done.  But in all seriousness, I would buy CD regardless of when it comes out, however I won't see them again on tour until it is out and they are touring behind it.  I will be very dissappointed if we get to Nov 1 without at least a concrete release date.  I do believe that this year is different.  The tour has been going well and Axl is obviously in a different frame of mind this time around.  He's already said this in in the Trunk interview and he's been partying and enjoying himself in public, something we really didn't see much of in '02.  Lets hope he finalizes what needs to be finalized after the UK dates and we get what we've been craving for so long now.

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: Poof! on July 22, 2006, 01:09:24 AM
I just don't view bands in that way. I don't expect anything. I don't count the days to when a release is made public. I have no terms attached to my taste in music. There are no conditions. I am not in a relationship with this band. They are people whose music I enjoy. What they do is what they do when they do it. When the new album comes out, I'll buy and most likely enjoy it (judging from what I've heard so far), but as far as the thing you define as "fan support", I don't care if it comes out tomorrow or in ten years. Although, obviously, I would prefer sooner rather than later, but I don't spend my time sitting at home, marking out the days on my calendar. I am a fan of the music, new and old.

If you don't think it's worth seeing this band playing the old songs, then don't. Wait for CD to be released and you'll probably get a lot of new songs, with a few old hits thrown in there. It's all good. If you are a young fan, or even an old one that never got to see the old band play their songs live, then go see 'em now before CD comes out. Or not. The choice is yours. But for people to say that they are "done" with the band unless so and so happens within their set time frame, that I don't understand at all. How do you stop liking the music you enjoy? So just because you didn't get CD within, say, a three month deadline and instead it comes out one year later than you wanted, you're not gonna buy it and deprive yourself of music you'd most likely enjoy? Do not hold the band accountable for how much you invest in it emotionally, financially or otherwise. Stop taking it so seriously. It's just music. Its only purpose is to bring you joy.

"It's only rock n' roll..."

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: Bono on July 22, 2006, 01:27:55 AM
I just don't view bands in that way. I don't expect anything. I don't count the days to when a release is made public. I have no terms attached to my taste in music. There are no conditions. I am not in a relationship with this band. They are people whose music I enjoy. What they do is what they do when they do it. When the new album comes out, I'll buy and most likely enjoy it (judging from what I've heard so far), but as far as the thing you define as "fan support", I don't care if it comes out tomorrow or in ten years. Although, obviously, I would prefer sooner rather than later, but I don't spend my time sitting at home, marking out the days on my calendar. I am a fan of the music, new and old.

If you don't think it's worth seeing this band playing the old songs, then don't. Wait for CD to be released and you'll probably get a lot of new songs, with a few old hits thrown in there. It's all good. If you are a young fan, or even an old one that never got to see the old band play their songs live, then go see 'em now before CD comes out. Or not. The choice is yours. But for people to say that they are "done" with the band unless so and so happens within their set time frame, that I don't understand at all. How do you stop liking the music you enjoy? So just because you didn't get CD within, say, a three month deadline and instead it comes out one year later than you wanted, you're not gonna buy it and deprive yourself of music you'd most likely enjoy? Do not hold the band accountable for how much you invest in it emotionally, financially or otherwise. Stop taking it so seriously. It's just music. Its only purpose is to bring you joy.

"It's only rock n' roll..."

More so what I was getting at was the whole touring thing. How long do you think people will continue to pay to see these guys without an album release. I know I won't go again because I've seen it. I saw the AFD covers and I saw 6 new songs. The thing I'm wondering is if these 6 new songs are on CD and then the band wants to tour in support of the CD are we gonna see these 6 new songs plus 2 or 3 more and then mix in a few AFD songs as well as the enevitable KOHD and LALD covers? I mean  I'm seeing more and more people who claim they are in fact done with this band in terms of seeing them live because it's basically become the AFD tour all over again but without the guys who wrote the songs. It has in fact become a cover band. I for one will buy CD the day it's released   no matter when that is but as far as supporting this makeshift AFD tour again I won't.  That's what I'm getting at. I know we'll all buy the album but will we all contniue to support the live show without the CD?

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: supaplex on July 22, 2006, 01:44:05 AM
i've only seen the guys live in budapest this year and when the'll be in europe again i'm going for sure. i don't care if cd is out by then or not. i had a wonderful time and everything was great at the shows. i don't care if the next show i'll go to will be afd or uyi or cd oriented. it's still the music i love and the music i listen all the time. but it's just that: music. my life won't change dramatically if cd is released or not. i will buy it and i'll be really happy when it comes out, whatever year it will happen. it's been 6-7 years of waiting already, i think i can go another 6.  and as long as they tour and i have an opportunity to see them, i'll be there :yes:

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: BurningHills on July 22, 2006, 02:14:56 AM
"Sometimes I feel like I'm beatin' a dead horse...."

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: Bono on July 22, 2006, 02:23:35 AM
"Sometimes I feel like I'm beatin' a dead horse...."

hey isn't that a song ;D

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: Tomorrows on July 22, 2006, 04:31:57 AM
Ten ... twenty years?

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: mikegiuliana on July 22, 2006, 04:37:38 AM
As long as axl is alive I will support him as for the band doesn't make one difference to me.. if the album doesn't come out this fall though then I don't know..

I could care less about the tour, the album to me is what is important.. How many times can you hear 10 afd songs from a so called "new" band..

This is a chapter in "gnr" history that could pass and never even knew it happened

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: Megaguns on July 22, 2006, 04:38:20 AM
I dont believe CD is coming, Otherwise they would be pushing it from onstage and doing press. Axls fall statement is a load of shit, IMO ?:yes:

Just wait people, 2006 will become 07 and there will still be fuck all.
once again: IMO

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: G n F n R on July 22, 2006, 04:47:05 AM
I've been quietly waiting and watching. Don't want to be labeled a troll. The only thing I could complain about this tour, is the setlist. Been feeling good vibes about this tour and it's handling. I think if they start a full on US tour and we get no album release date, before, say mid-way, we should call a boycott.

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: Vegar on July 22, 2006, 06:21:06 AM
I've waited this long, why the fuck would I suddenly stop?

 : ok:

Yeah, I totally agree.. We have been gettin' alot this year, compared to the last years, I hope C.D will be released this year, but if it isn't released before next summer, I'll still be waitin' for it.

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: jazjme on July 22, 2006, 06:29:26 AM
I've waited this long, why the fuck would I suddenly stop?

 : ok:

Yeah, I totally agree.. We have been gettin' alot this year, compared to the last years, I hope C.D will be released this year, but if it isn't released before next summer, I'll still be waitin' for it.

I agree, its not so much anymore Im waitng for it , is I know its coming. And as a fan sinve the begining Ill always be, loved what started this lvoe I ahve for the band, love the new , I do my ting, got to see many shows , when the album drops. Ill be there!

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: The Prez on July 22, 2006, 06:39:29 AM

if it's not out by year 2079, then i quit (you better be reading this axl).

LOL, me too!? :hihi:? :rofl:

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: cotis on July 22, 2006, 07:32:07 AM
I've waited this long, why the fuck would I suddenly stop?

 : ok:

Yeah, I totally agree.. We have been gettin' alot this year, compared to the last years, I hope C.D will be released this year, but if it isn't released before next summer, I'll still be waitin' for it.

I agree, its not so much anymore Im waitng for it , is I know its coming. And as a fan sinve the begining Ill always be, loved what started this lvoe I ahve for the band, love the new , I do my ting, got to see many shows , when the album drops. Ill be there!

Exactly my thoughts, I've waited this long, why quit?

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: odd1 on July 22, 2006, 07:43:27 AM
As long as axl is alive I will support him as for the band doesn't make one difference to me.. if the album doesn't come out this fall though then I don't know..

I could care less about the tour, the album to me is what is important.. How many times can you hear 10 afd songs from a so called "new" band..

Totally agree!
Hopefully album will be out this year.

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: BlowUpYourVideo on July 22, 2006, 08:09:46 AM
I dont believe CD is coming, Otherwise they would be pushing it from onstage and doing press. Axls fall statement is a load of shit, IMO ?:yes:

Just wait people, 2006 will become 07 and there will still be fuck all.
once again: IMO

I don't think they need to push it too much. It's been in production for 10 years, everyone knows about it. The longer it goes on, the more fans are going to want to hear it. When (if?) it does come out, there will be loads of people who will go out and buy it because they can finally hear some new GNR stuff. Hopefully though, they don't take too much longer, because a lot of people seem to be giving up on them.

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: BlowUpYourVideo on July 22, 2006, 08:11:44 AM
To actually answer the question, I won't stop supporting them, because the stuff they HAVE released is brilliant. I'm sure CD won't be any different.

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: Megaguns on July 22, 2006, 08:56:47 AM
I dont believe CD is coming, Otherwise they would be pushing it from onstage and doing press. Axls fall statement is a load of shit, IMO ?:yes:

Just wait people, 2006 will become 07 and there will still be fuck all.
once again: IMO

I don't think they need to push it too much. It's been in production for 10 years, everyone knows about it. The longer it goes on, the more fans are going to want to hear it. When (if?) it does come out, there will be loads of people who will go out and buy it because they can finally hear some new GNR stuff. Hopefully though, they don't take too much longer, because a lot of people seem to be giving up on them.
Explain to me how everyone knows about it? Thats bullshit, I know alot of people who were around and into gnr back in the glory days and they thought gnr were over at this time, sure they have the internet, but if they type in guns n roses ,the official site says fuck all.

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: badapple81 on July 22, 2006, 10:30:05 AM
I would always support Axl. However my big dream ahead of an album coming out is to see Axl on stage.. I have waited all my life. When they come to Australia I'm going to try and see every show.. if the tour moves on after that and there isn't a sign of CD then I guess I could stop following it as closely.. but I doubt I would!

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: mikegiuliana on July 22, 2006, 06:14:59 PM
everyone here would most likely always support axl, we are gnr fans so each member meant something to us.. Most likely most of you would be following this even if you never heard of finck fortus stinson or anyone else besides axl..

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: oneway23 on July 22, 2006, 08:53:28 PM
Of course I will always follow, but as I said earlier, the disappointment this year if no release is imminent  will be extremely bitter to swallow...I do believe it won't come to that

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: judaskennedy on July 23, 2006, 03:06:28 AM
If this album never comes out-  we will all be waiting for it until the day we die-   if it does come out,  then we will wait for the next one-  i give up when axl's heart gives out (literallly)

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: mikegiuliana on July 23, 2006, 05:51:56 AM
I'll probably wait forever but the world domination talks will eventually die out

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: Gordi on July 23, 2006, 07:47:31 AM
I must admit, I was convinced it was coming out this year but now I'm getting a little skeptical about it at all. On one hand it could come out and surprise everyone very soon, or it could be lost to the sands of time, we'll never hear it.

It seems that the people surrounding the band just don't care that much about it. As far as I know the money was pulled a while ago. We have a tour now, but the manager shoots every single rumoured date down... I just don't get it. It's like they're still not sure it's coming out...

and now we play the waiting game...................... :-\

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: strattao on July 27, 2006, 06:53:01 PM
I've waited this long, why the fuck would I suddenly stop?

 : ok:

Hear hear

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: Vicious Wishes on July 28, 2006, 05:57:55 PM
I'll always support Axl. Even if I found another singer that I liked better(hasn't happened yet), I wouldn't stop. Why should I?

It's not Axl's responsibility to produce more music. If he wants to, he will. Think of it this way, if you were really talented in art, music, acting, whatever, does that mean that you're under some obligation to keep doing your craft? When you've reached Axl's status(not to mention his bank account), you do whatever the hell you want.

I would. Wouldn't you?

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: Gargh! on July 28, 2006, 07:19:57 PM
I will keep waiting for the new record until it is released - that's what I've beensaying ever since I got into GnR, and there have been many false hopes then.  At the start of this tour I was convinced that the record would be out this year, and so, I think, were most of the people on this board.  Just reading the news coming in from the people at the first NYC show - the excitement was palpable even to those on the other side of the planet.

But I think we are all, at some level at least, bracing ourselves for the news that it isn't going to be released this year.  We may be closer than ever before, but until the record is actually on the shelves, there will be skepitism.

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: jameslofton29 on July 28, 2006, 08:27:01 PM
I'll probably wait forever but the world domination talks will eventually die out
The chance for "world domination" has already passed. The most we can hope for now is relevance.

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: Lara on July 28, 2006, 08:44:04 PM

How exactly does each one of us wait?

I know I'll go on with my life if they don't release it till X-mas.? ;D
I sure won't be joining GnR related forums that much after that time.

BUT I will be interested in anything that Axl ever releases. Indefinately.

*** And i think the original poster should rename this thread into "Axl should read this".

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: JohnMorrison73 on July 30, 2006, 10:25:49 PM
what i can't wait to hear is the songs like "better" and madagascars studio version!? :rofl:

                                       *modify* i really dont know why i put the rofl smiley?

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: EFISH on July 30, 2006, 10:48:14 PM
^^Umm.. well we have a Better studio version, and im sure that "demo" is going to be very close to whats on the album? :yes:

Anyway, I beleive it will happen this year, because honestly, not releasing the album this year would be the stupidest thing ive ever heard of ever and Axls not that dumb. It's honestly quite sad to think that all GNR die-hards are like nervous about every year, cd coming out... im sorry axl, its pathetic.

I'm SOOO suportive of this new band, I love every single member, wouldn't change a thing.. but if we dont get any CD news within the next 2 months,? I will be very skeptical and sort of lose hope. Idont really know what to think now, but things will be answered shortly, whether its the good news were hoping for, or not.

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: CheapJon on July 31, 2006, 07:19:57 AM
well i guess that i will support the band as long an i'm a fan and i can't see myself not a fan to this band.. so i guess i will support the band even if the album still isn't released in 3 years i'll still be a fan.. i maybe not checking this board as often but they have prolly forever stole a little piece of my heart :love:

Title: Re: How much longer do you/we support this band/situation with no CD?
Post by: faldor on August 03, 2006, 11:10:52 PM
Until Axl is dead and buried.