Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Minneapolisnewsman on July 21, 2006, 12:32:41 PM

Title: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: Minneapolisnewsman on July 21, 2006, 12:32:41 PM
Has any reporter, recently asked either of them, what they think about Izzy touring with Axl? If so, can someone provide a link to any recent stories where this is mentioned?? Real curious if they have talked with him since the Euro tour started??? ?
I really like the potential, and the current guitar duo of Fortus, Izzy, and Finck!!? The talent, and talent with the "right attitude" is amazing!!

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: bolton on July 21, 2006, 12:36:38 PM
i don't care for theirs thinking

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: Minneapolisnewsman on July 21, 2006, 12:40:59 PM
Oh my God... Let's not go through this whole shit again.

Good idea, I'll delete that part, if you delete out the quoting.? My original post, though, is valid?? I really wonder what those guy's think watching Axl and Izzy tear Europe up, singing Stones songs, and playing straight ahead hard rock!!? Not to mention, how damn much they (Axl and Izzy) seem to be enjoying this!

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: Locomotive98 on July 21, 2006, 12:50:28 PM
I think theyre mature enough to not let it bother them. Theyre mates with Izzy, Izzy is mates with Axl, they do not like Axl. Simple really.

I hope Izzy rejoins and Finck takes a ride. That'd be the best thing for this band. (ell apart from a reunion of course  :-X)

I thought Axl wanted to move 'GNR' in a new musical direction not haul up past members for Stones covers. If he wants this band to be like the Guns of old, well he knows what to do.

But enough of reunion banter and so forth.

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: slashisvr on July 21, 2006, 12:54:58 PM
I reckon they're thinking...... ok izzy's doing his own thing, axl is and so are we COOL!!

which is what i think too : ok:

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: BLS-Pride on July 21, 2006, 12:57:23 PM
Prob not as much as some of you people.

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: Locomotive98 on July 21, 2006, 01:01:04 PM
Prob not as much as some of you people.

Lol, very true.

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: AxlFink on July 21, 2006, 01:09:58 PM
i think it would only be human nature for them to be thinking wtf is izzy doing?  first he was jamming with them and now he's on tour with the new gnr.  im sure it pisses them off because im sure they are pissed axl still calls it gnr.. so now its izzy with axl calling it gnr.  who cares though.  izzy and axl together kicks so much ass and at the nyc show it was cool seeing izzy interact with the new members.  They all seemed to show him a lot of respect and they all seemed to really have fun with it.

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: Mal Brossard on July 21, 2006, 01:12:08 PM
To his face and to the public they'd say they think it's cool, it's all good, whatever.  Behind the scenes, they're calling him a backstabber.

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: Origen on July 21, 2006, 01:14:56 PM
You people are all assuming.

For all you know (and could of happened) Izzy could of been hanging out with Duff & Slash and he could of told them he was going to do this. You Don't know what happened, or who knows what.

Slash and Duff quit 10 years ago I hardly think they are that bothered now, they have there own band to worry about.

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: madagas on July 21, 2006, 01:19:20 PM
They were bothered enough to file two lawsuits against Axl. I am pretty certain they "care" what is going on. The brand name that they helped create is at stake. If the new Gnr does well, the old Gnr will do well. :peace:

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: Locomotive98 on July 21, 2006, 01:23:09 PM
They were bothered enough to file two lawsuits against Axl.

And they were well within their rights to do so. But thats a different matter.

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: madagas on July 21, 2006, 01:24:05 PM
Yeah, sounds like they had a great case....that they dropped! : ok:

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: BurningHills on July 21, 2006, 01:29:19 PM
Who the hell cares what Slash and Duff think?

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: Ali on July 21, 2006, 01:32:10 PM
Yeah, sounds like they had a great case....that they dropped! : ok:

Agreed.  That case about Axl "stealing" their money is going nowhere fast for them.  All it will take is the ASCAP clerk admitting the money was mistakenly sent to Axl and that case is toast.

I'm sure that Slash and Duff are at least privately wondering what the hell happened that Izzy and Axl are tight again.


Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: oldgunsfan on July 21, 2006, 01:36:45 PM
My guess is they would think it's Izzy doing what Izzy does and not much more ;D

if they even care

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: Locomotive98 on July 21, 2006, 02:02:40 PM
Who the hell cares what Slash and Duff think?

Guns N Roses fans.

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: Slashead on July 21, 2006, 02:06:49 PM
Who the hell cares what Slash and Duff think?

Guns N Roses fans.
Well said Locomotive! : ok:

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: codenameninja on July 21, 2006, 02:09:14 PM
If any of them take the odd peek at these kind of boards (which i am sure they do, Matt for sure) then:

1.They probably laugh at the stories of Axl turning up late and keeping the fans waitings. They probably don't miss that side of things. Just the same old Axl.

2.They probably laughed at the Axl biting a guards leg. Just the same old Axl, can't handle his booze.

3.Seeing Bunblefoot arrive join the camp at such short notice probably tells them that GnR are not as together as they would like to me. IT really is Axl + a bunch of hired musicians.

4.Seeing Izzy and Seb on board also spells out just how un sure Axl is with his new project. for the new songs, they were probably expecting better. Maybe VR can deliver better with their 2nd album in the shorter space of time than 10+ years  :hihi:

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: BurningHills on July 21, 2006, 02:13:18 PM
I'm a GN'R fan and couldn't give two shits what they think since they're no longer in Guns N' Roses.  : ok:

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: oneway23 on July 21, 2006, 02:18:15 PM
I doubt they're losing sleep...I can guarantee that we've overanalyzed it way beyond the point that they even thought about it.

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: wells on July 21, 2006, 02:22:42 PM
I'm a GN'R fan and couldn't give two shits what they think since they're no longer in Guns N' Roses.? : ok:

Well said BurningHills!  : ok:

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: Slashead on July 21, 2006, 02:24:52 PM
I'm a GN'R fan and couldn't give two shits what they think since they're no longer in Guns N' Roses.? : ok:

Well said BurningHills!? : ok:
I'm a GNR fan and I care about what Slash and Duff think because newgnr are mainly playing their songs and solos ! : ok:

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: WARose on July 21, 2006, 02:33:17 PM
I think theyre mature enough to not let it bother them. Theyre mates with Izzy, Izzy is mates with Axl, they do not like Axl. Simple really.

I hope Izzy rejoins and Finck takes a ride. That'd be the best thing for this band. (ell apart from a reunion of course  :-X)

I thought Axl wanted to move 'GNR' in a new musical direction not haul up past members for Stones covers. If he wants this band to be like the Guns of old, well he knows what to do.

But enough of reunion banter and so forth.

gilby talked to a fan and said they`re all communicating again....but anyways..

i didn`t hear anything about slash and duff for a while... i guess i should check the VR section more often or there`s just nothing happening...

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: michaelvincent on July 21, 2006, 02:51:25 PM
I'm sure they talk a lot more than any of them care to let on.

It just makes better press if it looks like these two sides of GnR are at some kind of war to prove who the real driving force of that band was. Axl hangs with Izzy, Izzy hangs with the VR guys. This isn't rocket science.

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: Izzy on July 21, 2006, 03:17:27 PM
Well they are thinking that Axl has dragged Izzy along to try and give some credibility to the whole thing - its far harder to dismiss the band as being a GNR tribute act when it has two original members

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: Locomotive98 on July 21, 2006, 03:18:55 PM
Well they are thinking that Axl has dragged Izzy along to try and give some credibility to the whole thing - its far harder to dismiss the band as being a GNR tribute act when it has two original members

Nailed it there fella.

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: the dirt on July 21, 2006, 03:21:15 PM
- its far harder to dismiss the band as being a GNR tribute act when it has two original members

Not quite, but an appearance here and there and an apparent blessing sure doesn't hurt.

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: alternativemonkey on July 21, 2006, 03:23:14 PM
Oh my God... Let's not go through this whole shit again.

Good idea, I'll delete that part, if you delete out the quoting.? My original post, though, is valid?? I really wonder what those guy's think watching Axl and Izzy tear Europe up, singing Stones songs, and playing straight ahead hard rock!!? Not to mention, how damn much they (Axl and Izzy) seem to be enjoying this!

If Matt Sorum's recounting of his run-in with Axl in New York City earlier this spring is any indication, Slash and Matt are probably cool with it. I think any animosity with Axl is behind them at this point. I mean where can they take it - apparently not before a judge?

I still speculate that Izzy is the bridge to bringing the original band back together. And, as long as he is with Axl, a reunion is a possibility. ?Personally, I could care less if the original band reunited. I would rather have Chinese Democracy. But, Izzy would probably want the former.

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: codenameninja on July 21, 2006, 03:27:16 PM
Oh my God... Let's not go through this whole shit again.

Good idea, I'll delete that part, if you delete out the quoting.  My original post, though, is valid?  I really wonder what those guy's think watching Axl and Izzy tear Europe up, singing Stones songs, and playing straight ahead hard rock!!  Not to mention, how damn much they (Axl and Izzy) seem to be enjoying this!

If Matt Sorum's recounting of his run-in with Axl in New York City earlier this spring is any indication, Slash and Matt are probably cool with it. I think any animosity with Axl is behind them at this point. I mean where can they take it - apparently not before a judge?

I still speculate that Izzy is the bridge to bringing the original band back together. And, as long as he is with Axl, a reunion is a possibility.  Personally, I could care less if the original band reunited. I would rather have Chinese Democracy. But, Izzy would probably want the former.

has anyone returned to GnR once they are out of GnR. I don't think so. Izzy does't count as he simply shows up at the odd live gig here and there. I doubt Izzy has had any input into CD, unless he has, to help with Axl's writers block (now that would be funny to see Izzy on the credits). Izzy paid to show up at live gigs, or is it simply a case of all expenses paid for  :beer:

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: ClintroN on July 21, 2006, 10:06:56 PM
If any of them take the odd peek at these kind of boards (which i am sure they do, Matt for sure) then:

1.They probably laugh at the stories of Axl turning up late and keeping the fans waitings. They probably don't miss that side of things. Just the same old Axl.

2.They probably laughed at the Axl biting a guards leg. Just the same old Axl, can't handle his booze.

3.Seeing Bunblefoot arrive join the camp at such short notice probably tells them that GnR are not as together as they would like to me. IT really is Axl + a bunch of hired musicians.

4.Seeing Izzy and Seb on board also spells out just how un sure Axl is with his new project. for the new songs, they were probably expecting better. Maybe VR can deliver better with their 2nd album in the shorter space of time than 10+ years  :hihi:

you have no idea what the fuck your talkin' about >:(

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: Bono on July 22, 2006, 02:26:41 AM
I'd be willing to bet that they're happy for Izzy as long as he's happy and I have no doubt that if Slash and Duff asked Izzy to perform with VR he'd do it. Nobody ever seemed to have anything bad to say about Izzy. I honestly don't think Slash and Duff  care one way or the other as long as Izzy's enjoying himself.

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: mikegiuliana on July 22, 2006, 04:38:50 AM
Prob not as much as some of you people.

probably not, they know he's jamming with axl like he did with them in europe so it's all good..

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: RichardNixon on July 22, 2006, 08:31:04 AM
Well they are thinking that Axl has dragged Izzy along to try and give some credibility to the whole thing - its far harder to dismiss the band as being a GNR tribute act when it has two original members

Nailed it there fella.


Izzy is along for the ride for shites and giggles. Axl does't care about giving "some credibility to the whole thing." It's his band and he does what he wantes to. Izzy on the bill for three songs a show wont help them sell tickets.?

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: Butch Français on July 22, 2006, 09:07:00 AM
"cool, Izzy's doing the same with Axl's band as he did with our band when we were touring." maybe something like that?
and they're probably all excited to speak to Izzy again soon to hear how Axl's doing these days.

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: Locomotive98 on July 22, 2006, 09:08:31 AM
Maybe they'll cook him up a roast and they can all hang out and be friends.

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: Butch Français on July 22, 2006, 09:11:27 AM
I'm a GN'R fan and couldn't give two shits what they think since they're no longer in Guns N' Roses.  : ok:

Well said BurningHills!  : ok:

so you care about a bandname, instead of the people that made the band and the songs?
so would you be a GN'R fan if Bullet For My Valentine bought the rights for the name and used it?

Im a fan of the band, but the most important part of that is the bandmembers. and Im a fan of most of them, old and new. mostly the old so far, cos I barely know what the new guys can do creatively.

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: Continental Drift on July 22, 2006, 09:24:02 AM
I don't think they're that shocked or hurt. Izzy has always done his own thing... and had a LONG-TIME friendship with Axl that neither Slash, Duff, Matt etc. ever had.

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: GNRslaxl on July 22, 2006, 09:29:39 AM
I'm a GN'R fan and couldn't give two shits what they think since they're no longer in Guns N' Roses.? : ok:

Well said BurningHills!? : ok:

so you care about a bandname, instead of the people that made the band and the songs?
so would you be a GN'R fan if Bullet For My Valentine bought the rights for the name and used it?

Im a fan of the band, but the most important part of that is the bandmembers. and Im a fan of most of them, old and new. mostly the old so far, cos I barely know what the new guys can do creatively.

you're so right, sometimes i read things that seems like if Guns N Roses were a soccer team... and the best example is what BurningHills said. I really dont think that Slash and Duff think about this too much, Izzy played with them when they were touring Europe in 2004... so... :beer:

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: Megaguns on July 22, 2006, 11:18:09 PM
Izzy will be the key figure if there will ever be a reunion, Which is very very unlikely.
If it ever happens i hope its not when their all in their 60s. Im certain Slash &Duff dont give a fuck.

Title: Re: Wonder what Slash and Duff think of Izzy's Euro-touring??
Post by: sic. on July 22, 2006, 11:32:08 PM
"cool, Izzy's doing the same with Axl's band as he did with our band when we were touring." maybe something like that?
and they're probably all excited to speak to Izzy again soon to hear how Axl's doing these days.

Pretty likely. Izzy can do gigs with whom he wants, he's a free soul. Maybe S&D are pleasantly surprised by this turn of events, like "Axl now has Izzy to talk sense into him".

Can't see any animosity coming towards Izzy, that would be just plain silly and immature.