Title: What do you think about...? Post by: Six Strings on July 18, 2006, 06:40:04 AM When I first step in front of people I was shaking all fucking over. Then, I couldn't play guitar so well, anyway I had to sing a couple of songs with my friend that was playing in a local pub. I knew the lyrics perfectly, however I'm not a good singer. I did it for the fuckin' show but I still had some difficulties because the crowd - I mean about 30 people were staring at me. The songs I sang were Knockin' On Heaven's Door and Anarchy In The UK. I suck on KOHD but I was pretty good for a beginner during Sex Pistols. This happend about 5 years ago, approximately. Anyway, I started singing along and boozing myself up to death because I was fucking afraid of the people watching. I'm still not a good singer, but I improved my guitar playing. I play the guitar with not such fear in front of people than when I sing. However, I still have to drink something for a relaxation before playing. I don't sing anymore, but I play in front of let's say 30-40 people. I still don't have a band, I play alone. The people kinda like it, I think, but the problem is that I'm fucked up every fuckin' time when I have to get the guitar. WHAT SHALL I DO??? PLEASE HELP!!! :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
The reason I'm telling you this is because my psychologist fucks me around. :hihi: The real reason anyway is that I'm at the job and my bosses are not around. I'm fucking around, delete the topic if you wish... : ok: Title: Re: What do you think about...? Post by: JAC185 on July 18, 2006, 08:16:27 AM Slash?
Title: Re: What do you think about...? Post by: Six Strings on July 18, 2006, 08:22:11 AM No man, just another kid that had ruined himself... :yes: Thanks thogh...
Title: Re: What do you think about...? Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on July 18, 2006, 12:02:07 PM Knocking a couple back before a show is not a big thing.
Getting fucked up just so you can get on stage is a bad thing. The big thing is confidence. If you have confidence in your playing abilities, then make sure everyone in the crowd knows that. The crowd is like a woman, they know when you're nervous and when they see that they don't give a shit about ya. When you get yourself ready for a show, just keep telling yourself you're the best musician out there and after the show you know that everyone in the crowd will know that. Even if you are self-concsious about yourself, or playing onstage, NEVER LET THE CROWD KNOW IT. Rock hard, have fun, and play with a chip on your shoulder. But not too much of one though. : ok: |