Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: lald04 on July 05, 2006, 09:53:38 PM

Title: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: lald04 on July 05, 2006, 09:53:38 PM
Right now, its my mom.

She is constantly on my back and complains about everything I do(hanging out with my friends, the places I go, etc.) Every conversation I have with her is an argument. GAAH!! Being around her makes me wanna shoot myself. I know its probably a stage I'm going through, but I hate it.

Anyways, whats annoying you at the moment??? Take all your anger out here.

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Megaguns on July 05, 2006, 10:45:30 PM
my boss, Hes a fucking prick, Just when im about to tell him to fuck off i get a pay rise. Its a regular occurance, I dont mind so much now.

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: RichardNixon on July 06, 2006, 12:05:28 AM
My itchy balls.

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: D on July 06, 2006, 12:16:32 AM
Nothing, I am actually in a pretty good place.

Im annoyed that I cant seem to land a job but thats bout it.

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Shirell on July 06, 2006, 02:52:16 AM
Right now, its my mom.

She is constantly on my back and complains about everything I do(hanging out with my friends, the places I go, etc.) Every conversation I have with her is an argument. GAAH!! Being around her makes me wanna shoot myself. I know its probably a stage I'm going through, but I hate it.

Anyways, whats annoying you at the moment??? Take all your anger out here.

Aw bless!  It's okay, every 16 year old goes through this!  It's called being a teenager.  I'm sure your mum understands how you're feeling better than you think.  I'm a mum.  I have a seventeen year old step-son and a nine year old son of my own.  My stepson thinks noone understands him and thinks I'm either the coolest stepmom in the world (when I took him to the Download festival) or I'm an interfering piece of shit (when I tidied up his room and put his porn collection on the top shelf in his wardrobe instead of him leaving it under his bed where his little brother could find it).  As long as your not doing drugs or getting in strife with the police she'll put up with anything cause that's what moms do.  Try to remember you're struggling to get on with your mom right now and she's probably finding you rather difficult to deal with too but you both love each other.

My turn to bitch, my sister is a lying scheming bitch who borrows money and doesnt pay it back when she says she will leaving me short of cash to buy the dress I desperately wanted.  Bitch!  Bitch!! BITCH!!!

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: spacebrain5000 on July 06, 2006, 03:07:43 AM
you know what's really pissing me off? i can't get job because i have fucking facial piercings, and i really need money and cigarettes. what else is bugging me, i really need to quit smoking, but it's hard to imagine life without those beautiful tobacco death sticks. and i also wish i had enough money to buy non-cheap cigarettes..
what else is pissing me off, i wish my parents would get the fuck off my back, i could be so much worse, a lot of my friends are drug dealers or addicts or both.
and i'm tired of this teenaged angst bullshit.

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Jim on July 06, 2006, 07:15:06 AM
Yeah, my shitty job. I just want to get out of this town.

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Mandy. on July 06, 2006, 08:26:19 AM
Right now, its my mom.

She is constantly on my back and complains about everything I do(hanging out with my friends, the places I go, etc.) Every conversation I have with her is an argument. GAAH!! Being around her makes me wanna shoot myself. I know its probably a stage I'm going through, but I hate it.

Anyways, whats annoying you at the moment??? Take all your anger out here.

Been there, done that. My mum was annoying the fuck out of me a while ago, but I just started ignoring her, or in other words, taking it easy. I'd just agree with everything she said, even when she was wrong (or so I thought). But then again, these are different situations, she never complained about my friends or places I go, just about how messy my bedroom was, I do nothing all day, yadda, yadda, stuff like that. We get along really well now, but I gotta admit I've changed.

Right now what annoys me the most is my ex with all the "why-can't-we-be-friends" talk, he's been moaning for the last 2 hours.

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Butch Français on July 06, 2006, 09:18:08 AM
Im in Norway, my girlfriend is in Belgium. it's still 6 weeks till I move there. you figure out whats annoying me. ;D
but other than that it ain't much, Im trying to enjoy the full Norwegian summer for the last time, I guess...just hope the weather gets acceptable sometime soon!

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Butch Français on July 06, 2006, 09:20:18 AM
Right now what annoys me the most is my ex with all the "why-can't-we-be-friends" talk, he's been moaning for the last 2 hours.

give him the "why-can't-we-be-enemies" talk then! ;D

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Danny Top Hat on July 06, 2006, 09:40:26 AM
I just wrote out a really long emo rant about how everything is pissing me off at the moment, including myself.? Then my computer froze and the entire post was lost...

So that too. >:(

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Neemo on July 06, 2006, 09:44:58 AM
I just wrote out a really long emo rant about how everything is pissing me off at the moment, including myself.? Then my computer froze and the entire post was lost...

So that too. >:(

this will make you feel many emo kids does it take to mow the lawn?

none they like grass that cuts itself :hihi:

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: sesor on July 06, 2006, 09:50:38 AM
Right now, its my mom.

She is constantly on my back and complains about everything I do(hanging out with my friends, the places I go, etc.) Every conversation I have with her is an argument. GAAH!! Being around her makes me wanna shoot myself. I know its probably a stage I'm going through, but I hate it.

Anyways, whats annoying you at the moment??? Take all your anger out here.

can completely relate, my mum drives me insane, we cant talk wiht arguing, she picks at everyhting i do, she's threatened to kick me out and all that bullshit. complains that i'm not getting a job, when there arent any out there. things have been pretty bad, we've ogtten to the point when there arent any 'good bits', but shes going through a real tough time atm, shes pretty stressed, so things will get better, i just stay out of the way and go out an awful lot, that way she doesnt piss me off and she gets some space, cos i'm sure she doesnt need the arguments either. whats pissing me off though is theis FUCKIN house argh hahaa lived here for abotu a month, not out of anyones choice, beggers cant be choosers blah blah blah, but i cant complain, alot of people have it worse than me, this is nothing, even if it does stink  :rant:

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: sesor on July 06, 2006, 09:54:12 AM
I just wrote out a really long emo rant about how everything is pissing me off at the moment, including myself.? Then my computer froze and the entire post was lost...

So that too. >:(

this will make you feel many emo kids does it take to mow the lawn?

none they like grass that cuts itself :hihi:

ahahahaahahha thats amazing lmao

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: AxlsMainMan on July 06, 2006, 10:57:38 AM
What's been buggin' me for the past several months is no matter how hard I try, or how much I try to change about myself, whether it be personality or appearance...I just cant seem to get a woman in my life... :-[

I see girls stare at me, and naturally I stare back, but it's the making contact part that sucks... :no:

Like why cant a girl come over and talk to the guy, why does it always have to be the other way around? :hihi:

Im not really shy, it's just the breaking the ice part I suck at....

"So, uhm, name is like ummm, Calen....hi.." :hihi:

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: mikegiuliana on July 06, 2006, 10:58:46 AM
the fact cd never comes out and they are still playing the same covers forever.. That annoys me...

My shoulder injury annoys me too

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Evolution on July 06, 2006, 11:01:08 AM
Shaving. Fucking hate it.

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: AxlsMainMan on July 06, 2006, 11:05:23 AM
Shaving. Fucking hate it.

Then dont...

Copy Robin's style and you're good to go.. : ok:

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: CD2006 on July 06, 2006, 11:21:32 AM
my mom just started vacuum cleaning outside of my room. i hate that shit. :rant:

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Evolution on July 06, 2006, 11:26:48 AM
Shaving. Fucking hate it.

Then dont...

Copy Robin's style and you're good to go.. : ok:

I would if it grew perfectly!

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: badapple81 on July 06, 2006, 11:37:46 AM
the fact cd never comes out and they are still playing the same covers forever.. That annoys me...

My shoulder injury annoys me too

That attitude annoys me.

Moody women (is there any other sort of woman? lol - joke ladies.. joke) .. annoy me too.. take this girl ive been seeing.. she cooks me dinner after I finish work at 10pm!!! .. and we are going snow boarding together this weekend.. so dinner is fine and she is having a laugh and all excited about this weekend.. its like she flicks a switch and all of a sudden she decides not to talk about it anymore and cant manage a smile.. gives u the quickest kiss goodbye again and barely says a word.. yet next day she'll call me all fine... ahh WOMEN!

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Mandy. on July 06, 2006, 12:50:55 PM
I just wrote out a really long emo rant about how everything is pissing me off at the moment, including myself.? Then my computer froze and the entire post was lost...

So that too. >:(

this will make you feel many emo kids does it take to mow the lawn?

none they like grass that cuts itself :hihi:

yeah, yeah  :P I had a signature like that.

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Markus Asraelius on July 06, 2006, 01:01:29 PM
Yeah, my shitty job. I just want to get out of this town.

Sounds like a pearl jam song.


What's annoying me at the moment is not my boss but my co-workers.

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Neemo on July 06, 2006, 01:08:24 PM
yeah, yeah? :P I had a signature like that.

really? sorry i didn't copy you...someone told it to me today, first i had heard it :peace:

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Jim on July 06, 2006, 01:11:28 PM
Shaving. Fucking hate it.

Tae fuck with ye, I love a good shave! Whack on a quality tune and embrace the blade.

Yeah, my shitty job. I just want to get out of this town.

Sounds like a pearl jam song.

I am Pearl Jam.

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Krispy Kreme on July 06, 2006, 01:13:46 PM
Many teenagers have complained about their parents. Here is a parent's point of view.

My 14 year old stepdaughter drives me crazy. We work our butts off to give her a good education--$12,000 a year for private school, and she does not take it seriously. She considers it a place to go during the day to socialize. Gets Cs and Ds on her final exams and DOES NOT GIVE A SHIT.

Further: Self-centered, queen bitch attitude that will not quit. Lazy, not too bright, no ability to do anything, no pride in her work, no ambition. Only thing she can do is sit on her butt and watch TV. Manipulator, immature, obsessed ?with her looks. Can only talk about herself. Materialistic and shallow. Contributes nothing to the family, never helps with anything. Always moody, mad. Remembers our promises to her, but instantly forgets what she promises to do. Overly sensitive. Instigator, trouble maker, taker.

I am counting the days until she moves her ass out and makes someone else's life a living hell. I feel sorry for whomever her roomates will be, boyfriends, husbands, whatever. God, teenagers are such a pain in the butt.

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Mandy. on July 06, 2006, 01:18:38 PM
yeah, yeah? :P I had a signature like that.

really? sorry i didn't copy you...someone told it to me today, first i had heard it :peace:

Yeah... My signature used to be: "I wish my grass was emo, so it would cut itself..."  :hihi:

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Shirell on July 06, 2006, 01:39:41 PM
My lazy fucking assistant has decided that working five days a week is too much.  She came into work today saying she felt sick and had a stomach bug so I told her to go home and rest (being the good boss that I am).  I've just seen one of the customers she was supposed to do today who (while I was doing her a manicure) told me how she had just ran into my assistant up town as the client was on the way to my salon for her appointment.  I am totally fucked off!  I've been here since 8 this morning and will be here until 9 tonight, this is supposed to be my half day. I've done all her clients as well as my own.  Then she phoned an hour ago and said she was too poorly to get out of bed (probably bought on by a trip to the pub lunchtime) so she cant come in tommorrow.  I'm knackered and she's out having a good fucking time.  I can't think of any good reason why I shouldn't fire her ass!!!

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: jarmo on July 06, 2006, 01:52:36 PM
I am Pearl Jam.

I love your music! Too bad I can't see you on the European tour since you're not coming to Scandinavia!  :-\

Jim not coming to any of the Wembley shows annoys me.


Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Jim on July 06, 2006, 04:50:42 PM
Aha! I knew that there was something I was forgetting. Jim not going to the Wembley shows annoys me greatly!

Maybe if I was on a better wage I would have been able to afford it.  >:(

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: the dirt on July 06, 2006, 05:13:06 PM
Maybe if I was on a better wage I would have been able to afford it.? >:(

Well you're Pearl Jam, you'll probably end up writing some whiny song about it.

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Elrothiel on July 06, 2006, 05:41:41 PM
Hmmm what annoys me.... *ponders*

Ah yes!

Watching a brilliant fucking AWESOME movie, then something annoying happening in it, and then knowing that I gotta wait ANOTHER YEAR OR THREE for the cliffhanger to be yanked up! :crying:

Oh, another thing that annoys me: When the head unit for your CD player in your car is broken, and right when the solo is about to come on, the head unit conks out and all you can hear is the fucking bass!! :rant:

My BF needs a new head unit!!

And when your best pen runs out! And when people have a go at me for the stupidest most TRIVIAL thing!! ::) And not being able to fucking afford tickets to fucking Wembley! :rant: And my dad's fucking girlfriend who asked me to design a logo for her All-Girl Driving Instructing thing, and after I've done it, say "oh yea, the car has to look a bit more Mini-ish!" ITS AS FUCKING MINI-ISH AS ITS GUNNA LOOK LADY!!! And I'm only getting ?250 for it... FUCKING RIP OFF!! :rant:

... ok... must calm down... *breathes deep breaths*

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Jessica on July 06, 2006, 05:55:51 PM
my armis annoying me, it hurts a lot, i type with two fingers from my left hand and my home is getting messy and i don't like it...

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Jim on July 06, 2006, 06:10:55 PM
And my dad's fucking girlfriend who asked me to design a logo for her All-Girl Driving Instructing thing, and after I've done it, say "oh yea, the car has to look a bit more Mini-ish!" ITS AS FUCKING MINI-ISH AS ITS GUNNA LOOK LADY!!! And I'm only getting ?250 for it... FUCKING RIP OFF!! :rant:

You're kidding, right?

Fucking divas.

Oh, and I'm sure that Pirates 3 will be out by this time next year.

Well you're Pearl Jam, you'll probably end up writing some whiny song about it.

I may be Pearl Jam, but I'm also lazy. So I probably won't.

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: D on July 06, 2006, 06:12:17 PM
My Gf's fuckin gay ass dog named Baby, all he does is bark all the fuckin time and its so annoying, Id like to spike his alpo with draino.

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Jessica on July 06, 2006, 06:14:08 PM
baby is probably jealous, cuddle it and play with it, and train him a little, then, he should be fine.

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Jim on July 06, 2006, 06:16:50 PM
I'm sorry, Baby? What a horrible name for a mongrel! It sounds like it's straight out of a Disney (^Disnep, yuk yuk yuk) movie!

Unless it's from Bringing Up Baby. If so,


Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Hammy on July 06, 2006, 06:26:50 PM
^ There's worse names, my folks had a dog called Gay

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: lald04 on July 06, 2006, 07:48:13 PM
you know what's really pissing me off? i can't get job because i have fucking facial piercings, and i really need money and cigarettes. what else is bugging me, i really need to quit smoking, but it's hard to imagine life without those beautiful tobacco death sticks. and i also wish i had enough money to buy non-cheap cigarettes..
what else is pissing me off, i wish my parents would get the fuck off my back, i could be so much worse, a lot of my friends are drug dealers or addicts or both.
and i'm tired of this teenaged angst bullshit.

Why don't you take your piercings out, then put them back in when you're not at work.
Or you could try to get a job at a piercing place.  :-\

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Shirell on July 07, 2006, 03:12:57 AM
^ There's worse names, my folks had a dog called Gay

My best mate called her dog tossa.  She gets a lot of funny looks when she's out walking her dog shouting for him to return "Come here tossa!".  Cracks me up every time.

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: kaasupoltin on July 07, 2006, 05:09:34 AM
Nothing. I saw Gn'R two times in two days so I'm fine :drool:

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: axl_rose_700 on July 07, 2006, 07:09:49 AM
My 'mate' and my ex going out with each other...

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: avesia on July 07, 2006, 07:21:49 AM
these fukin' exams... I've been studying for two months, I'm sick of it! I need a damn holiday! Somebody help me  :crying:

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: AxlsMainMan on July 07, 2006, 12:42:41 PM
My 'mate' and my ex going out with each other...

Oh man, get over her soon is all I can say.. :hihi:

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Danny Top Hat on July 07, 2006, 05:19:23 PM
My ex girlfriend left me utterly furious today.? I was so angry I was shaking.? I wanted to shout at her and make her miserable but couldn't because she's too cowardly to answer her fucking phone.? It's been a whole year since we broke up and she was the one who said we should stay friends, before proceeding to treat me like i'm her fucking enemy whenever I make the effort to be nice.? Well I am the enemy now - fuck her.? I've tried to be nice to her and had it thrown back in my face.? She's a pathetic little whore who thinks the whole world revolves around her.? I HATE her!? Stupid fucking whore. >:(

Somebody smite me.?

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Jessica on July 07, 2006, 05:29:33 PM
Going to court on tuesday  :'(

The people i saw for my son didn't tell me and went to the judge, so both me and my companion are called in  :nervous:

He is going to learn about me talking to officials about him and his family and i have to go go back to the appartment afterwards..

I am scared  :nervous:

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Jim on July 07, 2006, 05:30:49 PM
Aye aye captain.

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: the dirt on July 07, 2006, 05:31:56 PM
Going to court on tuesday? :'(

The people i saw for my son didn't tell me and went to the judge, so both me and my companion are called in? :nervous:

He is going to learn about me talking to officials about him and his family and i have to go go back to the appartment afterwards..

I am scared? :nervous:

I didn't think he was your "companion" anymore...

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Jessica on July 07, 2006, 05:39:46 PM
Going to court on tuesday  :'(

The people i saw for my son didn't tell me and went to the judge, so both me and my companion are called in  :nervous:

He is going to learn about me talking to officials about him and his family and i have to go go back to the appartment afterwards..

I am scared  :nervous:

I didn't think he was your "companion" anymore...

Look, we have had sex 4 times in the last two years, i don't love him anymore, nor does he i'm pretty sure and we still live under the same roof because he doesn't want to leave ( i have asked him to go but it's a no NO) and i have stayed under the same roof because i was terrified he would go and disappear with my baby or use his stupid family to make me pass for godknowshwta when i am totally alone in france and have custody of gaby when his father is a sick cunt.

So i HAD to.

But i have seen officials behind his back and they know i am scared, but i am now terrified.

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: the dirt on July 07, 2006, 05:43:20 PM
That's rough. Hope things go smoother than you forsee.

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Jessica on July 07, 2006, 05:50:51 PM
That's rough. Hope things go smoother than you forsee.

I have, years ago, foreseen tragedy. The events that lead to it are similar to what i live now. My psychic wasn't most reassuring.

I want my son to be safe. I have left a legal paper to my cousin.

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: nesquick on July 07, 2006, 05:55:24 PM
You get a karma and you don't know why.

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Skeletor on July 07, 2006, 06:00:56 PM
You get a karma and you don't know why.

There you go...

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: nesquick on July 07, 2006, 06:21:00 PM
Pandora? lol.?good laugh.

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Skeletor on July 07, 2006, 06:34:50 PM
Pando rat? lol. good laugh.

Trust me nesquick, you're not going to make yourself sound clever, no matter how many times you edit your posts.

edit: :rofl: and another edit just as I was typing this message...

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: nesquick on July 07, 2006, 06:38:59 PM
Come on... it's just pandora. nothing important  ;)
Anyway thanks for the link dude. 8)

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on July 07, 2006, 06:55:22 PM
It sounds silly, But I cant decide if I want this guitar:


Or this guitar:


The red one.


Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Jessica on July 07, 2006, 06:59:28 PM
Where do you hands feel more comfortable ?

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: SuperMike on July 07, 2006, 08:22:28 PM
Fucking telemarketers that keep calling my house . . . . . >:(

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: sesor on July 07, 2006, 08:34:18 PM
It sounds silly, But I cant decide if I want this guitar:


Or this guitar:


The red one.


*drools over les paul"

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: sesor on July 07, 2006, 08:35:35 PM
It sounds silly, But I cant decide if I want this guitar:


Or this guitar:


The red one.


*drools over les paul"

cheery sunburst? i wish i could afford one of them :(

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: Timothy on July 07, 2006, 09:00:48 PM
My Wife and her sister 's bickering.

The should just fucking start throwing punchs and get it over with.

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: sesor on July 07, 2006, 09:05:49 PM
these fukin' exams... I've been studying for two months, I'm sick of it! I need a damn holiday! Somebody help me? :crying:

working too hard for exams hasnt got me down, but if i think about how bad i'm gonna do it might. but its my own fault for being lazyyyy

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: nevermiss24 on July 08, 2006, 01:17:16 AM
What's been buggin' me for the past several months is no matter how hard I try, or how much I try to change about myself, whether it be personality or appearance...I just cant seem to get a woman in my life... :-[

I see girls stare at me, and naturally I stare back, but it's the making contact part that sucks... :no:

Like why cant a girl come over and talk to the guy, why does it always have to be the other way around? :hihi:

Im not really shy, it's just the breaking the ice part I suck at....

"So, uhm, name is like ummm, Calen....hi.." :hihi:
I know what you mean same here i start to talk and all the stuff i wanted to say comes out the wrong way and i look like an idiot

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: nevermiss24 on July 08, 2006, 01:20:35 AM
My Gf's fuckin gay ass dog named Baby, all he does is bark all the fuckin time and its so annoying, Id like to spike his alpo with draino.

Did you try a shock collar

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: johnnythunders24 on July 09, 2006, 12:56:40 AM
The michigan secretary of state...i won a case in circuit court to get my driver's license back...and its 4 weeks later and they kept telling me the still havent processed the court order...and now i find out they are sitting on their hands, and probably gonna appeal the order...which is circuit court they didnt contest my suit, they failed to send even a response to the county they lose...and now they want to fight...the court of appeals is filled with republicans that give the republican attorney general and sec of state whatever they want, and it would cost me $4000 to fight it a second time. its a waste of taxpayer money, its shopping for the judges that are on your political side, and its perpetrated by my own elected officials. These people are all corrupt...

Title: Re: What's really annoying you at the moment??
Post by: pebbles on July 14, 2006, 01:11:15 AM
Right now, its my mom.

She is constantly on my back and complains about everything I do(hanging out with my friends, the places I go, etc.) Every conversation I have with her is an argument. GAAH!! Being around her makes me wanna shoot myself. I know its probably a stage I'm going through, but I hate it.

Anyways, whats annoying you at the moment??? Take all your anger out here.
my daughter, its who she wants to hang around, where she wants to "hang out", and yes sometimes id rather sky dive without a parachute than to be around her when she gets an attitude. but lets both hope its just a stage, thats what they keep telling me. :hihi: