Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Dead Horse => Topic started by: heinous on July 02, 2006, 07:32:52 PM

Title: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: heinous on July 02, 2006, 07:32:52 PM
Frankly I'm annoyed by those who seem to think many of the songs we've heard so far are all but sure to be on the forthcoming album.? So what if a song has been played live in the past or present?? If there is one thing we know for sure, it's that the band has done nothing if not hold back what they've produced over the greater part of the last decade.? Hell, they've undertaken more than one tour without actually releasing the record.? Does it really seem likely that Axl would leak out what he's worked on all these years in little dribs and drabs?

We all know the band is working on 32 songs, 26 of which are "nearly done."? However, having had around 70 songs as far back as 2000 leaves a lot of extra material to play before actually unveiling any "big guns."? While it's certainly possible we've heard some of what will be on Chinese Democracy, the thinking that we have heard most of it already is entirely unreasonable.

Bottom line, all we know for sure are 10 songs the band has played live or have been leaked (The Blues, Chinese Democracy, Madagascar, Oh My God, Rhiad & the Bedouins, Silkworms, Better, Catcher in the Rye, IRS, There Was a Time) and perhaps 8 more possible song titles (The General, Leave Me Alone, Seven, Thyme, Ides of March, Oklahoma, Prostitute, This I Love).

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: fieldsy on July 02, 2006, 07:35:50 PM

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 02, 2006, 07:37:20 PM
Its a given that CD, the blues, madagascar, TWAT, IRS and Better are going to be on cd.

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: the dirt on July 02, 2006, 07:37:46 PM


Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on July 02, 2006, 07:41:53 PM
The only songs I'm sure will be on CD are IRS, Better, The Blues, TWAT, Madagascar and CD.  Other than that we don't really know.  We know Axl said The Blues, Better and TWAT are some of his favorite songs on the album.  And we know that Madagascar and IRS have been played at almost all the new shows.  And CD is the title track so that's almost assumed.  The rest, we don't know.  I think we'll hear 6-7 new songs, and remember that aside from the hardcore GnR fanbase who will buy the album no matter what, most of the people buying the album won't have heard any of the songs, and if they have they've heard them only a few times

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: DunkinDave on July 02, 2006, 07:45:40 PM
I think these are the givens to be on the first album, assuming recent comments from the band are correct:

Catcher in The Rye
Chinese Democracy
The Blues
TWAT (There Was a Time)

That leaves six unheard tracks for Chinese Democracy.

I would assume that the tracks which received orchestral arrangements in recent years only received those arrangements because they were going to be on the final album.

In that case, these tracks would also be on the first album:

Leave Me Alone
The General

We can also assume that Axl will include "Oklahoma" on the album.

So in conclusion...

Chinese Democracy - Potential Tracklist

Catcher in The Rye
Chinese Democracy
Leave Me Alone
The Blues
The General
TWAT (There Was a Time)

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: gnrkid03 on July 02, 2006, 07:47:09 PM
Its a given that CD, the blues, madagascar, TWAT, IRS and Better are going to be on cd.

No its not.  Axl has never said that.  They were just randomly leaked and now he plays them on tour because they were leaked.  I'd say the only one for sure is CD, bc its the title.  The other ones we have no clue about.  Stop acting like you know they're gonna be on the album when you know nothing about the album... and you haven't for 10 years along with everyone else. 

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: DunkinDave on July 02, 2006, 07:48:57 PM
Its a given that CD, the blues, madagascar, TWAT, IRS and Better are going to be on cd.

No its not.? Axl has never said that.? They were just randomly leaked and now he plays them on tour because they were leaked.?

Incorrect - Chinese Democracy, Madagascar and The Blues never "leaked".

Axl said in a Rolling Stone interview this year that his favorite songs on the new album are TWAT, The Blues and Better.

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on July 02, 2006, 07:49:11 PM
Its a given that CD, the blues, madagascar, TWAT, IRS and Better are going to be on cd.

No its not.  Axl has never said that.  They were just randomly leaked and now he plays them on tour because they were leaked.  I'd say the only one for sure is CD, bc its the title.  The other ones we have no clue about.  Stop acting like you know they're gonna be on the album when you know nothing about the album... and you haven't for 10 years along with everyone else. 

Well it's basically given that TWAT, Better and The Blues will be there since Axl said they were amongst his favorites.  It's pretty damn close to sure that CD will be there since it's the title track.  And since IRS has been played at every 2006 show, and since Madagascar was played at all the 2002 shows and most the 2006 shows, they're a pretty safe bet as well

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: heinous on July 02, 2006, 07:51:48 PM
Its a given that CD, the blues, madagascar, TWAT, IRS and Better are going to be on cd.

That's just it Dave.  Why is it "a given" these songs will be on the album?  Again, maybe some of them.  But it doesn't make any sense to me that Axl would have leaked out half the record already....

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: DunkinDave on July 02, 2006, 07:53:42 PM
Its a given that CD, the blues, madagascar, TWAT, IRS and Better are going to be on cd.

That's just it Dave.? Why is it "a given" these songs will be on the album?? Again, maybe some of them.? But it doesn't make any sense to me that Axl would have leaked out half the record already....

Axl didn't "leak" anything out.

He played three new songs in 2001-2002 and is touring now to capitalize on the publicity generated when the demos leaked online earlier this year.

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on July 02, 2006, 07:54:19 PM
But it doesn't make any sense to me that Axl would have leaked out half the record already....

The people who have heard these songs already are going to buy the album anyway, I think Axl realizes this.  Even if they're skeptics, I think it's pretty clear that anyone who's been to a GnR show from 2001 and forward will be buying Chinese Democracy, out of curiousity if nothing else.  And even out of the people who've heard these new songs, it's only the really,  really hardcore fans who've heard the new songs multiple times.  Most people probably just heard them at the show.  These songs will be new, or at least fresh, to almost everyone who buys the album aside from us real hardcore, diehard fans who will be buying the album and most likely loving it anyway

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: AxlRose4eva1 on July 02, 2006, 08:06:07 PM
Well, history would agree with you somewhat. Axl was playing Dont Cry, Back off Bitch, KOHD and even had November Rain and a few others worked out even before AFD was released and none of them made it onto the album so it is possible that they are playing songs that are slated for a second or third album. ?However, back in 86 they were also playing songs that would be on AFD, so I would guess while maybe 1 or 2 songs they have played wont be on the album (hopefully Silk Worms and Rhiads and OMG) I would guess that the vast majority will be on the album. ?In articles they had said which songs were Axl's favorites and all of those have been leaked. ?Id be guessing his favorites will be ont he album.

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 02, 2006, 08:06:36 PM
Its a given that CD, the blues, madagascar, TWAT, IRS and Better are going to be on cd.

That's just it Dave.? Why is it "a given" these songs will be on the album?? Again, maybe some of them.? But it doesn't make any sense to me that Axl would have leaked out half the record already....

Its easy. CD is the title track, its on the album. Axl said the fave songs that will appear on the album are the blues, twat and better, thus those are a give to be on the album. In an email I talked to Fortus about the madagascar solo, and he said they are playing it now how its going to be on the album, thus madagascar is on the album. ?As for IRS they keep playing it live and will mostly likely be on the album. So there ya go

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: gnrkid03 on July 02, 2006, 08:08:50 PM
Well it's basically given that TWAT, Better and The Blues will be there since Axl said they were amongst his favorites.  It's pretty damn close to sure that CD will be there since it's the title track.  And since IRS has been played at every 2006 show, and since Madagascar was played at all the 2002 shows and most the 2006 shows, they're a pretty safe bet as well

Yeah I can see his favorites being on there.  But didn't Axl say to the effect that the songs he plays live aren't necessarily going to be on the album or even singles if the album is released?  I just think that after 10+ years you cannot assume to know what songs are on the album.  Just wait until its out. 

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: gnrkid03 on July 02, 2006, 08:10:40 PM
Its easy. CD is the title track, its on the album. Axl said the fave songs that will appear on the album are the blues, twat and better, thus those are a give to be on the album. In an email I talked to Fortus about the madagascar solo, and he said they are playing it now how its going to be on the album, thus madagascar is on the album.  As for IRS they keep playing it live and will mostly likely be on the album. So there ya go

Merck said IRS wasn't even a top 10 song that Axl has made for these 3 albums.  IIRC, Axl said they were his favorite songs, but he didnt say they were on the album. 

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 02, 2006, 08:11:55 PM
Well it's basically given that TWAT, Better and The Blues will be there since Axl said they were amongst his favorites.? It's pretty damn close to sure that CD will be there since it's the title track.? And since IRS has been played at every 2006 show, and since Madagascar was played at all the 2002 shows and most the 2006 shows, they're a pretty safe bet as well

Yeah I can see his favorites being on there.? But didn't Axl say to the effect that the songs he plays live aren't necessarily going to be on the album or even singles if the album is released?? I just think that after 10+ years you cannot assume to know what songs are on the album.? Just wait until its out.?

Why do people always misquote Axl. He said in 2002 the songs they are playing will not be singles. He never said they wont be on the album.

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 02, 2006, 08:13:07 PM
Its easy. CD is the title track, its on the album. Axl said the fave songs that will appear on the album are the blues, twat and better, thus those are a give to be on the album. In an email I talked to Fortus about the madagascar solo, and he said they are playing it now how its going to be on the album, thus madagascar is on the album.? As for IRS they keep playing it live and will mostly likely be on the album. So there ya go

Merck said IRS wasn't even a top 10 song that Axl has made for these 3 albums.? IIRC, Axl said they were his favorite songs, but he didnt say they were on the album.?

That is funny because the reason they stopped playing TWAT is because Del said Axl said they didnt want to ruin the song for the album because the song is complex to play live.

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on July 02, 2006, 08:15:40 PM
Its easy. CD is the title track, its on the album. Axl said the fave songs that will appear on the album are the blues, twat and better, thus those are a give to be on the album. In an email I talked to Fortus about the madagascar solo, and he said they are playing it now how its going to be on the album, thus madagascar is on the album.  As for IRS they keep playing it live and will mostly likely be on the album. So there ya go

Merck said IRS wasn't even a top 10 song that Axl has made for these 3 albums.  IIRC, Axl said they were his favorite songs, but he didnt say they were on the album. 

That is funny because the reason they stopped playing TWAT is because Del said Axl said they didnt want to ruin the song for the album because the song is complex to play live.

So Del James is still around?   :P  Cool, I didn't know he was still hanging with the band

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on July 02, 2006, 08:16:20 PM
Then it must be drastically different than what we heard from the leaks...

Also, remember, there's a possibility Rhiad will be on it as well....

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: DunkinDave on July 02, 2006, 08:18:23 PM
Then it must be drastically different than what we heard from the leaks...

Also, remember, there's a possibility Rhiad will be on it as well....

Dizzy has said "Riyadh and The Bedouins" and "Silkworms" will not be on the album.

But "Riyadh and The Bedouins" was spotted on a setlist this year, so who knows.

Axl introduced "Riyadh and The Bedouins" in 2002 by saying "this is a song we like to play for fun" - so take that into consideration as well.

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: Lara on July 02, 2006, 08:19:16 PM
But "Riyadh and The Bedouins" was spotted on a setlist this year, so who knows.

When was that?  ???

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on July 02, 2006, 08:19:50 PM
Yeah, Dizzy said they won't be, but then it was found on the setlist, they must have had a change of heart.....

Yeah Shotgun, Del's the bald tattooed guy you see in some pics.

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 02, 2006, 08:20:12 PM
Then it must be drastically different than what we heard from the leaks...

Also, remember, there's a possibility Rhiad will be on it as well....

Dizzy has said "Riyadh and The Bedouins" and "Silkworms" will not be on the album.

But "Riyadh and The Bedouins" was spotted on a setlist this year, so who knows.

Axl introduced "Riyadh and The Bedouins" in 2002 by saying "this is a song we like to play for fun" - so take that into consideration as well.

Fortus said Riyadh was A listed

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on July 02, 2006, 08:28:04 PM
Rhiad sounded like a song with potential.  Axl's live vocals were kind of off key for it in 2001 and 2002 from the boots I heard, with the exception of the 1/1/01 Vegas show where Axl sounded good but the recording quality stunk.  But they didn't play it that many times.  I thought it would be a killer studio song, I really love the guitar intro to that song

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 02, 2006, 08:30:52 PM
Like I said in another thread. Axl should just pick the 12-15 best songs and put them on CD. It should not matter what they are, just dont hold any back for the next album. He needs to hit this one out of the park to show everyone it was worth the wait because we all know the album could  be great and people will still say its not good enough for all the time he spent on them. I am sure most of the reviews are written before they even hear the album

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on July 02, 2006, 08:33:02 PM
Like I said in another thread. Axl should just pick the 12-15 best songs and put them on CD. It should not matter what they are, just dont hold any back for the next album. He needs to hit this one out of the park to show everyone it was worth the wait because we all know the album could  be great and people will still say its not good enough for all the time he spent on them. I am sure most of the reviews are written before they even hear the album

The haters will dump on the album no matter what.  But for me, if they released an album right now just with studio versions of The Blues, Madagascar, Chinese Democracy, Rhiad, Better, IRS, TWAT, and CITR it would be better than any rock album that's come out in many, many years.  This isn't even including the tracks that we haven't heard which are supposedly amazing material according to Buckmaster, Beltrami and Brian May

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: heinous on July 02, 2006, 08:35:31 PM
Like I said in another thread. Axl should just pick the 12-15 best songs and put them on CD. It should not matter what they are, just dont hold any back for the next album. He needs to hit this one out of the park to show everyone it was worth the wait because we all know the album could? be great and people will still say its not good enough for all the time he spent on them. I am sure most of the reviews are written before they even hear the album

I will agree with everything you said here.

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on July 02, 2006, 08:38:35 PM
Chinese Democracy should be:

Guns N' Roses Greatest Hits

Only the best out of the 70 songs should be on filler, no comedy tracks, simply the best.

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on July 02, 2006, 08:39:42 PM
I listened to the 1/1/01 Rhiad just now for the first time in a long time.  Buckethead's solo on the song is sweet  :smoking:

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: dodger girl on July 02, 2006, 08:43:51 PM
Only the best out of the 70 songs should be on filler, no comedy tracks, simply the best.

as much as I want this to be true, but I have to ask, what should they do with the next albums then? :confused:

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on July 02, 2006, 08:45:54 PM
Let's get this one album out, then we'll worry about the rest.  This needs to be the best so they can come out strong and silence their critics and build a full head of momentum for eventual future alubm releases. 

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: Steel_Angel on July 02, 2006, 08:47:06 PM
This reminds me of the thread i made a while ago

that is now in deadhorse. im amazed this one hasnt been moved. awesome, awesome.

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: EccoTides on July 02, 2006, 08:48:22 PM
While I'd love to see Rhiad show up on CD, I think it's more likely for it to show up on the 2nd album. Dizzy said the song was dropped from CD, but Fortus apparently said it was A-Listed (anyone have a link for that?), so perhaps it's earned a spot on the second album.

Either way, I hope it shows up - It's a killer song.

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: heinous on July 02, 2006, 09:14:38 PM
This reminds me of the thread i made a while ago

that is now in deadhorse. im amazed this one hasnt been moved. awesome, awesome.

I read your thread and thought about posting in it.  But, like I said, the topic won't go away.  I don't claim to know anymore than anyone else.  For some reason, people assuming we've heard many or most of the songs on the record bothers me. 

I'll go take my medication now....

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: axlsalinger on July 02, 2006, 10:55:42 PM
It is an interesting question. I think it's extremely likely that Axl's "favourites" will be on the record - Better, The Blues and There Was a Time. I also think Chinese Democracy will be included.

Madagascar will probably be on there, but in theory it could just be a b-side. There is nothing wrong with that for a song that so many people have already heard.

IRS: really hard to say.

IMO, Catcher in the Rye, Rhiad and Silk Worms will not be on the record.

I also don't think it's carved in stone that there will only be 13 tracks. I bet there's more.

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: cybercurves on July 02, 2006, 11:21:30 PM
U know I got a feeling Axl doesn't even know himself the exact final song selection :confused:

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on July 02, 2006, 11:33:27 PM
U know I got a feeling Axl doesn't even know himself the exact final song selection :confused:

He said the track list is not finalized yet because tracks keep on moving from album to album. I just hope they go with the best for the first album

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on July 02, 2006, 11:38:55 PM
U know I got a feeling Axl doesn't even know himself the exact final song selection :confused:

Maybe they should just release a triple album, 3 discs with 11 songs each  :smoking:

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: Lord Kayoss on July 03, 2006, 12:12:50 AM
I hope CITR is on CD :) Deserves to IMO

Hear, hear!

 : ok:

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: Neemo on July 03, 2006, 12:18:19 AM
I'd say that CD, Maddy, Blues, IRS, TWAT, Better and Rhiad will be on CD based on the set list sheet we've seen...assuming it is the same token...I think that CITR will not be on it cuz they have pretty much ignored the song on the tour thus far and it wasn't on that same setlist

and I'm going with the 13 tracks that Axl said in IMO we've heard 7 of 13 tracks

also General and Prostitute i think will be there, not sure of the other 4 song titles.  There are many titles floating around could be any of them...could be something we've never heard of before

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: mikepatton on July 03, 2006, 12:21:51 AM
discussing what we think will be on the album is pointless....let me see a damn album first....this discussion could have taken place in November of 1996..................All in all I would like to see a 6 or 7 CD box set with EVERYTHING  Axl and all incarnations of GNR have recorded since 1994..............Including the rerecorded version of Appetite that Axl t6old Loder about back in 1999................But I am sure that will never happen so basically hold your breath the stuff leaks like all the other demos/rehearsals from the appetite/illusion era have leaked

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: Neemo on July 03, 2006, 12:26:11 AM
discussing what we think will be on the album is pointless....let me see a damn album first....this discussion could have taken place in November of 1996.................

except in 1996 we hadn't heard 10 'new' songs and been in the midst of a tour :P

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: jimmythegent on July 03, 2006, 01:53:40 AM
Its a given that CD, the blues, madagascar, TWAT, IRS and Better are going to be on cd.

That's just it Dave.? Why is it "a given" these songs will be on the album?? Again, maybe some of them.? But it doesn't make any sense to me that Axl would have leaked out half the record already....

there was an official press release recently (about a month ago), where those 6 songs were mentioned as having been played, and it stated they were songs from the forthcoming album

Iim pretty sure it referenced those songs specifically and all but said theyd be on there

can someone dig up a link?

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on July 03, 2006, 01:58:59 AM
Right, it was from Merck himself.  Good find Jimmy!

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: tomass74 on July 04, 2006, 04:51:11 PM
Like I just posted somewhere else... I am sure old Axl planned on putting all songs that he has played live on the album..  But when he finds out the ones that most people think truly suck ass he will conveniently leave them off (Rhiad, Silkworms).  It's kind of comical actually.  Almost as comical as him saying that "Oh My God" was a demo that was stolen from him and put on a soundtrack just because most people hated it..

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: heinous on July 04, 2006, 07:29:46 PM
Like I just posted somewhere else... I am sure old Axl planned on putting all songs that he has played live on the album..? But when he finds out the ones that most people think truly suck ass he will conveniently leave them off (Rhiad, Silkworms).? It's kind of comical actually.? Almost as comical as him saying that "Oh My God" was a demo that was stolen from him and put on a soundtrack just because most people hated it..

Oh horseshit....

With more than 3 album's worth of material, the band has all types of songs to play.? Axl knows what will work for this first record and what won't.? I doubt you really think he was planning on putting "Oh My God" or "Silkworms" on Chinese Democracy.?

You're bitterness about the whole old band/new band thing clouds your judgement.

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: tomass74 on July 05, 2006, 07:20:52 AM
Like I just posted somewhere else... I am sure old Axl planned on putting all songs that he has played live on the album..? But when he finds out the ones that most people think truly suck ass he will conveniently leave them off (Rhiad, Silkworms).? It's kind of comical actually.? Almost as comical as him saying that "Oh My God" was a demo that was stolen from him and put on a soundtrack just because most people hated it..

Oh horseshit....

With more than 3 album's worth of material, the band has all types of songs to play.? Axl knows what will work for this first record and what won't.? I doubt you really think he was planning on putting "Oh My God" or "Silkworms" on Chinese Democracy.?

You're bitterness about the whole old band/new band thing clouds your judgement.

I never said he was going to put "OMG" on his album... It was just funny how when it got a bad reaction that it suddenly was stolen from him as a demo and put on the soundtrack liek he had nothing to do with it (I liked the song btw).  And yes, I am sure that he was planning on putting Silkworms and Rhiad on his album.. He wasn't playing them for the hell of it.  The old band has nothing to do with any of this either..

Title: Re: This subject won't go away (so I'll be part of the problem)
Post by: jameslofton29 on July 06, 2006, 04:20:13 AM
Its a given that CD, the blues, madagascar, TWAT, IRS and Better are going to be on cd.

That's just it Dave.  Why is it "a given" these songs will be on the album?  Again, maybe some of them.  But it doesn't make any sense to me that Axl would have leaked out half the record already....

Its easy. CD is the title track, its on the album. Axl said the fave songs that will appear on the album are the blues, twat and better, thus those are a give to be on the album. In an email I talked to Fortus about the madagascar solo, and he said they are playing it now how its going to be on the album, thus madagascar is on the album.  As for IRS they keep playing it live and will mostly likely be on the album. So there ya go
Damn. I was really hoping Madagascar wouldn't be on the album. With Riyadh being considered for the setlist, that probably means it will be on the album as well. To be honest, I would rather Riyadh make the final cut than Madagascar. Madagascar is just too fucking weak to put on an album of this magnitude.