Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: sandman on June 30, 2006, 09:17:56 AM

Title: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: sandman on June 30, 2006, 09:17:56 AM

Security Guard: 'AXL ROSE Was Going To Kill Me' - June 30, 2006
The hotel security guard who was involved in a brawl with GUNS N' ROSES frontman Axl Rose the morning after the band's concert in Stockholm, Sweden has broken his silence on the incident.

Pascal H?kansson (photo#1, photo#2), 25, who was working his fourth day as a security guard at the Berns hotel when he was allegedly assaulted by Rose, spoke exclusively to the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet about the Tuesday morning (June 27) altercation.

"Axl came alone to the hotel and went up to his room," H?kansson said. "He came back again in the company of some sort of coordinator ? an older woman, who was his 'mom.'"

According to Pascal, what was about to happen turned out to be the most bizarre thing he's experienced in his five years as a security guard.

"Axl was pissed off because people had left him alone at some party," Pascal said. "He was loaded, in a bad mood and started cursing at the woman. When he started banging on the walls, I approached him and asked him to lower his voice."

When Axl ignored him, the security guard approached the assistant instead.

"Then Axl turned around and pushed me in my chest and neck," H?kansson said.

How hard?

"I totally lost balance. I wasn't prepared and I had to kneel for a moment in order to be able to remain standing. Then he jumped me and started fighting. I had to fend off a few punches, on my arms, for instance. Then I got hold of his neck and got him down on the ground. We wrestled for about a minute; he was strong."

And that's when he bit you?

"Yeah, but it wasn't until afterwards that I felt it. When you get such a rush of adrenaline, you don't feel anything. He could have had Hepatitis B or something. It was very uncomfortable. In general, it's disgusting to bite people."

When you were lying there on the ground, were you able to get both his arms in a lock?

"No, it wasn't possible. He was wild. He was totally wild. He was gonna kill me. 'I'm gonna fuck your life up,' he screamed."

At the same time as Axl Rose's bodyguard came down to the lobby, the reception called the police.

"Axl was stark-raving mad," Pascal continued. "The bodyguard tried to calm him down, but Axl threatened to fire him if he intervened. That's when he threw a vase into an antique mirror."

How did Axl look?

"He had a crazy, disturbing look."

Was he intoxicated?

"Yes, he was intoxicated, by alcohol or something."

At 7:45 a.m., four policemen with their batons drawn entered Berns hotel.

"He was still bouncing up and down screaming that he was gonna make my life a living hell," Pascal said.

What happened to you when the police detained Axl and drove away to the police station?

"I was upset. I sat down and talked to the staff at the reception. One of the girls was sad after what had happened. I wrote a report. Then the police called and wanted me to go to the hospital."

What did they check you out for at the hospital?

"If my skin had broken, but it hadn't. It was mostly a superficial wound."

Did you have time to be afraid? According to you, he seemed to be totally out of control.

"I have worked a lot as a bouncer at nightclubs and have become somewhat desensitized. I didn't have time to be afraid. But afterwards, it hit me. He was totally crazy. Anything could have happened."

Why have you been laying low until now?

"You have to reflect a bit before going public."

Axl Rose has admitted the crimes and will pay you 10,000 SEK (approximately $1,400) in damages. Have you heard anything from him since this incident?

"No one has called me. Not the police, not the District Attorney, not Axl's crew. It wold be nice to get an apology."

Will you proceed with this matter?

"I'm going to contact a lawyer to see what options are available. If this would have happened in the U.S., I probably would have been a millionaire," Pascal said with a smile.

H?kansson is now off work for a week before returning to his position as the security guard at the lobby of the Berns hotel.

"This was my fourth day at Berns and people told me that nothing ever happened there," Pascal said. "And then this is how it turns out. It's just totally crazy."

Aftonbladet has tried to reach Axl Rose through the concert booking agency Ema Telstar for a comment, but with no luck.

"I hold no grudge against him," H?kansson insisted. "I just did my job and did it well. It was nothing personal against me ? it could have happened to anyone. It's just by pure luck that it wasn't one of the girls working in the reception that was harmed."

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: killingvector on June 30, 2006, 09:22:44 AM
Was this the same security guard in Tommy Boy who so courageously handed over this gun after being accosted from the shadows and hit on the head with a hammer many times?

There are a few gaps in this man's story.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: sandman on June 30, 2006, 09:38:24 AM
this guy is obviously a liar.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: pebbles on June 30, 2006, 09:45:38 AM
This asshole just wants money and some publicity him self. I hope he holds his breath for an apology!

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Genesis on June 30, 2006, 09:51:42 AM
"I'm going to contact a lawyer to see what options are available. If this would have happened in the U.S., I probably would have been a millionaire," Pascal said with a smile.

That kinda sez it all, don't u think?  :P

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Mr.Intensity on June 30, 2006, 09:57:41 AM
But, wait a minute the security guard was quoted as saying..."I have worked a lot as a bouncer at nightclubs and have become somewhat desensitized. I didn't have time to be afraid. But afterwards, it hit me. He was totally crazy. Anything could have happened."

But, oh wait a minute guy.. I thought you "feared for your life" because "Axl was going to kill you?"

This security guard already looks like a moron in his press statement, I wonder how bad a good attorney would be able to get him to contradict himself on the stand, he's already done it on his own in his own statement.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: kaasupoltin on June 30, 2006, 10:10:22 AM
Haha fucking liar Swede! ;D Pascal H?kansson :hihi:

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: darknemus on June 30, 2006, 10:13:04 AM
Bottom line is (If his story is accurate, that is) - Axl escalated the situation by putting his hands on the security guard.  After that happened, the vibe changed.  I cant' say I blame the guy for considering legal action against Axl.. I'm not saying its right, but I don't blame him.  He was, after all, doing his job.


Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Shirell on June 30, 2006, 10:14:46 AM
Cant you just hear the cash jingling in this guys head.  He must have thought it was his lucky day.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on June 30, 2006, 10:34:50 AM
Isn't this supposed to be a security guard? he should know how to defend himself, acusing someone that is going to kill him should be a day a day living for him he should get used to ?:-\
Or am I wrong?

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Dragon on June 30, 2006, 10:35:24 AM
Cant you just hear the cash jingling in this guys head.  He must have thought it was his lucky day.
As I wrote in the other thread. The swedish legal system don't believe in over compensation. The security guard will only get compensated for medical costs, lost of income and such things. But I really can't believe how naive some of you people are. It's a tuesday morning, probably lots of people that are eating their breakfast in that hotel. That security guard is probably expecting to read the news paper or watch the morning tv. Do you really think that he saw Axl and thought to himself that this is his chance of fifteen minutes of fame? Or maybe he felt that Axl writes bad music and deserves a beating for it?

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: horsey on June 30, 2006, 10:36:31 AM
 i mighta been makin light of this whole thing ,by jokes ive said.that myself i feel just as bad as others laughing at the matter.but this little mishape that happened.i think the guy was just doing his job.but at the same time seen axl as a reason for him getting fame too.outa this that has happened.shame people of fame everything they do is public.that i feel sad about that axl has no privacy anymore.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: GypsySoul on June 30, 2006, 10:41:34 AM
Gypsy:? I'm NOT condoning Axl's part in all of this.? It just sounds to me like this is the first drunk this former "bouncer" ever encountered.? ::)

Interviewer: ?What did they check you out for at the hospital?
Pascal: ?"If my skin had broken, but it hadn't. It was mostly a superficial wound."
Gypsy: ?"mostly superficial"?? ?oy vey ? :confused:
Pascal: I'm going to contact a lawyer to see what options are available. If this would have happened in the U.S., I probably would have been a millionaire.
Gypsy: ?So they told you at the hospital that the ringing in your ears was CHI-CHING $$$??
Pascal: ?Axl was stark-raving mad
Gypsy: ?ummm, yeah ? and your point being what?? ?:hihi:

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Bill 213 on June 30, 2006, 10:46:43 AM
Regardless of the extent of truth in this press release, it doesn't make Axl sound like a pussy as all the other ones did.  I mean I'm not one to encourage violence, but shit I thought with all the all reports Axl got taken down and then only bit him because he was already subdued.  At least this makes Axl sound pretty tough.....I mean hell even I've bitten someone when I was drunk before when they were choking me.  I'm all for this one!

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Mr.Intensity on June 30, 2006, 10:49:31 AM

 I side with the Security Guard on this one. Not only does this sound like the Axl we all know from past events..... but the story also matches up with some things we already know did happen. The Guard also didn't seem to make Wild accusations either. He seemed very level headed in his description of what happened. I think he should sue Axl since Axl was the one clearly in the wrong. Time to pay up for being a Punk.

He seemed level headed in his statement??? HE LIED IN IT

"I have worked a lot as a bouncer at nightclubs and have become somewhat desensitized. I didn't have time to be afraid. But afterwards, it hit me. He was totally crazy. Anything could have happened."

But, oh wait a minute guy.. I thought you "feared for your life" because "Axl was going to kill you?"

so, which statement is the truth, which is the lie?

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Annie on June 30, 2006, 10:51:14 AM
I think this guy just wants money. He can't try and sue so he wants to sell his story to the tabloids. Like Mysteron said, if Axl had really done something like try to kill someone, he would still be in jail. I have dealt with gang bangers in my job who are are very upset because their child is critically ill and a little kindness and respect on my part has prevented alot of violent outbursts! This guy looks alot like Vin Diesel, maybe he's hoping to milk this story for a shot at reality tv stardom!

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Steel_Angel on June 30, 2006, 10:59:27 AM
'I'm gonna fuck your life up"

my respect for axl just went a few notches up. he is still fucking crrazzzzy
and yeah, it did sound like the security guard just wanted money... but hey who doesnt?

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: pasnow on June 30, 2006, 11:01:41 AM
but I'm sure most of us have had that crazy night out where the whiskey is pumping through your body and the smallest thing can set you off and then the next thing you know you're in a fight or being tossed out onto the sidewalk by 10 security guards or something..

Man I wish HTGTH had a "Best of..." category right now.? : ok:

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Mr.Intensity on June 30, 2006, 11:05:47 AM
Axl and the security guard both kind of crack me up here... ?:hihi:boys are gonna be boys, I think their was wrong on both parts most likely. Axl being the drunk rockstar chirping away at the guard, the guard probably being the typical meathead bouncer guy saying shit right back to Axl, if Axl threw the first punch he was definitely wrong there, but he paid his dues for committing that crime if he did. Now you got the security guard, who knows a celeb fucked with him, he'll be looking for his payday... whatever, we'd all do it too if we got fucked with by a celeb when we were working.
 I actually do believe the Swedish police were probably real assholes when they came to arrest him and probably were threatening him with tons of bullshit so he'd just pay his fine, not defend himself in court, and be on his way to the next concerts. I can see that happening for sure.

But, the security guard does look like a liar in his statement, he's using "key" words in his account of the situation like "feared for my life", "axl was going to kill me", "disturbing look on his face", etc... those are all phrases/words taught for guards/officers to write the most trumped up police reports as they can, in order to have stronger court evidence in civial and criminal courts...

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: vernset on June 30, 2006, 11:36:09 AM
"I'm going to contact a lawyer to see what options are available. If this would have happened in the U.S., I probably would have been a millionaire," Pascal said with a smile.

Nuff $aid.  :yes:

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 30, 2006, 11:39:03 AM
He can  try and sue axl all he wants but its not like Axl is going back to sweden anytime soon, so good luck getting Axl to show up in court. Axl will just never go back to Sweden again, so who cares. And I dont think Sweden has any extradiction for court cases so the guard is shit out of luck.

Title: Re: Security Guard: \"Axl was going to kill me\"
Post by: Martina on June 30, 2006, 11:46:17 AM
he never take responsiblity for his actions. always its someone elses fault

arent we all like that most of the time? tell me.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: ppbebe on June 30, 2006, 11:54:36 AM
yeah I hear quakers and mormons never drink.
That's all your fault estranged2006!!!

"This was my fourth day at Berns and people told me that nothing ever happened there," Pascal said.

I just find this line very interesting.

Title: Re: Security Guard: \\\"Axl was going to kill me\\\"
Post by: Martina on June 30, 2006, 11:56:22 AM
he hasnt made an album in decades.
so?is his life mission to put cd out every two years?
but he thinks hes the king of the world acting like that and blaming others for his mistakes.
you never blame anyone for your mistakes?congrats.
if you are famous and rich,you wouldnt act like you are the king of the world?congrats again.

like axl is the only celeb who acts like that. ::)

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: dizzy68 on June 30, 2006, 11:56:35 AM
 I come here and I talk a lot of shit about Axl...... But only because I feel it's deserved. If he could act normal I would be here defending him. However when he's always the one who is at fault then how the hell can I even stick up for the guy? I'm not a phony who kisses feet. I wouldn't care if this was my best friend. If you screw up... I'm not going to take your side! That's just the way it is. Wake up and act like a fucking human and then I'll have only nice things to say about you.

Title: Re: Security Guard: \\\
Post by: Mr.Intensity on June 30, 2006, 11:57:53 AM
I can't fathom why some of you people are siding with Axl right now.? The security guard was completely in the right.?

 I am just sick of people who use Booze as a way to excuse asshole behavior. Being drunk IS NOT an excuse to throw a hissy fit and break things. It's totally disrespectful. Secondly...... Axl threatened the Guard, threatened the Cops and even threatened his own Body Guard by repeatedly telling people they were fired and he was going to fuck up their lives! Axl needs to get off his high horse and realize that he's not GOD. Axl is an immature child who still refuses to take responsibility for his behavior. I don't care how good he sings. The guy is a WORM.

He did take responsibility, he went to jail, paid his court fines, and was released. Sounds to me that he paid his dues to swedish socierty.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: jarmo on June 30, 2006, 11:59:02 AM
If he could act normal I would be here defending him.

I bet you wouldn't. Then you'd be here saying how he's boring like Bon Jovi. ?:hihi:


Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Mr.Intensity on June 30, 2006, 12:02:50 PM
If he could act normal I would be here defending him.

I bet you wouldn't. Then you'd be here saying how he's boring like Bon Jovi. ?:hihi:


Or maybe creating a post about  something stupid like "Axl's chest is too red".. that thread was deleted but in my opinion was a HereTodayGoneToHell Hall of Fame thread.

Title: Re: Security Guard: \\\
Post by: Falcon on June 30, 2006, 12:03:42 PM

He did take responsibility, he went to jail, paid his court fines, and was released. Sounds to me that he paid his dues to swedish socierty.


However, a statement saying "I was drunk, I take responsibility for actions although there are extinuating circustances" would have been cool instead of the propaganda minister (Merck) pointing the finger elswhere as usual.

Title: Re: Security Guard: \\\
Post by: Mr.Intensity on June 30, 2006, 12:06:16 PM

He did take responsibility, he went to jail, paid his court fines, and was released. Sounds to me that he paid his dues to swedish socierty.


However, a statement saying "I was drunk, I take responsibility for actions although there are extinuating circustances" would have been cool instead of the propaganda minister (Merck) pointing the finger elswhere as usual.

Well, some people are stating the security guard was just doing his job... why not let Merck just do his job?

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Falcon on June 30, 2006, 12:10:52 PM

That said, Merck's press releases always seem to paint Axl in a finger pointing light.

Never any remorse or contrition.? Always blame going elsewhere.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 30, 2006, 12:13:25 PM

Merck is pissed because the cops were telling Axl he could be in jail up to three weeks. If they just let axl go with the fine after that one night and were not threatening axl with up to three weeks, I dont think Merck would have said anything. No one goes to jail for three weeks for getting drunk and breaking something and biting someone after getting his hair pulled.

they get a night and detox and post bail the next morning. That was mercks point not that axl was wrong. He said he was mistreated which he was after going to the drunk tank.

I dont think he is saying Axl was not at fault, he was unhappy with the cops telling axl they are going to detrail the tour

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: rckn on June 30, 2006, 12:19:29 PM
There are eyewitnesses, you ???. Let?s hear them. Gonna see axl 5. of 7.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Bartlet on June 30, 2006, 12:20:44 PM
I come here and I talk a lot of shit about Axl...... But only because I feel it's deserved. If he could act normal I would be here defending him. However when he's always the one who is at fault then how the hell can I even stick up for the guy? I'm not a phony who kisses feet. I wouldn't care if this was my best friend. If you screw up... I'm not going to take your side! That's just the way it is. Wake up and act like a fucking human and then I'll have only nice things to say about you.

Too true. It could never possibly be Axl's fault, could it?!?!?!?! I mean "you all went off and left me, boohoo". Could that be coz he was loaded/being an arsehole or both...?

However, as Jarmo hinted (sorry if I put word in your mouth, Jarmo) its all good entertainment as long as you don't take it too seriously. Its just good pantomime. I know that probably is'nt the case for the security guy, so do'nt bash me for that. You gotta take these things with a pinch of salt. ?:hihi: :beer:

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: ppbebe on June 30, 2006, 12:32:10 PM
He can  try and sue axl all he wants but its not like Axl is going back to sweden anytime soon, so good luck getting Axl to show up in court. Axl will just never go back to Sweden again, so who cares. And I dont think Sweden has any extradiction for court cases so the guard is shit out of luck.

This is not a criticism of the people of Stockholm. The 15,000 people at the show Monday night were amazing, and everyone we met before and after were terrific, until the encounter with the over exuberant security guard. That is where encounters with real people stop and the authorities attempt to take over. There were a number of people involved who treated Axl well, while the conduct of some was questionable and others still deplorable. Regardless, Guns N' Roses will return to Sweden where they will play once again for the people, not the authorities.         -press release

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 30, 2006, 12:35:59 PM
He can? try and sue axl all he wants but its not like Axl is going back to sweden anytime soon, so good luck getting Axl to show up in court. Axl will just never go back to Sweden again, so who cares. And I dont think Sweden has any extradiction for court cases so the guard is shit out of luck.

This is not a criticism of the people of Stockholm. The 15,000 people at the show Monday night were amazing, and everyone we met before and after were terrific, until the encounter with the over exuberant security guard. That is where encounters with real people stop and the authorities attempt to take over. There were a number of people involved who treated Axl well, while the conduct of some was questionable and others still deplorable. Regardless, Guns N' Roses will return to Sweden where they will play once again for the people, not the authorities.? ? ? ? ?-press release

That wont happen if there is a warrant for his arrrest if he comes back to sweden

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Cornell on June 30, 2006, 12:38:20 PM
I think a lot of you must have liked Axl better when he was in the church choir!  :hihi:

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Brody on June 30, 2006, 12:40:51 PM
"I'm going to contact a lawyer to see what options are available. If this would have happened in the U.S., I probably would have been a millionaire," Pascal said with a smile.

That kinda sez it all, don't u think?  :P

So your telling me if some deranged millionaire attacked you!! you wouldnt contact a lawyer? Get real..

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: CVBTank on June 30, 2006, 01:04:29 PM
A great many of you are pathetic.  The fact that some of you applaud this as 'great publicity' or the return of the 'most dangerous band in the world' is laughable.  He's a grown man and he bit someone on the leg.  I wasn't there, but Im willing to bet Axl started this confrontation and caused it to escalate.  But the people this is directed at don't want to hear that.  Axl is the biggest victim in the world to some of you. 

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Steel_Angel on June 30, 2006, 01:12:58 PM
A great many of you are pathetic.? The fact that some of you applaud this as 'great publicity' or the return of the 'most dangerous band in the world' is laughable.
i knoW!  ;D Its Great!

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: CVBTank on June 30, 2006, 01:21:39 PM
The lack of logic in this forum makes it impossible to discuss any topic. So I'll join in.

Axl is so bad ass! He got drunk and arrested! This means the ten year wait was worth it!  He's back!

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Steel_Angel on June 30, 2006, 01:23:55 PM
The lack of logic in this forum makes it impossible to discuss any topic. So I'll join in.

Axl is so bad ass! He got drunk and arrested! This means the ten year wait was worth it!? He's back!
amen to that. now thats rock n roll.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Mr.Intensity on June 30, 2006, 01:25:19 PM
The lack of logic in this forum makes it impossible to discuss any topic. So I'll join in.

Axl is so bad ass! He got drunk and arrested! This means the ten year wait was worth it!? He's back!
amen to that. now thats rock n roll.

At least Axl will always be authentic. :)

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: ppbebe on June 30, 2006, 01:31:28 PM
He can  try and sue axl all he wants but its not like Axl is going back to sweden anytime soon, so good luck getting Axl to show up in court. Axl will just never go back to Sweden again, so who cares. And I dont think Sweden has any extradiction for court cases so the guard is shit out of luck.

This is not a criticism of the people of Stockholm. The 15,000 people at the show Monday night were amazing, and everyone we met before and after were terrific, until the encounter with the over exuberant security guard. That is where encounters with real people stop and the authorities attempt to take over. There were a number of people involved who treated Axl well, while the conduct of some was questionable and others still deplorable. Regardless, Guns N' Roses will return to Sweden where they will play once again for the people, not the authorities.         -press release

That wont happen if there is a warrant for his arrrest if he comes back to sweden

Why should the police arrest Axl?  ???
Axl is not held criminally responsible. he paid the fine and released without getting any criminal charge filed. 
Save that Merck's press release points out their authorities unfair treatments, both Swedish police and Axl had done with this incident.

Merck sounds confident that there won't be such a warrant.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: RancidPunx on June 30, 2006, 01:37:41 PM
The lack of logic in this forum makes it impossible to discuss any topic. So I'll join in.

Axl is so bad ass! He got drunk and arrested! This means the ten year wait was worth it!? He's back!
amen to that. now thats rock n roll.

At least Axl will always be authentic. :)

Because public intoxication and bullying people is so "authentic"

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Natasha23 on June 30, 2006, 01:40:44 PM
I'm not sure why so many people are convinced the security guard is lying. ?It's not like it's his word against Axl's. ?I didn't think there was any dispute that Axl was out of control that night. ?
About the money issue, if I were in his shoes, I would sue as well, only for the fact that when someone injures you and you feel like they were not punished, you want to make them pay any way you can. ?He didn't stick his leg in Axl's mouth for him to bite so he could collect a cash pay out. ?

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: dizzy68 on June 30, 2006, 02:11:25 PM

It's the same thing as usual here. Some people have their head stuck so far up Axl's ass that they can't even see common sense.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: killingvector on June 30, 2006, 02:16:36 PM
There appears to be a few gaps in the story:

Why did Axl push him? What did the security guard do to warrant the physical reaction?

Why did Axl bite him? What di the security guard do to cause axl's teeth to clamp down on his flesh?

The man is painting himself as a victim. I would really  need to know exactly what he tried to get Axl to do before making a judgment.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: pebbles on June 30, 2006, 02:17:22 PM

It's the same thing as usual here. Some people have their head stuck so far up Axl's ass that they can't even see common sense.
its hard to breathe in here too. :hihi:

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Jessica on June 30, 2006, 02:31:57 PM
so that security guard is going to become a millionaire ?

Well well well, i hope he meets a nice tart who's after him for his " looks" and who will divorce him in no time with over half of his money.

If she's nice enough, maybe axl can come after, to get half of his money back.. :hihi: :hihi:

( i know, twisted lol )

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: makane on June 30, 2006, 02:35:37 PM
There appears to be a few gaps in the story:

Why did Axl push him? What did the security guard do to warrant the physical reaction?

Why did Axl bite him? What di the security guard do to cause axl's teeth to clamp down on his flesh?

The man is painting himself as a victim. I would really? need to know exactly what he tried to get Axl to do before making a judgment.
Why did Axl push him? What did the security guard do to warrant the physical reaction?
Axl was drunk and angry.

Why did Axl bite him? What di the security guard do to cause axl's teeth to clamp down on his flesh?
As he said, they were wrestling after Axl pushed him, so probably somewhere during the wrestling he bited him.

The man is painting himself as a victim.
Yep. Im sure the guard just  attacked Axl (maybe 'cause delay of Chinese Democracy?)

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: oldgunsfan on June 30, 2006, 02:37:26 PM
no wonder this little pussy is working jotel security rather than as a bouncer :hihi:

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: makane on June 30, 2006, 02:38:29 PM
no wonder this little pussy is working jotel security rather than as a bouncer :hihi:
Just tell me why he is a "little pussy"?

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: the dirt on June 30, 2006, 02:39:21 PM
no wonder this little pussy is working jotel security rather than as a bouncer :hihi:
Just tell me why he is a "little pussy"?

Yeah, he was just frustrated over having no new album for so long.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: killingvector on June 30, 2006, 02:39:27 PM
There appears to be a few gaps in the story:

Why did Axl push him? What did the security guard do to warrant the physical reaction?

Why did Axl bite him? What di the security guard do to cause axl's teeth to clamp down on his flesh?

The man is painting himself as a victim. I would really  need to know exactly what he tried to get Axl to do before making a judgment.
Why did Axl push him? What did the security guard do to warrant the physical reaction?
Axl was drunk and angry.

Why did Axl bite him? What di the security guard do to cause axl's teeth to clamp down on his flesh?
As he said, they were wrestling after Axl pushed him, so probably somewhere during the wrestling he bited him.

The man is painting himself as a victim.
Yep. Im sure the guard just  attacked Axl (maybe 'cause delay of Chinese Democracy?)

I'm sorry but that is still vague. What exactly escalated the encounter ?. Drunk and angry isn't enough of a rationalization to fully believe that we are reading.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: GunsN'Gravy on June 30, 2006, 02:42:02 PM
I would try to sue some pompous whiney rock star if He attacked and bit me too. Axl is a tool, this security guy may be one too, but Axl is a huge loser.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: pebbles on June 30, 2006, 02:43:33 PM
no wonder this little pussy is working jotel security rather than as a bouncer :hihi:
Just tell me why he is a "little pussy"?
because he thought he could fuck with the man "Axl Rose" :rant:

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: makane on June 30, 2006, 02:43:47 PM
There appears to be a few gaps in the story:

Why did Axl push him? What did the security guard do to warrant the physical reaction?

Why did Axl bite him? What di the security guard do to cause axl's teeth to clamp down on his flesh?

The man is painting himself as a victim. I would really? need to know exactly what he tried to get Axl to do before making a judgment.
Why did Axl push him? What did the security guard do to warrant the physical reaction?
Axl was drunk and angry.

Why did Axl bite him? What di the security guard do to cause axl's teeth to clamp down on his flesh?
As he said, they were wrestling after Axl pushed him, so probably somewhere during the wrestling he bited him.

The man is painting himself as a victim.
Yep. Im sure the guard just? attacked Axl (maybe 'cause delay of Chinese Democracy?)

I'm sorry but that is still vague. What exactly escalated the encounter ?. Drunk and angry isn't enough of a rationalization to fully believe that we are reading.
You know when you're angry/upset about something, just a little thing can aggrivate the hell out of you(+the nature of Axl). The "fight" probably just started from some small mention to "calm down" or something and just got out of hand.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: killingvector on June 30, 2006, 03:01:26 PM
There appears to be a few gaps in the story:

Why did Axl push him? What did the security guard do to warrant the physical reaction?

Why did Axl bite him? What di the security guard do to cause axl's teeth to clamp down on his flesh?

The man is painting himself as a victim. I would really  need to know exactly what he tried to get Axl to do before making a judgment.
Why did Axl push him? What did the security guard do to warrant the physical reaction?
Axl was drunk and angry.

Why did Axl bite him? What di the security guard do to cause axl's teeth to clamp down on his flesh?
As he said, they were wrestling after Axl pushed him, so probably somewhere during the wrestling he bited him.

The man is painting himself as a victim.
Yep. Im sure the guard just  attacked Axl (maybe 'cause delay of Chinese Democracy?)

I'm sorry but that is still vague. What exactly escalated the encounter ?. Drunk and angry isn't enough of a rationalization to fully believe that we are reading.
You know when you're angry/upset about something, just a little thing can aggrivate the hell out of you(+the nature of Axl). The "fight" probably just started from some small mention to "calm down" or something and just got out of hand.

Outside of our assumptions, we don't know that. If the security guard wanted to document the incident, he left out critical details.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: ppbebe on June 30, 2006, 03:05:37 PM
No one would speak a word that goes against their own interests, I betcha.

I don't think the security guard is necessarily lying.
But I sense there're many things lost in translation as well as exaggerations.
having worked only for 4 days, he can't have been used to a high class international hotel.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Mr.Intensity on June 30, 2006, 03:21:22 PM
Ima write the security guard a get well soon card, he must be mentally traumitized.. I mean... he "feared for his life." :rofl:

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Irish gunner II on June 30, 2006, 03:37:11 PM
15 minutes of fame
14 minutes of fame
13 minutes of fame etc.

Hope he enjoys his time in the spotlight.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Natasha23 on June 30, 2006, 03:46:14 PM
There appears to be a few gaps in the story:

Why did Axl push him? What did the security guard do to warrant the physical reaction?

Why did Axl bite him? What di the security guard do to cause axl's teeth to clamp down on his flesh?

The man is painting himself as a victim. I would really? need to know exactly what he tried to get Axl to do before making a judgment.
Why did Axl push him? What did the security guard do to warrant the physical reaction?
Axl was drunk and angry.

Why did Axl bite him? What di the security guard do to cause axl's teeth to clamp down on his flesh?
As he said, they were wrestling after Axl pushed him, so probably somewhere during the wrestling he bited him.

The man is painting himself as a victim.
Yep. Im sure the guard just? attacked Axl (maybe 'cause delay of Chinese Democracy?)

I'm sorry but that is still vague. What exactly escalated the encounter ?. Drunk and angry isn't enough of a rationalization to fully believe that we are reading.
I think drunk and angry explains a lot.  People get killed all the time by others who are so drunk and out of control, and I don't mean in drunk driving accidents.  I absolutely believe that the guard could have feared for his life, and not just because it was Axl he was up against. 

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Mutherfunker on June 30, 2006, 03:51:03 PM
Fuck with the man? It's more like Axl was trying fuck with everyone else. So Security told him to quiet down! Security did nothing wrong. I don't know who Axl thinks he is, but he better calm down before one day he gets bitch slapped like he deserves.

I agree it was probably Axl's fault mainly - maybe the bouncer made it worse with how he dealt with it (we'll never know).

However, I've noticed from this account like many other incidents back in the day that it would be kinda hard to give Axl a "bitch slapping"  :hihi:


Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: ppbebe on June 30, 2006, 04:51:45 PM
According to my Italian friend, when she and other Italian are deep in chatting in Italian, other people (in England) often take them to be shouting at each other furiously. Italians tend to speak sonorously with very pronounced intonations like in singing.

To my knowledge, Scandinavian intonation is relatively flat and calm. Am I right?
It's not hard to imagine how wrongly someone unfamiliar with foreign people could take an American raising his voice early in the morning, especially when he was a rock singer with a well trained amazing voice and globally notorious as a 'unruly frontman' of 'the most dangerous band in the world'.

It's more like Axl was trying fuck with everyone else.

That's what the security guy says and very questionable.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: BrokenGlass on June 30, 2006, 05:20:31 PM
I find it funny how bias some of you are just because it's Axl. Are you telling you're so die-hard you'd get off on having Axl assault you? Please.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: mega_music on June 30, 2006, 05:27:11 PM
Was this the same security guard in Tommy Boy who so courageously handed over this gun after being accosted from the shadows and hit on the head with a hammer many times?

There are a few gaps in this man's story.
Damn! I laughed my ass off after reading your post, I thought the exact same thing!!!

I smell complete bullshit! This guy is happy he is getting some cheap publisity out of this. If he was any type of bouncer, bodyguard he would know how to handle a angry drunk, no matter how strong he is. As for Axl going to kill what was he gonna do? Bite off his fingers and let him lay there and bleed to death. This dude is happy he's on a pedistol and getting attention hell he got a week of work for getting bit.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: smishkey on June 30, 2006, 05:43:49 PM
The fact that he mentioned that he would be a millionaire if this happened in the US, is all we need to know about him.  He's a douche.  He should know how to handle an unruly drunk if he's been doing this for years.  Though Axl needs to calm the fuck down.  Relax!

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Lord Kayoss on June 30, 2006, 05:46:43 PM
Axl must've been trying to take quite the chunk out of this guy's leg.? "Going to kill me" sounds a weeeee bit over the top from what we've heard.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Ines_rocks! on June 30, 2006, 05:51:59 PM
god of course this man just wants his 10 minutes of fame and all of that like the money involved, so yeah he might have lied on some things but let?s just not put axl as just innocent. In my view both Axl and the security man are blamed for this situation whether the security guy was just  seeking his opportunity to get some cash or axl was really fucked up by drinks and more drinks u kno...

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Natasha23 on June 30, 2006, 06:01:53 PM
The man did an interview and so many people are acting like that's proof that he is a fame hungry monster.
And I think that comment about becoming a millionare if this happened in the US was more of a criticism of the US legal system and the perceived litigious nature of its citizens, than his wish that this did happen in the US so he could cash out. 
Obviously the papers wanted to talk to him to get his version of the events, and that is all anybody has, THEIR version of events as they believe how it happened to them. 
At times, Axl's version of the truth seems to be somewhat subjective and skewed. 

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Bono on June 30, 2006, 06:03:35 PM
I wasn't going to comment but I feel ?I must now....

This guy sounds like a flake. Whether or not his story is true he sounds like a baby. "hey everyone look at me, Axl bit me and I thought I was gonna die" Gimmie ?freaking break. he thought Axl was gonna kill him? That's too much. Axl's a flake for flipping the way he did and this guys a loser for dramatizing it the way he is. ?"Axl was gonna kill me!" :rofl: ?This story blows now because it's a bunch of babies fighting and pointing fingers. ?One guy acted like a drunken idiot and one guy couldn't do his job. Oh and the Police used excessive force. yeah right ::). Throw them all in jail!!

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: jsg2295 on June 30, 2006, 06:04:27 PM
The man did an interview and so many people are acting like that's proof that he is a fame hungry monster.
And I think that comment about becoming a millionare if this happened in the US was more of a criticism of the US legal system and the perceived litigious nature of its citizens, than his wish that this did happen in the US so he could cash out.?
Obviously the papers wanted to talk to him to get his version of the events, and that is all anybody has, THEIR version of events as they believe how it happened to them.?
At times, Axl's version of the truth seems to be somewhat subjective and skewed.?
By Axl I assume you mean his manager since Axl hasnt really said anything about the incident except make a few jokes.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Natasha23 on June 30, 2006, 06:35:27 PM
The man did an interview and so many people are acting like that's proof that he is a fame hungry monster.
And I think that comment about becoming a millionare if this happened in the US was more of a criticism of the US legal system and the perceived litigious nature of its citizens, than his wish that this did happen in the US so he could cash out.?
Obviously the papers wanted to talk to him to get his version of the events, and that is all anybody has, THEIR version of events as they believe how it happened to them.?
At times, Axl's version of the truth seems to be somewhat subjective and skewed.?
By Axl I assume you mean his manager since Axl hasnt really said anything about the incident except make a few jokes.
I mean Axl... Merck would not say anything without Axl's approval.  And I'm not saying that as if I personally know Merck or what he would and wouldn't do in life.  I'm saying that as management, he's not going to make a statement without getting approval from the client he is representing. 

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Mattattack on June 30, 2006, 08:52:01 PM
This fucker is just saying this shit before he goes ahead and sues Axl. He's going to try and cash in on this incident guaranfuckingteed. Just another little person on a power trip. Axl should have thrown the vase at this fuckers head.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Annie on June 30, 2006, 09:29:43 PM
This fucker is just saying this shit before he goes ahead and sues Axl. He's going to try and cash in on this incident guaranfuckingteed. Just another little person on a power trip.
I totally agree.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: AxlRose4eva1 on June 30, 2006, 10:54:21 PM
Haha, being a kickboxer and taking kickboxing are two different things.  In kickboxing class for instance they teach you to take wide swings for punches because those provide a stronger arobic workout...try punching a real person with semi circular wont get the desired result.  Fact is Axl has always struck me as an emotional guy who shot from the hip.  He wasnt going to meet Vince anywhere, but would have hit Vince if he saw him and had that thought in his head.  Just like this security officer incident, its a spur of a moment, wrong place wrong time incident.  Axl's "crimes" havent been well thought out malicious acts, but usually intoxicated and impulsive.    Therefore, while I think Axl would have beaten Vinces ass, I do not think he would have had a planned fight, because that doesnt seem to be his style.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: LookingThruThisPOV on June 30, 2006, 11:04:36 PM
If he could act normal I would be here defending him.

I bet you wouldn't. Then you'd be here saying how he's boring like Bon Jovi. ?:hihi:


I'm really surprised you'd say this, Jarmo, considering their are countless other bands that are not total corporate sellouts like Bon Jovi, who seem to be able to refrain from acting like assholes to most everybody they come into contact with in their daily lives.? You're defending Axl's behavior, not because you think what Axl did is OK, only because you love Axl so much no matter what he does, he's still God to you.

Are you saying there are no real rock bands that don't pull childish shit like this?? Whether in Sweden or in the U.S., Axl Rose broke the law and it wasn't even questionable.? He had to be tamed by a bouncer and drug away by police.? In the very least, its a very embarrassing situation to be in.? There's really no positive way to spin this.? I guess the ones here who keep saying: "Axl's still a bad ass!" think its really cool to get taken down by a bouncer and drug away by police, all the while threatening to fire your loyal employees around you.....? yeah, that's real Rock n' Roll...

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: faldor on June 30, 2006, 11:17:43 PM
If he could act normal I would be here defending him.

I bet you wouldn't. Then you'd be here saying how he's boring like Bon Jovi. ?:hihi:


I'm really surprised you'd say this, Jarmo, considering their are countless other bands that are not total corporate sellouts like Bon Jovi, who seem to be able to refrain from acting like assholes to most everybody they come into contact with in their daily lives.? You're defending Axl's behavior, not because you think what Axl did is OK, only because you love Axl so much no matter what he does, he's still God to you.

Are you saying there are no real rock bands that don't pull childish shit like this?? Whether in Sweden or in the U.S., Axl Rose broke the law and it wasn't even questionable.? He had to be tamed by a bouncer and drug away by police.? In the very least, its a very embarrassing situation to be in.? There's really no positive way to spin this.? I guess the ones here who keep saying: "Axl's still a bad ass!" think its really cool to get taken down by a bouncer and drug away by police, all the while threatening to fire your loyal employees around you.....? yeah, that's real Rock n' Roll...

This story has gotten so overblown it's not even funny.  Reading the posts on this forum you'd think this would be world national news.  Front page of every major newspaper.  It's not.  It's barely been a blip on the radar screen.  I was hoping it'd get the band more press, but that hasn't happened.  You people against Axl in this situation, you have you're right but ease up.  The man didn't kill anyone.  Not even close.  Alright so a bite to the leg may not be the coolest thing ever accomplished in rock and roll history.  Was peeing on the Alamo cool?  Was destroying one's drum kit and nearly damaging your bandmates hearing cool (Keith Moon)?  Is O'd'ing cool?  Threating to kill your wife?  Killing your girlfriend?  Trashing hotel rooms?  Beating up fans who have paid to see you play?  You people need to take a step back and roll with the punches.  This IS rock and roll.  They don't quite live like us.  You need to realize this.  Maybe this seems a little out of the ordinary for those of us who go to work 9-5 and come home to the wife and kids everyday.  That's not what a rock star does.  They live a completely different life.  Am I saying that's alright, not exactly.  But I can accept it.  And you should be able to as well.  Seriously, give this one a rest.  I'm sick of all the complaints about this situation.  It's been talked to death.  It's over and done with.  Let's move on and keep on rockin'.  And may Axl take down any security guard that stands in his way.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: LookingThruThisPOV on June 30, 2006, 11:44:00 PM
This IS rock and roll.? They don't quite live like us.? You need to realize this.? Maybe this seems a little out of the ordinary for those of us who go to work 9-5 and come home to the wife and kids everyday.? That's not what a rock star does.? They live a completely different life.?

What's Rock n' Roll about getting your ass handed to you by a security guard while arguing with your personal nanny in a Swedish hotel lobby?? I think we're seeing Axl at one of his lowest points here.? Also, he is 44 years old.? While some here think this means Axl's still a bad ass, the only thing it proves is that Axl is still a prima donna.? What's bad ass about getting yourself squashed by a security guard and throwing a tantrum, threatening to fire everyone around you??? Apparently, his bodyguard felt he was in the wrong... didn't exactly come to his rescue...

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: faldor on June 30, 2006, 11:53:07 PM
Whatever dude.  Obviously everyone has their own opinions.  Personally I think this is a non issue and we should all just let it be.  Axl's a pussy.  Axl's a hero.  Whatever.  It's over and done with.  The most blown out of proportion event in rock history.  Let's move on and talk about the music for once.  Seriously, give it a rest.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: SWINGTRADER on July 01, 2006, 12:05:31 AM
This IS rock and roll.? They don't quite live like us.? You need to realize this.? Maybe this seems a little out of the ordinary for those of us who go to work 9-5 and come home to the wife and kids everyday.? That's not what a rock star does.? They live a completely different life.?

What's Rock n' Roll about getting your ass handed to you by a security guard while arguing with your personal nanny in a Swedish hotel lobby?? I think we're seeing Axl at one of his lowest points here.? Also, he is 44 years old.? While some here think this means Axl's still a bad ass, the only thing it proves is that Axl is still a prima donna.? What's bad ass about getting yourself squashed by a security guard and throwing a tantrum, threatening to fire everyone around you??? Apparently, his bodyguard felt he was in the wrong... didn't exactly come to his rescue...

Axl got "Squashed"  by the security guard??   Then why did the Security Gaurd say that Axl was going to kill him and that Axl was "strong"??  This guy says he might sue lol.   Doesn't seem  like the comments from  someone that just got done "squashing" somebody.    Do all these newbies that come here to bash Axl come fromm Metal Sludge and Blabbermouth??   get the fuck out !!!!!!

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: LookingThruThisPOV on July 01, 2006, 12:08:48 AM
Axl got "Squashed"? by the security guard???

Well, obviously he did, because he was still on the ground when the police arrived.? Sure, Axl was drunk and felt ten feet tall and bulletproof, so I'm sure he continued to fight it, but he was contained.? According to the security guard, he was attacked by Axl.? So I am assuming that's why he's considering a suit...? ?in any case, he contained Axl and by keeping him on the ground until the police arrived, I'd say he was squashed.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: XpyroX on July 01, 2006, 12:38:10 AM
"Yes, he was intoxicated, by alcohol or something."

uhhh NO SHIT!!

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Crashdiet on July 01, 2006, 01:05:41 AM
I see this whole thing as a non-issue really.

Axl was drunk and being loud. Yelling at beta because we usually always treat the people we love with less respect than strangers. The security guard tried to talk to axl, axl flipped out. The security guard tried to get beta to calm axl down and axl got paternal and felt he was threatening beta and FREAKED THE FUCK OUT... throwing the vase and getting hostile.

In a fucked up way it makes sense to me. AXL was drunk as fuck and was taking out his emotions on Beta (feeling rejected because there was no party for him even though he was 6 hours late)... He is probably use to Beta nuturing his volatile emotions because as far as I can tell thats her job. The security guard probably took offense to his hostile behavior and tried to calm him. When that didn't work he thought he'd ask beta to calm axl down.

Axl perceived it as a threat to Beta and went ape shit because he was drunk as fuck and started breaking shit. The security guard did his job and stopped any more damage. Axl bite him because he was getting choked and didn't know what else to do.

In the end. A drunken brawl... no one got hurt, axl paid his fine and its over.

Was axl a drunken dumb ass.... probably. Does he think he was... probably not because he is used to people catering to his emotions.

Is axl bad ass.... probably just spoiled.... do i still think he's cool... fucking he perfect... fuck no.. do I care.... Sure don't

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: LookingThruThisPOV on July 01, 2006, 01:08:41 AM
I see this whole thing as a non-issue really.

Of course, you do... it really doesn't fit into your agenda.  I'm glad to be here talking about Guns N' Roses, but let's please make an honest presentation and not sweep things under the doormat like they never occured...

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Malibu on July 01, 2006, 01:09:07 AM
well personally, i'm not all that surprised that something like this happened. ?I mean, Axl will be Axl, and he has always caused a stir and his share of controversy. ?Ok, so he got in a row with a security guard, but he's done worse. ?This just shows that the old Axl is still there.. i'm neither approving or disapproving of his behavior - he is Axl, plain and simple. ?But seriously, like mentioned above, this incident has been blow way out of proportion. ?Some will be on the security guard's side, and others will defend Axl no matter what. ?Me, i love Axl, but it never really came as a shock - i was expecting something like this. ?At least everything is under control and he is back on the tour.

Another note..
The swedish legal system don't believe in over compensation. The security guard will only get compensated for medical costs, lost of income and such things.

i just have to say, i totally agree with the Swedish legal system on that. ?What the security guard said was true.. if this had happened in the states, then he would be rich. ?That drives me crazy.. how can people be go god damn sue crazy!! :rant: ?if something like that happened to me, no matter who it was, i would not try to milk it for what its worth.. its ridiculous.. unrelated to whatever i said above, but i just had to comment.. haha :hihi:

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: RnT on July 01, 2006, 01:16:58 AM
what?s the chances we get some pics by the cam of the hotel?

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Sukie on July 01, 2006, 01:19:06 AM
I don't understand something. ?This guy was doing his job so I would consider this kind of thing an occupational hazard.
You know...dealing with unruly patrons of the hotel would be part of his job. ?Right?

He wasn't actually hurt...yes, he suffered a bite that didn't break the skin. ?Otherwise, how was he hurt? ?I just don't understand what there is to sue over. ?Of course, I'm not a sue-happy person (even though I live in the U.S. ? :hihi: ?not all of us are like that). ?So, is he going for emotional trauma? ?I could see him getting some $ if he'd had to be hospitalized and lost income...but not for this. ? ???

I agree that the incident seems crazy, but inebriated people sometimes do crazy things. ?Doesn't make it right, but shit happens. ?

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Chief on July 01, 2006, 01:22:56 AM
keep checking the rare pics of Axl thread! :D

what?s the chances we get some pics by the cam of the hotel?

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: jimmythegent on July 01, 2006, 01:25:15 AM
all in the name of defending your hero - you are by far the most creative of the apologists on this forum!

I find it eccentric there are still people concocting these imbecilities in the name of a man who is responsible for fairly recent stunts, such as: Vancouver and Philadelphia 2002.? He could really give a fuck about what the common fan thinks of him, so why go out of your way to make excuses for him??? At the very least, you don't have to bash him publically, but call a fucking spade a spade for fuck's sake!

Im not sure if you are directing this at me as your message seems somewhat mixed?

if so, please re-read my post as I feel yoiu may have taken it in the wrong context

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: LookingThruThisPOV on July 01, 2006, 01:49:11 AM
Im not sure if you are directing this at me as your message seems somewhat mixed?

if so, please re-read my post as I feel yoiu may have taken it in the wrong context

No, I was expounding on what you had written earlier.  I agree with you 100%.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: misterID on July 01, 2006, 02:09:49 AM
It's funny, Looking, you accuse others of altering things to fit their agenda, when you've been doing the same thing.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: misterID on July 01, 2006, 02:31:53 AM
Listen, I don't give a shit about this whole "fight". Couldn't care less. Are there people here that will take up for Axl no matter what? Yes, of course. But the fact remains there are people who will put him down no matter what. And they are just as God damn annoying, if not more so. And when you completely ignore the security guards statement, that he didn't really know what to do, and allowed Axl  to get up after the struggle and throw shit around the lobby, but make it seem like he was "squashed" you are no better than anyone else. So you're not calling a spade a spade. Look at the title of the article. Right now, you're just another basher..... But since you're new you can prove me wrong on that.

And the last time I checked, this isn't the first time he's gone to jail over something like this. This isn't a new Axl, and there's really no need for him to change. This is who he is, and who he will always be. And this is how he was when you first started digging GNR.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: jarmo on July 01, 2006, 07:45:40 AM
I'm really surprised you'd say this, Jarmo, considering their are countless other bands that are not total corporate sellouts like Bon Jovi, who seem to be able to refrain from acting like assholes to most everybody they come into contact with in their daily lives.? You're defending Axl's behavior, not because you think what Axl did is OK, only because you love Axl so much no matter what he does, he's still God to you.

Are you saying there are no real rock bands that don't pull childish shit like this?? Whether in Sweden or in the U.S., Axl Rose broke the law and it wasn't even questionable.? He had to be tamed by a bouncer and drug away by police.? In the very least, its a very embarrassing situation to be in.? There's really no positive way to spin this.? I guess the ones here who keep saying: "Axl's still a bad ass!" think its really cool to get taken down by a bouncer and drug away by police, all the while threatening to fire your loyal employees around you.....? yeah, that's real Rock n' Roll...

I'm not defending his or anybody else's actions. I'm just not pointing fingers in any direction because I really don't know exactly what happened. Pointing fingers and slagging somebody off doesn't make my life any better so why bother? It happened, Axl was arrested, he paid the fine and was released. The Swedish authorities are not after him anymore. The only ones who are after him now are some of his fans.

Axl broke the law, he admitted it and paid the fine. Some of you seem to want him in jail and want to make the security guy into a hero.

Look, he took his punishment. Isn't that enough?


Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: kaasupoltin on July 01, 2006, 07:47:51 AM
Oh c'mon, I would be pissed off too if my name would be Pascal H?kansson :rofl:

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Sweet on July 01, 2006, 10:08:31 AM
'I'm gonna fuck your life up,'

This one just gotta be added to Axl's classics or something :rofl:

The whole babbling about this issue its just plain ridiculous to me, have you never been drunk and loud?, havent u ever broke the law?, just because Axl is a public person has to be perfect and a saint?


Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: makane on July 01, 2006, 10:19:24 AM
'I'm gonna fuck your life up,'

This one just gotta be added to Axl's classics or something :rofl:

The whole babbling about this issue its just plain ridiculous to me, have you never been drunk and loud?, havent u ever broke the law?, just because Axl is a public person has to be perfect and a saint?

If I get drunk and break the law, I get punished for it, not praised as some "cool thing" to do.
It's so wrong that some of you think what Axl did was "the best thing to do and he was completely right"...
And I don't see people here saying Axl should be a SAINT/PERFECT?

Classic line 'cause he has power and money to ruin a avarage-joes life who did nothing wrong?

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Sweet on July 01, 2006, 10:24:25 AM
'I'm gonna fuck your life up,'

This one just gotta be added to Axl's classics or something :rofl:

The whole babbling about this issue its just plain ridiculous to me, have you never been drunk and loud?, havent u ever broke the law?, just because Axl is a public person has to be perfect and a saint?

If I get drunk and break the law, I get punished for it, not praised as some "cool thing" to do.
It's so wrong that some of you think what Axl did was "the best thing to do and he was completely right"...
And I don't see people here saying Axl should be a SAINT/PERFECT?

Classic line 'cause he has power and money to ruin a avarage-joes life who did nothing wrong?

Am I saying is cool? Im just saying NONE of us has the moral to judge anybodys actions and that rant was made in a moment of anger and being drunk, do you really think he would give that poor security person the importance like to fuck up his life? COME ON!

Dont any of you have EVER said something like that to anyone who made you mad while being drunk? ::)

He made a mistake a paid for it spending time in jail and with paying the fine :yes:

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: makane on July 01, 2006, 10:39:53 AM
'I'm gonna fuck your life up,'

This one just gotta be added to Axl's classics or something :rofl:

The whole babbling about this issue its just plain ridiculous to me, have you never been drunk and loud?, havent u ever broke the law?, just because Axl is a public person has to be perfect and a saint?

If I get drunk and break the law, I get punished for it, not praised as some "cool thing" to do.
It's so wrong that some of you think what Axl did was "the best thing to do and he was completely right"...
And I don't see people here saying Axl should be a SAINT/PERFECT?

Classic line 'cause he has power and money to ruin a avarage-joes life who did nothing wrong?

Am I saying is cool? Im just saying NONE of us has the moral to judge anybodys actions and that rant was made in a moment of anger and being drunk, do you really think he would give that poor security person the importance like to fuck up his life? COME ON!

Dont any of you have EVER said something like that to anyone who made you mad while being drunk? ::)

He made a mistake a paid for it spending time in jail and with paying the fine :yes:
No I didn't think he would "fuck up hes life", but I also didn't think it was a "classic"? ;)
I didn't want point to you about saying it's cool what the did, but some of the people here think it was.

Title: Re: Security Guard: "Axl was going to kill me"
Post by: Sweet on July 01, 2006, 10:44:26 AM
'I'm gonna fuck your life up,'

This one just gotta be added to Axl's classics or something :rofl:

The whole babbling about this issue its just plain ridiculous to me, have you never been drunk and loud?, havent u ever broke the law?, just because Axl is a public person has to be perfect and a saint?

If I get drunk and break the law, I get punished for it, not praised as some "cool thing" to do.
It's so wrong that some of you think what Axl did was "the best thing to do and he was completely right"...
And I don't see people here saying Axl should be a SAINT/PERFECT?

Classic line 'cause he has power and money to ruin a avarage-joes life who did nothing wrong?

Am I saying is cool? Im just saying NONE of us has the moral to judge anybodys actions and that rant was made in a moment of anger and being drunk, do you really think he would give that poor security person the importance like to fuck up his life? COME ON!

Dont any of you have EVER said something like that to anyone who made you mad while being drunk? ::)

He made a mistake a paid for it spending time in jail and with paying the fine :yes:
No I didn't think he would "fuck up hes life", but I also didn't think it was a "classic"? ;)
I didn't want point to you about saying it's cool what the did, but some of the people here think it was.
ok peace makane :-*

but you gotta admit its kind of funny, he can fuck mine if he wants btw :hihi: