Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: ShotgunBlues1978 on June 26, 2006, 07:10:37 PM

Title: Instead of the solos
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on June 26, 2006, 07:10:37 PM
Since the solos seem to be a bit much for most fans, why not have the rest of the band do a cover song or two while Axl takes a breather?  After all Ron, Dizzy, and Tommy have all performed live vocals before.  Why not have them play a couple covers during the course of the show like when they used to have Duff play Attitude on the UYI tour?  Axl still gets a breather and maybe the crowd doesn't get restless

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: CheapJon on June 26, 2006, 07:14:16 PM
actually a great idea.. real great.. but don't thnk it's gonna happen unfortunatly

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: kupirock on June 26, 2006, 07:16:20 PM
Dizzy & Pittman should do silkworms :P

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: Lara on June 26, 2006, 07:18:46 PM
Cool! I wanna hear Robin sing!  :)

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: Scabbie on June 26, 2006, 07:19:13 PM
Since the solos seem to be a bit much for most fans, why not have the rest of the band do a cover song or two while Axl takes a breather?? After all Ron, Dizzy, and Tommy have all performed live vocals before.? Why not have them play a couple covers during the course of the show like when they used to have Duff play Attitude on the UYI tour?? Axl still gets a breather and maybe the crowd doesn't get restless

they already play 3-4 covers a show (Dizzy Stardust, LOLD, KOHD, Beautiful, SOS). play something off 'Village Gorilla Head', 'Normal' give the solo members a chance to show off their material

or learn a new trick like buckethead and the nunchuka act (I quite enjoyed that actually)

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: AxlsMainMan on June 26, 2006, 07:23:43 PM
Axl could dangle the master copy of Chinese Democracy from the venue's ceiling... :hihi:

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on June 26, 2006, 07:27:14 PM
they already play 3-4 covers a show (Dizzy Stardust, LOLD, KOHD, Beautiful, SOS). play something off 'Village Gorilla Head', 'Normal' give the solo members a chance to show off their material

or learn a new trick like buckethead and the nunchuka act (I quite enjoyed that actually)

Well I meant that they could play actual cover songs with Tommy, Dizzy and or Ron singing to replace the cover solos

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: Voodoochild on June 26, 2006, 07:37:58 PM
They could play any Tommy tune, it would be awesome!

they already play 3-4 covers a show (Dizzy Stardust, LOLD, KOHD, Beautiful, SOS). play something off 'Village Gorilla Head', 'Normal' give the solo members a chance to show off their material

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: Thorne on June 26, 2006, 07:43:51 PM
Cool! I wanna hear Robin sing!? :)

My sister showed me a clip the other day (of Chinese Democracy) and if you listen you can hear Robin singing...he's actually quite good....I'll post a link when she gets up

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: Saul on June 26, 2006, 07:46:40 PM
Maybe "they" enjoy playing the solo's .. maybe "they" WANT to play the solo's. And maybe the fans who dont like it should stfu about it , be happy gnr are actually on tour and A. if yer @ the show go buy a beer , shirt or take a piss while theres a solo or b. if yer listening to a bootleg hit skip on your music player when a solo spot comes on.  : ok:

It isnt just axl who might need a "break" either .. maybe brain needs a lil rest after pounding the drums for  hours , hell they all might need a chance to cool their heels for a few minutes.

Lets just be happy with what the band is presenting us with mmmmmk?   :peace:

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: CheapJon on June 26, 2006, 07:47:15 PM
They could play any Tommy tune, it would be awesome!

they already play 3-4 covers a show (Dizzy Stardust, LOLD, KOHD, Beautiful, SOS). play something off 'Village Gorilla Head', 'Normal' give the solo members a chance to show off their material

dizzy played the abba song SOS in his solo part instead of ziggy stardust (the song he usually plays)

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: CheapJon on June 26, 2006, 07:47:53 PM
They could play any Tommy tune, it would be awesome!

they already play 3-4 covers a show (Dizzy Stardust, LOLD, KOHD, Beautiful, SOS). play something off 'Village Gorilla Head', 'Normal' give the solo members a chance to show off their material

dizzy played the abba song SOS in his solo part instead of ziggy stardust (the song he usually plays)
(in the stockholm concert)

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: Ellroy on June 26, 2006, 07:54:32 PM
I think it's a great idea as well. I enjoy the solos (especially Beautiful and Ziggy Stardust) but I'd love to hear a Perfect song or something from VGH in theres. I think it would be pretty cool. But there would probably be too many dicks in the audience that would boo if someone other than Axl was sining and ruin it. Hopefully not, but I don't trust people.

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: Chief on June 26, 2006, 07:56:06 PM
great idea. i think a song would be a lot better than some of the solos

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: gmGnR on June 26, 2006, 08:02:55 PM
Since the solos seem to be a bit much for most fans, why not have the rest of the band do a cover song or two while Axl takes a breather?? After all Ron, Dizzy, and Tommy have all performed live vocals before.? Why not have them play a couple covers during the course of the show like when they used to have Duff play Attitude on the UYI tour?? Axl still gets a breather and maybe the crowd doesn't get restless

I guess it should go just fine if they were doing Dust N' Bones. Even So Fine - for that one, can't be worst that Duff singing...

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: jonnybgoode82 on June 26, 2006, 08:11:44 PM
Maybe "they" enjoy playing the solo's .. maybe "they" WANT to play the solo's. And maybe the fans who dont like it should stfu about it , be happy gnr are actually on tour and A. if yer @ the show go buy a beer , shirt or take a piss while theres a solo

Yeah and lose my place near the front. Clever.  : ok:

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on June 26, 2006, 08:20:57 PM
Maybe "they" enjoy playing the solo's .. maybe "they" WANT to play the solo's. And maybe the fans who dont like it should stfu about it , be happy gnr are actually on tour and A. if yer @ the show go buy a beer , shirt or take a piss while theres a solo or b. if yer listening to a bootleg hit skip on your music player when a solo spot comes on.  : ok:

It isnt just axl who might need a "break" either .. maybe brain needs a lil rest after pounding the drums for  hours , hell they all might need a chance to cool their heels for a few minutes.

Lets just be happy with what the band is presenting us with mmmmmk?   :peace:

I didn't mind the solos myself, I enjoyed them and I got to enjoy listening to the solos in the background while grabbing a couple more shots of Jager and rest my own vocals, which were tired from singing along with all the songs  :hihi:  And in 2002 I thought one of the highlights was the Buckethead nunchuks/breakdance/solo routine, that was very cool

But it seems that the general consensus is that the shows are great, but there are too many solos.  I thought maybe doing a cover song or two might aleviate this, if other band members need a break no one's saying they have to completely eliminate the solos

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: Drew on June 26, 2006, 08:21:55 PM
great idea. i think a song would be a lot better than some of the solos

Or I'd say any solos. :)

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: big_machine on June 26, 2006, 11:33:59 PM
i don`t like going to a concert ...and the band just play all the fucking songs....and that`s all....

the reason they played the solos...even slash and matt ...and because is their time to show themselves as  a single musician  to the public...and it`s a diferent stuff.....or  does anyone like to go to a concert   that start with the first song to the last one....without something diferent...c` is boring....that`s the reason of  the solos.....why new bands don`t make any solos....??????





Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: Filipe_Guns on June 26, 2006, 11:46:03 PM

yes, thats really true. I miss Only Women Bleed....

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: jc524 on June 27, 2006, 12:17:34 AM
i'd like to hear some bbf songs, that'd be cool

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: Locomotive98 on June 27, 2006, 08:35:58 AM
I just hate the solos! They make the set seem really flabby unstructured...I know Axl's getting old, but a set of song after song, without these painful breaks would be so much better...if I have to listen to Dizzy play another solo I might just start singing the next song myself!

Also, I've never really liked Dizzy, even from when he started, he just doesn't seem it fit I alone on this?

Your not alone, Ive never liked Dizzy from the start either. At least he doesnt look like the fat knacker of old though!

Always thought he was a bit pointless. Oh well, he must be pleased that the most pointless member position has been usurped.

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: AxlFink on June 27, 2006, 11:32:04 AM
like ive said before... let tommy do a solo song.  also, the entire band should do more jams.  the jams are cool.  but more planned out and throw in some cool allman bros style improv.  axl likes derek trucks.  so let the band do some blues jams instead of solos.  The solo Fink does before SCOM is really cool though.

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: Locomotive98 on June 28, 2006, 05:26:41 AM
They shouldnt do blues jams thats for sure, theyre no more blues than Nsync to me. The blues element of their band was forced out long ago.

Scrap the solos and sing more songs Axl, seems straightforward to me, if you cant sing because you need to spend time hooked up to a hose or whatever at gigs then you you shouldnt be a rock star.

They should put him on an advert 'Im Axl Rose and I cant sing cos I smoke cigarettes. Kids, if you want to spend time honking oxygen at gigs, then light up - remember, extended Christina Aguilera solos are a hazard to your health'.

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: The Blob on June 28, 2006, 05:53:17 AM
Everything is better than those boring solos... And I guess 99,99% from the people (and real Gn'R fans) hates them.  :rant: :rant: :rant:

If Axl can't sing for 2 hours:
Then, they should play only 1,5 hour, but without the solos. Song after song, without the crap!
or Gn'R should play 2 hour, with some songs, singed by Stinson for example.

And instead that Bumblefoot plays Don't Cry on guitar only, why don't they (Gn'R) play the song!!!  ::)

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on June 28, 2006, 05:53:49 AM
i love the solos

it's cool.
it makes the whole experience unique.
i dont want straigth live songs. in a row.
the solos make the whole thing an experience, a night out. something different.


and i am no guitarist, so i'm sure guitar players must enjoy these solos even more.

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: Locomotive98 on June 28, 2006, 05:57:29 AM
They just dont do it for me at all. Aguilera? Jeez. That thing that Finck plays before SCOm - just terrible. Dont Cry by Thal - just play the whole damn tune guys? Or do you not know how to play it? You are GNR right??! Oh sorry, I forgot.

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: manjuice on June 28, 2006, 06:09:05 AM
     I can't believe what you kids are saying. It's like you guys want GNR to be just another pop band.  The solos are fucking great, if you don't enjoy at least some of the solos you shouldn't be listening to this type of music, it's just not for you. You should be listening to a more simplistic type of music, music with only a couple of chords. I Seriously can not believe what you kids are writing, I am seriously shocked. I know it all comes down to preference but jeez dudes, I was seriously suprised to read the crap you guys write and very few people arguing back. WOW. I hope no one important reads this stuff and conforms to your guy's idiotic views (not all of you) and ruins it for the dudes that have been down with GNR for a decade +.

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: Locomotive98 on June 28, 2006, 06:16:23 AM
'Its like you want GNR to be another pop band'

Hmm thats why I DONT want them to be playing Christina Aguilera songs my friend.

Plus, Ive listened to GNR for 19 years - is that ok for you?

If your such an old fan you should realise that the band in question is not GNR - despite what it says on the ticket stub.

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: sea of black on June 28, 2006, 07:06:02 AM
I agree that the solo's just have to go!

Maybe Slash could get away with his solos back in the day, but man, he was such a major part of GNR he could carry them off, but as for these new guys, the solos just are so dull...lets keep it to the songs, that's why people buy the tickets...

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: The Blob on June 28, 2006, 07:47:54 AM
The Godfather Theme by Slash was OK... but even then they could have played a real Gn'R song instead!

In my opinion, the more real songs, the better!

I was at Graspop and almost everybody there hated the solos. They could have played Chinese Democracy, Think About You, Madagascar and There Was A Time, but nooooooooooow... Fucking solo's...  ::)

They played only 16 songs...  ::)

Pearl Jam plays 30+ songs on their recent concerts. I wish Gn'R could do that!!!  ;D

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: purplehaze1988 on June 28, 2006, 07:57:17 AM
1) the average pearl jam song is far shorter than GNRs

2) pearl jam arent touring the UK, so they can suck my balls

also, on topic, solos are ok but the ones that this GNR plays arent really very good

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: highend88 on June 28, 2006, 08:07:22 AM
Instead of the solo, maybe Dizzy should do his song "the air".

It rocks man!!!

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: Slipdisc on June 28, 2006, 08:25:25 AM
I really like Ron's solo's. Being a longtime Bumblehead (or Bucketfoot) fan, I really have a soft spot for some crazy disharmonic arpeggios and fast runs. His rendition of "Don't cry" is beautiful. However, I would really love to see Ron do one of his own songs, preferably one with vocals, like Delilah. Or a little bluesy jam on his fretless Vigier Excalibur Surfreter (, one of the most beautiful instruments (both in sound as in looks) ever, IMHO.


Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: The Blob on June 28, 2006, 08:33:33 AM
1) the average pearl jam song is far shorter than GNRs

2) pearl jam arent touring the UK, so they can suck my balls

also, on topic, solos are ok but the ones that this GNR plays arent really very good

Yeah, I know that PJ songs are shorter, but you know what I mean...

Gn'R playing 22-24 songs for instance... 10 from appetite, some lies, a few illusions and a couple of new songs! And they should play RECKLESS LIFE as opener!!!  8)  :o

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: gmGnR on June 28, 2006, 03:31:46 PM
? ? ?I can't believe what you kids are saying. It's like you guys want GNR to be just another pop band.? The solos are fucking great, if you don't enjoy at least some of the solos you shouldn't be listening to this type of music, it's just not for you. You should be listening to a more simplistic type of music, music with only a couple of chords. I Seriously can not believe what you kids are writing, I am seriously shocked. I know it all comes down to preference but jeez dudes, I was seriously suprised to read the crap you guys write and very few people arguing back. WOW. I hope no one important reads this stuff and conforms to your guy's idiotic views (not all of you) and ruins it for the dudes that have been down with GNR for a decade +.

Dude, the solos suck: listen and look around you at the next show

Slash doing a solo is bit different that these guys doing their solos: Slash... is Slash (sorry, everybody knows that says it all) and these guys are plain awful

I have been a GNR fan for 18+ years

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: slash8596 on June 28, 2006, 04:22:44 PM
The solos are ok but I cant stand Bumblefoot and Fincks tone when they play solo. Its so muddy and thin, its awful. Finck should bring out some NIN.

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: Taylor Hicks on June 29, 2006, 08:17:52 AM
they should play something by The Doors...  Show off the keyboards and play something cool... just some medley or something like that.

Title: Re: Instead of the solos
Post by: Lucky on June 29, 2006, 08:25:39 AM
they should play the solos at the end of the show.
that way we can leave if we dont feel like listenin to it :hihi: