Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: PhillyRiot on June 26, 2006, 02:15:46 PM

Title: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: PhillyRiot on June 26, 2006, 02:15:46 PM
All signs point to Buckethead remaining on Chinese Democracy.  Just wondering what the general consensus here is.  I don't really see the point of leaving Buckethead in the album if he is no longer in the band.  If Bumblefoot is here to stay, I think he should be on the album.  Otherwise, when will he be on a GNR album???

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on June 26, 2006, 02:18:39 PM
I would love to have Bumble contributions on CD.  He's a great writer and singer as well. 

But I can't wait any longer for CD, it needs to be released now.  I can't stand the thought of another delay.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: Lara on June 26, 2006, 02:20:04 PM
Please! ?:crying:

That would mean another delay!

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: cmpaller on June 26, 2006, 02:24:46 PM
Keep your heads right.  Remember there is not even a release date set yet.  So it could still be awhile.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: Walapino on June 26, 2006, 02:27:02 PM
I dont care, just release the damn thing.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: CheapJon on June 26, 2006, 02:28:00 PM
I think that it would be the right thing to do letting BBF record BH's parts.. but as you guys are saying it would probably be another delay for several months.. and i want the record NOW.. or in september ?:hihi:
but in august when they are not touring BBF could try to record as much as he has time to and then they could realse it maybe in october.. but i want Chi-Dem A.S.A.P
so it will probably be BH on chi-dem and BBF on the next record because it will be more records.. hopefully but i think so

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: DemocracyRose on June 26, 2006, 02:28:26 PM
Not in a million years!!!!!!!!!!! :confused:

Release it(or a new single) before the US TOUR!! : ok:

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: McDuff on June 26, 2006, 02:28:37 PM
yeah release it and then worry about Bumblefoot being on the album after that  :beer:

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: ppbebe on June 26, 2006, 02:31:20 PM
I don't really see the point of not leaving Buckethead's parts in the album when those are great. 

Otherwise, when will he be on a GNR album???

maybe on the 3rd or 4th. the succeeding ones.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: MeanBone on June 26, 2006, 02:39:58 PM
i like buckets tone and creativity more. if cd had some slow solos there like in colma or electric tears, i'd be very pissed if they were gone. we already lost bucket, let's not make that loss even bigger by losing his biggest quality... the sweet music he can deliever.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: chineseblues on June 26, 2006, 02:41:26 PM
No he sould not. Leave buckets parts there.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: Fortus on June 26, 2006, 02:59:27 PM
Bucky parts should be on the album,Bumblefoot can record some parts on the second and third album of the trilogy

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: Shirell on June 26, 2006, 03:02:11 PM
No more delays! Not for nothing or nobody, pleasssssssssssse.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: DazRose85 on June 26, 2006, 03:03:16 PM
Since Bucket came up with the parts, leave them on there for the first album at least. God damn it, let's get it out there already.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: GNFNR_UK on June 26, 2006, 03:03:26 PM
Bucketheads unique style needs to stay on the album ?: ok:
His work simply cannot be replicated (TWAT live in NYC for example). Bucket plays with such emotion and it compliments Axl's lyrics and vocals perfectly, why change that? Bumblefoot seems like a really cool guy and is definately a skilled player but in my honest opinion I prefer Buckets sound.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: Scabbie on June 26, 2006, 03:19:59 PM
Don't give them any ideas!

I'm excited for Bumblefoots contributions for the third album.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: AxlsMainMan on June 26, 2006, 03:36:52 PM
There is still time in August when Gn'R wrap up their European tour for Bumble to head to the studio to lay down some licks or solos before the beast goes off for the mastering process...

Or if Bumble really nails his parts on the new material at one of these shows (as if he hasn't already :hihi:) Axl may choose to lift it and master it in the studio later for inclusion on the album.

Bumble already said he came in too late to lay anything down on Chinese Democracy which could be entirely correct, or just a cover to surprise us the day of release...

But never the less, if Bucket's parts do stay on the album, I think it is because, Bumble, and especially Axl are confident that he can replicate whatever Bucket has contributed to the album in a live setting, and that Bucket most definately forfeited his rights to his work recorded with Gn'R...

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: dodger girl on June 26, 2006, 03:43:52 PM
um no, I think they should keep Bucket parts.. after all he's been part of this project and deserves part of the credit

I say they keep Bumblefoot as a touring guitarist, there's nothing wrong with that

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: nesquick on June 26, 2006, 03:44:11 PM
Once you see the band Live, you just realize the biggest weapon of this band is called Richard Fortus. ?FACT.
Buckethead, Bumblefoot, whatever... really....THE BEST is just this crazy guy trashing his guitar onstage and playing with this bluesy-Rock feeling like if he was possessed by Ron Wood, Keith Richards and Jeff Beck! : ok:

PS: Bumblefoot is still 1 million times better than Bucketpoo though. :P

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: AxlsMainMan on June 26, 2006, 03:51:32 PM
um no, I think they should keep Bucket parts.. after all he's been part of this project and deserves part of the credit

I say they keep Bumblefoot as a touring guitarist, there's nothing wrong with that

Well, with the same logic, shouldn't Paul Huge's parts still remain on the album? :hihi:

I mean afterall, Paul recorded parts for numerous songs while he was a part of the group.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: Bob_pe on June 26, 2006, 03:56:19 PM
No please, no more delays... bumble is a great guitar player, but i don't wanna wait 5 more years

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: Judge Dredd on June 26, 2006, 04:09:50 PM
It ain't gonna happen.

Check the 4th post on page 25 of this thread:-

 : ok:

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: dodger girl on June 26, 2006, 04:11:26 PM
um no, I think they should keep Bucket parts.. after all he's been part of this project and deserves part of the credit

I say they keep Bumblefoot as a touring guitarist, there's nothing wrong with that

Well, with the same logic, shouldn't Paul Huge's parts still remain on the album? :hihi:

I mean afterall, Paul recorded parts for numerous songs while he was a part of the group.

well I don't know why they didn't keep them

but the time right now is really bad, so sorry for Bumblefoot, but Axl seems to have contrated him to be just on the tour, if he wanted him on the album he would have called him with more than one week of anticipation

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: mr.lance on June 26, 2006, 04:15:03 PM
ahhh Uncle Axl said CD this year he has never said that before so its coming out.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: kever20 on June 26, 2006, 04:28:02 PM
All signs point to Buckethead remaining on Chinese Democracy.? Just wondering what the general consensus here is.? I don't really see the point of leaving Buckethead in the album if he is no longer in the band.? If Bumblefoot is here to stay, I think he should be on the album.? Otherwise, when will he be on a GNR album???

I'm thinking it would be like the Clarke/Stradlin thing: Izzy recorded the UYI material, and after he left, Gilby was hired as an additional musician (not full fledged member!) to play the parts. Izzy remained on the albums, whereas Clarke didn't make an album until TSI?. I think that it'll be the same way for Bumblefoot: he will be left out of the upcoming album, but make an appearance on the NEXT album.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: KILLYOURIDOL on June 26, 2006, 04:36:22 PM
All signs point to Buckethead remaining on Chinese Democracy.? Just wondering what the general consensus here is.? I don't really see the point of leaving Buckethead in the album if he is no longer in the band.? If Bumblefoot is here to stay, I think he should be on the album.? Otherwise, when will he be on a GNR album???

I'm thinking it would be like the Clarke/Stradlin thing: Izzy recorded the UYI material, and after he left, Gilby was hired as an additional musician (not full fledged member!) to play the parts. Izzy remained on the albums, whereas Clarke didn't make an album until TSI?. I think that it'll be the same way for Bumblefoot: he will be left out of the upcoming album, but make an appearance on the NEXT album.

Izzy left after the illusion albums were released. So this is not the same thing

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: Butch Français on June 26, 2006, 06:27:37 PM
that would maybe involve writing all new parts. cos in all fairness, if Buckethead wrote the parts he plays, I think he should stay on the album!

and that would mean another huge delay, say hello to the "chinese democracy world tour 2010" if that happens..

no, let Bucket stay on the album and release the damn thing THIS YEAR!!

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: Drew on June 26, 2006, 07:12:44 PM
No. No more waiting. It's time to release the album. :)

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on June 26, 2006, 07:14:11 PM
The point of keeping Buckethead's parts on there is that his parts kick ass

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on June 26, 2006, 07:47:46 PM
keep his parts in. Bucket may be a loon but he is a stellar guitar player. Let Bumble put his stuff on the next album.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: killingvector on June 26, 2006, 08:44:12 PM
I think they should not only keep Bucket's part but look into offering the man alot of money to come back to the band. Bumble just doesn't do it for me.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on June 26, 2006, 08:50:11 PM
I think they should not only keep Bucket's part but look into offering the man alot of money to come back to the band. Bumble just doesn't do it for me.

Buckethead isn't about the money.  The rumor is they tried really hard to get him back and when they couldn't they turned to Bumblefoot.  I think Buckethead is just a guy who is kind of in his own world, likes to do his own thing, do a few collaborations then go back to doing his own thing again.   I still miss Big B but I think Ron's done very well considering the circumstances, and he is a hell of a player in his own right

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: bazgnr on June 26, 2006, 08:53:22 PM
Generally speaking, I'd rather see Bumble on the album.  That said, CD is borderline ground-breaking in terms of all that its taken to come together in terms of time, money, a rotating cast of musicians, etc.  If this was to be the only GnR album to come out this decade, I'd just as soon have the currently line up represented on it.  If this is the first of several albums to come, then Bumble will get representation on the next album, or at least I would assume.

In the meantime, just put the damn thing out already.  Enough is enough.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: HungerForChaos on June 26, 2006, 08:54:35 PM
Why wait for bumblefoot? Because what's to say someone else won't leave in frustration of CD not coming out or other reasons... If that happened, they'd have to replace that person's parts with a new member......

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 26, 2006, 08:55:15 PM
What is the point BH still has the writing credits and will get the royalties might as well let  him stay.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on June 26, 2006, 08:58:03 PM
Anyway Bumblefoot's already confirmed that Bucket's parts will stay on the album and he won't be re-recording Bucket's parts

And it's pointless to re-record someone's parts when they played a big role in writing the song because they still have to get paid.  They would have to completely re-write the parts, not just re-record them.  It's not like Gilby re-recording Izzy's parts on TSI when the songs were all written by someone else anyway

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: killingvector on June 26, 2006, 09:17:44 PM
I think they should not only keep Bucket's part but look into offering the man alot of money to come back to the band. Bumble just doesn't do it for me.

Buckethead isn't about the money.  The rumor is they tried really hard to get him back and when they couldn't they turned to Bumblefoot.  I think Buckethead is just a guy who is kind of in his own world, likes to do his own thing, do a few collaborations then go back to doing his own thing again.   I still miss Big B but I think Ron's done very well considering the circumstances, and he is a hell of a player in his own right

Of course, but my point is make him an offer that he could not possibly refuse.  The European media has turned a bit on the new band; my gut is that the departure of Bucket broke the continuity of the band's previous incarnation last seen in 2002.

Besides, very few people complained about Bucket's solo set. It was substantially more entertaining than what Bumble has done. He is a great player but he doesn't capture the imagination like B.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: Taylor Hicks on June 26, 2006, 09:25:56 PM
who cares anymore. Too many guitar players have played on it... just release it.. Its the Axl Rose Solo album anyway you cut it so i dont care who plays guitar on it anymore

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on June 26, 2006, 09:27:47 PM
I think they should not only keep Bucket's part but look into offering the man alot of money to come back to the band. Bumble just doesn't do it for me.

Buckethead isn't about the money.  The rumor is they tried really hard to get him back and when they couldn't they turned to Bumblefoot.  I think Buckethead is just a guy who is kind of in his own world, likes to do his own thing, do a few collaborations then go back to doing his own thing again.   I still miss Big B but I think Ron's done very well considering the circumstances, and he is a hell of a player in his own right

Of course, but my point is make him an offer that he could not possibly refuse.  The European media has turned a bit on the new band; my gut is that the departure of Bucket broke the continuity of the band's previous incarnation last seen in 2002.

Besides, very few people complained about Bucket's solo set. It was substantially more entertaining than what Bumble has done. He is a great player but he doesn't capture the imagination like B.

Quite the opposite, most people thought Bucket's solo was one of the highlights of the show.  People were really impressed by his skills, and especially loved when he played the Star Wars theme song.  In my opinion Buckethead already created one of the great epic GnR solos on TWAT, that solo stands neck and neck with Slash's work on NR, so to remove his parts would be a really bad move.  And then there are the songs that Buckethead helped write that we haven't heard yet

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on June 26, 2006, 09:51:26 PM
They had TWO year to re-record.  If they haven't done so yet, what's the point now?  They just barely hired Ron.  I think Shotgun has a point, they may have been trying to lure Bucket back, but when he didn't come, they hired Ron at the last second.  Besides, Ron has told me that he won't be on CD, but if Axl decides to keep him for the U.S. tour, he will contribute on the second and third albums.  (He didn't say second or third, but he said future albums)  Does this mean Axl still wants Bucket back and is going to try his best in August and September to get him back?  ???

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on June 26, 2006, 09:56:19 PM
They had TWO year to re-record.  If they haven't done so yet, what's the point now?  They just barely hired Ron.  I think Shotgun has a point, they may have been trying to lure Bucket back, but when he didn't come, they hired Ron at the last second.  Besides, Ron has told me that he won't be on CD, but if Axl decides to keep him for the U.S. tour, he will contribute on the second and third albums.  (He didn't say second or third, but he said future albums)  Does this mean Axl still wants Bucket back and is going to try his best in August and September to get him back?  ???

Did Ron sound like he was unsure he would be with the band on the US tour?   ???

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: jimmythegent on June 26, 2006, 10:00:33 PM
no, for the following reasons:

Buckethead plays with more feel and texture and to me, seems more creative


that would delay things even further

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: killingvector on June 26, 2006, 10:13:13 PM
I think they should not only keep Bucket's part but look into offering the man alot of money to come back to the band. Bumble just doesn't do it for me.

Buckethead isn't about the money.  The rumor is they tried really hard to get him back and when they couldn't they turned to Bumblefoot.  I think Buckethead is just a guy who is kind of in his own world, likes to do his own thing, do a few collaborations then go back to doing his own thing again.   I still miss Big B but I think Ron's done very well considering the circumstances, and he is a hell of a player in his own right

Of course, but my point is make him an offer that he could not possibly refuse.  The European media has turned a bit on the new band; my gut is that the departure of Bucket broke the continuity of the band's previous incarnation last seen in 2002.

Besides, very few people complained about Bucket's solo set. It was substantially more entertaining than what Bumble has done. He is a great player but he doesn't capture the imagination like B.

Quite the opposite, most people thought Bucket's solo was one of the highlights of the show.  People were really impressed by his skills, and especially loved when he played the Star Wars theme song.  In my opinion Buckethead already created one of the great epic GnR solos on TWAT, that solo stands neck and neck with Slash's work on NR, so to remove his parts would be a really bad move.  And then there are the songs that Buckethead helped write that we haven't heard yet

Umm, I am agreeing with you. I thought Bucket's solo set was very entertaining. Frankly, even with a clunky Don't Cry thrown in, Bumble's segment doesn't inspire me to do anything but click the fast forward button.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on June 26, 2006, 10:15:34 PM
I think they should not only keep Bucket's part but look into offering the man alot of money to come back to the band. Bumble just doesn't do it for me.

Buckethead isn't about the money.  The rumor is they tried really hard to get him back and when they couldn't they turned to Bumblefoot.  I think Buckethead is just a guy who is kind of in his own world, likes to do his own thing, do a few collaborations then go back to doing his own thing again.   I still miss Big B but I think Ron's done very well considering the circumstances, and he is a hell of a player in his own right

Of course, but my point is make him an offer that he could not possibly refuse.  The European media has turned a bit on the new band; my gut is that the departure of Bucket broke the continuity of the band's previous incarnation last seen in 2002.

Besides, very few people complained about Bucket's solo set. It was substantially more entertaining than what Bumble has done. He is a great player but he doesn't capture the imagination like B.

Quite the opposite, most people thought Bucket's solo was one of the highlights of the show.  People were really impressed by his skills, and especially loved when he played the Star Wars theme song.  In my opinion Buckethead already created one of the great epic GnR solos on TWAT, that solo stands neck and neck with Slash's work on NR, so to remove his parts would be a really bad move.  And then there are the songs that Buckethead helped write that we haven't heard yet

Umm, I am agreeing with you. I thought Bucket's solo set was very entertaining. Frankly, even with a clunky Don't Cry thrown in, Bumble's segment doesn't inspire me to do anything but click the fast forward button.

Sorry for the confusion, I was agreeing with you :P

The "quite the opposite" part was referring to people complaining about Buckethead's solos, as in not only were they not complaining, they were highly praising it.  I should've worded that better, sorry  :peace:

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on June 26, 2006, 10:16:33 PM
They had TWO year to re-record.  If they haven't done so yet, what's the point now?  They just barely hired Ron.  I think Shotgun has a point, they may have been trying to lure Bucket back, but when he didn't come, they hired Ron at the last second.  Besides, Ron has told me that he won't be on CD, but if Axl decides to keep him for the U.S. tour, he will contribute on the second and third albums.  (He didn't say second or third, but he said future albums)  Does this mean Axl still wants Bucket back and is going to try his best in August and September to get him back?  ???

Did Ron sound like he was unsure he would be with the band on the US tour?   ???

Yes he did...

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: metallex78 on June 26, 2006, 10:21:37 PM
I consider the Bumblefoot/Buckethead thing a bit like Gilby/Izzy from the UYI tour. Gilby toured with the band for an album he didn't play on, maybe Bumble will be the same for CD?

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: Jim Bob on June 26, 2006, 10:29:41 PM
let bucketheads parts stay, let bumblefoot play them live, and hopefuly he contributes to the next album.  : ok:

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: Filipe_Guns on June 26, 2006, 10:59:18 PM
I must admit I never liked Buckthead and his odd way to dress, but now listening to the old shows/leaks I realized that he play very fuckin well, not only  fast and crazy solos, like I used to think, but also solos with a lot of feeling and creativeness. Ok, on the stage Buckthead was a shame but he really knows how to make a solo.
Bumblefoot is a excellent guitar player, but replace Buckethead's solos isn't a easy job. At least on the stage he really acts like a hard rock guitar player. anyway, If we don't have Buckthead, we get by with Bumblefoot for the tour.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: Naupis on June 26, 2006, 11:04:40 PM
At this point as long as it is Axl singing I don't think anyone really cares who is playing the instruments, as evidence by the fact we all still even care about the band even though there have been something like 14 ?or 15 different guys in the band since 1987. GNR fans are Axl fans first, so as long as he is singing things will be fine. At this point whatever gets the album out fastest is the course of action that needs to be taken. Besides, it not like this is the first time we will have a guitarist in the band covering material he didn't write, Bumble will be just fine without any parts on the album.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: killingvector on June 26, 2006, 11:07:38 PM
I must admit I never liked Buckthead and his odd way to dress, but now listening to the old shows/leaks I realized that he play very fuckin well, not only  fast and crazy solos, like I used to think, but also solos with a lot of feeling and creativeness. Ok, on the stage Buckthead was a shame but he really knows how to make a solo.
Bumblefoot is a excellent guitar player, but replace Buckethead's solos isn't a easy job. At least on the stage he really acts like a hard rock guitar player. anyway, If we don't have Buckthead, we get by with Bumblefoot for the tour.

Bucket at Rio/Vegas was alot different than the Bucket during the 02 tour: he was much more immobile and static, especially on the American leg. Perhaps this was a symptom of the strife that apparently plagued the band. Having watched Rio 3 again recently, i was shocked how active Big B was.

Bumble acts like the other two guitarists, runs around a bit, squints during his solos, slides back into place on stage right. Not much of a signature or interest from where I am sitting

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: Filipe_Guns on June 26, 2006, 11:31:45 PM
I must admit I never liked Buckthead and his odd way to dress, but now listening to the old shows/leaks I realized that he play very fuckin well, not only? fast and crazy solos, like I used to think, but also solos with a lot of feeling and creativeness. Ok, on the stage Buckthead was a shame but he really knows how to make a solo.
Bumblefoot is a excellent guitar player, but replace Buckethead's solos isn't a easy job. At least on the stage he really acts like a hard rock guitar player. anyway, If we don't have Buckthead, we get by with Bumblefoot for the tour.

Bucket at Rio/Vegas was alot different than the Bucket during the 02 tour: he was much more immobile and static, especially on the American leg. Perhaps this was a symptom of the strife that apparently plagued the band. Having watched Rio 3 again recently, i was shocked how active Big B was.

Bumble acts like the other two guitarists, runs around a bit, squints during his solos, slides back into place on stage right. Not much of a signature or interest from where I am sitting

even in Rio I never liked how Bucket act on the stage. Neither his solos(not in the songs), I prefer a solo with a "theme" like Slash used to do with the Godfather Theme and Bumble is doing now with Don't Cry. Buckt's solos was funny but it didnt fit with the band style, btw, the 01-02 band was a circus. Now we really have a band that can be called Guns n' Roses, at least talking about the stage presence.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: RichardNixon on June 27, 2006, 03:28:04 AM
I like Ron a lot and he seems like a nice guy...but...


Thank you,
Dick Nixon

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 27, 2006, 04:01:17 AM
All signs point to Buckethead remaining on Chinese Democracy.? Just wondering what the general consensus here is.? I don't really see the point of leaving Buckethead in the album if he is no longer in the band.? If Bumblefoot is here to stay, I think he should be on the album.? Otherwise, when will he be on a GNR album???

I say NO, he knows the deal and this cd takes forever anyways last thing we need is further delays

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: sea of black on June 27, 2006, 07:17:28 AM
I like Ron a lot and he seems like a nice guy...but...


Thank you,
Dick Nixon

I totally agree, the last thing we need is a fuckin' delay in the release to start re-recording who is or isn't currently in GNR, if they start doing that, the record will never come out. Just getthis record out, then start a new album, isnt that how it's usually done?...

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: oldgunsfan on June 27, 2006, 09:16:38 AM
definitly not re-record Bucket's parts, that would delay things even more plus he would have to learn everything than record.....we may as well wait till 2010 if that's the case

He'll just have to make his presence felt on the songs that aren't recorded yet on the other 2 follow up albums (if there are 2 follow up albums)

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy - Should Axl wait for Bumblefoot?
Post by: elevendayempire on June 27, 2006, 05:48:07 PM
It'd take Thal about a week, if that, to re-record Bucket's parts. And it's an insult to Thal to leave him off the album, frankly.