Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Dead Horse => Topic started by: chrosken on June 12, 2006, 01:12:58 AM

Title: Why so many haters?
Post by: chrosken on June 12, 2006, 01:12:58 AM
I was watching few videos from Budafest and all I can say is "wow".? The band sounds great, axl sounds better than ever and look good as well.? What I don't understand is why there are still so many haters out there?

There are still people compalining about his looks (being fat, clothes makes him lokk fat, etc) , his voice, the setlist, etc... there is always something that people complain about.? I don't have all the quotes of post but I sure do read a lot of complaints.? I feel so sorry for Axl.? He just could not win the hearts of everyone.

I hope everyone would be just happy because Axl and GN'R is back.

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: Steel_Angel on June 12, 2006, 01:13:53 AM
because they want slash back, thats why..  :rofl:

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: da_pope on June 12, 2006, 01:14:40 AM
Cause this ain't GN'R.

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: IndiannaRose on June 12, 2006, 01:15:55 AM
I never understand the 'Axl is fat' comments....He looks just as toned as he was in his UYI days. I really don't understand why people still talk about the 'fat' thing. It's really stupid. It's like trying to convince people that Slash is an Asian female with 6 nipples.

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: Bill 213 on June 12, 2006, 01:17:49 AM
I think it's partly in fact that Axl stayed away for so long that people eventually began picking him apart and making him a joke. ?Then he comes back to a less than stellar comeback and that didn't help. ?Axl's pretty much standing on his last leg this time around and it's proven to be extremely hard for him to win everyone over. ?I think he's doing a great job by doing the shows and playing them all regardless of the sound troubles and such. ?I think he's 100% hellbent on doing it right this time. ?However certain people just ain't gonna let him do it, the diehard old fans, the idiots who watch VH1 shows about Rock Star's hair and think that that type of thing is funny, etc. ?Regardless there's always gonna be a stone in the road, but I think he'll overcome that bullshit. ?The funny thing is his old bandmembers want him to be succesful and are pushing for him, and people are still like DUR DUR HES GOT A JERSEY ON. ?

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: Mattattack on June 12, 2006, 01:18:12 AM
People want Chinese Democracy!! I think that once the album is released people will finally be able to accept the new band.

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: RichardNixon on June 12, 2006, 01:18:51 AM
This is to be expected, the new band needs to be broken in. You can't just disappear for over ten years, come back with a different band and expect  everyone to accept the situation.

The new band needs to tour, tour, tour, and release an album. After a while people will come around.

Axl just needs to keep his eyes on the prize.

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: Chief on June 12, 2006, 01:30:47 AM
people just can't get over this isn't the same band i guess, even though its been years and years and they should mostly know what kind of thing to expect.  oh well, its going to be VERY interesting when they start putting out records...

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: Steel_Angel on June 12, 2006, 01:33:58 AM
Cause this ain't GN'R.
yeah it is  :love:

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: Tomorrows on June 12, 2006, 01:44:30 AM
Because they are turds. Axl will never win over the detractors, but hes got a massive fan base of people who love him.

Fuck that haters  :rant:

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on June 12, 2006, 01:49:47 AM
Cause this ain't GN'R.

What is it then?  Pretty sure the show I went to had Guns N Roses printed on the ticket.  And I'm pretty sure they were playing Guns N Roses songs.  You people really need to get over it, Axl did not quit the band and owns the rights to the name, if he wants to use it that's his choice.  You don't seem to understand that you will never have a chance to hear Guns N Roses songs live with Axl Rose singing if the new band doesn't play them, be grateful for what you have.  What's the alternative?  Never hearing Guns N Roses with Axl singing the songs ever again

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: Naupis on June 12, 2006, 01:49:53 AM
I don't think there would be so many haters, nor would people even care about the whole band name issue were Appetite not such a legendary album at this point. The album has alot of symbolic meaning to a generation, and when there is such emotion attached to something people have a hard to just letting it go. That album made such a huge impact on rock and music in general that it is hard to make wholesale changes in the line-up without people getting all hot and bothered considering all of the original members are still alive. So we can blame it all on Appetite.

Axl did not quit the band and owns the rights to the name, if he wants to use it that's his choice.

In the same vein by making that choice it is hard to then get annoyed that it isn't universally accepted by the general public. You have to take the good and the bad associated with that name if you want to use it.

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: kockstar999 on June 12, 2006, 01:59:49 AM
Iam not a hater... I do complain tho... not about the band or the members.. I like em all...  I complain about the setlist tho.. and the only reason i complain about it is because i expected more from GnR and Axl when they came back this time than the same ol setlist and nothing new... Im just dissapointed with it all.... all the talk about it being a new band and all but its not... Its a cover band still playing the same old songs with a few not great but not bad originals in there that im not sure we were supposed to hear anyways.... Steven Adler did the same thing and called it Adlers Appettite..  At least VR stay away from that album for the most part......

with all the firepower the band has its very dissapointing to hear the same old songs all the time...

i need an album or two from the new guys before im happy.

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: monkeychow on June 12, 2006, 02:07:31 AM
I think its a few factors. But mostly a combination of the fact that the old band was legendary and that we have no CD yet.

I mean the old band, in particular Slash but also Duff and the rest to an extent.., while they are now long gone, were also iconic members of the band. Like it was about Axl doing the snake dance, slash in the tophat, you know it wasn't a one man show. It was the vibe you get of seeing a lot of people with overwhelming chrisma in the one place at the same time.

People remember that - so its like - if your going to tour under the same name - and without putting new material out there first - and then play like 95% classic hits - then its like to a casual fan or non-fan what have you got? 1 famous guy out of 5 and a coverband.

Don't get me wrong I REALLY LIKE THE NEW BAND too - I LOVE THE NEW SONGS - so dont bash me for the above - i'm just trying to show how i think it appears to non-GNR obsessives unlike me and most of us.

Like i went to a friend of a friends house to watch the cable hook up of Rio, and he was "so who are these guys - what about slash and co?" - so i'm like explaining that this is the new band , but then he is like "So which of the songs I know is them and which is Slash and that?" - and the answer to that question is that 100% of eveything anyone but us internet fans know is all slash and co.

So i think thats why people get shat off - cos when they find that out they feel like their seeing a fake band. Thats speaking of people that arn't already big fans. But I think the general public knows Sweet Child, Paradice City, Jungle, and like Noverember Rain and maybe 1 or 2 others from the radio you know. i think when CD comes out, then the new band will get a lot more legit. Cos its like when people ask who it is they are seeing on tv, you'll be able to go like "Well..ok...jungle was slash..but yuo know IRS that was all over the radio last year...that solo was played by this dude robin..." or whatever...and people will feel like they are seeing the band connected with the songs.

Anyway...i say again for those that will bash me...i love old GNR and i dig the new material from new gnr. I'm just trying to explain the mentality of why people some people (not me) hate the new gnr. And i think the lack of new material is what causes the lack of when you play 90% of songs that slash wrote the solos too..then people get upset when slash doesn't play them.

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 12, 2006, 02:30:15 AM
There were people who hated GnR back in the day too.

So I don't care about now.

Besides half the people who "hate" were not even born when this band came out.......why would I care what they think?

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: CD2006 on June 12, 2006, 02:38:40 AM
because they are petty and pathetic losers with nothing better to do with their lives. sad.

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: Christos AG on June 12, 2006, 02:50:57 AM
Cause this ain't GN'R.

And your first memory of "what GNR was", was in 2000? Maybe 1999?

LOL... When you first heard GNR was when the new members got in the band... Now, I'd say that's kinda ironic, isn't it?

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 12, 2006, 03:20:15 AM

LOL... When you first heard GNR was when the new members got in the band... Now, I'd say that's kinda ironic, isn't it?


Irony can carry a cruel truth along with it............

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 12, 2006, 03:24:47 AM
Cause this ain't GN'R.

that basically sums it up, true it's called gnr but the name doesn't make the band..

They broke up a long time ago, anyone can own a name and use it.. Axl is playing tons of classics everyone loves, so that is helping him get through this tour.. Where's slash chants, piss bottle onstage.. I personally find some satisfaction in remaining loyal to the band that sold all those albums and ruled the world.. if axl wasn't fronting this everyone would be crying the blues..

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: Bill 213 on June 12, 2006, 03:32:44 AM
Cause this ain't GN'R.

that basically sums it up, true it's called gnr but the name doesn't make the band..

They broke up a long time ago, anyone can own a name and use it.. Axl is playing tons of classics everyone loves, so that is helping him get through this tour.. Where's slash chants, piss bottle onstage.. I personally find some satisfaction in remaining loyal to the band that sold all those albums and ruled the world.. if axl wasn't fronting this everyone would be crying the blues..

Why would you remain loyal to something that the own members didnt?  These classics you talk of (including November Rain, Patience, Coma, Estranged)....weren't these songs that the band members didn't want to play?  Remember Sweet Child O' Mine being a joke and Slash used to hate playing it live?? Remember that stuff?  So what's the point of being loyal to that?  Why not remember it, appreciate it for what it was and move on?  It's like being held up on some long lost love that is gone and ain't coming back.  Move on, get over goes on, people go their seperate ways.  You have two bands now you can enjoy.  These band members did what they felt they had to do.  Before you go blaming Axl for breaking up the band, he wasn't the only one.  They just couldn't work together anymore.  They didn't remain loyal, they moved on. 
If anything you should thank Axl for going out there and playing these songs.  You wouldn't see November Rain, SCOM or Patience being played live ever again.  Everyone acts like Axl is just going out there to abuse the name of GNR for his gain.  Fuck that, he's giving you all the pleasure of hearing these songs and that's something people should learn to appreciate.   

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: Poof! on June 12, 2006, 03:37:10 AM
Hate has become such a clich?.

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on June 12, 2006, 03:39:57 AM
Cause this ain't GN'R.
I personally find some satisfaction in remaining loyal to the band that sold all those albums and ruled the world.. if axl wasn't fronting this everyone would be crying the blues..

The morons throwing shit on stage are not loyal fans of the old band, they're assholes trying to create a disturbance.  If Axl wasn't fronting this everyone would be crying the blues, meaning what?  If Axl were to leave the band Guns N Roses would cease to exist. 

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 12, 2006, 03:42:50 AM
I don't know man you don't just turn on and off what you like.. If the gnr you loved had certain members and then they left you might not care for the new guys or a second coming...

about two months of live shows in a bunch of years, some leaks and few soundboards.. That doesn't just make me move on or fall in love with a band.. No other band affected me the way gnr did back in the day... ?Wether they wanted to play the songs or whatever that's irelevant to me, they still played them and were onstage each night.. I don't want to go to work today, but I'll be there.. Sure they left, that's what breaking up is, creative differences is grounds for break up, drugs ego, all same shit.. Axl stayed, what a suprise...

I think it's real cool to see axl out and about again, nice to hear his voice, cool seeing him at clubs and the grand prix.. Just I have no desire for the band or them using the gnr name...

You either get it or you don't.. It's just too weird seeing people playing slash's parts for me.. It's not like I was into gnr just for axl.. He needs to dump those classics and be new already..

I was talking hypothetically about axl, if he had left instead of the other guys you might not be like this is gnr that's it read the tickets man..

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: mega_music on June 12, 2006, 03:43:30 AM
There will always be haters! Axl and the guys knew there would be some negativity during the shows. We just need to take it with a grain of salt, because for every 1000 postive people there are only a few bad seeds. No matter what some asshole will always complain I think it gets them off or something.

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on June 12, 2006, 03:56:29 AM
I don't know man you don't just turn on and off what you like.. If the gnr you loved had certain members and then they left you might not care for the new guys or a second coming...

about two months of live shows in a bunch of years, some leaks and few soundboards.. That doesn't just make me move on or fall in love with a band.. No other band affected me the way gnr did back in the day...  Wether they wanted to play the songs or whatever that's irelevant to me, they still played them and were onstage each night.. I don't want to go to work today, but I'll be there.. Sure they left, that's what breaking up is, creative differences is grounds for break up, drugs ego, all same shit.. Axl stayed, what a suprise...

I think it's real cool to see axl out and about again, nice to hear his voice, cool seeing him at clubs and the grand prix.. Just I have no desire for the band or them using the gnr name...

You either get it or you don't.. It's just too weird seeing people playing slash's parts for me.. It's not like I was into gnr just for axl.. He needs to dump those classics and be new already..

I was talking hypothetically about axl, if he had left instead of the other guys you might not be like this is gnr that's it read the tickets man..

Slash quit the band in 1996.  I was bitter about it for roughly 5 years, then I got over it.  I used to be one of the "oh this isn't really GnR, Axl should change the name" crowd but the more time went on the more I realized it didn't really matter.    Maybe if the old members were doing anything special since the breakup I'd be more upset, but the new GnR songs that we've heard are at least to me are better than Slash, Izzy and Duff have done since the breakup.  GnR could've become another old band, Motley Crue, Metallica, and released 3 or 4 mediocre albums since 1996.  I mean there's a reason why those bands haven't released good albums in so many years, they became complacent and knew they'd sell just because of their name.  From the music we've heard from the old members since they left GnR, it seems clear that they would've been content to go through the motions and release average albums because aside from Contraband and a few of Izzy's solo albums they haven't done anything that was better than average since the breakup.  And even Contraband was an excessively safe album that didn't take any chances.

Songs like Better and TWAT are closer in spirit to old GnR than anything that the other old members are doing anyway, even if they're different musically, the spirit and feeling of them is more GnR than Velvet Revolver's songs are.  I mean maybe if Slash and Izzy and Duff had been making some really great, amazing music like they did back when they were in GnR in the time since they left, I'd still be bitter over the breakup.  At this point though I've gotten over it.  I'd rather hear the new band play the old songs than never hear the old songs again, which is the alternative. 

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: jimmythegent on June 12, 2006, 03:57:24 AM
Hate has become such a clich?.

good point

this 'haters' shit is thrown around far too liberally and seems to be used to tarnish anyone who offers an objective criticism. The reasons he cops so much flak are plain to see:

a) fans of Guns N' Roses have a problem with Slash etc.. not featuring, as they were just as important to Guns as Axl

b) Axl is still inconsistent, both from a performance point of view and in the sense that he shows up late etc..

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: monkeychow on June 12, 2006, 03:59:21 AM
Cause this ain't GN'R.
I personally find some satisfaction in remaining loyal to the band that sold all those albums and ruled the world.. if axl wasn't fronting this everyone would be crying the blues..

The morons throwing shit on stage are not loyal fans of the old band, they're assholes trying to create a disturbance.  If Axl wasn't fronting this everyone would be crying the blues, meaning what?  If Axl were to leave the band Guns N Roses would cease to exist. 

Well it is interesting to wonder - what if slash had refused to go on stage until Axl signed the name away to GNR back in the day? Then when they fought it would have been Axl who left, then after 10 years, if it had just been Slash touring as GNR would people crack the shits?

I think they would - and god knows slash wrote some of the best riffs and solos of all time. So its not like he contributed nothing. Likewise Axl is one of the best frontmen of all time. But GNR was 5 guys! And Slash and Axl are the biggest 2 to many. And to replace those guys, then not release new stuff to prove the new band has anything special - shits off people. (Mind you I love the new band and the leaks...but its the plain hard fact that musically now 90% of the set is a cover-set for those guitarists not original.). I say bring on CD - like the tour is better than nothing - but without CD the new band will never get any legitimacy to ordinary people who were around in the 1980s

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: Bill 213 on June 12, 2006, 04:00:38 AM
I guess my question would be then..........if you don't feel like these guys are Guns N Roses...then why be here? ?Why even bother wasting your time reading about what happens to them or what they do? ?Obviously for everyone on here that doesn't support the new guys, there's a reason that they're here. ?Curiousity killed the cat you know. ?Either way, Axl did exactly what everyone said...he stayed loyal to the people that made him. ?He worked his ass off for many many years to bring to everyone a product that could live up to the name. ?He was innovative, while maintaining a similar vibe to the past. ? What if Axl walked away from GNR back in 96 after Slash left? ?Just left GNR fade off into oblivion. ?They would have became nostalga on the radio. ?The funny thing is, Axl doesn't have to do any of this. ?He could just take his millions, pull an Izzy and just dissappear for good. ?Say fuck all this, it's not worth doing it because people don't care. ?But they do, and that shows and this brings me to what I feel is the one thing Axl needs to do....let people know exactly why he's out there doing it. ?
I grew up listening to the old GNR. ?They were my favorite band ever since I was 9 years old and those songs (especially AFD) really hold a fond spot in my heart in those days. ? However as I got older, I change with the times. ?UYI's came out and it was a different band. ?The raw Appetite band was gone, but this change was good. ?I dug the big band, ellaborate stage setup, epic songs. ?Then TSI came out, a whole different sound. ?It was good, I enjoyed it....a huge change after hearing UYI, but I learned to like it. ?Then they dissappeared and I moved on. ?Bam here comes 1998 and all of a sudden you hear of Axl again. ?Oh My God came out and at first I thought it was weird, but after a few listens, I really dug it. ?ETC. ?Evolution, it's the way to go. ?The real GNR fans won't be unappreciative of everything the band has done. ?They've trudged along and are about to open a new chapter. ?I am all for what is to come and once the album comes out and it's rocking the fuck out of my cd player, I for one second can say, "Never doubted that he couldn't do it".

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 12, 2006, 04:04:33 AM
Shotgun man I've been there done that already, I never expected to hear the old songs again, so it would have never bothered me if we didn't hear them... ?Certain bands on this planet are so big or were so big that an entire lineup change like this is crazy.. To just continue it because axl owns the name to me is wrong.. it doesn't matter anyways this is how I feel and always will.. You can't just get into ?aband you either feel it or you don't.. Definetly would have been easier if axl had released cd and maybe started a new name being eevrything was new..

I actually like the other work from the ex members, saying they might had been one of those 3-4 album bands is opinion being I like the music the others have done.. Anyways not every album will be a masterpiece either

I guess I still want to hear cd and like to see where axl and the gnr name goes.. I do like a few tracks, more the leaks then the boots.
it's stil a gnr fansite and being big into the new to me means nothing about being a gnr fan

Do I have to be into the new queen or door to be on their sites :hihi:

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: Bill 213 on June 12, 2006, 04:08:29 AM

Do I have to be into the new queen or door to be on their sites :hihi:

Nope, but notice how the only thing different on those bands is the lead singer....and that was the main factor of both of those bands even though they had amazing guitarists by their sides respectively (Kreiger and May). 

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 12, 2006, 04:13:08 AM

Do I have to be into the new queen or door to be on their sites :hihi:

Nope, but notice how the only thing different on those bands is the lead singer....and that was the main factor of both of those bands even though they had amazing guitarists by their sides respectively (Kreiger and May).?

well I dont' agree with bands continuing on with different lead singers, never liked vh minus roth, I think sabbath without ozzy is crazy even though tony's guitar work/sound because of his tips and toned down guitar made the sabbath sound.. Then again I would like queen wtihout may, or zepplin without page, guitar based mega bands should nbot go on without their second half of the 1-2 punch

there's no use this argument can neevr be won or lost.. Like who you will, feel gnr is whoever you like.. I still respect axl ,he's my fav singer ever, just not the band I like being gnr.. :peace:

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: TWT on June 12, 2006, 04:27:43 AM
It's a love/hate thing. Most of us on here love Axl for all his good qualities, while others focus on the supposed misogyny/racism of his lyrics, his diva behaviour, and not managing to put an album out for over a decade and now finally doing so under the GNR name without GNR. There's plenty to hate if you're that way inclined. And he's ginger as well, don't forget. No one likes a ginger.

I was called 'sad' for wearing a GNR top back in 1991. It's always been the same, Axl and GNR have always been hated and always will..

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: Six Strings on June 12, 2006, 06:13:28 AM
I really don't understand the people that think GN'R now is the same as it was. They are OK as  a band but they are nothing special. There is no magic, no obsession anymore. My opinion, of course...

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: monkeychow on June 12, 2006, 12:51:43 PM
It's a love/hate thing. Most of us on here love Axl for all his good qualities, while others focus on the supposed misogyny/racism of his lyrics, his diva behaviour, and not managing to put an album out for over a decade and now finally doing so under the GNR name without GNR. There's plenty to hate if you're that way inclined. And he's ginger as well, don't forget. No one likes a ginger.

I was called 'sad' for wearing a GNR top back in 1991. It's always been the same, Axl and GNR have always been hated and always will..

Yeah i cop a lot of shit for loving GNR as well.

Like my friend told me the other night that Axl was never going to be big again, and that i should get over it, and that its all over. This is a guy that hasn't heard the new tracks mind you!
And when VR came I went interstate to see more shows (i'm a huge fan of both Axl and Slash - dont get into this pick a side stuff) - and i got abused for that as well! LOL

Title: Re: Why so many haters?
Post by: G2N2R on June 12, 2006, 08:01:26 PM
It is a bit annoying that people won't get over the fact that the original GNR is gone and will never be back, barring a one night reunion they could do at the R&R Hall of Fame. I for one like the band and the songs they are producing, at first I was one of the people who didn't want to give them a chance but after hearing a few of the leaks and seeing them play at RIR5 I was amazed.

You can't change someones opinion, but for every 1 hater there are probably a hundred who think this band is awesome and have a ton of potential.. can't wait till Chineses Democracy comes out! :peace: