Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 10, 2006, 07:33:07 PM

Title: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 10, 2006, 07:33:07 PM
Thanks to mr. browstone from

I went to see Guns N' Roses perform in Dublin last night. After the show I was waiting around for my lift to arrive in the hotel across from the RDS (the Herbet hotel I think it was called). Robbie Williams was playing in Dublin last night too so the traffic was bad and I ended up waiting 2 hours - it didn't help that I had expected Guns N' Roses to come onstage at least an hour later than they did. I was sitting in the hotel lobby and after an hour or so the whole band minus Axl walked right in in front of me! My part of the lobby was pretty empty and no one else seemed to notice so me and my friend went over to reception to get some pens and by the time we got back only Ron was there. He talked to us for a while, signed our tickets and posed for some photos then he headed up to his room. We were still waiting for our lift when Finck came walking past on his way out of the hotel. He caught us a bit off guard and I didn't get a chance to talk to him.

A while later Ron came back down and sat with us while we waited to get picked up. He talked to us for about half an hour. I had heard he was friendly but really didn't expect this. He said he was waiting on the others to get ready to go out and thanked us for coming to the show. Like I said we were talking quite a while but here's some of the main things I asked him that might interest you:

Me: What was it like playing your first few shows with Guns? Where you really nervous?

Ron: Not really, it was more just the fact that I was literally learning the songs in the days before the shows and even when we were on stage I was still trying to pick it all up. There's a lot of expectation too I suppose with all the legacy behind us with Guns N' Roses and I'm trying to live up to that so it was tough the first few times.

Me: You weren't too bad tonight [laughs]

Ron: Thanks man [laughs].

Me: I think you fit the image of the band pretty well. I mean I suppose it helps you aren't wearing a bucket on your head so the fans probably accept you ok.

Ron: Yeh bucket head [laughs]. He's a cool guy really though. He's just this shy guy but he's a nice guy when you talk to him.

Me: Very talented too.

Ron: Yeh definitely!

Me: Do you think he wears the bucket cause he's shy or just cause he likes to be sort of mysterious?

Ron: I'd say it's probably a bit of both.

Me: Have you rerecorded Bucket's parts for the new album or will they still be on it?

Ron: No I came a bit too late for that to happen.

Me: So you should get your chance on the next album.

Ron: Yeh [laughs] but hopefully it won't take 10 years.

Me: Chinese Democracy's meant to come out in October some time is that right?

Ron: Around the end of September as far as I know.

Me: Have you learnt any new songs that you haven't played yet?

Ron: No I've only been given 7 to learn - Rhiyad, IRS, Better, The Blues, Madagascar, Chinese Democracy and TWAT.

Me: What's your favourite out of those songs?

Ron: Probably Better, it's cool. I really like IRS too and TWAT, it's a good song too.

Me: Have you heard any of the rest of the album or only the new songs?

Ron: Just the new songs. It's wierd the way they did it. I had to listen to them on a laptop and the label's headquarters! I wasn't allowed to have copies of the songs for myself even!

A few people came up and asked Ron was he in the bad and was he a guitarist. They didn't seem to know who he was so I asked him did it annoy him getting asked that sort of stuff every night!

Ron: No it's just cool to see all these guys and its great to know that they enjoyed the show. Its fun just hanging out with them all.

Me: Where's Axl tonight?

Ron: He had to fly over to London for some party.

Me: How come the rest of you guys aren't going to the Party or did you not want to?

Ron: Axl's always going to lots of cool parties. Sometimes we go but I like hanging out with you guys after the show too.

At this point Dizzy came downstairs with a girl who Ron described as Dizzy's friend from New York (he was kissing her so maybe it's his girlfrienc). Ron introduced us and he talked for a bit, signe dour tickets and posed for photos. He was pretty intimidating looking cause he didn't smile and looked very serious (as you will see when I upload the photos!) but he turned out to be very friendly! Dizzy then left to go to a bar where they were all going to meet. Ron, great guy that he was, sat on talking with me and my friend.

Another guy that I didn't recognise was with Dizzy. After they left Ron mentioned that he was the person that had wrote the story the November Rain video is based on (can't remember the name right now).

A guy who looked to be at least 18 and his mum came over. His mum said 'my son wants to know if you're one of the guitarists in the band?' Ron said he was and then went to shake the guy's hand but the person kept backing away and covering his face and saying 'no way, I can't believe this'. Me and my friend just sat there laughing cause a minute ago this guy didn't even know who Ron was and now he was star struck! Ron seemed a bit embarrassed and said 'aw come on man don't be like that, it's cool, we're just hanging out'. He asked him his name and eventually the guy calmed down enough to get a photo taken and to thank Ron.

At last my lift arrived and we said goodbye, thanked him again and headed off! This might sound like I was interviewing him but it wasn't like that. We were just talking for ages and he was asking us stuff too like about college and instruments and what we wanted to do after college and things like that...but you don't want to hear about that!

I couldn't believe how cool and down to earth Ron was, I hope (if things work out for him) fame doesn't change this in the future. While we were talking a few people who were pretty drunk came over and one of them pulled down his pants and asked Ron to sign his ass. Ron dealt with it like a pro and handed the pen to a couple of girls standing nearby and got them to sign instead. The drunk guys kept invited Ron to come party with them at some club and one of them tried dragging him out of the hotel. Again he dealt with it like a pro and without getting angry. He told them he had to wait on the rest of the band and asked them where they would be and said he would meet them later. They left at last!

That's about all I can remember - well done if you read it all and sorry for the length but it was an amazing night! I can't vouch for how good Chinese Democracy will sound but I can say that Guns N' Roses sound as good now as they did in the 80s - vastly better than in 2002!

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 10, 2006, 07:34:33 PM
A few things stand out. Axl had him learn riyadh!!! I guess that means it could be on the album
Also another person saying its coming end of sept. That is cool!!!!
Lastely, i think its funny they didnt give him a cd to learn the songs, he had to learn them at interscope. Funny stuff but that is sothey dont leak. Smart move

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: axlrosegnr on June 10, 2006, 07:38:56 PM
that rocks.....September huh??  that would be cool...see Gn'R in L.A. and get the album, yeah, that would make it a great month, lol

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: philspectorshotme on June 10, 2006, 07:42:38 PM
i wouldnt put too much weight on the september date yet. seemed like a vague date thrown out there to the band and the fans. but id assume if things go to plan it'll become more likely.

another thing, this is just another in a series of reports of rons behaviour this tour. he does come across as a nice guy and that is something that is evident in the live shows as well - he has been welcomed into the band and is part of the group in a way bucket never was.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 10, 2006, 07:43:40 PM
i wouldnt put too much weight on the september date yet. seemed like a vague date thrown out there to the band and the fans. but id assume if things go to plan it'll become more likely.

another thing, this is just another in a series of reports of rons behaviour this tour. he does come across as a nice guy and that is something that is evident in the live shows as well - he has been welcomed into the band and is part of the group in a way bucket never was.

Yeah I agree Ron seems really cool and even with his own band he has always  been fan friendly

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: jsg2295 on June 10, 2006, 07:44:31 PM
NOW THAT IS A POST!!!!! That is what I want to read on a post. Not another topic about Axl's breath, voice,teeth, gums, etc.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on June 10, 2006, 07:44:37 PM
Funny thing is, he took a poke at his boss when he said I hope it doesn't take 10 years for the next album! :hihi:

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: estranged.1098 on June 10, 2006, 07:47:06 PM
I'm going to e-mail the poor guy a few mp3's.  :hihi:

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: mick on June 10, 2006, 07:52:37 PM
I'm going to e-mail the poor guy a few mp3's.  :hihi:

Now that is fucking funny!!  :hihi:

Thanks to the original poster for taking the time to share that.. pretty cool read.  :beer:

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Poof! on June 10, 2006, 07:53:38 PM
Great post! Man, Ron is the kind of person we want to see in GN'R. An awesome dude!

estranged.1098, very funny. ?:)

Why does the singer in Avenged Sevenfold have a CD with 12 songs on it and Ron ?has to listen to them on a laptop at an office? ?:-\

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 10, 2006, 07:54:08 PM
I wonder if tommy asked axl to play a song they have not in a while and axl joked no and said lets play ?better instead if that song was going to be riyadh. Its the one song on this tour they played ?in 2001 they have not played it. Id love to hearhow that song changed over the past few years

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 10, 2006, 07:54:51 PM
Great post! Man, Ron is the kind of person we want to see in GN'R. An awesome dude!

estranged.1098, very funny. ?:)

Why does the singer in Avenged Sevenfold have a CD with 12 songs on it and Ron ?has to listen to them on a laptop at an office? ?:-\

That is if you believe the guy from a7x

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Wando on June 10, 2006, 07:56:00 PM
I'm going to e-mail the poor guy a few mp3's.  :hihi:
:D :D

Thanks for posting, really nice story :)

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: philspectorshotme on June 10, 2006, 07:57:01 PM
I wonder if tommy asked axl to play a song they have not in a while and axl joked no and said lets play ?better instead if that song was going to be riyadh. Its the one song on this tour they played ?in 2001 they have not played it. Id love to hearhow that song changed over the past few years

id love to hear that song changed too.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Grouse on June 10, 2006, 08:03:43 PM
I wonder if tommy asked axl to play a song they have not in a while and axl joked no and said lets play ?better instead if that song was going to be riyadh. Its the one song on this tour they played ?in 2001 they have not played it. Id love to hearhow that song changed over the past few years

id love to hear that song changed too.

I would love to hear OMG for that matter, I would really like to know if they're still working on that song  :)

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Poof! on June 10, 2006, 08:05:35 PM
Great post! Man, Ron is the kind of person we want to see in GN'R. An awesome dude!

estranged.1098, very funny. ?:)

Why does the singer in Avenged Sevenfold have a CD with 12 songs on it and Ron ?has to listen to them on a laptop at an office? ?:-\

That is if you believe the guy from a7x

I have a CD with 12 songs on it as well.

The Blues
Oh My God
TWAT (alternate version)
IRS (alternate version)


Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: zakas80 on June 10, 2006, 08:05:38 PM
I wonder if tommy asked axl to play a song they have not in a while and axl joked no and said lets play ?better instead if that song was going to be riyadh. Its the one song on this tour they played ?in 2001 they have not played it. Id love to hearhow that song changed over the past few years

well thats not really true, silkworms hasnt been played on this current tour (if you wanna call it a song) ?and i sure as hell hope they never play that racket again (sorry dizzy, but silkworms is crap)

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Ines_rocks! on June 10, 2006, 08:09:46 PM
how cool is this man?? You fucking rule!! and you?re fucking lucky too... thanks!!! ;D :peace:

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 10, 2006, 08:19:27 PM
I wonder if tommy asked axl to play a song they have not in a while and axl joked no and said lets play ?better instead if that song was going to be riyadh. Its the one song on this tour they played ?in 2001 they have not played it. Id love to hearhow that song changed over the past few years

well thats not really true, silkworms hasnt been played on this current tour (if you wanna call it a song) ?and i sure as hell hope they never play that racket again (sorry dizzy, but silkworms is crap)

They only played silkworms a few times, they played riyadh in 2002 in detriot.  I really hope they play it soon

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Mandy. on June 10, 2006, 08:20:56 PM
At this point Dizzy came downstairs with a girl who Ron described as Dizzy's friend from New York (he was kissing her so maybe it's his girlfrienc). Ron introduced us and he talked for a bit, signe dour tickets and posed for photos. He was pretty intimidating looking cause he didn't smile and looked very serious (as you will see when I upload the photos!) but he turned out to be very friendly! Dizzy then left to go to a bar where they were all going to meet. Ron, great guy that he was, sat on talking with me and my friend.

Isn't Dizzy married or something?

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Poof! on June 10, 2006, 08:22:07 PM
At this point Dizzy came downstairs with a girl who Ron described as Dizzy's friend from New York (he was kissing her so maybe it's his girlfrienc). Ron introduced us and he talked for a bit, signe dour tickets and posed for photos. He was pretty intimidating looking cause he didn't smile and looked very serious (as you will see when I upload the photos!) but he turned out to be very friendly! Dizzy then left to go to a bar where they were all going to meet. Ron, great guy that he was, sat on talking with me and my friend.

Isn't Dizzy married or something?

I was thinking the same thing.  :o

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: EccoTides on June 10, 2006, 08:22:22 PM
Cool stuff, I hope Rhiad does indeed reappear in some form - I've always felt that it'd make a killer album opener, especially because the intro has a kind of "WTTJ 2000" modern flavor to it.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: KIKO2K6 on June 10, 2006, 08:22:50 PM
At this point Dizzy came downstairs with a girl who Ron described as Dizzy's friend from New York (he was kissing her so maybe it's his girlfrienc). Ron introduced us and he talked for a bit, signe dour tickets and posed for photos. He was pretty intimidating looking cause he didn't smile and looked very serious (as you will see when I upload the photos!) but he turned out to be very friendly! Dizzy then left to go to a bar where they were all going to meet. Ron, great guy that he was, sat on talking with me and my friend.

Isn't Dizzy married or something?

Ho cares this is hes personal ?bussines ....

The nuke is a great cool guy .....bring on the music Ron ?: ok:

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Poof! on June 10, 2006, 08:23:18 PM

Me: Where's Axl tonight?

Ron: He had to fly over to London for some party.

He had to. ?;D

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Steel_Angel on June 10, 2006, 08:23:51 PM
Great post! Man, Ron is the kind of person we want to see in GN'R. An awesome dude!

estranged.1098, very funny. ?:)

Why does the singer in Avenged Sevenfold have a CD with 12 songs on it and Ron ?has to listen to them on a laptop at an office? ?:-\

That is if you believe the guy from a7x

I have a CD with 12 songs on it as well.

The Blues
Oh My God
TWAT (alternate version)
IRS (alternate version)

yea! with 5 live ones  ;D

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: chineseblues on June 10, 2006, 08:29:13 PM
At this point Dizzy came downstairs with a girl who Ron described as Dizzy's friend from New York (he was kissing her so maybe it's his girlfrienc). Ron introduced us and he talked for a bit, signe dour tickets and posed for photos. He was pretty intimidating looking cause he didn't smile and looked very serious (as you will see when I upload the photos!) but he turned out to be very friendly! Dizzy then left to go to a bar where they were all going to meet. Ron, great guy that he was, sat on talking with me and my friend.

Isn't Dizzy married or something?

Yeah thats why that part is hard to believe...

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Poof! on June 10, 2006, 08:29:24 PM
Great post! Man, Ron is the kind of person we want to see in GN'R. An awesome dude!

estranged.1098, very funny. ?:)

Why does the singer in Avenged Sevenfold have a CD with 12 songs on it and Ron ?has to listen to them on a laptop at an office? ?:-\

That is if you believe the guy from a7x

I have a CD with 12 songs on it as well.

The Blues
Oh My God
TWAT (alternate version)
IRS (alternate version)

yea! with 5 live ones? ;D

Hey, I just said 12 new ones, which they all are. ?:D

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Steel_Angel on June 10, 2006, 08:30:16 PM
o0o0o0o srryy  ;D

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: nesquick on June 10, 2006, 08:30:36 PM
At this point Dizzy came downstairs with a girl who Ron described as Dizzy's friend from New York (he was kissing her so maybe it's his girlfrienc). Ron introduced us and he talked for a bit, signe dour tickets and posed for photos. He was pretty intimidating looking cause he didn't smile and looked very serious (as you will see when I upload the photos!) but he turned out to be very friendly! Dizzy then left to go to a bar where they were all going to meet. Ron, great guy that he was, sat on talking with me and my friend.

Isn't Dizzy married or something?

 :rofl: I think you made a good point.

Lisa "Dizzy, where were you?"
Dizz "mhh..euhhh...playing a gig with Axl"
Lisa "oh really? and what's this wet female panty on your hair??"


Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: jsg2295 on June 10, 2006, 08:34:58 PM
At this point Dizzy came downstairs with a girl who Ron described as Dizzy's friend from New York (he was kissing her so maybe it's his girlfrienc). Ron introduced us and he talked for a bit, signe dour tickets and posed for photos. He was pretty intimidating looking cause he didn't smile and looked very serious (as you will see when I upload the photos!) but he turned out to be very friendly! Dizzy then left to go to a bar where they were all going to meet. Ron, great guy that he was, sat on talking with me and my friend.

Isn't Dizzy married or something?

I was thinking the same thing.? :o
Hookers N Blow

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: DunkinDave on June 10, 2006, 08:39:20 PM
At this point Dizzy came downstairs with a girl who Ron described as Dizzy's friend from New York (he was kissing her so maybe it's his girlfrienc). Ron introduced us and he talked for a bit, signe dour tickets and posed for photos. He was pretty intimidating looking cause he didn't smile and looked very serious (as you will see when I upload the photos!) but he turned out to be very friendly! Dizzy then left to go to a bar where they were all going to meet. Ron, great guy that he was, sat on talking with me and my friend.

Isn't Dizzy married or something?

Yeah thats why that part is hard to believe...

Rock star getting girls on the side - not really hard to believe.

The fact that his wife will find out eventually through the internet is hilarious.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: MeanBone on June 10, 2006, 08:42:14 PM
poor lisa, other than that ron is pure class!  : ok:

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Tomorrows on June 10, 2006, 08:47:25 PM
Cool. Ron seems to have more of a mouth than the rest of the band - hope it wont get him into trouble.

(damn, I meant to post this an hour ago so I hit post and left for the shops. I come back and it says a new reply. damn)

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Mandy. on June 10, 2006, 08:49:32 PM
Cool. Ron seems to have more of a mouth than the rest of the band - hope it wont get him into trouble.

I thought the same thing. Didn't he get into trouble once for saying stuff that?

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 10, 2006, 08:50:45 PM
ron thal is a great man & great player  just one of the guys.. had chats with him plus talk a lot online with him, very cool dude..

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Tomorrows on June 10, 2006, 08:52:33 PM
Cool. Ron seems to have more of a mouth than the rest of the band - hope it wont get him into trouble.

I thought the same thing. Didn't he get into trouble once for saying stuff that?

Yea, like 2 years ago I think he posted a message on his webpage saying it looked like he was going to be in GnR. Merck went nuts at him apparently and told people because of that the deal fell though.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 10, 2006, 08:53:58 PM
Cool. Ron seems to have more of a mouth than the rest of the band - hope it wont get him into trouble.

I thought the same thing. Didn't he get into trouble once for saying stuff that?

Yea, like 2 years ago I think he posted a message on his webpage saying it looked like he was going to be in GnR. Merck went nuts at him apparently and told people because of that the deal fell though.

blabbermouth fucked it all up, saying he was the new guitarist, he never claimed to be in the band.. It was about 2 years ago... They quickly denied it..

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Tomorrows on June 10, 2006, 08:55:09 PM
Oh right, there you go. Sorry, I wasnt following the GnR news 2 years ago  :(

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: EFISH on June 10, 2006, 08:55:23 PM
now that is one HELL of a story!! ;D

that rocks! bumble is so fucking awesome.. i really hope he stays this cool! : ok:

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Mandy. on June 10, 2006, 08:58:42 PM
Still, Ron may get into trouble. He said CD was coming out in September.

I mean, don't they trust him or what? He wasn't even allowed to have the new music on his laptop!

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Tomorrows on June 10, 2006, 08:59:40 PM
LOL, I bet he downloaded the leaks and boots so he could learn the songs at home.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 10, 2006, 09:01:58 PM
I personally talk to him a lot, he's very good with my questions, I just keep what he says under wraps just because he is talking like a friend would and I wouldn't want the masses to get him in trouble then it's a sludge blabbermouth headline... I try and respect his honesty by not betraying his trust..

That's just me though.. He's new and I don't want to see something go south

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Tomorrows on June 10, 2006, 09:05:40 PM
I personally talk to him a lot, he's very good with my questions, I just keep what he says under wraps just because he is talking like a friend would and I wouldn't want the masses to get him in trouble then it's a sludge blabbermouth headline... I try and respect his honesty by not betraying his trust..

That's just me though.. He's new and I don't want to see something go south

I think its great weve got a member of the band who seems really considerate and kind to fans (maybe hes still a bit high on newfound fame). If any fans deserve that, its GnR fans.

Though Id hate to see him jeopardise it all because he likes to talk too much. Not everyone respects a man's confidence like you, which is unfortunate. He really is a great player, a nice guy and a good member of the band. Id prefer him in the band and quiet rather than out, as much as it would suck to lose his honesty.

Stay as cool as you are now Ron, but be careful  : ok:

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Mandy. on June 10, 2006, 09:08:24 PM
I personally talk to him a lot, he's very good with my questions, I just keep what he says under wraps just because he is talking like a friend would and I wouldn't want the masses to get him in trouble then it's a sludge blabbermouth headline... I try and respect his honesty by not betraying his trust..

That's just me though.. He's new and I don't want to see something go south

Same here. You said everything.  : ok:

It's like, you send him a message, 10 minutes later he replies, and you send another one, and he'll reply, and again, etc etc.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: ashlar on June 10, 2006, 09:15:04 PM

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 10, 2006, 09:16:15 PM
I still dont know why merck freaked when he said he was asked, so dumb.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: chineseblues on June 10, 2006, 09:18:49 PM
Cool. Ron seems to have more of a mouth than the rest of the band - hope it wont get him into trouble.

I thought the same thing. Didn't he get into trouble once for saying stuff that?

Yea, like 2 years ago I think he posted a message on his webpage saying it looked like he was going to be in GnR. Merck went nuts at him apparently and told people because of that the deal fell though.

blabbermouth fucked it all up, saying he was the new guitarist, he never claimed to be in the band.. It was about 2 years ago... They quickly denied it..

No, blabb only posted what he said on his site. If he wouldnt have opened his big mouth he might have gotten the gig 2 years ago. Seems like nothing has changed, he still cant leep his big mouth shut...

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: fishyguy on June 10, 2006, 09:21:35 PM
You guys really thing that Ron is that naive that he will give out info he's not supposed to.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: chineseblues on June 10, 2006, 09:24:50 PM
You guys really thing that Ron is that naive that he will give out info he's not supposed to.

He did 2 years ago...

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Mattattack on June 10, 2006, 09:33:14 PM
CD should be out by September, unless Axl is planning on doing a theatre tour. 

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: dont_damn_me on June 10, 2006, 09:40:00 PM
How come Ron hasn't heard any new songs but Kid Rock supposedly has? :nervous:

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: fishyguy on June 10, 2006, 09:40:36 PM
You guys really thing that Ron is that naive that he will give out info he's not supposed to.

He did 2 years ago...

Why dont you prove it.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 10, 2006, 09:44:54 PM
You guys really thing that Ron is that naive that he will give out info he's not supposed to.

He did 2 years ago...

Why dont you prove it.

Its on blabbermouth when ron jumped the gun and said he might be the replacement for bh

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: jsg2295 on June 10, 2006, 10:46:45 PM
i might be wrong...but isnt Blabbermouth the one that  reported that Axl got mad at someone in a club and left in a huff because the guy "spat" in his eye? I would believe Star magazine before blabbermouth on anything.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: chineseblues on June 10, 2006, 10:50:09 PM
i might be wrong...but isnt Blabbermouth the one that  reported that Axl got mad at someone in a club and left in a huff because the guy "spat" in his eye? I would believe Star magazine before blabbermouth on anything.

They only posted what ron said on his website at the time...

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: jsg2295 on June 10, 2006, 10:52:50 PM
Not that I am straying from the original topic...but isnt it amazing that a cool topic like this strayed into negativity about his apparent lack of keeping a secret? I mean this started out as just a cool post and went south about how he is a "blabbermouth". My feeling is just what Axl said in the Trunk interview about the band members having their own opinions. (I am not exactly sure what he said but that was the jest of it I believe). If he wants to talk I think GNR will allow it, expecially to some fellows after a gig.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Jim Bob on June 10, 2006, 10:59:34 PM
whats interesting is he didn't mention catcher in the rye out of all the new songs he's had to learn.   so even if B May was gonna perform with them, it coulda been a diff song altogether?  ???

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Christos AG on June 10, 2006, 11:16:34 PM
First of all Ron didn't say anything that Axl hasn't said yet. Axl said that CD would be released fall/late fall.

Ron said the end of September...

Second, Rhiad was on Madrid's setlist, I saw it myself, and all the other people in the front rows....

Why do they choose not to play it at all, and they only played TWAT in Madrid is another story, one that only the band knows and I personally don't care to know....

All I care for is that it will probably be on the record, since Ron was asked to learn the song, and I'm happy cause I like that song. Can't wait to hear the final version, even though I'm pretty sure it's not that different from the 2002 one...

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Jessica on June 10, 2006, 11:19:48 PM
At this point Dizzy came downstairs with a girl who Ron described as Dizzy's friend from New York (he was kissing her so maybe it's his girlfrienc). Ron introduced us and he talked for a bit, signe dour tickets and posed for photos. He was pretty intimidating looking cause he didn't smile and looked very serious (as you will see when I upload the photos!) but he turned out to be very friendly! Dizzy then left to go to a bar where they were all going to meet. Ron, great guy that he was, sat on talking with me and my friend.

Isn't Dizzy married or something?

Yeah, i picked up on that too :-X

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Jessica on June 10, 2006, 11:20:54 PM
At this point Dizzy came downstairs with a girl who Ron described as Dizzy's friend from New York (he was kissing her so maybe it's his girlfrienc). Ron introduced us and he talked for a bit, signe dour tickets and posed for photos. He was pretty intimidating looking cause he didn't smile and looked very serious (as you will see when I upload the photos!) but he turned out to be very friendly! Dizzy then left to go to a bar where they were all going to meet. Ron, great guy that he was, sat on talking with me and my friend.

Isn't Dizzy married or something?

 :rofl: I think you made a good point.

Lisa "Dizzy, where were you?"
Dizz "mhh..euhhh...playing a gig with Axl"
Lisa "oh really? and what's this wet female panty on your hair??"


Lisa reads our forums , but not only her, aunt ger ( his aunt) too...

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: EFISH on June 10, 2006, 11:21:06 PM
At this point Dizzy came downstairs with a girl who Ron described as Dizzy's friend from New York (he was kissing her so maybe it's his girlfrienc). Ron introduced us and he talked for a bit, signe dour tickets and posed for photos. He was pretty intimidating looking cause he didn't smile and looked very serious (as you will see when I upload the photos!) but he turned out to be very friendly! Dizzy then left to go to a bar where they were all going to meet. Ron, great guy that he was, sat on talking with me and my friend.

Isn't Dizzy married or something?

im pretty sure he is married BUT i know for a fact that he has two girls about 8 and 11 years old.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Jessica on June 10, 2006, 11:21:47 PM
She's a swinger too, don't feel sorry for her...

swinging is TOGETHER, this seems like " cheating".

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Jessica on June 10, 2006, 11:32:18 PM
They know about each others relations... but they don't necessarily engage in it together.

Oh well, better that than separation.

In france, we say " far from the eyes, far from the heart".

Not always true, but it's difficult to stay without affection or sex when someone's gone 3/4 of the year.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: chineseblues on June 10, 2006, 11:33:20 PM
They know about each others relations... but they don't necessarily engage in it together.

Its not cool to make shit like this up man.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: killingvector on June 10, 2006, 11:39:12 PM
She's a swinger too, don't feel sorry for her...

swinging is TOGETHER, this seems like " cheating".

I agree. Diz and Lisa are cool people, but this kind of behavior is really strange.

I hope Ron doesn't get into trouble for these comments; it seems like this would be something we shouldn't know.

Rhiad on CD?  :crying:   Easily one of the weakest new tracks. I hope Axl reconsiders.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Jessica on June 10, 2006, 11:40:57 PM
She's a swinger too, don't feel sorry for her...

swinging is TOGETHER, this seems like " cheating".

I agree. Diz and Lisa are cool people, but this kind of behavior is really strange.

I hope Ron doesn't get into trouble for these comments; it seems like this would be something we shouldn't know.

Ron didn't spill the beans on Dizzy.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: killingvector on June 10, 2006, 11:42:33 PM
She's a swinger too, don't feel sorry for her...

swinging is TOGETHER, this seems like " cheating".

I agree. Diz and Lisa are cool people, but this kind of behavior is really strange.

I hope Ron doesn't get into trouble for these comments; it seems like this would be something we shouldn't know.

Ron didn't spill the beans on Dizzy.

Just to clarify, I hope that Ron doesn't get into trouble for suggesting a date for Chinese Democracy.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Jessica on June 10, 2006, 11:45:25 PM
CB, I'm not making it up.  For Christ's sake, everyone knows about Dizzy's galavanting. 

See you in Devore........ :smoking:

Yeah, lisa talked about it in her book :

the rocker gets a blowjob by a groupie on the plane while his wife, back home, falls for a young pop star.

I had wondered how much of it was true.. :hihi:

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: gnrkid03 on June 11, 2006, 12:00:13 AM
I really doubt Rhiad is going to be on CD.  Theres a couple songs I doubt will be on CD.  IRS is a good lil rocker, but not for CD.  Axl needs to blow people away and he won't do it with Rhiad or IRS being a featured track. 

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: misterbrownstone on June 11, 2006, 12:08:41 AM
yo, don't give me credit i just found it :peace:

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 11, 2006, 12:11:46 AM
I really doubt Rhiad is going to be on CD.? Theres a couple songs I doubt will be on CD.? IRS is a good lil rocker, but not for CD.? Axl needs to blow people away and he won't do it with Rhiad or IRS being a featured track.?

IRS is going to be amazing on CD, just listen to the orchestration they added from Rio; it?s going to be amazing

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: alexh0618 on June 11, 2006, 12:20:45 AM
I really doubt Rhiad is going to be on CD.  Theres a couple songs I doubt will be on CD.  IRS is a good lil rocker, but not for CD.  Axl needs to blow people away and he won't do it with Rhiad or IRS being a featured track. 

IRS is going to be amazing on CD, just listen to the orchestration they added from Rio; it?s going to be amazing

I think IRS will blow everyone away also. That solo from Buckethead along with orchestra, great guitar riffs, and Axl's voice, it is a knockout.

Back on topic: Ron is a great dude. I wrote him a message and he actually replied back. He really cares about his fans. I asked him about learning the songs for the tour and he said that he was still learning hours before the first show.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: jameslofton29 on June 11, 2006, 12:32:42 AM
Rhiad on CD?? :crying:? ?Easily one of the weakest new tracks. I hope Axl reconsiders.
I agree 100%. Looks like CD is going to have some filler on it after all. I was interested in hearing a studio version of Riyadh, but as a B side or on a soundtrack. Definitely not worthy of being on an album with 13 tracks.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: alexh0618 on June 11, 2006, 12:35:29 AM
Rhiad on CD?  :crying:   Easily one of the weakest new tracks. I hope Axl reconsiders.
I agree 100%. Looks like CD is going to have some filler on it after all. I was interested in hearing a studio version of Riyadh, but as a B side or on a soundtrack. Definitely not worthy of being on an album with 13 tracks.

I never really got into Rhiad but oh well, hopefully the other 12 tracks will kick ass.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on June 11, 2006, 12:49:00 AM
Unless it reaches it's Immigrant Song potential people have been talking about for ages.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: geographicaloddity on June 11, 2006, 12:58:54 AM
They know about each others relations... but they don't necessarily engage in it together.
you know them personally?

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Tomorrows on June 11, 2006, 01:49:10 AM
Just because Ron has been told to learn a song does not automatically mean itll be on CD.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: jameslofton29 on June 11, 2006, 01:52:08 AM
Just because Ron has been told to learn a song does not automatically mean itll be on CD.
If these songs are being played, they will likely be on CD. No reason to play new songs that wont be on an album. If Riyadh is on the band's setlist, then it is probably going to be played.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: italysfinest1985 on June 11, 2006, 02:36:09 AM
I could just picture Lisa Reed reading the board and then giving the monitor some "Sweet Chin Music"...

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: jimmythegent on June 11, 2006, 03:58:06 AM
wow, bad sign about Rhiad on CD

If Turkeys like that and Madagascar are on the tracklist while gems like CITR are left off, what other 'big guns' has Axl got lined up?  :-\ whats next, Silkworms as first single?

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: -Jack- on June 11, 2006, 04:01:25 AM
Just because Ron has been told to learn a song does not automatically mean itll be on CD.
If these songs are being played, they will likely be on CD. No reason to play new songs that wont be on an album. If Riyadh is on the band's setlist, then it is probably going to be played.

I disagree.. just because they're playing songs doesnt mean it'll be on the actual CD.

And plus, as far as we know an album Rhaid could sound amazing.. so.. chill. We dont have too much of a wait left..

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: jameslofton29 on June 11, 2006, 04:23:42 AM
Just because Ron has been told to learn a song does not automatically mean itll be on CD.
If these songs are being played, they will likely be on CD. No reason to play new songs that wont be on an album. If Riyadh is on the band's setlist, then it is probably going to be played.

I disagree.. just because they're playing songs doesnt mean it'll be on the actual CD.

And plus, as far as we know an album Rhaid could sound amazing.. so.. chill. We dont have too much of a wait left..
Well, we must look at prior GNR history to see how this could wind up on CD. During the UYI tour before the album came out, everything that was played on that tour wound up being on the album.

Jimmy: I agree. Riyadh and Madagascar on a 13 track album is not very appealing. But the other songs(minus Silkworms) will make it a damn good album, even with some filler.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: EFISH on June 11, 2006, 04:31:15 AM
we must base it on two facts.

number 1. madagascar has been played at every single show since the House Of Blues in 2001.
if thats not enough to tell u its on the album, then what is? (itll be on there)

number 2. rhiad has been played a very few amount of times i beleive and not at all in 2006 but then why wuld bumble need to learn this song out of those select few? because he is planning on playing it very soon.. they probably changed it alot too...and it will probably be on the album... and will rock us hard.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: supaplex on June 11, 2006, 04:39:36 AM
so ron said he only learned 7 songs that we all know about. that should put out any hopes of hearing any new songs that we haven't heard yet on this tour. they'll only play the tracks we know already :yes:

and i think that riyadh wouldn't be a filler on cd. i happen to like that song and i think i'm not the only one ;D

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: EFISH on June 11, 2006, 04:41:30 AM
well for europe at least..

but also, u think ron would say... yeah I just learned tyme and the general.. oh and checkmate! lol

but wehn the album comes out right before the us tour kicks off.. well hear almost everything new.

theres a bunch of tour dates

im sure ONE more song we will get ebefore its over in europe.
Even Catcher id considre a new one.. u no

fuck im tired
and rambling on
and goodnight!  :drool:

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: -Jack- on June 11, 2006, 05:01:20 AM
Just because Ron has been told to learn a song does not automatically mean itll be on CD.
If these songs are being played, they will likely be on CD. No reason to play new songs that wont be on an album. If Riyadh is on the band's setlist, then it is probably going to be played.

I disagree.. just because they're playing songs doesnt mean it'll be on the actual CD.

And plus, as far as we know an album Rhaid could sound amazing.. so.. chill. We dont have too much of a wait left..
Well, we must look at prior GNR history to see how this could wind up on CD. During the UYI tour before the album came out, everything that was played on that tour wound up being on the album.

Jimmy: I agree. Riyadh and Madagascar on a 13 track album is not very appealing. But the other songs(minus Silkworms) will make it a damn good album, even with some filler.

Mmm.. but the UYI situation was different. It was 2 albums on the same date.. there was no other album it could go on. In this case its 3 albums on different dates... any song can be on any album. Its anyones guess. What they're playing might not be on the first album.

Also, theres songs in GNR history that were played live and weren't put on the next album. Don't Cry could have been on appetite. Shadow Of Your Love (which was played in the early days) was never released on an album..

Im just saying.. you can't just assume these things are going to happen. We'll find out soon enough

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 11, 2006, 05:02:42 AM
Cool. Ron seems to have more of a mouth than the rest of the band - hope it wont get him into trouble.

I thought the same thing. Didn't he get into trouble once for saying stuff that?

Yea, like 2 years ago I think he posted a message on his webpage saying it looked like he was going to be in GnR. Merck went nuts at him apparently and told people because of that the deal fell though.

blabbermouth fucked it all up, saying he was the new guitarist, he never claimed to be in the band.. It was about 2 years ago... They quickly denied it..

No, blabb only posted what he said on his site. If he wouldnt have opened his big mouth he might have gotten the gig 2 years ago. Seems like nothing has changed, he still cant leep his big mouth shut...

That's pretty fucked up man... At least he's into the people that see the shows, what does he have to be some flunky like the rest who are not saying anything.. You want to call this a band yet no one can speak about things related to the band..

Also you don't know eevrything people post on here that claim ron said this or that is definetly true.. because he's kind people could say anything..

maybe if fucking gnr's team weren't such douche bags he would have gotten the gig two years ago..

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: slashisvr on June 11, 2006, 05:18:24 AM
i think silkworms is ok, iv grown to it

that mans name about the november rain thing is del james

cool post he is cool dude

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Origen on June 11, 2006, 05:31:26 AM
Guess this means Axl isnt' planning on playing any new songs live anytime soon, since Ron has only learnt 7 songs.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 11, 2006, 06:09:29 AM
Guess this means Axl isnt' planning on playing any new songs live anytime soon, since Ron has only learnt 7 songs.

I believe once (if) the album comes out you will hear more stuff..Fuck you could have ten new songs in the setlist at least..

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: CAFC Nick on June 11, 2006, 06:12:29 AM
we must base it on two facts.

number 1. madagascar has been played at every single show since the House Of Blues in 2001.
if thats not enough to tell u its on the album, then what is? (itll be on there)

number 2. rhiad has been played a very few amount of times i beleive and not at all in 2006 but then why wuld bumble need to learn this song out of those select few? because he is planning on playing it very soon.. they probably changed it alot too...and it will probably be on the album... and will rock us hard.

Not actually true.

I also agree with Lofton and Jimmy, Riyadh and Madagascar on the same CD...won't really go together. I would still pick Maddy over Riyadh anyday.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 11, 2006, 06:14:15 AM
we must base it on two facts.

number 1. madagascar has been played at every single show since the House Of Blues in 2001.
if thats not enough to tell u its on the album, then what is? (itll be on there)

number 2. rhiad has been played a very few amount of times i beleive and not at all in 2006 but then why wuld bumble need to learn this song out of those select few? because he is planning on playing it very soon.. they probably changed it alot too...and it will probably be on the album... and will rock us hard.

Not actually true.

I also agree with Lofton and Jimmy, Riyadh and Madagascar on the same CD...won't really go together. I would still pick Maddy over Riyadh anyday.

I just don't want to many ballads on the album

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: CAFC Nick on June 11, 2006, 06:17:51 AM
we must base it on two facts.

number 1. madagascar has been played at every single show since the House Of Blues in 2001.
if thats not enough to tell u its on the album, then what is? (itll be on there)

number 2. rhiad has been played a very few amount of times i beleive and not at all in 2006 but then why wuld bumble need to learn this song out of those select few? because he is planning on playing it very soon.. they probably changed it alot too...and it will probably be on the album... and will rock us hard.

Not actually true.

I also agree with Lofton and Jimmy, Riyadh and Madagascar on the same CD...won't really go together. I would still pick Maddy over Riyadh anyday.

I just don't want to many ballads on the album

Agreed. It's good to hear some (Maddy, TWAT) but we need a few more earthshattering rockers. I don't think IRS really cuts it lyrically but I really like Chinese Democracy and Better as they have a really good beat and just top songs that should definitely be on the album. The album needs a few more 3-4 minute hard rockers just to show that the new Guns line-up doesn't mean its all this "industrial" shit that has been mentioned before.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 11, 2006, 06:38:28 AM
I am not  a big fan of the rocker thus far, I'll take irs over cd ..irs outro saves it... Cd just never did anything for me... Oh my god has agreat opening but it's either you click or don't with it's tempo.. Silkworms well no, nd riyad&b is tough to call, maybe studio is what's need, or his voice now.. better is the best and more like it are needed...

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: TheMole on June 11, 2006, 09:08:10 AM
Why does the singer in Avenged Sevenfold have a CD with 12 songs on it and Ron  has to listen to them on a laptop at an office?  :-\

Maybe he's confused and just now discovered Appetite? ;)

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Mandy. on June 11, 2006, 09:15:33 AM
They know about each others relations... but they don't necessarily engage in it together.
you know them personally?

It's just pretty obvious. Even if he doesn't know them personally, go to the forums Lisa goes to, she talks about this kind of things all the time. Not only me, but I bet some of you here know about other stuff too, and honestly, we should stop this now because that's between them two.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: justincrowe on June 11, 2006, 09:21:47 AM
Me: Chinese Democracy's meant to come out in October some time is that right?

Ron: Around the end of September as far as I know.


Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: estranged.1098 on June 11, 2006, 09:43:06 AM
Guess this means Axl isnt' planning on playing any new songs live anytime soon, since Ron has only learnt 7 songs.

I believe once (if) the album comes out you will hear more stuff..Fuck you could have ten new songs in the setlist at least..

I wouldn't be surprised if they only play about 6 songs from the new album once it comes out.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: CheapJon on June 11, 2006, 09:43:56 AM
so when will you post the pictures man?

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Christos AG on June 11, 2006, 09:53:44 AM
They know about each others relations... but they don't necessarily engage in it together.
you know them personally?

It's just pretty obvious. Even if he doesn't know them personally, go to the forums Lisa goes to, she talks about this kind of things all the time. Not only me, but I bet some of you here know about other stuff too, and honestly, we should stop this now because that's between them two.

I'll ask you all to stop talking about Dizzy's private life as none of you knows his family.

So what's obvious and what's not is something that none of you know in here.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: xj220 on June 11, 2006, 11:00:45 AM
so when will you post the pictures man?

Yeah, seriously.  Who cares about the other stuff, I want to see said pics.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: chineseblues on June 11, 2006, 11:05:31 AM
Cool. Ron seems to have more of a mouth than the rest of the band - hope it wont get him into trouble.

I thought the same thing. Didn't he get into trouble once for saying stuff that?

Yea, like 2 years ago I think he posted a message on his webpage saying it looked like he was going to be in GnR. Merck went nuts at him apparently and told people because of that the deal fell though.

blabbermouth fucked it all up, saying he was the new guitarist, he never claimed to be in the band.. It was about 2 years ago... They quickly denied it..

No, blabb only posted what he said on his site. If he wouldnt have opened his big mouth he might have gotten the gig 2 years ago. Seems like nothing has changed, he still cant leep his big mouth shut...

That's pretty fucked up man... At least he's into the people that see the shows, what does he have to be some flunky like the rest who are not saying anything.. You want to call this a band yet no one can speak about things related to the band..

Also you don't know eevrything people post on here that claim ron said this or that is definetly true.. because he's kind people could say anything..

maybe if fucking gnr's team weren't such douche bags he would have gotten the gig two years ago..

What kind of reality do you live in where when yout told to keep quiet about a deal untill everything is worked out, then you go and talk about it on your website, is right? Bumble is damn lucky he was given a second chance after that whole thing 2 years ago.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 11, 2006, 12:17:33 PM
I think the band is the ones who are lucky simply because the man is a good dude.. Of course career wise it's his benefit, but band wise I feel it's our.. People talk they get happy, no reason to get on the man.. I never checked his site back then, but he said differently about that situation.... I wasn't there nor does it matter anymore... He's here for now..

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: gabble on June 11, 2006, 01:10:46 PM
Quote from: geographicaloddity on Yesterday at 06:58:54 PM
Quote from: Garry on Yesterday at 05:29:50 PM
They know about each others relations... but they don't necessarily engage in it together.

you know them personally?

It's just pretty obvious. Even if he doesn't know them personally, go to the forums Lisa goes to, she talks about this kind of things all the time. Not only me, but I bet some of you here know about other stuff too, and honestly, we should stop this now because that's between them two.


Ron seems like a cool guy.? Always takes time out for the fans.? :)

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: horsey on June 11, 2006, 01:14:09 PM
im sure axl gets enough play.the chick could be with him im not idea who she is though.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: horsey on June 11, 2006, 01:17:24 PM
ooppz i just wrote this twice on the wrong subject.sorry im in a hurry all the time.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: GnR-NOW on June 11, 2006, 01:18:24 PM
So basically Ron said that he wont have any contribution to Chinese Democracy, that Rhiyad is still going to be played, and he wasnt given a copy of the new songs?
I think he is a great addition to the band, he relates well to the fans, he'll definitely help GNR get some great media attention ... but I fear he might only be a guitarist for hire

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Chief on June 11, 2006, 02:40:33 PM
awesome post, thanks so much for sharing!!!

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: jsg2295 on June 11, 2006, 03:05:02 PM
Well ron does have his own band. If it is a guitar for hire then I believe that this can only help him with exposure. I am sure he has made a few new fans here and in the sites he is playing at with his personality and genuine graciousness in relating to the GNR fans.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 11, 2006, 03:27:43 PM
So basically Ron said that he wont have any contribution to Chinese Democracy, that Rhiyad is still going to be played, and he wasnt given a copy of the new songs?
I think he is a great addition to the band, he relates well to the fans, he'll definitely help GNR get some great media attention ... but I fear he might only be a guitarist for hire

The guy was hired a month ago, for him to be on CD it would push it back to 07 plus they would not be able to tour. Now do you REALLY want that?

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: CheapJon on June 11, 2006, 04:07:17 PM
so when will you post the pictures man?

Yeah, seriously.? Who cares about the other stuff, I want to see said pics.

I reallyreally want to believe you.. but i'm not sure that i do before i've seen some pics man.. you said you had pics.. then post 'em

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: ppbebe on June 11, 2006, 04:08:14 PM
Cool. Ron seems to have more of a mouth than the rest of the band - hope it wont get him into trouble.

I thought the same thing. Didn't he get into trouble once for saying stuff that?

Yea, like 2 years ago I think he posted a message on his webpage saying it looked like he was going to be in GnR. Merck went nuts at him apparently and told people because of that the deal fell though.

blabbermouth fucked it all up, saying he was the new guitarist, he never claimed to be in the band.. It was about 2 years ago... They quickly denied it..

No, blabb only posted what he said on his site. If he wouldnt have opened his big mouth he might have gotten the gig 2 years ago. Seems like nothing has changed, he still cant leep his big mouth shut...

That's pretty fucked up man... At least he's into the people that see the shows, what does he have to be some flunky like the rest who are not saying anything.. You want to call this a band yet no one can speak about things related to the band..

Also you don't know eevrything people post on here that claim ron said this or that is definetly true.. because he's kind people could say anything..

maybe if fucking gnr's team weren't such douche bags he would have gotten the gig two years ago..

What kind of reality do you live in where when yout told to keep quiet about a deal untill everything is worked out, then you go and talk about it on your website, is right? Bumble is damn lucky he was given a second chance after that whole thing 2 years ago.
They needed someone to sub for BH and He is doing very well.

I think either he or the GNR camp took a lesson from that. 

If he indeed hasn't allowed to listen to more than 7 new songs, he's not given more info than that are OK to give out.

If not, he's not that naively open as many might think.
I'm not sure if this convo really took place tho.

but I fear he might only be a guitarist for hire

Only if BH was coming back. ;)

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: GNFNR_UK on June 11, 2006, 04:22:56 PM
So Bucketheads parts remain on CD...PHEW!!

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Ines_rocks! on June 11, 2006, 05:50:35 PM
I love Axl... I really do... he?s one of the most charismatic frontmen in the music business and history, no doubt on that. but there?s one thing on him that really gets on my nerves- this thing to let his band partners behind to go partying and stuff like that. Didn?t he learn from the past? God I think that by 44, Axl could have already learn some useful things like the purpose of a band and a tour. Isn?t for the band members be together, hang out during the tour, getting to knoe each other better and better everyday, u know band like a family... but no, Axl keeps doing the same shit he did in the past... god we all know that one of the thousand reasons the band spilt up was cos Axl was almost never together with them, they had to wait for him to start the gig etc etc... And now he stills do this shit... But then, now he owns the band anyway... Now we can do whatever the fuck he wants... Poor guys indeed.... Ron looks such a nice boy, but for what I read he may be one of those guys that are so kind and nice that only take orders... and I think that?s what all the members do now, take orders from Axl, and then, they even have to keep up with all this shit, to not be together with him during the tour etc... It might be very bad to the guys... god, I really thought that Axl had learnt some lessons... lol but the guy loves to party?? Is that the only goal he has in his life? Oh well...

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: xj220 on June 11, 2006, 06:37:41 PM
Well you know, sometimes the most brilliant artists are also the most weird.  Kinda comes with the territory.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 12, 2006, 03:32:56 PM
Honestly try and keep these thing to yoyurself, I think ron might get in trouble,.,... I can't answer why but believe me.. No one is doing interviews ;)

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: wells on June 12, 2006, 03:39:37 PM
Honestly try and keep these thing to yoyurself, I think ron might get in trouble,.,... I can't answer why but believe me.. No one is doing interviews ;)

I just thought to write same things few minutes ago... Ron is great open personality, which is totally opposite from GNR in general... still when the time comes I am sure they will all shine. They all handled Download incident great and I am sure it will be cool to hear them speaking. I am not sure, at this moment, who is trying to prevent things to leak Axl or Merck, but I have a feeling Axl is not 'primadona' as he was before...


Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Alan on June 12, 2006, 04:25:55 PM
Great post! Man, Ron is the kind of person we want to see in GN'R. An awesome dude!

estranged.1098, very funny. ?:)

Why does the singer in Avenged Sevenfold have a CD with 12 songs on it and Ron ?has to listen to them on a laptop at an office? ?:-\

That is if you believe the guy from a7x
he has it because a fan gave it to him, well gave it to his guitarist.  ;)

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 12, 2006, 04:40:44 PM
I really wish these guys could be open and talk freely to the fans, I mean everything should be fun right, it's a band and if everything is happening everyone should be talking.. No reason to be doing suhc a big tour with no interviews or information...Kind of puts  adamper on it.. Even axl is barely saying boo on stage

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: CheapJon on June 12, 2006, 05:52:42 PM
so when will you post the pictures man?

Yeah, seriously.? Who cares about the other stuff, I want to see said pics.

I reallyreally want to believe you.. but i'm not sure that i do before i've seen some pics man.. you said you had pics.. then post 'em

so i guess then that this was all untrue.. i mean you said you were gonna post some pics but hasn't done that yet..

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Ines_rocks! on June 12, 2006, 05:58:39 PM
I dunno guys... anyway he?s a great poster in this board... why the hell would it put his "boad profile" in risc by making up a story like this? To gain some popularity, to post this thread and then leave the board? I dunno, oh and he has to be pretty imaginative so write this... I gotta belive the guy, I believed the story, It was pretty cool indeed if this really happened so... let?s just wait.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: estranged.1098 on June 12, 2006, 06:06:12 PM
This is from

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: Scabbie on June 12, 2006, 06:07:16 PM
Rons just too cool for school

I liked the fact he had to listen to the songs at the labels head quarters

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: ROSE22 on June 12, 2006, 06:08:15 PM
well either way it seems ron is totally down with the people and a great guy from the many stories i have read. i'm really glad his in gn'r.

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 15, 2006, 03:18:49 AM
I read this story was false, does anyone know?

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: pilferk on June 15, 2006, 07:55:54 AM
"Another guy that I didn't recognise was with Dizzy. After they left Ron mentioned that he was the person that had wrote the story the November Rain video is based on (can't remember the name right now). "

In case it hasn't been mentioned (I've not made it through the 7 pages yet), the above person would be Del James. :)

Title: Re: cool chit chat with from Ron, a lot of cool info from mr browstone
Post by: maybeanotherday on June 20, 2006, 10:49:14 AM
The girl with Dizzy has been on the tour for awhile. I saw her backstage at the Hammersmith show. I think she's on his myspace page.