Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: xj220 on June 10, 2006, 04:28:36 PM

Title: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: xj220 on June 10, 2006, 04:28:36 PM
I was thinking about both of the songs today and how they're more similar than different.  They both have quick tempo changes in the beginning during the chorus and have two parts.  The first half of both songs is kind of the main song itself with the main body of lyrics and whatnot.  When listening to them I get the feeling that the song is about to end even though it's at the half way point because of their build up.  Finally, the second half of each song is the long guitar solo and Axl singing more or less the chorus (or another chorus).  The second parts of each song are full of energy and PC and TWAT are almost the exact same length.  That's how I see things at least.  I'm curious what your thoughts are.

One more thing, in both songs, Axl seems to hold a cynical or sarcastic view on the subject matter that he is singing about.

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: COMAMOTIVE on June 10, 2006, 04:37:22 PM
I have never once been reminded of Paradise City when listening to TWAT

To each their own! :beer:

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: Ines_rocks! on June 10, 2006, 05:01:08 PM
na.. not at all... I love TWAT. as I said before it?s my favourite new song... However these songs can?t be compared to those of AFD... too different oh yeah... and u know why they are different... different league, different band... all of that... so yes... let?s enjoy the new songs, but not compare them to the classics...

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 10, 2006, 05:02:32 PM
I have never once been reminded of Paradise City when listening to TWAT

To each their own! :beer:

Not at all, pc is one of the best gnr tunes ever, the beat the solos are awesome... Never though of twat when hearing pc..

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: Sober_times on June 10, 2006, 05:04:56 PM
In no way what so ever is Twat anywhere close to being a "New" Paradise City. This in no way saying one is better than the other, I just dont see any comparison of the type of music of these 2 it too something off of Illusions not AFD, Twats not that type of song.

But TWAT is a good song...and tastes good too :smoking:

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 10, 2006, 05:06:26 PM
But TWAT is a good song...and tastes good too

here here, second one is better though :love:

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: da_pope on June 10, 2006, 05:07:56 PM
Nah... Not similar in any way.
PC is a rocker while TWAT is a "epic".

Plus the guitar work on PC is much greater then the work on TWAT.

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: 2NaFish on June 10, 2006, 05:12:45 PM
pc is anthemic, twat aint.

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: ppbebe on June 10, 2006, 06:08:35 PM
pc is anthemic, twat aint.

Twat is more personal and at the same time more global in a way. 
Chris's work on it reminds me of Tomita.

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: Tomorrows on June 10, 2006, 07:07:26 PM
PC is fun with a crunching groove. Its uplifiting.

TWAT is dark.

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: xj220 on June 10, 2006, 07:19:14 PM
I understand they're different in their deliveries (upbeat and light vs heavy and dark), however I think they're more similar than people realize.  I guess my title was a little misleading.

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: CAFC Nick on June 10, 2006, 07:46:45 PM
TWAT reminds me more of estranged or locomotive than it does Paradise City.

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on June 10, 2006, 08:50:37 PM
why cant people stop comparing songs? the blues with dont cry,  twat with paradise city...

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: GnR-NOW on June 10, 2006, 08:51:32 PM
TWAT is not a new PC, but it is an awesome new song that can be as powerful as PC, I also think TWAT has the potential to be a closer at a show.

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 10, 2006, 08:55:12 PM
PC is a timeless anthem that will always be remembered... Amazing gym song, amazing summer cruising song, just a song eevryone knows.. great sing a long as well..

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: Mattattack on June 10, 2006, 09:41:57 PM
This is what's wrong with some fans here. TWAT should not even be mentioned in the same sentence as Paradise City. TWAT will be a cool album track that die hard fans will get into, that's it. TWAT will never be a radio anthem, and if you think it will be you're delusional.

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: Tomorrows on June 10, 2006, 09:44:28 PM
Well, Ive got news for you: My girlfriend is a total GnR hater (it strains our relationship, lol) and I just had the leaks playing and she was like "that isnt bad". Then she asked me to play TWAT again and she confessed she liked it.

The new band will work a magic on people I am now convinced.

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: SWINGTRADER on June 10, 2006, 09:53:25 PM
None of the new songs compare to the old ones ?, and never will. ?I doubt that if the old band got back ?together that they could write songs as good as the old ones. ? You guys get mad when ?reviewers compare this band with the old one, ?so i suggest we should not do it either. ? This is a totally different band. it is not GNR , ?it is GNR by name only. ?new songs are very cool ?but nothing like the old tunes. ?You guys should compare the new songs to other songs of the current music scene ?not with the old material. ?I don't understand why you kids keep trying to convince yourselves into thinking this band is or could be as good as the old one ?. ? That is being disrespectful to the past ?and to the musicians that made us love GNR in the first place. ? I guess you guys think Paul rogers+ Queen is a better band than ?Freddie mercury's Queen ?right?? ?

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: Krispy Kreme on June 10, 2006, 09:56:49 PM
Let's wait and see if they play TWAT as the closing number  before rushing to judgment.

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: Tomorrows on June 10, 2006, 09:58:39 PM
None of the new songs compare to the old ones  , and never will.  I doubt that if the old band got back  together that they could write songs as good as the old ones.   You guys get mad when  reviewers compare this band with the old one,  so i suggest we should not do it either.   This is a totally different band. it is not GNR ,  it is GNR by name only.  new songs are very cool  but nothing like the old tunes.  You guys should compare the new songs to other songs of the current music scene  not with the old material.  I don't understand why you kids keep trying to convince yourselves into thinking this band is or could be as good as the old one  .   That is being disrespectful to the past  and to the musicians that made us love GNR in the first place.   I guess you guys think Paul rogers+ Queen is a better band than  Freddie mercury's Queen  right?? 

Yea? Well what about hating the new members just because they arent the old ones? Isnt that being disrespectful to Axl?

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: kockstar999 on June 10, 2006, 10:05:24 PM
nothing similar about them other than the singer is the same

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: SWINGTRADER on June 10, 2006, 10:09:31 PM
None of the new songs compare to the old ones? , and never will.? I doubt that if the old band got back? together that they could write songs as good as the old ones.? ?You guys get mad when? reviewers compare this band with the old one,? so i suggest we should not do it either.? ?This is a totally different band. it is not GNR ,? it is GNR by name only.? new songs are very cool? but nothing like the old tunes.? You guys should compare the new songs to other songs of the current music scene? not with the old material.? I don't understand why you kids keep trying to convince yourselves into thinking this band is or could be as good as the old one? .? ?That is being disrespectful to the past? and to the musicians that made us love GNR in the first place.? ?I guess you guys think Paul rogers+ Queen is a better band than? Freddie mercury's Queen? right???

Yea? Well what about hating the new members just because they arent the old ones? Isnt that being disrespectful to Axl?

if I didn't like this new band   I wouldn't be here.   Just because I don't think that they are near as good as the original  doesn't mean I don't like them.  I think they are better than most of the bands in the world right now, including VR.   You can't compare this band with the old one,  they are totally different  and Axl isn't the same guy he used to be.  Doesn't mean he still isn't an awesome frontman /performer  it's just that he is not the same hypnotic  rocker he once was.   Nothing wrong with that  , age is a bitch   it happens.

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: Michael on June 10, 2006, 10:20:18 PM
I think TWAT lies pretty much close to Sympathy For The Devil...almost similar voice like in 1994....

TWAT is my favorite song of all the leaked and all the played songs live!

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: lennonisgod on June 10, 2006, 10:25:05 PM
I like TWAT a lot but why do we need another Paradise City?  This might be a bad example but it's kind of like when people Say, "So and so is the next Michael Jordan."  There will never be another Michael Jordan just like there will never be another Paradise City.  Why can't it just be "The first" TWAT?  Ummmmm... 

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: zakas80 on June 10, 2006, 10:38:32 PM
i agree lennonisgod, paradise was a great song in its time, and i still enjoy it live.  but twat has a whole different sound & vibe too it, and we havent even heard the final version that will be on the album.  sept 25th cant come soon enough!

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: Born In The USA on June 10, 2006, 10:42:04 PM
TWAT reminds me of a song called The Long Face by Minus,it has a smooth cathcy groovin verse then a really harsh almost sounding misplaced chorus,but it works so I have hope for the TWAT finished recording,it could be a classic tune but I dont think it will top PC,but with that said this record is not supposed to replicate the past but build on it,it will take you into a new path of musical territory and thats why im excited as a fan of music its exciting to hear them go new places and see where it takes them,it would be boring to do anything again,its been done we dont need to buy the same record,if things arent written about were you are at in life it sounds contrived and boring and Axl doing the right thing by writing were hes at now,which makes GN'R great an honest integrity act,I think the other tunes will be even better I think this will go nicely with them,it seems Axl is painting up a pretty good picture,I cant wait to view what his minds been creating with the freedom hes had to record over the years

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on June 11, 2006, 01:18:31 AM
If it was a metal song, it would totally resemble And Justice For All.

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 11, 2006, 05:23:57 AM
None of the new songs compare to the old ones? , and never will.? I doubt that if the old band got back? together that they could write songs as good as the old ones.? ?You guys get mad when? reviewers compare this band with the old one,? so i suggest we should not do it either.? ?This is a totally different band. it is not GNR ,? it is GNR by name only.? new songs are very cool? but nothing like the old tunes.? You guys should compare the new songs to other songs of the current music scene? not with the old material.? I don't understand why you kids keep trying to convince yourselves into thinking this band is or could be as good as the old one? .? ?That is being disrespectful to the past? and to the musicians that made us love GNR in the first place.? ?I guess you guys think Paul rogers+ Queen is a better band than? Freddie mercury's Queen? right???

Yea? Well what about hating the new members just because they arent the old ones? Isnt that being disrespectful to Axl?

I don't think it is.. Did axl expect eevryone to jump on board, he knew the risks of bringing back gnr who are worldy known with completly new people..

Axl has changed the band several times since 1999, 2001, 2002, 2006 (i don't care if certain people were temps) is all different bands in some way or another... I think it's more discrespectful to just take anyone you can and make it gnr so you can rake in the money and continue to do well and get more money from the label/....

The cool thing would have been for axl to start a new band and use a new name.... I know many can't see that because to them axl is gnr and the break up happened in stage instead of one mass walk out... Either way it all ended the same every member left..

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: Wolfpac on June 11, 2006, 12:00:25 PM
'Well, Ive got news for you: My girlfriend is a total GnR hater (it strains our relationship, lol) and I just had the leaks playing and she was like "that isnt bad". Then she asked me to play TWAT again and she confessed she liked it.

The new band will work a magic on people I am now convinced.'

- Whether people like the new demos/leaks or not is a total crapshoot. I personally hate them. In an effort to try and give the new demos/leaks another chance I put them on repeat on the MP3 player a few weeks ago. I listened to them for about 2 hours straight until my bro came in from being annoyed at listening to it fro 2 hours straight on repeat in the next room. He was like, ' dude, can you turn that crap off? It sucks!'. I told him it was the new GNR demos/leaks and he in turn replied, 'Really? Damn, Axl should've never let the old members go'. Then he laughed his ass off. He loves the old GNR, he just didn't know about the new leaks/demos because he doesn't go on the internet about this stuff because he's more into videogames. Hey, I'm all for the new GNR succeeding but they gotta leak/put out better demos/leaks. These demos/leaks we're getting just isn't cutting it. I mean they're ok by today's standards but they pale in comparison the standards of the old stuff. TWAT needs to be totally redone and rewritten if it wants to be even mentioned in the same sentence as PC.?

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: AxlFink on June 11, 2006, 02:19:39 PM
she better be hot to justify goin out with a girl that doesnt like gnr......j/k

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: codenameninja on June 11, 2006, 02:25:34 PM
I have never once been reminded of Paradise City when listening to TWAT

To each their own! :beer:

the same here. 2 very different songs  :peace:

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: ppbebe on June 11, 2006, 03:32:56 PM
Wolfpac, Let her know how amazing band this is. :beer:

it is not GNR ,  it is GNR by name only. ........... I don't understand why you kids keep trying to convince yourselves into thinking this band is or could be as good as the old one  .   That is being disrespectful to the past  and to the musicians that made us love GNR in the first place.   I guess you guys think Paul rogers+ Queen is a better band than  Freddie mercury's Queen  right?? 
Yea? Well what about hating the new members just because they arent the old ones? Isnt that being disrespectful to Axl?
Just because I don't think that they are near as good as the original  doesn't mean I don't like them.  I think they are better than most of the bands in the world right now, including VR.

How about converting the new to the old.:
Just because I don't think that they are near as good as the new band doesn't mean I don't like them.  I think they were better than most of the bands in the world at that time, including RHCP.   

In your logic,  to think, say GNR is better than Elvis would be disrespectful to the musician that made RNR.
Ever thought of the possibility that not everyone got into this band because of the former musicians?
true that it's no point in arguing over the old vs. the new crap.  Or rather any band A vs band B debate between the fans might be nonsense. Music is subjective.
Honestly, why certain people keep trying to convince us that this band isn't or can't be as good as / better than the old band so hard is beyond me. Such attempts are totally inadequate cos everyone has their own eyes, ears and heart. no matter how hard you try to prove that black is white, Some feel it as pink some as violet. Each to their own.

Nothing wrong with that  , age is a bitch   it happens.

Is it age that dims some of the old band fans sensibilities? Nothing wrong with that but they shouldn't force everyone to feel the same.

I don't see Age is being a bitch to Axl, his band mates or to many old GNR fans here.
Seeing them makes me think ageing is not bad at all.

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: JDA on June 11, 2006, 10:40:37 PM
TWAT is nothing like Paradise.

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: the dirt on June 11, 2006, 10:51:41 PM
sept 25th cant come soon enough!

What's the significance of this date?

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on June 11, 2006, 11:09:55 PM
First Staples Center show............

I hope ;D

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: ben9785 on June 12, 2006, 03:07:11 AM
"TWAT" is not really similar to "Paradise City", but if you see it, that's great

It is a fucking amazing song though "TWAT"..if the album version sounds anything like (let alone better) than the album version, then it might become one of my favourite songs of all time....I can't stop listening to the demo..the lyrics, the vocals, the guitar solos.......I get lost in the song, i can relate to some of it as well...well my own interpretation anyway

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: mongis on June 12, 2006, 06:45:03 AM
if they manage to get that nostalgic-kick-ass-take-off-freeze-the-shit-out-of-mongis feeling the ending of TWAT has in live shows they can use that instead of PC... i think they can change when CD is out ;)

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: xj220 on June 12, 2006, 06:45:35 AM
I have never once been reminded of Paradise City when listening to TWAT

To each their own! :beer:

Actually, I was listening to Paradise City and was reminded of TWAT.  Not so much theme, but the structures of the songs at least.

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: darkmonth on June 12, 2006, 08:02:16 AM
I like TWAT a lot but why do we need another Paradise City?  This might be a bad example but it's kind of like when people Say, "So and so is the next Michael Jordan."  There will never be another Michael Jordan just like there will never be another Paradise City.  Why can't it just be "The first" TWAT?  Ummmmm... 

Probably the most perfect post I've ever read.  I 100% agree.  I LOVE There Was A Time, and it stands on it's own.  :)

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: justynius on June 12, 2006, 10:15:29 AM
IRS actually reminds me of Paradise City more than TWAT does.

The similarities between the two songs....
1) Both start out with an extremely popish intro that turns into hard rock
2) Axl's vocals in the verses of both songs are fast with hard rhymes, almost on the verge of rap
3) Both have choruses that are amongst the simplest to ever appear in a GN'R song
4) Both build up to a long scream toward the end of the song

I don't think IRS was intentionally meant to be similar to Paradise City, and I'd also say I don't think they aspired for it to be as big of a song. However, I do think it makes a lot better comparison than TWAT.

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: CheapJon on June 12, 2006, 10:57:55 AM
I don't think those 2 are similar at all.. most fans in sweden thinks that TWAT sounds like sort of a "estranged" kind of song.. if you know what i mean

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: xj220 on June 12, 2006, 01:11:26 PM
The sound is different, yes.  I'm just saying their structure is very similar.

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: Guns90 on June 12, 2006, 01:16:07 PM
No it ist. Thats stupid.

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: xj220 on June 12, 2006, 02:19:33 PM
At least I can type, numbnuts.

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: Bono on June 13, 2006, 12:51:13 AM
Ummm..... NO!

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: tomass74 on June 13, 2006, 07:46:04 AM
Haven't heard TWAT.. But PC is arguably my favorite Gn'R tune ever.. I doubt they are even close.

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on June 16, 2006, 05:40:59 PM
Twat is a great song, and has great lyrics... but you cant compare it to a timeless song such as PC.

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: Guns90 on June 19, 2006, 01:46:21 PM
At least I can type, numbnuts.

I can type, thats what i just did. If you didnt know that your retarded. Then again, judging by this thread, thats clear.

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: Madagascar88 on June 19, 2006, 03:49:48 PM
i'd classify GNR songs as follows:

Stadium Anthems:
Welcome to the Jungle
Paradise City
Live And Let Die

Hard Rockers:
It's So Easy
Mr. Brownstone
Out Ta Get Me
My Michelle
Double Talkin' Jive
You Could Be Mine

Epic Rockers:
Rocket Queen
Civil War
Better (?)

Blues Rock
Dust N' Bones
The Blues

Rock Ballads:
Sweet Child O'Mine
Think About You
Knockin' on Heavens Door

Power Ballads:
Don't Cry
There Was A Time

Epics Ballads:
November Rain
Catcher in the Rye

let me know where you agree/disagree

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: plasmabeam on June 19, 2006, 04:54:19 PM
They are alike in the structure (Lyrics at beginning, chorus heavy near the end), but that's about it.

Title: Re: TWAT is new Paradise City?
Post by: plasmabeam on June 19, 2006, 04:55:02 PM
i'd classify GNR songs as follows:

Stadium Anthems:
Welcome to the Jungle
Paradise City
Live And Let Die

Hard Rockers:
It's So Easy
Mr. Brownstone
Out Ta Get Me
My Michelle
Double Talkin' Jive
You Could Be Mine

Epic Rockers:
Rocket Queen
Civil War
Better (?)

Blues Rock
Dust N' Bones
The Blues

Rock Ballads:
Sweet Child O'Mine
Think About You
Knockin' on Heavens Door

Power Ballads:
Don't Cry
There Was A Time

Epics Ballads:
November Rain
Catcher in the Rye

let me know where you agree/disagree

Just curious... where would you put Locomotive in your system?