Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: sjgotnitro on June 07, 2006, 08:43:54 AM

Title: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: sjgotnitro on June 07, 2006, 08:43:54 AM
Well for all you Sirius haters, Sirius satelite radio has now taken the final steps to become the long term #1 Satelite radio company.

Howard Stern and Sirius now own the rights to all of Howards shows from Krock. He now has 23,000 hours of classic uncensored radio shows from the last 20 years.

They settled the suit with CBS and now have gained all howards old tapes.

Howard will most likely add a 3rd channel for all classic stern.

Think about all the bits that have been bleepd over the years now they will play all thoses shows UNCENSORED.


Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: Skeba on June 07, 2006, 08:48:54 AM
Yeah! 'Cause no one says fuck like Stern!!

I agree that it's stupid to bleep cursewords, but to be able to hear them is nothing to get wet about.

And it's good that a lawsuit was settled.. It'd be nice if everyone could be friends.

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: darknemus on June 07, 2006, 08:50:29 AM
Good for SATELLITE RADIO - note I didn't say good for Sirius.  Its good for the INDUSTRY.

Just like the O&A deal is w/ FreeFM (and the fact that they pimp XM during every commercial break)

Death to terrestrial, viva la digital revolution! (or something.. my spanish sucks)


Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: The New Fiona Apple on June 07, 2006, 11:42:14 AM
Howard 99 (if indeed that's what it is) should have a steady stream of all the stuff. And No best ofs, just play some old stuff or some original new programming.

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: Bostonrose on June 07, 2006, 02:55:25 PM
WOW....cause I couldn't already figure out what "BLEEP YOU" meant..

  This just means Howard can go ahead and play old bits and not concentrate of doing a new show...

UGHHH   12 dollars to hear what I have already heard on Ters. Radio...Wait NO BEEPS!   Faggots

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: sjgotnitro on June 07, 2006, 04:11:31 PM
WOW....cause I couldn't already figure out what "BLEEP YOU" meant..

? This just means Howard can go ahead and play old bits and not concentrate of doing a new show...

UGHHH? ?12 dollars to hear what I have already heard on Ters. Radio...Wait NO BEEPS!? ?Faggots

Look bostonbutt you talk out your ass on here sometimes. A complainer a whiner. STFU
Howard will most likely add a third channel. So that will be 2 channels devoted to new programming and one channel to classic stern. He has 23,000 hours of old radio shows. As one of the options out there right now is to play 2 or 3 entire shows in chronological order from the beginning every day on a classic type channel. It would take 7 plus years to get through all the stuff running 2 or 3 shows each day then repeating them that day so you have a chance to here the daily new show then hear a classic show.  Howard paid his entire show salary in the first few months he was there every thing from here on out is money in sirius pocket. Think about it. Sirius radio has just concreted stern on there radio for years after if he retires. I have been a fan for over 10 years, but now I can listen from day 1 at Krock on. Today his show was 5 1/2 hours long with very little commercials. How many hours of buttplug and andy did you get today. 
His channels are 24 hours a day none stop with action not just a few hours.

If you listened to stern you would know that his old show were cut to pieces so now they will be heard as they were meant to be.

Sorry to rant but testicualar radio can fucking die and I have the gut feeling you were giving a jab becuase you sux O&A balls.   WoW faggs

The numbers will speak for themselves.

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: sjgotnitro on June 07, 2006, 04:28:10 PM
You know what I take back what I said. This is good for satelite radio in general. I do not want to come across as bashing xm. Somebody just got me pissed ::).

You know what this site needs a who gives a shit forum it could be a subsection under deadhorse, and at times some people could be banned to there for ever. Hmmmmmmmmmmm I know a guy that would fit right in there.

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: darknemus on June 07, 2006, 04:30:18 PM
Is it ok to like both O&A AND Stern?  Just checking, because it seems like anytime someone mentions one its with a great deal of anger towards the other.

I like Howard.  I don't like how Howard treated O&A way back when on WNEW.  I like O&A.  Each show appeals to me on a different level.  Sometimes I'll listen to Howard for a couple weeks, sometimes O&A, sometimes both in the same day.  (Gotta love Newsgroups..) .  I sub to both services so that I have the CHOICE. 

I just want to see terrestrial choke on Satan's cock.. outside of that, I don't really care what sat company is 'better' this week.  I pay for both, I enjoy both - que sera sera.


Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: sjgotnitro on June 07, 2006, 04:34:27 PM
Is it ok to like both O&A AND Stern?? Just checking, because it seems like anytime someone mentions one its with a great deal of anger towards the other.

I like Howard.? I don't like how Howard treated O&A way back when on WNEW.? I like O&A.? Each show appeals to me on a different level.? Sometimes I'll listen to Howard for a couple weeks, sometimes O&A, sometimes both in the same day.? (Gotta love Newsgroups..) .? I sub to both services so that I have the CHOICE.?

I just want to see terrestrial choke on Satan's cock.. outside of that, I don't really care what sat company is 'better' this week.? I pay for both, I enjoy both - que sera sera.


Yes it is that is why I will state sorry I just get defensive when bs facts or rumors are thrown around.? ?It drives me nutz, on this site as well about the new vs old thing. Really who cares.

Howards new deal will bring more listeners to satelite radio.


Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: Bostonrose on June 07, 2006, 08:00:09 PM
WOW....cause I couldn't already figure out what "BLEEP YOU" meant..

? This just means Howard can go ahead and play old bits and not concentrate of doing a new show...

UGHHH? ?12 dollars to hear what I have already heard on Ters. Radio...Wait NO BEEPS!? ?Faggots

Look bostonbutt you talk out your ass on here sometimes. A complainer a whiner. STFU
Howard will most likely add a third channel. So that will be 2 channels devoted to new programming and one channel to classic stern. He has 23,000 hours of old radio shows. As one of the options out there right now is to play 2 or 3 entire shows in chronological order from the beginning every day on a classic type channel. It would take 7 plus years to get through all the stuff running 2 or 3 shows each day then repeating them that day so you have a chance to here the daily new show then hear a classic show.? Howard paid his entire show salary in the first few months he was there every thing from here on out is money in sirius pocket. Think about it. Sirius radio has just concreted stern on there radio for years after if he retires. I have been a fan for over 10 years, but now I can listen from day 1 at Krock on. Today his show was 5 1/2 hours long with very little commercials. How many hours of buttplug and andy did you get today.?
His channels are 24 hours a day none stop with action not just a few hours.

If you listened to stern you would know that his old show were cut to pieces so now they will be heard as they were meant to be.

Sorry to rant but testicualar radio can fucking die and I have the gut feeling you were giving a jab becuase you sux O&A balls.? ?WoW faggs

The numbers will speak for themselves.

oh god.....
 you need to get out more....really....grow up.... ::)

 :'(? he's talking bad about howard? :'(? ?he doesn't know that howard will add a 3rd channell? ?:'(
he likes O and A and not Howard? :'(
 :'( i get defensive on a message board.... my mom doesn't love me..... :'(
sorry lil fuck that you are? ?: ok:

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on June 07, 2006, 09:37:21 PM
Is it ok to like both O&A AND Stern?? Just checking, because it seems like anytime someone mentions one its with a great deal of anger towards the other.

I like Howard.? I don't like how Howard treated O&A way back when on WNEW.? I like O&A.? Each show appeals to me on a different level.? Sometimes I'll listen to Howard for a couple weeks, sometimes O&A, sometimes both in the same day.? (Gotta love Newsgroups..) .? I sub to both services so that I have the CHOICE.?

I just want to see terrestrial choke on Satan's cock.. outside of that, I don't really care what sat company is 'better' this week.? I pay for both, I enjoy both - que sera sera.


I couldn't have said it better myself.  Personally, Jim Norton makes O & A for me.  The guy is hilarious.  :rofl: 

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: sjgotnitro on June 08, 2006, 11:31:42 AM
WOW....cause I couldn't already figure out what "BLEEP YOU" meant..

? This just means Howard can go ahead and play old bits and not concentrate of doing a new show...

UGHHH? ?12 dollars to hear what I have already heard on Ters. Radio...Wait NO BEEPS!? ?Faggots

Look bostonbutt you talk out your ass on here sometimes. A complainer a whiner. STFU
Howard will most likely add a third channel. So that will be 2 channels devoted to new programming and one channel to classic stern. He has 23,000 hours of old radio shows. As one of the options out there right now is to play 2 or 3 entire shows in chronological order from the beginning every day on a classic type channel. It would take 7 plus years to get through all the stuff running 2 or 3 shows each day then repeating them that day so you have a chance to here the daily new show then hear a classic show.? Howard paid his entire show salary in the first few months he was there every thing from here on out is money in sirius pocket. Think about it. Sirius radio has just concreted stern on there radio for years after if he retires. I have been a fan for over 10 years, but now I can listen from day 1 at Krock on. Today his show was 5 1/2 hours long with very little commercials. How many hours of buttplug and andy did you get today.?
His channels are 24 hours a day none stop with action not just a few hours.

If you listened to stern you would know that his old show were cut to pieces so now they will be heard as they were meant to be.

Sorry to rant but testicualar radio can fucking die and I have the gut feeling you were giving a jab becuase you sux O&A balls.? ?WoW faggs

The numbers will speak for themselves.

oh god.....
 you need to get out more....really....grow up.... ::)

 :'(? he's talking bad about howard? :'(? ?he doesn't know that howard will add a 3rd channell? ?:'(
he likes O and A and not Howard? :'(
 :'( i get defensive on a message board.... my mom doesn't love me..... :'(
sorry lil fuck that you are? ?: ok:

Plain and simple STFU
You are the guy who has been here for a little more than 3 weeks with a negative 3 karma already, cuasing trouble in what ever thread you go in or start. your nothing but a whiny little bitch.

I stated above that I was sorry for making it a xm verse sirius battle. You can have O&A. I'm glad you like them I'm happy for you.

My point is Sirius is doing what needs to be done to ensure that satelite radio puts regular radio on its knees. If you like Howard or not he is the biggest name in radio period. At one point in time he has had over 18 million listeners. He has the ability to bring millions more  to satelite radio which he will.  People will pay 12 bucks a month to have 2 or 3 channels of Howard all the time 24 hrs a day.

Oh and STFU I do not agree with everything howard does or says but I can say overall I enjoy his show and the people on it. I can care less what o&a do or say. I have a few times tried to listen to O&A it is not for me.

Personally if you like there show you would love the kidd chris show becuase  they are similar in more ways to chris's than with howards show, I do however like teh kidd chris show alot. Which he will be going to sirius also when his contract is up. You can count on that. 

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: Booker Floyd on June 08, 2006, 11:34:45 AM
A channel of classic Stern sounds really, really good.  Hopefully its real classic material, and not a lot of 2000-2002 material like the last few years of Best-Ofs. 

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: pilferk on June 08, 2006, 11:44:31 AM
A channel of classic Stern sounds really, really good.? Hopefully its real classic material, and not a lot of 2000-2002 material like the last few years of Best-Ofs.?

My suggestion was/is to do the following:

You start with their first show at Krock in '85 and run straight through their last show in '05, serialized.? You do that Monday - Friday.? Then, on the weekends, you run all the special "theme" shows and such that they seem to want to run, using all the old material.

They'd have about 4 years, on the M - F run, of material without having to ever repeat a show.

In addition to THAT, I'd actually like to see ANOTHER channel where they run the material "Raw Dog" style...sorta like a running 24/7 "best of" type thing.

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: sjgotnitro on June 08, 2006, 11:52:35 AM
A channel of classic Stern sounds really, really good.? Hopefully its real classic material, and not a lot of 2000-2002 material like the last few years of Best-Ofs.?

No I think alot of poeple are pushing for a classic channel starting form the begging at krock from 20 years ago and run them in order from start to finish. 23000 hours is alot of stuff they will have to run it on its own channel. I think that would be the smart move, Then maybe showcase a few real classic moments picked to be on at night for an hour on 100 and or 101 then maybe weekends on 100 or 101. We can only hope. If he did not go with the 3rd channel to me it would be a waste becuase that is the only way to get it all on the air. They could do a hank only hour or boey songs etc. Really this has opened up the door for countless posiblilties.

I do not think this will bring down the new creativity of the show it should make it better.

The Artie roast tonight is going to be awesome. ?:peace: Dice will be on.

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: sjgotnitro on June 08, 2006, 11:54:49 AM
A channel of classic Stern sounds really, really good.? Hopefully its real classic material, and not a lot of 2000-2002 material like the last few years of Best-Ofs.?

My suggestion was/is to do the following:

You start with their first show at Krock in '85 and run straight through their last show in '05, serialized.? You do that Monday - Friday.? Then, on the weekends, you run all the special "theme" shows and such that they seem to want to run, using all the old material.

They'd have about 4 years, on the M - F run, of material without having to ever repeat a show.

In addition to THAT, I'd actually like to see ANOTHER channel where they run the material "Raw Dog" style...sorta like a running 24/7 "best of" type thing.

I'm with ya on that idea. I figured if they played each show serialized twice a day so you could catch the daily new show and also get the classic? : ok: it would take over 7 /12 years for that. :yes:

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: pilferk on June 08, 2006, 12:02:45 PM

The Artie roast tonight is going to be awesome. ?:peace: Dice will be on.

I actually BOUGHT the Sirius home kit last weekend JUST so I could listen to the Artie roast tonight. :)

Sounds like it's gonna be funny as shit.

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: pasnow on June 08, 2006, 12:13:56 PM
Yeah, kindof like reruns of Seinfeld & The Simpsons.. It'd probably be smart to air the first epsiode (1983 era) at 1 time, say 4pm, and a midpoint say 1995, immediately after at 8pm.  This way, if fans don't like one era or another, it will change it up, instead of having to wait 3 years to hear him when he really took off with the Wack Pack & Crackhead Bob etc.. I think E! did this on the E! show airing 1 era at 11, and another at 11:30, usually a 5 year difference in the rotation.

As for Satellite, I'm not trying to turn this into an XM vs. Sirius discussion, but O&A are on terrest radio here, and to me it is not awful enough!! I'm surprised they signed this deal because if anything, it's NOT going to get me to sign up for XM if this is what they have to offer. When O&A were on terrest years ago, they always had comedians in & hanging out, like Jay Mohr, Jim Norton, so it was like 5 guys hanging out. Now it's just these two trying hard to outfunny each other. Which is what I never liked about those guys. Bad move for Clear Channel as well, they just dished out a couple mill to DLRoth for 4 months of service, and although I haven't seen the ratings, I can't imagine O&A are very good either. Nobody I talk to listens to them..

Interesting point about Kid Chris, he's funny and his show is great, he's on afternoon's in Philly. Except he's been on less than a year, I wouldn't think his contract would allow him to leave so soon. But I don't know if DJ's have clauses like that, usually I would think the clause would be the other way, to allow the station to release the DJ.

As for me, I only drive about 10 minutes to work, so it isn't really worthwhile for me to get satellite.

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: pilferk on June 08, 2006, 12:23:44 PM

Interesting point about Kid Chris, he's funny and his show is great, he's on afternoon's in Philly. Except he's been on less than a year, I wouldn't think his contract would allow him to leave so soon. But I don't know if DJ's have clauses like that, usually I would think the clause would be the other way, to allow the station to release the DJ.

As for me, I only drive about 10 minutes to work, so it isn't really worthwhile for me to get satellite.

Funny you should mention him...

I think he's the DJ that left the old Krock (now FreeFM NYC) when it became apparent he'd never get the morning job there.  Started in Philly maybe a couple months ago (maybe less?), right?

He's friends with Howard, called into the show just before he started in Philly, and Howard called into HIS show on his first day, I think.

On "worth getting sat" you listen to much radio at home?  You could get the house adapter kit and make use of it in the house, too.

Sat radio kills everything on Testical radio.  The selection, the lack of commercials, the programming....hell, even the reception, for me, on my commute is better than FM.  But with a 75 min commute, twice a day, it's not hard to justify the cost, either.

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: sjgotnitro on June 08, 2006, 12:30:38 PM
i listen to no less tha 9 hrs a day of sateltie radio. Plus when you travel long distances satelite is the only way to go.

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: pasnow on June 08, 2006, 12:35:46 PM
Yeah if I drove 75 mi's/day I'd definitely have to get it. I think over a half hour commute I'd be able to justify it. ?But no, I really don't listen to the radio much at home. Although I do have digital cable which comes with 45 channels of music, which includes Alternative, Adult Alternative, Rock, Hard Rock, Metal etc.. The selection is pretty good, bands like Soul Asylum, Wilco, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden The Cure, & decent newer bands I've discovered like Thursday, Stretch Armstrong etc.. It's pretty all over the place. They even have an 80's retro station for REM, Petty, Furs & all. So I hooked up my cable box to my stereo, it's actually pretty good. ?

For Kid Chris, yeah that is him, I didn't know he was in NYC. He talks about being in Syracuse alot. He "claimed" he didn't want the DLRoth spot once he left, said he didn't want to wake up at 4 in the morning & was afraid he couldn't be funny that early in the morning. I guess he was BSing when callers asked, but yeah that's great you heard of him.. He always hits that "HAHAHHA!!" button. ?

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: sjgotnitro on June 08, 2006, 12:40:53 PM
I know you think the 30 minutes a day is not worth it but it is. Becuase once you hear what you are getting you want to take it every where. I have maybe listened to 1 hour of regualar radio since January. Heck I watch a lot less tv now so that is good as well.

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: pasnow on June 08, 2006, 12:48:19 PM
I know you think the 30 minutes a day is not worth it but it is. Becuase once you hear what you are getting you want to take it every where. I have maybe listened to 1 hour of regualar radio since January. Heck I watch a lot less tv now so that is good as well.

No, I was saying IF I drove 30 mins a day I WOULD be able to justify it (ie. I would consider getting it)   : ok:

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: Booker Floyd on June 08, 2006, 04:03:16 PM
When O&A were on terrest years ago, they always had comedians in & hanging out, like Jay Mohr, Jim Norton, so it was like 5 guys hanging out.  Now it's just these two trying hard to outfunny each other.


You sure youve listened?  Jim Norton is the permanent third mic, Jay Mohr and Kevin Smith did an entire show (CBS and XM) last week, as did Billy Connolly, and theres always comedians coming in: Rich Vos, Patrice O'Neal, Bill Burr.  I dont think O&A have done a show with just the two of them in over a year.

Also, they made the deal with CBS Radio, not Clear Channel.

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: pasnow on June 08, 2006, 04:12:55 PM
When O&A were on terrest years ago, they always had comedians in & hanging out, like Jay Mohr, Jim Norton, so it was like 5 guys hanging out.? Now it's just these two trying hard to outfunny each other.


You sure youve listened?? Jim Norton is the permanent third mic, Jay Mohr and Kevin Smith did an entire show (CBS and XM) last week, as did Billy Connolly, and theres always comedians coming in: Rich Vos, Patrice O'Neal, Bill Burr.? I dont think O&A have done a show with just the two of them in over a year.

Also, they made the deal with CBS Radio, not Clear Channel.

OK well whoever they signed with to go back ONTO terrest radio (simulcast). Guess I don't listen enough, although I only drive about 10 minutes a day so it's a short window to judge. Every time I do it's just the 2 of them.

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: Booker Floyd on June 08, 2006, 04:39:40 PM
OK well whoever they signed with to go back ONTO terrest radio (simulcast). Guess I don't listen enough, although I only drive about 10 minutes a day so it's a short window to judge. Every time I do it's just the 2 of them.

Like I said, thats impossible.  They literally havent done a show with just the two of them in a long, long time (if they did at all since 2004).

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: KeVoRkIaN on June 08, 2006, 07:13:45 PM
I drive 5 minutes to work and my SIRIUS Howard 100 channel in the morning puts a smile on my face every day.  I now get 10 minutes on the way back too with the repeat or Bubba. Beats Testicular radio hands down.

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: AxlsMainMan on June 29, 2006, 04:54:14 PM
Ive been saving up my pennies over the last several weeks, and have finally decided to spring for something Ive wanted since it first came out, that beeing satellite radio.. ;D

Im not a sports fanatic by any stretch of the imagination, so my interest in satellite radio is strictly music which service is better geared towards me?

Sirius or XM?

When it comes to music, my interests of course follow along the wavelength of Gn'R a la 70's, 80's early 90's, while I also wouldn't mind hearing some new, and upcoming bands here and there... :D

If I understand correctly, either console is entirely portable, which means they come with a headphone jack, so you could theoretically take your Satellite radio on the go with you just like an Ipod, right?

Any thoughts, advice would be appreaciated, and thanks in advance :)

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: Sparksry on December 25, 2006, 05:11:25 PM
I just got a sirius radio for christmas and ill say i cant wait to hook it up, listening to howard stern and my fav station hair 80  :hihi:

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: deadflowerII on December 25, 2006, 05:43:16 PM
I've had mine for 1 yr.IT ROCKS !!!!Even if you don't like howard it rocks.....Buzzsaw,Faction,Raw Dog,Howard 100&101.......Those channels are the shit!!! :peace:

Title: Re: Sirius Satelite Radio
Post by: XxWickeds10xX on December 25, 2006, 08:58:23 PM
Ive had sirius over a year now, and I cant see being without it anymore. I have 3 cars, and all 3 have the hookup so I can just bring it with me nomatter what car I drive. I also have the base for home so I can listen at home too. Before Howard was on I was into Hair Nation, Buzzsaw, Octane and all that stuff, but honestly since Howard I can turn him off. He puts a great show on daily!