Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: mikegiuliana on June 07, 2006, 03:19:57 AM

Title: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 07, 2006, 03:19:57 AM
If there is one then merge it, if not I wanted to say the newest member is one hell of a player and one hell of a human being....  Here's to hoping he is there for the long run and gets to create new music with the guys :beer:

Anyone who hung with him outside of hammerstein or has written him via email knows what a clas act he is, so I think he deserves our cheers in a thread dedicated to him..

Even if he left tomorrow I would still keep up with whatever he is doing because of his respect for the fans and the idea you just know he cares....

Rock on man and best of luck :smoking:

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: Brody on June 07, 2006, 03:49:13 AM
yea gotta give it up for bumble foot hes the shit!!

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: EFISH on June 07, 2006, 03:51:36 AM
hell yeah man! bumblefoot is one awesome guitarist and such a genuine guy.. i really hope he will stay with the band 'till the end! maybe for the 2nd album whenevr that comes out, he'll be on it.. im sure he will..

that guy just rocks

i love this new band :love:

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: WAR41 on June 07, 2006, 04:11:14 AM

Even if he left tomorrow I would still keep up with whatever he is doing because of his respect for the fans and the idea you just know he cares....

Then maybe you should know more about his past... he produced Inhuman's "Evolver" and "Rebellion" records.  They are a great NYHC band.  He also produced some of Indecision's first few records which are incredible as well.  I am quite certain that he also engineered/produced the album for One Second Thought.  He has his roots in NYHC which I definitely appreciate. 

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: ClintroN on June 07, 2006, 04:30:48 AM
This guy kills Buckethead for me, he has the stage presence, style in playing n' fits in well!! :beer: :beer:

He goes off live n' i dig imput into the solos', fuck yeah im real happy this guys in GNR!! 

Thanx for the wicked rendition of Dont Cry Ron, your style kix arse, welcome dude :smoking: :smoking:

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: Slipdisc on June 07, 2006, 04:37:24 AM
Like 'm just as much as Buckethead.

Glad to see things worked out they way I always hoped they would, after Bucket left in '04.

I really hope he will be in for the long run...


Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: nesquick on June 07, 2006, 05:45:53 AM
Richard and Robin are the 2 major guitar players of the band.
Bumblefoot is just an additional guitar player, as Buckethead was, and he is not necessary to this band.
They don't need 3 guitar players.

To sum-up: nice guy...but not necessary.

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: Crashdiet on June 07, 2006, 05:49:20 AM
Richard and Robin are the 2 major guitar players of the band.
Bumblefoot is just an additional guitar player, as Buckethead was, and is not really necessary to this band.
They don't need 3 guitar players.

To sum-up: nice guy...but not necessary.

I agree... as much as ron is  a phenominal player, and the nicest guy i'm probably ever met.... I honestly wish just richard and robin were on guitar. 3 is just too much. BUT if there must be three there is noone else I want would for the job.

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: jazjme on June 07, 2006, 05:53:52 AM
HE is a definite class act guy, with an amazing talent. And as far as him in GNR, he is a welcome breath of fresh air, who really fits well, interacts well and overall is a welcome addition to this great band GUNS N ROSES!

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: 25 on June 07, 2006, 05:56:04 AM
To sum-up: nice guy...but not necessary.
Does anyone give a shit about the necessity, or lack of same, of a third guitarist?
If the music sounds good, why complain? I mean, you could probably get to work everyday with only one leg but I don't see anyone reaching for the hacksaw to save on shoe expenses.

I don't think there's any doubt about Thal's quality, he's a good addition to the band. A decent songwriter too - I don't find him as exciting as BH but I'm interested to see what he brings to the band long-term.

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: Slipdisc on June 07, 2006, 06:00:01 AM
Richard and Robin are the 2 major guitar players of the band.
Bumblefoot is just an additional guitar player, as Buckethead was, and he is not necessary to this band.
They don't need 3 guitar players.

To sum-up: nice guy...but not necessary.

To sum it up:

Same bullshit, different day...


Ps. In any band where either Buckethead or Ron plays, other players will always be way more "additional" then those two genre boosting virtuosos....

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: jarmo on June 07, 2006, 06:03:39 AM
Richard and Robin are the 2 major guitar players of the band.
Bumblefoot is just an additional guitar player, as Buckethead was, and he is not necessary to this band.
They don't need 3 guitar players.

To sum-up: nice guy...but not necessary.

Blah blah blah. Have you seen the band live yet?

You must be really naive if you think they'd add a guitarist if they don't need one.


Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: nesquick on June 07, 2006, 06:09:31 AM
Richard and Robin are the 2 major guitar players of the band.
Bumblefoot is just an additional guitar player, as Buckethead was, and he is not necessary to this band.
They don't need 3 guitar players.

To sum-up: nice guy...but not necessary.

Blah blah blah. Have you seen the band live yet?

You must be really naive if you think they'd add a guitarist if they don't need one.


I will see the band Live. But if you knew your website, you would probably know that in lots of reviews people say the 3rd guitar player is not necessary.

/blah blah blah.

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: jarmo on June 07, 2006, 06:11:21 AM
And a lot are saying he's great. Yet you choose to side with the ones who say he isn't... Wonder why.


Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: killingvector on June 07, 2006, 06:20:44 AM
Ron looks like he is having a ball. Good luck to him and this band. May the haters find solace in their adoration of fallen idols.

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: nesquick on June 07, 2006, 06:20:55 AM
I knew him before he joined GNR, and if you read my messages, you would know I like his solo career.
But for me, a solo career is a solo career, and GNR is another thing. Someone can be great in his solo career, but pointless in a Rock band where there are already 2 guitar players who give entire satisfaction.

I mean...just see the 1st solo of "Nightrain"... are 2 guitar players necessary to play it? It's a pretty small solo, it's pointless to "divide"it, same for Out to get me, and many solos...
Back in the days, Slash was the only solist in this band, and no one, I mean, no one ever complained about the fact the band "needed" a 3rd guitar player. Didn't Tommy back in 2004 say "We have enought guitar players"? he was right. Axl should have listened to his bandmate.

And believe me, playing "Coma" at Chicago'92 was MUCH more dificult than playing IRS on guitars.

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: Slipdisc on June 07, 2006, 06:58:14 AM
Look around Nesquick?

We?re in the Bumblefoot-appreciation-thread.

This is not the thread- specifically-designed-for-Nesquick-to-yet-again-indirectly-express-his-worship-for-Richard Fortus-and-Robin Finck-by-pulling-it-offtopic-with-another-unnecessary?provocative-ignorance-driven-statement.

Would it really be too much to ask, to just once respect a concept like this?

but pointless in a Rock band where there are already 2 guitar players who give entire satisfaction.

Speak for yourself, but those two really don?t give me entire satisfaction.

Apparently Axl agrees?

As long as a big part of the new music isn?t released and nobody knows how serious Axl?s double lead ambitions should be taken you?re not making any sense. All I know is that Axl wanted to head for new musical directions one of which is double lead concepts. Knowing this I can perfectly understand why he needs another player, but moreover I can perfectly understand why he chooses to have somebody in the band who has proven to be able to take the guitar into the 21st century from a writing and skills viewpoint (which really can?t be said in equal amounts for Richie and Robbie).

I mean...just see the 1st solo of "Nightrain"... are 2 guitar players necessary to play it? It's a pretty small solo, it's pointless to "divide"it, same for Out to get me, and many solos...
Back in the days, Slash was the only solist in this band, and no one, I mean, no one ever complained about the fact the band "needed" a 3rd guitar player.

Blablabla?..again, you?re only reasoning with the past as your main reference to discuss the future of a band of which Axl probably knows best where it?s heading at.

And believe me, playing "Coma" at Chicago'92 was MUCH more dificult than playing IRS on guitars.

And believe me, that?s totally irrelevant in this discussion.


Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: RobJ on June 07, 2006, 07:03:34 AM
If there is one then merge it, if not I wanted to say the newest member is one hell of a player and one hell of a human being....  Here's to hoping he is there for the long run and gets to create new music with the guys :beer:

Anyone who hung with him outside of hammerstein or has written him via email knows what a clas act he is, so I think he deserves our cheers in a thread dedicated to him..

Even if he left tomorrow I would still keep up with whatever he is doing because of his respect for the fans and the idea you just know he cares....

Rock on man and best of luck :smoking:

I agree with everything you've said there. He seems to be a real asset to GnR, and whilst I haven't yet had the pleasure of seeing him and the band live yet, it will soon come (Download), and if I'm lucky I might get to meet Bumblefoot (not at Download, more likely at Newcastle), and sample 1st hand what a nice guy he seems to be.
As for his playing, as soon as I heard he was the new guitarist I got hold ofsome of his solo work (Normal) and I love this album! I managed to see RIR as well, and his solo at the end of Nov. Rain blew me away... which is something I didn't think would be able to happen ever since Slash left the band, but Ron Thal filled his shoes perfectly on that occasion!

I too hope that he is in GnR for a long time!

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: estranged.1098 on June 07, 2006, 07:05:05 AM
Bumblefoot has impressed me with his playing and the way he treats fans. He's a great addition to this band, and I'm glad Axl found him.

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: ashlar on June 07, 2006, 07:19:55 AM
To sum-up: nice guy...but not necessary.
Does anyone give a shit about the necessity, or lack of same, of a third guitarist?
If the music sounds good, why complain? I mean, you could probably get to work everyday with only one leg but I don't see anyone reaching for the hacksaw to save on shoe expenses.

I don't think there's any doubt about Thal's quality, he's a good addition to the band. A decent songwriter too - I don't find him as exciting as BH but I'm interested to see what he brings to the band long-term.
Good Post  : ok:

Axl wants his music to sound a certain way, that way being 3 guitar players. enough with the crying and moaning. BBF rocks. period.

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: Neemo on June 07, 2006, 08:40:16 AM
from the day I realized that Bucket was gonna be out for sure then I wanted a guitarist that could "shred" and be similar in style to him to retain the same style that GnR seemed to be heading in musically. Bumblefoot seems just as talented or moreso than Bucket so I kinda wanted him but was bummed when it looked like it wasn't gonna be him.

When i found out he indeed was the 3rd guy on axe then I was really happy...the fact that he is a super nice, down to earth dude is  huge bonus...he really seems excited and happy to be onstage in GnR....I can't wait to seem him perform with GnR in canada : ok:

Mr Ron kick ass my freind!! :beer:

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: nygiants82 on June 07, 2006, 10:05:32 AM
Very cool guy, very down to earth, and a very talented guitarist. We are lucky.

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: fishyguy on June 07, 2006, 11:06:20 AM
Yes he's the man.

I definitely think we need him in the band.

Ever since he's joined I can't imagine the new GNR without him.

It would definitely lose that something "special".

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: CD2006 on June 07, 2006, 11:08:50 AM

awesome guy, i have talked to him myself and he just rocks, plus he is the greatest guitar player guns could ever have! :peace:

this guy will take gnr FAR, believe me! 8)

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: WhosGilby? on June 07, 2006, 11:20:08 AM
Ron's the man, awesome guitar player

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: Cooker on June 07, 2006, 11:38:52 AM
I like the guy, what can I say he can play really well. Nighttrain at Rio was just insane.

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on June 07, 2006, 11:56:26 AM
Richard and Robin are the 2 major guitar players of the band.
Bumblefoot is just an additional guitar player, as Buckethead was, and he is not necessary to this band.
They don't need 3 guitar players.

To sum-up: nice guy...but not necessary.

He IS necessery esp when they start playing a lot of new songs. The songs on CD were written with 3 guitar players thus you are going to need them to play the songs. I dont know why people cannot understand this simple thing.

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: CAFC Nick on June 07, 2006, 11:57:04 AM
Bumblefoot seems like a really nice, honest guy who just loves the music he plays.

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: Mobenrad on June 07, 2006, 11:59:41 AM
I agree about Bumblefoot being very necessary to continue with the music on the album and live.

1) "Better" would NOT be played if they didn't have three guitarists
2) Chinese Democracy along with the re-recorded Appetite For Destruction contain 3 guitar parts.
3) Bumblefoot owns.

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: benchiefjr on June 07, 2006, 12:34:57 PM
I agree about Bumblefoot being very necessary to continue with the music on the album and live.

1) "Better" would NOT be played if they didn't have three guitarists
2) Chinese Democracy along with the re-recorded Appetite For Destruction contain 3 guitar parts.
3) Bumblefoot owns.


Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: kaddisonmoore on June 07, 2006, 12:37:23 PM
yay bumbley

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: awolgnr on June 07, 2006, 12:41:48 PM
Great guitarist, friendly guy.  He's my favorite!

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: coldenim on June 07, 2006, 01:58:27 PM
Oh I did like bucket dont get me wrong, but he had no emotion, and he gave nothing to the fans but some shredding.  I want a guy that is down to earth, who will not fall subject to narrcisism, and give his talents to the fans that make him what he is as a artist.  Bumblefoot is the man, and with his talents can really bring alot of excitment back to the guitar for the younger generation, they need a hero, and I think they can find one in Ron.  He is so humble, I wrote him the other day on myspace and got an email back, bumblefoot is the shit. peace

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: Mattattack on June 07, 2006, 02:28:04 PM
I'd appreciate it if he lost the foot guitar. He's an adequate replacement for Bucket I guess, not as good as Bucket, but if he's the best they could find, he'll do. 

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: gandra on June 07, 2006, 02:38:56 PM
after budapest show my opinion is "Bfoot is great guitar player.I like him more than bhead,and with him slash is past"

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: Captain P?l on June 07, 2006, 02:39:07 PM
and he gave nothing to the fans but some shredding. 

like hell he did! he brought the audience presents!!! hehe.
he really did...

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: tHeElEcTrIcSiNtAr on June 07, 2006, 02:40:28 PM
I knew him before he joined GNR, and if you read my messages, you would know I like his solo career.
But for me, a solo career is a solo career, and GNR is another thing. Someone can be great in his solo career, but pointless in a Rock band where there are already 2 guitar players who give entire satisfaction.

I mean...just see the 1st solo of "Nightrain"... are 2 guitar players necessary to play it? It's a pretty small solo, it's pointless to "divide"it, same for Out to get me, and many solos...
Back in the days, Slash was the only solist in this band, and no one, I mean, no one ever complained about the fact the band "needed" a 3rd guitar player. Didn't Tommy back in 2004 say "We have enought guitar players"? he was right. Axl should have listened to his bandmate.

And believe me, playing "Coma" at Chicago'92 was MUCH more dificult than playing IRS on guitars.

Actually on Appetite, Izzy plays the first half of the solo in Nightrain and the solo on Think About You. when Gilby was in the band he played the first half of the Nightrain solo too, so its always been split into 2 parts. nice try though.

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: MeanBone on June 07, 2006, 02:50:58 PM
bumble rocks, i wasn't quite sure before seeing him live, but he's just amazing, and seems so happy to be there and genuinely nice as well.

great to have him on board

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: Meanmachine22 on June 07, 2006, 02:55:52 PM
They sound good with 3 guitarists to me.
Sure a third axman is not needed for most of the songs they played live so far but i am quit sure (adressed to you Nesquick :D) that you will be sitting in front of your cd player with shaking ears when you hear CD. Because then you will now the reason for a third guitarplayer. At least that is what i'd assume

Kisses to all of you :love:


Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: Chinese Democracy on June 07, 2006, 03:27:22 PM
Look around Nesquick?

We?re in the Bumblefoot-appreciation-thread.

This is not the thread- specifically-designed-for-Nesquick-to-yet-again-indirectly-express-his-worship-for-Richard Fortus-and-Robin Finck-by-pulling-it-offtopic-with-another-unnecessary?provocative-ignorance-driven-statement.

Would it really be too much to ask, to just once respect a concept like this?

but pointless in a Rock band where there are already 2 guitar players who give entire satisfaction.

Speak for yourself, but those two really don?t give me entire satisfaction.

Apparently Axl agrees?

As long as a big part of the new music isn?t released and nobody knows how serious Axl?s double lead ambitions should be taken you?re not making any sense. All I know is that Axl wanted to head for new musical directions one of which is double lead concepts. Knowing this I can perfectly understand why he needs another player, but moreover I can perfectly understand why he chooses to have somebody in the band who has proven to be able to take the guitar into the 21st century from a writing and skills viewpoint (which really can?t be said in equal amounts for Richie and Robbie).

I mean...just see the 1st solo of "Nightrain"... are 2 guitar players necessary to play it? It's a pretty small solo, it's pointless to "divide"it, same for Out to get me, and many solos...
Back in the days, Slash was the only solist in this band, and no one, I mean, no one ever complained about the fact the band "needed" a 3rd guitar player.

Blablabla?..again, you?re only reasoning with the past as your main reference to discuss the future of a band of which Axl probably knows best where it?s heading at.

And believe me, playing "Coma" at Chicago'92 was MUCH more dificult than playing IRS on guitars.

And believe me, that?s totally irrelevant in this discussion.


On point and hilarious at the same time.  cheers!  :beer:

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: Bostonrose on June 07, 2006, 03:32:33 PM
Richard and Robin are the 2 major guitar players of the band.
Bumblefoot is just an additional guitar player, as Buckethead was, and he is not necessary to this band.
They don't need 3 guitar players.

To sum-up: nice guy...but not necessary.

I feel bad when he is justing standing around...Buckethead was a great player but he used to stand around for the most part

Title: Re: mr bumblefoot appreciation thread
Post by: JennaSide on June 07, 2006, 04:05:26 PM
I'd like to add my appreciation! The guy is great   :beer: