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Off Topic => Bad Obsession => Topic started by: cntymcshtballs on June 05, 2006, 02:02:47 AM

Title: The Official Virtuoso Thread
Post by: cntymcshtballs on June 05, 2006, 02:02:47 AM
I personally love players like Vai, Satch, Malmsteen, Bucket, Michael Angelo, Petrucci i could go on forever.  But i know that a ton of people on this board absolutely hate them.  Now malmsteen and angelo and little bit petrucci i could see people complaining about emotionlessness, but for most of them i just think thats people's prejudices getting the better of them.  I mean simply because ur good at ur instrument does mean uve lost ur feel.  These guys had to put in an absolutely insane amount of time into the guitar to get to where they are and my logic would lead me to believe that this would make one even more passionate about their music, as u would have to be pretty fucking emotionally drawn to the guitar in order to devote ur life in that way.  Thats not to say that other non-virtuoso guitarists dont dedicate their lives to music, just in a different way.  But i think if ur a great guitarist then ur passion shows through ur playing.  I personally think a lot of virtuosos display that, but i also love all the classics too equally if not more (i.e. hendrix, SRV who is kind of virtuoso in a blues sense as is johnny winters, page, slash, angus, keith richards, etc.)
Just wondering what some of u guys's opinions are.  I can reference u to a lot of great work that shows a ton of emotional virtuosity if ur curious about this typre of music.

Title: Re: The Official Virtuoso Thread
Post by: cntymcshtballs on June 05, 2006, 08:46:38 PM
ok i no that clearly nobody gives a damn about this thread but i just have to revoke what i said about petrucci being emotionless. I saw him perform glasgow kiss live and he owns. so yea just had to say that

Title: Re: The Official Virtuoso Thread
Post by: Evolution on June 06, 2006, 12:17:56 AM
Reference me!

Title: Re: The Official Virtuoso Thread
Post by: cntymcshtballs on June 06, 2006, 01:11:34 AM
Reference me!

ok ill just give some classics for now "Cliffs of Dover" by Eric Johnson, "Rubina" "Always With Me, Always With You" "Echoes" (basically anything on the "Surfing With the Alien" album) "Searching" all by Joe Satriani (The entire "Passion and Warfare" album by Steve Vai, especially "For the Love of God" for starters, but that album is one of the greatest of all time) also "Building the Church", K'm-Pee-Du-Wee", "Freak Show Excess", and "Jibboom" by Steve Vai "Blue" by Yngwie Malmsteen (just in terms of emotion but he has tons of great material like "Concerto Suite for Electric Guitar and Orchestra in E flat Minor, Op.1") "Saturn", "Dead Man Walking", "Seven Laws of Woo" and "The Interworld and the New Innocence" all by Paxis which was band that had Buckethead and Brain also for Bucketheads solo career: "Padmasena", "Witches on the Heath" (Everything on the "Electric Tears" album is BEAutiful), "Nottingham Lace", "Night of the Slunk", "Scapula", "Jump Man", "The Ballad of Buckethead", "Too Many Humans", "Unrestrained Growth", "Population Override", (everyhting else off the Population Override album, too many to list but they are all GORGEOUS) "The Cuckoo Clocks of Hell" and the "Cobra Strike" (both 1 and 2) albums are not the most beautiful albums melodically (excluding the song "Inferno" (off of Cobra Strike 1) and some of "The Funeral" (off of Cobra Strike 2))  but show the mans ability to create complex music almost entirely on his own with just a guitar.  Cuckoo Clocks also shows off the insanely great chemistry of Brain and Bucket with the crazy syncopations and time changes. Its like Vinnie and Dime from Pantera on steroids at some parts (both godly musicians).  Although i cant believe i havent got it yet, ive heard amazing things about the album "Colma" by bucket.  Really everything off of the albums of these songs as those are the only ones ive heard (also Kaleidoscalp, but i havent gotten into it as much) but the man's career is filled with more great material than anyone ive heard of.  All of these guys are geniouses.
I have a ton more if you'd like it, but you really should check all of this stuff out if you're just getting into this kind of stuff.

Title: Re: The Official Virtuoso Thread
Post by: Tomorrows on June 06, 2006, 05:54:53 AM
I like these guitarists man. If you ever need to defend the virtuosos against the haters, just shove them this (

Or this. (

Title: Re: The Official Virtuoso Thread
Post by: cntymcshtballs on June 06, 2006, 08:10:37 PM
cool stuff dude