Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: SWINGTRADER on May 30, 2006, 12:06:46 AM

Title: Mariskal opinion on GNR show in Lisbon ( Spanish)
Post by: SWINGTRADER on May 30, 2006, 12:06:46 AM

Los Guns en Lisboa

Escribo a mil. Llego corriendo del escenario a la sala de prensa despu?s de retratar las tres primera hist?ricas piezas que todos sabemos. Se me ha puesto la piel de gallina como en los momentos m?s ?picos de mi larga trayectoria como cronista musical. Entro en la pelea. Este p?jaro esta intacto. Todo el combo es una masa.

Suena ahora ?Sweet Chile O? Mine?... Joder! la historia est? llena de excelentes canciones m?s que de nombres de artistas que se borraron.

Bailar?n, charlat?n...el "loco" se ha recuperado al menos por esta noche en la que ha salido solo con treinta y cinco minutos de retraso. Hay cerca de cien mil almas venidas de todas partes participando del ritual de haber recuperado a una de las formaciones m?s grandes de la historia. Bueno, no est?n todos...pero est?n las canciones.

Ni Axl puede con ese legado y miles de gargantas est?n ahora clamando el ?Knockin On Heavens? y yo os dejo porque no me quiero perder ni un solo tema de un show que intuyo va a ser inolvidable y adem?s con muchas fotos.

Jam?s se ofreci? tanto a los fot?grafos, ni que fuera Keith Richards. La gente esta feliz y yo me piro a disfrutar de la fiesta .

Los Guns han vuelto intacto lo siento por los que buscan sangre de firma justificada porque este loco es imprevisible.

Aprovechemos esta noche.



 I hate translating? ,? so if any of my spanish speaking friends wants to do it? go ahead.? ?it's a good review.

Title: Re: Mariskal opinion on GNR show in Lisbon ( Spanish)
Post by: The Dog on May 30, 2006, 12:24:52 AM
Can you sum it up at least?  I dont' think many of us speak/read spanish.  Why bother posting!  :hihi:

Title: Re: Mariskal opinion on GNR show in Lisbon ( Spanish)
Post by: DunkinDave on May 30, 2006, 12:41:59 AM -

THE BOMB!  The Guns in Lisbon

I write to thousand.  I arrive running of the setting to the room of press after portraying the three first historic pieces that all we know.  It has itself me placed the goosebumps as in the moments more epics of my long path like musical columnist.  I enter the fight.  This bird this intact one.  All the I bend is a mass. 

It sounds now ?Sweet Chile O' Mine?...  Screwing! the history is full of excellent songs more than by name of artists that were erased. 

Dancing, talkative. ..el "crazy" has recovered al less by this night in which has left alone with thirty-five minutes behind schedule.  There is near a hundred thousand souls come from all parts participating of the ritual of to have recovered to one of the largest formations of the history.  Good, they are not all. ..pero are the songs. 

Neither Axl is able with that bequest and thousands of throats now are clamoring the ?Knockin On Heavens? and I you abandonment because me do not want to lose neither a single theme of a show that sense is going to be unforgettable and besides with many photos. 

Never it was offered so much the photographers, neither that was Keith Richards.  The people this happy one and I escape to enjoy the festival. 

The Guns have returned intact I feel him for the ones that they seek blood of firm justified because this lunatic is unforeseeable. 

We take advantage of this night. 

Title: Re: Mariskal opinion on GNR show in Lisbon ( Spanish)
Post by: Tomorrows on May 30, 2006, 12:44:16 AM -

THE BOMB!  The Guns in Lisbon

I write to thousand.  I arrive running of the setting to the room of press after portraying the three first historic pieces that all we know.  It has itself me placed the goosebumps as in the moments more epics of my long path like musical columnist.  I enter the fight.  This bird this intact one.  All the I bend is a mass. 

It sounds now ?Sweet Chile O' Mine?...  Screwing! the history is full of excellent songs more than by name of artists that were erased. 

Dancing, talkative. ..el "crazy" has recovered al less by this night in which has left alone with thirty-five minutes behind schedule.  There is near a hundred thousand souls come from all parts participating of the ritual of to have recovered to one of the largest formations of the history.  Good, they are not all. ..pero are the songs. 

Neither Axl is able with that bequest and thousands of throats now are clamoring the ?Knockin On Heavens? and I you abandonment because me do not want to lose neither a single theme of a show that sense is going to be unforgettable and besides with many photos. 

Never it was offered so much the photographers, neither that was Keith Richards.  The people this happy one and I escape to enjoy the festival. 

The Guns have returned intact I feel him for the ones that they seek blood of firm justified because this lunatic is unforeseeable. 

We take advantage of this night. 

Err ... Im guessing that translation is saying it was good?

Title: Re: Mariskal opinion on GNR show in Lisbon ( Spanish)
Post by: Evolution on May 30, 2006, 12:45:37 AM
That translation is fucking hilarious  :rofl:

Title: Re: Mariskal opinion on GNR show in Lisbon ( Spanish)
Post by: SWINGTRADER on May 30, 2006, 12:51:14 AM
He's pretty much saying that the show kicks major ass ?and that it's making ? him get goosebumps ?similar to his most epic musical experiences in his long ?career as a music columnist . ? He also says that Axl redeemed himself that night by only being 25 minutes late( I guess he's referring to the 2 hour tardiness in ?Madrid ) :). ?He says that the audience is ?amazing and are singing along to the songs ?(KOHD). ? ? He's pretty much saying it's one of the best shows he's ever seen.and that Axl is back ?in great form. ?If you listen to his show ?he's praising Axl ?alot. ?This is a guy that has been very critical of Axl . ?I think he's become a nutswinger lol. ? I'm sorry i didn't translate word for word ?, it's just that I hate to translate because i suck at it. ?Anyway, this is more proof that the show kicked ass ?and that Axl will succeed in this tour ?as long as he doesn't get in trouble and shows up to the gigs. ?ROCK ON ?AXL!

Title: Re: Mariskal opinion on GNR show in Lisbon ( Spanish)
Post by: The Dog on May 30, 2006, 01:02:50 AM
That translation is fucking hilarious  :rofl:

Oh my god i am still laughing.  If someone could make a japanese anime to go along with that translation I would fucking die  :rofl:

Title: Re: Mariskal opinion on GNR show in Lisbon ( Spanish)
Post by: axlsalinger on May 30, 2006, 01:03:36 AM
The Guns have returned intact I feel him for the ones that they seek blood of firm justified because this lunatic is unforeseeable. 

We take advantage of this night.

I couldn't agree more.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Mariskal opinion on GNR show in Lisbon ( Spanish)
Post by: Ignatius on May 30, 2006, 06:07:29 AM

I'm not gonna translate the whole thing cause I just hate this guy.

Good review. He says he just walks in the press room to write about the first three songs ( I wonder why he didn't wait till the end of the show). He then talks about how great the songs are regardless the names who created them.

Then he goes on about how Axl was just 35 minutes late, but there are 100,000 people in there happy to see how one of the best bands of all time is back.

Blah, blah....

Title: Re: Mariskal opinion on GNR show in Lisbon ( Spanish)
Post by: Death Cube K on May 30, 2006, 06:14:23 AM
We take advantage of this night.

Is he talking about taking advantage of GNR girls that are drunk and happy to see Axl??  :hihi: