Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: estrangedpaul on May 28, 2006, 09:57:51 AM

Title: Pittman and Reed
Post by: estrangedpaul on May 28, 2006, 09:57:51 AM
Obviously Chris Pittman and Dizzy Reed have gotten sick of being bored at GnR gigs so they've been given a few more parts. Unfortunately! Keyboards do not work on Sweet Child but as far as I can remember they were there last night in all of their non-glory. I think they were on a copule of other Appetite songs as well. Unfortunately keyboards do not work on AFD songs

The most annoying thing was on the new songs. If he wanted to give Reed and Pittman something to do he could have played Madagascar and TWAT. But the keyboards destroyed Better. That was the most amazing performance of the night until midway through they started playing keyboards way too hgh in the mix. As for IRS, that's supposed to be a heavy rocker, but it sounded more haunting last night and seemed to be copying Friends by Led Zeppelin. That kinda arrangement worked on Friends but not IRS.

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: estranged.1098 on May 28, 2006, 10:01:29 AM
They did what they always do... the problem was the mix.

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: WARose on May 28, 2006, 10:02:30 AM
Obviously Chris Pittman and Dizzy Reed have gotten sick of being bored at GnR gigs so they've been given a few more parts. Unfortunately! Keyboards do not work on Sweet Child but as far as I can remember they were there last night in all of their non-glory. I think they were on a copule of other Appetite songs as well. Unfortunately keyboards do not work on AFD songs

The most annoying thing was on the new songs. If he wanted to give Reed and Pittman something to do he could have played Madagascar and TWAT. But the keyboards destroyed Better. That was the most amazing performance of the night until midway through they started playing keyboards way too hgh in the mix. As for IRS, that's supposed to be a heavy rocker, but it sounded more haunting last night and seemed to be copying Friends by Led Zeppelin. That kinda arrangement worked on Friends but not IRS.

the keyboard/synth party were there in 2002 as well. even on songs like it`s so easy. the mix just sucked yesterday. that?s the reason why those parts were way too loud and destroyed some songs...

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: BD888 on May 28, 2006, 10:14:40 AM
Paradise City is on AFD and it has keys on it.

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: Mandy. on May 28, 2006, 10:15:39 AM
Unfortunately! Keyboards do not work on Sweet Child but as far as I can remember they were there last night in all of their non-glory.

Seriously, what was that all about? The keyboards on SCOM sucked!

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: Bostonrose on May 28, 2006, 10:19:51 AM
Unfortunately! Keyboards do not work on Sweet Child but as far as I can remember they were there last night in all of their non-glory.

Seriously, what was that all about? The keyboards on SCOM sucked!

if you didn't like the show  leave,   cause everyone else thought it was great  :rofl:

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: CheapJon on May 28, 2006, 10:25:02 AM
yeah they fuckin' ruined SCOM.. i don't even understand why the fuck pitman is in the band

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: Mandy. on May 28, 2006, 10:30:28 AM
Unfortunately! Keyboards do not work on Sweet Child but as far as I can remember they were there last night in all of their non-glory.

Seriously, what was that all about? The keyboards on SCOM sucked!

if you didn't like the show? leave,? ?cause everyone else thought it was great? :rofl:

"Duuuuuuude, why are you being suck a diiiick?"

You have some serious comprehension problem.
Please, do quote (or copy and paste) the part where I said I didn't like the show.

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: ppbebe on May 28, 2006, 10:51:51 AM
i don't even understand why the fuck pitman is in the band

To My understandings Pitman puts synth effects and such. he did great job on the oldies. And that swallowing a bowlful of spaghetti kind of noise on better.

I really liked Dizzy's solo before the blues and that jazzy piece with axl before I feel good.

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: kockstar999 on May 29, 2006, 05:42:18 AM
two keyboards and axl plays the main piano song they have... makes no sense

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: Tomorrows on May 29, 2006, 05:47:26 AM
Theyve always played that much its just they were never as apparent in the mix as last night.

Dizzy plays a mean set of bongos.

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: zombux on May 29, 2006, 05:53:51 AM
yeah they fuckin' ruined SCOM.. i don't even understand why the fuck pitman is in the band

bullshit, as told a million times before, the problem was in the mix, not in the guys

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: jimmythegent on May 29, 2006, 06:15:08 AM
yeah, Appetite has held up pretty well in the last 19 years just fine without synth and bongo drums

im sure they fit in great with the new material, but if they're to continue with "AFD rehash" (to quote my friend Mr Lofton  ;)), lets leave this shit out

it only serves to add to the Kareoke flavour

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: kockstar999 on May 29, 2006, 06:18:27 AM
yeah the keyboards make it sound like a karaoke or ringtone..

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: jimmythegent on May 29, 2006, 06:48:41 AM
too right - especially on the 'rehash'

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: tomass74 on May 29, 2006, 10:28:39 AM
Adding keyboards and such to the Classic Gn'R tunes that didn't already include them is fucking lame... It made the Appetite songs weaker in 2002 and I am sure it is even worse now....

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: WhatIsItMan on May 29, 2006, 10:34:10 AM
Theyve always played that much its just they were never as apparent in the mix as last night.

Dizzy plays a mean set of bongos.

Yeah, Mr. Brownstone was ruined too.  Over-production to the max.  Can't wait for Chinese Democracy...   :-\

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: ARC on May 29, 2006, 10:42:38 AM
Axl just likes to try new stuff.

This ain't a critisicm, on the contrary - I praise him for it, but "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". The AFD songs should NOT be changed.

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: anythinggoes on May 29, 2006, 10:49:23 AM
i found the only problem with what pitman did was that it was too loud from what i can make out Dizzy does keyboard (and bongos) pitman does all the technical whizzy and orchestral background effects whick when mixed right sound good too loud and yes its too much like on the end of IRS now if we wanted to hear GNR as it was dig out the old boots listen to them, what is played is GNR now with the new people Pitman included and the songs have a litle bit of extra effects fucking wow so what they still sond great but have that little extra something we never used to hear and im glad of it, it refreshens the songs

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: bazgnr on May 29, 2006, 01:19:16 PM
yeah they fuckin' ruined SCOM.. i don't even understand why the fuck pitman is in the band

bullshit, as told a million times before, the problem was in the mix, not in the guys

I'm confused.  What are you trying to say, exactly?   :beer:

Mix aside, I understand Pittman's role in the band, but it still seems that he has an awful lot of downtime during the shows, and swaying back and forth with that keyboard looks a bit silly.  Just my opinion, of course, and I definitely like what he brings to the new material...

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: lennonisgod on May 29, 2006, 01:23:53 PM
They had two people playing keyboards during the Illusion tour.  What about the huge fucking band they had back then and with backup singers???  Dizzy and Teddy Zigzag on Keyboards, trumpet players, backup singers, etc.  I don't think it's half as bad as that was.  The synth usually isn't so bad, but like other people said, the broadcast mix sucked.  I'll take a keyboard and a synth anyday over the bloated fucking band they had for a leg of the Illusion tour.

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: Top-Hatted One on May 29, 2006, 01:26:53 PM
yeah its a good thing we don't hear them on most nights. I was shocked when I heard keys on its so easy ITS SO FUCKIN EASY!!!! a hard-hitting 2:30min rock song!

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on May 29, 2006, 02:02:09 PM
I could barely even notice keyboard effects at the Hammerstein shows.  They were there, but they supplemented the songs and didn't overtake or detract.  At RIR the sound feed was horrible and the keyboards were drowning out other instruments

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: ppbebe on May 29, 2006, 02:10:30 PM
I never get some peoples allergy to keyboards n synthe. They'd hate zeppelin to death. ::)

i found the only problem with what pitman did was that it was too loud from what i can make out Dizzy does keyboard (and bongos) pitman does all the technical whizzy and orchestral background effects whick when mixed right sound good too loud and yes its too much like on the end of IRS now if we wanted to hear GNR as it was dig out the old boots listen to them, what is played is GNR now with the new people Pitman included and the songs have a litle bit of extra effects fucking wow so what they still sond great but have that little extra something we never used to hear and im glad of it, it refreshens the songs

that nasty mix on what we heard via Aol is not Chris's fault, is it?
Otherwise I totally agree.
the latin feel from the bongos and the baroque piano-ish sounds added to the old songs are refreshing.

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: zombux on May 29, 2006, 03:49:04 PM
yeah they fuckin' ruined SCOM.. i don't even understand why the fuck pitman is in the band

bullshit, as told a million times before, the problem was in the mix, not in the guys

I'm confused.? What are you trying to say, exactly?? ?:beer:

Mix aside, I understand Pittman's role in the band, but it still seems that he has an awful lot of downtime during the shows, and swaying back and forth with that keyboard looks a bit silly.? Just my opinion, of course, and I definitely like what he brings to the new material...

I mean that we heard wrong source of the sound, actually AOL fucked everything up. the people at the show heard perfect sound but in the broadcast there was just stage monitor mix.

read more here

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: bazgnr on May 30, 2006, 09:11:37 PM
yeah they fuckin' ruined SCOM.. i don't even understand why the fuck pitman is in the band

bullshit, as told a million times before, the problem was in the mix, not in the guys

I'm confused.? What are you trying to say, exactly?? ?:beer:

Mix aside, I understand Pittman's role in the band, but it still seems that he has an awful lot of downtime during the shows, and swaying back and forth with that keyboard looks a bit silly.? Just my opinion, of course, and I definitely like what he brings to the new material...

I mean that we heard wrong source of the sound, actually AOL fucked everything up. the people at the show heard perfect sound but in the broadcast there was just stage monitor mix.

read more here

I got that.? It was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, considering how big and bold (literally) your comment was...

Title: Re: Pittman and Reed
Post by: KILLYOURIDOL on May 30, 2006, 09:32:01 PM
Dizzy has been a waste of a paycheck since the illusion days and chris is even worse. The keys and syns make it sound like fucking bon jovi. If you're gonna have 2 of them then do songs like breakdown, civil war and estranged. Axl could utilize everyone in the band with better song selections. God knows they've had 10 yrs to get to know them.