Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Sin Cut on May 23, 2006, 07:04:42 AM

Title: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: Sin Cut on May 23, 2006, 07:04:42 AM
I thought this would be an interesting topic

1. What do you guys and gals feel of one night stands?
Is it ok, have you done it?
What if your partner would've done some of those? Would be bad or wouldn't it matter?

2. Could you be happy with being with your first partner the rest of your life or would you feel the urge to try sex with another person?

3. What about your partner having more "experience" than you?

4. What about group sex with two guys and a girl or two girls and a guy? could you think of doing that?

Oh, and feel free to add anything you feel that relates to the topic

1. For me it's okay, tho it would bug me if my gf have had a lot of those.

2. I couldn't in my first real relationship I always wondered how it would feel with some other person.

3. It would bug me, but I doubt she has, if she does she's been a busy girl.

4. Been there, done that, I recomend it. I don't think I could do that with my gf and some guy-, friend, a girl would be ok tho  8)

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: Jessica on May 23, 2006, 07:22:08 AM
1. I don't have a moral viewpoint on it, whichever way.
It's happened to me that i went out with friends and encountered a guy, started speaking over ordering our drinks, still being speaking 3 hours later and being at it during the night.
13 years later, i have NO regrets, just good memories.
Sex is just that, sex.
If my partner hadn't had any, i would think he had a problem because young men and women need to have sex, and if they don't get any, i question the why. 10/20 years later, if they still say they haven't had any, they are either liars or have deep issues.

PS : women are particularly good liars, they usually lie a lot about the numbers and types of sexua lexperiences they had, thinking men don't marry hyper sexual girls. Truth or not, that's how it is.
I personally found it to be false, men love hyper sexual girls providing they can satisfy them. :hihi:

2. I had the urge to try as much as i could...

3. Usually, my long term partners had less and i scared them ( i am not scary, it's just they imagined themselves kinky and coming down to it, their " soldier" was on strike).
So i would love a man with more than me, i would feel this is how things are supposed to be.
Someone initiating me to different things with enough respect to accept if there are things i don't like on the way.

4. You call that group sex ?  :hihi: ok, basic threesomes ...I could think of doing that yes.

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 23, 2006, 08:50:50 AM
one night stands are great... Threesomes are great, more experience then me is great too, why always have to play leader..  I remember in HS meeting  afew virgins and that was great but it was like they had no idea what to do or had no desire to try things.. No stds was the only plus..

If I had only had sex with my first partner I wouldn't have been happy.. I'm a filthy perverted animal.. I'm a natural horn dog, the liquor makes it ten times more :hihi:

I think one partner you rwhole life and being with one person is a great thing if that's the type of person you are..

can't turn a whore into a housewife...

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: GnR-NOW on May 23, 2006, 09:11:44 AM
so did anyone have a one night stand after any of shows

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: .Seal on May 23, 2006, 09:35:48 AM
Well I have nothing against one night stands having had them myself.. It's just sex after all  ;)

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: Sterlingdog on May 23, 2006, 10:49:54 AM
I say as long as you are safe about it, you should do it with who you want when you want.  I think people place too much importance on sex.

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: Markus Asraelius on May 23, 2006, 11:08:39 AM
1. What do you guys and gals feel of one night stands?
Is it ok, have you done it?
What if your partner would've done some of those? Would be bad or wouldn't it matter?

One night stands are cool and everything but if you get attached to the person it can be a problem. I've had many one-night stands myself. It woulden't matter to much if my partner had done them. That would make me a hypocrite if I did care about stuff like that.

2. Could you be happy with being with your first partner the rest of your life or would you feel the urge to try sex with another person?

No, I woulden't feel satisfied with doing it with just one person.

3. What about your partner having more "experience" than you?

Might feel slightly insecure but not too bad.

4. What about group sex with two guys and a girl or two girls and a guy? could you think of doing that?

I could definitely think of doing that, in fact, I want to do it. Very badly, both ways.

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 23, 2006, 12:35:48 PM
I say as long as you are safe about it, you should do it with who you want when you want.  I think people place too much importance on sex.

Sterling gets my vote for the best woman in the world.................

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: Sterlingdog on May 23, 2006, 12:37:19 PM

Sterling gets my vote for the best woman in the world.................

Cool!  That's one.  How many do I need to win the title?

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: Markus Asraelius on May 23, 2006, 12:47:56 PM

Sterling gets my vote for the best woman in the world.................

Cool!? That's one.? How many do I need to win the title?

Quite a few. But, you have my vote as well.

So, let's see that's 2 down, 998,999,999 left to go.  : ok:

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: godiva on May 23, 2006, 01:18:11 PM
I never understood why people are so uptight about sex anyways. It's just sex. As long as you make it perfectly clear what you expect and what you can offer (before hitting the sack), there should be no problem. If you want to have a one night stand, go ahead. Just make sure the other person understands it is just a one night stand, not the beginning of a long lasting relationship.

2. well, as long as he's a god in the bedroom, I'm happy. But I think it's a bit too late for that one for me  :-\

3. If that means he's better in bed,  : ok:. What does it matter anyway how many people you slept with? As long as you're sexually compatible, it shouldn't matter. You are the person he is with right now. Forget about the past and enjoy each other.

4. Well, I wouldn't mind, but my hubbie would never have sex with another man. He doesn't mind another woman joining the game, so that's cool. Not 2 men 1 girl, but 2 girls 1 guy seems to work.  : ok:

Just my 2 cents.

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 23, 2006, 01:26:04 PM
well no guys want to rub meat together.. it's like those double penetration pornos, the two guys are rubbing nuts and their cocks are seperated by a 64th of skin..  Two women is just so much better for a guy, or myself.. Even if you get the bj doggie combo you still end up slapping the dude in front of you five and seeing him as you try and cum

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 23, 2006, 01:35:06 PM

Sterling gets my vote for the best woman in the world.................

Cool!  That's one.  How many do I need to win the title?

One vote is good enough.................

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: journey on May 23, 2006, 02:07:43 PM
One night stands are shallow, unhealthy and they ruin marriages.

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: godiva on May 23, 2006, 02:10:03 PM
You can have one night stands without cheating on your spouse. I think one night stands and cheating are two completely different things. I had a couple of one night stands when I was single and I never regretted them. My hubby had a couple of one night stands before we hooked up and I sure hope he enjoyed them. Dont mix the two up!

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: journey on May 23, 2006, 02:18:50 PM
You can have one night stands without cheating on your spouse. I think one night stands and cheating are two completely different things.

How is that possible? If you have sex with someone other than your spouse or girlfriend/boyfriend, then it is cheating. Whether you tell them or not.

If you're single that's fine. But a lot of married people sneak around and have one night stands. My parents marriage ended because of affairs and one night stands. So I'm not mixing anything up. 

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: pasnow on May 23, 2006, 02:22:19 PM
I think Godiva was referring to having one night stands BEFORE you get married. What she meant by "don't mix the two up" was don't be married and have one night stands. 

Sorry to hear about your folks..

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: godiva on May 23, 2006, 02:24:40 PM
Well, you can have one night stands when you're single, that's what I'm saying. A one night stand isn't always cheating. Married people cheating on their spouses, having an affair or a one night stand, is always wrong, since sex shouldn't hurt, if you know what I mean.

I'm sorry about your parents. That's fucked up. It must have really hurt you. *big hug*. I just thought you mixed up the two words, wanted to clear that up.

We okay?  :-*

Ah, Pasnow, you beat me to it. Yes, that was exactly what I meant.  : ok: Thanks for helping me clear that up. Sometimes it is difficult to write coherently......  :P

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: Jim on May 23, 2006, 02:26:59 PM
Cool!  That's one.  How many do I need to win the title?


One vote is good enough.................

Were you counting votes in Florida five years ago?

Oh yeah!

(Come on now, that was good. Although, I only slipped it in because I realised that you aren't really kujo............)

2. Could you be happy with being with your first partner the rest of your life or would you feel the urge to try sex with another person?

I think that most of us would, in time, become curious, I'm sure of it; but I also think that it would come somewhat out of ignorance. I don't mean to sound harsh or condescening, I just feel, assuming that the relationship works, given that the "marriage" is real, that were we able to see the bigger picture then we would have no real need to try sex with another...

But until the veil is lifted I guess that there are a lot of us who will anyway. Yuk yuk yuk.

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 23, 2006, 02:36:53 PM

Were you counting votes in Florida five years ago?

Oh yeah!

That was purdy darn good, I'll give you that!

I now fart in your general direction...........

( (

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: GeorgeSteele on May 23, 2006, 02:38:18 PM
1. What do you guys and gals feel of one night stands?

Strangely awkward after the fact.

2. Could you be happy with being with your first partner the rest of your life or would you feel the urge to try sex with another person?

Yes and yes.

3. What about your partner having more "experience" than you?

So long as she makes less money.

4. What about group sex with two guys and a girl or two girls and a guy? could you think of doing that?

Sucks to be the 3rd wheel.

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: Jim on May 23, 2006, 02:40:12 PM
I swear that guy served me 3 pieces of Chicken and Chips the other day.

As far as the questions go, that guy there should... Probably stay with whoever he convinces to sleep with him... Not all too much to be found in pastures new on that front.

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: Sterlingdog on May 23, 2006, 02:40:58 PM
Cool!  That's one.  How many do I need to win the title?


Damn.  I don't think I can get that many before SkynyrdGirl shows up and starts campaigning against me. 

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: D on May 23, 2006, 02:51:40 PM
1. What do you guys and gals feel of one night stands?

Feels good at first but then afterwards I felt kind of cheap and regretful.

2. Could you be happy with being with your first partner the rest of your life or would you feel the urge to try sex with another person?

Yes and No
3. What about your partner having more "experience" than you?
If she has more experience she can teach me things, If I have more experience I can teach her things.

4. What about group sex with two guys and a girl or two girls and a guy? could you think of doing that?

I was in a room once where the girl wanted to have sex with me and 2 of my friends, I wasnt down with that so i didnt do it. 2 girls and just me, when i was single........ hmmmmmmmmm..........well...................  :hihi:

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: Kujo on May 23, 2006, 03:18:55 PM
I was in a room once where the girl wanted to have sex with me and 2 of my friends, I wasnt down with that so i didnt do it.

What if she left the room? Would you have done it then?

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 23, 2006, 03:24:55 PM
I was in a room once where the girl wanted to have sex with me and 2 of my friends, I wasnt down with that so i didnt do it.

What if she left the room? Would you have done it then?

I'm just glad he didn't say that we were the other two guys...........

Lets keep that one quiet.

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: D on May 23, 2006, 03:27:36 PM

So Kujjo and SLLC i see u guys had such a great time in NY together that u two swapped names.

U guys wanna elaborate on that?

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: Kujo on May 23, 2006, 03:29:53 PM
I dont know what you are talking about.

Stay on subject and stop avoiding my question :hihi:

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: Eric on May 23, 2006, 03:34:34 PM
Before any affair rent out the movie Fatal Attraction-or remember Cameron Diaz and Tom Cruise in Vanilla Sky? rent that out : ok:

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: D on May 23, 2006, 03:44:54 PM
I dont know what you are talking about.

Stay on subject and stop avoiding my question :hihi:

Little drunk and swapped last names?

In normal weddings the woman normally takes the males last name.

In Gay marriages, each partner swaps names.

Im a little concerned here. : ok:

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: Jim on May 23, 2006, 03:45:43 PM
Hmm. D, you seem to know a little too much about gay marriage for my liking..........

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: Kujo on May 23, 2006, 03:55:38 PM
I wish I could give you your karma point back for that Jim :hihi:

Instead we'll call it even for those pictures I linked to in the Lost Thread of Claire, who I would love to have a one night stand with. There got back on topic : ok:

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: Jim on May 23, 2006, 04:00:30 PM
Done! We'll call it even.

But, Claire? One night stand? Aww hell naw! She's a keeper.

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: Mr Rage on May 23, 2006, 06:54:13 PM
I thought this would be an interesting topic

1. What do you guys and gals feel of one night stands?
Is it ok, have you done it?
What if your partner would've done some of those? Would be bad or wouldn't it matter?

2. Could you be happy with being with your first partner the rest of your life or would you feel the urge to try sex with another person?

3. What about your partner having more "experience" than you?

4. What about group sex with two guys and a girl or two girls and a guy? could you think of doing that?

1. I do one night stands and i'd wish i get more than i do, at this moment in time i'm not looking for anything serious, so 1 night stands all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2.couldn't and wouldn't, if you meet the "one" straight away i can't see a problem!

3. wouldn't bother me unless your talking in the hundreds of partners she's had, that would bother me!

4.I couldn't answer it until i'm given the offer, with 2 girls defintely yes! with another guy n girl i dunno!

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: Sin Cut on May 24, 2006, 02:33:19 AM
One night stands are shallow, unhealthy and they ruin marriages.

how do they ruin mariages? ???

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: godiva on May 24, 2006, 02:36:57 AM
Hey Blue Cut..... see page one of this thread  : ok:

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: Sin Cut on May 24, 2006, 02:41:14 AM
Hey Blue Cut..... see page one of this thread? : ok:
oh.. I see  : ok:

I call that cheating and one night stands are those you do single or in an open relationship.

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: jimb0 on May 24, 2006, 09:11:55 AM
well no guys want to rub meat together.. it's like those double penetration pornos, the two guys are rubbing nuts and their cocks are seperated by a 64th of skin..  Two women is just so much better for a guy, or myself.. Even if you get the bj doggie combo you still end up slapping the dude in front of you five and seeing him as you try and cum

Yeha, what's up with two dicks in one hole?  How much could those guys get paid, not that much!  I think it's totally wierd. 

I walked in on this chick and this dude doing it once, and they were going at it and she's like, "wanna join" i was like "Fuck No"

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: badapple81 on May 24, 2006, 09:25:19 AM
well no guys want to rub meat together.. it's like those double penetration pornos, the two guys are rubbing nuts and their cocks are seperated by a 64th of skin..? Two women is just so much better for a guy, or myself.. Even if you get the bj doggie combo you still end up slapping the dude in front of you five and seeing him as you try and cum

Yeha, what's up with two dicks in one hole?? How much could those guys get paid, not that much!? I think it's totally wierd.?

I walked in on this chick and this dude doing it once, and they were going at it and she's like, "wanna join" i was like "Fuck No"

I think he means one in each hole  : ok:

As for one night stands, I've had one when I've been in a relationship and you feel shitty and scummy afterwards. Knowing there was a chance I could have married that girl (at the time), I just had that in the back of my mind constantly. The relationship could never been 100% true after that. It plays on your mind constantly afterwards.. like you watch a movie or TV show together where somebody cheats and your heart just sinks.

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: badapple81 on May 24, 2006, 09:26:00 AM
I dont know what you are talking about.

Stay on subject and stop avoiding my question :hihi:

Little drunk and swapped last names?

In normal weddings the woman normally takes the males last name.

In Gay marriages, each partner swaps names.

Im a little concerned here. : ok:

I just hope they both stay away from one night stands so their love can last.

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: Danny Top Hat on May 24, 2006, 09:57:42 AM
1. What do you guys and gals feel of one night stands?
Is it ok, have you done it?
What if your partner would've done some of those? Would be bad or wouldn't it matter?

2. Could you be happy with being with your first partner the rest of your life or would you feel the urge to try sex with another person?

3. What about your partner having more "experience" than you?

4. What about group sex with two guys and a girl or two girls and a guy? could you think of doing that?

1.? I've never had one, though I wouldn't say no if the chance came.? It wouldn't bother me if my girlfriend had done it before, though i'd feel a bit crappy if she'd had loads and I hadn't had any.

2.? At times last year I thought there was a chance me and my girl would never break up and that thought did freak me out a tad.? I started imagining single life to be really fun and would have loved to go on 1 night stands at that point, though I would never have cheated - ever.? Such is life, one day she dumped me totally out of the blue and I learned that single life is actually pretty lonely and boring.? Maybe casual sex would help.? Any takers? :hihi:

3.? Doesn't bother me at all.

4.? Two girls?? Hell yeah!? Two guys...I dunno. :-\

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: Kujo on May 24, 2006, 11:18:26 AM
I thought you said you didnt meet SLC? ???

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: Chelle on June 01, 2006, 06:11:17 PM

1. What do you guys and gals feel of one night stands?
I can't really make up my mind...? There are times when I'll think back on a one night stand and feel shitty about it and other times when I'll just feel cool with it.? I wouldn't feel too bad to find out that my boyfriend had done it, as long as he hadn't done it with a hundred different chicks.? That would make me feel a little cheated, I think, since I've only had a couple.

2. Could you be happy with being with your first partner the rest of your life?
Yes, I believe so.? First love...?

3. What about your partner having more "experience" than you?
No, that's cool.? Practice makes perfect, after all? ?;)? (... so long as he wasn't a fucking man-whore)

4. What about group sex with two guys and a girl or two girls and a guy? could you think of doing that?
Yep? ?:yes:

Title: Re: What's your opinnion on some aspects of sex/one night stands etc.
Post by: mikegiuliana on June 01, 2006, 06:18:20 PM
I thought you said you didnt meet SLC? ???

my post was deleted, guess my stories are to XXX :hihi: