Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Jessica on May 22, 2006, 07:10:26 PM

Title: Your " in laws" !!
Post by: Jessica on May 22, 2006, 07:10:26 PM
I'm in the mood.

Let's dig our dirt and spill the beans :


I fucking hate them, bunch of fuckwits !!!:! ( oh that is virtual but it does feel good !)

My mother in law is the greatest manipulator i know and after 6 years, i can't be asked to ever see her again.

Do you have a family in law from hell ?

I do...

Title: Re: Your " in laws" !!
Post by: anythinggoes on May 22, 2006, 07:16:32 PM
i guess i was lucky my in laws were very nice dreading the next ones though

Title: Re: Your " in laws" !!
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 22, 2006, 07:17:14 PM
I despise my MIL..........

Never was there more of a thankless bitch then her............

Title: Re: Your " in laws" !!
Post by: Cornell on May 22, 2006, 07:22:22 PM
I despise my MIL..........

Never was there more of a thankless bitch then her............

LOL - don't bet on it.  I have one that could give her a run for her money, I'm sure!

Title: Re: Your " in laws" !!
Post by: Jessica on May 22, 2006, 07:23:59 PM
I despise my MIL..........

Never was there more of a thankless bitch then her............

Mine dyed my clothes blue as a " welcome to my home" thing 6 years ago.
I go there with boyfriend, leave my knickers in a plastic bag because used and left on floor to put into suitcase next day to go back home ?

Next thing i know is that the bag is gone, and so are her son's white shirts ( my tshirt and knickers were white too, cotton).

And i get my clothes all blue, with a satanical " i am sorry" distorted kind of bitchy face.

She had 3 SHIRTS TO WASH for her son. She separated my clothes and his. And she put a brand new bright blue table cloth in my whites.

No error.

She did two empty washings. She's had 3 sons. Lives in a dairy farm. Her home is spotless. She did it on purpose.

This was my welcome. :rant:

Title: Re: Your " in laws" !!
Post by: Jessica on May 22, 2006, 07:26:01 PM
i guess i was lucky my in laws were very nice dreading the next ones though
Are you with anyone ?

Title: Re: Your " in laws" !!
Post by: anythinggoes on May 22, 2006, 07:29:14 PM
i guess i was lucky my in laws were very nice dreading the next ones though
Are you with anyone ?

not at the moment no  :crying:

Title: Re: Your " in laws" !!
Post by: Jessica on May 22, 2006, 07:34:03 PM
i guess i was lucky my in laws were very nice dreading the next ones though
Are you with anyone ?

not at the moment no  :crying:


But you do know that when you meet someone an " settle", you settle with her family too, don't you ?

Title: Re: Your " in laws" !!
Post by: Markus Asraelius on May 22, 2006, 07:37:10 PM
I don't have in-laws because none of my family stays with their partners long enough to become married.  : ok:

Title: Re: Your " in laws" !!
Post by: Jessica on May 22, 2006, 07:41:45 PM
I don't have in-laws because none of my family stays with their partners long enough to become married.  : ok:

sad and funny at the same time.

But i am not married and i have in laws.

The contract is moral so when you live with someone , it's just like marriage.

Title: Re: Your " in laws" !!
Post by: anythinggoes on May 22, 2006, 07:45:06 PM
i guess i was lucky my in laws were very nice dreading the next ones though
Are you with anyone ?

not at the moment no? :crying:


But you do know that when you meet someone an " settle", you settle with her family too, don't you ?

yeah i know but when you been with someone 10 years since school its a daunting thought starting again

Title: Re: Your " in laws" !!
Post by: Chelle on May 22, 2006, 07:51:20 PM
yeah i know but when you been with someone 10 years since school its a daunting thought starting again

True...   :'(

Title: Re: Your " in laws" !!
Post by: Jessica on May 22, 2006, 08:02:13 PM
I can imagine.

Hard to start all over again.

BUT, positive aspects are huge :

first times ( kiss and sex)
moments of laughter and tenderness
missing the other like your own blood
feeling like the luckiest person in the universe
wanting to wake up every morning next to them ?

( mind this, i talk out of my arse because i always stopped at step 3 , never felt lucky or never felt like i could wake up next to my past every morning = oooh = is it possible i have never met trrue luuuv = probably  :hihi:)

fuck, i'm bla blaing...

It's 2 am and although it doesn't bother me, my son counts on me to be a human being tomorow morning.
SO, i surf a little more, but i'll stop writing.
Plus, my brain is in french again and i am affraid i don' t make much sense ? :D

Title: Re: Your " in laws" !!
Post by: anythinggoes on May 22, 2006, 08:03:37 PM
I can imagine.

Hard to start all over again.

BUT, positive aspects are huge :

first times ( kiss and sex)
moments of laughter and tenderness
missing the other like your own blood
feeling like the luckiest person in the universe
wanting to wake up every morning next to them ?

( mind this, i talk out of my arse because i always stopped at step 3 , never felt lucky or never felt like i could wake up next to my past every morning = oooh = is it possible i have never met trrue luuuv = probably? :hihi:)

fuck, i'm bla blaing...

It's 2 am and although it doesn't bother me, my son counts on me to be a human being tomorow morning.
SO, i surf a little more, but i'll stop writing.
Plus, my brain is in french again and i am affraid i don' t make much sense ? :D

you make perfect sense dont worry

Title: Re: Your " in laws" !!
Post by: Eeebs on May 22, 2006, 08:20:44 PM
At the beginning, this were rough.  But now that we are married, it is a whole different story.  They have welcomed me with open arms.  Funny, the difference a marriage certificate can make.  However, I will not, and cannot forgive and forget some past words and events...

In laws... that's why they are called, OUT LAWS!!

Title: Re: Your " in laws" !!
Post by: MR W,AXL ROSE on May 22, 2006, 10:32:12 PM
i dont think i could of asked for better inlaws,pretty nice poeple although a little on the crazy side  :confused:  :hihi:

Title: Re: Your " in laws" !!
Post by: Sukie on May 23, 2006, 12:27:55 AM
I hardly ever see my mother in law so that's a nonissue for me.  BUT...I consider my hubby's grandmother my "mother in law" since she raised him for the most part. 

We get along ok.  It's not like she hates me or that I hate her.  She's in her 80s now and thinks she can say whatever she wants, though.  Like old age gives her the right to be rude.   ::) 

Her catty comments really bother me at times.  Things like..."I made soup.  The good kind with lots of meat."  That was after I had sent soup to them when she was sick.   :hihi:   One day, we walked into her house and she looked at me and said, "Well, there's tacky."  Heck, I was dressed.  Much nicer than my hubby, too.  At least my jeans didn't have holes in the crotch.   ::)  Just lots of little comments like that over the years.

Another thing is that she thinks anytime Matt and I disagree about ANYTHING, it's a FIGHT.  "Let's not fight tonight."  ::) It's a simple discussion and we have different opinions.  That doesn't make it a freaking fight.  She was raised in a different time, though.  From what my hubby says, she never had an opinion different from her husband's.  If she did, she never vocalized it.  Heck, who can live like that?  It's funny...but she's been telling me about what Dr. Phil says lately.   :hihi:

Title: Re: Your " in laws" !!
Post by: Sin Cut on May 23, 2006, 02:55:12 AM
My ex's mother was a twisted manupilating bitch. I think she has a mental disability.

I would've like to drive over her with a lawnmower.

I've met my current in laws only once so they seem ok, right now that is.

Title: Re: Your " in laws" !!
Post by: godiva on May 23, 2006, 05:36:58 AM
well, there are always differences, and such and small annoyances, but on the whole my in-laws are good people. Just after I had my daughter they went a bit cookoo, but they are alright again. It's difficult though if there are tensions, cause your hubby (or wife) is stuck in the middle between his spouse and his parents. Difficult to chose sides. My husband can get along very well with my parents and I'm really happy about that. It would be very difficult to chose between the people who brought me up and my partner. Although hubbie would definitely win if it came down to that. He's the one who I have to live with and raise a little girl with. And I'm sure he would take my side if he had to chose between his parents and me.

Title: Re: Your " in laws" !!
Post by: Sterlingdog on May 23, 2006, 11:36:04 AM

I go there with boyfriend, leave my knickers in a plastic bag because used and left on floor to put into suitcase next day to go back home ?

Do you have a husband and a boyfriend?  Or are you calling your boyfriend's mother your "in-law"?

Title: Re: Your " in laws" !!
Post by: Jessica on May 23, 2006, 01:26:18 PM

I go there with boyfriend, leave my knickers in a plastic bag because used and left on floor to put into suitcase next day to go back home ?

Do you have a husband and a boyfriend?  Or are you calling your boyfriend's mother your "in-law"?

I have a concubine. When i met his mother, we lived together and i was introduced to her as " his concubine".
Therefore, since, it's always been understood on both sides that she was my mother in law.

Title: Re: Your " in laws" !!
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 23, 2006, 01:28:54 PM
I only know my mother in law and she just moved from cali to nevada, she's a hell of a nice lady, anytime she comes here she is so helpfull, shame she lives so far away...