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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Minneapolisnewsman on May 22, 2006, 01:08:55 PM

Title: Are albums released in Canada on Wedneday--Torontoist says 6/07 CD
Post by: Minneapolisnewsman on May 22, 2006, 01:08:55 PM
They say that CD will be released on 6/07/06????  I doubt it, just shoddy reporting.

Title: Re: Are albums released in Canada on Wedneday--Torontoist says 6/07 CD
Post by: chineseblues on May 22, 2006, 01:10:58 PM
They are released on a tuesday here just like the US.

Title: Re: Are albums released in Canada on Wedneday--Torontoist says 6/07 CD
Post by: Minneapolisnewsman on May 22, 2006, 01:13:09 PM
They are released on a tuesday here just like the US.

How are so many in the press, whom are supposedly the "eyes and the ears" of the public, completely off the mark sometimes?? I know many great journalists, but in the gossip arena, there are folks on this board that would do a far more noble job for many of the rags I see floating around.

Maybe our friend from the Charlotte Observer can comment???

Title: Re: Are albums released in Canada on Wedneday--Torontoist says 6/07 CD
Post by: mlewis on May 22, 2006, 01:13:26 PM
6 July is a Tuseday though.

Title: Re: Are albums released in Canada on Wedneday--Torontoist says 6/07 CD
Post by: Neemo on May 22, 2006, 01:14:14 PM
yep they come out on tuesdays

but I've never even heard of that site and I live less than an hour from toronto :-\

Title: Re: Are albums released in Canada on Wedneday--Torontoist says 6/07 CD
Post by: Minneapolisnewsman on May 22, 2006, 01:14:29 PM
6 July is a Tuseday though.

It say's "June 7" in the article.

Title: Re: Are albums released in Canada on Wedneday--Torontoist says 6/07 CD
Post by: Minneapolisnewsman on May 22, 2006, 01:18:26 PM
And, reading the linked story on his sight, he is completely stupid.  He took the date, that tickets go on sale at the Hammersmith in London, as the date that the CD is released.  If he is covering music, he should know albums come out on Tuesdays.  We should start a permanent "Get in the Ring" thread dedicated to shoddy journalists.

I nominate--Fox News (who were those two uniformed bimbo's on Saturday?) , and this guy as our first two.

Title: Re: Are albums released in Canada on Wedneday--Torontoist says 6/07 CD
Post by: GnR-NOW on May 22, 2006, 01:18:56 PM
maybe theyre refering to that unofficial box set

Title: Re: Are albums released in Canada on Wedneday--Torontoist says 6/07 CD
Post by: Minneapolisnewsman on May 22, 2006, 01:33:01 PM
They say its released then, Axl says it's released fall...who are you gonna believe?

He mis-analyzed his source, and mixed up the dates tickets went on sale for the London Hammersmith gig as the release date.? Piss-poor gonzoism (shouldn't insult the late great Mr. Thompson that way, hence "gonzoism").

Title: Re: Are albums released in Canada on Wedneday--Torontoist says 6/07 CD
Post by: Oh My Choking Soul on May 22, 2006, 01:34:16 PM

I don't believe this for a second... but here it is.

Axl Grease
Some of us thought we'd never see the day. Rock'n'Roll's last remaining rebel returns to smoke da' Smoke on June 7th. It's been almost 10 years since Axl Rose last bothered anyone on record, but the once long awaited Chinese Democracy is apparently ready.

Rolling in with an estimated thirteen million dollars in costs it's going to have to be slightly better than the best record ever made in the entire history of the Universe ever to even begin to hit the was-it-worth-the-waitomometre. And as for the stage shows. Well there better be a nun-penguin orgy in there somewhere or else...

It's almost impossible to have any expectations at all about the return of Guns'n'Roses, or at least what's currently meandering under that name, and the world's press have had a good few years now to sharpen their pencils. The very nature of the project and personalities involved mean that nothing short of orgasmic brilliance is going to let Rose smell sweet. The man who howled his way through one of the grubbier periods of rock history and who makes Pete Doherty look like a drop of piss in the ocean is setting himself up for an almighty fall whether he walks on stage or not. And yet he has enough of that history left in our hearts to mean that we expect tickets to fly off the shelves this Friday morning at 9.30 faster than the fast bit at the end of Paradise City that's for sure.

Title: Re: Are albums released in Canada on Wedneday--Torontoist says 6/07 CD
Post by: Minneapolisnewsman on May 22, 2006, 01:36:05 PM

I don't believe this for a second... but here it is.

Axl Grease
Some of us thought we'd never see the day. Rock'n'Roll's last remaining rebel returns to smoke da' Smoke on June 7th. It's been almost 10 years since Axl Rose last bothered anyone on record, but the once long awaited Chinese Democracy is apparently ready.

Rolling in with an estimated thirteen million dollars in costs it's going to have to be slightly better than the best record ever made in the entire history of the Universe ever to even begin to hit the was-it-worth-the-waitomometre. And as for the stage shows. Well there better be a nun-penguin orgy in there somewhere or else...

It's almost impossible to have any expectations at all about the return of Guns'n'Roses, or at least what's currently meandering under that name, and the world's press have had a good few years now to sharpen their pencils. The very nature of the project and personalities involved mean that nothing short of orgasmic brilliance is going to let Rose smell sweet. The man who howled his way through one of the grubbier periods of rock history and who makes Pete Doherty look like a drop of piss in the ocean is setting himself up for an almighty fall whether he walks on stage or not. And yet he has enough of that history left in our hearts to mean that we expect tickets to fly off the shelves this Friday morning at 9.30 faster than the fast bit at the end of Paradise City that's for sure.

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He's referring to the Hammersmith ticket sale last Friday, not the release date.  Still shoddy, and vague journalism. 

Title: Re: Are albums released in Canada on Wedneday--Torontoist says 6/07 CD
Post by: lastroots on May 22, 2006, 01:42:51 PM
Just bad journalism and nothing more.
I mean, hey, Axl said "Fall / late Fall" so I'm pretty sure that whenever it will come out it won't be earlier than that.


Title: Re: Are albums released in Canada on Wedneday--Torontoist says 6/07 CD
Post by: ppbebe on May 22, 2006, 01:56:48 PM
It seems that they just misread the article.

Title: Re: Are albums released in Canada on Wedneday--Torontoist says 6/07 CD
Post by: CAFC Nick on May 22, 2006, 02:55:18 PM
The 06/06/06 release date has been touted around for some while now. I don't know where this date came from originally but the press and stuff won't give it a rest.

I still think the 06/06/06 release date is perfect but seeing is that is only 2 weeks away now  :o, it won't happen.

Title: Re: Are albums released in Canada on Wedneday--Torontoist says 6/07 CD
Post by: St_Jimmyuk on May 22, 2006, 04:10:41 PM
6/6/06 is when the new version of the omen hits the cinemas

Title: Re: Are albums released in Canada on Wedneday--Torontoist says 6/07 CD
Post by: flickn on May 22, 2006, 04:56:23 PM
slayer was supposed to go on your 06-06-2006....but post poned.

Title: Re: Are albums released in Canada on Wedneday--Torontoist says 6/07 CD
Post by: KeVoRkIaN on May 22, 2006, 05:14:31 PM
Getting back to topic - Tuesday is the release date in Canada - I worked in a record store for 7 years here - just outside of Toronto - plus I have never heard of the torontoist website until now so it should tell you something about it's credibility

Title: Re: Are albums released in Canada on Wedneday--Torontoist says 6/07 CD
Post by: erose on May 22, 2006, 06:39:58 PM

The man who makes Pete Doherty look like a drop of piss in the ocean.

this is brilliant journalism imo!!  : ok:

Title: Re: Are albums released in Canada on Wedneday--Torontoist says 6/07 CD
Post by: MikeD on May 22, 2006, 09:10:14 PM
I'm going to chime in here, since I was asked. I'm a reporter who covers hard news. I'd like to say most of us in the business care about the facts and attribute our information whenever it's not general knowledge. (In other words, a release date, a reunion announcement, the title of a new song, etc, would need a source attributed to the information).
Unfortunately a lot of the "articles" that you see on here are either reviews or they're gossip blurbs that have been bastardized from the New York tabs and those are typically ripped off legitimate Associated Press stories, but the words tend to be twisted to add flashiness. (case in point when they used the term "pummeled" to describe Hilfiger "slapping" Axl.)
Most of these reviews here are just general BS and they're not done by real reporters or people who even care about the craft.
With that said there are two sides to this. I also see a fair amount of Press Releases here and those aren't exactly news items, either. They're released by Guns N Roses management to make the band look good (hey, I'm not complaining, personally I want them to look good), but at the same time press releases often spin the facts, too. But, with that said, at least the spin is generally based on something factual and the management's job is to give a favorable spint. (I guess I'm digressing here.)
I guess what I'm trying to say is that if it looks like BS, then it probably is. If it has AP or Assoicated Press by it, then it's more than likely correct, or at least you have a reporter who tried to do his/her job. And if you believe there is something wrong in an AP story, the company has an extremely strict correction policty, so if you contact the writer or the company, they will research the complaint and run a proper correction.
In regards to Fox News and the report on the Axl fights, well I'll just quote someone who wrote on the boards the other day: Fox makes up more shit than an MTV Reality show.

Title: Re: Are albums released in Canada on Wedneday--Torontoist says 6/07 CD
Post by: JB9988 on May 22, 2006, 09:26:20 PM
if its not fake then kick ass! 666 would be kinda funny though.

Title: Re: Are albums released in Canada on Wedneday--Torontoist says 6/07 CD
Post by: Ineverlearn000022 on May 22, 2006, 10:54:06 PM
I remember when these release dates in the media started to circulate (Slash's comments) we went ape shit.  I personally don't care anymore b/c I believe Axl this time and I think that CD will be out this fall.  Not this summer, unfortunately.