Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Markus Asraelius on May 19, 2006, 04:32:26 PM

Title: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Markus Asraelius on May 19, 2006, 04:32:26 PM
Britney Spears Stumbles, Nearly Drops Baby
Fri May 19, 12:24 PM ET

NEW YORK - Britney Spears stumbled outside a Manhattan hotel, nearly dropping her 8-month-old son and further fueling the ever-growing media scrutiny of her parenting skills.
In photos splashed across the front page and inside the New York Post on Friday, the 24-year-old pop star is shown exiting The Ritz-Carlton hotel with Sean Preston in one hand and a glass in the other.

As her bodyguards walked Spears to her car, she stumbled ? her long pants apparently getting tangled in her open-toed shoes ? and bent low as Sean Preston's head flung backward, knocking off his orange hat.

Spears, though, was able to keep her balance and hold on to her son, with help from a bodyguard, who reacted quickly.

A call to Spears' publicist Friday seeking comment was not immediately returned.

The baby bobble was the latest public incident involving the safety of Spears' child. Earlier this week, she was photographed driving with Sean Preston in a car seat facing forward rather than facing backward, which some safety regulations say is best.

Spears, who recently announced that she's pregnant with her second child, was visited by a sheriff's deputy at her home in Malibu, Calif., last month after Sean Preston slipped from his nanny's arms as she was lifting him from a high chair and something in the chair snapped.

In February, authorities visited Spears' home after photos showed the singer in a car with her son in her lap, instead of being strapped to a car seat in the back seat. She first blamed pursuits by the paparazzi, but later said it was a "mistake."

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Jessica on May 19, 2006, 04:47:27 PM
someone help the kid and i say kid to Britney !

First of all, someone help her get rid of that stupid idiot she married
Then, someone bring her to rehab.

She is destroying herself over a stupid bastard who doesn't give a shit about her and having two kids so close by someone who doesn't even support them in any way shows she has a self love issue.

Her babies have sitters and the justice is keeping a close eye on them. So i am not " over- worried" ( although i think the small one should go to his grandmother's for a bit, until she gets herself together)

Who is keeping an eye on britney ?

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Kujo on May 19, 2006, 04:56:04 PM
Who is keeping an eye on britney ?

The paparazzi

She is young and making alot of stupid mistakes, but because she has money none of her hangers on will tell her shit. Some people just shouldn't breed, unfortunately she's done it twice and her scum bag husbands going on 4. Bob Barker should start a cause.

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Jessica on May 19, 2006, 04:59:16 PM
God, shame i don't know the girl, famous or not, i'd straighten her out. :rant:

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Axls Locomotive on May 19, 2006, 07:40:43 PM

The paparazzi

Sometimes you have to feel for her when there are all these photographers  that go after the perfect tabloid photo that makes her look incompetent as a mother...when maybe there are plenty moments that may make her look like a good mother but are never seen on the front page...sure she may not be a great mother, or even a good one, but you have to wonder about the standards that people expect her to reach...

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Kujo on May 19, 2006, 07:48:18 PM
You are correct. Who ever took that frigging picture the other day of her and the future head case in the car, made a small fortune. There actually was a picture of her in one of the NY papers the other day coming out of a hotel holding the baby, but there was nothing shocking about it so it didnt get picked up by all the other media outlets.

Face it she was a moron before, why does anyone expect different of her because she had a child with that scumbag. She hasnt done anything yet that some of us or our parents haven't done. We just don't have the media watching our every step waiting for us to screw up.

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Chelle on May 19, 2006, 10:24:04 PM

Sometimes you have to feel for her when there are all these photographers? that go after the perfect tabloid photo that makes her look incompetent as a mother...when maybe there are plenty moments that may make her look like a good mother but are never seen on the front page...sure she may not be a great mother, or even a good one, but you have to wonder about the standards that people expect her to reach...

True.? Media can make anyone look good or bad.? It isn't fair to judge based on tabloid shit.?

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Sterlingdog on May 19, 2006, 11:23:40 PM
I don't think she's smart or probably even close to being a good mother, but to judge her because she tripped while carrying her kid is silly.  I think plenty of us moms have done that...the main thing is that you keep the baby safe at all costs, even if that means you get a little more banged up in the process. 

The car seat thing was dumb, but there are many people who do it. 

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: MR W,AXL ROSE on May 20, 2006, 03:27:19 AM
if i had some cunt up a fukin telagraph pole trying to take my pic,i dont think id be watching where i was stepping.would you say your parents are bad coz you were nearly dropped as a kid .........NO YOU WOULDNT SO THERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: godiva on May 20, 2006, 03:30:15 AM
Okay, I once tripped while carrying the baby in my arms. Good thing we were both okay. Now someone report me to some social worker. Geez!

I agree with Sterling. The car seat thing, that is stupid. How hard is it to make sure that the baby is as safe as possible, by attaching the seat the proper way or get someone who knows how to install the damn thing? I just don;t think people should give B a hard time because she almost tripped. Being clumsy doesn't make you a bad mother.

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: leesixxrose on May 20, 2006, 04:12:41 AM
that chick fucks her kid up!

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: iamspartacus on May 20, 2006, 04:24:41 AM
I can't imagine living life under such fucking scrutiny and having every little thing you do photographed and criticized, especially when the judges are 12-year-old Valley bitches on the 'net. "Omg, shes lyke a rly badd mum!! U suk brittney!!11" I don't know shit about her, but man, it can't be an easy life.


Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Jessica on May 20, 2006, 05:17:23 AM
Now, that's what i was saying, who is watching over her ?

Rumors say she is regularly " dizzy" with drink, that asshole she loves won't give her what she is looking for, and like many women, she's probably going to be sleeping with gin or vodka instead of her husband and then, her babies will reaally be in danger.

Because i believe many " people" surf this site, take care of her.

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Axls Locomotive on May 20, 2006, 06:32:38 AM
I can't imagine living life under such fucking scrutiny and having every little thing you do photographed and criticized, especially when the judges are 12-year-old Valley bitches on the 'net. "Omg, shes lyke a rly badd mum!! U suk brittney!!11" I don't know shit about her, but man, it can't be an easy life.


wow thats a really great photo...see how perceptions could change if all you saw were photos like that...i guess sometimes PR machines dont get a look in

True.  Media can make anyone look good or bad.  It isn't fair to judge based on tabloid shit. 

the truth is, many people are idiots and they never think beyond their attention span...they are rarely interested in the big picture...if people arent really fans then their opinion will more than likely be formed by what they read in the tabloid newspapers or trash magazines...

Rumors say she is regularly " dizzy" with drink, that asshole she loves won't give her what she is looking for, and like many women, she's probably going to be sleeping with gin or vodka instead of her husband and then, her babies will reaally be in danger.

Rumors? from what source? how valid are they? are there any other sources to back this up? you automatically just believe them?

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Jessica on May 20, 2006, 08:00:54 AM
Yeah, when i see photos of someone drunk, i know they're drunk and my mother was an alcoholic and still is, so i should know ?

Britney never hid when drunk ( unlike cameron diaz, who had an embarassing moment in cannes, didn't she ?) and it's going worse, and the puffyness under her eyes is, i believe, probably alcoho linked just as much as tears.

You only have to look at her, poor soul.

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: damien24 on May 20, 2006, 08:03:19 AM
you can totally see her panties in that one pic-  BOOYA

shes still a milf

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Danny Top Hat on May 20, 2006, 11:23:27 AM
Tabloid photographers are total scumbags, as are the people who write stories like this.? After years of praising Britney they've decided to turn on her, just like they do with EVERY. FUCKING. CELEBRITY.?

I don't blame her for stumbling, I don't blame her for driving down the road with a baby on her lap and I don't blame her for enjoying a cheeseburger from time to time.? I blame the fucking tabloids for thinking it's their business. :rant:

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Izzy on May 20, 2006, 11:44:33 AM
Sometimes i feel sorry for these ''celebrities'' and the assult they face from the media - but then i remember the godawful 9-5's we all do, the limited money we have, our struggle to make a difference - hell, id take a few reporters after me and a cheque for ?100 million any day

They think they got it bad? They should do a true days work with a boss from hell and rent to pay - bastards love to complain, and deserve every reporter they get

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Axls Locomotive on May 20, 2006, 03:13:12 PM
Sometimes i feel sorry for these ''celebrities'' and the assult they face from the media - but then i remember the godawful 9-5's we all do, the limited money we have, our struggle to make a difference - hell, id take a few reporters after me and a cheque for ?100 million any day

They think they got it bad? They should do a true days work with a boss from hell and rent to pay - bastards love to complain, and deserve every reporter they get

so because you are miserable in your job, you feel you have some sort of right to put someone who is successful down?

maybe you should look inwards at yourself rather than pushing your anger outward towards people who have no connection to you...only you can change your life, it's nothing to do with celebrities

and its amusing that you are complaining about celebrities complaining when in fact all you do is complain... :hihi:

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Izzy on May 20, 2006, 03:24:44 PM
Sometimes i feel sorry for these ''celebrities'' and the assult they face from the media - but then i remember the godawful 9-5's we all do, the limited money we have, our struggle to make a difference - hell, id take a few reporters after me and a cheque for ?100 million any day

They think they got it bad? They should do a true days work with a boss from hell and rent to pay - bastards love to complain, and deserve every reporter they get

so because you are miserable in your job, you feel you have some sort of right to put someone who is successful down?

I was speaking generally hence the ''we'' a reference to society -  the hardships people throughout society go through where the majority earn less than ?24k a yeat - me, i find my job the source of almost endless amusement

maybe you should look inwards at yourself rather than pushing your anger outward towards people who have no connection to you...only you can change your life, it's nothing to do with celebrities


I do enjoy how a multi millionaire ''struggles'' with the ''hardships'' of their lives - oh, it must be awful! :hihi:

and its amusing that you are complaining about celebrities complaining when in fact all you do is complain... :hihi:

No - all i do is make rather sardonic statements about things, i'm not actually complaining - i'm totally indifferent to celebrity culture - i'm merely commenting on the delcious irony life provides for our enjoyment,

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Jessica on May 20, 2006, 03:39:40 PM
i think that britney is no different than i for instance and her life is bloody hard, yes

When you're rich, you have no real friends ( for most)
When you're famous, and rich, even your famil fucks with you.

Britney could have married a dick if she had been poor, but the dick would have married her for her ass or her cooking, not her money.

Izzy, do you think rich people suffer less ?

Do you think the money can cure the uncurable ?
Do you think money can buy the love that's gone ?
Do you think money can bring a child from the dead ?

Hard times hit the rich and the poor.

And let me remind you that for every penny earned by someone who is rich, half of it goes to taxes.

Lastly, i have rarely seen a lazy rich person, they are often very hard workers who started young and who give themselves heart attacks because they work 18 hours a day and break down before 45 years old.
They have no family life, and know they won't until very late in life, and hope they can stop to work to meet someone and have a family and enjoy.
But the best years of their life are gone, into work.

How many of these hardshipped citizens would get up on their arse and work that hard ?

How many have the mental strengh to do nothing but work ?

You are cruel, misinformed and have formed ideas on people and things.

Life isn't people's magazine.

Nor Forbes.

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Axls Locomotive on May 20, 2006, 03:53:04 PM

and its amusing that you are complaining about celebrities complaining when in fact all you do is complain... :hihi:

No - all i do is make rather sardonic statements about things, i'm not actually complaining - i'm totally indifferent to celebrity culture - i'm merely commenting on the delcious irony life provides for our enjoyment,

sardonic? i think you need a lot more practice

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 21, 2006, 03:04:33 AM

and its amusing that you are complaining about celebrities complaining when in fact all you do is complain... :hihi:

No - all i do is make rather sardonic statements about things, i'm not actually complaining - i'm totally indifferent to celebrity culture - i'm merely commenting on the delcious irony life provides for our enjoyment,

sardonic? i think you need a lot more practice

Ewww, sardonic Amadeus...........

( (

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Brody on May 21, 2006, 03:13:38 AM
Her kids will be alright.. Paparazzi needs to be outlawed and stay the fuck out of peoples lives.. so what she tripped it could happen to any mother.. leave her the hell alone... these people are the scum of the earth!

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Mr Rage on May 21, 2006, 06:52:24 PM
sometimes you can feel sorry for britiney, but when she pulls stunts like kissing madonna and then cry coz the papprazzi are always following you. it should be one or the other!

Someone like jordan and peter andre i have no sympthey for, publicty hounds who have the cheek to slag other people off who work for their money!

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Jim on May 21, 2006, 07:05:02 PM
And let me remind you that for every penny earned by someone who is rich, half of it goes to taxes.

Hmm. Yes, but it isn't literally "half." The figures that you see in the paper (the Rich List's are how much you are worth, that which you can touch...) are, the majority of the time, after tax has been deducted. Footballers that are on over ?100 000 a week are earning that much inclusive of tax deduction... So I don't really see how tax is relevant to, well, anything here.

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Jessica on May 21, 2006, 07:53:34 PM
And let me remind you that for every penny earned by someone who is rich, half of it goes to taxes.

Hmm. Yes, but it isn't literally "half." The figures that you see in the paper (the Rich List's are how much you are worth, that which you can touch...) are, the majority of the time, after tax has been deducted. Footballers that are on over ?100 000 a week are earning that much inclusive of tax deduction... So I don't really see how tax is relevant to, well, anything here.

depends on the country then, france's riches have no interest in staying in france because of how much goes to taxes.

And i was just trying to illustrate that a lot of rich people work hard and pay hard, like poorer people.

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 21, 2006, 10:11:57 PM

And i was just trying to illustrate that a lot of rich people work hard and pay hard, like poorer people.

Except when they are done paying, they are wealthy, while everybody is not.

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Brody on May 21, 2006, 11:03:26 PM
some people say everyone can get rich... some people say anyone can get rich... i agree with the people who say anyone can get rich.. why punish someone for doing everything our society tells them to do from day 1.. Make money.. idk anything about the french society or how you deal with your rich..

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Mr Rage on May 22, 2006, 08:39:51 AM
you can be a millionaire and live a quiet life!

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Jim on May 22, 2006, 09:00:56 AM
Except when they are done paying, they are wealthy, while everybody is not.

Which is, in a roundabout kind of way, what I was trying get at. They are only "paying hard" relatively, in that if we had to pay what they are paying as tax it would cripple the majority of us; meanwhile they are still left with more than they could spend given to the uncromrehensible difference in sallary between "them" and us.

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Jessica on May 22, 2006, 11:08:38 AM
ok, even if they have zillions left inthe band account at the end of the day, so what ?

Is everyone de vinci ? NOT
can everyone be bill gates ? NOT

Rarity has a price.

The rarest, the highest the price, works the same for art, works the same for fucking prostitutes.

So stop envying the rich, because they have what most don't possess which is why they became rich.

And i'm annoyed because you brought money into an issue that has nothing to do with it.

I was saying money does not protect from HURT.

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 22, 2006, 11:19:57 AM
I say leave her alone, I have almost dropped my child before... Big fucking deal, boo hoo, wah... Who gives a fuck, she 's just a young mother making a few mistakes... Stupid with the reverse on teh child seat, but who hasn't done something a little fucked up before..

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: the dirt on May 22, 2006, 11:25:51 AM
I was dropped on the head plenty of times. And I've always been told that I'm just like everyone else : ok:

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: godiva on May 22, 2006, 11:45:41 AM
They are trying to protect you from the truth. Don't get hurt. DO NOT wear a 'tell your kids the truth' shirt around your parents. You may not like what they will tell you.....

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 22, 2006, 11:51:10 AM
It's really pathetic how closely the world fucking watches this woman.. I think almost everyone would get shit about parenting if they were under such a microscope all the time...

Same shit with people belly aching about her husband, it's like that's her problem she has to live with him.. Sure he was no angel when they met...

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Jessica on May 22, 2006, 11:52:48 AM
no, he was married with two kids.

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 22, 2006, 12:22:56 PM
no, he was married with two kids.

shar jackson, I mean what did she think she was getting a model husband? :hihi: he got the prize and planted his demon seed twice.. We'll make mistakes..

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Jessica on May 22, 2006, 12:33:38 PM
she is unhappy, she was too young, naive about love and too sexual to think rationnal about him.

He is probably a good lay, but now, she doesn't seem to get sex anyways as he is never there, is he ?

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on May 22, 2006, 12:43:49 PM
It's really pathetic how closely the world fucking watches this woman.. I think almost everyone would get shit about parenting if they were under such a microscope all the time...

Same shit with people belly aching about her husband, it's like that's her problem she has to live with him.. Sure he was no angel when they met...

The world has become Britneys annoying Mother in Law.

Very sad.

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Mr Rage on May 22, 2006, 03:04:26 PM
ok, even if they have zillions left inthe band account at the end of the day, so what ?

Is everyone de vinci ? NOT
can everyone be bill gates ? NOT

Rarity has a price.

The rarest, the highest the price, works the same for art, works the same for fucking prostitutes.

So stop envying the rich, because they have what most don't possess which is why they became rich.

And i'm annoyed because you brought money into an issue that has nothing to do with it.

I was saying money does not protect from HURT.

Than why is jade goody, paris hilton and jordan rich? their not rair? they have what a million other people also have.

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Jessica on May 22, 2006, 04:09:00 PM
They have an enormously enormous addie book, that's worth a fortune, i guess it is the why paris cell phone was hacked.

extremely rare

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Eeebs on May 24, 2006, 08:58:09 PM
Some moms come forward to defend Spears

By JOCELYN NOVECK, AP National Writer

Wed May 24, 4:56 PM ET
NEW YORK -     Britney Spears. She's so easy to make fun of. Even her song titles conspire to mock her: "Oops, She Did It Again!" But the latest headlines about America's most maligned mother are evoking a new sentiment from fellow moms.

Almost tripped and dropped a baby? PLEASE, they're saying. What mom hasn't? Give the girl a break!

When little Sean Preston entered the world last September, the blessed event only intensified Spears' fame, as celebrity births do nowadays. But unlike, say,     Angelina Jolie or     Gwyneth Paltrow, Spears had a way of appearing maternally challenged. First it was the sight of baby on Mom's lap in the driver's seat. (OK, that was bad.) Then, the accidental tumble as he was lifted off a high chair. Next, the car seat facing the wrong way in the convertible.

Not good, the celebrity mommy patrol said. We'd never do that.

Until ... the almost-baby-dropping incident.

Suddenly ? and there's nothing scientific about any of this, mind you ? but suddenly, it seems fellow moms are doing something a bit surprising: defending Britney.

"The woman just can't get a break!" says Lenna Janick, a mother of two in Ijamsville, Md. "I mean, I'm not gonna say that I love her. I don't know if she's a good mother or not. But she's human."

And as all moms know, "baby bobbles" happen all the time. Luckily, says Janick, news outlets weren't watching when she walked into a door years ago holding baby son Timmy, whose head hit the door jamb. Her other son, Alex, once fell off the bed as a baby. (Both are fine.)

The media also mysteriously missed the moment when Stacey Thaler, an actuary in New York, was sitting on the edge of the tub holding her 2-year-old son and fell in, with the toddler.

"If someone was watching me 24/7, I'm sure they would find any number of things I've done that would be questionable," Thaler says. "Almost dropped my kids? Definitely. Raising kids is hard ? no one can really stand in judgment unless they're much closer to the situation."

Thousands of mothers apparently agree. This weekend, the Web site asked readers whether the media "has gone too far in its portrayal of Britney Spears as a bad mom." In a figure that surprised the editors, almost 10,000 people answered. The results: 75 percent said yes, 25 percent no.

"I think this last incident is the tipping point," says Janet Chan, editor in chief of Parenting magazine. "I'm not sure this means Britney Spears will be in every mom's Hall of Fame. But this one caused them to say, 'Hey, now we're picking on her.'"

The celebrity magazine US Weekly sensed a similar reaction. The photo of Spears nearly tripping (for the record, her very long jeans appeared to get caught in her espadrilles) elicited an unusually strong response on the magazine's blog, says editor Janice Min. Out of 700 responses, 60 percent were pro-Britney, she says.

"Anyone who has babies knows there are always near-misses," Min says. The problem with Spears, Min says, is that she got herself into multiple situations that didn't look good.

"Any one incident alone would not merit that much attention," she says. "But in the aggregate, they paint a picture that meets expectations the public already has." In other words, that Britney's a bad mom.

None of the mothers interviewed for this piece deny that Spears has shown questionable judgment, at best. But many noted that motherhood has long been subject to changing standards. Was it so long ago, for example, that kids roamed free in the car, unbelted? How long have kiddie bike helmets been around?

Some also noted that there's a silver lining to the various compromising photos of Spears: at least they show she's WITH the baby.

"Look, there are probably a number of celebrities who would have someone else caring for their baby while they went gallivanting around doing whatever," Thaler says. "So maybe we should give her credit for wanting to be with him so much."

So Britney, things may be looking up, just in time for your next baby. Your latest misstep ? the one that almost had you and Sean sprawled on the ground ? may have been a blessing in disguise.

"It may just be that it took tripping on the curb," Chan says, "for Britney to become part of the Mommy Club."

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Eazy E on May 24, 2006, 10:30:14 PM
i think that britney is no different than i for instance and her life is bloody hard, yes

When you're rich, you have no real friends ( for most)
When you're famous, and rich, even your famil fucks with you.

Britney could have married a dick if she had been poor, but the dick would have married her for her ass or her cooking, not her money.

I'm so sick of your ranting and bitching about men.  In every other thread you're grouping all men into one category (usually "pigs" who have done you wrong) and whining about how they deal with women.

Britney is the stupid one who got married for 48 hours, Britney is the one who chose to marry Kevin Federling, Britney is the one who walks through gas stations barefoot, Britney is the one who carried her baby on her lap, Britney is the one who said "I think everyone should trust their President" because she couldn't think of an opinion of her own to a question.

Face it: She is DUMB.... Kevin Federline isn't an ideal husband, but I think they make a perfect match.  Congratulations to Kevin for exposing Britney for being a stupid trashy girl with a really good PR team.

Just so you know, not all men are pigs and not all women are helpless.

As for this particular incident: Yeah, the paparazzi need to lay off sometimes.

Title: Re: Britney Spears Nearly Drops Her Child
Post by: Mr Rage on May 24, 2006, 10:40:31 PM
amen ^