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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: GypsySoul on May 16, 2006, 10:58:49 AM

Title: Guns Rose to Occasion - NY Daily News review
Post by: GypsySoul on May 16, 2006, 10:58:49 AM
New York Daily News -

Tuesday, May 16th, 2006

Someone must have given Axl Rose a personality transplant.

At a rare Guns N' Roses show at Hammerstein Ballroom on Sunday, rock's most celebrated loon often acted like the perfect gentleman. He smiled broadly, cracked jokes, thanked the crowd incessantly and even saluted his mom for Mother's Day.

He did not, however, change his famously tardy ways. Seventy-five minutes past the stated start time, the band took the stage at 11 p.m. With a 2 1/2-hour show, that meant fans didn't go home until after 1 a.m., leaving them necessarily bleary-eyed the next day.

On that level, Rose conformed to his old operating principle, which is the opposite of Jesus' "We must suffer for His sins."

Few in the crowd could complain, however, given the punch, vim and authority of this performance. (A final show takes place tomorrow, then the band heads off for some Euro dates.) Though Rose remains the sole original member of the band, the show recalled GNR's prime, packed with expert solos, a churning rhythm section and Axl in (largely) fine yowl.

Fans had reason to doubt things would end so happily. The band had previously toured only once in more than a decade. That stint, in 2002, ended, inexplicably, after Rose didn't show for a Philly date, sparking a riot.

Consider, too, that Rose hasn't put out an album of new material in 15 years. And every time he claims a release date for his work in progress ("Chinese Democracy"), it never seems to show. It's the Big Foot of CDs. Rose's latest claim is that it will arrive in December.

We'll see.

Sunday's show featured several songs from "Democracy," but they earned little audience response. Mostly, the band dutifully twisted to the oldies and did so with verve. The three guitarists traded solos with aplomb.

Rose himself did a credible version of his old serpentine dance, though he's got less swivel in the hips. The now meatier, 44-year-old Rose looks like Gregg Allman with Bo Derek's hair. But his energy made up for some loss in finesse.

Otherwise, the show was largely about re-creation rather than reinvention. With much of the material drawn from the band's debut "Appetite for Destruction," they were partying like it was 1987.

If that meant the show ended up an exercise in nostalgia, at least it was a rare brand. Most in the crowd probably hadn't seen Rose in over a decade. Many probably never had at all and, surely, not in a theater this cozy. For their wait, Rose and company exuded plenty of old-time rock star charisma and showcased a catalogue still worth celebrating.

Title: Re: Guns Rose to Occasion - NY Daily News review
Post by: kunzerd on May 16, 2006, 11:03:32 AM
everyone keeps saying he was late. how are they determining when he should go on?

i wasnt even expecting him until 11 anyway, so i was happy to see him take the stage promptly at that time.

also, new songs rarely keep the crowd moving at any show for any band. they dont point this out in other concert reviews for other bands, but its been mentioned in every single review for gnr.

Title: Re: Guns Rose to Occasion - NY Daily News review
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on May 16, 2006, 11:58:19 AM
Huh???  Does Bo Derek have corn-rowed braids?  Sometimes I wonder if these people (the reviewers) even go to the shows.  Plus, on the "crowd not being into the new songs," do they really expect to see the majority of fans jumping up and down over songs they've never heard??  Plus, don't get me started on the Axl-bashers, let's just say they'll have a nice little e-mail in their boxes later.   >:( 

I said it b4, I'll say it again, this is an amazing band.  I am so psyched for Chinese Democracy.  We will hear some incredible stuff.  TWAT intro.  :drool:  :drool:  :drool:  :love:

Title: Re: Guns Rose to Occasion - NY Daily News review
Post by: axlroses on May 16, 2006, 12:01:39 PM
Whenever I hear a reviewer say that fans aren't going crazy for the new material I think of a Robert Plant quote.  He was asked what it was like when they first played Stairway to Heaven and he said most people started screaming for Whole Lotta Love.  The new material has to grow on people.

Title: Re: Guns Rose to Occasion - NY Daily News review
Post by: JDA on May 16, 2006, 12:04:47 PM
Why do all the reviews have to mention his weight?  Personally, I think he was too skinny in old GN'R days.  I think he looks awsome so far at the shows.

Title: Re: Guns Rose to Occasion - NY Daily News review
Post by: kunzerd on May 16, 2006, 12:08:31 PM
Why do all the reviews have to mention his weight?? Personally, I think he was too skinny in old GN'R days.? I think he looks awsome so far at the shows.

thought he looked better now than in 02.

actualy looks like he slimmed down A LOT. to almost AFD days.

Title: Re: Guns Rose to Occasion - NY Daily News review
Post by: Hatts on May 16, 2006, 12:12:20 PM
Gosh the interviews start off good but than they have to fuck it up with saying dumb shit.  The concert rocked.  The new songs rocked.


Title: Re: Guns Rose to Occasion - NY Daily News review
Post by: Axlfreek on May 16, 2006, 01:08:54 PM
i don't think axl has gained any weight, is it me or does he look normal ?

Title: Re: Guns Rose to Occasion - NY Daily News review
Post by: Jimmy? on May 16, 2006, 01:31:24 PM
i don't think axl has gained any weight, is it me or does he look normal ?

from the pictures he looks quite toned. they can't say anything bad about the performance so they say he's overweight! its a trademark media move? : ok:

Title: Re: Guns Rose to Occasion - NY Daily News review
Post by: slashisvr on May 16, 2006, 01:34:06 PM
bring on london, the 'serpinteie' dance rules cant wait to see it in the flesh

Title: Re: Guns Rose to Occasion - NY Daily News review
Post by: zwgman on May 16, 2006, 02:21:33 PM
Huh???  Does Bo Derek have corn-rowed braids?  Sometimes I wonder if these people (the reviewers) even go to the shows.  Plus, on the "crowd not being into the new songs," do they really expect to see the majority of fans jumping up and down over songs they've never heard??  Plus, don't get me started on the Axl-bashers, let's just say they'll have a nice little e-mail in their boxes later.   >:( 

I said it b4, I'll say it again, this is an amazing band.  I am so psyched for Chinese Democracy.  We will hear some incredible stuff.  TWAT intro.  :drool:  :drool:  :drool:  :love:

Bo Derek rose to fame in the movie "10" wearing corn row braids.

Title: Re: Guns Rose to Occasion - NY Daily News review
Post by: .Seal on May 16, 2006, 02:26:09 PM
New York Daily News -
Consider, too, that Rose hasn't put out an album of new material in 15 years. And every time he claims a release date for his work in progress ("Chinese Democracy"), it never seems to show. It's the Big Foot of CDs. Rose's latest claim is that it will arrive in December.
Ermmm do they know how to count? 1993 + 15 years = 2008  :o OMG I'm 2 years behind!

Title: Re: Guns Rose to Occasion - NY Daily News review
Post by: GunnerOne 84 on May 16, 2006, 02:28:40 PM
New York Daily News -
Consider, too, that Rose hasn't put out an album of new material in 15 years. And every time he claims a release date for his work in progress ("Chinese Democracy"), it never seems to show. It's the Big Foot of CDs. Rose's latest claim is that it will arrive in December.
Ermmm do they know how to count? 1993 + 15 years = 2008  :o OMG I'm 2 years behind!

Correct me if I am wrong, But TSI? was not NEW material. The last Guns album of new material were the illusions. in 1991. 1991+15=............2006.

Title: Re: Guns Rose to Occasion - NY Daily News review
Post by: .Seal on May 16, 2006, 02:49:53 PM
New York Daily News -
Consider, too, that Rose hasn't put out an album of new material in 15 years. And every time he claims a release date for his work in progress ("Chinese Democracy"), it never seems to show. It's the Big Foot of CDs. Rose's latest claim is that it will arrive in December.
Ermmm do they know how to count? 1993 + 15 years = 2008  :o OMG I'm 2 years behind!

Correct me if I am wrong, But TSI? was not NEW material. The last Guns album of new material were the illusions. in 1991. 1991+15=............2006.
Well yeah.. I was only thinking about the album part  :P

Title: Re: Guns Rose to Occasion - NY Daily News review
Post by: carlosmontana on May 17, 2006, 08:31:50 AM
The now meatier, 44-year-old Rose looks like Gregg Allman with Bo Derek's hair.
could be worse....
bo diddley with robert altmans hair

Title: Re: Guns Rose to Occasion - NY Daily News review
Post by: greekmule on May 17, 2006, 08:46:03 AM
And every time he claims a release date for his work in progress ("Chinese Democracy"), it never seems to show. It's the Big Foot of CDs. Rose's latest claim is that it will arrive in December.

did axl actually say this?

last thing i heard was fall ???

Title: Re: Guns Rose to Occasion - NY Daily News review
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on May 17, 2006, 09:15:06 AM

show featured several songs from "Democracy," but they earned little audience response.

very true.

Title: Re: Guns Rose to Occasion - NY Daily News review
Post by: GnR-NOW on May 17, 2006, 09:53:04 AM
how can anyone expect a major response though.  i thought when they played the new songs the energy was good, considering we were actually trying to listen to the song.  when they play jungle, scom, or pc ... everyone knows the words, the sound , everything so you can dance, sing along and not miss out because you know whats coming.  with the new songs not everyone has heard them, they are not on any cd, they are not played on the radio, not everyone at the concert probably heard them... so im getting the impression that in these reviews they are mistaking the fans low enthusiam for curiousity for hearing new material.  personally i thought the new songs sounded great on monday.  CD surprised the hell out of me with how good it was

Title: Re: Guns Rose to Occasion - NY Daily News review
Post by: hammerstein2006 on May 17, 2006, 09:56:50 AM
the appearance focusing aside, i'm lovin' all these good reviews! 8)

Title: Re: Guns Rose to Occasion - NY Daily News review
Post by: moondance_1 on May 17, 2006, 12:17:06 PM
always with the damn weight,He looks great,filled out & buff like a guy should be. not a bony little thing,he looks like he could lay a guy out with one punch now.  ;D  and Yah,sounds great,and still charasmatic as hell.  :smoking:

Title: Re: Guns Rose to Occasion - NY Daily News review
Post by: MJRoses23 on May 17, 2006, 01:56:22 PM
I dont get what wirters are talking about with the new songs.  Do they expect everyone to be signing along with songs theyve never heard??? After teh songs were over the place went nuts on the 14 and 15 and their performance of Better on the 15 was amazing.  I sometimes think these reporters just write on hersay and didnt actually see the show.

Title: Re: Guns Rose to Occasion - NY Daily News review
Post by: shotgun_blue on May 17, 2006, 02:09:36 PM
They have to put some objective stuff in to make them look like they know what there saying. It was my best show ive ever been too and I dont know about the other shows of the weekend but I rank it as being one of the best he has ever done. The Band were great too especially Finck. Im so depressed that its all over for me. So glad I made the 7000 mile round trip tho! I think all in all Axl would and should be very pleased with this review, its very positive I think. Nick picking at his weight is just stupid, he looks great for an older man and better than he has done in ages. 
I also think he was as charasmatic as hes ever been, funny too! Would have been nice for the reporter to credit him with that far me than 'his energy made up for a lack of finesse' He was full of energy and full of finesse and I cant name another front man out there that could have matched that performance?!